Get Time From Column

Jun 10, 2008

Trying to get the records where the date = today and the time is only
within 15 mintues
So if the time was 10:20 i only get records 2 and 3

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How To Create Key Time Column And Key Column For A Case Table And A Nested Table For Time Series Algorithm?

Jun 18, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

Thanks for your kind attention.

I want to use time series algorithm to mine data from my case table and nested table. Case table is Date table, while nested table is the fact table. E.g, I want to predict the monthly sales amount for different region (I have region table related to the fact table), how can I achieve this?

Thanks a lot and I hope it is clear for your help and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Questions On Key Column In Case Table And Key Time Column In Nested Table Using Time Series Algorithm

Jun 4, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I am confused on key column of case table and key time column of nested table by using Time Series algorithm.

In my case, the case table structure is as below:

Territory key text (the ID is actually dimrisk_key, in this case, I use the name column binding to combine the Territory column of case table Dimrisks),

While the nested table structure is as below:

Cal_month key time (in this case, actually the ID is dimdate_key, again, I used name column bining property to bind the Cal_month to the ID)

So my question is, as the key column of case table has been set to be Territory, as a result, does the model training still cover all the cases (rows) based on the ID of the table?

Also, in the nested table, as the key time column has been set to Cal_month rather than Dimdate_key of the nested table, as a result, would the single series based on the cal_month?

Hope it is clear for your advices and help.

And I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Splitting SQL Server Date/Time Column Into Access Date Column And Access Time Column

Jan 24, 2008

I have an SSIS package that moves data from SQL Server to an legacy Access database. In SQL Server, there is a date/time column that I need to split into a separate date column and time column in the access database. Initially I just created a derrived column for the time and set the expression equal to the source date/time column from SQL Server. Unfortunately, that just makes the date column and time column the same having the full date/time.

What expression can I use during a derrived column transformation to assign just the date to a derrived column and just the time to another derrived column?



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Key Time Column For Time Series Algorithm

May 31, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I am confused on key time column selection. e.g, I want to predict monthly sales amount, then what column in date dimension should I choose to be the key time column? Is it calendar_date (the key of date dimension) column or calendar_month?

Thanks a lot for your kind advices and help and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Transact SQL :: Calculate DateTime Column By Merging Values From Date Column And Only Time Part Of DateTime Column?

Aug 3, 2015

How can I calculate a DateTime column by merging values from a Date column and only the time part of a DateTime column?

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Getting Time From Date/time Column

May 16, 2008

How can I obtain just the time portion from a date/time column?
My data contains "2008-05-19 09:30:00.000"
Actually, all I want/need is the hh:mm part of it.


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Adding A Time Column To A Date Column

Jul 20, 2005

I have two columns in a table:StartDate DateTime and StartTime DateTime.The StartDate column holds a value such as 07/16/2004The StartTime column holds a value such as 3:00:00 PMI want to be able to add them in a stored procedure.When I use StartDate + StartTime I get a date two days earlier than expected.For example, instead of 7/16/2004 3:00:00 PM StartDate + StartTime returns7/14/2004 3:00:00 PM.Can anyone point out wht I'm doing wrong with this one?Thanks,lq

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How To Put Only Time Data In Column?

Feb 28, 2007

I know there is a DateTime data type in SQL server 2000.
But is there a way to only stor time value (hh:mm:ss)?

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Time Out Of DateTime Column

Jun 18, 2001

Hi Guys,
I have to take only time from DateTime column filed value.
Is there any function in SQL Server which will give us time only.


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How To Get Table Column Name At Run Time

Jun 18, 2008

I want to get a table column name at run time through query. Can any one help me.

ehsan ulhaq dar

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Date And Time In Same Column

Oct 24, 2013

I have a column of data that is in this format (quotes to communicate it is in one cell if viewed in excel):

"8/18/2013 23:58"

Essentially, I have the date and time in one entry.... how do I go about querying, using SQL, the following?

