Getting OUTPUT Parameter In An OLE DB Command

Jul 12, 2007

Is it possible to use stored procedure with output parameter and retrieves the values of that output parameter, in an OLE DB Command within a Data Flow?

What I wanted to do is to get the newly created identity of a row so that I can insert it to the main data set in data flow. I'm not even sure if there is even a much better design to achieve this. I've rummaged the internet but everything I got were all about Execute SQL Task.

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Using Adodb Command - Output Parameter Problem- HELP!

Jul 20, 2005

We use a number of similar databases and frequently create a newdatabase using a backup restore of another similar database. We try tokeep changes between databases in _Additional tables - like AccountAdditional, Sale_Additional so most tables stay the same. The latestrestored database (I'll call it DBaseA) is behaving differently in VB6code and I need help trying to make it work.I have been using use an ADODB.Command to execute a stored procedureusing adCmdStoredProc and Parameters.Refresh to get an output parametervalue which is an integer. Here is a sample of the VB:Public Function UnlockAccount(Account_ID As String) As BooleanDim LCmd As ADODB.CommandOn Error GoTo ERROR_UnlockAccountUnlockAccount = TrueIf Account_ID <> "" ThenIf DBConnect() ThenSet LCmd = New ADODB.CommandLCmd.ActiveConnection = CN(0)LCmd.CommandTimeout = 0LCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProcLCmd.CommandText = "Unlock_Account"LCmd.Parameters.RefreshLCmd.Parameters("@Account_ID").VALUE = Account_IDLCmd.Execute , , adExecuteNoRecordsIf LCmd.Parameters("@Status") <> 0 ThenUnlockAccount = FalseEnd IfElsemsgbox "UnlockAccount: DBConnect Failed", "UnlockAccount"End IfEnd IfExit FunctionERROR_UnlockAccount:UnlockAccount = Falsemsgbox "UnlockAccount: App Error: " & Err & " " & _Err.Description, "UnlockAccount"DBConnect TrueExit FunctionResume'for debuggingEnd Functionand this is one of the sps that fails - can't be more simple!Create PROCEDURE Unlock_Account( @Account_ID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER,@Status INTEGER =null OUTPUT) AS/* Strip functionality */SET @Status = 0goThis code is still working in at least 4 other databases. It fails indatabase DBaseA with the error:Invalid character for cast conversionWe are talking about the exact same table definition and the exact samestored procedure just in different databases.I fumbled around on the Internet and found a mention in a PowerBuilderweb site of additional parameters in the connect string which seems tofix the problem in SOME of the stored procs - but not all.The added parameters are:DelimitIdentifier='No';MsgTerse='Yes';CallEscape='No';FormatArgsAsExp='N'They are not documented in MS but are in Sybase?? No idea why, but someof the stored proc functions work when I add this to the connect string.The complete connect string is:Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=DBaseA;Data Source=PHASE2-S500,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;DelimitIdentifier='No';MsgTerse='Yes';CallEscape='No';FormatArgsAsExp='N'The databases are on different servers - but they are running the sameversion of SQL2000, the same version of Windows. I see no differencesin options set in the different servers or between databases that workand this one. And dbcc checkdb runs clean.The compiled code that fails, fails across the board - not just on my(developer) PC. The same source code works on the same tables in otherdatabases, including the one we copied....The final kicker - if I build a SQL statement string and get therecordset instead, it works like a charm. But I have to fix about 20 VBfunctions and check that I do have a recordset and SET NOCOUNT ON in all20 sps.I feel this is either something so obvious I will kick myself or soserious Microsoft will be digging into it.Any ideas anyone??Sandie*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Using Output From A Stored Procedure As An Output Column In The OLE DB Command Transformation

Dec 8, 2006

I am working on an OLAP modeled database.

I have a Lookup Transformation that matches the natural key of a dimension member and returns the dimension key for that member (surrogate key pipeline stuff).

I am using an OLE DB Command as the Error flow of the Lookup Transformation to insert an "Inferred Member" (new row) into a dimension table if the Lookup fails.

The OLE DB Command calls a stored procedure (dbo.InsertNewDimensionMember) that inserts the new member and returns the key of the new member (using scope_identity) as an output.

What is the syntax in the SQL Command line of the OLE DB Command Transformation to set the output of the stored procedure as an Output Column?

