Getting Error While Passing Values As Special Chars

Mar 4, 2008

Hi friends,
 I m facing an error while i m passing the values in query as special characters like (',"). anyone can help me?
code will be more preferable.
Thank you.

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TSQL - Select First 3 Chars Where Not Special Chars

Feb 5, 2002

Say I have a column called 'NAME' in a table called 'CLIENT' and the values in NAME are Surnames or company names like:


I want my select to return the first 3 characters, excluding special characters (only characters between 1 and z).

In example, the following would be returned for the data above:


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TSQL - Select First 3 Chars Where Not Special Chars

Feb 11, 2002

Say I have a column called 'NAME' in a table called 'CLIENT' and the values in NAME are Surnames or company names like:


I want my select to return the first 3 characters, excluding special characters (only characters between 1 and z).

In example, the following would be returned for the data above:


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Want To Make A Select With Special Chars?

Jan 4, 2006

I have a problem....
In a table i have some descriptions and i notice that at least one is as follow:

"some product 'delay' to every"

now if i try to make a insert in another table with that description i get an error...
because of the char '

is there any way to make this insert?

the database is MSSQL 2000

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BCP Command With Arguments Having Special Chars

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,The command is as follows:BCP asdos+_reports..StageCONTACTINFO OUT C:16E8.tmp -w -b10000 -t"|" -r-Sblrkec28791dsqlserver -Uadmin -Padmin -eC:ERRCONTACTINFO.txtHere, since the first argument(database name) has a special char '+' init, the command gives a syntax error. How can i escape it? Double quotes"",[] didnt work!! Pls help!TIA

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How To Deplay Reports Using Rs.exe With Special German Chars Within The Name

Feb 19, 2008


im using a rss script and the rs.exe tool to deploy about 100 reports to several reporting server. The problem now is, that a lot of the reports a named with special german chars like Ö Ä Ü.

I am using the folowing function:

Code Snippet
rs.CreateReport(reportName, parPath, True, definition, props)

If I deploy a report name "Verträge" (=contracts), i will get an error that the report definition could not be found. But after that the report i viewable in the report server but could not be rendered.


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Full-text Ignores Special Chars In Sql 2005

Oct 12, 2007

We had a sql 2000 db that had full text implemented on it. We upgrade that server to a 2005 server and now the full text searches that once worked don't. Most do work just the ones with ; or special characters in the query string don't work.

Anyone have the same behavior and how to get it to wrok again?


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Trim - Cannot Change Source Of Data To Strip Out Special Chars / White Space?

Feb 12, 2015

I have some sql below..

t.Doctor, t.LedgerAmount, t.TransactionDate,
ISNULL(lg.LedgerGrpDesc, 'No Sales Group') AS LedgerGroup
Transactions t
LEFT OUTER JOIN LedgerGroups lg ON t.LedgerDescription = lg.dbLedgerDesc

[Code] .....

My problem is that the data in t.LedgerDescription sometimes now has either leading/trailing white space or more likely special chars so the join against lg.dbLedgerDesc doesn't always work.

I can't change the source of the data to strip out special chars/white space so am stuck on how to deal with it.

I tried using LTRIM & RTRIM in the where clause but this doesn't seem to have had any effect...

LEFT OUTER JOIN LedgerGroups lg ON LTRIM(RTRIM(t.LedgerDescription)) = lg.dbLedgerDesc

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Truncation Error: 255 Chars To 2 Chars.

Aug 27, 2007


I am very new to using SSIS.

Trying to import data from MS Access 2000.

I receive the error "
[OLE DB Destination [1907]] Warning: Truncation may occur due to inserting data from data flow column "GENDER" with a length of 255 to database column "GENDER" with a length of 2. " on the source flow.

I have done some googling and came up with this post: which I thought may help, but it does not.

The query against the access datasource features the column: iif([sex]=1, 'm', 'f'). I tried using left(..., 2) as well, but SSIS is determind to treat the field as 255 characters for some reason.

I don't even particualrly care that the field is 255 chars and the sources is only two, I just want the data in! I have other fields coming up with similar error.

Can someone please advise?

