Get Data From Locked Access Database Into SQL

Dec 26, 2003

What is they best way to get data from a locked Access database into SQL Server? Linked Server, DTS Package, or should I just directly access it from my App?


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Access Database - How To Know If Locked By Otherrs?

Jul 20, 2006

wierd thing - i am trying to write a program that use simple access database but 5 user can access it at the same time ,

i wont to know if the database is in use by other user before attemping to write to it ,

but i notice that DBNAME.ldb file even when exsist i can some times write to the database - so to chack if this file is exsist will not be the sulotion , some one know how to chack it?

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Gain Access To Locked Server

Jun 19, 2007

Am I imagining it or did I read somewhere once about an tool/command/method that allows the administrator/dba to access the server even if no-one else can - probably only in certain scenarios.

I think it had a use for a situation where all the connections are used up and no further connection pooling can kick in for a while. This tool enabled the dba to still get to the server and I presume still be able to run stuff like sp_who and kill.

Does this ring a bell with anyone?

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Script Component As Source: The Collection Of Variables Locked For Read Access Is Not Available At This Point.

Jan 17, 2008

Hello, I am trying to configure a Script Component as a data source. Although this should be a simple exercise, I am running into a problem.

My control flow contains a Foreach Loop with a file iterator. The Directory Expression of the Foreach Loop Editor is supplied by an expression mapped to a package level variable called inputdirectory. The FileNameRetrieval Expression is mapped to a package scoped variable called filename.

My data flow is encapsulated by the Foreach Loop, and contains a Script Component as Source for the Data Flow Source, and a Flat File for the Data Flow Destination. The contents of the Script Designer are as follows:

Code Block
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper
Imports System.IO
Public Class ScriptMain

Inherits UserComponent
Dim thisFileDate As Date
Dim thisFileName As String
Dim thisFilePath As String
Public Overrides Sub CreateNewOutputRows()

thisFileName = ReadOnlyVariables("filename").Value.ToString()
thisFilePath = ReadOnlyVariables("inputdirectory").Value.ToString()
thisFileDate = File.GetCreationTime(thisFilePath & "" & thisFileName)
FileSpecBuffer.FileName = thisFileName
FileSpecBuffer.FullPath = thisFilePath & "" & thisFileName
FileSpecBuffer.CreateDate = thisFileDate
End Sub
End Class

When I debug the package, I get the following error:

The collection of variables locked for read access is not available at this point.

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponent.get_ReadOnlyVariables()

at ScriptComponent_67311120e6eb4162a3ea1f70847f04de.ScriptMain.CreateNewOutputRows()

at ScriptComponent_67311120e6eb4162a3ea1f70847f04de.UserComponent.PrimeOutput(Int32 Outputs, Int32[] OutputIDs, PipelineBuffer[] Buffers)

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.PrimeOutput(Int32 outputs, Int32[] outputIDs, PipelineBuffer[] buffers)

My googlefu fails me at reconciling this. I have read various posts about changing the line ReadOnlyVariables("filename").Value to ReadWriteVariables("filename").Value, and handling the buffer assignment in PostExecute. The problem is that all examples shown are either for Script Component as Destination or Script Component as Transformation. I have tried playing with the Custom Properties in the Script Commponent set the ReadOnlyVariables and ReadWriteVariables, using a PreExecute method, a PostExecute method, all with different errors returning. I'm at a loss here. Could anybody provide me with a simple working example so that I can correctly populate my output buffer in the context of Script Component as Source?

I fully understand that I could just run a Script Task Using System.IO.Directory, and System.IO.File, but I really want to make this package work in the manner I've described. Any help would be appreciated.


John T

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Data Access :: Server Rejected The Connection - Access To Selected Database Has Been Denied

Jun 10, 2015

I have recently upgraded to SQL2014 on Win2012. The Access front end program works fine.

But, previously created Excel reports with built in MS Queries now fail with the above error for users with MS 2013.  The queries still work for users still using MS 2007. 

I also cannot create any new queries and get the same error message. If I log on as myself on the domain to another PC with 2007 installed it works fine, so I don't think it is anything to do with AD groups or permissions.

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Database Schemas And This Statement Has Attempted To Access Data Whose Access Is Restricted By The Assembly.