I know that I can 1) add a second Lookup with "Enable memory restriction" on (no caching) in the Success data flow after the OLE DB Command, 2) find the newly inserted member, and 3) Union both Lookup results together, but this is a large dimension table (several million rows) and searching for the newly inserted dimension member seems excessive, especially since I have the ID I want returned as output from the stored procedure that inserted it.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

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The Formal Parameter @ReportingId Was Not Declared As An OUTPUT Parameter, But...what Is This?

Apr 17, 2008

After running my ssis pkg for some time with no problems I saw the following error come up, probably during execution of a stored procedure ...

An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "The formal parameter "@ReportingId" was not declared as an OUTPUT parameter, but the actual parameter passed in requested output.".

I see some references to this on the web (even this one) but so far they seem like deadends. Doe anybody know what this means? Below is a summary of how the variable is used in the stored proc.

The sp is declared with 21 input params only, none of them is @ReportingId. It declares @ReportingId as a bigint variable and uses it in the beginning of the proc as follows...

Code Snippet
select @ReportingId = max(ReportingId)
from [dbo].[GuidToReportingid]
where Guid = @UniqueIdentifier and
EffectiveEndDate is null

if @ReportingId is null
insert into [dbo].[GuidToReportingId]
select @UniqueIdentifier,getdate(),null,getdate()
set @ReportingId = scope_identity()
select @rowcount = count(*) from [dbo].[someTable]
where ReportingId = @ReportingId and...lots of other conditions

...later as part of an else it does the following...

Code Snippet
if @rowcount > 0 and @joinsMatch = 1
set @insertFlag = 0
update [dbo].[GuidToReportingId]
set EffectiveEndDate = getdate()
where ReportingId = @ReportingId
insert into [dbo].[GuidToReportingId]
select @UniqueIdentifier,getdate(),null,getdate()
set @ReportingId = scope_identity()

...and before the return it's value is inserted to different tables.

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My Output Parameter Is Being Treated As An Input Parameter...why

Sep 25, 2006

I have a stored procedure which takes an input parm and is supposed to return an output parameter named NewRetVal.  I have tested the proc from Query Analyzer and it works fine, however when I run the ASP code and do a quickwatch I see that the parm is being switched to an input parm instead of the output parm I have it defined as...any ideas why this is happening?  The update portion works fine, it is the Delete proc that I am having the problems... ASP Code...<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDS_Form" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:PTNConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="PTN_sp_getFormDD" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" UpdateCommand="PTN_sp_Form_Update" UpdateCommandType="StoredProcedure" OnUpdated="SqlDS_Form_Updated" OnUpdating="SqlDS_Form_Updating" DeleteCommand="PTN_sp_Form_Del" DeleteCommandType="StoredProcedure" OnDeleting="SqlDS_Form_Updating" OnDeleted="SqlDS_Form_Deleted"><UpdateParameters><asp:ControlParameter ControlID="GridView1" Name="DescID" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int32" /><asp:ControlParameter ControlID="GridView1" Name="FormNum" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Name="original_FormNum" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Direction="InputOutput" size="25" Name="RetVal" Type="String" /></UpdateParameters><DeleteParameters><asp:Parameter Name="original_FormNum" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Direction="InputOutput" Size="1" Name="NewRetVal" Type="Int16" /></DeleteParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>Code Behind:protected void SqlDS_Form_Deleted(object sender, SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs e){  if (e.Exception == null)    {   string strRetVal = (String)e.Command.Parameters["@NewRetVal"].Value.ToString();    ............................Stored Procedure:CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[PTN_sp_Form_Del] (
@original_FormNum nvarchar(20),

DECLARE @stoptrans varchar(5), @AvailFound int, @AssignedFound int

Set @stoptrans = 'NO'

/* ---------------------- Search PART #1 ----------------------------------------------------- */
SET @AvailFound = ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.AvailableNumber WHERE dbo.AvailableNumber.FormNum = @original_FormNum )
SET @AssignedFound = ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.AssignedNumber WHERE dbo.AssignedNumber.FormNum=@original_FormNum )

IF @AvailFound > 0 OR @AssignedFound > 0 /* It is ok if no rows found on available table, continue on to Assigned table, otherwise stop the deletion.*/
-----This means the delete can't happen...........

