Get Windows Logged In Username In SQL When Using Win Auth Mode In SQL Form ASP

Jun 18, 2007

Hi Guys,

I have an Intranet web application and I have to use windows authentication. They are 4 main users group to access the application, each with different set of permission on my store procedures.

I have created a windows group for each of those group in my windows environemnt. My DB Connection String in web.config is set to Integrated Windows Authentication ( Integrated Security=SSPI)

I have done all configuration based on this article:

I have 4 different database Roles in my database and 4 different database users. I also add NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE as a member of each of those database Roles.

Now I get connected, fine and set permission on the database roles.

1 thing I want to know, How Can I get the Windows Group name in the database, which has the same name as my SQL Login and Database Roles or User

I tried all SUSER_SNAME() and ... they all return NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE

I want to get AppPowerUser Role or windows group name. I think I should be able to because I am using windows authentication.

Any help is appreciated.


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How To Change Windows Auth. To SQL Server Auth. In SSIS Packages

Apr 30, 2007

I had a few packages created with Windows Authentication which now needs to be migrated to run with SQL Server Authentication. I tried changing it in the connection managers but the packages failed to validate at the SCD transformations.For a few packages I had Configuration files for these packages where i tried to do it but it dint run giving the following Error Message:
[Connection manager "Target"] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E4D. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E4D Description: "Login failed for user <<with my network id>>.".

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Failed to acquire connection "Target". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection.

Target was the name of my connection.

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Getting And Inserting Logged In Username To Related Table

Nov 18, 2005

Hi,I've got VS 05 web dev express installed and i'm trying the walkthroughs for login admin. I've succeeded and noticed the tables VS05 produces in the database ASPNETDB.MDF. I've created a new table "Customers" also with a UserID and also configured it as "UniqueIdentifyer" as VS05 has done in the table aspnet_users. The Customers table has two other fields: CustID (autoint) and CustomerName. Now i'm setting up a detailsview control that should insert a CustomerName but I also want it to insert the current logged in userID to the Customers.UserID field so that the aspnet_users and customers tables can be related. My question is how would my Sql insert statement look like to incorporate the parameter of the current logged in UserID and insert it into the Customers.UserID field?thanks.

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Help With Trying To Insert The UserName Of The Logged In User Into The DB Field UserID

Feb 11, 2008

How do I insert the UserName of the Logged in user into the DB field UserID. I created a web form page, and added a form view control set the page default to Insert Mode.  The Page is used to insert data.  I have a hidden field called UserID that I would like to capture the Logged in user.  I have logged in to the default page with userID and password, added a new record, and the db table field UserID is empty. I have been trying to figure out what I am doing worng, but no luck, Please suggest the best way to do this.  I have listed what I have done thus far? 
I have added the login Control from Login and added it to the page as a hidden field thinking that I needed to have this field on the page to get this to work where you copy the value in the Loginname field to the useridTextbox on the formview1 insert template.  I read on line where the method below is better.  Please tell me what I am doint wrong.
System.aspx---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) <asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" DataKeyNames="SystemID"        DataSourceID="SystemSqlDataSource1" DefaultMode="Insert" Width="583px">2) <asp:TextBox ID="UserIDTextBox" runat="server"                 Text='<%# Bind("UserID") %>' Visible="False"></asp:TextBox><br />3) <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SystemSqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:RCMISConnectionString %>"        DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [tblSystem] WHERE [SystemID] = @SystemID" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [tblSystem] ([SystemID], [SystemDesc], [Inactive], [TimeStampEntry], [TimeStampUpdate], [UserID]) VALUES (@SystemID, @SystemDesc, @Inactive, GETDATE(), @TimeStampUpdate, @UserID)"4)         <InsertParameters>            <asp:Parameter Name="SystemID" Type="String" />            <asp:Parameter Name="SystemDesc" Type="String" />            <asp:Parameter Name="Inactive" Type="Boolean" />            <asp:Parameter Name="TimeStampEntry" Type="DateTime" />            <asp:Parameter Name="TimeStampUpdate" Type="DateTime" />            <asp:Parameter Name="UserID" Type="String" />             </InsertParameters>    </asp:SqlDataSource>System.aspx.vb---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5) Partial Class MemberPages_RCM_frmSystem    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load        'UserIDTextBox.Text = Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString()    End Sub    Protected Sub FormView1_ItemInserted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormViewInsertedEventArgs) Handles FormView1.ItemInserted        'Set the UserID Value to the currently logged on user's ID        e.Values("UserID") = Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey    End SubEnd ClassThank you in advance,

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Windows Auth Or Sql..

Oct 14, 2006

When creating connections for source and destination in a package what is the recommended approach, window authenticatation or sql? I will be deploying to filesystem, what would be best.

this is my first ssis package, so pardon my ignorance.

many thanks.


