Getting Value In Tables And Insert To Other Tables

Feb 7, 2008

I want to compare two tables. if the data is existed to the other table i will insert it to other table if not exist it will load also to diffrent table.
Example: if my table was Tbl_StudentID and Tbl_FacultyID i want to insert in tbl_Grade if the data in Tbl_StudentID is exist or present in Tbl_FacultyID . And if the Tbl_StudentId is not exist in Tbl_FacultyID the data will move to Tbl_SupervisorID.

Please Help..

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Insert Records From Foxpro Tables To SQL Server Tables

Apr 22, 2004


Currently, I'm using the following steps to migrate millions of records from Foxpro tables to SQL Server tables:

1. Transfer Foxpro records to .dat files and then bcp to SQL Server tables in a dummy database. All the SQL tables have the same columns as the Foxpro tables.
2. Manipulate the data in the SQL tables of the dummy database and save the manipulated data into the SQL tables of the real database where the tables may have different structure from the corresponding Foxpro tables.

I only know the following ways to import Foxpro data into SQL Server:

#1. Transfer Foxpro records to .dat files and then bcp to SQL Server tables
#2. Transfer Foxpro records to .dat files and then Bulk Insert to SQL Server tables
#3. DTS Foxpro records directly to SQL Server tables

I'm thinking whether the following choices will be better than the current way:

1st choice: Change step 1 to use #2 instead of #1
2nd choice: Change step 1 to use #3 instead of #1
3rd choice: Use #3 plus manipulating in DTS to replace step 1 and step 2

Thank you for any suggestion.

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Why Would Tables Pulled In From ODBC In Access Be Different Than Tables In SQL 2005 Tables?

Jan 24, 2008

I'm new to my company, although not new to SQL 2005 and I found something interesting. I don't have an ERD yet, and so I was asking a co-worker what table some data was in, they told me a table that is NOT in SQL Server 2005's list of tables, views or synonyms.

I thought that was strange, and so I searched over and over again and still I couldn't find it. Then I did a select statement the table that Access thinks exists and SQL Server does not show and to my shock, the select statement pulled in data!

So how did this happen? How can I find the object in SSMS folder listing of tables/views or whatever and what am I overlooking?


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Cannot INSERT Data To 3 Tables Linked With Relationship (INSERT Statement Conflicted With The FOREIGN KEY Constraint Error)

Apr 9, 2007

 I have a problem with setting relations properly when inserting data using adonet. Already have searched for a solutions, still not finding a mistake...
Here's the sql management studio diagram :