- all data that is less than a specific date (I don't care about time)?
- differences in time (subtracting time, while not caring about date)?

I can do it if the date and time were in different columns, but they are together and I am stuck.

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Package Run Time Into Column

Jun 21, 2007

how can i get the package execution start or end time along with DATE as a derived column into the output table.
i tryed using getdate() as expression but it gives diff time as my pkg runs in a loop.
and i see a sys variable STARTTIME which just gives time.

any help appriciated

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Small Date/time Column

Apr 24, 2001

I have a smalldatetime column. When I did
WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), DATE_ENTERED, 101) > '01/01/2001' rows from 1998, 1999 came over.

Ideas !


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Select Into And Add Ident Column At Same Time?

Jul 31, 2000


I am doing Select into to make a table (I want to skip the log), but I want to add an IDent column to the new table. Can I do this somehow in the Select into? I have tried a couple of approaches, but have come up short....


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Default Date And Time For Column

Jul 26, 2005


How do I design a table column named UpdateDate that will give the default date and time upon inserting a record into the table

I'm using Enterprise Manager in MSSQL

Many Thanks

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Column In Table - Text To Time

Sep 19, 2013

I have the following time value column in a table:


The above actually translates to 23:00, 7:00AM,7:30AM, etc. How can I convert this into a meaningful time value?


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Time Diff Between 2 Values In The Same Column?

Aug 27, 2006

Here is the sample data
nType dCDServerTime
02006-05-12 03:50:46.770
12006-05-12 04:00:59.153
962006-05-12 04:01:23.827
962006-05-12 04:16:01.297
142006-05-15 05:02:46.857
202006-06-23 03:23:36.970

I am trying to find the time diff between dCDServerTime of the "first" ntype = 1 and the "first" ntype = 96. There can be any number of rows with 1 and 96 but rows with 1 always come before those with 96.

I tried by putting a subset of the above result into a table variable but don't seem to get ahead without declaring more variables.

declare @t table
(Type int, ServerTime datetime)
insert into @t
select top 1 nType,dCDServerTime from tblEvent
where nGlobalCaseID = 11901643 and nType = 1
select top 1 nType,dCDServerTime from tblEvent
where nGlobalCaseID = 11901643 and nType = 96
select * from @t

Is it possible to do it with a single select?

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Adding The Same Column To A Model More Than One Time

Jan 11, 2007

I know that I can add a column to a mining structure and/or model more than once using XMLA.  However, I am having a problem doing the same using DMX.  I now that DMX does not support data binding and that it relies on the INSERT INTO... construct to essentially map the structure columns to the incoming comluns from the data source.  I tried to use "AS" like I would in SQL but it doesn't seem to like it. 

Can anyone confirm that this can only be done using XMLA and not DMX?  If I am mistaken, it would be greatly appreciated if you could provide  an example on how to do this using DMX.

For background on why I would want to add the same column to a model more than once please read this post.


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Update Column With Sequence Number Every Time

Sep 25, 2006

hello friends

i want to update one column from my table regularly on sequence number i.e. 0,1,2,3,4,5

i created procedure but it is not working as per my output

declare @IndexIDGen int
declare @ID int
set @ID = 0
update temp_test set indexid = NULL
declare IndexIDGen cursor for select indexid from temp_test
open IndexIDGen
FETCH Next from IndexIDGen into @IndexIDGen
while @@fetch_status = 0
update temp_test set indexid = @ID where indexid is null

set @ID = @ID + 1
print @id
fetch next from IndexIDGen into @IndexIDGen

close IndexIDGen
deallocate IndexIDGen

where i am going in wrong direction ??????


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[Resolved] Change Column Value At Time Of Insert

Jan 29, 2008

Prior to insert (into #JobListTable) I need to change the value of the 't2.plant_id' column (from #EquentialJobListTable). This column will have a value of 110, 300 or 320. If 110 then value should be SBGB2, if 300 then values should be RGWP and if 320 value should be RGWP. Is this possible to do?