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Switching In And Out Of Bulk Logged Mode

Jul 22, 2004

I sometimes have problems when running index rebuilds due to the tran log growing too big. MS suggest switching the db from full recovery mode to bulk-logged mode fur the duration of the rebuild. Question is, when you switch a db from full recovery to bulk logged, does that invalidate the tran log backups up to that point? When the db is switched back into full-recovery mode, are the following tran log backups still in sequence?


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Application Connection String Using Windows Auth

Feb 7, 2008


We have always used sql servwer login to the servers for all our applications for out intranet apps

And we use windows auth to do development

So when we do that we logon to wuindows, and then just connect, with no password required

But how does an application "logon" to connect to a database

Is it just in the connection string just like sql server auth

or is it different?

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Using Query Analyzer With Windows Auth Across Domains

Nov 3, 2005

Howdy,I have a SQL server in a completely different forrest than theworkstation I am running query analyzer on. However in query analyzerwhen I choose windows authentication I cannot manually specify"domainusername" as I could when mapping a file share across domainsor forests. Is there any way around this without resorting to using SQLServer authentication?Thanks

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SQL Server 7 Switches To Windows Only Auth On Reboot

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I have a SQL Server 7 installation running on a windows 2000 server.SQL Server switches from mixed mode authentication to Windows Only onreboot. Has anyone else experienced this? Any help would be greatlyappreciated.Service Pack Reports:Microsoft SQL Server 7.00 - 7.00.1077 (Intel X86) Sep 6 200215:10:15 Copyright (c) 1988-2002 Microsoft Corporation StandardEdition on Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 3)I only see two strange entries in the log:2004-05-01 00:38:09.55 spid37 Using 'xpsqlbot.dll' version'1998.11.13' to execute extended stored procedure 'xp_qv'.2004-05-01 00:38:01.71 spid1 Failed to obtainTransactionDispenserInterface: Result Code = 0x8004d01bI don't believe that either of these are related to the configurationoption for Windows Only, though.

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Clean Install Windows Auth Error

Feb 17, 2007


I cannot log in to SQL Server 2005 Dev Edition in my local machine using Windows Authentication. The server returned "Login failed..." when connecting with SQL Server Management Studio.

I have not change anything since installation of this server.

This problem happens in RTM and SP1 versions, both running on Windows Vista RTM.

Anyone having this kind of problem too? Any solution? I'm guessing it's Vista-related.

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Using Windows Auth In SQL 2005 Mgmt Studio

Feb 22, 2006

Is there any way to provide 'Windows' credentials to connect the Management Studio to a remote SQL 2000 DB when I am not logged on as that user (on the dev machine where I am running Mgmt Studio)?

I do of course have local machine admin rights via an AD domain account added to the machine administrators on the remote SQL box itself.

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SQL Server Windows Auth For ETL Called By CreateProcessAsUser

May 11, 2007


We are having problems in our project. We have ETL packages we call from our web app that we want to run and the user is the logged in one in the web.

We use Windows Authentication in our web app and we used the CreateProcessAsUser to impersonate the user. <identity impersonate="true"/> is also in our web.config.

We were able to call the dtexec successfully (with the user for the process as the logged in the web -- thus impersonation was successful.)

But, a problem arises when we use Windows Authentication for the connection of the ETL to the db (SQL Server). When we run the ETL on our local machine using dtexec/dtexecui, it works fine.

But when we ran it in our server, it fails. According to the event logs, it can't connect to the db server even though impersonation is successful.

Btw, the client, web server, db server are three different machines.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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Error Description Differs When Logged With Redirect Rows Compared With Debug Mode

Jan 18, 2007


Can any one please tell me how to get the complete error description for example when i dont Redirect Row for Error in OLEDB Source i get a detailed error message with column name as

[RCheck [385]] Error: There was an error with input column "CHECK_STATUS" (456) on input "OLE DB Destination Input" (398). The column status returned was: "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".

But when I set Redirect Row for error and use the Script component to log them into a Table with ErrorDescription based on ErrorColumnID it only gives me this.

The data value cannot be converted for reasons other than sign mismatch or data overflow.



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Mixed Mode To Windows Mode Without Trace....

Jan 3, 2006

Hi folks,

I have a SQL 2005 OTC. CTP version running on Windows 2003 server.

I would like to find out how the SQL server option changed to Windows Authentication mode from Mixed mode over the weekend.  From the SQL log, I don't see when it changed.  I would like to see Date/Time and client IP.  If I can see User ID (windows) that would be great.  Where I can find these info in SQL server?

Thank you in advance...


