Get Master And Transaction Tables List

Apr 16, 2008

Pls Tell

Me How to get Name of Master and Transaction Table From The DataBase


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List All Tables In Master

Jan 23, 2007

Hi,I need to list all the tables in northwind database.I'm using sql server 2000.In query analyser i'm in master database.I don't want to change the database to northwind.How to list all the tables in northwind database when the databasecombobox has master in query analyser.I want to run this query with database name.I won't want to run forcurrent database.Kindly help me to solve the problem.Thanks & Regards,Mani

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Using Transaction While Inserting To Master And Child Tables

May 26, 2008

Hi All,

In my DataFlow i have OleDBDataSource and OleDB Command. Using these i am inserting data to master and child tables.

In OleDBDataSource , i am inserting into master table and returning the ID of newly inserted rows. Next in the OleDB Command, i am inserting to child table using the ID returned from OleDBDataSource.

It is working fine. Now i want to put this in the Transaction so that if it fails to insert into child table, the changes made to the master table should be rolled back. I tried by giving Transaction Supported for dataflow. But does not looks like it works for me. Please suggest me the best approach for this.

Thanks in advance

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Creating A Master List

Apr 16, 2008

How can I create a master list of a particular column, in other words is there a SELECT query I can do that would bring back one of every type of? here's an example: calls table -- bring back one of every kind of call_descr thx for any help.

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List Of User Sp From Master Db

Jun 15, 2006

Is their any sql to find the list of sp created by user's in master db?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Combining Keys To Create A Master List?

Mar 5, 2014

I am struggling trying to clean some data and identify duplicate records. I used fuzzy grouping in SSIS and provided back a series of groups. The issue is some of the individual records can appear in multiple groups (so in reality the groups should be combined). This is best explained with an example:

Original Data
key1 key2
2222 2285437
2222 1111111
9999 1111111
9999 2222222

Should look like:


I only choose 2222 as the surviving key because it was the smallest number. I really do not care which number remains as long as it is the same across.

I tried playing with self joins between the tables but have had no success.

I am using Sql Server 2008 and the number of records could 500K to 1MM.

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Master DB Transaction Log

Sep 7, 2000

Master Database in SQL Server 7 has a transaction log. Using Enterprise Manager the option to back up the transaction log is greyed out. Is this because there is no need to back it up.
I don't know if there is any value, or whether it is possible to do so.
I have a number of books, none of which cover this specific question.
Can anyone help.

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Master Transaction Log Backup Fails

Nov 9, 2004


Okay. I changed the times that the transaction logs are backed up, via the built in maintenance schedule. It was then that I started to get failures only on the Transaction log backup for the master. The error that I get from the history log is Backup can not be performed on this database. This sub task is ignored. If I look in the file that is saved to disk :

Starting maintenance plan 'DB Maintenance Plan1' on 09/11/2004 02:30:00
Backup can not be performed on database 'master'. This sub task is ignored.

[1] Database onyx: Transaction Log Backup...
Destination: [R:BACKUPonyxonyx_tlog_200411090230.TRN]

** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 23 secs **

[2] Database onyx: Verifying Backup...

** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 8 secs **

Deleting old text reports... 1 file(s) deleted.

End of maintenance plan 'DB Maintenance Plan1' on 09/11/2004 02:30:31
SQLMAINT.EXE Process Exit Code: 1 (Failed)

I changed the backup back to its original time as this was the only change made. This has not resolved the problem. As I am new to SQL and still finding my feet All the other SQL maintenance plans that I changed are working fine.



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Using Transaction To Insert Master/Detail Data(ASP.NET 2.0)

Sep 30, 2007

Hi !
I want to insert master/detail data using transaction if while insert if error it will Rollback. Help me! Thanks

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DB Design :: Specifying Table Types - Master Or Transaction File

Jul 17, 2015

Is it possible to categorize a table by "type"; for example "Master file" or "Transaction file"?

If yes, then:

Where is this specification made on the table, and how can I interrogate the table to determine the "type" ....

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Data Warehousing :: Copy Data From Staging Tables To Other Instance Master Tables?

Aug 14, 2015

I need to copy data from warehouse tables to master tables of different SQL instances. Refresh need to done once in an hour. What is the best way to do this? SQL agent jobs or SSIS packages?

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Multi-value Parameter In Master Report Passing To Single Param Sub-report In A List.

Aug 20, 2007

Here's tricky one.

