Getting Data In Continuous Time

Nov 22, 2006


The time column type is SMALLDATETIME. Data is inserted every minute, but it isn't occured always.

When I display the contents, I want show every time(minute). If a specific time is skipped, it should be display as data zero.

Someone help?

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Continuous Data Pump Using SSIS

Mar 21, 2008

Hi...My first post.

I'm currently creating a SSIS package that takes data from 3 unique databases. A SQL DB, FoxPro DB, and an Oracle DB. The data is pulled, cleansed and put into a single SQL 2005 table. The data is then pulled from this table every 15 minutes, formated in a given specification and uploaded to an ftp site. This part is done. My question is this:

This package needs to run around the clock, non-stop. How can package be set up to do this? It needs to pull data from the 3 DBs and put it in the common table, wait 15 minutes and do it again. Wait 15 more mintues and do it again. And so forth. A problem I'm having is I don't see a way to set up a SSIS package so that it runs around the clock.

On same premise, I have another issue. When I try to take data from the common table and there is nothing there, it causes an error. Is there some way that you can run a test like

SELECT * FROM _table_ WHERE is_sent = 0

if results == 0
wait 15 minutes and test again.
else if

write flat file, wait 15 minutes.

This has to be done in the Control Flow scope, so I can't use a conditional split. This is a pretty big deal as this needs to run around the clock. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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Continuous Nonstop Pumping Of Data

Mar 4, 2007

I have one data pump in a series that was pumping in too many records. Doing an independent query of the source table, I found there was about 140,000 records. My pump uses a variable for the source query, nothing fancy just a simple SELECT * FROM table WHERE DateField > '4/6/2006 12:00:00AM'. The Destination is local on the SQL Server and is set by a variable, and does a fast load. When I went away and checked in BIDS while it was running (the data flow tab where you can see the record count) it was at 28,000,000 and still going!

Any ideas what could be causing this? As I say there are only 140,000 records and no joins in the query--is this a bug someone has run into before?



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SQL 2012 :: Accurate Sorting Data Each Time With Millions Of Records Without Time Field?

Apr 25, 2014

Sample Table

USE [Testing]
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[Testing] Script Date: 4/25/2014 11:08:18 AM ******/

[Code] ....

It seems to work fine with one million records.

Each primary key is unique, but the begindate is non-unique, and i guess even if i use datetime2 and add nanoseconds, from what i have read, there is a chance that i could have a duplicate datetime since the date is imported via XML from multiple sources.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Displaying Transaction Time Punch Data In A Time Card Form?

Oct 7, 2015

I have a table called employee_punch_record that we use to store employee time clock punches.

The columns are:

punch_type (In / Out),
closed (bit used as status for open or closed pay periods),

Here are some examples of a record:

bkingery62015-10-06 16:59:04.000In0
bkingery72015-10-06 16:59:09.000Out0
bkingery82015-10-06 16:59:13.000In0
bkingery92015-10-06 18:22:44.000Out0
bkingery102015-10-06 18:22:46.000In0
bkingery112015-10-06 18:22:48.000Out0
bkingery122015-10-06 18:22:51.000In0
tfeller52015-10-05 17:00:05.000In0

We are using SQL Server 2008 as our database and use Access as a GUI. I am looking to create a form in Access where employees can access their time card and request changes from management. I want to use the format from the attached screen shot for the form. I pretty much know how to do it all, the only point of complication is trying to figure out the easiest way to get the transaction punch record data on employee_punch_record into a format where I can easily populate the form in the horizontal format you see in the screen shot.

I am not super strong in SQL, but figure I can do it using a formatting table of some sort. quick and easy way to move transaction records into a more horizontally oriented record?

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Alert If Cpu Is Over 85% For 1 Min Continuous

May 26, 2008


does anyone know if it is possible to set an alert like that ?
if cpu is over 85% and stay for more then 1min continuous over 85%then alert.


