INSERT INTO #LatLong SELECT DISTINCT Latitude, Longitude FROM RGCcache
When I run it I get the following error: "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__#LatLong__________7CE3D9D4'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.#LatLong'."
Im not sure how this is failing as when I try creating another table with 2 decimal columns and repeated values, select distinct only returns distinct pairs of values.
The failure may be related to the fact that RGCcache has about 10 million rows, but I can't see why.
I need to run a SELECT DISTINCT query acrossmultiple fields, but I need to add another field that is NON-DISTINCTto my record set.Here is my query:SELECT DISTINCT lastname, firstname, middleinitial, address1,address2, city, state, zip, age, genderFROM gpresultsWHERE age>='18' and serviceline not in ('4TH','4E','4W')and financialclass not in ('Z','X') and age not in('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0')and (CAST (ADMITDATE AS DATETIME) >= DATEDIFF(day, 60, GETDATE()))ORDER BY zipThis query runs perfect. No problems whatsoever. However, I need toalso include another field called "admitdate" that should be treatedas NON-DISTINCT. How do I add this in to the query?I've tried this but doesn't work:SELECT admitdateFROM (SELECT DISTINCT lastname, firstname, middleinitial, address1,address2, city, state, zip, age, gender from gpresults)WHERE age>='18' and serviceline not in ('4TH','4E','4W')and financialclass not in ('Z','X') and age not in('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0')and (CAST (ADMITDATE AS DATETIME) >= DATEDIFF(day, 60, GETDATE()))ORDER BY zipThis has to be simple but I do not know the syntax to accomplishthis.Thanks
Hello, I have written a small application, which keeps record of the proposals coming from the branch offices of a bank in a tableCREATEd as a TABLE Proposals ( ID smallint identity(7,1), BranchID char(5), Proposal_Date datetime ) This app also calculates the total number of proposals coming from a specific branch in a given date bySELECTing COUNT(BranchID) FROM Proposals WHERE BranchID=@prmBranchID AND Proposal_Date=@prmDateand prints them in a table (my target table). This target table has as many rows as the result of the "SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT Proposal_Date ) FROM Proposals"and excluding the first column which displays those DISTINCT Proposal_Dates, it also has as many columns as the result of the"SELECT DISTINCT BranchID FROM Proposals". This target table converts the DateTime values ToShortDateString so that we are able to see comfortably which branch office has sent how many proposals in a given day. So far so good, and everything works fine except one thing: Certain DateTime values in the Proposals table which are of the same day but of different hours (for ex: 11.11.2005 08:30:45 and11.11.2005 10:45:30) cause some trouble in the target table, where "SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT Proposal_Date ) FROM Proposals" is executed, because (as you might already guess) it displays two identical dates in ShortDateString form, and this doesn't make much sense (i.e. it causes redundant rows) What I need to do is to get a result like (in a neat fashion :) "SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT Proposal_Date ) <<DISTINCT ONLY IN THE DAYS AND NOT IN HOURS OR MINUTES OR SECONDS>> FROM Proposals" So, how to do it in a suitable way? Thanks in advance.
Okay, I've been working on this for a couple of hours with no success. I'm trying to find the number of telephone numbers that are associated with multiple students at different school sites. I've created a temp table that lists all phone numbers that are associated with more than one student. I'm now trying to query that table and count the number of telephone numbers that are associated with more than one site. Essentially, I'm looking for parent/guardians that have students at different sites.
Here's an example of what I'm hoping to accomplish:
*In this example, I'm just trying to get a count of the different/distinct school sites associated with each number. If I can, at the same time, limit it to a count of > 1 (essentially excluding parents with students at the same site), even better :)
If I know this SELECT will get me unique username to configname records:Select DISTINCT configname, username FROM EtechModelRequests
JOIN CC_host.dbo.usr_smc ON username = user_id
JOIN Webservices.dbo.PartNumberPricingImport ON PartNumber = configname
Where RequestDateTime > '9/26/2007' And country = 'US' And interfacename Like '%download%' And result = 0 How do I show the other fields I need? The field I need is List Price but I don't want to DISTINCT on it too.
