I am trying to return data from between 2 dates. in this instance it is returning data from yesterday which works fine.
However I am trying to return data for yesterday before 12 noon.
The following returns yesterdays data.
(dbo.People.SystemUser = 1 AND
dbo.Actions.ActionDate > DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd,0,getdate()), -1) AND
dbo.Actions.ActionDate < DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd,0,getdate()), 0) AND
dbo.People.PersonId = 'JO')
How would I get it to return only yesterday before midday's data?
Im really new to SQL SProcs. I have a function that I wrote that I am trying to compare a date within a record to today's date. The problem is that you cant call getdate from within a function... So, I was thinking that I could create a temp table that had a a date column with a default date of today and select that out. However, I cant find any documentation on how you would create a temp table with a default value, or if this would even work. I dont want to have to pass todays date into the function, nor do I want to have to create a permanent table just to hold this data. Any help, or other ideas? Thanks.
Does anybody knows if there is a problem que SQL Server 7.0 in the date?
I Created this Trigger...
CREATE TRIGGER pone_fecha_actual ON Pendent_Invoices FOR INSERT AS UPDATE Pendent_Invoices SET Publication_Date = convert(char(10),getdate(),7) WHERE Publication_Date IS NULL
But when browse the information it appears thie date... 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000
Hello, I useSELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),GETDATE(),105) and get the now data 25-04-2006, but if i want to get the data format is 2006-04-25 How? Thank you!
I have the below function which errors out telling me "Invalid use of 'getdate' within a function." I can run it as sql but not as a function, is there an issue with using getdate() in a function?
ALTER function fnGetQuantity( @orderid int ) returns int as /************************************************** **************************** ** File: fnGetQuantity.sql ** Name: fnGetQuantity ** Desc: Used to calculate the total order quantity for an order ** Quantity is sigfrequency.timesperday * sigdosageamt.descr * orders.duration ** ** Return values: Quantity ** ** Called by: ** ** Parameters: order Id ** Input Output ** ---------- ----------- ** @patientid ** Auth: DHoefgen ** Date: 04/30/05 ************************************************** ***************************** ** Change History ************************************************** ***************************** ** Date: Author: Description: ** -------- -------- ------------------------------------------ ** 05/02/05 KKowert Changed sql for effdt and added duration and ** times per day logic for zeros. ************************************************** *****************************/ begin declare @QuantityTotal int
SELECT @QuantityTotal = (o.Duration * f.TimesPerDay * d.Descr) FROM Orders o INNER JOIN SIGFrequency f ON o.FreqID = f.FreqID INNER JOIN SIGDosageAmt d ON o.DosageAmtID = d.DosageAmtID WHERE (o.OrderID = @orderid) AND (f.Effdt = (SELECT MAX(f2.Effdt) FROM SIGFrequency f2 WHERE f2.FreqID = f.FreqID AND f2.Effdt <= getdate())) AND (d.Effdt = (SELECT MAX(d2.Effdt) FROM SIGDosageAmt d2 WHERE d2.DosageAmtID = d.DosageAmtID AND d2.Effdt <= getdate()))
return @QuantityTotal
DECLARE @altstartdate datetime SET @altstartdate = getdate() set @altstartdate = @altstartdate -1 select * from tbl_document where convert(char,dicreationdttm,101) = convert(char,@altstartdate,101)
The person who wrote the code was trying to get the previous day of data, So today is 03/07/06, within the database it only have data from 03/06/06 and back 15 days, so what I want is data from 03/06 - -2/20, which I believe is 15 days worth of data, How would I go about geting 15 days of data, do I still need to use getdate() function. Any help please. Thanks
I am trying to return data by date but I also need to return data by date "and" by ID. I've queried various select statements but always get only one days worth of data and the date is repeated many times. I only want to return data for today only but with ID as the other variable.
For example I want only the shows for today by date and by ID. ID of course being the key in the DB. Below I will show you a code block followed by a text version of what it looks like in the browser when tested.