IF @AssignedFound > 0 AND @AvailFound = 0
SET @NewRetVal = 1

IF @AssignedFound > 0 AND @AvailFound > 0
SET @NewRetVal = 2

IF @AssignedFound = 0 AND @AvailFound > 0
SET @NewRetVal = 3

WHERE dbo.Form.FormNum=@original_FormNum

SET @NewRetVal = 0
---Successful deletion
 --------------------------------------------------------  When I go into the debug mode and do a quickwatch, the NewRetVal is showing as string input.

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How To Get Quantity From Output Of Query Command

Jun 7, 2012

how to get the quantity from output of sql query command for example, I could get the container name by below command

select container_name from sysibmadm.snapcontainer
get the container number by

now I want to get the container number by below command output result select container_name from what more command should I add on above command, I mean I want to get the container number by container name from the output of above command, not by 'join'.

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Command Prompt Output Capture?

Jun 25, 2014

How can i get the output (like 1 rows(s) inserted)in a file from an input file through sql command prompt.

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How To Get The Output Column In OLE DB Command Transformation

Jul 3, 2006


I am writing a Dataflow task which will take a Particular column from the source table and i am passing the column value in the SQL command property. My SQL Command will look like this,

Select SerialNumber From SerialNumbers Where OrderID = @OrderID

If i go and check the output column in the Input and output properties tab, I am not able to see this serial number column in the output column tree,So i cant able to access this column in the next transformation component.

Please help me.

Thanks in advance.

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How To Get Error Output From And OLE DB Command Destination

Apr 21, 2006

I have a data flow that takes an OLE DB Source, transforms it and then uses an OLE DB Command as a destination. The OLE DB Command executes a call to a stored procedure and I have the proper wild cards indicated. The entire process runs great and does exactly what is intended to do.

However, I need to know when a SQL insert fails what record failed and I need to log this in a file somewhere. I added a Flat File Destination object and configured appropriately. I created 3 column names for the headers in the flat file and matched them with column names existing for output. When I run this package the flat file log is created ok, but no data is ever pumped into the file when a failure of the OLE DB Command occurs.

I checked the Advanced Editor for the OLE DB Command object and under the OLE DB Command Error Output node on the Input and Output Properties tab I notice that the ErrorCode and ErrorColumn output columns both have ErrorRowDisposition set to RD_NotUsed. I would guess this is the problem and why no data is written to my log file, but I cannot figure out how to get this changed (fields are greyed out so no access).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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OLE DB Command Transform And Output Columns.

Jan 10, 2007

Hi All,

I have an OLE DB transform with a SQL Command of:

sp_get_sponsor_parent ?,? OUTPUT

where sp_get_sponsor_parent is defined like:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_get_sponsor_parent]

@pEID int,

@results int OUTPUT






I map the columns, refresh & OK out of the component without trouble, but on executing the package it fails during validation on this component. I'm utterly stumped.
Any light shed would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance,

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Oledb Command Transformation Output

Feb 13, 2008


I have two tables,

Table A on Server 1 (3 ROWS)
ID Name Address

There is another table on a different server which looks like

Table B on Server 2
PKColumn ID Details
1 ID1 Desc1
2 ID1 Desc2
3 ID1 Desc 3
4 ID2 Desc
5 ID2 Description

As you can see the ID is the common column for these two tables,
I want to get the Query the above 2 tables and the output should be dumped into a new table on Server2.

I am using the following SSIS Package

OledbDataSource-------> OledbCommand(Select * from TableB where ID =?)

From here, how can insert the rows returned from the oledb command into another table.
Since, for each row of TableA it will return some output rows...How can I insert all these into the New Table.

Please help on configuring the output of the oledb command.


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Output Param Of Stored Proc - Oledb Command

Jun 5, 2007


This is my first post so please be gentle!!

I have a stored proc that returns a value:


-- =============================================
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@varNSC varchar(4),
@varNC varchar(2),
@varIIN varchar(7),
@varIMCDMC varchar(8),
@varOut as int output
@varPK int
set @varPK = 0

--This checks Method 1
--NSC = @varNSC
--NC = @varNC
--IIN = @varIIN
if exists
(select Item_id
From Item
Where NSC = @varNSC
and NC = @varNC
and IIN = @varIIN)
set @varPK =
(select Item_id
From Item
Where NSC = @varNSC
and NC = @varNC
and IIN = @varIIN)
set @varOut = @varPK
if @varPK <> 0 Return

[There are some more methods here]



How do I get at the output value?