Jul 14, 2005


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How To Send An Email If A Database Is Locked

May 3, 2008

Hi all
      I have heared that there is way to use SQL SMO (SQL Management Objects), or other third party tools running on a management server to send out an email or some kind of notifications if a database is locked.
Anyone knows how to do that in SQL Managment 2005.

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Credentials In Data Sources Are Getting Locked Out Of SQL

Oct 26, 2005

Weird one this....

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Unlock Locked Database Files In SQL Express ?

Mar 24, 2008

When I develop I sometimes forget and try to open the database file with the MS SQL Express Manager even though the web application I am devloping is still using it ... error lock occurrs and thats fine .... but what is the best way to unlock the files again? .... often I find myself having to restart the workstation because of this and thats sounds a bit like overdoing it .... there should be an easier way to unlock locked db files ...without having to restart the workstations.... is there ?


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Database Create ODBC Connections To Access Database Directly And Update Data?

Sep 10, 2012

We have a SQL database that uses Active Directory with Windows Authentication. Can users that are members of the Active Directory group that has read/write access to the SQL database create ODBC connections to access the database directly and update the data? They dont have individual logins on the server. They are only members of the Active Directory group that has a login?

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Data Access :: Importing Huge Data From One Database To Another Daily

Jul 7, 2015

We have a daily process, which copies millions of rows of data from one DB to another over Linked Server. Just checking on the best practise, are there more efficient ways than the Linked server to copy millions of rows of data from one DB to another? I checked bulk insert but that transfers the data from the file to DB not DB to DB. 

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Best Way To Return Data From SQL Database, Without Giving Access To Database

May 8, 2008


I have a quick question regarding getting data from a SQL database but I am slightly confused as to the best way to handle it.

Basically on of the projects I am working on I need to send data to another company, there are several calls required to the database to bring back various options for changing the questions asked on the front end.

Up to now all that has happened is there has been a mutual agreement between myself and this other company and they have just had access to the database to call a series of stored procs which I have written for them to access the data. Recently however the situation has changed and my client wants me stop them accessing the database however they still need to recieve the information from the database they recieve now.

What will be the best way to handle this? My knowledge of SQL is farily limited presently and I am only ust getting into learning a lot more about it.

Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,


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Can You Convert Access Database Data Over To An SQL Database?

Feb 15, 2008

I would like to start using SQL, how would I convert my data in MS Access over to an SQL Server Database?

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Access Data Database To SQL 7

Nov 4, 1998

I have an access app that has two separate databases the data and app. I would like to convert the data database to SQL 7 when it is released. Does anyone know if there will be any 'wizard' like assistance offered to do this with Access tables. In addition once I have done this how will the app run on against the SQL database? I know to take full advantage of SQL we will need to redesign and recode some of the app queries but will the initial app work on top of the SQL as is?

Any assistance is welcome.

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Importing Data From An Access Database In VB Using DTS

Apr 4, 2000

Does anyone out there have a good example of a VB Application for importing data from an Access DB into a SQL Server DB using DTS. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


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Moving Data From MS Access Database To SQL Server 05

Jul 26, 2007

I have about 50,000 data entries to move from MS Access to SQL Server 2005 Express. There is no DTS in the tools. I already have the tables, just need to move the data. Appreciate any and all help.

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Transfer Data From Access Database To SQL Server

Sep 20, 2006


I'm new to SQL server, and I would like to achieve below tasks. Kindly
provide brief guildline on how to achieve these:

1.) I have managed to schedule job in SQL server to download the access database from remote server.
2.) Second, I would like to transfer all the data from my acccess database to my SQL tables.

May I know how do I achieve my task no 2???? I believe I need to write some script (procedure) in order to achieve this.

pls advise....

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Sql With C#: Access Database Data Type Mismatch

May 7, 2008

I am trying to delete the row with the minimum date. First I read in the minimum date using:

OleDbCommand myCommand = new OleDbCommand("SELECT MIN(Date) FROM 30_Day_Data", myConnection);

OleDbDataReader myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader();

This then gives me a date in the format "1/2/2008 12:09:33 AM". Since that is the minimum date, I need that row deleted, so I use:

OleDbCommand myDeleteCommand = new OleDbCommand("DELETE FROM 30_Day_Data WHERE Date='" + "myReader().GetValue(0).ToString()" + "'", myConnection);

This gives me an error saying "Data type mismatch in criteria expression". I have no idea how to format the date so that it can get deleted. I have tried nearly everything with no success. Any help is appriciated.


