Getting SqlDbType Not Declared

Nov 6, 2007

How do I dim SqlDbType in my code?Dim conn As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("TrainUserConnectionString").ConnectionString)

Dim cmd As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandWith cmd

.Connection = conn

.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure

.CommandText = "UpdateTopicscmd.Parameters.Add("@classificationID", SqlDBType.Int)cmd.Parameters.Add("@TitleID", SqlDBType.Int)


For Each item As ListItem In CheckBoxList1.Items

If item.Selected Thencmd.Parameters("@classificationID").Value = item.Valuecmd.Parameters("@TitleID").Value = DropDownList1.SelectedValue


End If



End WithEnd Sub

End Class



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Is It Possible To Use Twice Declared. Variable Names- KILL And After Declared. Variable

May 1, 2008

is it possible to use twice declared. Variable names-
declared. Variable and after KILL
and use the same declared. Variable


@StartDate datetime

KILL @StartDate datetime (remove from memory)
use after with the same name

i have 2 big stored PROCEDURE
i need to put one after one
and psss only 1 Variable name to the second stored PROCEDURE
like this i don't get this error

The variable name '@Start_Date' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.

Msg 134, Level 15, State 1, Line 146

The variable name '@End_Date' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.
i use like
KILL @endDate ??
KILL @StartDate ??


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Sqldbtype Numeric

Mar 22, 2006

Hello,Im calling a stored proc that has a numeric value as a varible.In the asp im using the code:myPrivate.Parameters.Add("@memberID", SqlDbType.Decimal, 18).Value = Decimal.Parse(uxToText.Text);I'm using decimal as there is no numeric sqldb type, is this correct? Also is the decimal parse correct as Im getting a 'Input string was not in a correct format' error.Thanks

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SqlDbType Chars's And VarChar's

Jun 19, 2006

I have an overloaded method in my data access layer that I use to load the parameters into a command object.  One of these overloaded methods is as follows:
public void LoadSqlParameter(string name, string value, ParameterDirection direction){            param                           = new SqlParameter();            param.ParameterName = name;            param.Value                 = value;            param.Direction            = direction;
            param.SqlDbType        = SqlDbType.VarChar;
Will using a SqlDbType of VarChar cause me any problems if the actual parameter in the stored procedure is a Char? 
Am I better off leaving out the line that specifies the type?

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SQLDBType.Text, 2147483647

Dec 12, 2006

I am creating a parameter of type text, and using either of the 3 statements below, to specify the size of the text.  Unfortunately none of the statements put all the text into the database. 
The receiving column is Text(16) and Text in Row is turned off.
I really would appreciate any help with this.
Many thanks,
Polly Anna
          sqlParam = New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@varResponse", SqlDbType.Text) ', 2147483647, ParameterDirection.Input)
        sqlParam = New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@varResponse", SqlDbType.Text) 
or             sqlParam = New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@varResponse", SqlDbType.VarChar, 4000)
            sqlParam.Value = Me.ResponseText

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.net 1.1 SqlDbType Accepts Varchar(MAX)

Jun 15, 2007

My app uses .net 1.1 and MS SQL 2005 as backend.  How to add a SqlParamter that is varchar(MAX)?SqlParameter myParameter = new SqlParameter("@Description",SqlDbType.VarChar,whatToPutHere?,ParameterDirection.Input,                 true,0,0,"Whatever",DataRowVersion.Current,"Whatever");  

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SqlDbType.Decimal Rounding Up

Nov 15, 2007

I have a field in my SQL Server 2005 database of type   numeric(18,3)In code, I treat the value as decimalWhen creating my command parameters, this is how I'm declaring them:prm.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Decimal;prm.Precision = (byte)int.Parse("18");prm.Size = int.Parse("0");prm.Scale = (byte)int.Parse("3");Inserting a number like  5.687 is rounding to 6.000            anyone know why it is doing that?

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How To Retrieve SqlDbType.Bit In SQL Server?

