Get Dataset Values In Text Box

Jul 25, 2006


How can I get all the dataset value in textbox.

e.g in dataset I jave field call "CustomerName".

I would like to get in the textbox all the cutomer name seperated by ",".

Is the same as I can use join(Parameters!CustomersName.Value,",") but I need to do that from the data set and not from the parameters since I don't have parameters for my customer name


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Filter One One Dataset With Values In Another Dataset?

Dec 19, 2006


I have two datasets in my report, D1 and D2.

D1 is a list of classes with classid and title

D2 is a list of data. each row in D2 has a classid. D2 may or may not have all the classids in D1. all classids in D2 must be in D1.

I want to show fields in D2 and group the data with classids in D1 and show every group as a seperate table. If no data in D2 is available for a classid, It shows a empty table.

Is there any way to do this in RS2005?

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NULL Values Returned When Reading Values From A Text File Using Data Reader.

Feb 23, 2007

I have a DTSX package which reads values from a fixed-length text file using a data reader and writes some of the column values from the file to an Oracle table. We have used this DTSX several times without incident but recently the process started inserting NULL values for some of the columns when there was a valid value in the source file. If we extract some of the rows from the source file into a smaller file (i.e 10 rows which incorrectly returned NULLs) and run them through the same package they write the correct values to the table, but running the complete file again results in the NULL values error. As well, if we rerun the same file multiple times the incidence of NULL values varies slightly and does not always seem to impact the same rows. I tried outputting data to a log file to see if I can determine what happens and no error messages are returned but it seems to be the case that the NULL values occur after pulling in the data via a Data Reader. Has anyone seen anything like this before or does anyone have a suggestion on how to try and get some additional debugging information around this error?

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Add Values To Dataset

Mar 27, 2007

i need to add values to dataset from an arraylist

any idea about how to achieve this

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How Can I Multiply Values Within A Dataset?

Mar 6, 2008

I have this case where I need to multiply the value of my dataset and finally deduce one to it. For instance if I have a dataset with three values, 2, 5, 15, I need to end up with a value of 150 (2*5*15). How can I achieve this?

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Inserting Dataset Values Into SQL Mobile Using C#

Apr 14, 2006


I have developed an application where i am inserting all the records from the dataset into sql mobile 2005. Dataset contains a primary key which is an uniqueidentifier datatype. While inserting the data it is inserting properly into the database but it is changing the value of primary key which is in the dataset.

I am using the below syntax, please suggest me so that to avoid creating a different uniqueidentier key into the database.

conAdap = new SqlCeDataAdapter(strQuery, conSqlceConnection);

SqlCeCommandBuilder cmdBuilder = new SqlCeCommandBuilder(conAdap);

conAdap.AcceptChangesDuringFill = false;


conAdap.MissingMappingAction = MissingMappingAction.Passthrough;

conAdap.InsertCommand = cmdBuilder.GetInsertCommand();

conAdap.InsertCommand.Connection = conSqlceConnection;

int r =conAdap.Update(dsData.Tables[0]);

Thank you,

Prashant Mulay

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Read Text File To Dataset

Mar 26, 2007

with the help of the following code am able to read the text file
now i need to insert values to the datatable in dataset
can anybody help me on this regard

string path = Server.MapPath("Account.txt");
StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(path);
string contents = sr.ReadToEnd();
Label1.Text = contents;
Label1.Text = contents.Replace(Environment.NewLine,"<br>");

how shall i spilt them and add each value to two fields of the datatable

for example i have the fields in text file as
i need to add the username seperatelt to a field called username in table
and password in password field of the datatable
an example with code would be better and helpful


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Parameter Cannot Set The Command Text For Dataset

May 14, 2007


I get the following error in a very quick test system i created:

An error occurred during local report processing.

An error has occurred during report processing.

Cannot set the command text for data set 'test'.

Error during processing of the CommandText expression of dataset 'test'.

