Getting Results With Stored Procedure From Single Textbox Searching Table With Multi Columns
Feb 12, 2007
I admit I am a novice to queries and stored procedures but understand stored procedures are more secure, so I am choosing to challenge myself with a stored procedure and have not been successful at all.
What I am looking for is a stored procedure which would query the single table named Hospital, which would search from a single textbox the end user would enter the text they are searching for on a Windows VB application but is dependant on a few end user selected items.
1. The end user can select a radio button either "Starts with" or "Contains"
2. The end user can select from 6 checkboxes (Hospitals, Address, City, State, Zip, Type) to limit or expand their search from the columns in the table.
The table has 17columns (CO, PARENTCO, ADDR, POBox, CITY, State, ZIP, TEL, FAX, WEBSITE, HOSP_TYPE, OWNERSHIP, BEDS, CONTACT, TITLE, Email) but I am only allowing the end user to search by the above 6 columns and need to display the above 6 columns plus the phone, fax and website columns.
After the user clicks the search button it displays the results in a listbox and the user will then select the one they want and it displays the information in another set of textboxes.
Hopefully someone can get me pointed in the right direction! Thanks for your help!
I got issue when passing multiple values to a single parameter. Here is my stored procedure as following:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[School] @Grade AS varchar(50), @Class As varchar(50) AS BEGIN SELECT Name, Grade, Class FROM School WHERE Grade = (IsNull(@Grade, Grade)) AND Class IN (IsNull(@Class, Class )) END
In the front end, I got multiple values for Subject parameters such as Math, English, Reading, etc... in a specified class. How do I can modify my above stored procedure to receive multiple values for a single parameter.
I am imagining something you might pass the names of 2 stored procs (an old version and new one), and a query to produce valid parameters. It would then fire off each proc for a set number of executions, while storing off the results in temp tables, and at the end it would do a data compare, and store off performance data from dynamic management views.
Now I know how to get the parameters for a stored procedure out of the catalogue views, but is SQL Server aware at all of the schema of the results of stored procedures that return result sets, becuase I was thinking of doing something like...
INSERT INTO #datacompare(col1,col2) EXEC mystoredprocedure
... but I can not seem to figure out how to dynamically gather the schema of the result set.
Hi, How can I store a stored procedure's results(returning dataset) intoa table?Bob*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
Hi,I have a stored procedure which expects a Null value if a user does not enter something into a TextBox. The query should return all rows if this case.The stored procedure works as expected in Query Analyzer, but my application does not seem to send a Null and no rows are returned. Any ideas? I am using SqlDataSource and GridView, this is the first time I have tried to connect to a database with
I've a report whose columns are returned from a stored procedure. Now I want to display the report based on a date range. The date field is Received. It's in dbo.master. I added 2 parameters start date and end date. When I check the condition if dbo.master.Received>StartDate and dbo.master.Received < EndDate directly I'm getting error. Could someone tell me what mistake I'm doing? Thanks for your help!ALTER Procedure [dbo].[USP_Reports_NewTier1]
@ClientCode VARCHAR(7) = '',@UserID INT = 0 ,@OrderID INT =0 ,@StartDate datetime,@EndDate datetime
IF @ClientCode <> '' and dbo.master.Received > StartDate and dbo.master.Received<EndDateBEGIN SELECT --Root Select --ClientName @ClientName = (Select Name FROM dbo.customer c WHERE c.Customer = @ClientCode) ,@TotalDollarValue = (SELECT SUM(m.current1-m.paid1) FROM dbo.master m WHERE phase=1 AND m.Customer = @ClientCode AND M.Status <> 'PIE') ,@AverageAge = ISNULL((select avg(age) from (select datediff(day,Received,CASE WHEN clidlp>clidlc then clidlp else clidlc END)* -1 as age from dbo. master M WHERE phase=1 AND customer = @ClientCode AND M.Status <> 'PIE') x),0)END
I have a query that returns the following date interval (int) calls (int) 2008-01-07 00:00:00 700 0 2008-01-07 00:00:00 730 0 2008-01-07 00:00:00 800 0 2008-01-07 00:00:00 830 9 2008-01-07 00:00:00 900 8
I am looking for a way to get my table mentioned above to look like this row_date [700] [730] [800] [830] [900] 2008-1-7 0 0 0 9 8
does anyone have any slick ideas on how I can accomplish this task?