Sep 29, 2004


My checkbox status is saved as SqlDbType.Bit in MS SQl Server database.
When I use the following code to retrieve it, it does not work.


I appreciate your kind assistance.

Thank you.

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How To Asssign String Variable To SqlDbType

Nov 17, 2007

i have string variable as,
String str="Int";
now, while assigning sql parameters, i want
but, value of Int is dynamic. it may be string or double so,
i want it to be as,
but its not acceptable(its invalid cast).
in any way can i do it and how?

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Performance Gain On Specifying SqlDbType On Parameter

Jun 28, 2004

How much if any of a perf gain is there when you specify the SqlDbType on a parameter?

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How To Handle System.Data.SqlDbType.Text.

Apr 14, 2006

I am trying to insert a large amount of data from a web form I created into a "text" field in my DB. Problem is its oly entering the 1st 16 characters. I can see why but I dont understand what I need to do to avoid this shortcomming. Ive searched the forums here and in google groups to no avail :(
sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Content", System.Data.SqlDbType.Text, 16, "Content")).Value = ftbContent.Text
How do I need to restructure the above line?
Any help would be appreciated.

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SqlCEParameter With SQLDBType.Binary Won't Allow Size To Be Set &&> 510 Bytes

Nov 1, 2006

Here is my code:

Dim oParameter As New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeParameter("@pMyParameter", SqlDbType.Binary, 3000)

If you set a watch on this object, the size is set back to 510. I have tried resetting the size back to 3000 after construction using oParameter.Size, but it doesn't change from 510. If the command is executed using ExecNonQuery, this causes the bytes to get cut off at 510 bytes and returns the error: Byte array truncation to a length of 510.

Can I insert data into SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition, into a field of data type binary(3000) using .NET CF 2.0 via SqlServerCe objects?

Thanks for any help.


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Passing Boolean To Stored Proc As SQLDBtype.bit Not Working

Mar 17, 2004

Hi I was hoping that someone might be able to help me with this.

I'm trying to figure out why my code below generates 0 or 1 but doesn't insert it when I can execute my stored procedure with: exec sp 0

myParm = myCommand.Parameters.Add("@bolProMembCSNM", SqlDbType.Bit)
myParm.Value = IIf(CBool(rblProMembCSNM.SelectedItem.Value) = True, 1, 0)

I've tried everything I used to use with Classic ASP and am stumped now.
Any ideas? I will have to do this for numerous controls on my pages.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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SqlDbType.Int, 4 - Does Specifying The Parameter Datatype Size Eventually Stop Auto Increment In The Database

Jun 17, 2008

Hi, I'm specify the size of the interger dataypes in my code behind files; e.g.
commad.Parameters.Add("@SomeID", SqlDbType.Int, 4)
I know it may seem silly, but I have to ask:
Will specifying ths size (i.e. 4) eventually stop the auto-icnrement of the underlying primary key SomeID in the SQL Server 2005 database?
What restriction, if any, does this place if the next SomeID value is 10000, which is 5 digits? or 999999, which is 6 digits?
Thank you

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SqlStatementSourceType Is Not Declared

Mar 26, 2008

I have simple SSIS package with only ScriptTask. Script was copied from MSDN:

Code Snippet

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ExecuteSQLTask


Public Sub Main()

Dim pkg As Package = New Package()

Dim exec1 As Executable = pkg.Executables.Add("STOCK:SQLTask")

Dim th As TaskHost

th = CType(exec1, TaskHost)

Dim myVar As Variable = pkg.Variables.Add("myVar", False, "User", 100)

th.Properties("SqlStatementSourceType").SetValue(th, SqlStatementSourceType.Variable)

Last line shows error - 'SqlStatementSourceType' is not declared.
Well, Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ExecuteSQLTask is imported so SqlStatementSourceType should be visible. I don't see microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll in task's references and can't add it because Add Reference doesn't show this DLL.

Could you please forward me in right direction?