I have tried using derived column and ole db command but can't seem to grasp how to pass the value to the derived column. I can get oledb command to run using 'exec dbo.spPK ?, ?, ?, ?, ? output' but don't know what to do from here.

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SQLCMD Gives Crazy Output From A Simple SELECT Command

Sep 25, 2006

Hi everyone,

I am new to T-SQL and am trying to do some simple database for fun. Here is my problem and hope you guys can drop me some hint or solution:

OS: Win XP pro
SQL Server 2005 Express
Tool: SQLCMD in command prompt

I created a database and then create a table. Then I tried : select * from contract_Info, it gave me this:

1> CREATE TABLE Contract_Info
2> (
3> Order_No varchar(50) NOT NULL ,
4> Company varchar(255),
5> Product_Name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
6> Discount_Rate varchar(50), --Discount_Rate (%) -> Discount_Rate
7> Status varchar(50) NOT NULL,
8> Quantity varchar(50) NOT NULL,
9> Remainder varchar(50),
10> Deleted bit
11> )
16> INSERT INTO Contract_Info values ('00000', 'DEFAULT','DEFAULT','0','Cancelle
18> go

(1 rows affected)
1> select * from contract_Info
2> go
Order_No Company


Discount_Rate Status
Quantity Rema
inder Deleted
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------
-- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----
---------------------------------------------- -------


0 Cancelled
0 0

(1 rows affected)

In SQL Express Management , the output looks perfectly fine

What is missing??

Thanks for your time

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Error Output In Oledb Command Advance Editor

Sep 27, 2007

I have a data flow and inside the data flow , i have a ole db source and ole db command task to execute an insert transaction ( SP).. i would like to save the error output if the insert didn;t happend into a error log table..
but when I darg an error output line ( red) to another ole db command to insert an error log , i can only see two columns( error code and error column) are available in OLEDB command advance editor related to errors.. this doesn;t tell you much information about the can i grap the error reson(desc) as the error output and store into a erro log table? so that i can see what the problem is?

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Command Line Parameters Are Invalid Is The Output For A SQL Job To Run SSIS Package

May 25, 2006


I created a SSIS package that has a flat file manager whose connection string is a package variable, the reason is that there is a foreachfile container loop to loop thru CSV format files in a directory and load them to a sql table.

The package execution is working in the designer studio as well as in the management studio-- a copy was saved to a sql 2005 server where a sql job is deployed to run the package. However when I ran the job, it claims successful but doesn€™t do anything in reality. If I checked the box failing the package upon validation warming, the job will fail with the error: the command line parameters are invalid. The command line looks like below:


One thing that I think maybe wrong is on the data source tab of the job step GUI, the flat file manager€™s connection string is blank, compared to other connection managers having related values.

Does anyone know how to make the job working?

Thanks in advance


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Getting Value From Output Parameter

Aug 2, 2006

I have an SQL INSERT statement with an output parameter called @CusRef. I have been trying to store this in a session variable, however all i am able to store is the reference to the parameter object. (The returned value stored in the parameter is an Integer)Session("CustomerReference") = DataConn.InsertParameters.Item("CusRef")I cant seem to find a value field or a method to get the value from a parameter. I have also tried using CType(DataConn.InsertParameters.Item("CusRef"), Integer) but it cant convert the Parameter type to an Integer.Please help,ThanksGareth

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Output Parameter?