PS, what is th significance of the "External Columns" Vs "Output Columns" on the Input and Output Properties tab in Advanced Editor?

I am really struggling with SSIS, it is not as intuitive as DTS.

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Reporting Services :: Include Special Characters In Passing Parameters In JavaScript In Drill Through Report

Sep 6, 2015

I am passing a field value from main report to a parameter in a drill through sub report. But some field values contain 'special characters'. Those field values that contain special characters are not working for drill through. Javascript code to include special characters to pass to sub report parameter?

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Search Values With Special Characters

Sep 8, 2006

In my database, I have records stored as "Scooter, gears, hard hat" When the user enters in the textbox "Scooter gears hat" it does not return any records. How can I tell the DB to ignore the characters in the column and search for the full text only and return all values?


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Non English Chars Are Being Shown As Junk Chars

Jan 9, 2008

Hi All

I have loaded some data to the application using flat files

which has non english chars.

all the columns in the database are NVARCHAR type.

but in db and in application UI, the non english chars are being diplayed as junk chars. ???121

The application supports UTF-8 format

is there any setting at db level to be modified to display the non english char set as is.


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I Got Error When I Connect Remotly Or From Other Computer And Also Gettting This Error : Cannot Use Special Principal 'sa'

Nov 1, 2007

The problem which i am facing in SQL Server 2005 is that, I have 2 database and the owner of both the databases is sa but when I go to database > security > users here I cannot find 'sa' as user. when I am going to add that user I get following error :
cannot use special principal 'sa'

also when I connect sa on other computer I will not connect

I have already checked following thing :
The Authontication mode of SQL is mixed mode
database owner is also sa
sa is also enable

Please can any one help me I am in big trouble

Thanks and Regards
Asif Fattah
ERP Consultant

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Send Mail Task Error - Limit To Number Of Chars In To Line?

Mar 22, 2006

Hello everyone,
I'm having an issue with dynamically setting the Send Mail task's to field to decent sized recipient list(approx 15 email addys). The strange thing is that this same package works fine if I'm using a list of say 4 email addys. I have double checked everything I can think of....list is seperated by semicolons, each address looks good....and have ran script tasks to check my variables along the path of the package but so far have not found the reason. The error I get is below:

"The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address"

Also of note, these addresses are being populated from a table, that is then setting the To string of the send mail task via a seperate variable...that variable being populated from a foreach loop. Again, all of this works fine with a smaller recipient list. Any ideas?

The only thing I can think of right now is to run the send mail task within the foreach loop...but then I'll be sending a seperate email for each address and would like to avoid that if possible.


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Passing Values To Trigger

Jun 12, 2008

Hi all,
I have a store procedure which updates one row of a table. I need to use a trigger, so that it will also update another row in the same table. Like Debit and Credit. Somehow I am not able to pass variables from SP to trigger. Below are my SP and Trigger codes.

(@online varchar(50),
@amount smallmoney,@toaccount varchar(10)
Begindeclare @total smallmoney declare @total1 smallmoney
set @total1=1
select @total=TotalAmount from Customers where OnlineID=@online
if @total>=@amount
set @total=dbo.Calulator(@total,@amount)
set @total1=0
update Customers set TotalAmount=@total where OnlineID=@online
RETURN @total1
TRIGGER ALTER TRIGGER dbo.Updcust ON Customers
FOR update
BEGINdeclare @total2 smallmoney
declare @total3 smallmoneydeclare @amount smallmoney
declare @toaccount varchar(10)
select @total2=TotalAmount from Customers where AccountNumber=8776450012
set @total3=@total2+@amount
UPDATE Customers set TotalAmount=@total3 where AccountNumber=8776450012
please help

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Passing IN() Values As Parameter

Feb 17, 2005


I'm creating a procedure to fetch rows from table. One field will come come as IN(). Its the condition. That field is numeric field (note down), i would like to pass the In values as parameter.

eg: procedurename @fieldvalue varchar(100)

WHERE fieldname IN(@fieldvalue)

while executing the procedure how to pass the value... or procedure itself has problem...?
Help me...

Tx in Advance...