Thank you,

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Set Value For Variable In A Declared Cursor

Feb 16, 2004


I have a problem on setting the value for the variable in a declared cursor. Below is my example, I have declared the cursor c1 once at the top in a stored procedure and open it many times in a loop by setting the variable @str_var to different values. It seems the variable cannot be set after the cursor declared. Please advise how can I solve this issue.

DECLARE @str_var VARCHAR(10)
DECLARE @field_val VARCHAR(10)

SELECT field1 FROM tableA WHERE field1 = @str_var

WHILE (Sometime TRUE)


SET @str_var = 'set to some values, eg. ABC123, XYZ123'


FETCH c1 INTO @field_val

WHILE (@@fetch_status != -1)

PRINT @field_val

FETCH c1 INTO @field_val





Thanks a lots,

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Type 'adCmdStoredProc' Is Not Declared

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to set up a "cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc" but Ireceive the error "Type 'adCmdStoredProc' is not declared". What do Ineed to do to declare it? I am using MSDE with SQLDataAdapter. I amtrying to exceute a stored procedure from within my VB .NET 2003 code.Thanks.JH

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Using Declared Variables In SQL INSERT Statement.

Feb 3, 2007

I am new to scripting in general and I've run into an issue when attempting to write a VB variable to a database table in SQL Express.  I am trying to record the value of the variable to the db, but it does not appear that the value is being passed to SQL.  If I hard code the values in the SQL statement it works fine.  Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong accomplish this?  My code is below.  Thanks in advance. 
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:SqlConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Table]"
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Table] (field1, field2) VALUES (& variable1 &, & variable2 &);" >
Protected Sub Button_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button.Click
Dim variable1 As String = FileUpload.FileName
Dim variable2 As String = Date.Now
Dim path As String = Server.MapPath("~/directory/)
If FileUpload.HasFile = True Then
FileUpload.PostedFile.SaveAs(path & _
End Try
End If
End Sub

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Cursor Declared With Variable In Where Clause

Nov 17, 1999

When I execute next query on sqlserver 6.5 nested in stored procedure I can see that 'open testCursor' selected rows using new value of @var. When I execute query on sqlserver 7.0 I can see that 'open testCursor' selected rows using value of @var before 'declare ... cursor'. Is there any way to force sqlserver 7.0 to proccess cursor like it did it before.

select @var = oldValue

declare testCursor cursor
for select someColumns
from someTable
where someColumn = @var

select @var = newValue

open testCursor

fetch next from testCursor into @someColumns

Thank's in advance.


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Substringing Declared Varables In SQL Server

May 20, 1999

I need to be able to update a row of data in a table based upon the first character of a char(50) field.

if char(1) of employee_Job_class = "X" then update field Class_description = "Temporary"

Anyone have any suggestions ??

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Problem Returning A Declared Variable

Mar 14, 2005

when I run this sproc all I get out of it is "the commands completed successfully" and doesn't return the value. If anyone can point out where the error is I would really appreciate it. Thanks


Create Procedure LookupLeagueIdByUserName(@userName as varchar(40) = '') as
if (@userName = '')
raiserror('LookupLeagueIdByUserName: Missing parameters', 16,1)
Declare @leagueId int
Set @leagueId = -1

--Check if the username belong to a player
Select @leagueId = leagueId From Users u
inner join players p on p.userId = u.userId
inner join teams t on p.teamId = t.teamId
where u.userName = @userName

if (@leagueId > 0)
return @leagueId
--Check if the username belong to a teamUser
Select @leagueId = leagueId From Users u
inner join teamUsers tu on tu.userId = u.userId
inner join teams t on tu.teamId = t.teamId
where u.userName = @userName

if (@leagueId > 0)
return @leagueId
--Check if the username belong to a leagueUser
Select @leagueId = leagueId From Users u
inner join leagueUsers lu on lu.userId = u.userId
where u.userName = @userName

if (@leagueId > 0)
return @leagueId
--username is not in db or is an admin user
return -1
-- when I run this I get no results returned
LookupLeagueIdByUserName 'chris'

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Declared Hard Coded Variables

Jun 3, 2015

declare @StartTime nvarchar(10)= '12:00'
declare @EndTime nvarchar(10)= '12:45'
declare @Diff time(1) = cast(@EndTime as datetime) - cast(@StartTime as datetime)

How to I use Column names instead of Hard coding variables - e.g. '12:00'

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Stored Procedure Using A Declared Cursor

Nov 15, 2007

I need to write a stored procedure using T-SQL to declare a cursor for containing id(staff_no), names and specialism of all doctors that have specialism, The contents of the cursor then are to be displayed using a loop and print statement to give a formatted display of the output of each record within the cursor.