Hi I have two tables linked by MemberID and I'll like to produce a list from the two tables but also want to specify one table to only use the Top 50 distinct records
Table 1 (top 50 Distinct) Memberid (distinct)PictureDateTakenGalleryID Order By DateTaken Table 2 MemberidFirstNameLastNamePrivatelist MemberidPictureFirstNameLastNameGalleryIDPrivate
I have a query and it is bringing up multiples of the same data what i would like to know is if there is a way to use something like Distinct that i can use as a clause such as
Select * from Table Where Distinct ColumnName
I know that distinct doesnt work in this situation I would like to know if there is a command to do this or a way to fix it if i use this
select distinct columnName,columnName2 from table
it returns the rows where columnName and ColumnName2 both are not the same My purpose is that i need to select more than one column but i would like non duplicates based on ONE column name
I have 6 fields in my table and I want to display only distinct values from one of those columns. However, I also need to use the fields from the remaining 5 columns in my asp page. For example,
Columns: CompID CompanyName Ticker Industry CEOName MarketCap
In one table on the page, I want to display only unique entries for 'CompanyName' which I've been doing with this statement:
SqlText = "SELECT DISTINCT CompanyName FROM [tablename] WHERE UserID=" & intUserID & ""
However, I also need to use the other values associated 'CompanyName' in my asp page after opening my recordset. I need to display <%=Rs("CompID"%>, <%=Rs("Ticker"%>, <%=Rs("Industry"%> etc. while maintaining the DISTINCT portion of my statement.
I am trying to grab the distinct category so only 'male and female' is output, but i am also needing to grab the id, file_name to use later on the page as well.
When i try
select distinct category, id, file_name from tbl_pictures
it outputs all the records since there is no exact match in all 3 fields,
but i am wanting this to happen
select distinct category from tbl_pictures
but i am still needing to grab the other two fields because i need to use them in the next part of the page
Hi, I have data in several tables and Im having trouble filtering the data.
This is statement that Im executing: 1. SELECT DISTINCT Countries.Name, Companies.ShortName, Persons.FirstName, Persons.LastName, PersonSkills.Skills
This is the statement that gives me the results I want: 2. SELECT DISTINCT Countries.Name, Companies.ShortName, Persons.FirstName, Persons.LastName
The problem with this is I need to have Persons.Skills in the statement and DISTINCT doesnt filter the data the way I need it to because the data in Persons.Skills is different which results in I get duplicated results.
Is it possible to do something like SELECT DISTINCT column1,..,column5,(SELECT Persons.Skills)
by this I mean to apply distinct to some of the columns in the SELECT statement?
I'm trying to find the Distinct for CODEID but it's still returning duplicate data. What is the best way to write this query so that the result I get are Distinct Codeid?
SELECT DISTINCT dbo.AgreementDurationCode.CodeID, dbo.Item.PartNumber, dbo.ItemShadow.AgreementDurationCode, dbo.AgreementDurationCode.CodeCategory, dbo.AgreementDurationCode.CodeCategoryID, dbo.AgreementDurationCode.Code, dbo.AgreementDurationCode.CodeName, dbo.AgreementDurationCode.CodeAbbreviation, dbo.AgreementDurationCode.CodeShortAbbreviation, dbo.Item.ItemName, dbo.AgreementDurationCode.CodeMaxcimAbbreviation, dbo.ItemShadow.ItemStatusCode, dbo.ItemShadow.LicenseTypeCode FROM dbo.Item INNER JOIN dbo.ItemShadow ON dbo.Item.ItemID = dbo.ItemShadow.ItemID INNER JOIN dbo.AgreementDurationCode ON dbo.Item.AgreementDurationCodeID = dbo.AgreementDurationCode.CodeID WHERE (dbo.ItemShadow.LicenseTypeCode IN ('SEL', 'OLP', 'OLV')) AND (dbo.ItemShadow.ItemStatusCode = 'COM')
I am using SQL Server 2000. I have 3 fields in my table. I want to do distinct on one field but also want to show the remaining two fields in the result. How can I do that?
Is there some way to use the distinct keyword so that it applies ONLY to a subset of the items in the select list???
For example, suppose I want to select col_1, col_2, col_3, col_4
but I do not want distinct applied against all 4 items... Maybe I want all 4 items in the selection list, but I want distinct to use only col_3 as its filtration criteria...
I know the syntax shown below is not valid, but I am showing it anyway because I am hoping it will illustrate what I am looking for...
Is there a VALID syntax that is something like this???
