Get Path Of SYSTEM32 Directory

Sep 21, 2006

Hello all, i have a little problem...

...Is there any method for getting the path of the SYSTEM32 directory from a stored procedure?

I need it for register an assembly that is in this directory or the server.


Alejandro F.

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Directory Watcher Path

Oct 26, 2007

I'm trying to use a WMI Event Watcher Task as a directory watcher. I know it is available from Konesans at but they don't feel obliged to make this open source yet. I definitely appreciate the contribution of the binary to the community.

I'm very interested in understanding how the event handler gets the path of the file that caused the event. I added a Script Task to the Event Handler tab and it fires as expected when I create a new file in the directory. I can retrieve the value of the SourceName which is just the name of my Event Watcher Task. I can't find documentation on an object model that is exposed through SSIS that would reveal the name or path of the file, although it's clear this information is available in direct WMI queries from code or a WSH script.

My only guess is that you need to do a workaround in Script (or a custom module) by querying the directory for the most recent file (or list of files compared to a list of processed files) rather than a synchronous feed of the path directly into the SSIS event handler. Ideally, you'd like to get one event per new file created, although this might not be deterministic with the way the OS fires these events and SSIS responds to them. So at the end of the day, querying the directory for recently created files may be the only reliable way of getting the (list of) new files.

I know that this can take hours and hours to figure out since you really need to understand how WMI interacts with SSIS but I would be indebted if you can shed some light on this for me and the community.


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Getting Directory Name And File Name From Path

Dec 12, 2007

I have a sql compact table that stores a series of directory paths like so:

Is there a way in sql that I can get just the directory name so the results would look like this:

Also, is there a way to just get the file names so the results would look like this:

I've seen some examples with Sql server but they use the reverse function which is not available in sql compact.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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SQL 2012 :: Converting Directory File Path Into HierarchyID

Jul 22, 2014

I am trying to create hierarchyID for a directory file path.

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Directory Structure Not Known Then How To Provide File Path For A FILENAME Param

Feb 19, 2007


I am adding a file to a filegroup on a remote system, and i don't know the direcotry structure of that machine, how can i provide the path for FILENAME param. :eek:


Warm Regards,

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Query To List Out Directory Path From Which Database Restored Recently

Dec 3, 2013

I need a SQL query which lists out directory path from which the database has been restored recently ( i.e backup path ).....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Bulk Insert Using UNC Path Of File Table Directory

Jul 22, 2013

Overall goal: Write a Bulk Insert statement using the UNC path of a filetable directory.

Issue: When using the UNC path of the filetable directory in a Bulk Insert Statement, receiving "Operating system error code 50(The request is not supported.)" Looking for confirmation as to whether this is truly not supported.

Environment: SQL Server 2012 Standard. Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard

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SQL 2012 :: SSRS Virtual Directory - HTTP GET Method Appending Default Path

Sep 27, 2015

There was a 2008 SSRS service running on server "abc".

I have a .Net UI that uses the wsdl at [URL] ....

They deployed SSRS 2012 service on a new server "xyz".

DNS points abc to xyz. Nslookup looks right shows both xyz and abc alias to the same IP.

when I try to go to [URL] .... it redirects to xyz as expected for the host name but the HTTP GET /ReportServer is appended with GET /Reports/ReportServer which doesn't exist and I get an 404 error.

I have no admin rights to see anything and I have no idea if it was an inplace upgrade or a new server. I assume it's new since the actual server name changed in nslookup. Why would it append the default virtual directory when it makes the hop to server "xyz"?

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SQL Server 2012 :: View To Concatenate File / Path Names Back To Root Directory?

Sep 25, 2014

We have a hierarchical table of some 2-3k of rows that grows slowly at only 3-5 rows a month, and is never likely to be above 5k, holding file/directory names with an IdParent int value pointing at that items immediate parent or NULL if root

Below is a sample:

Id Name IdParent
3 ProgramFiles 1
4 DataFiles 2
5 Excel.EXE 3
6 MyDataList.CSV 4

iterative code required to achieve the result I am looking for is best handled in the Application layer, but in this case the design brief is that we must get our results back as a View. Speed of execution and code clarity are secondary 'icing on the cake' issues.