My sql is:

= "select T.testid, T.test from test T " & Iif(Parameters!test1.Value = 1, "", "Where T.testid = " & Parameters!test1.Value)

There is nothing obviously wrong in the code as far as i can see

The parameter 'test1' is of type 'string'

The database 'test' has 2 columns of type 'smallint' and 'Name:nvarchar(50)'

I am at a loss, as this query is really simple, and is similar to the example query set up my microsoft which works fine


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Text Qualifiers Around Non-text Values When Exporting To CSV

Aug 15, 2007

I'm using SSIS to export views & tables in SQL 2005 to csv files. My problem is that when I select that I want to use " as a text qualifier, it also uses them to surround non-text fields such as time/date and integer fields.

In SQL 2000 I used DTS packages and they handled the data without any issues.

Can anyone help?



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How Can I Have A Variable Number Of Parameter Values In A Dataset?

Apr 20, 2007

I have a strongly typed dataset, and I need to be able to do a search on multiple values of a parameter.  The problem is I don't know how many.  I have a textbox that the user can enter search words in.  The select string is built from the string of words that are entered, like this:For iCount = 0 To UBound(sArray)    strSQL = strSQL & "Description LIKE '%" & sArray(iCount) & "%' OR "Next Can I do this is a dataset method?  How?  If I can't, what are my options?Diane 

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Reporting Services :: Evaluate Two Values That Came From Different Dataset

Sep 17, 2015

I have an ssrs (report builder) with 2 dataset. the first dataset is a summary if records which the report has a column name qty and i put also a total qty summary in the last rows. the second dataset is a raw data and have a column name qty, also i put a total qty summary in the last row.  The requirements is to be able to evaluate or check the total qty under dataset1  from total qty of dataset2 if equal else if not equal i have to make the font as red so that the user will inform that the total qty has a discrepancy. the users will validate from raw data which are the one items that have a missing qty. How to work on this or is this appilcable in report builder.

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How To Get The Values From Dataset To Parameters On Report Header

Mar 13, 2008

Is it possible to get the reportdataset field values into parameters. dynamically when the report is generated.


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Adding Dataset Column Values To My Table At The End

Mar 14, 2006


I am mapping an entity from SQL 2005 to another entity in another system on SQL 2000. Since the destination system has its own ID generator, I want to keep the generated ID for each row of my table in a column of my table in SQL 2005. The new column is in the dataset now , but I don't know how to update my table to have that column values (The OleDbDestination just insert new items.)


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Dataset Store Procedure Return Values

Apr 1, 2008

Hi All,
I have written a stored procedure that has a return value (OUTPUT Parameter) and was wondering if there is any way to retreive this value in SQL Server Reporting Services 2005? I get the result fine, but cannot figure out how to get the return parameter.

Thanks in advance.


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Dataset Not Putting Text In Right There A Better Control?

Jun 4, 2008

The dataset2 control doesn't seem to want to place the text in the right spot. I put it right after the 1st Dataset and the user comments wound up all the way down in the footer of the site. I want them to appear in the white area just underneath the article text.
Here's a link to one of my articles so you can see this.
Down at the bottom left corner you'll see white space below the article. I'd like to have all the comments lined up going down the page. Is the dataset the best control for this task?

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Pass Parameter Values To Stored Procedure In Dataset

Jul 10, 2007

I have a stored procedure "spDetailsByDay" which takes parameters @StartDateTime as datetime, @Day as int, @Hour as int, @Value1 as varchar(20), @value2 as varchar(20)

My report Parameters are StartDateTime as DateTime, Day as integer, Hour as integer, Value1 as string, Value2 as string, ReportType as string

In the dataset, I typed

=IIF(Parameters!ReportType.Value="Day", "EXEC spDetailsByDay " & Parameters!StartDateTime.Value & "," & Parameters!Day.Value & "," & Parameters!Hour.Value & "," & Parameters!Value1.Value & "," & Parameters!Value2.Value", "EXEC spDetailsByMonth")

I am getting syntax errors. Can anyone help me how to pass parameters to stored procedure in dataset.


