what would be the right way to get results only from 3 months and on. I want to get an avg from the last 3 months.
SELECT Server_Description, Database_Description, AVG(Database_Size_Mb) AS MonthlyDBTotal
FROM dbo.Tbl_Database_Statistics AS Tbl_Database_Statistics_1
WHERE (Database_Size_Datetime = DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, - 0, GETDATE()), - 3))
GROUP BY Server_Description, Database_Description
Hi,I have 2 tables created. One is the Sale Persons (PersonID, PersonName) and the other is the Sales Detail (PersonID, Month, Year, TotalSales)PersonID | PersonName PersonID | Month | Year | Total Sales================== ==================================ID1 | Sally ID1 | 1 | 2005 | 1000ID2 | David ID2 | 2 | 2005 | 1500Is it possible to write in a SQL statement to return all the sales person & the total sales for the 12 months for a particular year (even though some month data are not in the table)I would like the result to be like the following:PersonID | Month | Year | Total Sales===================================ID1 | 1 | 2005 | 1000ID1 | 2 | 2005 | 0ID1 | 3 | 2005 | 0(For month 4 - 12) Total Sales will be 0 too as no records exist in the first placeID2 | 1 | 2005 | 0ID2 | 2 | 2005 | 1500..........
Hi,I've a small problem. I have a table in which one column is date. I want tocount the records for statiscs in a temptable grouped by months lets say 12months back.e.g.month 1 counts 164 rec month 2 counts 87 records and so on.I tried to solve this like this with a function SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLEWHERE DATEDIFF(m,Col1,GETDATE())=@counter.But I don't know how to get this thing count from 0 up to 11 to get thisthing recursive.Does anyone know how to tackel my problem? I wouls apreciate any answer.Greetz to you all
I have a problem with a date in my sql view, I need the records from the 3 last months but without the current month, if I execute my view right now I have the records from January to april but I just need from January to march, I must have always the 3 previous month but I don't know how I can do it
My case is I have customers with multiple ordering dates, I'll to run a query to pull only records within 2 months period based on the previous picking records. Ex is below:
create table #tmp_CusttInfo (patID varchar(20), enc_date datetime) go insert into #tmp_CustInfo select '111','2015-01-01 09:25:05.000'
I have a challenge and I'm not sure the best route to go. Consider the following dataset.
I have a table of sales. The table has fields for customer number and date of sale. There are 1 - n records for a customer. What I want is a record per customer that has the customer number and the average number of months between purchases. For example, Customer 12345 has made 5 purchases.
writing the query for the following, I need to collapse the continuity. If the termdate for an ID is one day less than the effdate of the next id (for the same ID) i need to collapse the records. See below example .....how should i write the query which will give me the desired output. i.e., get min(effdate) and max(termdate) if termdate is one day less than the effdate of next record.
I need to get all the data based on the user selection of the months. So, I will provide a dropdown will all list of the months. When user pick the month, for example January, then I will show all the invoice on January. How to get the month of the year in the where clause in T-SQL? TIA
I have a question i am confused very much with i am doing on MTD Average , i really need some help with code.
the logic behind the code is
3 MTD should be the past two completed months as well as the dates in the current month as well. So taking the example above – if the reporting period for Feb was 01/30/2007 to 02/27/2007, and March was 02/28/2007 to 03/27/2007, the 3 MTD should then be the average from 01/30/2007 to 04/10/2007.
This code does not actually gives me the exact value, please advise on any correction to the code , or a new way to write the code.
Hi, I am trying to determine the amount of months between today and adate stored in the database. But I cannot seem to figure out get thedifference between the two dates. Thanks in advance.
Hi All, I provided the client with the dropdownlist which lists all the months (january - december). This input will be used to filter in the invoiceDT. How can I write the query where clause to compare the invoiceDT (mm/dd/yyyy) into this input which is only number 1 through 12? TIA
I have a stored procedure that I want to pass in a number of months and use it in my where caluse. I need to minus the number of months that as passed in by @TaskMonths. But it is minusing days not months. @TaskMonths intWHERE (tblTasks.Caller = @Caller) AND (tblTasks.DueDate BETWEEN CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE() - @TaskMonths, 101) AND GETDATE()) I apprecaite any help.