I have tried recursive CTE's and XML FOR solutions but without success, and while I feel the latter is probably the best all rounder the searches I have made and the examples I have read do not seem to solve this particular issue.

Even to find the starting point of the search tree (i.e. the .EXE and the .CSV items) was difficult because the final slash is optional in some of the rows (.e. row 4)

The end result of my view on the above data should return:

Id FilePath
5 C:ProgramFilesExcel.EXE
6 D:DataFilesMyDataList.CSV (note the adding of the missing delimiter between DataFiles and MyDataList)

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Can't Find Or Load Message DLL. Message DLL Must Be In Path Or In Current Directory.

Jul 23, 2007

In my SQL Server, I see the below message in the Application Event Viewer

"18265 :

Log backed up: Database: HSD, creation date(time): 2007/01/06(05:05:05), first LSN: 1439:495055:1, last LSN: 1439:496675:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'D:MSSQLBACKUPHSDHSD_tlog_200707141300.TRN'})."

When I save the application event viewer and open it in another server, I do not see the above message, instead I get the following message:

" Can't find or load message DLL. Message DLL must be in path or in current directory."

Any thoughts to overcome this problem is appreciated.



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Using Provider For Microsoft Directory Services For Querying Active Directory

Apr 6, 2007

Has anyone used this successfully from an OLEDB source component, or even from the Execute SQL Task? I've seen some examples of using a script component, but nothing that uses it through a connection manager.

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Subject: BCM Install Error - Logfile && SQL Path Path && MSSQL.1?

Apr 16, 2008

When trying to install Business Contact Manager (BCM) for Outlook 2007, the setup failed and I was refered to a log file in my Local Settings/Temp folder. The log actually says that Business Contact Manager was installed sucessfully! BCM is supposed to install SQL Express 2005 as an instance or as instance if SQL Express is already installed. There is an MSSMLBIZ instance in Services..

Who can I send the Log File to for analysis and the fix feedback?

When I first went into Computer Management and clicked on Services and Applications in the left panel, the error message appeared "Snap-in failed to intialize. Name: SQL Server Configuration Manager CLSID:{CA9F8727-31DF-41D2-975C-887D84903967} This message diappeared when I clicked on Services and Applications again. Under Services, there are 3 SQL services - one is an application that was uninstalled 3-4 weeks ago and I disabled this service. The other 2 are: SQL Server (MSSMLBIZ) and the other one is SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) When I tried to start either of the last 2, the message appeared: Services "Could not start the SQL Server (MSSMLBIZ) service on Local Computer. Error 3: The system cannot find the path specified. Under Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSGL.1 folder is mostly empty. So, it seems like the Path in the Registry is not valid and that nothing is being installed in the MSSQL.1 folder. If so, how do I fix this?

How do I get the BCM SQL instance to install and run properly? what do the messages in Services mean and how do I resolve these.

Thank you!


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SQL Server Not Starting - Tempdb Path Updated To Wrong Path

Oct 4, 2007

After updating TempDB path to a wrong path (without file name only folder name) the service is not starting. How can i sovle this and start the service



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For Each Directory

Jun 5, 2007

How can I modify the for each loop to go through all the folders under parent folder?





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Feb 13, 2008

 Sorry if this is not the correct forum... I am using the FOR XML PATH feature of SQL Server 2005 (Amazing!!) Is it possible to return multiple rows? For example:SELECT    'Field1' AS 'Element1/@Field1'FROM    TableFOR XML PATH('Repeating') Say the above SELECT returns 5 records, I want it to return 5 rows of xml in my ASP.NET application. So in this case each of the 5 rows would contain:<Repeating><Element Field1="Field1"></Element> <Repeating>Instead of returning 1 row with all the xml together. 

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Apr 16, 2008


When using sp_xml_preparedocument @hdoc OUTPUT, @doc I see code everywhere with huge xml text embedded in some store procedures. Can the
FOR XML PATH('') syntax be used instead to produce the second parameter @doc (xmltext) for sp_xml_preparedocument ?


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Trying To Use UNC Path

Dec 19, 2007


Im trying to reference a ExcelFilePath connection properties using a UNC path, however it doesnt seem to like it, when i use a mapped drive everything works fine.