Code Snippet
<% set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") con.Open "File Name=E:webserviceKuowKuow.UDL" set recProgram = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strSQL = "SELECT *, Air_Date AS Expr1 FROM T_Programs WHERE (Air_Date = CONVERT(varchar(10), GETDATE(), 101))"
'strSQL = "SELECT *, Air_Date AS Expr1, Unit AS Expr2 FROM T_Programs WHERE (Air_Date = CONVERT(varchar(10), GETDATE(), 101)) AND (Unit = 'TB')" recProgram.Open strSQL,con %>
<% recProgram.Close con.Close set recProgram = nothing set con = nothing %>
Output: ID Unit Subject Title Long_Summary Body_Text Related_Events Air_Date AudioLink
(Reading across the screen from left to right) 1234 WK1 Subject Title a summary some body text Event text 4/13/2007 wkdy20070413-a.rm
Here is the URL used for testing: http://Test Server IP/test/defaultweekday2.asp
I need to be able to append to this URL an ID number so that not only do I get content by Air_Date but also by ID.
http://Test Server IP/test/defaultweekday2.asp?ID=1234
I'm new to T-SQL and trying out my queries using the SQL Query Analyzer.
What I intend to do is to retrieve records based on current date. The field is Trans_R.Tr_Date, of type nvarchar(255) and the data inside the field is formatted as yyyymmdd.
My Q's are:
1. Where should I put the WHERE statement at?
2. Is there any other way to work around this problem without resorting to converting the Trans_R.Tr_Date field to Datetime datatype beforehand?
3. I tried using Getdate function as part of the WHERE statement but nothing comes out. Would this WHERE statement work (or make sense)?
WHERE Trans_R.Tr_date = getdate()
Please advise and thanks in advance.
------------- START OF CODE -------------
SELECT Cards.card_number,Trans_R.Tr_Date,Trans_R.staff_nu mber, MIN(Trans_R.Tr_In) AS Actual_Time_In, MAX(Trans_R.Tr_Out) AS Actual_Time_Out,
'Late Time' = CASE WHEN (MIN(Tr_In) - 080000> 0) THEN (MIN(Tr_In) - 080000) ELSE '' END,
FROM Trans_R INNER JOIN Cards ON Trans_R.Staff_Number = Cards.Staff_Number GROUP BY Cards.card_number,trans_r.staff_Number,Trans_R.Tr_ Date
Can any one tell me how to subtracts and add hours to the current date and time? In my case I have to store the Vancouver date and time in Toronto. Thanks, T.Lingam
I have a requirement where i need to get the current time/date within a Function. As getDate function is a non deterministic function it can not be used with in a function. Your guidence in this regard is greately appreciated.
It is possible to use getdate() in userdefined function. If so, how to do the same ?
The following code throws error :
create function function1 return varchar DECLARE @currYYMM VARCHAR(20) SET @currYYMM = convert(char(4),getdate(),12) // Here it says the error 'getdate' can't be used inside functions ............... .....................
I would like to make the column heading to be the current year for the Sales I'm adding below.
SELECT dbo.QIVSalesMTDYTDCustSalesPerson.slspsn_no,dbo.arslmfil_SQL.slspsn_name, SUM(CASE WHEN year(getdate()) = qivsalesmtdytdcustsalesperson.year THEN Sales END) AS convert(varchar(4),year(getdate())) FROM dbo.QIVSalesMTDYTDCustSalesPerson INNER JOIN dbo.arslmfil_SQL ON dbo.QIVSalesMTDYTDCustSalesPerson.slspsn_no = dbo.arslmfil_SQL.humres_id GROUP BY dbo.QIVSalesMTDYTDCustSalesPerson.slspsn_no, dbo.arslmfil_SQL.slspsn_name
What I have now gives me incorrect syntax near keyword convert.
Hi,I am creating creating a table with a Date column dd-mm-yyyy. But Icant seem to find a SQL function that just returns today's date.getDate() returns the time as well so I cant use it.The reason is simply that I want to update/overwrite over and overagain all records from current day but not touch the ones fromyesterday etc and with the timestamp in there I just end up addingmore and more rows for the same day.In other words I only want to preserve rows are from yesterday orolder but overwrite ones from today.Any help will be appricated.Thank you!Yas
I have a small problem using the GETDATE() function from a JAVA program using the MS JDBC connector.
When I use the SQL Mangment Studio Express to execute this query:
SELECT GETDATE() it returns 2008-04-22 16:25:03.690 which is OK !!
I want to get that same value using a Java program so I do that query but when I display it it shows as:
2008-04-22 and there is no time there ! I tried formatting the date to include time but it shows as: 04/22/2008 12:00:00 AM So maybe the time isn´t there ?
Hi, I want to write a StoredProcedure with one optional input parameter of Date and when it is missing I want current date to be used. I have written the following StoredProcedure, but getdate function doesn`t work. If I replace it with a constant date, it works. ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[LinksFees_Record] @Date datetime = getdate AS INSERT INTO LinkSearchFees (LinkID, Price, [Date]) SELECT ID AS LinkID, SearchDayFee AS Price, @Date FROM Links WHERE (SearchDayFee > 0)
RETURN When I call the StoredProcedure the following exception occur: Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string. How can I fix it?
