select Max(EntryID),MemberID from Blogs where RoleID = 2
with FilteredLastPost ( MemberID,EntryID,PublishedDate)
select MemberID,EntryID,PublishedDate from Blogs where IsPublished = 1 and MemberID in( (select MemberID from Members where RoleID = 2)) order by EntryID desc, MemberID asc
select MemberID from FilteredLastPost
select distinct Blogs.MemberID,EntryID,PublishedDate from Blogs
right join Members on Members.MemberID = Blogs.MemberID
where not PublishedDate ='' and IsPublished = 1 and Members.RoleID = 2
order by EntryID desc, PublishedDate desc
select DISTINCT MemberID, EntryID, PublishedDate DISTINCT IsPulished from Blogs where IsPublished = 1 and not PublishedDate ='' and MemberID in ( select MemberID from Members where RoleID = 2 )
I need some assistance creating a query. I have users table, groups table, and UsersGroups table. Basically a single user could belong to one or more groups. I need to be able to return the users that are not in a specified groups. Table def are below.
USERS: -------- ID (Primary Key) Username Password
GROUPS: ------------ ID (Primary Key) GroupName
USERSGROUPS: ----------------- ID (Primary Key) GroupID UserID
I have a linked server set up and working correctly. I can create a query to get all the users from active directory with something like this:
SELECT [name], [samaccountname] from OpenQuery( ADSI, 'SELECT name, samaccountname FROM ''LDAP://DC=domain,DC=com'' WHERE objectClass = ''user'' and objectCategory=''Person''')
Now I am trying to select all the users in a specifed security group, but I am not having much luck. What is the best way to get this?
I am in the process of rolling out a pair of SQL 2014 servers. I have setup an Availability Group, Listener and databases. It's my understanding that I will be giving the listener name to our developers so that they can do their work. In testing, I noticed that If I am using Studio Manager and connected to the the AG using the listener name, when I setup a user in security the user is only added to the active primary node. Is there a way to add a user to both servers in one shot instead of having to install on both servers?
I have a NT Group of users that need to connect to MSSQL db using integrated auth and run a stored proc. I have got this concept to work for individual windows users but not a group.
Does anyone have any ideas?
(Win XP, MSSQL 2000 SP3, Windows Group = "SQLUsers", member is "User2")
--- TSQL ---
USE master GO sp_grantlogin 'pcSQLUsers' GO sp_defaultdb 'pcSQLUsers', 'theDB' GO USE theDB GO sp_grantdbaccess 'pcSQLUsers', 'SQLUsers' GO GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[uspThing] TO SQLUsers GO
-- Trying to connect with OSQL.EXE:
> osql -d theDB -E Login failed for user 'pcUser2'.
runing it for the individual user:
USE master GO sp_grantlogin 'pcUser2' GO sp_defaultdb 'pcUser2', 'theDB' GO USE theDB GO sp_grantdbaccess 'pcUser2', 'SQLUsers' GO GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[uspThing] TO SQLUsers GO
---- now trying to connect with OSQL.EXE as User2:
We are running SQL Server 2005 in a Windows 2003 domain and I have a situation where some of my users are unable to connect to the SQL Server unless they are a member of the sysadmin group. Any attempts by these users to login result in a login failed,
Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 11
Which indicates that it is a valid user who does not have access to this SQL Server.
I have been able to narrow the failures down to the following situation:
Create a user, TestUser1, as a member of 1 domain local group TestGroup1
Give TestGroup1 access to SQL (standard public access to master)
All good. Login succeeds.
Add TestUser1 to another domain local group TestGroup2
Attempt to login to SQL Server -> login failed.
Add the user explicitly -> login failed
Add one of the groups to sysadmin -> login succeeds
It seems that as long as the user is a member of more than one AD group, and none of those groups is a member of the sysadmin server role then the user is unable to login. Obviously having all of the users as sysadmin isn't a workable solution, has anyone seen this issue before?
I have been able to replicate a similar situation in our test domain, but in that case the issue is resolved by adding the users explicitly to SQL Server (still not an ideal solution).