I have records in a table and 1 column is in the smalldatetime format which stores the date in the format "2004-09-22",2004-09-20",2004-09-12",2004-08-04" etc etc.
Can anyone tell me how to craft an SQL statement so that i can retrieve records for a certain month.For example,if i want to retrieve records for the month of September,i would get "2004-09-22",2004-09-20",2004-09-12" in results.
Hi this is the code that I am using to populate a table let us call new_table. However what I would like to do is get the max forecast date and get the statistics_period for that max forecast date.
Once I get that I would set that as my current statistics period.
Then I want to create a new column in the same new_table call stat_period-1, which would be the one period back.
Please note that the statistics period is like the months 1 – 12. Does not go higher that 12 and does not go lower than 1.
So for stat_period-1 when statistics period is equal to 1 it would have to be set to 12.
This is what I want but do not know how to place this into the code, please help me with this. THanks
I am wondering if someone maybe able to help me, I am needing to order my data via months in the calendar sense not alphabetically, below is what I currently have, but it only does it alphabetically.
select to_char(created,'yyyy-Mon'), matdesc, count(*) from test group by to_char(created,'yyyy-Mon'), matdesc order by to_char(created,'yyyy-Mon') desc
I need to count last 3 months records. The query I'm trying to use was based on last 8 days. How can I use this query in months and not days? Or should I use a new query?
Code Snippet SELECT COUNT(Column1) AS [Nº de Cartões], Column2 AS [Tipo de Cartão], Column4 AS Periodicidade FROM main_client_file WHERE (Column9 >= DATEADD(Day, DATEDIFF(Day, 0, GETDATE() - 3), 0)) AND (Column9 <= DATEADD(Day, DATEDIFF(Day, 0, GETDATE() - 1), 0)) GROUP BY Column2, Column4
Hi, I've just noticed that there is a proc in my database using a person's age in a where clause but it seems to be rounding the age. The idea is select records where the age (using the person's birthdate) is between @xMonths and @yMonths.
If 4/30/06 is the birthdate and 4/1/08 is today, it needs to be 23 months. Can someone explain how it determines the month boundaries and how to exclude partial months?
I have a start date saved and an end date saved but when I query I only want to return the amount of months that have elapsed between the two, any idea?
I have a database with multiple items each day. I'm looking to extract monthly information from this data. So I'm thinking that I would like to have a drop down list with each available month in the list. How would I extract which months (for multiple years) have data from a datatype = smalldatetime? I'm using c# Thanks!
I have a database of the table payments and I want to create another table with the olds payments (18 months past) a have a field with the payment date date_pay. How I can do that?
I have written the following query which returns the number of orders received grouped by the year and month: SELECT DATEPART(yyyy, order_placeddate) AS year, DATEPART(mm, order_placeddate) AS month, count(order_id) AS orders FROM orders GROUP BY DATEPART(yyyy, order_placeddate), DATEPART(mm, order_placeddate) ORDER BY year, month year month orders ---- ----- ------ 2004 6 17 2004 7 37 2004 8 30 2004 9 42 2004 10 34 2004 11 46 2005 1 25 2005 2 7 2005 4 1 The obvious problem with the above is that it misses out the months that have no orders, i.e. December, March, May, etc.
Is there a way I can amend my query so that it shows all months regardless of whether any orders were placed?
I have thought about trying to LEFT OUTER JOIN the above to a table that has rows with values of 1 – 12, but I’m not convinced this is the answer... and I don’t really know how to do it!
Do let me know if any of the above is unclear – what I’m after is the following: year month orders ---- ----- ------ 2004 6 17 2004 7 37 2004 8 30 2004 9 42 2004 10 34 2004 11 46 2004 12 0 2005 1 25 2005 2 7 2005 3 0 2005 4 1 2005 5 0 Many thanks
I need a select statement with the condition that the date (a timestamp with format yyyy-mm-dd) is either equal to or longer than 14 months from today's date.