The doctors table has the following columns with specialism allowing NULL values

staff_no CHAR(3),
doctor_name CHAR(12),
position CHAR(15),
specialism CHAR(15),
PRIMARY KEY(staff_no)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Script Component Name Ouput0Buffer Is Not Declared???

Mar 26, 2007

Doing a simple test with a script component in a DataFlow to transform some data from a flat file. I have new columns under the default Ouput 0 .. however in my code when I try this, I get the above error.

Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)


End Sub

There will of course be a lot more code in the Script Component, but not clear on why I can't reference it.

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Obtaining Collation Length Of Declared Variable Within SP

Jun 12, 2008

Morning All,Can I have some help with this one please, I am having to make a fixed length text file based on information from the DBDeclare @EDIString varchar(MAX)Declare @RecordType varchar(2)Declare @RegistrationMark varchar(7)Declare @Model_Chassis varchar(11)Declare @LocationCode Varchar(4)Declare @MovementDate varchar(8)Declare @IMSAccountCode varchar(5)Declare @MovementType varchar(8)Declare @NotUsed1 Varchar(28)Declare @NotUsed2 varchar(7)Select @RecordType = RecordType, @RegistrationMark = RegistrationMark, @Model_Chassis = Model_And_Chassis, @LocationCode = LocationCode, @MovementDate = MovementDate, @IMSAccountCode = IMSAccountCode, @Movementtype = MovementTypeCode from Fiat_OutBoundOnce I have selected the information from the DB I need to ensure that each field is the correct length.  I therefore want to pass the variable and the length of the variable into a function to return the correct length.So if location Code = 'AB'  this needs to be four characters long so want to pass it into a function and return 'AB  'As I need to do this for 70+ variables is there an easy way to obtain the length of the collation for the variable?regardsTom

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Select Declared Variable With Case Statements

Apr 19, 2008

I am trying to gather counts for table imports made for files from friday - sunday and create a variable that will be the body of an email.
I'd like to use either a case statement or a while statement since the query is the same but the values must be collected for each day (friday, saturday and sunday) and will all be included in the same email.

I have declared all variables appropriately but I will leave that section of the code out.

Select @ifiledate = iFileDate from tblTelemark where
iFileDate = CASE
WHEN iFileDate = REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE()-3, 101), '/','') THEN

Select @countfri1 = Count(*) from tbl1
Select @countfri2 = Count(*) from tbl2
Select @countfri3 = Count(*) from tbl3
Select @countfri4 = Count(*) from tbl4

WHEN iFileDate = REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE()-2, 101), '/','') THEN
Select @countsat1 = Count(*) from tbl1
Select @countsat2 = Count(*) from tbl2
Select @countsat3 = Count(*) from tbl3
Select @countsat4 = Count(*) from tbl4

WHEN iFileDate = REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE()-1, 101), '/','') THEN
Select @countsun1 = Count(*) from tbl1
Select @countsun2 = Count(*) from tbl2
Select @countsun3 = Count(*) from tbl3
Select @countsun4 = Count(*) from tbl4


Is there a way to do what this that works???

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Go And Goto In One Sql Script Gives Error Label Not Declared

Jan 15, 2007

Hi,I have a problem:I am writing an update script for a database and want to check for theversion and Goto the wright update script.So I read the version from a table and if it match I want to "GotoVersionxxx"Where Versionxxx: is set in the script with the right update script.Whenever I have some script which need Go commands I get error in theoutput thatA GOTO statement references the label 'Versionxxx' but the label hasnot been declared.But the label is set in the script by 'Versionxxx:'Is there a way I can solve this easily?Thanks in advance

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How Do I Asign A Textbox In A Rdlc Report A Declared Value?

