I'm getting alot of date converstion trouble with my application when the end user's regional settings is not the same as the sql server box... I am using normal sqlcommands to enter my data into the sql db (vb.net), and alot of times I get users who's application breaks, because of this.
My question is... Is there some T-SQL command in sql server which will tell me the date formats it expects?
What I want to do then is query the server for these settings on startup of my application, and then set my application to use that date format for all it's date functions... This way, I'll eliminate the errors my application has to deal with.
E.g, i have a store procedure. The start date is long date (4/15/2007 3:00pm). i want to select the start date with a particular date (short date format 4/15/2006). Thanks in advance.
I am trying get my VB6 application to insert a record into a table (SQL Express) which has a datetime column but it would not process if the data format is differ to *American Date format*.
The date() function in VB returns 15/11/2006 which is in Australian Date format (DD/MM/YYYY) according to my setting in "Reginal and Lanuage Option-> Locale 0> English (Australia)" setting.
I get the following error:
Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Server KITSQLEXPRESS, Line 1 The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value. The statement has been terminated.
My computer's locale is set to English (Australia) and I expect the datetime format would follow what is set in system locale
I've read an article somewhere on the net about how SQL 2005 eliminate the confusion of date conversion when read/write datetime records into a table...but it seems to me that it is still as in-flexible as MS Access
Is there a setting in the database that takes care of it?
I have a column date in my database which I should send it to Oracle database. The Date format in Oracle is number. I don’t know how should I convert the date to that format? Example : SQL FormatOracle Format 02/16/05 105046
Hi..I have an application which uses Sql Server 2000 and .NetMy user can view date in dd/mm/yyyy format but at the back, i send date to the Sql Server in mm/dd/yyyy fromat.But the problem is with the date format that Sql Server uses to store.It smoe times accept date in dd/mm/yyyy fromat and sometimes in mm/dd/yyyy format.I am wondering why this is happening?I have used SET DATEFORMAT....but i have to use it befor every query.Even i don't know how to set dateformat each time with vb.net program.I think i can avoide this burden for server if i can set a date format in mm/dd/yyyy fromat.What should i do?
Hi Everybody, I have SQL Server running on Win NT. My question is : Is there a way to change the format Of date type fields (datetime and smalldatetime) from the US Date format which is for ex: July 13 1998 to 13 July 1998. I know I can use several functions to do it elsewhere, but I want it to become my default format for the new columns I create in new tables.
Hello Sir, I am using sql server 2000.whenever i fetch a record from as database.i have a date field in the table.it reurns the date with time.but i want only the time with a new format(Like- dd/MM/yyyy).So how can i do it. Pls help. alok..........
Hi. I'm localized in Greece and the date format used is dd/mm/yyyy.
So I have is that I made a page with a callendar. The user picks a date and this date is stored to an SQL server. But here comes the problem. When I try to write to the server the above format ( dd/mm/yyyy ) is not accepted because SQL wants date in format ( mm/dd/yyyy). So if day is bigger than 12 I get error or if is less than 13 wrong date is stored in the SQL.
Hi Dear All DBAs Does anyone know whether you can specify date format(EG dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy) for SQL server when you install it?
It seems to me that it always assume US date format when converting a date string to a datatime variable.
You can easily try this by running query Select convert(smalldatetime, "30/5/2000"). It would say "...out of range..." until you use "5/30/2000". It does not seem to relate to NT regional setting(I already set it to our local setting dd/mm/yyyy).
You can use "set dateformat" in the application to get around it. But I would like to change the default format to dd/mm/yyyy. Any solution? (EG reinstall SQL server?)
When I first installed the SQL server on my server, the default date format was mm/dd/yy. Now I need to change that to dd/mm/yy in regional settings, but its still not reflected in the DB's in SQL (its still mm/dd/yy).
Is it possible to change it in SQL without a complete reinstallation of the server?
Can anyone tell me how can i change the datetime format in Ms SQL Server 2000.
During i insert a data from VB to Ms SQL 2000 database, my date field return me the format as "2004-06-30 14:20:31.000". My actual format need like this "Jun 30 2004 02:20:31 PM"
I have format my coding in VB as "Format(X,"dd/MMM/YYYY HH:MM:SS"). But this look like something wrong once the data is insert to the table.
I'm working with a table with more than 2 million rows. The problem is that the table has a field called "ShipDate" of type nvarchar. When I try to change the data type to DateTime sql server throws a data conversion error.
I noticed that the date format is as follow: 2006-10-23, so, is there a way sql server takes this field and change it using the field values and applying the correct format? meaning: 10/23/2006
I have date coming to one page as a string in the following format"May 4 2005 12:00AM" I need to query one of my tables using this date in combination of other nondate values. How can I convert this date into valid sql server datetime format before I query a database tables Please help
I need to open and read a text file using C#. Once I have read all of the values from the text file, I will need to insert some of those values into a SQL Server database table. One of the values read from the text file will be a date in the format YearMonthDay. For example: 20070601 So my problem is that I don't know how to convert this date into the date format that is expected for a SQL server datetime value. Can someone help me out. How do I do this?