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Need An Optimal Way To Merge External Dataset To Database Values

Jan 3, 2008

C# .Net Application as front end
Sql Server2000 as back end

I need to merge an external dataset from .Net app(in XML format) with the information in database with one column in database table as the merging criteria. A situation similar to Left Outer Join, wherein i need all records from external dataset and if matched in database the corresponding values from there too, the only difference here is that the join is not between two Tables its between a table and external dataset.
There is no need to store the external dataset in the database in persistent form, its just a query - merge - response operation.

So, can anyone suggest the best possible solution for this? A table variable / temporary table / some other schema, what and how?

Thanks in advance..

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How To Assign Dataset Values In Header In RDLC Report

Apr 25, 2008

I am using RDLC report with Microsoft visual studio 2005. In the first page of rdlc i have two text boxes and one table in body section. In the second and subsequent pages i want to repeat the data from textbox1 and textbox2 along with table data continuation of page1.

Currently the continuation of table data from page1 to page2 is working properly. But the textbox1 and textbox2 data also needs to be repeated in every pages.

I tried the following steps, but fails to work.

1. added two text boxes in header section and another two text boxes in Body section.

2. Assigns the dataset value to textboxes in body section.

(Ex: =first(Fields!Address.Value)

3. Assigns the textboxes value from Body section to the corresponding text boxes in header section.

(Ex : =first(ReportItems!textbox1.Value))


The header text box value displayed in the first page only and not repeated in the subsequent pages.


Whatever assigned to the header section should be repeated in the subsequent pages. But only page number, date... is reflecting in other pages and not the text box values in header section.

Kindly give me the solution.

Thanks in advance.

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Display Column Names And Its Values Programatically From The Dataset

Apr 18, 2008


In my report, I need to display column names (and its values) from my dataset, which uses the stored procedure and within it use the PIVOT statement. I cannot use the matrix control in report since I need to add another static column to the right of the matrix, but since that cannot be done ni SQL SSRS 2005, I need to PIVOT it through stored procedure. The parameter passed to stored procedure is the year and it is used for pivot. The statement looks like this:

@sql = 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT YearId, SchoolId, ReportText, OutputValue_Text from AggregateTable) AS AGAM
PIVOT (MIN(OutputValue_Text) FOR YearId IN ([' + @YearId + '])) PVT'


So, since the years passed as parameters can change, I cannot hard-code it as column in my report, so I need to programatically display column names and values from my dataset, something like dataSet.Tables[0].Columns[].ColumnName; I have tried with writing the code, but I do not have much experience with it and I have not been very successful. Can someone help me with the code?


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XML DataSource, Text Dataset And Image From Database Using Visual Studio 2K5 And SSRS 2K5

Feb 19, 2008

"Short" Story Version:

I have a VS 2005 Web Appplication solution that uses SQL Server Reporting Services 2005. One of the projects is a Report Server Project. In this project I have an RDL file that has:
1.)a non-shared XML DataSource (no credentials),
2.)a DataSet with a Command Type of Text and a Query String that is as follows:

3.)a field that comes from the Database that is of VarBinary(Max) that is a JPEG Image

What happens is, is that by doing #2 above, at design time I can create tables and hook into my datasets and get the report all designed out the way I want. Then at runtime, I have a Stored Procedure that uses the "FOR XML AUTO" option so that I can represent my results from the database in an XML fashion which will allow me to replace the XML Schema in between the Root tags above (in #2) with my actual data (which still has the same schema). I then save the modified RDL to a database table field and move on to happily ever this case, not. In this case, since an VarBinary is involved, unless I want to get a pointer back for the Diagram Column, I have to use the "FOR XML AUTO, BINARY BASE64" option. This returns an Encoded string to represent the Binary value that was in the Database....and this is the partial source of my on.