Periodically throughout the day a report is manually pulled from a SQL Server database. Â Is their a way w/o me adding a field to the database to have the result set return the "new" results? Â For example, lets say this is our DDL
Create Table OneTwoThree ( id int ,date11 datetime ,firefly varchar(10) )
Prior I could use this syntax, but that was only with needing to generate 1 result set. Â
Select id, convert(varchar(10), date11, 101) As [Date], firefly from onetwothree where CONVERT(varchar(10), date11, 101) < CONVERT(varchar(10), GetDate(), 101)
Looking at my datetime values, let's say the 1st was generated at 18:45, obviously the 1st two records in the table would be returned. And let's say a 2nd time I need to generate I want to exclude the 1st two entries as they have already been verified. How can I do such w/o adding a field to the table?
i have a quite strange condition...when i add some value in database with getdate() function it only returns date and minute not the seconds...does somebody have an experience about this
Hi all--I've got a derived column transformation where I am adding a field called Import_Date. I'm telling it to add as a new column and use the function "GetDate()" to populate the field. When I run the package, it returns NULL as the data value for all rows. Any idea why this might be happening?
Hello,Our QA team have running a lot of test scripts (for automated regressiontesting), they run them on the different databases (Oracle/MS SQL).Several of those tests are dependent on the current date/time. In order tobeable to use them efficiently, we changed the current date/time on the QAdatabase server to a specific date/time before starting the scripts, so weare sure the test scripts always run in the same environment.Resetting the date/time of the database server gives us more and moreproblems (OS problems, backup/ virusscan, ...).It is possible to fix the problem with SYSDATE function on Oracle by settingFIXED_DATE init parameter.Is it possible to 'change' the current date/time on 'database' level,instead of on OS level for MSSQL2000?Do you know other means to do such things?Thanks in advance,Konstantin
Hi,I have written a stored proc with some temporary tables and also useda getdate() in my stored proc. When i try to call the sproc the erroris that we can only use extended sprocs or function inside a sproc.Now if try to write the stored proc directly inside a fuction ie copypaste after changing my temp tables to tables the problem is , i get aerror invalid use of getdate in sproc.What do i do to get somethingfor my results inside a table.Thanks in advance.RVG
I am inserting a row in my SSIS_LOG table when my package executes. Here in this table i have column date_dt which is date data type. Once package executes i am getting error like "No authorized routine named "GETDATE" of type "Function" having compatible arguments was found. sqlstate:42884". Note i am using IBMDB2 data provider.
I'm using some files to show certain pages on certain date for an example
File name : aa.doc start date: 10/02/00 end date : 10/03/00
But it expires on 10/02/00, here is the strored procedure:
Before the date comes, it expires the page Here is my stored procedure:
" SELECT startdate, enddate,archivedate and (startdate is null or (getdate() >= startdate and getdate() <= enddate)) and (archivedate is null or (getdate() <= archivedate)) group by startdate, enddate order by startdate desc "
When I use the getDate() function I get something like 2005-03-09 15:13:45.017 but I don't want the time, just 2005-03-09 how do you strip out the time from the result? Thanks
However, when I run select getdate() in Sql 6.5 I get the following Apr 27 2001 11:59AM
Both queries are run from the QueryIsql window.
How can I get the sql 7 version of getdate to be exactly the same as the sql 6.5 version from the query window without resorting to usign the convert function?
According to Sql 7 books online, getdate "Returns the current system date and time in the Microsoft® SQL Server™ standard internal format for datetime values"
I'm facing some strange problem here: -----------------------------------------
I'm using some files to show certain pages on certain date for an example
File name : aa.doc start date: 10/02/00 end date : 10/03/00
But it expires on 10/02/00, here is the strored procedure:
Before the date comes, it expires the page Here is my stored procedure:
" SELECT startdate, enddate,archivedate and (startdate is null or (getdate() >= startdate and getdate() <= enddate)) and (archivedate is null or (getdate() <= archivedate)) group by startdate, enddate order by startdate desc "
i am also trying to write a query that retrieve information on yesterdays new registered member. So far as i am concern with sqlserver you use the getdate()-1 to retrieve this information. But the problem i get when i try to use the getdate()-1 is that i tend to get todays and yesterdays registered users. Is there anywhere that i would be able to retrieve information on just yesterdays new registered members and also only todays new register members.