Apr 8, 2007

Hi all..

I developed a local report to be viewed using the "Report Viewer" control. The report is attached to an object data source.

All works perfectly, now I want to display a declared value (from the form containing the report viewer) in a textbox. Like:

Dim NofDays as string

Me.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.textbox6.text = NofDays

I ve tried a lot of options like using the report paramaters but I cannot get it to work.

Does aneyone have a clue?



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How To Call A Variable Declared In Parent Package

Nov 16, 2007

I have declared a variable XYZ in Parent package
Similarly I have declared ABC in Child package and have done the configuration.
I have assigned some value to XYZ
How to get the value in Child Package.

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Reporting Services :: Create A Report With Declared Value

Sep 16, 2015

I use BIDS 2008 R2 and  I have a SQL script that works fine and gives me the desired output in SQL Management studio.

declare @dt datetime
select @dt = '2015-09-10 08:23:28.000'
     from acptran (nolock) where seq_id in (select seq_id from acptcash (nolock) where date_time = @dt)
order by ref_id,ref1

However i need to create a report so that someone else can enter the date time as a parameter in a report to get the required results. Normally i would drop my SQL script into BIDS and it would create the dataset but as this has a declared value it gives an error "The Declare SQL construct or statement is not supported."

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Using Declared Variable As Passphrase Slows Query

Mar 13, 2008

I have two tables - gift_cards and history - each related by a field called "card_number". This field is encrypted in the history table but not in the gift_cards table. Let's say the passphrase is 'mypassphrase'. The following query takes about 1 second to execute with a fairly large amount of data in both tables:

SELECT max([history].[date_of_wash]) AS LastUse

FROM gift_cards AS gc LEFT JOIN history

ON gc.card_number=CAST(DecryptByPassPhrase('mypassphrase', HISTORY.CARD_NUMBER) AS VARCHAR(50))

GROUP BY gc.card_number

When I use a declared variable to contain the passphrase, the same query takes over 40 seconds. For example,

declare @vchPassphrase as nvarchar(20)

select @vchPassphrase = 'mypassphrase'

SELECT max([history].[date_of_wash]) AS LastUse

FROM gift_cards AS gc LEFT JOIN history

ON gc.card_number=CAST(DecryptByPassPhrase(@vchPassphrase, HISTORY.CARD_NUMBER) AS VARCHAR(50))

GROUP BY gc.card_number

This query is part of a stored procedure and, for security reasons, I can't embed the passphrase in it. Can anyone explain the discrepancy between execution times and suggest a way to make the second query execute faster?


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Can Varbinary And Varchar Lengths Be Declared Dynamically?

Mar 25, 2008

I just learned that bit masking a varbinary column can increase it's length in bytes unnecessarily. For example, I ran the following...

declare @v1 varbinary(max)

set @v1 = 0x0100AB

select len(@v1)

set @v1 = @v1 | (len(@v1) - 2) * 256

select master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(@v1)

select len(@v1)
...and get

This messes up a plan I had for varbinary column use.

So I quickly tried the following to look for strategies to deal with this unwanted growth...thought being that while I'm passed a varbinary(max), operating on a varbinary that matches its passed length would avoid the unwanted growth after bit masking....

declare @i int

set @i = 5

declare @v2 varbinary(@i)

...but got errors.

So I suppose I can use a combo of the len, substring etc functions to correct the situation after bit masking but would like to know if the more elegant approach of dynamically sizing a varbinary is possible in t-sql, or if perhaps there is a way to prevent the unwanted growth during bit masking.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Finding Procedures That Use Declared Table Variables?

Oct 22, 2014

know a way to find all stored procedures that use declared or temp tables, i.e

Declare @temptable TABLE as....

Create table #temptable

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