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Fetching Continuous Dates

Jun 20, 2008


set dateformat dmycreate table tbl_sampemptable(employeeid int,StartDate datetime)
declare @employeeid intset @employeeid=1declare @startdate datetime,@enddate datetimewhile(@employeeid<=1000)begin set @startdate='01/05/2008' set @enddate='31/05/2008' while(@startdate<=@enddate) begin      if(@employeeid<>1 and @startdate<>'02/05/2008')      insert into tbl_sampemptable values (@employeeid,@startdate)             else if(@employeeid=1)      insert into tbl_sampemptable values (@employeeid,@startdate)z      set @startdate=dateadd(day,1,@startdate)
 endset @employeeid=@employeeid+1end
select * from tbl_sampemptabledrop table tbl_sampemptableset dateformat mdy
i have to select records depending on @count parameter to this table.Depending on this parameter value it should fetch sequential dates.For example
if @count=2then result should be like this,
EmployeeID                 FromDate                 ToDate
1                                 01/05/2008               02/05/2008 
1                                 03/05/2008               04/05/2008
2                                 03/05/2008               04/05/2008 //note that here 01/05/2008 is  not  selected
                                                                                     because 02/05/2008 is missing
2                                 05/05/2008               06/05/2008
3                                03/05/2008               04/05/2008 //note that here 01/05/2008 is  not  selected
                                                                                     because 02/05/2008 is missing
3                                05/05/2008               06/05/2008
if @count=3 then result should be like this,
EmployeeID                 FromDate                 ToDate
1                                 01/05/2008               03/05/2008 
1                                 04/05/2008               06/05/2008
2                                 03/05/2008               05/05/2008 //note that here 01/05/2008 is  not  selected
                                                                                     because 02/05/2008 is missing
2                                 06/05/2008               08/05/2008
3                                03/05/2008               05/05/2008 //note that here 01/05/2008 is  not  selected
                                                                                     because 02/05/2008 is missing
3                                06/05/2008               08/05/2008
. how can i do this.please help me.thanks in advance

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Continuous Merge Replication

Mar 7, 2008

I am fairly new to SQL 2005 and have taken over a migration project from 2000 to 2005 and one of our scheduled jobs seem to run forever, but do not have errors. This did not happen in the past so I was wondering if the agent settings for Replication Merge has the -Continuous parameter will the job ever complete or does it really run "continuously"?

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Get Minimum Day In A Continuous Series

Jun 6, 2006


l've a series of day which record the date of an event. l would like to count the # of continuous days for the event. In this case, it would be 14/5, 15/5, 16/5, 17/5, 18/5, 19/5 and 20/5. Any idea to do this in SQL?


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Predicting A Continuous Value (run Minutes)

Oct 23, 2007


I have a question regarding whether or not Data Mining can be utilized in a specific problem I have to solve.

Situation: I€™m going to simplify the problem by explaining it in terms of a €śpizza manufacturer€?. Suppose I wanted to predict the run minutes + downtime minutes (I use these to get an hourly rate: Pizzas/(run hrs + delay hrs) = Pizzas per hour) by looking at a set of input properties.

My properties could be something like the following:
# of Toppings
# of Special Pricing Stickers
Cardboard Box Indicator
Case Indicator (0 represents auto-casing, 1 represents putting in case by hand)
Machine Type (0 or 1€¦ 0 represents an older €“slower machine, 1 is newer)
Quantity of Run
(there could be up to 15 other properties that may or may not impact our rate)

Measured Values:
Run Minutes
Delay (down) minutes

Steps I€™ve Done So Far:
I€™ve created a couple different data mining models for this as I was unsure which one(s) to use. I checked the lift chart while feeding back in the original data set and my scatter plot appeared fairly inaccurate.

I've attempted to use Excel to create a linear regression, however my r squared value was always around .30. I decided to try to use SQL Server Data Mining to see if it could be something to help predict our accuracy better than a linear formula.

I've played with a couple different algorithms in Data Mining, and it appeared that none of them did exceptionally well with prediction. I even checked the lift chart using the same table as I used to train the model.

What algorithm(s) might work the best?
Can I reasonably expect a prediction within a fairly strict tolerance (I'm guessing the answer to this is: "yes, if your source data represents a consistent pattern")?
How can I best utilize Data Mining to give an answer like "historically, your run rate has been between these 2 values with a probability of X". I'm thinking I can utilize the predictprobability and stdev to some extent.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

If anyone needs further clarification, please let me know.