Aug 25, 2006

A SQL Server 2005 DB table named "Users" has the following columns:
ID - int (IDENTITY)FirstName - varchar(50)LastName - varchar(50)UserID - varchar(20)Password - varchar(20)
Before inserting a new record in the DB table, ASP.NET first checks whether the UserID supplied by the new record already exists or not. If it exists, the new record shouldn't be inserted in the DB table & the user should be shown a message saying UserID already exists. To do this, ASP.NET uses a stored procedure. If the value returned by the stored procedure is 1, it means that the UserID already exists. If the value returned by the stored procedure is 0, then the new record should be inserted in the DB table. This is how I have framed the stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE RegUsers        @FName varchar(50),        @LName varchar(50),        @UserID varchar(50),        @Password varchar(50),        @return_value int OUTPUTAS        IF EXISTS(SELECT UserID FROM Users WHERE UserID=@UserID)        BEGIN                SET @return_value=1        END        ELSE        BEGIN                SET @return_value=0                INSERT INTO Users VALUES (@FName,@LName,@UserID,@Password)        END
& this is how I am invoking the stored procedure from the ASPX page:
<script runat="server">    Sub btnSubmit(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal ea As EventArgs)        Dim sqlCmd As SqlCommand        Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection
        sqlConn = New SqlConnection("Data Source=MyDBSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=DB;Integrated Security=True")        sqlCmd = New SqlCommand("RegUsers", sqlConn)        sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
        With sqlCmd            Parameters.Add("@return_value", SqlDbType.Int, 4).Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue            Parameters.AddWithValue("@FName", txtFName.Text)            Parameters.AddWithValue("@LName", txtLName.Text)            Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserID", txtUserID.Text)            Parameters.AddWithValue("@Password", txtPassword.Text)        End With
        sqlConn.Open()        sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
        If (sqlCmd.Parameters(0).Value = 1) Then            lblMessage.Text = "UserID Already Exists!"        ElseIf (sqlCmd.Parameters(0).Value = 0) Then            lblMessage.Text = "Thanks For Registering!"        End If
        sqlConn.Close()    End Sub</script><form runat="server"><%-- the 4 TextBoxes come here --></form>
When I execute the above ASPX code, if the UserID I entered already exists in the DB table, then ASPX generates the following error:
Procedure or Function 'RegisterUsers' expects parameter '@return_value', which was not supplied.
pointing to the line
Can someone please point out where am I going wrong?

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How Can I Get And Use An OUTPUT Parameter

Jan 31, 2007

Here is what I have so far, I can get a number added to the table running my sproc from management studio. But how do I get it out as it is being intserted and then use it in my code?ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[NumberCounter]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@InsertDate datetime
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.

-- Insert statements for procedure here
INSERT INTO tblNumberCounter (InsertDate) Values (@InsertDate);Select IDENT_CURRENT('tblNumberCounter')

Public Sub SubmitAdd_Click(ByVal Sender As System.Object, ByVal E As System.EventArgs)

Dim Con As SqlConnection
Dim StrInsert As String
Dim cmdInsert As SqlCommand
Dim myNewReceiptNumber As Integer
Dim ConnectStr As String = _

'Add row to receipt table, then get it for ReceiptNumberText field.
cmdInsert = New SqlCommand
cmdInsert.CommandText = "NumberCounter"
cmdInsert.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmdInsert.Connection = New SqlConnection(ConnectStr)

cmdInsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@InsertDate", System.DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString())
myNewReceiptNumber = cmdInsert.ExecuteScalar()
Catch objException As SqlException
Dim objError As SqlError
For Each objError In objException.Errors
End Try

End Sub 

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Why Am I Not Getting My OUTPUT Parameter

Jan 7, 2008

Can anyone see in this stored procedure code and my post sub why the stored procedure is not getting the @ReceiptNumber?
@ReceiptNumber int OUTPUTASBEGININSERT INTO tblNumberCounter (InsertDate)Values (GETDATE())SET @ReceiptNumber=SCOPE_IDENTITY()INSERT INTO tblReceipts (pl_ID,client_ID,PaymentDate,Fund_ID,TenderTypeID,AmountPaid,ReceiptNumber,DateEntered,EnteredBy) SELECT     PL.Pl_ID, RS.client_id, PL.pmtDate, RS.rec_fund_id, RS.rec_tendertypeid, RS.rec_amount,                       @ReceiptNumber, RS.DateEntered, RS.EnteredByFROM         tblRec_setup AS RS INNER JOIN                      tblPayments AS PL ON RS.rec_id = PL.rec_id    Sub Post()        Dim cmdInsert1 As SqlCommand        Dim tr As SqlTransaction = Nothing        Dim ConnectStr As String = _        ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("2ConnectionString").ConnectionString        Dim conn As New SqlConnection(ConnectStr)        cmdInsert1 = New SqlCommand        cmdInsert1.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        cmdInsert1.CommandText = "BatchMonthly"        'Get a new receipt number and add it.        Dim InsertedIntegerRN As New SqlParameter("@ReceiptNumber", SqlDbType.Int)        InsertedIntegerRN.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output        cmdInsert1.Parameters.Add(InsertedIntegerRN)        'Try        conn.Open()        tr = conn.BeginTransaction()        cmdInsert1.Transaction = tr        cmdInsert1.Connection = conn        cmdInsert1.ExecuteScalar()         tr.Commit()        'Catch objException As SqlException        tr.Rollback()        'Dim ex As SqlError        'Response.Write(ex.Message)        'Finally        conn.Close()        'End Try    End Sub 

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Can This Be Done With An Output Parameter?