FROM#EquentialJobListTable AS t2
LEFT JOIN#JobListTable AS t1 ON t1.job_date = t2.job_date
AND t1.job_number = t2.job_number
AND t1.job_phase = t2.job_phase
WHEREt1.job_date IS NULL

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Transact SQL :: Time Column With Order Wise

Nov 17, 2015

I have a table like below

CREATE table #TempTable (ID integer,CTime time(7),CType Varchar(1))
insert into #TempTable VALUES (1001,'16:50:05.0000000','I')
insert into #TempTable VALUES (1001,'13:27:49.0000000','O')
insert into #TempTable VALUES (1001,'20:44:00.0000000','O')
insert into #TempTable VALUES (1001,'21:12:00.0000000','O')

I need result like below screen shot 

here 'I' stands for In,and 'O' for Out, in this example first In time not available

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Transact SQL :: Total Difference Time In Last Column?

May 23, 2015

I have the below query

DECLARE @GivenDate DATE='2015-05-13'
create table #table (LedgerID int,AttDate Date, checkedtime time,checkedtype varchar(1))
insert into #table (LedgerID,AttDate,checkedtime,checkedtype) values (1232,'2015-05-13','09:01:48.0000000','I')
insert into #table (LedgerID,AttDate,checkedtime,checkedtype) values (1232,'2015-05-13','13:05:52.0000000','O')
insert into #table (LedgerID,AttDate,checkedtime,checkedtype) values (1232,'2015-05-13','14:10:25.0000000','I')


the result is like below

i need 'TotalDiffernceTime' column as new column (OUT1-IN1)+(OUT2-IN2).

i am using SQLServer 2008 R2

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Transact SQL :: Getting Time Difference Between Same Column In Different Rows

Jun 21, 2015

I have a table data like below

id         type      timestamp
1001    start1    10:34:23:545
1001    start2    10:34:24:545
1001    end2     10:34:24:845
1001    end1     10:34:25:545
1002    start1    10:34:25:645
1002    start2    10:34:25:745
1002    end2     10:34:25:945
1002    end1     10:34:25:965

I need the result as follows

id              millisecond diff start1end1                 millisecond diff start2end2
1001    end1 timestamp-start1 timestamp    end2 timestamp-start2 timestamp
1002    end1 timestamp-start1 timestamp    end2 timestamp-start2 timestamp

SQL Server 2008 R2

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Transact SQL :: Sum Time Column After Pivot Query

May 18, 2015

i have a table like below,

Name VARCHAR(20),
AttDate DATE,
PresntTime TIME


and then i pivot table by date as column wise using the below query and also displays total time by rowswise

SELECT t1.*, t2.Total
SELECT  name,[2015-08-01],[2015-08-02]
SELECT  name, AttDate,PresentTime 


now what i need is to display sum of time at last row as well, means total time of against date

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SQL Server 2008 :: Time Difference With Dates In Same Column

Mar 17, 2015

How do I find the time difference when the dates are in one column? I need to find hours and minutes between each row.

CREATE TABLE #Time ([TimeStamp] DATETIME, TimeDiff INT)
INSERT INTO #Time (TimeStamp)
VALUES ('2014-09-02 07:51:02.810'), ('2014-09-02 07:48:09.567'), ('2014-09-02 08:37:09.647')
, ('2014-09-02 16:16:42.593'), ('2014-09-02 08:06:13.387'),('2014-09-02 14:32:00.113')

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Column Alias Asthe Current Time Stamp

Oct 18, 2007

Hey All,
I am new to programming in SQL developer and I was hoping one of you kind salmon of knowledge could help me
I am running an SQL script every 15 minutes to pull data. I would like to insert the results into a column in a table. I have two issues:
1.How can I give the result column the current time stamp as an alias?
2.How can I add this column to the results table (I know its Alter table but do I put this into the insert sql?)