Thank you.



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Continuous Attribute &&amp; Complexity_Penalty

Apr 27, 2007

I am having one question about discretization of continous attributes
values. How does it work? I need this information for my thesis. I have a
continous attribut, namely SKS, with range 0-20. When I use Microsoft
Decision Tree algorithm, this attribut split in SKS <= 18 and SKS > 18. I
want to know how does it find 18 as a number to split not the other.

One question again about Microsoft Decision Tree algorithm, about
Complexity_Penalty parameter. How does it affect the algorithm? For example,
if I set this value=0.1 what does it mean and how does it correspond with
growth tree?

Thanks a lot before for your kindness to answer my questions.. :-)

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Continuous Variable Prediction

Sep 19, 2007

Hi All,
I was wondering if there was a way to specify a range when training a model to predict continuous variables. For instance, the predicted variable can only have a range of 1 - 10.


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Setting Up Continuous Trace File

Jan 29, 2002

Does anyone know exactly how to create a trace that runs continuously on a server and writes the data to a table? Now I know how to create a trace file with the profiler, but I want something set up so that I don't have to have the profiler running on the server all the time. As well as soemthing that will restart itself if the server is rebooted. I have been looking at these x(xp_trace.*) procedures. Is this the way to do it?

I have to trap login information in a table and have a scheduled job that runs once a month and look for specific data in the table and send out e-mails based on certain values.

I have written the procedure which does this I just need to know how to set up the trace so it runs in the background continuously.

Can anyone help?


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Replace All Integers With Continuous 6 Or More Occurrences With X

Oct 4, 2012

I have a table with below data. Requirement is to replace all integers with continuous 6 or more occurrences with 'x'. Less than 6 occurrences should not be replaced.

create table t1(name varchar (100))
INsert into t1
select '1234ABC123456XYZ1234567890ADS'
INsert into t1
select 'cbv736456XYZ543534534545XLS'



drop table t1

-----Table Proc Index Performance TSQL &&%$#@*(#@$%.......------------
Deep Into SQL Jungle

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Need Help Keeping Continuous IDs Using Merge Replication

Apr 11, 2007

I was wondering if anybody knows how to solve this problem. Here's the setup.

There is an ASP.NET application running on a local web server at the customer's location, it currently uses a MSDE backend database. There is a copy of the application on the customer's webhosting company so it can be accessed from outside the customer's location it is running on a full version of SQL Server 2000. We have this setup because the customer's ISP is not very reliable and the customer needs to be able to use the application even when their web connection is down. It is also used from outside their location by sales people and management and remote offices. The problem is we want to keep both databases synchronized together. We had been using Merge Replication which was working fine until the local ID jumped because it had run out of allocated identities. This causes a problem for their accounting because now there is a gap in the document's numbers.

Is there a way to have the identity field (or a generated document number) to remain continuous and unique across both databases? This needs to also work if one of the databases were to go down for a time or lose connectivity between the two servers. I'm looking for any option. We also have the option of upgrading the application to SQL Server 2005 if needed. Any ideas are appreciated.



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Continuous Merge Replication - Event Log

Aug 22, 2006


I have set up merge replication and it works nicely.

I have set it up to work continuously, because I thought that if it can't find the subscriber or is offline then that's fine it will just sync again when it's back on line.

This is true

BUT it keeps throwing lots of messages into the event log to tell me the merge has failed.


a. Can i just turn off the error reporting


b. How can I get it to sync this way automatically on connection without the error messages



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Continuous Predictable Problem In MDT Model

Dec 18, 2007

It seems i face a problem with the Microsoft Decision Trees model when i have a predictable variable that is continuous.
I have created the whole model according to the AdventureWorks tutorial (and it informs me that the same procedure is followed with a continuous variable) and i have flagged the variable as continuous. Even though everything seems be going well, the results i get are not correct (after a cross check with another project already done and checked).
Is there something i am missing or i skipped while creating the model? Any suggestions that may help me are appreciated
Thank you in advance

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Find Continuous Date Range In Sqlserver2005

Jan 17, 2008

 hi all
how to find the continuous date from the given date range in sqlserver 2005
2007-01-27 and 2007-02-02 and output should be
2007-01-27 2007-01-282007-01-292007-01-302007-01-312007-02-012007-02-02any suggestion?