Interestingly, if I run the same test in our test domain but use global groups, it works. But unfortunately the network admin tells me the groups must stay as local.
Trying to track the users who are logged in and making changes to my database. I have granted permission through the Windows Groups and the log displays the group names and not the user names. Is there something to set to display the user and the group?
is something wrong with this webite or is it moderated?
i have tried 5 times to post and it never appears. i just get a brief message flash after posting that says 'if xxxx has chosen to moderate.... you will be taken to that thread' then i go to that thread. no post.
if i resubmit, i get '...duplicate post in last 5 minutes' - if it's duplicate, where is the post? this forum is becoming too frustrating for me to use.
Is it possible to send a email after a certain date has pass by. And 2 days after the email has been sent the post should be removed if the member doesn't answer the message. example: The posts should not be older then 2 months. When they get older than 2 months the SQL-Server detects this post and sends a messegae to the member if he wants to renew it. If he ignors it for 2 days after the email the post will be removed from the database. (Some posts have images also, They should also be removed from the harddrive) Is this possible in MSSQL-Server to send email? If someone could tell me how to create this.
I'd like to select from a table, let say with 2 variables. One with a currency and one with integer. The integer value is a number between 0 and 255. The integer value represents a value of what kind of BIT is turned on in one BYTE.
Down to business.
I am looking for all BYTES with the fifth BIT = 1 as in example 00001000.This represents the value of 16. This value is an integer in my table. But as you see, the BYTE has a number of different values with the fifth=1 as the rest of the BITS can be 1 as in example 01011000 = 26.
Down to code. Tablename = myMoney Column Name = mCurrency; Data Type = decimal(18,2) Column Name = bit5; Data Type = int
Code Block
SELECT sum(mCurrency) FROM myMoney WHERE somefunction(bit5) = 1
I have made the code in VB some time ago but this time I need to do the aclculation in the SQL server.
Hi ! i am developing feature like blogs where a user posts but what i am looking for a stored procedure which could count that how many post were made in a particular month like
So I have simple forum. At main page I have gridView which display topics. When I go to topic #5 (for example) I use repeater to display posts and authors. Here is a code: SELECT aspnet_Users.UserName, forum_posts.post_id,forum_posts.post_content, forum_posts.topic_id, forum_posts.post_date FROM aspnet_Users INNER JOIN forum_posts ON aspnet_Users.uID = forum_posts.user_id WHERE (forum_posts.topic_id = @topic_id) Now I have a problem - how can I display with each user his number of posts - eventually how can I display for example if he has 25 posts - one star, 50 posts - two stars, or maybe display "Starter" range, etc. How to make this, cause I don't have any idea.
Let's say a user profile page on a website contains a description about a car that the user wants to sell. The user could try to be wise and write something very short like "buy my car" or the user could write a very lengthy description of his car to convince the buyer to make the purchase. Or somebody creates a thread in a forum or replies to a topic (much like what we do here). In these instances, what is the most efficient manner of storing the high-character content in these examples with SQL Server 2005? Keep in mind that a user could make a 2-character post like "OK" or could write a long reply or create a huge profile. So the data type has to be efficient and flexible. Judging from the list of available types in my Express 2005, I would guess the varchar(MAX) or the text data types could be used. Or would I use some other data type? TIA.
I have a server that has 20 databases . I have tested with few users with different level of access and all of them were able to connect to the server and also see, select, update , delete from a particular database which is kind of weird because they do not have a user login associated or mapped to that database. I checked and no user is part of any group in AD that would give them permission to connect . I need a query that would find the permission path of a user. I already queried with xp_logininfo but I am not getting any thing.
Hi, I wanted to see what are all the users in a windows nt group that has a group access to sql server 2000. I have a windows 2000 group access to sqlserver 2000 as "xxxsomegroup". How can I list all users that belongs to this windows 200 group? is there any stored procedure to find out this? any information could be greatly appreciated.
I use Widows Vista Business, have uninstalled all previous versions of SQL before installing SQL 2005 Express.