Nov 4, 2003

Hi I want to make a Function in my User class that adds new members into the db. What I want to do is add the users details in using a stored procedure and input parameters and then return a parameter indicating their userid value and set it to a variable.

My userid column in the my db is auto incrementing with a seed of 1 and a step value of 1.

How could I create an output parameter that would return their new user id and then how would i set it to an integer variable.


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Output Parameter

Jun 21, 2004

I keep getting an error stating my stored proc expects "@ret_value" and it's not declared. Even once it is declared, I'm not sure if my proc is going to return the value properly...been working on this half a day.

params put on new line for readability...

Private Sub update_DB()
Dim intResult, ret_value As Integer
ret_value = 0
intResult = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("connString"), CommandType.StoredProcedure, "Media_Tracking_add_MarketingID",
New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@strMarketingID", txtMarketingID.Text),
New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@strAdCampaignName", txtAdCampaignName.Text),
New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@strCompany", ddlCompany.SelectedItem.Value),
New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@strCampaignType", ddlCampaignType.SelectedItem.Value),

New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@ret_value", ret_value, ParameterDirection.Output))

lblSuccess.Text = "RETURN = " & ret_value
End Sub

S Proc

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[media_tracking_add_MarketingID]
@strMarketingID nvarchar(50),
@strAdCampaignName nvarchar(50),
@strCompany nvarchar(3),
@strCampaignType nvarchar(50),
@ret_value int OUTPUT
INSERT INTO media_tracking_Marketing_IDs(MarketingID,AdCampaignName,company,status,CampaignType)
values (@strMarketingID,@strAdCampaignName,@strCompany,'1',@strCampaignType);
set @ret_value = scope_identity();
return @ret_value;

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Output Parameter

Nov 17, 2005

Hello!Can anybody tell me how can I retreive the value of an output parameter from an stored procedure using an SqlDataSource control?Thank you

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Parameter Output

Apr 28, 2008

Can any body help me
@where NVARCHAR(500)
,@totalRows INT OUTPUT
SET @SQL = ' SELECT ' + cast(@totalRows as NVARCHAR) + ' = COUNT(*)
FROM Employee E'

IF LEN(@where ) > 0
SET @SQL= @SQL + @Where


It doesn't return a totalRows value.
Thanks in advance.

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How Do I Run This SP To Get Output Parameter?

Dec 7, 2007

I've tried using:
Declare @answer bit
Execute procUserVer username answer output

Create PROCEDURE procUserVer
@User char(15),
@Validate bit output
Declare @UserFound int
Select @UserFound = count(*)
From usernames
where networklogin = @user
select @userFound

if @userFound >0
set @validate = 1
set @validate = 0

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Exec Sp With Output Parameter

Feb 28, 2007

I have the following sp:ALTER PROCEDURE myspPrepareTextForHTML @MessageContent nvarchar(1400), @returnval nvarchar(1400) outputASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;SET @returnval='something'RETURN @returnvalENDWhen I try this:
EXEC myspPrepareTextForHTML @MessageContent='dfgsdfgdf', @returnval OUTPUT
print @returnval
I get the error:Must declare the scalar variable "@returnval".
How can I get this to work?

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Need Help Processing SP Output Parameter

May 7, 2007

Stored procedure works:
PROCEDURE dbo.VerifyZipCode@CZip nvarchar(5),@CZipVerified nvarchar(5) outputAS IF (EXISTS(SELECT ZIPCode FROM ZipCensus11202006 WHERE ZIPCode = @CZip)) SET @CZipVerified = 'Yes' ELSE SET @CZipVerified = 'Not Valid Zip'RETURN
 Need help calling and processing sp information:
protected void C_Search_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){        SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["localhomeexpoConnectionString2"].ConnectionString);        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("VerifyZipCode", con);        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CZip", UserZipCode_tbx.Text);
             . . . how do you set up output parameter, call the SP and capture output. . . ?        if (@CZipVerified == "Not Valid Zip")               {                    TextBox5.Text = "Zip code not valid please re-enter zip";               }                    else               {                    Continue processing page               }

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Output Parameter Not Return The Value

Nov 7, 2007

 In my SP I have an output parameter,
the SP work good,
but in the command parameter I alwase get null value/
here is my code:
and in the profiler I see that the query work and return the value, here the query that I copy from the profiler:

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Output Parameter In SP Not Working?