I would appreciate any help possible

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Transact SQL :: How To Set Case Sensitivity Of A Column In Design Time

Aug 3, 2015

With Sql Server Management Studio, while creating/modifying a table I want to specify one of its columns to store values in lower case only. Can it be done through the designer or by some other means?

N.B.: Using SQL Server 2005.

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How To Convert UTC Time (retrieved From SQL) To Local Time In Reporting Services Based On Time Zone

Aug 7, 2007

Hi all,

I have created a report in SSRS 2005 which is being viewed by users from different Time Zones.

I have a dataset which has a field of type datetime (UTC). Now I would like to display this Date according to the User Time Zone.

For example if the date is August 07, 2007 10:00 AM UTC,

then I would like to display it as August 07, 2007 03:30 PM IST if the user Time Zone is IST.

Similarly for other Time Zones it should display the time accordingly.

Is this possible in SSRS 2005?

Any pointers will be usefull...

Thanks in advance
sudheer racha.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Get Time Difference Of Char Datatype Column Value

May 29, 2015

How can I get time difference of the following record :

3:30 PM 4:30PM
7:30 PM 8:30PM

I have tried it by below query,


but it gives following error message

[color=red]Operand data type time is invalid for subtract operator.[/color]

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Split Time Column Values Into Rows

Jun 6, 2015

I have the table as

|start || end1 |

1/06/2015 1:00 || 1/06/2015 1:30
1/06/2015 2:00 || 1/06/2015 3:00
1/06/2015 3:20 || 1/06/2015 4:00
1/06/2015 4:00 || NULL

I want the output as : -

|start || end1 |

1/06/2015 1:00 || 1/06/2015 1:30
1/06/2015 1:30 || 1/06/2015 2:00
1/06/2015 2:00 || 1/06/2015 3:00
1/06/2015 3:00 || 1/06/2015 3:20
1/06/2015 3:20 || 1/06/2015 4:00
1/06/2015 4:00 || NULL

I am trying the below mentioned code but it is not giving me the desired output..

with cte as
,ROW_NUMBER() over (order by (select 1)) as rn

[Code] .....

I am getting wrong output as -

| start || end1 |

1/06/2015 1:00 || 1/06/2015 1:30
1/06/2015 1:30 || 1/06/2015 2:00
1/06/2015 2:00 || 1/06/2015 4:00
1/06/2015 4:00 || 1/06/2015 4:00

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SQL Server 2008 :: Calculated Time Difference Column In Create Table

Jul 14, 2015

How to include a time difference column using 2 other date columns during creation of a table ?

The requirement is to create a table and include the following columns:

1.Downtime start date & time
2.Downtime end date & time
3.Downtime Duration in hh:mm (calculated date difference between column 1 and 2)

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How To Insert One Row With Multiple Time Depding On Source Column Value In SSIS Pacakge

Jun 5, 2006

Hi !

I need help for SSIS Pacakge. using condtional Split How to insert One records with Multiple time depending on Source column value .Is there possible to wrtie the condition in Conditional split.

For Exmaple :

Source Table Name : tbl_source

following Column Name: col_Name1,Col_Name2,Col_Name3, col_Id,Col_Descrip

table contain only one records:GRD1,SRD1,FRD1,100,Product

I want Insert the Destiantion table the Follwing Condition. using Conditional Split.

1)Cond1 (!(ISNULL(GRD1))

2)Cond2 !(ISNULL(SRD1))

3)Cond3 !(ISNULL(FRD1))

I need the Following output

Destination Table Name : tbl _Dest(for One record in source table i need following records in destination)

Coulmn Name , Column Value , ID

Row 1 GRD GRD1 100

Row 2 SRD SRD1 100

Row 3 FRD FRD1 100

How to achieve this result. can u anyone help me.using Conditional split iam getting only first condition Result.

Thanks & regards


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