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Passing Values To Package

Apr 28, 2008

Well is there a way to pass the hardcoded values in a package externally
like for example if in a file system task i have specified the location for moving my files after processing, this will be a harcoded value how can i pass it externally so i have not to go into the package if in case i have modify it to some other location.

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Passing Values From Database To Variables.

Nov 12, 2007

I need to store 2 values that i retrive from a databse into variables so i can check them towards what is typed into the textboxes for my login script iv built. How can i do this?1 string myConnectionString = @"Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:UsersalhoDocumentsIntrapointWebApp_DataIntrapoint.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True";
3 SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(myConnectionString);
4 SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT [username], [password] FROM [company] WHERE (([username] = @username) AND ([password] = @password))");
5 cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("username", TextBoxUsername.Text);
6 cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("password", TextBoxPassword.Text);
8 myConnection.Open();
10 //how do i pass the values retrived into variables, like string usrname and string password?
12 myConnection.Close();

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Passing Values To A Stored Procedure

Mar 21, 2008

I have a stored procedure. Into this stored procedure i need to pass values to a 'IN' statement from So when i am passing it , it should b in like a string variable with the ItemIds separated by commas. the procedure i have is :

create procedure SelectDetails
@Id string
Select * from DtTable where itemid in(@Id)

Here the itemid field in DtTable is of type int. Now when i execute the produre it is showing error as the Itemid is int and i am passing a string value to it.
How can i solve this problem?

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Passing Multiple Values Into A Subreport

May 7, 2008

I am doing report development against OLAP (Cube). I have a parameter which is a multi-value parameter, and I need to pass this as a parameter into a sub-report (pass all the values selected in this multi-value from the main report to sub report parameter).

Is this even possible? If yes how do I achieve this.

Currenty I sent like Fields!Region.Value(0), but I want to send actually Fields!Region.Value() (meaning all selected).

Any help ASAP is appreciated.

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Passing Temp Table Values Into A UDF

Jul 20, 2005

This one is interesting...Is there any way to pass a joined parameter into a UDF as I'm attempting below?I have a temp table that I'm trying to create:create table #t3(bmkPerson int primary key,LangCode nchar(5),SName varchar(1000))insert into #t3select t2.bmkPerson, t2.LangCode,select SName from SName_trans_udf(t2.LangCode)from #t2 t2Thanks in advance,RenaeJoin Bytes!

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Passing Multiple Values To A Paramter

Apr 20, 2007


I'm trying to pass multiple values to a single parameter from a report to a second report. For instance I want to pass the values a user selected in the original report, such as the countries a user select under a Country filter, and once the second report is called, I want that report to filter on those same countries, right now I can only pass one of the values selected to the second report. If someone can let me know if this is possible it'd be much appreciated, thanks in advance.

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Transact SQL :: Passing Several Values In One Parameter

Nov 12, 2015

In t-sql 2012, I want to run a query where the value is normally an int value. I want to supply a large volume of custID values that are normally int values. I have tried to use a cast  and convert values and that does not work. The query that I am trying to use is the following:

DECLARE  @custID varchar(200)
set @custID = '72793,60546,91069'
select * from table
where in (@custID)

Thus can you show me the t-sql 2012 that I can use to accomplish my goal?

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Passing Null Values To Stored Procedures

Aug 29, 2006

Version: ASP.Net 2.0Language: C#Hello Everyone!I'm saving data from a function to an SQL Server 2000 db via a stored procedure. There are a few fields which are conditional and thus need not be passed to the procedure everytime. Under those circumstances I need to store null values in the fields.The problem is if I the value of the parameter as null, VS throws the error that a required parameter is not passed. I tried setting 'IsNullable' property of the parameter to true but it works for only those fields who are declared NULL in the stored procedure (For e.g. @DOB DATETIME = NULL).Strangely, this works well in classic ASP.Does anyone know how to accomplish this? Note, altering stored procedures is not an option for me.Thanks a lot!