Hey I have created a multi-statement table valued function
alter function fn_x(@x int)returns @tbl table ( position int identity primary key, i int) as begin insert into @tbl values (@x) insert into @tbl values (@x) insert into @tbl values (@x) insert into @tbl values (@x) returnend
Is it possible skipping the definition of the table columns (the light blue part)?I need to return a different structure based on a parameter.Dropping those lines throws an error "incorrect syntax near 'as'" The other solution is declaring each udf separately as one statement udf.Thanks
Hello,I'm a newbie and I have a little problem that's starting to work on my nerves I want to store a multi line textbox in the database, just like the way it has been entered.I used a varbinary-field.This is my code in my aspx Dim myOptions As New InterTyp.Opties() Dim myCon As SqlConnection = myOptions.getCon() Dim cmdOef As SqlCommand Dim parmOef As SqlParameter cmdOef = New SqlCommand("GetOef", myCon) cmdOef.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure cmdOef.Parameters.Add("@oid", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value = ID 'output parmOef = cmdOef.Parameters.Add("@otext", SqlDbType.VarChar) parmOef.Size = 8000 parmOef.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output 'execute the query myCon.Open() cmdOef.ExecuteNonQuery() txtOef.Text = cmdOef.Parameters("@otext").Value myCon.Close()In my code i call a sp:CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetOef @oid integer, @otext varchar OutputAS SELECT otext FROM oefening WHERE (oid = @oid) So my problem is:How do i cast the varbinary back to a text?
Seems like I'm stealing all the threads here, : But I need to learn :) I have a StoredProcedure that needs to return values that other StoredProcedures return.Rather than have my DataAccess layer access the DB multiple times, I would like to call One stored Procedure, and have that stored procedure call the others to get the information I need. I think this way would be more efficient than accessing the DB multiple times. One of my SP is:SELECT I.ItemDetailID, I.ItemDetailStatusID, I.ItemDetailTypeID, I.Archived, I.Expired, I.ExpireDate, I.Deleted, S.Name AS 'StatusName', S.ItemDetailStatusID, S.InProgress as 'StatusInProgress', S.Color AS 'StatusColor',T.[Name] AS 'TypeName', T.Prefix, T.Name AS 'ItemDetailTypeName', T.ItemDetailTypeID FROM [Item].ItemDetails I INNER JOIN Item.ItemDetailStatus S ON I.ItemDetailStatusID = S.ItemDetailStatusID INNER JOIN [Item].ItemDetailTypes T ON I.ItemDetailTypeID = T.ItemDetailTypeID However, I already have StoredProcedures that return the exact same data from the ItemDetailStatus table and ItemDetailTypes table.Would it be better to do it above, and have more code to change when a new column/field is added, or more checks, or do something like:(This is not propper SQL) SELECT I.ItemDetailID, I.ItemDetailStatusID, I.ItemDetailTypeID, I.Archived, I.Expired, I.ExpireDate, I.Deleted, EXEC [Item].ItemDetailStatusInfo I.ItemDetailStatusID, EXEC [Item].ItemDetailTypeInfo I.ItemDetailTypeID FROM [Item].ItemDetails IOr something like that... Any thoughts?
I want to select columns from different tables into a single table...Not sure if a temp table is suited for this and if so how I should implement it (NOTE: this query will be executed many times by different users at the same time, so I'd rather avoid temp tables!)I have:TABLE1idfirstnamedescriptioncreatedateTABLE2idcarnamespecificationsimportdateNow, I want a resultset that has the columns (columns from other tables from which the values should be retreived are behind the desired columns):id (, (TABLE1.firstname , TABLE2.carname)description (TABLE1.description , TABLE2.sepcifications)date (TABLE1.createdate , TABLE2.importdate)Thanks!
I wrote a Stored Procedure spMultiValue which takes Multi Value String Parameter "Month". The stored procedure uses a function which returns a table. when I Execute the stored procedure from SQL Server 2005 with input "January,February,March" everything works fine. In the dataset , I set command type as Text and typed the following statement. EXEC spMultiValue " & Parameters!Month.Value &" its not returning anything. can anyone tell me how to pass multivalue parameter to stored procedure. Thanks for your help.
What is the best way to design this stored procedure for speed?
I want to pass in a list of IDs and have a return value of a table that contains the ID and its associated value. Is there a way to pass in as table and come out as table?
I have multiple databases in the server and all my databases have tables: stdVersions, stdChangeLog. The stdVersions table have field called DatabaseVersion which stored the version of the database. The stdChangeLog table have a field called ChangedOn which stored the date of any change made in the database.
I need to write a query/stored procedure/function that will return all the database names, version and the date changed on. The results should look something like this:
I am greener in using SQL Server 7.0. I created a stored procedure named usp_Test (please see the following codes for reference). It worked fine when passed through a single keyword into it (for example usp_Test 'Satellite'), but it did not return the query results what I wanted when passed through multiple keywords into it (for example usp_Test 'Satellite Remote'). In fact, it returned nothing but the column names specified in SELECT statement. Below is the sample of procedure how it looks like. Where am I wrong? Any idea?