I have a fairly complex report that was given to me that was hard coded for single parameters. There is a dropdown for each market (created from a query in SSRS). The users have to run for each market each week.

Is there a way to use this report as a Sub-report inside a list of a master report and then use a mult-value parameter?

I want this multi-value parameter to build the values for the list and then run the "sub-report" for each value.

Essentially, I want to create a for each loop.

Any ideas?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How To List The Target Servers Associated With A Master Server

Sep 9, 2015

I'm looking for a way to list the target servers associated with a master server. The reason is that we're moving to another master server, and I'd prefer not to move the targets manually.

I've got most of the T-SQL already (sp_msx_enlist, sp_add_jobserver), but I'd like a scripted solution instead of a wizard.

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Restore Tables From Master Backup

Nov 28, 2012

Version: 10.00.1600 (I believe the first 2008 release)

I made a backup from the master, model and msdb system tables. Now I travelled to a different country, and I only have the backups and would like to access them. I was able to restore the master db to a new installation of mssql but, it wont start. I do know why: as I read after I quickly realised that master backups take the accounts, serverID, groups, directory structure, and lots of other things.Basically I have no chance of doing a master restore. The question here: Is there any way of getting my data out from the master backup file (thats where my stuff is)? I'm thinking of "restoring" it to a separate non-master db, table, anything. I know now that I did the most stupidest thing ever, but believe me I don't want the last half years work to just disappear.

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DTS Load Master File To Different Tables

Feb 24, 2004

We need to load a "master" flat file to SQL Server tables. The file is a dump from mainframe. Based on a field called "record_type", each record in the file has different columns. I would use the following as an example (the real file is much more complicated than this, but you get the idea):

For instance, my file has:


If "M", the fields are "age", "gender", "birthdate", "state", "salary"

If "F", the fields are "age", "gender", "birthdate", "state", "company", "salary"

We need to load the file (only one file) into two different tables, M_table, and F_table. But I have researched and discovered in DTS the source (TEXT file) can not be queried against to filter on the gender field.

Since each record may have different number of fields, I cannot really load the flat file into a "staging" table.

Does anyone has any idea on how to achieve this? Thanks in advance!!!

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Dropping User Created Tables From Master Db

Aug 25, 2006

I have created a bunch of tables in the Master db by mistake.I want to drop those tables.Please tell me away to drop those.


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Master Package - After Execution Empty Tables

Feb 12, 2008

I'm running a master package executing 8 child packages.

Each package contains the same connection managers and each package is stored within the MSDB database.
The master package executes the packages stored in the MSDB using the 'execute package task'.

When running the master package from either MSDB or visual studio directly the odd thing happens that some tables will be filled, but after package execution I notice each table to be empty. There's no rollback 'procedure 'specified within the package and each package executes successfully because of error row handling. Anybody any hints how to solve this one?

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Moved Sql Served Db Is Missing Tables -- Master Db Issue?

Jan 10, 2002

I recently moved the db to a new server using detach and reattach sproc. However the moved db in its new location does not have any of the tables or sprocs that I created. As I understand it, information on the databases on the server is stored in the master db. Could it be that the tables are not showing up because the master db on the new server knows nothing of the new db? Must I also copy the master from the other server, perhaps? Has anybody come across this before? TIA D. Lewis

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Tricky Query For Joing Master-detail Tables

Feb 28, 2002

I need to write a sql query which is a master-detail query. Here's the example structure of tables:

Master table:
ColID as longint, ColA as int, ColB as int, ColPartID as longint, ColPartName as longint

Child table -- Wheel:
ColID as longint, ColA as int, ColB as int
Child table -- Door:
ColID as longint, ColA as int, ColB as int
Child table -- Window:
ColID as longint, ColA as int, ColB as int
..... etc

From the master table, it needs to join with its child in order to get the detailed information. However, there're more than one child table for it to join. In other words, the query has to choose the correct child table to join for each row selectively. The use of correct child depends on one of the columns in its master table (ColPartName).

My question is: Does it worth of me keep finding a solution for this query or should I abandon this? I really need some advice, please.

Many thanks,

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SQL Server 2008 :: Move Tables And SP From Master To User DB

Apr 28, 2015

I just notice that my MASTER database has some user tables and user SP ..and I am thinking to move them to 1 new user database but I am worried it will break something ..

What should I do ?

Moreover I wonder why Transaction log of MASTER can be full ( The recovery model is simple ) It should be fine , isn’t it?