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Passing In Query Paramater Values Through WebUserControls

Jun 7, 2007

Hi, I don't want to pass in parameter values in the url to get a certain record from my database (for a better search engine result) so instead i'm using webuser controls (this is a must) with Public Values that should be read by the SqlDataSource. So in the page that contains the usercontrol there is something like:UserControl.Value = "myvalue"Now I want the SqlDataSource in the usercontrol to read this value and pass it into a query (in the parameter of the WHERE statement, eg.: @recordID = myvalue).Thanks in advance! 

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Passing Multiple Values To A Single Parameters

Dec 28, 2007

I have a SQL query that goes like this
"select * from Product where ProductID in (1,2,3)"
How can i create a stored procedure where a single input parameter can take multiple values?
Can anyone help me with this?

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Trouble With Passing Values To Stored Procedure

Feb 13, 2008

Hi All, I'm a newbie learning windows applications in visual basic express edition, am using sqlexpress 2005 So i have a log in form with username and password text fields.the form passes these values to stored procedure 'CheckUser' Checkuser then returns a value for groupid. If its 1 they are normal user, if its 2 its admin user. Then opens another form called Organisations, and closes the log in form. However when i run the project, and enter a username and password and press ok ti tells me that there is incorrect syntax beside a line. I have no idea, and I'm sure that there is probably other things wrong in there. here is the code for the login button click event:  Public Class Login Dim connString As String = "server = .SQL2005;" & "integrated security = true;" & "database = EVOC"
'Dim connString As String = _ '"server = .sqlexpress;" _ '& "database = EVOC;" _ '& "integrated security = true;"

Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Login_Log_In.Click ' Create connection
Dim conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connString) ' Create command

Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand() cmd.Connection = conn cmd.CommandText = "CheckUser"

Dim inparam1 As SqlParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add("@Username", SqlDbType.NVarChar) inparam1.Value = Login_Username.ToString Dim inparam2 As SqlParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add("@Password", SqlDbType.NVarChar) inparam2.Value = Login_Password.ToString inparam1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input inparam2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input 'Return value
Dim return_value As SqlParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add("@return_value", SqlDbType.Int) return_value.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue cmd.Connection.Open() Dim rdr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader Dim groupID As Integer

groupID = return_value.Value

If groupID < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Access is Denied") Else Dim Username = Me.Login_Username Dim org As New Organisations org.Show() End If


End Sub The stored procedure code is ok as i know it works as it should, but if it helps the code is: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[CheckUser] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@UserName nvarchar(50) = N'', @Password nvarchar(50) = N''
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from-- interfering with SELECT statements.
SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure here
IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.EVOC_Users WHERE Username=@Username AND Password=@Password)=1BEGINPRINT 'User ' + @Username + ' exists'
SELECT TOP 1 UserGroup FROM dbo.EVOC_Users WHERE Username=@Username AND Password=@PasswordRETURN (SELECT TOP 1 UserGroup FROM dbo.EVOC_Users WHERE Username=@Username AND Password=@Password)ENDELSE BEGINPRINT 'User ' + @Username + ' does not exist'
 All help greatly appreciated to get me past this first hurdle in my first application!! CheersTom  

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Passing Values From A Gridview To A Stored Procedure

May 7, 2008

Hello. im tryinng to build an application that has a girdview with values from 2 different tables. The select query i have used in a stored procedure works great but when i try to write something to update into 2 different tables I cant figure out how to do it.
This is the first time im writing stored procedures but from what i can tell i need to do 2 seperate updates to insert mu values.
im using the AdventureWorksLT database provided by microsoft to experiment with and my gridview consists of 2 tables populated by the following stored procedure:ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.GetSomething AS
SELECT Customer.CustomerID, Customer.LastName, Customer.FirstName, CustomerAddress.AddressID, CustomerAddress.AddressType FROM SalesLT.Customer, SalesLT.CustomerAddress
WHERE Customer.CustomerID = CustomerAddress.CustomerID

What id like to do is to make the GridView editable and then send the all thee values back so the changes are saved in both tables. Could anyone help me write a stored procedure that gets the values from the fields in the gridview that is beeing changed and send them back to the tables?