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Connecting To SQL Server 2005 Using Windows Auth/Cannot Generate SSPI Context Error

Jan 3, 2008

Hi-I have a program that I am developing on a laptop, then deploying it on a server.I have the prgram running passing a username and PW in the connection object, but like the idea of using windows authentication MUCH better.I just joined the domain, so I am domain/me for example.If I log into the server, and look at securities, logins and added domain/me to the logins.I then try and set up a sql connection via both visual studio, and sql server magt studio, and get the dreaded "Cannot generate SSPI context" error. Anyone else have this problem? SHOULD V.S. be using domain/me to connect?  TIA dan 

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How To Current Logged Windows User Name In Tsql

Mar 27, 2006


how can i get current logged windows user name in tsql. I know with windows aut it is possible how can i get this when sql auth.

Is there any system function or any special codeing required ?



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SQL Server Events Logged In As Windows Application Event

Jul 10, 2003

Hello Everyone,

I am backing up my all the databases (around 50 servers and 500 database) using scheduled jobs. I backup my transaction log files at every two hours of interval and databases on daily basis.

I have set option of "Write to Windows Application Event Log" - When job fails during the creation of job in the "Notification Tab" of Create New Job.

As per documentation SQL server automatically records some of the events to windows application event log. After succesful completion of Log backup and DB backup, event gets logged in Windows Application Event Log. And when job fails, I get two events logged in the Windows Application Event Log file, one due to my setting and other automatically by SQL Server.

Due to this Windows event log file is growing much faster and I have to clear it in every 3-4 days.

My quesiton - Is there a way such that to get only failures event logged in Windows Application event log file and any successful backup jobs should not go to Windows application event file?

Can any suggest some idea what should I do?

I am using SQL Server 2000 with SP3 on Windows 2000 Advanced server. Some of my databases are still using Version 7.0/6.5 on NT.


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Windows Username

Apr 25, 2008

Hi all,
I want create a trigger that will log all modification to a table.
I need to identify the username that modified the data.
Here is my problem :
- they are connected to a Terminal Server so stationName il always TSName
- They are using an application I cannot modify that always use the same login information using SQL authenticationMode

So I need to be able to get their Windows session Username.

Is there any way I can do that in my trigger ?


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Can't Access Database Because Replaces Windows Username

Feb 25, 2006

In visual studio 2005 I created a web page which accessed some information from a database on an sql server.
Various pages highlighted that aspnet replaces the windows username with it's own variant which is likely to blocked when trying to access the server.
I adjusted the web.config to use a connection string with Trust_Connection=True.
This doesn't seem to have worked.
Any Suggestions as to why this would be?.
Server Error in '/ChartWebSite' Application.

Login failed for user 'A0034138ASPNET'.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'A0034138ASPNET'.Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. Stack Trace:

[SqlException (0x80131904): Login failed for user 'A0034138ASPNET'.]

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SQL 2012 :: Windows 2008 Evaluation Default Username / Password?

Nov 19, 2014

i have installed windows 2008 evaluation, during installation i was not asked for username and pssword but when i try and start up its asking for administrator password.

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Windows Vista Truncates Username During Logon To SQL 2005 Express

Apr 5, 2008

As the titel suggests I am having quite a strange problem

I have installed an Enotebook on our domain server at work and it uses MSQL express 2005.
When I ask it to automatically connect using window authentication to connect it works on windows XP machines with DomainUSERNAME. However when I try the same thing on Windows vista it tells me the logon failed with "DomainUSERNAM". I change it to SQL Authetifcation and type the same username fully (I have added the user via active directory as a SQL user) then it works

Basically it looks like the windows username is sent from Vista missing the last letter.

I have Googled this a lot and have not really found an answer. Am I mearly being very stupid or is this a known issue. Can anyone give me a suggestion as to why this might happen?.

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Refresh A Windows Form Without Closing It

Jul 4, 2007

Hi all

I have a couple of windows forms which share tables or parts of tables.

When I edit a tables data on one form (form2), where it ,s data is linked to another form ( form1), when I go back to form1 I find that the fields have not been updated until I close the form and reopen it.

Is there a way to refresh the field on form1 by using a button in the menu bar and what would the code behind look like. I use vb .



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Remote Access For Windows Form Application

Jan 10, 2007

I have a windows based software application that connects remotely to a sql server 2005 and calls stored procedures. There is someone that I work with that is cautioning the company strongly that this is a bad thing to do in terms of security. Isn't this a very common thing to do? Assuming that the SQL Server installation is setup appropriately. Is this a bad practice?

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How To Deploy SQL Server Everywhere With My Windows Form Application?

Jul 25, 2006


I've been creating a 2005 windows form application using Everywhere and it has been going pretty well. However, I haven't had much luck finding any help on how to deploy my Everywhere database file(s) and Everywhere itself. To install redistribute Everywhere, can I just add the the 8 .dlls found in the Everywhere directory into my VS setup project? Also, what database file(s) do I need to deploy in my windows setup?