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Transact SQL :: Finding Continuous Members Script?

Aug 11, 2015

I am trying to find the members who are having monthstartdate continuously for 11 months ;

here in my example 123 wont have monthstartdate continuesly for 11 months it has break for february '2014-02-01'; where as 222 and 223 has continus 11 months , so i need to pull such members .finding out the members continuesly(enrolled) having 11 months.

Below is the sample data i am referring.

memid       MonthStartDate
123 2014-01-01
123 2014-03-01
123 2014-04-01
123 2014-05-01
123 2014-06-01
123 2014-07-01


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DB Engine :: Timeout Exception After 15-20 Hours Of Continuous Run

Apr 23, 2015

I am getting SQL Time out exception after long run of 15-20 Hours, Please find the attachment for more details. My SQL queries  are not taking much time for execution , simple Update /Insert statements to local database.

Observed Activity manager also, looks fine. One more application connected to same database (Insert statements) works fine. In connection string I have modified Connection string ConnectTimeout = 2147483647; (max)

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Strange: Continuous Login Failure Errors

Jun 5, 2007

I have SQL 2000 Server that had a database called ABC and it has been moved to another server on 5-15-2007
I kept ABC database in Read_only mode for few days (just in case) on old server and finally dropped it on 5-20-2007 and I think I forgot to drop the associated logins. I started seeing login failure for user 'xyz' in error logs
When I first noticed the login failure error in SQL Server log for login xyz, I deleted xyz login but it did not stop the errors.

I have been trying from then and no luck in identifying the cause/ resolving this issue.
I have ran SQL profiler trace and caught the user hostnames, NTusername in few cases and Application Name and contacted the Application owner & user (who are in the trace) to stop windows service/ schedule jobs..anything that is pointing to old server but the bad luck is they are not aware of anything running or pointing to old server. The worst part is the user whose hostnames are shown in the trace have never used ABC database and do not have any idea.

Here is what I found in the profiler trace:
TextData LoginName NTUserName HostName ApplicationName
Login failed for user 'xyz' xyz AB00007 WAB000007 Microsoft (r) Windows Script Host

Today I have created the xyz login in the server and assigned model database with reader permission to see if log some different error but nothing new (the same login failure error)
Finally, I had no solution other than restoring the ABC database back to my old server and set it in to Read_Only mode to stop these errors and Now I see the login 'xyz' firing the query against the database

* Any hint or pointers why this is happening and any possible solution on this?

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How Handle Continuous Until Cancelled Date Field?

Aug 9, 2006

We have a table in our legacy database system representing health insurance polices. The customer can, and usually does, renew the policy after 12 months. The legacy database uses the renewal string "99/99/9999" to signify "continuous until cancelled", in other words, "forever", or until cancelled

We need to convert this legacy table into a sql 2005 table, which supports the concept of "forever". But how can we do this? ("99/99/999" is not a valid sql date type and we don't want to use varchar for dates.)



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SQL Server 2012 :: Creating Continuous Primary Key Integer Value

Jun 26, 2014

Discuss the following sql query with respect to performance in an applicaiton involving more number of concurrent users creating and deleting records. The objective is to create continuous primary key integer values.

Table name: SitePage

Column DataType
--------- -----------

PageName nchar(10)

Query to insert new record

SET @intFlag = 0
WHILE (@intFlag =0)

[Code] ....

We don't want to use auto increment integer value for primary key because of the following reason

[URL] .....

We also don't want to use SEQUENCE as we have to create 50 sequence for 50 tables

We can't do trace flag 272

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Reporting Services :: Print On Continuous Paper On SSRS

Aug 21, 2015

Paper is 21cm x 9cmPrinter is Epson LX-300..When I set this paper size, SSRS turns orientation to landscape and prints as if clockwise right rotated!I tried creating custom paper on print server options without success. I also tried setting the same paper size in Report Builder and Print Server but failed again.

