Get Distinct Value Of Menu From Table

Mar 29, 2014

How do I get a distinct value of menu from tables

Here is my script

select distinct menu, others, clientele,menuID from myrestaurant where username = 'mary' and batch = 238335

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Inserting Distinct Data From One Table In Another Table, How?!?Really Urgent And Needing Help!!!

May 24, 2007

 Hi, I have a table in which I will insert several redundant data. Don't ask why, is Integration services, it only reads data and inserts it in a SQL table. THis way, I have a SQL table with several lines repeating them selves. What I want to do is create a procedure that reads the distinct data and inserts it in another table, but my problem is that I am not able to select data line by line on the original table to save it in local variables and insert it on the another table, I just can select the last line. I've tried a while cycle but no succeed. Here is my code: create proc insertLocalizationASdeclare @idAp int, @macAp varchar(20), @floorAp varchar(2), @building varchar(30), @department varchar(30)select @idAp = idAp from OLTPLocalization where idAp not in (select idAp from dimLocalization)select @macAp=macAp,@floorAp=floorAp,@building=building,@department=department from OLTPLocalizationif (@idAp <> null)beginInsert into dimLocalization VALUES(@idAp,@macAp,@floorAp,@building,@department)endGO This only inserts the last line in the "oltpLocalization" table. O the other hand, like this:create proc aaaaasdeclare @idAp as int, @macAp as varchar(50), @floorAp as int, @building as varchar(50), @department as varchar(50)while exists (select distinct(idAp) from OLTPLocalization)begin    select @idAp =idAp from OLTPLocalization  where idAp not in (select idAp from dimLocalization)    select @macAp = macAp from OLTPLocalization where idAp = @idAp    select @building = building from OLTPLocalization where idAp = @idAp    select @department = department from OLTPLocalization where idAP = @idApif (@idAp <> null)begin    insert into dimLocalization values(@idAp,@macAp,@floorAp,@building,@department)endendgo this retrieves every distinct idAp in each increment on the while statement. The interess of the while is really selecting each different line in the OLTPLocalization table. I did not find any foreach or for each statement, is there any way to select distinct line by line in a sql table and save each column result in variables, to then insert them in another table? I've also thought about web service, that reads the distinct data from the oltpLocalization into a dataset, and then inserts this data into the dimLocalization table. Is there anything I can do?Any guess?Really needing a hand here!Thanks a lot!

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SELECT DISTINCT F1, F2, F3, F4 FROM 'table Name'

Feb 5, 2007

Newbie question 
SELECT DISTINCT F1, F2, F3, F4 FROM 'table name' returns distinct rows for whole table.  Is there a way to just return distinct rows from say column F1 instead of all the fields.  I suppose i could just do SELECT DISTINCT F1, but also would like to display other fields.  Thanks in advance 

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DISTINCT Values From A Table

May 4, 2007

Hi,I am trying to output a list of data from a table, showing only one record of each TypeID.So, for instance, I have a simple SQL query that says:SELECT DISTINCT AlbumTypeID FROM Album
ORDER BY AlbumTypeID DESCThis works correctly, and gives a list of 1,2,3. But I need more information than that, I want the Description field output with the ID, but how can I do this without assigning that to be Distinc also?When I try:   SELECT DISTINCT AlbumTypeID, Description FROM Album ORDER BY AlbumTypeID DESCThe output is completely wrong.Many thanks   

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Distinct Row Count In A Table.

Aug 30, 2006


I want a count of distinct rows in a table through a single query -- is it possible?



create table ch1 (a int, b int, c int, d int)

insert ch1 values (1,1,1,1)
insert ch1 values (2,2,2,2)
insert ch1 values (1,1,1,1)
insert ch1 values (2,2,2,2)
insert ch1 values (1,3,4,5)

Here distinct row count in a table is 3 which I want to achieve thro a query.

if I do

select count(distinct a) from ch1 it works fine and gives me output as 2.

but this is not working

select count(distinct a,b,c,d) from ch1 - any workaround to find the distinct row count in a table??

Please reply.


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How To Get Distinct Records In Table

Dec 26, 2013

For examble:

In a table name like


How will get the name "Test" using distinct keyword?

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How To Get Distinct Records In Table

Dec 25, 2013

For examble:

In a table name like


How will get the name "Test" using distinct keyword?

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How To Select Distinct Row From A Table ?

Jan 18, 2008


I have a table with col1,col2,....upto col30

Col1 may have duplicate string like below

202-345567-456677 Robert
202-345567-456677 Robert
020-456789-892543 Phil

How do I select DISTINCT ROW from the table?

SELECT DISTINCT COL1,COl2..... FROM tbl - Seems not working.

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Select DISTINCT On Multiple Columns Is Not Returning Distinct Rows?