 and here goes the  code1 DataSet ds = new DataSet();
3 SqlDataAdapter myCommand1 = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from SurveyTemplate", myConnection);
4 SqlCommandBuilder cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(myCommand1);
5 myCommand1.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source);
6 DataTable pTable = ds.Tables["Table"];
7 pTable.TableName = "SurveyTemplate";
8 myCommand1.InsertCommand = cb.GetInsertCommand();
9 myCommand1.InsertCommand.Connection = myConnection;
11 SqlDataAdapter myCommand2 = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from Question", myConnection);
12 cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(myCommand2);
13 myCommand2.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source);
14 pTable = ds.Tables["Table"];
15 pTable.TableName = "Question";
16 myCommand2.InsertCommand = cb.GetInsertCommand();
17 myCommand2.InsertCommand.Connection = myConnection;
19 SqlDataAdapter myCommand3 = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from Possible_Answer", myConnection);
20 cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(myCommand3);
21 myCommand3.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source);
22 pTable = ds.Tables["Table"];
23 pTable.TableName = "Possible_Answer";
24 myCommand3.InsertCommand = cb.GetInsertCommand();
25 myCommand3.InsertCommand.Connection = myConnection;
27 ds.Relations.Add(new DataRelation("FK_Question_SurveyTemplate", ds.Tables["SurveyTemplate"].Columns["id"], ds.Tables["Question"].Columns["surveyTemplateID"]));
28 ds.Relations.Add(new DataRelation("FK_Possible_Answer_Question", ds.Tables["Question"].Columns["id"], ds.Tables["Possible_Answer"].Columns["questionID"]));
30 DataRow dr = ds.Tables["SurveyTemplate"].NewRow();
31 dr["name"] = o[0];
32 dr["description"] = o[1];
33 dr["active"] = 1;
34 ds.Tables["SurveyTemplate"].Rows.Add(dr);
36 DataRow dr1 = ds.Tables["Question"].NewRow();
37 dr1["questionIndex"] = 1;
38 dr1["questionContent"] = "q1";
39 dr1.SetParentRow(dr);
40 ds.Tables["Question"].Rows.Add(dr1);
42 DataRow dr2 = ds.Tables["Possible_Answer"].NewRow();
43 dr2["answerIndex"] = 1;
44 dr2["answerContent"] = "a11";
45 dr2.SetParentRow(dr1);
46 ds.Tables["Possible_Answer"].Rows.Add(dr2);
48 dr1 = ds.Tables["Question"].NewRow();
49 dr1["questionIndex"] = 2;
50 dr1["questionContent"] = "q2";
51 dr1.SetParentRow(dr);
52 ds.Tables["Question"].Rows.Add(dr1);
54 dr2 = ds.Tables["Possible_Answer"].NewRow();
55 dr2["answerIndex"] = 1;
56 dr2["answerContent"] = "a21";
57 dr2.SetParentRow(dr1);
58 ds.Tables["Possible_Answer"].Rows.Add(dr2);
60 dr2 = ds.Tables["Possible_Answer"].NewRow();
61 dr2["answerIndex"] = 2;
62 dr2["answerContent"] = "a22";
63 dr2.SetParentRow(dr1);
64 ds.Tables["Possible_Answer"].Rows.Add(dr2);
66 myCommand1.Update(ds,"SurveyTemplate");
67 myCommand2.Update(ds, "Question");
68 myCommand3.Update(ds, "Possible_Answer");
69 ds.AcceptChanges();

and that causes (at line 67):"The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint
"FK_Question_SurveyTemplate". The conflict occurred in database
"ankietyzacja", table "dbo.SurveyTemplate", column
The statement has been terminated.
at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.UpdatedRowStatusErrors(RowUpdatedEventArgs rowUpdatedEvent, BatchCommandInfo[] batchCommands, Int32 commandCount)
at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.UpdatedRowStatus(RowUpdatedEventArgs rowUpdatedEvent, BatchCommandInfo[] batchCommands, Int32 commandCount)
at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Update(DataRow[] dataRows, DataTableMapping tableMapping)
at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.UpdateFromDataTable(DataTable dataTable, DataTableMapping tableMapping)
at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Update(DataSet dataSet, String srcTable)
at AnkietyzacjaWebService.Service1.createSurveyTemplate(Object[] o) in J:\PL\PAI\AnkietyzacjaWebService\AnkietyzacjaWebServicece\Service1.asmx.cs:line 397"

Could You please tell me what am I missing here ?
Thanks a lot.

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Track The Changes To Normalised Tables And Update The Denormalised Tables Depending On The Changes To Normalised Tables

Dec 7, 2006

We have 20 -30 normalized tables in our dartabase . Also we have 4tables where we store the calculated data fron those normalised tables.The Reason we have these 4 denormalised tables is when we try to dothe calcultion on the fly, our site becomes very slow. So We haveprecalculated and stored it in 4 tables.The Process we use to do the precalcultion, will get do thecalculation and and store it in a temp table. It will compare the thetemp with denormalised tables and insert new rows , delte the old oneans update if any changes.This process take about 20 mins - 60mins. Ittakes long time because in this process we first do the calculationregardless of changes and then do a compare to see what are changed andremove if any rows are deleted, and insert new rowsand update thechanges.Now we like to capture the rows/columns changed in the normalisedtables and do only those chages to the denormalised table , which weare hoping will reduce the processing time by atleast 50%WE have upgraded to SQL SERVER 2005.So We like to use the newtechnology for this process.I have to design the a model to capture the changes and updated onlythose changes.I have the list of normalised tables and te columns which will affectthe end results.I thought of using Triggers or OUTPUT clause to capture the changes.Please help me with the any ideas how to design the new process