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Passing Values -- Int32.Parse(Expr2)

Sep 16, 2004

I have written a function as below to pass some value and get aNOTHER VALUE DURING THE RUNTIME
Sub ExpiaryDate(ByVal Expr1 As String, ByVal Expr2 As String)


Dim SQlCommand As New SQlCommand(strSQLDDL, mySqlConnection)
SQlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text

Dim Colleague_CN As String = Int32.Parse(Expr1)
Dim Course_ID As String = Int32.Parse(Expr2)

Dim parameterEventType_ID As SqlParameter = _
New SqlParameter("@Colleague_CN", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)
parameterEventType_ID.Value = Colleague_CN

Dim parameterCourse_ID As SqlParameter = _
New SqlParameter("@Course_ID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)
parameterCourse_ID.Value = Course_ID

Dim myDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New _
myDataAdapter.Fill(DivisionDataSet, "ExpiaryDate")
myDataAdapter.Update(DivisionDataSet, "ExpiaryDate")

End Sub

Everything was fine as far as i am passing an integer.
Now i need to pass a combination of numbers and letters( NVarChar)

SOMETHING LIKE..... Input string was not in a correct format.
INDICATES --Dim Colleague_CN As String = Int32.Parse(Expr1.ToString)

HOW DO I PASS A NVarChar instead

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Passing Values In User Defined Functions

Apr 25, 2007

i want to pass a value from one user defined function to another how do i do it.E.g

My first function calulate a value which is to be used by another function for calculation
my 2nd function is given below

Create Function Avg_WLPD_CFS(@Res float,@TotDay int)
Returns float

the value @Res is calculated from first function, how do i pass this value to the above function.

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Passing Parms With No Values To A Stored Procedure

Feb 28, 2008

I'm want to pass empty parm value to a stored procedure. I'm new at this stuff and not sure how to do this. To make it work I can put values in parms and it works great. I don't want to populate some of the fields in the table with values. The fields are cnty,dist,beat,convertedkey. Anyone know how I can get it done? Code below. Thanks for your help!

int shift = Convert.ToInt16(dr.Cells[1].Value.ToString());

int prior = Convert.ToInt16(dr.Cells[2].Value.ToString());

string lname = Convert.ToString(dr.Cells[3].Value.ToString());

string fname = Convert.ToString(dr.Cells[4].Value.ToString());

string unit = Convert.ToString(dr.Cells[5].Value.ToString());

string handle = Convert.ToString(dr.Cells.Value.ToString());

int badge = Convert.ToInt16(dr.Cells[7].Value.ToString());

string cnty = Convert.ToString('1');

string dist = Convert.ToString('1');

int beat = Convert.ToInt16(1);

int convertedkey = Convert.ToInt16(1);

char action = 'I';

char assign = 'Y';

var db = new dpoffassignedDataContext();

var q = db.SP_DpAssignAllOfficers(action, convertedkey, shift, prior, lname, fname, unit, handle, cnty, dist, beat, badge, assign);

Stored procedure below;



@action nvarchar(1),

@int_id int,

@shift int,

@prior int,

@lname nvarchar(20),

@fname nvarchar(20),

@unit nvarchar(5),

@handle nvarchar(10),

@cnty nvarchar(10),

@dist nvarchar(10),

@beat int,

@badge int,

@assign char




INTO dpofficers(dpo_prior,dpo_lname,dpo_fname,dpo_unit,dpo_handle,dpo_cnty,dpo_dist,dpo_beat,dpo_badge,dpo_shift)

VALUES (@prior,@lname,@fname,@unit,@handle,@cnty,@dist,@beat,@badge,@shift)

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Passing A Column Of Values To The Stored Procedure

Apr 18, 2006

how can i send a column of values to the stored procedure for filtering that stored procedure values...?

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Passing List Values In Drill Through! URGENT

Aug 13, 2007

I have a custom list(say a list for account numbers, account numbers starting with 13 form a group, then starting with 14 form a group and like that)

and then there are tables inside this list. the report will be displayed based on the values of this custom list.

i also have a drill through report for this. now when i pass fields!accountnumber.uniquename for this list only the first of the group values say 130001 is selected..

what shud i do to select the whole grp??


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