Feb 28, 2008

Hi everyone,
   This is the sp i have written which works fine in the sql server management studio when i run it but when i call it from the web application the output parameters are generated as nothing but the sp return the data from the select statement, so here is the sp followed by code to access the sp. 
This is the Store ProcedureCREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].StaffAuthenticate
@Staff_ID nvarchar(50),
@Password nvarchar(15),
@IsAuthenticated int OUTPUT,
@P_message_code int OUTPUT
Select * From Staff;
SET @IsAuthenticated = 0;
SET @P_message_code = 100;
GOThis is the VB.NET code.  Dim ConStr As String = GenericDataAccess.GetConnection(IConnectionStrNames.OAAStaffAuthStr)
Dim Conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConStr)
Dim Command As SqlCommand = Nothing
Command = New SqlCommand()
Command.Connection = Conn
Command.CommandText = "StaffAuthenticate"
Command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

Command.Parameters.Add("@Staff_ID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = UserId
Command.Parameters.Add("@Password", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15).Value = Password
Command.Parameters.Add("@IsAuthenticated", SqlDbType.Int).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
Command.Parameters.Add("@P_message_code", SqlDbType.Int).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

Dim myDataReader As SqlDataReader = Command.ExecuteReader()
Dim Res As New StringBuilder

While (myDataReader.Read())
For i As Integer = 0 To myDataReader.FieldCount - 1
Res.Append(" ; ")
End While

MsgBox(Res.ToString, MsgBoxStyle.Information, "DAL : StaffSqlAuthenticate")  Thanks for all the help, Really could use one. Kabir 

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Output Parameter Question

Mar 25, 2004


I have stored some HTML in a table using an attribute defined as a "text" datatype. I use a stored procedure to insert the data and it works fine - I can see the formattede HTML via direct table access uising enterprise manager.

Now I need to call back this data into my program. So I have created another stored procedure and have tried to out put the field via an output paramater. The output parameter is defined as a text datatype without a field size and the sql assigns the data in a format select @field = dbfield ....

I get a message saying that data of type text cannot be output to the parameter? I will only ever return 1 record and setting up an adapter etc seems overkill. Anyone got a workaround for this?


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How Do I Get A Procedure OUTPUT-parameter...

Apr 25, 2004

In my ASP.NET page I use a stored procedure that have a parameter declared as OUTPUT...
however...I do not know how to get this OUTPUT to be stored in a ASP.NET-variable...

this is the sp:

@uidArticleId uniqueidentifier OUTPUT,
@strHeading nvarchar(300),
@strAbstract nvarchar(600),
@strText nvarchar(4000),
@dtDate datetime,
@dtDateStart datetime,
@dtDateStop datetime,
@strAuthor nvarchar(200),
@strAuthorEmail nvarchar(200),
@strKeywords nvarchar(400)
SET @uidArticleId = newid()
INSERT INTO tblArticles
VALUES(@uidArticleId ,@strHeading,@strAbstract,@strText,@dtDate,@dtDateStart,@dtDateStop,@strAuthor,@strAuthorEmail,@strKeywords)

my asp code is something like this:

SqlCommand sqlcmdInsertNewsArticle = new SqlCommand(insertCmd, sqlconCon);

sqlcmdInsertNewsArticle.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@strHeading", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 300));
sqlcmdInsertNewsArticle.Parameters["@strHeading"].Value = strHeading.Text;

sqlcmdInsertNewsArticle.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@strAbstract", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 600));
sqlcmdInsertNewsArticle.Parameters["@strAbstract"].Value = strAbstract.Text;

sqlcmdInsertNewsArticle.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@strText", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 4000));
sqlcmdInsertNewsArticle.Parameters["@strText"].Value = strText.Text;



How do I do if I want to catch the OUTPUT-parameter (@uidArticleId)?