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Insert 2 Tables

Dec 19, 2006

Please i need to insert two tables at a time. One is Delivaries and the other is DelivaryDetails. This is the Structure:
DelivariesDelivaryId...........Int Primary Key IdentityDelivaryNo.........nvarcharDelivaryDate......datetime
DelivaryDetailsDelivaryId............Int Primary Key Foreign KeyProductId............Int Foreign KeyQty....................Int
I have created a StoredProcedure named InsertDelivaries
CREATE PROCEDURE InsertDelivaries@DelivaryId int output,@DelivaryNo nvarchar(20),@DelivaryDate datetime
insert into Delivaries values(@DelivaryNo,@DelivaryDate)
but this does not insert the records as expected. Please help

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Insert Between Two Tables

Apr 10, 2007

I think this is common question, but i still dont get answer from all past topic and thread.
My problems is:
I have two tables,
1) company_info (com_ID(Primary key with increment int), name, add, contact_no)
2) company_detail(com_ID(Primarykey without increment), product, quantity)
 I want capture the data com_ID from 1st table and at the same time I want to insert into 2nd tables. How the way??
currently I do in table adapter in data set.
I also looking how to use store procedures? my knowledge about store proceduree is zero and really need articles or tutorial from any website. anylink?
One more things, I also which part i should do the relationship, in dataset or at database diagram?
I really lack in this database knowledge
Thank you

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Insert Into Tables

Dec 18, 2007

hello my friends
 i have a database with 5 tables : 1-Company 2-Activity 3-Product 4-Project 5-Telephone
each table have a one to many relation with Company Table ! i mean a Company can has many Activities,Products,Projects,Telephones i want to insert in tables at a same time insert into Company table ! i know that i should first insert into company Table and get CompanyID that need to insert in other tables. i hear that i can do this with define a VIEW of joining these tables and use trigger!i dont know how !?
 I'll appreciate you to help me :O)

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INSERT INTO Two Tables At Once?

Feb 22, 2008

I am using Framework 3.5 with VS2008 writing VB code to put and get data in a SQL 2005 Server database. 
How to fill out a form, and on one submit button click, send some information into one database table and different information into a different table?
Those tables of mine have a common key, but one is about where and when and what work needs to be done and the other is about authorization, departments and funds.
I’d just think that I should be able to do that in one InsertCommand="INSERT INTO …� statement and not have to code a whole new <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqldsDOIT" runat="server" interface for the second table … which is the work-around that I can do … it just seems ignorant to me, when we are told to keep like-things in separate tables (normalization).
In other words, the following fails to run ... if I only INSERT INTO Job( or only INSERT INTO Signatory( ... it's all good.A little help please.  I've scanned through the forums, but not found exactly this addressed. <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqldsDOIT" runat="server"     ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DOITWorkOrderConnectionString %>"     SelectCommand="SELECT FROM [Job] JOIN [Signatory] ON Job.Jobnumber = Signatory.Jobnumber"    InsertCommand="INSERT INTO Job(Datereq, ..., Jobcomm) VALUES(@Datereq, ..., @Jobcomm)    INTO Signatory(BillProgram, ..., Sigemail) Values(@BillProgram, ..., @Sigemail)">    <InsertParameters>

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Insert Two Tables In One

Sep 5, 2001

I want to insert records from two tables into one table as the record is concatenated from both the tables and then put it into the one table.

How can we do that so that i can take the records from the one table..?