Jul 6, 2007

Hi, I have the following script segment which is failing:

CREATE TABLE #LatLong (Latitude DECIMAL, Longitude DECIMAL, PRIMARY KEY (Latitude, Longitude))

INSERT INTO #LatLong SELECT DISTINCT Latitude, Longitude FROM RGCcache

When I run it I get the following error: "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__#LatLong__________7CE3D9D4'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.#LatLong'."

Im not sure how this is failing as when I try creating another table with 2 decimal columns and repeated values, select distinct only returns distinct pairs of values.

The failure may be related to the fact that RGCcache has about 10 million rows, but I can't see why.

Any ideas?

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Distinct In Common Table Expressions CTE

Feb 20, 2007

I have managed to write my first CTE SQL that handles recursion but I have a problem with distinct - can't get that to work!!
My CTE:WITH StudentsHierarchy(SystemID1, GroupID, AccessType, AccessGroupID, StudentID, HierarchyLevel) AS
--Base Case
1 as HierarchyLevel
FROM UserGroup a


--Recursive step
uh.HierarchyLevel + 1 as HierarchyLevel
FROM UserGroup u
INNER JOIN StudentsHierarchy uh ON
u.GroupID = uh.AccessGroupID

Select sh.SystemID1, sh.GroupID, sh.AccessType, sh.AccessGroupID, sh.StudentID, sh.HierarchyLevel, (select StudentName from Student s
where sh.StudentID = s.StudentID) AS StudentName from StudentsHierarchy sh
WHERE AccessType = 'S'
and I would like to have a distinct on the StudentID like:Select DISTINCT sh.StudentID, sh.SystemID1, sh.GroupID, sh.AccessType, sh.AccessGroupID, sh.StudentID, sh.HierarchyLevel, (select StudentName from Student s
where sh.StudentID = s.StudentID) AS StudentName from StudentsHierarchy sh
WHERE AccessType = 'S'
How should I do?

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DISTINCT Only Certain Columns In On Table And Pull Their IDs

Mar 9, 2007

Please help. (I am using ASP, VB, SQL)I have a table with Office address information and it's ID. There could be a lot of offices in one city. But I would like to display only unique cities with certain names they start with and their id's.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Get Distinct Records From Table

Apr 14, 2014

Suppose I have 2 table


Main table maintain all the records having columns MAIN_SKU,DEDUCTIBLE_AMT,model_id,catagory,ModifiedDate

IF DEDUCTIBLE_AMT is changes it will place entry in history table ,columns are same with history_id

i want to display distinct main_sku from history table(all columns) with last DEDUCTIBLE_AMT changed from history table

table structure
main table
History table

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Transact SQL :: Getting Distinct Row With Min Date From Other Table?

Sep 18, 2015

Have the following 2 tables:

create table #LiabilityConstraint
PolNum varchar(10),
LcCode varchar(10),
LcDsc varchar(100),
LcAmt decimal(18,2),
LcFreq varchar(10),
LcSetId int


there is a many to many relation between the tables.  Each Policy can have 1 or many Liability Constraints.  Each Liability Constraint can be attached to 1 or many policies.

What I need to do is get the distinct combination of LcCode, LcDesc, LcAmt, LcFreq and LcSetId from the Liability table as well as the earliest PolInceptionDt from any of the policies associated with the Liability Constraint using only the distinct combination of LcCode, LcDesc, LcAmt, and LcFreq.

Give the data above, I would need to end up with the following result:

I tried to use the Row_Number functionand join using PolNum, but I keep getting the wrong results back.

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How To Copy Distinct Records From One Table To Another Using SQL 2005

Oct 24, 2007

I have a table on an offline database having let say 2000 rows and same table on an online database with let say 3000 rows. Now I want to copy just those records (1000) from online database that are not in the offline database table. Also, both tables have same name, same schema etc.

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Parent/child Two Table Quary Distinct

Feb 4, 2005

i have two tables with parent/child relationship - pipeline and pipelineStatus. the select statement like this:

pipelineStatus ON = pipelineStatus.parentID

i got multiple records for each because of multiple records of pipelineStatus. Is it possible to get only one record for each with last record of pipelineStatus table?
(stored procedure ok)

thanks advance for answering my question.

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Count Distinct In Large Table With 30M Records?

Jul 7, 2015

I have a task to count distinct records in a big table with roughly 30M records, performance is an important factor. Query is to be written to calculate weekly stats, weekly record number could be as high as 1M.