At first, I faced "Receiving WMI configuration error. SQL Server System Configuration cannot be executed due to to WMI configuration on this computer Error:2147749896 (0x80041008)."
Then, I tried this cmd someone posted as:
FIXWMI.CMD ------------------------
@echo on cd /d c: emp if not exist %windir%system32wbem goto TryInstall cd /d %windir%system32wbem net stop winmgmt winmgmt /kill if exist Rep_bak rd Rep_bak /s /q rename Repository Rep_bak for %%i in (*.dll) do RegSvr32 -s %%i for %%i in (*.exe) do call :FixSrv %%i for %%i in (*.mof,*.mfl) do Mofcomp %%i net start winmgmt goto End
:FixSrv if /I (%1) == (wbemcntl.exe) goto SkipSrv if /I (%1) == (wbemtest.exe) goto SkipSrv if /I (%1) == (mofcomp.exe) goto SkipSrv %1 /RegServer
kipSrv goto End
:TryInstall if not exist wmicore.exe goto End wmicore /s net start winmgmt :End
I tried to install SQL2005 Express again, but then it gives:
Error 1603 installing Microsoft SQL Native Client.
I have an SSRS 2012 table report with groups; each group is broken ie. one group for one page, and there are multiple groups in multiple pages.
'GroupName' column has multiple values - X,Y,Z,......
I need to group 'GroupName' with X,Y,Z,..... ie value X in page 1,value Y in page 2, value Z in page 3...
Now, I need to display another column (ABC) in this table report (outside the group column 'GroupName'); this outside column itself is another column header (not a group header) in the table (report) and it derives its name partly from the 'GroupName' values:
Value X for GroupName in page 1 will mean, in page 1, column Name of ABC column must be ABC-X Value Y for GroupName in page 2 will mean, in page 2, column Name of ABC column must be ABC-Y Value Z for GroupName in page 3 will mean, in page 3, column Name of ABC column must be ABC-Z
ie the column name of ABC (Clm ABC) must be dynamic as per the GroupName values (X,Y,Z....)
GroupName Clm ABC-X
GroupName Clm ABC-Y
GroupName Clm ABC-Z
I have been able to use First(ReportItems!GroupName.Value) in the Page Header to get GroupNames displayed in each page; I get X in page 1, Y in page 2, Z in page 3.....
However, when I use ReportItems (that refers to a group name) in the Report Body outside the group,
I get the following error:
Report item expressions can only refer to other report items within the same grouping scope or a containing grouping scope
I need to get the X, Y, Z ... in each page for the column ABC.
I have been able to use this - First(Fields!GroupName.Value); however, I get ABC-X, ABC-X, ABC-X in each of the pages for the ABC column, instead of ABC-X in page 1, ABC-Y in page 2, ABC-Z in page 3, ...
We have an existing SSRS server, and have just created a new child domain. We'll be migrating users from the parent to the child, and want to add the users of that new domain with access to SSRS. In the parent domain they are able to access, but after migration with the child domain account, they cannot.
I have added the group CHILDDomain Users with a system user role on SSRS, and PARENTDomain Users was already there.
Is there any additional step I should/could take to get this active?
I have had this issue just pop up. I have local users who can connect fine, but my users that require connection by VPN cannot connect. I get the server not available or access denied error. I did confirm that the VPN'ers are connected to the network correctly and can see that their shares and mappings are correct. Any ideas? Thanking you all in advance!!
I am trying to revert back to Windows 7 after upgrading to Windows 10, however it will not let me and the following message occurs: "Remove new accounts.Before you can go back to a previous version of Windows, you'll need to remove any user accounts you added after the most recent upgrade. The accounts need to be completely removed, including their profiles.You created one account (NT SERVICEMSSQLSERVER) Go to Settings> Accounts> Other users to remove these accounts and then try again".However I did not create any new users and there are no other users listed in the Accounts section.
hi alli've got two tables called "webusers" (id, name, fk_country) and "countries" (id, name) at the meantime, i've a search-page where i can fill a form to search users. in the dropdown to select the country i included an option which is called "all countries". now the problem is: how can i make a stored procedure that makes a restriction to the fk_country depending on the submitted fk_country parameter?it should be something like SELECT * FROM webusers(if @fk_country > 0, which is the value for "all countries"){ WHERE fk_country = @fk_country} who has an idea how to solve this problem?