+'|'+COMPANYFAX+'|'+FEDTAXID+'|'+DUNSNUMBER+'|'+S1 099+'|'+DUNSSUFFIX+'|'+convert(char,ADDRESSSEQ)
+'|'+CITY+'|'+STATE+'|'+ZIP+'|'+FAXNUMBER hello1 into temp32
from v4

+'|'+PHONE+'|'+FAX+'|'+TITLE hello INTO temp32
from v3

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INSERT Into 2 Tables

Mar 8, 1999

Does SQL allow you to insert data into 2 related tables simultaneously?

I have a form where the user enters in Name, Age, SocialSecurity,
Address. The Address table is a separate table than the Individual
table. How do I insert into both ??? Both tables are tied with a unique Individual_ID which is system generated.
I am using a stored procedure

Thanks alot!!

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Insert To Two Tables

Oct 19, 2007

I posted this question previously but am now getting another error and fixing it (months ago). I am trying insert The ID2 column (pk) from table 2 into ID2 column (fk) of table 1. What the T-SQL is trying to do is check to see if the record in table 2 already exists in then just pass the value to the insert query for table 1. If the record does not exist then insert data into table 2first then perform the table 1 insert.

This SP works fine if the user does not exist in table 2. However, if the user does exist in table2 then instead of passing the ID, a null value is passed.

Can anyone tell me why the first query does not work? If there is an easier way of doing this then I am all ears.

Thank you

DECLARE @IdentityHolder int

INSERT INTO [tbl2] ([ID2], [FN], [LN], emailAdd])
VALUES ( @ID2, @fName, @lName, @emailAdd)

SET @IdentityHolder = (ID2)
INSERT INTO [tbl1]([ID2], [event])
VALUES (@ID2, @event)

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Insert Into 2 Tables

Dec 12, 2007

Hi i have a stored prodedure which inserts into a local table then inserts into a remote table this works fine, what i need to do is.




i have created a parameter called @WebID but how do i give it the value of the MAX(ID) before i insert into tableB

Many thanks

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Insert Value From Another Tables

May 18, 2008

Good evening every body.

I have 3 tables ( customer, product and order).
Customer table contain customer_id as a primary key
Product table contain product_id as a primary key
Order table contain both customer_id and product_id

I want to insert the values from customer and product to order.

Any help?

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How Do You Insert Into Two Tables From One Insert? Or Even How Would You Using Two Inserts?

Mar 18, 2007

I currently insert into one table with:                 SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO UsersTable (UserName, Password, Email) VALUES (@person, @pass, @email)", sqlConnection);                comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@person", usrnmeLbl.Text);                comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pass", hiddenpassLbl.Text);                comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", hemailLbl.Text);but I realized that there's another table related to this table and I need to have something go in it so that the users data will be recorded at the same pace. So I tried:                 SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO UsersTable, FatherHistTable (UserName, Password, Email), (Father) VALUES (@person, @pass, @email), (@father)", sqlConnection);                comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@person", usrnmeLbl.Text);                comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pass", hiddenpassLbl.Text);                comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", hemailLbl.Text);                comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@father", fthrsNmeLbl.Text);Not working, so I am thinking I must do two inserts:                  SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO
UsersTable (UserName, Password, Email) VALUES (@person, @pass,
@email)", sqlConnection);
                comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@person", usrnmeLbl.Text);
                comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pass", hiddenpassLbl.Text);
                comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", hemailLbl.Text);                 SqlCommand comm2 = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO
FatherHistTable (Father) VALUES (@father)", sqlConnection);
                comm2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@father", fthrsNmeLbl.Text); Is that the only way to go about it then? Thanks in advance for any explanations. 

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Insert Into Two Tables Sqldatasource

Jun 30, 2006

Coming from an asp world, I am totally lost on this one.
I have two tables.
tblUsers and tblUserInfo
I have a gridview that gives me the list of users and when selected, it gives me the detailsview of the the record.  However, When I need to add a new user, I am trying to add that user into tblUsers (which happens with no problems), and then add a record, using the same user number (UserID) has the key or ID for the tblUserInfo.
So basicly, when I create a new user in tblUsers I want to create a record in tblUserInfo with the same userid.
In ASP, this takes me minutes... I have been trying to figure this out for weeks.
vs2005, sql express.