The actual result is like:
ID Policy
350235744Credit Cards
350235744PCI Audit

So the final number for this particular Policy is 3

I can write the query like:

select count(distinct Incident_id) policy_name
from Reporting_DailyDlpDetail
Where (year(INSERT_DETECT_TS)=2015) and (month(INSERT_DETECT_TS) =6) and (day(INSERT_DETECT_TS) between 2 and 9)
This returns 526254 and costs 11 seconds to complete

or a query like:
Select distinct Incident_id, policy_name
from Reporting_DailyDlpDetail
Where (year(INSERT_DETECT_TS)=2015) and (month(INSERT_DETECT_TS) =6) and (day(INSERT_DETECT_TS) between 2 and 9)
This returns 749687 and costs roughly 1 minute to complete.

Result is different from the two queries, I believe the later gives correct number. How can I count the distinct based on a combo?Considering the size of data, what is the best and most efficient way to run the stats calculation against over 30 different scenarios (different policies and alert types) and not timeout?

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Transact SQL :: Inserting Distinct Data From One Table To Another

Aug 19, 2015

I have 2 tables: Source Table - IncidentDimNew and Destination Table - IncidentDimNew with identical columns: Id and CreatedDate but the data is different.

I would like to insert distinct data from those 2 columns of 1st table into the same 2 columns into the 2nd table but I onlt want to replace the values in the 2nd table where the Created Date is > 2015-04

I compiled the code in order to get the information I want from 2 tables:

Source Table
LEFT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10)), CreatedDate, 126), 7)

[Code] ...

This is the code I wrote in order to do it
INSERT INTO IncidentDim 


where left(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CreatedDate, 126),7) > '2015-04'


But what it does it's gives the SUM of the values in the corresponding rows where the values are not null which I don't want.

So  how do I leave the values as is from table IncidentDim and insert new values as it is from IncidentDimNew where the Created Date is > 2015-04?

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Transact SQL :: How To Get Distinct Count Of All Columns Of A Table

Dec 3, 2015

I have a table called Employee which have 6 columns. This table are having 1000 records. Now I want to know the distinct value count of all these 6 columns as well as normal count. like this:

ColumnName DistinctCount NormalCount
Id 1000 1000
Name 1000 1000
Phone 600 600
PINCode 200 1000
City 400 1000
Gender 2 1000

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Select Distinct Column Data With Other Values From The Table

Dec 16, 2004

I have a table 'wRelated' with the following columns

[related_id] [int]
[channel_id] [int]
[mui] [varchar]
[type_id] [int]
[related_mui] [varchar] (100)
[date_started] [smalldatetime]
[date_ended] [smalldatetime]
[date_entered] [datetime]
[deleted] [tinyint],
[rank] [int]
data in column [mui] is repeated as the table has more than one entries for the same [mui],
The requirement is to select the distinct[mui] but value in all the other columns for the same mui should be select in the next row with null for the same [mui]
The recordset expected should be something like this.

[mui],[related_mui],[price_group_id],[date_entered],[date_ended] m123,rm345,'pr','12-10-2003',12-12-2004'

I have tried Unions and temporary table inserts.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Inserting Distinct Values From One To Another Table

May 28, 2015

I have the following table

Table A



I want to insert only distinct values of Col1 from table A to another table

Insert into TableB

UserName, ProjectName, processdate, Recordprocess, Comments, RecordProcessExt
values(@UserName, 'Test Project', getDate(), distinct Col1 from Table1, 'Test Comments', distinct col1+ 'TR' from TableA)

How can I accomplish the above. I need to insert distinct column from TableA to RecordProcess and col1+'Tr' to recordprocessExt.I can do it with cursor. I don't know any other way.

Also, there are other columns in Table A. I am using sql server 2005.

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SELECT INTO A New Table All Columns Based On DISTINCT Value Of One Column

Oct 31, 2014

‘Trying to SELECT INTO a new table all columns of a table based on a DISTINCT value of one column so for example:

INTO new_table
FROM old_name
WHERE old_table.column IS DISTINCT’

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Trying To Add A NON-DISTINCT Field To A DISTINCT Record Set In A Query.

Mar 12, 2007

I need to run a SELECT DISTINCT query acrossmultiple fields, but I need to add another field that is NON-DISTINCTto my record set.Here is my query:SELECT DISTINCT lastname, firstname, middleinitial, address1,address2, city, state, zip, age, genderFROM gpresultsWHERE age>='18' and serviceline not in ('4TH','4E','4W')and financialclass not in ('Z','X') and age not in('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0')and (CAST (ADMITDATE AS DATETIME) >= DATEDIFF(day, 60, GETDATE()))ORDER BY zipThis query runs perfect. No problems whatsoever. However, I need toalso include another field called "admitdate" that should be treatedas NON-DISTINCT. How do I add this in to the query?I've tried this but doesn't work:SELECT admitdateFROM (SELECT DISTINCT lastname, firstname, middleinitial, address1,address2, city, state, zip, age, gender from gpresults)WHERE age>='18' and serviceline not in ('4TH','4E','4W')and financialclass not in ('Z','X') and age not in('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0')and (CAST (ADMITDATE AS DATETIME) >= DATEDIFF(day, 60, GETDATE()))ORDER BY zipThis has to be simple but I do not know the syntax to accomplishthis.Thanks

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Insert Rows Based On Number Of Distinct Values In Another Table?