My approach that I described above worked flawlessly in all cases where an image wasn't involved. This report is the only report in the whole system I am working on that will have an image and it is the last one being done, so that's why I didn't run into this earlier.

I have tried all kinds of things at different levels, but the thing that I have tried that seemed to me to have the most potential was to use Embedded Code to take the Encoded ASCII Value and convert into something binary that the SSRS Reporting Engine likes (so my image will show), but I have been unsuccessful thus far. The error message I keep getting now from my Embedded Function is: "Invalid length for a Base-64 char array", which I have not been able to resolve thus far....and I do know that the Binary value in the database is good becuase I can see it in pages in my application otherwise.

This aside, is there anyone out there that knows how to take the value of a VarBinary(Max) field and insert it into the Text (XML) DataSet in the markup of an RDL file....and have it appear correctly when the report is rendered in something like the standard Report Viewer Control (or even when being previewed at design time inside of Visual Studio for that matter)?

Just to be clear, the root of my problem, as I see and understand it, is that I have a VarBinary value in a database that is being converted to a string (ASCII...I am presuming) due to how I am writing my stored procedure and then needs to go back to something else binary that the SSRS Engine will accept so that I can see my Image in the report when I render it.

I am wishful that someone out there understands my problem and has run into this and has a solution......but I am wishful of winning the lottery, too, and that hasn't happened yet...............


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Reporting Services :: Select Text Field Dataset Based On User Select Option?

Aug 4, 2015

I have a report that uses different datasets based on the year selected by a user.

I have a year_id parameter that sets a report variable named dataset_chosen. I have varified that these are working correctly together.

I have attempted populating table cell data to display from the chosen dataset. As yet to no avail.

How could I display data from the dataset a user selects via the year_id options?

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Available Values And Free Text

Feb 18, 2007

I have a parameter that get his available values from a query.

I want that user will have the option to select from the values list OR to type in his own value.

Is there a way to do that?


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Table Column Names = Dataset Column Values?!

Apr 28, 2008

I need to create the following table in reporting services

PRODUCT April March Feb

2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007
chair 8 9 7 4 4 4
table 3 4 5 6 4 6

My problem is the month names are a column in the dataset, but I dont know how to get it to fill as column headers???

Thanks in advance!!!

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Diving The Text Into Multiple Col Values

Feb 1, 2008


I have a fulladdress column which holds the complete address with commas.
i want to divide that into add1,add2,add3.....
For eg: FullAddress is Primrose Cottage, Featherbed Lane, Wilmcote, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 0ER
Add1 should be Primrose Cottage
Add2 should be Featherbed Lane

Add3 should be Wilmcote
Add4 should be Stratford-Upon-Avon

Please let me know the solution for this

Thanks in advance

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SQL 2000 - Large Text Values

Oct 10, 2007

Hi all,

I have an existing database, which is used to store complaints data and have one field, which stores notes in a varchar(8000) column.

My users are now wanting to store information, which exceed the number of available characters. What options do I have in facilitating this?

Many thanks

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Problems Replicating Text Values To Sybase ASE 12.5.3 !

Jan 15, 2007

Hi everybody,

I need to replicate text values from MS SQL Server 2005 to Sybase ASE 12.5.3 using replication of SQL Server 2005. The connection to the Sybase server is opened through a linked server using 'Sybase ASE OLE DB Provider' version
As Sybase ASE 12.5.3 doesn't support parameter of type text for stored procedures I used INSERT-, UPDATE- and DELETE-statements for 'statement delivery' in arcticle properties.

This works fine as long as the text attributes contains less then 16 K characters. Any longer text is truncated after 16384 characters.

The OLE DB connection itself is configured to use 1 MB for 'DefaultLength for Long Data'. So the provider should transfer more then 16384 characters. And direct update through the 'linked server' prove that.