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Insert Into Two Tables Via Sqldatasource

Feb 6, 2007

Hi, I have some problem with inserting data into two separate table which are connected via foreign key like in this example:Students (id_s, name, id_subject)Subjects (id_subject, name)So the point is to add a new student and subject for that chosen student. You have to make two inserts right? but how to pass the primary key to the table with foreign key? The form consists of three texbox: name, name_of_subject. Both id_s and id_subject are increment automatically. Any idea how to do it? I would be very grateful for the working code.Thanks in advance and best regards,N. 

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Table Insert For Three Tables??

Oct 16, 2007

I have 3 tables, Type, Subtype, and Subtype2. All which are related by the ID of preceding table.  Using a 3 textboxes and a button I want to insert new Types and subtypes to the tables.  How do I go about identifying the new types new ID insert it in to the other tables?  I am using (vb) with sql server.

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Insert Into Two Tables Without Procedures

Nov 25, 2007

 Hi,I need to make an insert into two tables connected to each other via foreign and primary key. The point is - I cannot use stored procedures or triggers. That tables looks like this: Candidate(ID, Name, Surname, Class) and Candidate_Exam(ID, date). ID in Candidate_Exam is a foreign key. When you insert a new record into Candidate, another one need to be inserted into Candidate_Exam with the same ID. Can anyone help? It is supposed to be an easy assigment so maybe I just have a bad approach.Regards,N.   

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How To Insert A Tables From One Database To Another

Apr 22, 2008

Hi i want to insert a tables from one database to another based on unique key

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Insert / Update 2 Tables

May 12, 2008

I'm trying to update 2 tables in SQL (say 2 Costumers table). 1 Lists all costumers per location( so 1 costumer can be placed in multiple locations), while the other is by location with contact details.
Is it possible for me to update both pages in 1 web update page?????
Thanks in advance.

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How To Insert Data In To Two Tables?

May 12, 2005

i have got a problem, iam creating an application, but i pretend to insert data in two different tables, but i have no ideia how to do this.Can you help to solve this problem? please..........

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How To Insert Data In To Two Tables?

May 12, 2005

iam creating an application the database is created on the SQLSERVER, but i have a problem, i pretend to insert data in to 2 tables and i have no ideia how to do this. Can you help me to solve this problem? Please.....

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Why Can Not I Insert Data In My Tables

Jun 6, 2006

Hi I was watching this beginner webcast
Lesson 8:  Obtaining Data from a SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Database
I tried to do the same exact thing.
But when I tried to insert data in the newly created table I got the follwoing error window:
Invalid value for cell (row1, column 2)Then changed value in this cell was not recognized as valid..Net Framework Data Type: Byte[]Error Message; You cannot use the Result pane to set this Field data to values other than NULL.
Type a value appropriate for the data type or press ESC to cancel change.
Any Idea why thing happing.

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Insert Data Into Tables

Jun 13, 2006

Need some help. In my db I created 3 tables. 1- tblClient 2- tblCategories 3- tblClient_Cat ( colums: 1) client_id 2) cat_id).What I'm trying to do is create a sp to insert data from a web form into the tblClient and into the tblCat using the same sp. this is all I got so far.CREATE PROCEDURE [usp_insetClient](@ClientName varchar(25),@Contact varchar(100),@Tel char(13),@Fax char(13),@WebAdd varchar (250),@email varchar(250),@CatID int) ASBegininsert tblClient(Client_name,client_contact,Lient_tel,client_fax,client_webadd,client_email)values(@ClientName,@Contact,@Tel,@Fax,@WebAdd,@email)select @@identityinsert tblclient_cat(cat_id,client_id)values(@Catid,@@identity)(I tried to use this  sp but didnot work)as you can see I need help inserting the client_id just created by the db into the tblclient_cat since the cat_id is passed from the web formThanksErnesto