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Transact SQL :: Surface Some Access Data On Database?

Jun 22, 2015

surface some data stored in an Access database via SQL Server, ultimately to be consumed by SharePoint.  

I understand how to push existing tables to SQL Server as new tables.  In my case, what I am hoping to do is to link an Access query with a table in SQL Server, and have that table be updated each time the query is run (or even each time the database is updated).  

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How Do I Insert Data From An Access Db To A Empty SQL Database

Jul 11, 2007


I'm new to VS2005 ( and here my situation

I have form with a dataset1 (tbl1, tbl2, tbl3, tbl4) pulling data from a Access db. and showing it on the form1(databound)

I need to write what is on form1 to the empty dataset2 in SQL 2005 db

I have created a new DB in SQL 2005 with a Table SQL1 which has the same fields as on form1. Please can some one show me how do I do this. Please

Thanks in advance for your response.


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Access Data On A SQL Database Stored On The Internet

Feb 9, 2008

How can I store my database on the internet and then access it's data (from a Visual Basic Express Windows Application)?

Where on my server do I upload it to?

How do I keep it secure?

Can anyone reccomend any good articles, etc, please?

Thank you for your help.


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Importing Data From One That Is In An Access Database To Sql 2005

Feb 27, 2008

I hope I am giving the right information here to get help with this.

I am trying to get information from two tables that are in an access database over to sql 2005. I did this via dts and saved the import options as a file, but when I run this as a job I get the following error: Date 2/27/2008 11:14:08 AM
Log Job History (CombinationTable1)
Step ID 0
Server D86J0PD1
Job Name CombinationTable1
Step Name (Job outcome)
Duration 00:00:00
Sql Severity 0
Sql Message ID 0
Operator Emailed
Operator Net sent
Operator Paged
Retries Attempted 0
The job failed. The Job was invoked by User BIZCHAIRDarleneMurphy. The last step to run was step 1 (CombinationTable1).

I have also tried to run this in the following way:

USE Combination_Table




FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',

'W:MASTER DOCUMENTSDatabasesChannel_Advisor_Feed.mdb';'admin';'', GG Products)


Here I get errors regarding nulls and if I pointed to the correct database, which I have.

Any help with this problem and I hope I have given good information in order to get help.

Thank you

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Data Access :: Restoring Database To Another Server

Aug 1, 2015

I have been restoring database backup from server1 to Server2 and both database name is same till today. But I had an error today. I verified path, location and access everything is there but no luck to resolve.


USE Master;

-- 1 - Variable declaration
DECLARE @dbName sysname
DECLARE @backupPath NVARCHAR(500)
DECLARE @fileList TABLE (backupFile NVARCHAR(255))
DECLARE @lastGEFullBackup NVARCHAR(500)
DECLARE @backupFile NVARCHAR(500)


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Extract Data From ACCESS Database With Pwd Via ODBC

Feb 27, 2007


My task is simple, I want to use the execute sql task editor to grab a value from a database in Access and put it in a variable. The connection is via ODBC and the access database is protected by a password.

I've done all the preliminary stuff such as running profiler to make sure that the package is getting the call to the database, setting up the ResultSet to be "single row" in the general tab, mapped the Result Set correctly, but nothing works. I get the same error every time.

This is my sql command:

select count(FingerPrintID) as FingerPrint

from Employee

Result Set is set up like this:

Result Name: FingerPrint ; Variable Name: User:: varDataset

Here is the error I get:

Error: 0xC002F309 at Execute SQL Task, Execute SQL Task: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "varDataset": "Value does not fall within the expected range.".

My variable is set up as a Int16.

Please help!!!!!

If you could provide step by step example's that would really make my day.



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Data Access :: MS Access ADODB Connection To Stored Procedure - Cannot Retrieve Data

Sep 22, 2015

I'm trying to re-write my database to de-couple the interface (MS Access) from the SQL Backend.  As a result, I'm going to write a number of Stored Procedures to replace the MS Access code.  My first attempt worked on a small sample, however, trying to move this on to a real table hasn't worked (I've amended the SP and code to try and get it to work on 2 fields, rather than the full 20 plus).It works in SQL Management console (supply a Client ID, it returns all the client details), but does not return anything (recordset closed) when trying to access via VBA code.The Stored procedure is:-

/****** Object: StoredProcedure [Clients].[vms_Get_Specified_Client] Script Date: 22/09/2015 16:29:59 ******/


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Export Data From SQL Server 2005 Express To Access Database?