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Restore Puts Copy Of User Tables In Master

Jul 20, 2005

Environment is SQL Server 2000 64 bit.I restore from a script 'my' database, this works fine. However, allthe tables are also found in master, no data though.Anyone experienced this?

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Merge Replication Replicate Master And Related Tables

Jan 19, 2007

hi all,

Could we configure a merge replication such as replicate the master table and its all related tables (relation deep could be 1.)

We dont want to manually find master table relations and configure replication for the related tables.

please help for that configuration


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Set Custom Identity Keys For Master Tables(auto-incrementing):

Jun 17, 2007

I need some help for designing the IDs / Primary keys for some master tables in my database. Following are master tables. Client_Master, Buyer_Master & Seller_Master; I want to set Client_Id, Buyer_Id & Seller_Id as their respective primary keys and they should have following properties

Client_Id :- a) should be auto-incrementing value, b) unique & c)should be of the format – CLXXXXXX, where “CL” {Constant start characters} & “X” {any number 0-9}
Buyer_Id :- BYXXXXXX
Seller_Id :- SLXXXXXX

We are implementing the database in MS-SQL 2005 & MySQL

Can anyone help me find a solution to this, especially in MS-SQL.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Partitioning Master And 4 Child Tables

Jul 5, 2014

I have 6 tables which are very huge in row count and need to be partitioned for better manageability.

Little info: Every day, 300 Million records are inserted and 300 million records are deleted in below 7 tables. we maintain only 8 days worth of data in below tables which is the reason records which are older than 8 days are continuously deleted.

Master table which has [ID],[Timestamp]
Table Name: Sample - 2,578,106

Child tables: Foreign key [ID] is common for all the tables. There is no timestamp column in child table.
dbo.ConnectionDB - 1,147,578,048
dbo.ConnectionSS - 876,458,321
dbo.ConnectionRT - 118,133,857
dbo.ConnectionSample - 100,038,535
dbo.Command - 100,032,235

I would like to partition the above child tables based on the IDs that are inserted every 4 hours. Meaning, All IDs that are inserted in 4 hours window should be in a partition.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Purging Data From Master And 5 Child Tables

Jul 5, 2014

I have 6 tables which are very huge in row count and records needs to deleted which are older than 8 days.

Little info: Every day, 300 Million records are inserted in below 7 tables. we should maintain only 8 days worth of data in below tables. How to implement Purge script which can delete records in all tables in the same time and with optimized parallelism.

Master table which has [ID],[Timestamp]
Table Name: Sample - 2,578,106

Child tables: Foreign key [ID] is common for all the tables. There is no timestamp column in child table. So the records needs to deleted based on Min(ID) from Sample

dbo.ConnectionDB - 1,147,578,048
dbo.ConnectionSS - 876,458,321
dbo.ConnectionRT - 118,133,857
dbo.ConnectionSample - 100,038,535
dbo.Command - 100,032,235

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Accidentally Populate Tables Into System Databases/master Database

Jul 31, 2007


I accidentally populate tables into System databases/master database. What should I do? Should I delete all the tables I populate in mster database?

Thank you very much!

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Transact SQL :: Querying Data From Master Table Into Transaction Table?

Oct 13, 2015

I am stuck in the following scenario.



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How Do I Get A List Of Tables In T-SQL

Mar 11, 2005

Is there anything equivalent to Oracle's Select * from tab in MS SQL.

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How I Can Get List Of Tables?

Dec 24, 2005

Hi friends,
How I can get list of tables and list of fields within those tables in SQL server.
Thnak a lot.

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List Of Tables

Jun 6, 2001

How to obtain the list of the tables of a base by un script

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How To Get A List Of Tables Currently In A DB

Mar 21, 2001

Hi all,

Does any one know what command(s) I can use from a SQL prompt to tell me what tables are cruuently residing in a particular database. I'm looking for something along the lines of "select list_of_all_tables from tempdb", which can be applied to any valid db on the system.

Thanks in advance for any guidance.


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List From Three Tables

Oct 5, 2006

HI I have three tables as here:

isbn, status, status_date, quantity

id, first_name, family_name

isbn, category, title, num_pages, price, copyright, author1, author2, author3

How can I list title and author name of the book that is most in stock?

My another problem to

Listing names of authors who have not written ay books

Thanks folks!!!

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List All Tables Ans SP

May 25, 2008


can I through a script retrieve a list af all tables and stored procedure in a database?

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