Getting Data Based On Ordinal Position Of The Column In The Table
Aug 30, 2007
I am having a problem in auditing the column data in tables.My requirement is i have write a trigger which is capable of auditing the columns which are going to be added in the future also with out using dynamic there any way to do so.
I feel if i can get the column data based on ordinal position then it is possible.
Can any body suggest.
My set Up is like this
I have a base_table to be audited.
I have a Audit_spec table which contains name of the table and columns to be audited.
And Audit table which actually captures the table name,column name ,old value and new value.
I have to audit only those columns in the Audit_spec spec.
If schema changes(Like new column added) happens to base_table and I want that column to be audited.with out any changes to my trigger code i should handle the newly added column ..
Is there any way to select columns by ordinal position rather than by name?
Something like Select t.[1] as col1, t.[2] as col2 FROM table t
The question comes because of a very specific situation where I've got 2 databases that have exactly the same schema at a column/datatype level but the column names are different.  There are a few other ways to skin the cat but I'm interested if it can be done this way - without a join to syscolumns.
Is there a neat way to find an ordinal value from a table,for example the median or 95th percentile value in a column,without walking through the table in ascending or descendingorder?Thanks,Jim GeissmanCountrywide Home Loans
Hi, Let's say I have 1000 registered users in database table and each of them has numeric ranking value. How can I get the position of each user in comparison to other users ranking value?
There are about 500 tables in one particular datbase. There are foreign keys set on most of the tables. I want to change the position of the primary key column in all those tables. How can I do that programatically?
I have a results table that was created from many different sources in SSIS. I have done calculations and created derived columns in it. I am trying to figure out if there is a way to remove duplicate rows from this table without first writing it to a temp sql table and then parsing through it to remove them.
each row has a like key in a column - I would like to remove like rows keeping specific columns in the resulting row based on the data in this key field.
I need to access columns from a data flow by ordinal position in a script transformation (I'm parsing an excel file which has several rowsets across the page). The first problem I encountered is the generated BufferWrapper does not expose the columns collection (i.e. Input0Buffer(0) does not work) but I got around that by implementing my own ProcessInputs(InputId, Buffer) method instead of using the wrapper.
My problem now is that the column ordinals are in some random order (i.e. Column "F1" is ordinal 1 but Column "F2" is 243). Where in the object model can I map between the name and the ordinal - it's not jumping out at me?
PS Why is the script editor modal, it's frustrating having to switch between the Visual Studio environment and the VSA one.
l've some excel files controlled by Vendor which changing frequently. The only thing does not change is the header name of each column.
So my question is, is there any way to create a new table based on the excel file selected including the column name in SSIS? So that l can use the data reader as source to select those columns l am interested on and start the integration.
Using MDS 2012: I have an entity "XYZ_Entity". In "XYZ_Entity" entity I have 2 domain based Columns "DealerGroup" and "Dealer".
While inserting information into "XYZ_Entity" entity user can select the required dealer group from domain base Dealer Group values. Now for selecting Dealer he wants the dealers to be filter based on selected dealer group and he can select from the filtered list. reason to do that is he don't want to go through thousands of dealers and select an incorrect one.
I want to have an other employee table named employee_modified
Empno empname salary commission derived_column1(salary+commission) derived_column2(derived_column1 + xxxx) and so on derive other columns based on the earlier derived columns)
Is that possible to do it.. or am I doing something wrong.
I have 2 tables: Order(ID, Quantity) and Product(ID,Name, Price) and I want to add a calculated field in Order table based on the price column in the Product table. How do i do that?
this query returns the values i want in the table.
select a.quantity * b.price from tblCustomerPurchases as a join tblProduct as b on a.ID=b.ID
What is a good method/mechanism to swap the position of multiplecolumns?For instance, tblXZY has the followings columns and respectivepositions:tblXZY======xyzUUID 1fn 2ln 3phone 4email 5city 6state 7....Now, I need to make city as 2 and state as 3. BTW, the tblXYZ tablehas data there. Copy/select all the data into a new table withdesired column position would require constraints re-mapping etc.,which seems quite a bit hassle.Thanks.
I need to create a function that replaces the data in a column with an 'X' based on the LEN of the data in the column. I created one that does a replacement, but it fills the column based on the max data length, and not the current length of the string or integer. An example of what I'm trying to accomplish.