Aug 30, 2007

I have to export data from SQL Server 2005 express to Access database. I have done many import/export using DTS package via SQL 2000. I don't have BI installed in my SQL SERVER 2005 Express. I understand that I have to use SSIS for sql server 2005. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Data Access :: Grant A User Permissions To Only One Table In A Database?

Jul 28, 2015

How do I grant a user permissions to only one table in a database.  How would it affect him using our Main App which is NAV with regards to his user's permission in NAV

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Restricting Data Access To System Database And Visibility To All Other User Databases...!

Jan 31, 2008


How would I set permission for SQL Server 2005 "User A" to prevent access to System and other user databases, also How to hide the databases that "User A" has no rights to. I mean, when User A logs in, All other user databases are not visible to him/her.


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Data Access :: How To Retrieve Remote Database Table Value To String Variable

May 28, 2015

I am using C# in  Visual Studio 2008 and remote database as sql server 2008 R2. I want to read remote database table's field value and i have to move that read value to string variable. how to do it. 

And my code is :

string sql = "Select fldinput from tmessage_temp where fldTo=IDENT_CURRENT('tmessage_temp')";
SqlCommand exesql = new SqlCommand(sql, cn);
exesql.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
SqlDataReader rd1 = default(SqlDataReader);
rd1 = exesql.ExecuteReader();

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How To Access Data From Different Database And Display Result Set In Managed Stored Procedure

Jan 31, 2008

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Collections

Partial Public Class StoredProcedures
<Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure()> _
Public Shared Sub StoredProcedureTest(ByVal strAS400ServerName As String, _
ByVal strCompany As String, _
ByVal decSerial As Decimal, _
ByVal strSerialCode As String, _
ByVal strSerialScan As String, _
ByVal decMasterSerialNumber As Decimal, _
ByVal strCustomerPart As String, _
ByVal strTakataPart As String, _
ByVal strCustomerRanNo As String, _
ByVal strCustomerAbv As String, _
ByVal strDestinationAbv As String, _
ByVal decQty As Decimal, _
ByVal strCreatDate As String, _
ByVal decVoidSerialNo As Decimal, _
ByVal strProductionLineNo As String, _
ByVal strProcType As String)

Dim sp As SqlPipe = SqlContext.Pipe
Dim strResult As Integer = 0
Dim strErrorText As String = String.Empty
Dim dsData As New DataSet
Dim parameter(15) As OleDbParameter
If Not strAS400ServerName Is Nothing And strAS400ServerName <> String.Empty Then
' Populate parameter collection

parameter(0) = (CreateParameter("PARM1", OleDbType.Char, 20, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strAS400ServerName))
parameter(1) = (CreateParameter("PARM2", OleDbType.Char, 2, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strCompany))
parameter(2) = (CreateParameter("PARM3", OleDbType.Decimal, 10, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, decSerial))
parameter(3) = (CreateParameter("PARM4", OleDbType.Char, 2, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strSerialCode))
parameter(4) = (CreateParameter("PARM5", OleDbType.Char, 25, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strSerialScan))
parameter(5) = (CreateParameter("PARM6", OleDbType.Decimal, 10, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, decMasterSerialNumber))
parameter(6) = (CreateParameter("PARM7", OleDbType.Char, 30, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strCustomerPart))
parameter(7) = (CreateParameter("PARM8", OleDbType.Char, 15, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strTakataPart))
parameter(8) = (CreateParameter("PARM9", OleDbType.Char, 15, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strCustomerRanNo))
parameter(9) = (CreateParameter("PARM10", OleDbType.Char, 6, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strCustomerAbv))
parameter(10) = (CreateParameter("PARM11", OleDbType.Char, 6, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strDestinationAbv))
parameter(11) = (CreateParameter("PARM12", OleDbType.Decimal, 9, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, decQty))
parameter(12) = (CreateParameter("PARM13", OleDbType.Char, 10, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strCreatDate))
parameter(13) = (CreateParameter("PARM14", OleDbType.Decimal, 10, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, decVoidSerialNo))
parameter(14) = (CreateParameter("PARM15", OleDbType.Char, 3, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strProductionLineNo))
parameter(15) = (CreateParameter("PARM16", OleDbType.Char, 2, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strProcType))