Can UNC paths be used in ISIS ?

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APP_DATA Directory

Jun 23, 2006

If I already have SQL2005 installed, can I create SQL express databases for distribution in my app, or do I need to install SQLExpress to run side-by-side?
I actually had SQLExpress originally but upsized it to the full version.  Now I want to be able to create portable DBs with my application.
And if this is possible, how do I go about creating the DB?

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How Can I Get AD(active Directory) Value In T-SQL?

Nov 6, 2001

Hi all,
Now I want get AD value(e.g file path),how can I get this value from AD?


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Active Directory

Nov 24, 2004

Someone can tell me haw can i do in order to migrate my server sql to active directory.
What is the step

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Scan Directory

Nov 1, 2007

Hey guys,

I have a procedure that runs everyday which takes the IIS log file from the previous day and imports it and calcs values. I would like to change this from taking the previous day to scanning all the file names in the folder and comparing them to a database to see if they have already been scanned before. I already have a table called DatesScanned which lists the filename and scandate.



The 4 file names will be scanned and compared to DatesScanned to see which has been imported already.

Can anyone point me to a resource or information on how I would get the directory listing of a folder so I could compare it to the DatesScanned table.

Thanks a bunch!


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Virtual Directory

Feb 5, 2008

Hi Guys,
Windows XP, IIS 5.1

I have written an installer that creates an MS SQL Database, creates the
necessary data tables and then imports the data into the data tables. All
this works fine.
I now need to copy the web pages to a directory on the users machine and
then make the chosen directory a virtual directory so the user can call the
pages in the usual way (http://localhost/mytestsite/index.html)

Would anyone know how to create a virtual directory using dos command line parameters. I have seen something using "IIsVdir.vbs" but I do not have this script file.

Any help would be really appreciated.

Best Regards,



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Reading A Directory

Feb 28, 2007

I do a lot of file processing and I usually run a little script I copyand paste to read directory information to see if a new file it thereand then process the file if it is. So, I decided to wise up and makea stored procedure to automate a lot of that.The pivotal step in this is that i run a command that looks like:CREATE TABLE #DIR (FileName varchar(100))DECLARE @Cmd varchar(1050)SET@Cmd = 'DIR "' + @Path + CASE WHEN RIGHT(@Path, 1) = '' THEN ''ELSE '' END + @WildCard + '"'INSERT INTO #DIREXEC master..xp_CmdShell @CmdWhen I run the stored procedure I get back the files and folders inthere that match the wildcard and all is good!!!!....Until I try to put that information into a table while calling thatstored procedure:CREATE TABLE #Files (Path varchar(100),FileName varchar(100),PathAndFileName varchar(150),FileDateTime SmallDateTime,FileLength int,FileType Varchar(10))INSERT INTO #FilesEXEC sp_GetFileNames @Path = '\isoft2ftpLegacyBilling', @Wildcard= '*.txt'When I run this I get:Server: Msg 8164, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_GetFileNames, Line53An INSERT EXEC statement cannot be nested.Because I use an INSERT EXEC to with the results from the @Cmd.Anybody have any ideas how I can get that information into a table?I did try to just copy the data to c: empdir.txt and then bulkimport it in. But when it runs the @Cmd to create the file it comesback with a NULL value and my stored procedure returns two sets ofvalues... which I can't do.So, I would appreciate anybody who can help.Thanks!-utah

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Get The Data Directory

Sep 19, 2006


I am searching for how getting the data directory where default mdf files are based.

(C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData)

My goal is to deploy mdf file in this folder during installation.


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Database In Different Directory.

Dec 28, 2007

i am creating a program with Local Database (sdf file).
i want my application to read the Database file from a different directory and not the application program?
does one SQL Database can hold many users Data's or can i create Database per user..
i am novice about SQL and Databases...

Thank you ..

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Directory Name Is Invalid

Oct 4, 2007


--I am trying to run queries in SQLServer management studio and getting the error "

An error occurred while executing batch. Error message is: The directory name is invalid.". This is when I logon to server itself and run but from my client with cleint I am able to run the same queries.