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Output Parameter Or Return Value

May 2, 2005

I'm having a terrible time getting a return value from my stored procedure. The sp sets the value  and returns it correctly in the query analyzer, but I can't get the calling code - using VB in VS2003 - to read the value.  I've tried putting it into an integer, and using a Return, and also putting it into a string, and using an output parameter.  Either way:  nada.  What am I doing wrong????
Here's the sp:
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_HOUSRoomAudits @Result VarChar(1) OUTPUT, @Dorm VarChar(12), @Room VarChar(5), @StuID VarChar(14)  AS
DECLARE @Capacity IntDECLARE @Assigned Int--DECLARE @Result VarChar(1)DECLARE @BD BIT
SET @BD=(SELECT Boarding FROM HOUS_StudentMaster WHERE StudentID=@StuID)
SET @Capacity=(SELECT [Student Capacity] FROM HOUS_Rooms WHERE Bldg=@Dorm AND [Room #]=@Room)
SET @Assigned=(SELECT COUNT(PSID) FROM HOUS_StudentMaster a JOIN HOUS_Dorms b ON a.Dormatory=b.Dormitory  WHERE b.Bldg=@Dorm AND a.Status='Active'  AND a.Room=@Room)
IF (@BD=1 AND @Room='N/A') OR (@BD=0 AND @Room<>'N/A')
 SET @Result='3'ELSE IF @Assigned<@Capacity   SET @Result='1' ELSE    SET @Result='2'
print @Result--RETURN @ResultGO
Here's the calling code; I'm leaving out all the dim's etc down to the output parameter:
Dim Parm4 As SqlParameter = scmdReturn.Parameters.Add("@Result", SqlDbType.VarChar)
Parm4.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
Parm4.Value = "0"
strOut = Parm4.Value
Catch ex As Exception
Me.lblProblem.Text = "Failed to execute command, err = " & ex.Message
Me.lblProblem.Visible = True
End Try
Hoping you can help, and thanks!

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Output Parameter Poking My Eye Out

Nov 3, 2005

I'm having a blast.I've been trying to get a sproc to work with 3 imputs and 1 output parameter, first I thought it was something wrong with my (v2.0) code but after some high pursuit code searching I finally tried out the sproc in QA, still didn't work. can you see what's wrong with this sproc?CREATE PROCEDURE gogogod.sp_user_add@username varchar(24),@password varchar(64),@email varchar(64),@errCode varchar(128) OUTPUTAS    IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT username, email FROM tblUser WHERE username = @username OR email = @email )    BEGIN        DECLARE @uid uniqueidentifier        SET @uid = newID()        INSERT INTO tblUser (uid, username, password, email) VALUES (@uid, @username, @password, @email)        SELECT @uid AS uID        SET @errCode = 'user created'    END    ELSE        SET @errcode = 'User already exists'    RETURNfor some reason the sproc asks for a 4th input parameter, I tried just adding " , '' " as a fourth and it 'worked' (i think) I couldn't check if there was an output for the @errcode.any ideas?

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Output Parameter Problem

Dec 13, 2005

i have the following problem.  I have a sproc that takes 2 input
parameters used for the where clause and outputs another 3 output
parameters to be displayed in my aspx page.  Below is my sproc as
well as my code of how i call the sproc from asp.net2
ALTER   Procedure [dbo].[sp_Ret_Users]
@AccountStatus varchar(50),
@LoginName varchar(200),
@Address varchar (50) OUTPUT,
@FName varchar(100) OUTPUT,
@LName varchar (100) OUTPUT

    @Address = address,
    @Fname = fname,
    @Lname = Lname
From tb_Users
    LoginName = @LoginName AND AccountStatus = @AccountStatus

Here is my vb code that i use to call from my asp.net2 site
        Dim connString As String =
        Using myConnection As New SqlConnection(connString)
            Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
            Dim Command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand()

            Command.Connection = myConnection
            Command.CommandText = "sp_Ret_Users"
            Command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

            'Input Parameters
Command.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@AccountStatus",
Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50))
Command.Parameters("@AccountStatus").Value =
Command.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@LoginName",
Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 200))
Command.Parameters("@LoginName").Value = ddlLoginName.SelectedValue

            'Output Parameters
AddressParam As New SqlParameter("@Address", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)
FNameParam As New SqlParameter("@FName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100)
LNameParam As New SqlParameter("@LName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100)

            AddressParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
            FNameParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
            LNameParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output


            Dim reader As SqlDataReader = Command.ExecuteReader()

            Dim AddressOut As String = AddressParam.Value
            Dim FNameOut As String = FNameParam.Value
            Dim LNameOut As String = LNameParam.Value

        End Using

The last 3 variables AddressOut, FnameOut, LNameOUT do not return any values.

I am sure that my problem is somewhere in my vb code as if i run the sproc in QA it runs ok and outputs the variables.

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