RunDB2Sp("FABLE.MAP", parameter, dsData)

If dsData.Tables.Count > 0 Then
dsData.Tables(0).TableName = "Supreeth"
Dim bitresult As String = dsData.Tables(0).Rows(0)(0).ToString()
Dim errorstring As String = dsData.Tables(0).Rows(0)(1).ToString()

' I am not sure here
SqlContext.Pipe.Send("No errors")

End If

Throw New ArgumentException("AS400Db.GetAS400TraceabilityResult: AS400 server name is empty or invalid")
End If

End Sub

Public Shared Sub RunDB2Sp(ByVal strProcedure As String, ByRef parms As OleDbParameter(), ByRef dsData As DataSet)
' Declare Variables
Dim daAdaptor As OleDbDataAdapter
Dim cmdAS400 As OleDbCommand
'Dim dstestMe As New DataSet
cmdAS400 = CreateCommand(strProcedure, parms)
daAdaptor = New OleDbDataAdapter(cmdAS400)

' Fill the Data Set
Catch expError As OleDbException
daAdaptor = Nothing
daAdaptor = Nothing

End Try

End Sub
Public Shared Function CreateParameter(ByVal name As String, _
ByVal type As OleDbType, _
ByVal size As Integer, _
ByVal direction As ParameterDirection, _
ByVal paramValue As Object) As OleDbParameter
Dim param As OleDbParameter = New OleDbParameter
param.ParameterName = name
param.OleDbType = type
param.Size = size
param.Direction = direction
param.Value = paramValue
Return param
End Function

Private Shared Function CreateCommand(ByVal strProcedure As String, ByVal prams As OleDbParameter()) As OleDbCommand
Dim CmdSAS400 As OleDbCommand
Dim parameter As OleDbParameter
Dim connAS400 As OleDbConnection
connAS400 = New OleDbConnection("Provider=IBMDA400;Data Source=AHISERIESDEV1;User Id=****;Password=****;")

CmdSAS400 = connAS400.CreateCommand()
CmdSAS400.CommandText = strProcedure
CmdSAS400.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
'CmdAS400.CommandTimeout = intTimeOut
If (prams Is Nothing) Then
For Each parameter In prams

End If

Return CmdSAS400

End Function

I have a UI which supplies 16 parameters to my stored procedure , which in turn call another sored procedure on as400 which returns result set. So far i am able to send 16 parms and get the values in dataset.
My question here how would i send the result set to UI for display, please feel free to comment on any changes need to be made on code . I badly need to find a solution for this and i appreciate any feed backs


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Data Access :: Cannot Open Database After Changing Its Name And Change Back To Its Original Name

Sep 3, 2015

I cannot open now my database after changing it name from the folder where it is save and also changed back to its original name.Message recovery pending now is appearing as shown below.Any chance that I could recover my database back?

View 17 Replies View Related

Data Access :: Error On Restore Database From Prod To Reporting Server

Aug 31, 2015

I'm having an issue to restoring database from prod to report server. I'm getting following error.

When I did Manually I got first error as below.

Msg 233, Level 20, State 0, Line 0 A transport-level error has occurred when sending the request to the server. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)

This is the second error

Msg 3044, Level 16, State 1, Line 37
Invalid zero-length device name. Reissue thestatement with a valid device name.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 37
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
Msg 5011, Level 14, State 5, Line 45
User does not have permission to alter database 'XeP', the database does not exist, or the database is not in a state that allows access checks.
Msg 5069, Level 16, State 1, Line 45
ALTER DATABASE statement failed.

Script Which I used.

USE Master;

-- 1 - Variable declaration
DECLARE @dbName sysname
DECLARE @backupPath NVARCHAR(500)

[Code] .....

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Data Access :: Restore Failed Because Licensed Limits 10240mb Per Database In SSMS

Jun 26, 2015

I've been restoring database from couple of times but getting failed because of following error.

I've been using SSMS free version from microsoft website.

Error create database  or alter database failed because the resulting cumulative database size would exceed your licensed limit of 10240MB per database.

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