Original data in a varchar(30) column: thisisavalue thisisanothervalue thisisanothervalueagain shortval
replaced with xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
My current function is replacing the data like this: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I created SQL table follow by XSD fileAnd when any users added new column to XSD in ordinal position = 3 But after my program successfully created new column, its position is the last position What can I do ???? I suspect why I can't set it (I've looked for solution on MSDN already)even though We can see ordinal position bythis query SELECT *FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns What can I do for solving ???? Help me please
We have a little app to help us move applications from developent --> stage --> production. It uploads the files, runs the new stored procedures etc.
One of the things it does is create new columns in existing tables. In EM you can create a new column in any position, but ALTER TABLE seems to only add columns to the end of the table. Is there a way in TSQL to create columns in arbitrary positions in the table? Or do I have to recreate the whole table?
Hi, I have two tables. I want to update two columns in my first table,[ADD_BSL_SALES] and [ADD_BSL_COST] with two values [Sales] and[Costs] held in my #temp table but based on a RUN_DATE from my firsttable.Can anyone point me in the right direction?Thanks in Advance ï?ŠBryanCREATE TABLE [GROSMARG_AUDIT_ADDITION] ([RUN_DATE] [datetime] NULL ,[SALES_DIFF] [numeric](19, 6) NULL ,[COST_DIFF] [numeric](19, 6) NULL ,[ADD_BSL_SALES] [numeric](18, 0) NULL ,[ADD_BSL_COST] [numeric](18, 0) NULL ,[ADD_SALES_DIFF] [numeric](18, 0) NULL ,[ADD_COST_DIFF] [numeric](18, 0) NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOINSERT RUN_DATE,datetime,INSERT SALES_DIFF,numeric(19,6),INSERT COST_DIFF,numeric(19,6)INSERT ADD_BSL_SALES,numeric(18,0),INSERT ADD_BSL_COST,numeric(18,0),INSERT ADD_SALES_DIFF,numeric(18,0)INSERT ADD_COST_DIFF,numeric(18,0)--- Second TableCREATE TABLE #DUPTOTALS[Sales][Costs]
I am using Reporting Services 2000. If you find out that Reporting Services 2005 would resolve this issue, please lemme know also. But I want to mention that I would prefer a way to fix this without changing Reporting Services versions.
I have a table that has a group on ProductTypes. This group is set to PageBreak at end. What I need to do is to conditionally hide an entire column based on the current group's ProductType.
Can you help me figure this one out ? I've tried everything I found on the net, especially everything on this page :
We are facing few issues pertaining to creation of primary key on a non - partitioned column in sql server 2005. Herewith attaching the text file containing the detailed scenario.
Pls advice.
Pls find some of the scenario with the example given below:
We have done the following steps 1.Creating a Partition Function CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION pf_EncounterODS_StateID (CHAR(2)) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES ( 'CA', -- CA 'MI', -- MI 'NM', -- NM 'OH', -- OH 'TX', -- TX 'UT', -- UT 'WA' -- WA ) GO 2.Creating a Partition Schema CREATE PARTITION SCHEME [ps_EncounterODS_StateID] AS PARTITION pf_EncounterODS_StateID TO ( [PRIMARY], [ENC_DM_DATA_01], -- CA [ENC_DM_DATA_03], -- MI [ENC_DM_DATA_04], -- NM [ENC_DM_DATA_05], -- OH [ENC_DM_DATA_06], -- TX [ENC_DM_DATA_07], -- UT [ENC_DM_DATA_02] -- WA ) GO
4.Creating a primary key on validationErrorSID column in the fact table ALTER TABLE [Fact] ADD CONSTRAINT NQValidationError PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ValidationErrorSID]) Step 4 throws an error as --------------------------------- Column 'StateID' is partitioning column of the index 'NQValidationError'. Partition columns for a unique index must be a subset of the index key. If we include StateID along with ValidationErrorSID for index,then it works fine.But we need to have only ([ValidationErrorSID]) for indexing.
I have a Stacked Column graph and when we set the Position of the Point Label to be "Top Center", the Point Label always stays in the center of that particular Bar.
On a easier, basic Bar chart, the Point Label setting works correctly.