I am trying to pull information out of a table using distinct, but instead of just pulling a certain column I want to pull multiple columns in a row?
However when I use the command below I only get the "workitem_number" column available, where there are approx. 4 other columns that I need (workitem_title, workitem_comment, ETC) When I add the additional columns (after the distinct statement) it doesn't work due to the type of data.
"SELECT DISTINCT workitem_number from workitem_cost_view where assigned_to_worker_nt_id = '" & Request.QueryString("Name") & "' AND workitem_start_on = '" & Request.QueryString("schDate") & "' order by workitem_number"
Is there any way to pull multiple columns, based only on distinct for one column?
Hello - I am having trouble with my sql statement:
SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT rfs_id FROM tbl_comment) DT INNER JOIN summary_rfs t1 ON DT.rfs_id = t1.rfs_id INNER JOIN tbl_callStatus as t2 on t1.callstatus_id=t2.callstatus_id INNER JOIN tbl_user as t3 on t1.requestor=t3.user_name INNER JOIN tbl_user as t4 on t1.assigned_to=t4.user_name WHERE date_opened BETWEEN '1/1/2008' AND '1/1/2009' AND ASSIGNED_TO='Elaine Tran' ORDER BY priority_id ASC
this runs fine - but I want to retrieve data from tbl_comment how can I do this to display info from tbl_comment but not see the duplicates - can I flatten or merge the data?
I love reporting services 2005 BUT have struck a major limitation!
Basically I need a sum distinct function. I have various duplicate details lines and just need to sum the unique values. Anyway this is not possible and a number of people a stuck with this. Yes you can write another sql statement using DISTINCT but then how can you easily integrate that into a table with scope? you can't!
Anyway has anyone been able to achieve this nicely in reporting services? I was thinking of calling a distinct SQL statement from an Expression in a text box on a header field and passing another text box as a parameter to get around this limitation. Is this possible?
HiI wanna write a proc that returns Distinct CustomerID's in a table and returns result in output parameterWhen i try this, i get error - incorrect syntax near distinct. Any ideas??ALTER PROCEDURE proc_Report_CountCustomers_Sept( @CustCount int OUTPUT)ASSET NOCOUNT ON select @CustCount = distinct(CustomerID)from OrdersWhere OrderDate > '2006-09-01' and OrderDate < '2006-10-01'
OK I have a Forum on my website make up of 3 tablesTopisThreadsMessageI show a list of the 10 most recent Changed Threads. My Problem is that my Subject field is in the messages Table, IF I link Threads to Messages then try to use Select Disticnt I get mutliple Subject fields as the messsges are not unique (obvisally) So I want to get the top 10 Threads by postdate and link to the Messages table to get the Subject headerAny help? Or questions to explain it better?
OK heres what I have so far: SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.EVENTS.EVENTIME, dbo.EMP.LASTNAME, dbo.EMP.FIRSTNAME, dbo.UDFEMP.EXT, dbo.READER.READERDESC, dbo.EVENTS.DEVID, CASE WHEN (dbo.EVENTS.DEVID = '23' OR dbo.EVENTS.DEVID = '24' OR dbo.EVENTS.DEVID = '25' OR dbo.EVENTS.DEVID = '26') THEN 'OUT' ELSE 'IN' END AS STATUSFROM dbo.READER INNER JOIN dbo.EVENTS ON dbo.READER.READERID = dbo.EVENTS.DEVID INNER JOIN dbo.UDFEMP INNER JOIN dbo.EMP ON dbo.UDFEMP.ID = dbo.EMP.ID ON dbo.EVENTS.EMPID = dbo.EMP.IDWHERE (CONVERT(CHAR, dbo.EVENTS.EVENTIME, 101) = CONVERT(CHAR, GETDATE(), 101)) AND (dbo.EVENTS.EMPID <> 0)ORDER BY dbo.EVENTS.EVENTIME Works great, however, I need to display only one instance of each employee and that instance should be the latest instance found. So instead of several differant emplyees with several different "IN" and "OUT" times:EvenTime FirstName Last Name Ext ReaderDesc DevID Status
12/28/2006 7:22:01 AM Rechie Michael 75766 SE Glass Door 21 IN
12/28/2006 7:10:01 AM Rechie Michael 75766 SE Glass Door 21 OUT
12/28/2006 7:01:01 AM Rechie Michael 75766 SE Glass Door 21 IN I just want the latest record for any given employee regardless of wether its status is "IN" or "OUT": EvenTime FirstName Last Name Ext ReaderDesc DevID Status