Does anyone know if its possible to configure sql server 2000 so it reads in the date in a different format. Right now, it takes the date in the following format month day year. I want it to take in day month year instead.
I am using asp.net and that is properly configured to give day month year, but then this date is sent to sql server, i get into problems
I have the following code and the result set is coming out as nvarchar. So, when I create a report in SSRS, it is not formatting as a date.
, CASE WHEN isnull(cv2.Accepted,0)='True' AND cv2.Visit ='V2' AND cv2.StepNo='3' THEN 'Y' ELSE CONVERT(varchar,[dbo].[fn_Get_WorkingDays] (co.PlannedGoLiveDt, -10)) END AS 'System Verified'
How can we identify the Date Format from a String in SQL Server.
I might get an input from external source as "MM-DD-YYYY" or "DD-MM-YYYY" or "YYYY-MM-DD" or "YYYY-DD-MM", all i have to do is return the same with Current Date in the same format as Input.
I have a date field stored in a character type field ( this field is a spare one in an ERP package )I am trying to validate and convert to a date format using the following;
[code="CASE WHEN isdate( arc.UserField1 )= 1 then CAST( arc.UserField1 as DateTime ) ELSE CAST( '01/01/1900' as Datetime ) END"] [/code]
The results are ;
Date Result 29/09/08 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000 09/06/15 2015-09-06 00:00:00.000 18/03/13 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000 09/10/14 2014-09-10 00:00:00.000
as you can see - the date 29/09/08 is a valid UK date format - however it fails the validation. 09/06/15 converts to 6th September 2015 ( mm/dd/yy ) format...What do I need to do to force this to identify as dd/mm/yy date format ?
we are having the same code base in both the environment but we have different version of SQL Server Version(Env 1 - SQL 2012, Env 2 - SQL 2008). We are getting the expected result in Env - 1 but not in the ENV -2. So we tried to get the SQL trace for the web request we found that Date format getting changed.
2012 - Date Format in the SQL Trace for the request '2015-09-10 00:00:00' which is working as expected. 2008 - Date Format in the SQL Trace for the request 'Sep 10 2015 12:00:00:000AM' which is Not working.
Complete SQL Trace for Request. Evn - 1 - SQL Server 2012 exec dbo.usp_GetWorkQueue @ClientName='CLT',@HasFilter=1,@FacilityName='',@StartDate='2015-09-10 00:00:00',@EndDate='2015-09-18 00:00:00',@OrderDirection='D',@StartIndex=1,@PageSize=20
I have a Sql Server 2000 installation and my server is Win2k sp2English.If i run a query with WHERE condition, for example,SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE DATEOFBIRTH ='2004-01-15'my resultset contain the records correct.But the results with the same query, which run on a Sql Server 2000installation with same collation and a server Win2k Italian, is:'La conversione del tipo di dati da char a datetime ha generato unvalore di tipo datetime non compresonell'intervallo di valori validi.'English error:'Converting data type from char to datetime has generated a datetimevalue that is out of range of valid values'It is not possible to change all query in my client application.How I can have the same results for the same query in bothinstallations?Thanks in advantageMaurizio
Hi guys, i am getting data from db2 database on AS400 system in CSV files and i need to use this data and build a dataware house in sql server 2000. the date formatt coming from AS400 is YYYMMDD(eg:- 1011223 101---stands for year 11--stands for month 23-- stands for day of the month )
can anybody advice me how to encounter this problem. thanks.
I am currently working for the Sybase to Sql Server migration project and have been able to test migrate few tables using SSIS. After migration, i was doing some data comparision and could see the date formats are different between Sybase and Sql server. However, there are no issues with data like day in sybase becoming month in Sql server except the formats are different.
Do I need to act on this date formats? Not sure if this would cause any issues in front end application that will consume sql server date data.
Hi All,I am facing a problem with a sql what i used in MS Access but its notreturning the same result in MS Sql Server 2000. Here i am giving thesql:SELECT TOP 3 format( MY_DATE, "dddd mm, yyyy" ) FROM MY_TAB WHEREMY_ID=1The above sql in ACCESS return me the date in below format in onecolumn:Friday 09, 2003But in Sql server 2000 i am not getting the same format eventhough iam using convert function, date part function etc.Please if you find the solution would be helpful for me..ThanksHoque
I am building reports based on Report Builder and SQL server 2014.
Our report data are hosted on azure sql database.
Date time on azure are stored as UTC.
When I run my report locally, how can I format correctly the date/time format on my report in order that if I am in French, I should have the date/time set to UTC + French offset. How can I do this ?
Hi,I have a problem with updating a datetime column,When I try to change the Column from VB I get "Incorrect syntax near'942'" returned from [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]'942' is the unique key column valueHowever if I update any other column the syntax is fineThe same blanket update query makes the changes no matter what isupdatedThe problem only happens when I set a unique key on the date field inquestionKey is a composite of an ID, and 2 date fieldsIf I allow duplicates in the index it all works perfectlyI am trying to trap 'Duplicate value in index' (which is working onother non-date columns in other tables)This is driving me nutsAny help would be appreciated