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How Do I Disable Windows Authentication Mode To Log Into The DB?

Apr 25, 2007

How do i disable Windows Authentication mode and just have SQL Server Authentication mode? is it even possible? 

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Mixed Mode Vs. Windows Authentication

Sep 6, 2007

I am trying to create a query that can determine if a user id is using mixed mode/windows/both authentication. I need to do this so that it can run on both sql server 2000 and 2005, meaning I can't use any of the sys.* views. Is there a single query could use for both systems?

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Windows App Form Works: Datagrid Doesn't 'login Failed' ..tutors Out There?

Sep 11, 2005

Anyone live in seattle (meet on cap hill)? I have been stuck for weeks now and can't wait any longer wasting time - i will pay someone to set me up correctly quickly. I doubt this will be resolved online, but here goes... I need a datagrid to bring up simple database info (northwind) instead of showing the error 'login failed for mycomputeraspnet'. I am using windows authentication and my string is connectionstring = datasource=(local)\netsdk;initial catalog=Northwind;integrated security=sspi; persistent security=false;, I have seen online they say alter the authorization in the app virtual directory-- is that the C/inetpub/wwwroot or the web config of my project? I did so in the web config of my project, and also I added the impersonate=true to same already. I shared all the folders and made sure they are not read-only. I am flabbergasted.
XP pro 2004 sp 2
vis studio 2002 w updates
C# Asp web app project

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System.Windows.Form Assembly Is Needed On Script Component Task?

Jun 7, 2006

That affects only interface design... so that it doesn't exists at all in a SSIS.

What is it for??

Let me know your view on this or any clarification.

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Does A User Have To Have SQL Server Installed In Order For Windows Form To Connect To SQL 2005 Express DB

Apr 23, 2008


I am creating a windows application that is not going to be used in a controlled environment like a LAN or some other network, so I want to include a local database in the install of this app. Ideally, I would like to use SQL 2005 Express like you would MSDE or Access, but I am not sure if the user must have SQL Server installed on their machine in order for this to work and I don't have a machine without it to test on.

Any help on this is greatly appreciated.


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Who Is The Default Owner For Sql Express In Windows Authentication Mode?

Aug 1, 2007

If i create a database in sql express in windows authentication mode, the database owner is in the format of 'MACHINENAMEUSERNAME'. If i connect this database to iis server i got login failed error message.

This is my connection string in my web.config :
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;Initial Catalog=dbsgh;Data Source=software92sqlexpress

I solved this problem by creating a login in sqlexpress called 'software92/aspnet' and creating a user for my database named aspnet under 'software92/aspnet' login. Then i changed the usrename in directory security of my iis virtual directory to 'software92/aspnet'.
This solves my problem. But i think i m solving this problem in a wrong way.
I think i should create that database under default owner. Who is the default owner?

I dont know the correct procedure to solve this.
Please help.

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Can Not Connect To SQL Server 2000 On Windows Authentication Mode

Dec 20, 2006

Hello everyone,

We have SQL server 2000 on windows 2000. From our desktop MS Access was connected to database through ODBC. Since yesterday (after our consultant had updated another asp application in the same server) we are getting €œSQL Server Error: 18452. €¦.. Login failed for user €˜(null)€™. Reason: not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. €œ

The consultant saying he did not touch any settings on server (?). And the problem is even server€™s security property shows it has mixed mode authentication. But I cannot connect to server even through my SQL server enterprise manager in windows authentication mode. I can connect if I use SQL server authentication. Through ODBC I can connect also and test fine, if I use SQL authentication. But the Access application wouldn€™t connect using SQL authentication in ODBC.

So, can any one help me to find out what else could be done to make sure that the server is going to accept windows authentication. I€™m thinking any other settings or registry change €¦ etc. Please help.


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Recovery :: Change Authentication Mode From Windows To Mixed / 4-node Participating In AlwaysOn

May 13, 2015

I need to change the authentication mode from 'windows' to mixed, its a 4-node participating in always-on... Will this brake/impact alwayson in any way? I know I have to restart the sql instance.

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Export Username / Password To CSV File To Test SP To Output Username / Password

Jun 2, 2014

I put this together to export the user name /password to a csv file to test my SP to output the user name/password.

DECLARE @user_name varchar(50)
DECLARE @psswrd varchar(10)
SELECT @user_name ,@psswrd
FROM ngweb_bulk_enrollments
EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'bcp NGDevl.dbo.ngweb_bulk_enrollments out C: est.csv -Sserver1 -T -t, -r

This works but I don't get the headers in the file. How can I include the headers?

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