12/28/2006 7:22:01 AM Rechie Michael 75766 SE Glass Door 21 IN EVENTS.EMPID would be what I would want to be DISTINCT but I dont know how to use it in the code above and I dont know how Id specify DISTINCT based on latest time found. Any help/direction would be greatly appreciated. TIA,Stue
I have this stored procedure: ALTER PROCEDURE usp_My_Procedure ( @Country varchar(5) ) AS SELECT DISTINCT City, Short FROM Table1 WHERE Country = @Country RETURN I want to select just one of each 'city' and 'short' in the database....But this is not working correct......Whats wrong? Lets say that I have a table that looks something like this City Short New York NY Los Angeles LA Lake Alice LA Los Angeles LosAng
Hello Everyone Hopefully someone can help me create a SQL statement for this. I need the ff: fields Prov_ID, Record_ID, PROV_NAme, LOC_city, LOC_Zip_CODE, Specialty Let say I have a table. Prov_ID, Record_ID, PROV_NAme, LOC_city, LOC_Zip_CODE. Specialty1000 999 Mike James Plano 75023 Internal Medicine1000 998 Mike James Allen 75021 Internal Medicine3333 700 John Smith Arlington 70081 Dermatologist3333 701 John Smith Dallas 72002 Dermatologist2222 630 Terry Walker Frisco 75001 Optalmologist2222 632 Terry Walker Dallas 76023 Optalmologist4444 454 Tim Johnson San Anontio 72500 Internal Medicine 4444 464 Tim Johnson Frisco 72660 Internal Medicine I want to select only "one" instance of the provider it doesnt matter what is selected either the first address or the second address. It should show Prov_ID, Record_ID, PROV_NAme, LOC_city, LOC_Zip_CODE. Specialty1000 999 Mike James Plano 75023 Internal Medicine3333 700 John Smith Arlington 70081 Dermatologist2222 632 Terry Walker Dallas 76023 Optalmologist4444 464 Tim Johnson Frisco 72660 Internal Medicine And yes, the table is not Normalized..Is there anyway I could get away with it without having to normalize? Thanks Lorenz
Hi All, I have a problem I just cant suss out. I have a table of products that are grouped together using a "GroupID" (this is used to have 1 product with many variations) , there is then a "isTop" bool I need 1 product per group to be set to true or 1.I need some sort of UPDATE DISTINCT or UPDATE GROUP BY .. I don’t really know sub queries that well (understatement J) . but I tried unsuccessfullyUPDATE (SELECT distinct GroupID, isTopFROM Product) as bob SET bob.isTop = 1 And UPDATE DISTINCT GroupID SET = isTop 1 My table data looks soemthing like this:GroupID isTop 15 015 015 015 026 026 027 027 029 030 031 032 0 But wants to look like this: GroupID isTop 15 115 015 015 026 126 027 127 029 130 131 132 1Hope that makes sense ... any help would be appreciated. Lee
Hi, This is quite an obvious problem, but for some reason I can't think through the solution. I have two columns, a datetime (datecreated) and an id (FK) othertableid (id)what I would like to be able to do is select a list of id and datecreated, but only chose the latest row for each id.So I guess it's a bit like a distinct on the id column, but ensuring the date returned is the top date. Please help
hey guys . you see how has a couple of entries BUT the same email and DIFFErENT BET IDS. okay this is what i wanna do. i wanna send an email to (just ONE email) saying you have won the following bets: xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx then i wanna delete the entreis from the table.
How do I get distinct TitleID and Titles? Right now I'm still getting duplicates on them both. Here's my stored procedure. select Distinct (Titles.Titleid), Titles.Title as TITLE, classifications.[description]as TOPIC,Titles.descriptions,media.[description] as MEDIA from Titlesjoin resources on resources.Titleid = Titles.Titleidjoin media on media.mediaid = resources.mediaidjoin titleclassification on titleclassification.titleid = titles.titleidjoin classifications on classifications.classificationid = titleclassification.classificationid WHERE Title LIKE 'p' + '%' GROUP BY Titles.titleid, titles.title,classifications.[description],Titles.[descriptions],media.[description] Thanks!