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_Test @strKeywords varchar(50) AS
SET @DelimiterPos = 0 SET @Delimiter = CHAR(32) SET @strWHERE ="" SET @strKeywords = RTRIM(LTRIM(@strKeywords))
SET @DelimiterPos = CHARINDEX(@Delimiter,@strKeywords,1)
IF @DelimiterPos > 0 BEGIN WHILE (@DelimiterPos > 0) BEGIN IF LEN(@strWHERE) > 0 BEGIN SET @strWHERE = @strWHERE + " AND tblClips.Title Like %" + LEFT(@strKeywords,@DelimiterPos - 1)+ "%" + CHAR(13) END ELSE BEGIN SET @strWHERE = @strWHERE + "%" + LEFT(@strKeywords,@DelimiterPos - 1) + "%" + CHAR(13) END SET @strKeywords = LTRIM(RIGHT(@strKeywords, LEN(@strKeywords) - @DelimiterPos)) SET @DelimiterPos = CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @strKeywords, 1) IF @DelimiterPos > 0 BEGIN CONTINUE END ELSE IF LEN(@strKeywords) > 0 BEGIN SET @strWHERE = @strWHERE + " AND tblClips.Title Like %" + @strKeywords + "%" + CHAR(13) BREAK END END END ELSE BEGIN SET @strWHERE = @strWHERE + "%" + @strKeywords + "%" END PRINT 'WHERE tblClips.Title Like ' + @strWHERE SELECT tblClips.Title,tblTapes.ClassificationNo,tblTapes. Inventory FROM tblClips INNER JOIN (tblClipTape INNER JOIN tblTapes ON tblClipTape.fkTapeID = tblTapes.TapeID) ON tblClips.ClipID = tblClipTape.fkClipID WHERE tblClips.Title LIKE @strWHERE
I have multiple databases in the server and all my databases have tables: stdVersions, stdChangeLog. The stdVersions table have field called DatabaseVersion which stored the version of the database. The stdChangeLog table have a field called ChangedOn which stored the date of any change made in the database.
I need to write a query/stored procedure/function that will return all the database names, version and the date changed on. The results should look something like this:
hi need help i have this stored procedure the problem is that i canot update like this not more than 20 - 30 rows (i send it from a web page from check box) it work but it limited rows for update not more than 20 - 30 rows in one time
Code Snippet SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [sto_update_snha] @id varchar(1000) as UPDATE Snha SET fld5 = 3 WHERE charindex(','+CONVERT(varchar,[id])+',',','+@id+',') > 0 AND (fld5 = 2)
Hi everyone. I am updating a table with aggregate results for multiplecolumns. Below is an example of how I approached this. It works finebut is pretty slow. Anyone have an idea how to increase performance.Thanks for any help.UPDATE #MyTableSET HireDate=(Select Min(Case When Code = 'OHDATE' then DateChangedelse null end)From HREHWhere #MyTable.HRCo=HREH.HRCo and#MyTable.HRRef=HREH.HRRef ),TerminationDate=(select Max(Case When Type = 'N' thenDateChanged else null end)From HREHWhere #MyTable.HRCo=HREH.HRCo and#MyTable.HRRef=HREH.HRRef ),ReHireDate=(select MAX(Case When Code = 'HIRE' thenDateChanged else null end)From HREHWhere #MyTable.HRCo=HREH.HRCo and #MyTable.HRRef=HREH.HRRef )
I am have stored procedure that accepts one parameter and returns a single value The sp works fine. My question is how do I set the c# webpage to return the single value. I need a specific example of how to code. this is how the code should work. A blank form is loaded, when the user clicks submit I need the code to pull the Login name from the text box and check to see if it exist. I have the sp working the way I need it to. But I can figure how to pull the single value into a variable in the code behind. I am using dataset elsewhere on the site, so I created a ds the calls the sp. Can it work this way? thanks,
I'm trying to build a dynamic sql statement in a stored procedurre and can't get the like statement to work. My problem is with the single quote. for example LIKE '%@searchvalue%'. This works fine: select * from view_searchprinters where serialnumber like '%012%' But I can't figure out how to create this in a stored procedure. What syntax should I use for the line in bold?SET NOCOUNT ON;DECLARE @sn varchar(50)SET @sn = N'012'DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000)SELECT @sql = 'select top 10 * from view_searchprinters' + ' WHERE 1 = 1 'SELECT @sql = @sql + ' 'IF @sn IS NOT NULL SELECT @sql = @sql + 'and serialnumber LIKE ''' + '%' + '@sn' + '%' + ''' 'EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@sn varchar(50)', @sn