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Insert In 2 Tables At The Same Time

Aug 3, 2001

i need to insert data into 2 tables. first in one, and the id of the register i just inserted is a field from the register in the other table (+ other data). inserting in this 2 tables should be invisible to the user so it has to be done automatically.
the dumb way i guess would be using 2 ADODB.recordsets (rs,rs1). first insert in one store the id in a var (after rs.update, rs.movelast, var=rs.fields("id")) and after this inserting a register in the new recordset (rs1)

is there a better way to do it?? any ideas??


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Insert Into Multiple Tables

Aug 6, 2007

hi guys,

can someone please tell me the best ways to insert data into multiple related tables .

cheers guys


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INSERT From Different Tables And Values

Oct 18, 2006


for MS SQL 2000

I am having MyTable with 7 columns : A,B,C,D,E,F,G

i want to

SELECT A,B,C,D FROM FirstTable WHERE FirstTable.ID > 100

and the columns E,F,G :
E = 1
F = SELECT Max(ID) AS F FROM SecondTable
G = 0

how can i do it ?
i would like to create a stored procedure

thank you

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Insert From One Table Into 2 Tables

May 20, 2008

Hi, i need to create a stored procedure that will take data from one table and insert it into one tabe.

I have 3 tables
tblTest is the table that i need to take the informations from.

intD1 to intD4 is a score

I don't know if iexplain my sefl correctly tks in advance!
1 , 2 , 'A', 'B', 0 , 1 ,2 , 4

i need this

1, 2, 'A','B'


intTestId autonumber

intResultatsId autonumber

intResultatXReponseId autonumber

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Insert To Two Tables With Select

Oct 30, 2013

I have those 3 tables (sales,source, sales, sales_details),

Sales_source (table)
id, name

1 Office
2 Post
3 Web

Sales (table)
id, saleid, customer, source, date

01, 230, bill din, 1, 2013-10-22

Sales_details (table)
id, saleid, object, delivery, date

01, 230, card, no, 2013-10-23
02, 230, box, yes, 2013-10-24
03, 230, car, no, 2013-10-31

And I want to create if is possible one insert command

And make the user complete the details of Sales_details (that they have inner join for the sales_source table so he can see only the sales_source_name and behind the sales_source_id to be stored)

And after to be able to add in as many [sale_details] he need for the select sale…

Is this possible to be done with one command ???

I think is not possible as i have made a small research on the web, and i will need to make one insert for the sales (table) independent and after to programming i guess a way to open the sale_details and add the rest….

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How To Insert & Update Two Tables .?

Oct 11, 2006

I am using sqlServer 2000.I want to insert as well as update Two Tables at the Same Time using storedprocedure.Both My Tables Have the Same columns only difference being the name.My Tables are,
ADDRESS AND ADDRESSBOOK and their values are Name, Address, Place,
How can achieve this task using stored Procedures.?

Any Help would be appreciated....


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How Can I INSERT W/Constraints In Other Tables?

Jul 23, 2005

Three tables (all new, no data) will receive data from dBase and betransposed into them...All three have auto generated IDENTITY columnsand pk and fk constraints. Can someone provide me with anunderstandible sample?Thanks,Trint

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Insert On Relational Tables

Apr 7, 2008

I understand the basics for doing an insert. Their seems to be many ways of achieving the same thing in .net. I have used the tableadpaters and sqlcommand functionality to achieve this. My one question is how foregin keys should be created in associated tables. EG so if i create a new record entry in one table and the primary key for that entry is a foreign key in another table, do I need to call 2 table adapters, or run 2 sqlcommands(taking the primary key from the first traction and use this in the next transaction)?

Any help or direction for some good tutorials on this would be much appreciated.



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