May 21, 2014

I have a table with PO#,Days_to_travel, and Days_warehouse fields. I take the distinct Days_in_warehouse values in the table and insert them into a temp table. I want a script that will insert all of the values in the Days_in_warehouse field from the temp table into the Days_in_warehouse_batch row in table 1 by PO# duplicating the PO records until all of the POs have a record per distinct value.


Temp table: (Contains only one field with all distinct values in table 1)

Table 1 :

PO# Days_to_travel Days_in_warehouse Days_in_warehouse_batch
1 10 20
2 5 30
3 7 40

Updated Table 1:

PO# Days_to_travel Days_in_warehouse Days_in_warehouse_batch
1 10 20 20
1 10 20 30
1 10 20 40
2 5 30 20
2 5 30 30
2 5 30 40
3 7 40 20
3 7 40 30
3 7 40 40

how can I update Table 1 to get desired results?

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SQL 2012 :: Get Total Number Of Each Distinct Value In Column And Write To Another Table

Jul 14, 2014

How can i get the total number of each distinct value in the column and write it to another table e.g.


Id Fruit
1 Apple
2 Banana
3 Apple
4 Watermelon
5 Banana
6 Watermelon
7 Apple


Fruit Count
Apple 3
Banana 2
Watermelon 2

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Power Pivot :: Can Create A New Table That Shows Only Distinct Names

May 5, 2015

My DB contains company names repeating themselves several times (in the same column).

Can I create a new table that shows only the distinct names, and use it to work with the data?

My intention is to allow my users to choose only from the options within the DB (mimic in a way the list validation option in excel)

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Drop Down Menu

Jul 15, 2004

How do you create a php or html page with a drop down menu from a table a database? Please show any code or helpful links,


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SQL - A Menu System - Plz Help

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,As subj says. A simple menu is defined in a table. But how to extract it?Heres the deal:Table menu has these 3 columns: menuid parent menudescOk this should be easy right? Those menu-rows that has parent=0 is"toplevel". And so forth. An example:1 0 "Items"2 0 "Standings"3 0 "Test"4 2 "Liverpool"5 2 "AC Milan"6 1 "Itemno1"This menu should in layout come in this order:ItemsItemno1TestStandingsAC MilanLiverpoolThat is: Alphabetically sorted and with the children underneath the parents.Right? Yes - and selecting the menu and doing some gymnastics in ASP isntthat hard. But ASP must be the language that has the "crapiest" way ofhandling a simple task is really messy. Creating a storedprocedure involes 2-3 temporary tables as I see it. Not vey elegant either.So my question is: Isnt there any way of selecting this order directly usingSQL?? Some nice clean and beautiful way?--Thanks,Summa

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How Do You Refresh Menu When Using SqlSiteMapProvider

Jun 23, 2005

I followed an article which was recently published by Jeff Prosise in his "Wicked Code" column in MSDN magazine and I was able to make it work.My problem is that I do not know how to refresh the menu. If I add new record in the sitemap table what needs to happen to refresh the menu.  

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Database Menu Structure

Sep 30, 2005

Hello,I am upgrading my (simple) cms from one menu layer to two layers. So i have two tables in de my DB- table_mainmenu- table_submenuThe submenu records are linked to the mainmenu records on the mainmenu id. So far so good. Heres my problem, i cant figure out how to change the order of the pages...!? What is the theory behind recording the stacking order of the menu items? How can i record this information in the DB?I just need the theory, i can figure out the details for myself. Thanks in advance!Corstiaanp.s. is the the right forum to post this?

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Foreign Key As Drop Down Menu

Apr 5, 2006

hi all,

I have a table called suppliers where i type my suppliers details.
I have also a table called supp_corellation in which i have the proffesion of my suppliers.

there is one column in the table of suppliers which it takes data from the table supp_corellation . Is it possible to choose the values from a list instead of typing in my table (lets say drop down list)???

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Results From Sql To Drop Down Menu

Jun 12, 2006


is there any way of getting the values of a row in a table to be reflected as the values of a drop down menu?

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View SQL Agent Menu

Mar 13, 2008

Hello, I need permission to work with SQL jobs on particular sever, currently I'm not able to see SQL agent menu.

What permissions should i need to have to view SQL Agent Menu.

Please some one help in this.


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Dropdown Menu In Sql Reporting

Jan 22, 2007

Is it possible in SQL Reporting 2005 to have dropdown menu(eg..on mouseover list of static menu appears from which i can navigate to other rdl files while passing all parameters) ..

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