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Continuous Priniting - PDF (MSFT Workaround: Make Sure That Your Report Does Not Use The Subreport Control.)

Nov 6, 2007

I have a report that has one subreport. I am finding that if the entire content of the subreport will not fit within the space remaining on the page that it will not start displaying data from that subreport until the next page of the report, leaving a blank section in the report. I would like it to display as much as possible on the first page and then continue on subsequent pages.

Is there a way?

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Strange Problem With Time Series Data On Time Series Chart

May 31, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I encountered a very strange problem again. Why the time series displayed on the chart are so strange? The Key time column I chose for my time series algorithm is cal_month(e.g 199001...), but why the date displayed on the time series chart is like :05/06/2448? (it should be like 199001..?) What is that data? And where exactly did it come from? What is the exact cause of this?

Hope it is clear for your help.

I am really confused on this and thanks a lot for your kind advices and help and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Data Access :: How To Load Data From CSV File In Temp Table At Run Time

May 28, 2015

how I can load the CSV file data into the sql server table. I know there are ways like bulk insert and other to load the csv file data into the table. But in my case the table doesn't exist and has to be created at the run time. With simple insert in temp table we do like select * into #temp from tablename and that creates the temp table. So. I need something like that which create the temp table and load the data into it. because the CSV file would have different number of columns and names so I can not create the table structure in advance. I have to create the table at run time. 

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How To Convert UTC Time (retrieved From SQL) To Local Time In Reporting Services Based On Time Zone

Aug 7, 2007

Hi all,

I have created a report in SSRS 2005 which is being viewed by users from different Time Zones.

I have a dataset which has a field of type datetime (UTC). Now I would like to display this Date according to the User Time Zone.

For example if the date is August 07, 2007 10:00 AM UTC,

then I would like to display it as August 07, 2007 03:30 PM IST if the user Time Zone is IST.

Similarly for other Time Zones it should display the time accordingly.

Is this possible in SSRS 2005?

Any pointers will be usefull...

Thanks in advance
sudheer racha.

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Time Data?

Mar 26, 2001

I need to store data in the format 99:59:59, <hh:mm:ss> but SQL Server will not let me do this because the datetime field is basically a 24 hour clock. If someone, for example, finished a race in 34 hours, 54 minutes, 10 seconds, how would I represent this in a SQL table other than storing the data as a VARCHAR datatype?


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Oct 23, 2007

I was wondering is it possible with sql to take datetime data and total the datetime data per date entered into the database, for example

+10/22/2007 8
|_ 10/22/2007 Time In Time Out Hours
8:00 am 9:00am 1.0
9:01 am 10:01 am 1.0
10:01 am 11:31 am 1.5
etc. etc. etc
until the 8 hours have been reached,

This output will be displayed in a report on reportserver 2005.
I have been unable to come up with a solution for this problem and would like to see if any of the experts here might have an idea.

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Real Time Data

Jan 25, 2007

I currently have an application which retrieves stats from a SQL database that are updated throughout the day. My application updates every 3 seconds to retrieve these stats but I found that it's quite expensive to the server's CPU when there are several clients running my application. Are there any other methods for extracting the data that won't require so much CPU. The fact that the database is being hit so much isn't good either. I have already written a webservice hoping that this would improve things but I'm not sure it has.

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How To Put Only Time Data In Column?

Feb 28, 2007

I know there is a DateTime data type in SQL server 2000.
But is there a way to only stor time value (hh:mm:ss)?

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Zero Time Data Accessibility

Nov 22, 1999

Dear Colleagues,

I was wondering if anyone has tackled this problem. We have two competitors, Sybase and SQL Server, running together. Our dilemma is to have the production server, Sybase, be able to pass transaction log entries or nightly database backups over to the SQL Server, reporting server, either via a 3rd party software, SQL statement or some other gadget but the end result is to have the information concurrent on both the production server and the reporting server. Any ideas? Thanks in advance, Daimon

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