Did anybody else recognize this limitation ?
Is there a workaround which allows to replicate more then 16384 characteres ?

Wolfgang Kunk

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Loosing Values When Load From Text File

Apr 11, 2006

When loading a table in a data flow from a text file that contains non-null float values, I am seeing erratic and inconsistent results.  I am presently using SQL Server Destination in a data flow.

- With low volumnes of data, less that 50,000 rows, no problems

- But with higher volumnes, 2,000,000+ rows, I get different results depending on how I run the package.  If I run is directly (right-click and click on Execute), I get the expected result. 

But if I use SQL Server Agent to run the package, half of the values are lost and nulls are loaded instead.  I have inspected the into text file and there are few rows with null for the column.

Any help would be appreciated!




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SQL Server 2008 :: Populate One Dataset In SSRS Based On Results From Another Dataset Within Same Project?

May 26, 2015

I have a report with multiple datasets, the first of which pulls in data based on user entered parameters (sales date range and property use codes). Dataset1 pulls property id's and other sales data from a table (2014_COST) based on the user's parameters. I have set up another table (AUDITS) that I would like to use in dataset6. This table has 3 columns (Property ID's, Sales Price and Sales Date). I would like for dataset6 to pull the Property ID's that are NOT contained in the results from dataset1. In other words, I'd like the results of dataset6 to show me the property id's that are contained in the AUDITS table but which are not being pulled into dataset1. Both tables are in the same database.

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Integration Services :: Perform Lookup On Large Dataset Based On A Small Dataset

Oct 1, 2015

I have a small number of rows in a dataset, Table 1.  There is a CLOB on a large dataset, Table 2.  They join on a PK.  I would like to retrieve this CLOB and add it to the data flow for Table1.  In short I want to emulate the following:

Table 1:  Small table without CLOB, 10 rows. 
Table 2: Large table with CLOB, 10,000,000 rows

select CLOB
from table2
where pk = (select pk from table1)

I want this to return the CLOBs for the small number of rows in Table 1.  The PK is indexed obviously so it should be a fast look up.

Table 1 and Table 2 live on different Oracle databases.  How do I perform this operation efficiently in SSIS?  It seems the Lookup and Merge Join wont do this.

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Reporting Services :: Populate One Dataset In SSRS Based On Results From Another Dataset Within Same Project?

May 27, 2015

I have a report with multiple datasets, the first of which pulls in data based on user entered parameters (sales date range and property use codes). Dataset1 pulls property id's and other sales data from a table (2014_COST) based on the user's parameters.

I have set up another table (AUDITS) that I would like to use in dataset6. This table has 3 columns (Property ID's, Sales Price and Sales Date). I would like for dataset6 to pull the Property ID's that are NOT contained in the results from dataset1. In other words, I'd like the results of dataset6 to show me the property id's that are contained in the AUDITS table but which are not being pulled into dataset1. Both tables are in the same database.

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SQL 2012 :: Null Values In Text Qualifier Error

May 27, 2014

I am working on SSIS Packages. I have raw files in which data is in text qualifier.

When I am trying to load files into database it's throwing me error when there is no values in text qualifier.

For Example. "Others","0","0"," "," "

If I have the value above in raw files. SSIS Package throwing me error in " " this column.

Saying Data Conversion failed.

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Select Boolean Values Merged In A Text Statement

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have boolean values in a table for ex. Federation. And I want toselect followingSelect 'Insert into' + member + 'test' as test1from federationThen I get error messageServer: Msg 403, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Invalid operator for data type. Operator equals add, type equals bit.Someone can help me out of it.Thanks an advance- Loi -

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How Can I Use SQL Reporting Services To Get A Dynamic Dataset From Another Web Service As My Reports Dataset?

May 21, 2007

I found out the data I need for my SQL Report is already defined in a dynamic dataset on another web service. Is there a way to use web services to call another web service to get the dataset I need to generate a report? Examples would help if you have any, thanks for looking

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