Can anybody help me in suggesting what is the cause for this


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DTS - The Directory Name Is Invalid

Sep 19, 2007

I am trying to save a dts package that I modified to sql server and am getting the following error:

"The directory name is invalid"

I've also tried saving it as a structured storage file and get the same error!

I've been working with dts packages for years and I've never gotten this error.

Can anyone help?


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Get Directory Permissions Using VB.Net

May 22, 2008


I have developed a SSIS package .The main objective of this package is generating the output file in a configured location after applying all the business logic.
I am executing this package from SQL Server agent job. The job would fail if the login Id (current SQL login in which Sql job is executing) does not have permissions in the specified folder.

So Please let me know If I can check whether the login user have enough permissions on the configured folder.(We all know we can use scrpt task in SSIS , in which we can write VB.Net code as well , It would fine if any one can provide VB.Net code for this scenario).

Thanks ,

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How To Get The Application Directory

Jul 30, 2007

I need to get the application directory from report server. I wrote System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain().BaseDirectory() in the expression. It works when I click preview in IDE. But it doesn't work when I deploy on the server. How come?

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Help: Shortest Path In Sql

Jun 4, 2007

Hello to all,
help, help,...
i have with this problem since 3 weeks, until now i cann't resolve this problem. Maybe can somebody help me. I am hopeless.
i have a data table ValidRelationship, i will check if there is a relationship between two members by this table.
datas in the table ValidRelationship:
IDMember                 IDOtherMember           IDType










I will give two member and check their Relationship with a sql query. but it can be that this two member have no relationship. So i define here that man should search processor <= 6 . To better describe i use a example: max. Result of this query is: 1-2-3-4-5-6. If this is a relationship between 1-7 is 1-2-3-4-5-6-7, but i will give a answer that  this is no relationship between 1-7. because processor > 6.
But my problem is: this query executing is too slow. if i habe two member no relationship, the time of this complete sql query to execute is more than 1 minutes. Is my algorithm wrong, or where is the problem, why this executing is so slow? How can i quickly get the relationships between two member, if my algorithms is not right? The following Query is only to processor = 3, but it works too slowly, so i don't write remaining processors.
declare @IDM int;
declare @IDO int;
set @IDM = 3418;
set @IDO = 4270
select top 1 IDMember
from v_ValidRelationships
where IDMember = @IDM
and @IDO in (select a.IDOtherMember from v_ValidRelationships as a where a.IDMember = @IDM)
select top 1 a.IDMember, b.IDMember
from v_ValidRelationships as a, v_ValidRelationships as b
where a.IDMember = @IDM
and b.IDMember in (select c.IDOtherMember from v_ValidRelationships as c where c.IDMember = @IDM)
and @IDO in (select d.IDOtherMember from v_ValidRelationships as d where d.IDMember = b.IDMember )
select top 1 a.IDMember, b.IDMember, e.IDMember
from v_ValidRelationships as a, v_ValidRelationships as b, v_ValidRelationships as e
where a.IDMember = @IDM
and b.IDMember in (select c.IDOtherMember from v_ValidRelationships as c where c.IDMember = @IDM) and e.IDMember in (select f.IDOtherMember from v_ValidRelationships as f where f.IDMember = b.IDMember)
and @IDO in (select d.IDOtherMember from v_ValidRelationships as d where d.IDMembe = e.IDMember)
If someone has a idea, please help me. Thank a million
Best Regards

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Relative Path

Apr 16, 2008

I have my SqlDataSource with my connection string:<add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:UsersLaurensDesktopstockmanASP****.accdb" providerName="System.Data.OleDb"/> but I wanted to make a relative path from it because when I put it online i get an error. Thanks in advance  

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Path To My Database?????

Jun 14, 2008

Hey everyone,
   I'm in the midst of setting up hMailServer on my server and at one point it tells me to enter the name of my database I setup for my email.  I entered my database name along with the username and password to access the database.  What I'm lost on is the database server address.  I thought that would be localhost but I wasn't quite sure and I was hoping that someone might be able to help me with this.
Thanks for any help,

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Tempdb Path

Jan 3, 2000

Can we change the Path of the Tempdb.(i.e., In Tempdb's properties location).

thanks in advance.


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