Server 2003 SE SP1 5.2.3790 Sql Server 2000, SP 4, 8.00.2187 (latest hotfix rollup) We fixed one issue, but it brought up another. the fix we applied stopped the ServicesActive access failure, but now we have a failure on MSSEARCH. The users this is affecting do NOT have admin rights on the machine, they are SQL developers. We were having
Event Type: Failure Audit Event Source: Security Event Category: Object AccessEvent ID: 560 Date: 5/23/2007 Time: 6:27:15 AM User: domainuser Computer: MACHINENAME Description: Object Open: Object Server: SC Manager Object Type: SC_MANAGER OBJECT Object Name: ServicesActive Handle ID: - Operation ID: {0,1623975729} Process ID: 840 Image File Name: C:WINDOWSsystem32services.exe Primary User Name: MACHINE$ Primary Domain: Domain Primary Logon ID: (0x0,0x3E7) Client User Name: User Client Domain: Domain Client Logon ID: (0x0,0x6097C608) Accesses: READ_CONTROL Connect to service controller Enumerate services Query service database lock state
I've posted a feedback with Microsoft to see if we can get them to fix the issue described below, but so far no one from Microsoft has commented to let us know what they're doing about this problem! I'm posting this here to see if maybe we can get more people to rate this feedback or chime in on what a pain it is! Please feel free to add your own comments or how you had to work around this issue and whether or not you think this is something Microsoft should be addressing NOW.
Provide Individual Page Numbering per Group and Total Pages per Group
Currently in a Reporting Services report, you can't readily reset the page number for each group in a table, nor can you display the total number of pages per group. For example, if I'm printing invoices and each invoice is a separate group, I'd like to be able to print "Page 1 of 5" , "Page 2 of 5" etc. for the first invoice, then "Page 1 of 3" when the next invoice begins, and so on. This was easy in Crystal Reports. I realize that Crystal Reports has a two-pass process that enables that kind of pagination. However, this is REALLY important functionality that's just missing from Reporting Services and I'm hoping you'll provide it REALLY SOON! Yeah, I know there are work-arounds if you can know exactly how many rows of information there are on each page. But gosh! That's not practical, especially if you have second level groups inside the main group or text blocks in rows that can 'grow' to more than one line. I've read a couple of work-arounds, but none of them works correctly and consistently when more than one user is running the same report or when you print the report while you're looking at it on the screen. I still may need access to the overall report page number and the overall total number of pages, so don't get rid of that. It's just that if you're doing this already for the entire report, I don't see why you can't do it per group! Lots of people have been asking for this for years, and I don't understand why it hasn't been implemented.
I've read a few articles on this topic, but no one has come up with a decent work around. My theory is that Microsoft should be addressing this immediately. This is major functionality that's just plain missing from SSRS and should have been there from the start. If anyone from Microsoft can let us know what's going on with this issue or if anyone would like for me to clarify this further, feel free to let me know.
I have an SSRS report with groups that when exported to excel contains drill-in's (plus marks on left side). The issue I have is that for all the groups in the drill-in, those cells become merged. I want to keep the group drill-in but have the cells UNMERGED. I have heard this can be done with the RDL XML but I don't know what to modify to accomplish this.
I'm having a fight with Reporting Services at the minute when trying to compute an average at the row group level for a value summed in a column group.I have the following column groups:
Year Month Date
And the following row groups:
Region Product SubType (hidden, data at the date level is summed to Product)
At the moment I'm computing the average for SubType for each Date at the Product level (giving a decimal value), so for each day I end up with a nice average, that works. However I am unable to average that average over the whole Year for a Product. The issue being that I'm trying to combine Row Groups (Product) and Column Groups (Date/Year)