Has anyone else had a similar issue or know if this is a known issue ?
i have the folowing databases DB1,DB2,DB3,D4,DB5........
i have to loop through each of the databases and find out if the database has a table with the name 'Documents'( like 'tbdocuments' or 'tbemplyeedocuments' and so on......)
If the tablename having the word 'Documents' is found in that database i have to add a column named 'IsValid varchar(100)' against that table in that database and there can be more than 1 'Documents' table in a database.
Table: classes Columns: classID, hp Table: char_active Columns: name, classID, hp
The classes table is already populated.
What I want to do is insert a new row into char_active using the name and classID column, and have the HP column auto populate based on the corresponding value in the classes table. This is the trigger I wrote but I'm getting the error
Incorrect syntax near 'inserted'.
I'm new to sql, this is actually the first trigger I've tried writing.Â
create trigger new_hp on curr_chars.char_active instead of insert as declare @hp tinyint select @hp=lists.classes.hp from lists.classes where lists.classes.classID=inserted.classID insert into curr_chars.char_active (name, classID, hp), inserted.classID, @hp go
I'm hoping someone can help with with a task I've been given. I need to write a trigger which will act effectively as a method of automatically distributing of incoming call ticket records. See DDL below for creation of the Assignment table, which holds information on the call ticket workload.
SELECT COUNT(CallID) AS [Total Calls], AssignmentGroup, Assignee FROM #Assignment GROUP BY AssignmentGroup, Assignee ORDER BY COUNT(CallID) DESC , AssignmentGroup, Assignee
What I need to do is write a trigger for on INSERT to automatically update the Assignee column with the name of the person who currently has the least active calls. For example, using the data above, the next PC Support call will go to Mickey Mouse, and the next two Service Desk calls will go to Jim Smith.
So, the logic for the trigger would be
UPDATE #Assignment SET Assignee = (SELECT Assignee FROM #Assignment WHERE COUNT(CallID) = MIN(COUNT(CallID))
But that's only the logic, and obviously it doesn't work with the syntax being nothing like correct.
Does any one have an idea or pointers as to how I should go about this?
I am trying to get the percent correct for each ID and each testID from the table above. Also, IsCorrect column valuse (1= correct; 0= not correct)
select ID, count(Iscorrect) [total], (select count(Iscorrect) from dbo.StudentTestAnswers
where TestID=1 and Iscorrect=1) as totalCorrect,((select count(Iscorrect) from dbo.StudentTestAnswers
where TestID=1 and Iscorrect=1)/count(Iscorrect)*100) as PctCorrect
from StudentTestAnswers
where testID=1
Group by ID, TestID
The output should look like this after running the T-SQL code above. But I am getting some weird number on totalCorrect and PctCorrect columns. Not sure if my SQL code is even correct.
We have a database and have 6-7 growing tables. All the tables have Primary and foreign key relation. I want to do partition based on the date column.
I need 3 partitions
First partition has to hold present data second partition need to hold the previous year data (SAS storage) Third partition need to hold all the old data and need to be in the archive database
I understand that first we need to disable the constraints (Indexes PK & FK) Then create partition function and partition schema Then Create the Constraints again
I have a set of data spread across a number of tables regarding stock market data. An example of this follows:
Market Capitalization...
Date CompA CompB 01/01/11 100 5 02/01/11 102 4
Share Price....
Date CompA CompB 01/01/11 100 100 02/01/11 101 99
Event Data...
Date Company 01/01/11 CompA 02/01/11 CompB
Pretty simply, I need a way to retrieve the market capitalisation and share price data based on the event data. So for instance I say 'oh, there is an event on the 01/01/11 involving company A, the market capitalisation on this day was 100, then for the next event it was 4 for company B.
I can also transpose the data so that the company name is in the rows and the dates in the columns for the market cap and share price tables, but this leads to the issue that when I try and get the data, I don't know how to query the correct company for that date.
For instance: SELECT Event.Date, Event.Company FROM Event
how do I now say.....
SELECT MarketCapitalisation.Column WHERE Column = Event.Company AND MarketCapitalisation.Date = Event.Date.
I have played around with a few basic joins, but I am having issue with the principle of that second to last line of SQL (so only getting the correct column).
I still have a copy of the data in excel so can flip things around as needed, but that would only mean that I would have the issue of WHERE Column = Event.Date instead of Event.Company.