Getting Started Questions, Versions, Upgrading, Etc.

Feb 2, 2007

I just attempted to upgrade to SQL Server Compact Edition (2005? 3.1?). The install appeared to go ok but I have no idea really and judging from the version numbers that appear in the references of my projects, I'd say there could be a problem. First, here is what I installed (and the order I installed it):

1) SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition (SQLServerCE31-EN.msi)
2) SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition Developer SDK (SSCE31SDK-ENU.msi)
3) SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition Tools for Visual Studio 2005 SP1 (SSCE31VSTools-ENU.exe)

The first two installs went normal and said they completed successfully. The VS Tools install was strange... it appeared to install but there was no message saying it was complete or successful. The install dialog just disappeared when it was done.

I had some projects that already had references to SQL Server Mobile 2005, so I loaded up a few of those projects, went to the references and removed the SqlServerCe reference and re-added it. I figured the version number would change but it didn't. The version number in the references dialog is 3.0.3600.0. However, the file that it's pointing to is 3.0.5300.0 (browsed to it in Explorer and looked at the properties). Does anyone know what the real version of SSCE is now?

Also, when I removed the reference to SqlServerCe and added it back, I got an application error in VS2005. This has happened every time with every project I've tried. I have to remove the reference, exit VS, reload VS and add the reference back. Which may all just be a waste of time since it doesn't look like it's doing anything.

One other small thing I noticed in the references is that the path for SqlServerCe has an extra between the "SDK" and "SQL Server" directories:

C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8SmartDevicesSDK\SQL ServerMobilev3.0System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll

I'm very confused at this point and hope someone can clear some of this up for me. Thanks!

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Will SQL Express Be Shipped In Vista If So What Versions And Other Questions.

Nov 11, 2006

1. The title of this post says it all. My app will have a very small footprint to down load. I don't want to user to have to download 50 + MB just to try my little $15 app:-) So

QUESTION 1 - Will SQL Express be in the Vista bits? If so which versions?

2. Once SQLExpress is installed by whatever means, are there rules about how the instance is used? I have no problems playing well with others so I would be more than happy to create my DB in .SQLExpress.

QUESTION 2 - Are there any rules governing who can play in the Express instance? How should dtabases should be named to avoid collisions with the other kids?

3. I'd love to be able to work in in ClickOnce / user never has to have admin password environment.

QUESTION 3 - Besides UAC are there any constraints on writing to a properly installed Express instance that would get in the way of a pure user application from using the basic instance.

4. Right now - because I can't read directions and still don't understand the smoke and mirrors in VS 2005 when it comes to dealing with databases - I have DDL in my program that allows me to create my database from scratch. Not sure that this is the right way to go.

QUESTION 4. What is the best way for an user software to create its database in an instance of SQL Express.

5. SQL Express is yet another thingie that will run in the background that the typical user won't understand and wont' give a hoot about.

QUESTION 5. Can I / should I programmatically worry about whether the service is up and running? If so how do I launch it.

I know this is a lot for a single post, but it all sort of hangs together.


Al Christoph

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SQLCE - Getting Started Questions....

Jan 31, 2007

I am trying to soak in all this information regarding SQLCE and was hoping someone could set me off in the right direction.

I have an Windows Mobile 5.0 data collection application that I need to sync with a desktop database. I will need the ability to sync 1 or more Pocket PC's with a desktop database.


1.) Assuming I need to sync the data, is using a SQLCE database on the device AND the desktop a viable solution?

2.) If not, would my only other option be to use SQL Server Express (SQL Server is not an option, $$$)?

3.) Keeping simplicity in mind, what would be my best choice of syncing technology? RDA? Merge Replication? Microsoft Synchronization Services for ADO.NET?

Generally speaking, I want to know if YOU were starting from scratch, what combination of technologies would you use?



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Upgrading From Access Questions?

Feb 21, 2005

My current website is based on access and running fine but a bit slow, the size of the file have always increase rapidly (i don't know why) and I have to download the mdb file every week, using access to compact it and send it back to the hosting company's server. Therefore I concern to upgrade it to SQL server or MSDE. I never used any of them and I have no idea how they work. Here are a few questions:

1, Should I use SQL server or MSDE? I know the differences among access, SQL server and MSDE, but I am curious why is MSDE free? are there any limitation or anywhere worse then access? (considering access does cost money but less powerful then MSDE)

2, Is there a file size problem like what I got with mdb files? it is very important to me because I have limited space for the hosting company.

3, I downloaded MSDE and installed into my WindowsXP, and what I see is only an icon in the task bar any nothing else. I have no clue how it work at all. What else do I need for the upgrade? What are the steps?

4, It seems SQL server and MSDE are tightly integrated into the system. Can I still have a database file and upload it to the hosting company just simply replace the mdb file? Please if someone could provide any tutorial how to run and manage MSDE.


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Upgrading From Sqlce 3.1 To 3.5 Questions

May 21, 2007

In the readme of v3.5, it mentions that if I use 3.5 to open a database file created by previous version, the version number will be updated to 3.5, so I opened it in c# and run some select statement, then I run the verify() command and here's what's returned:

Source : d:Dataceguardian.sdf
Destination : n/a
Verifying - verMajor: 3, verMinor: 0, verBuild: 5300, verPoint: 0
Time - 2007-21-05 14:42:39.847

it seems the database file did not get updated to v3.5. Unless it's returning original info.

Then, I take this same database file and try to access from another project with v3.5 runtime + Enterprise Library, and it generates this error:

An exception of type 'System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException' occurred in guardian.exe but was not handled in user code

Additional information: You are trying to access an older version of a SQL Server Compact Edition database. If this is a SQL Server CE 1.0 or 2.0 database, run upgrade.exe. If this is a SQL Server Compact Edition 3.0 or later database, run Compact / Repair. [ Db version = 3505053,Requested version = 3004180,File name = D:Dataceguardian.sdf ]

I am confused. Shouldn't 3.5 opens it up regardless of what version it is?


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Help With Versions

Apr 24, 2001

We are in need of a solution to our problem. We are working for a customer and cannot use their database to work on during development. We have copied the layout and made a sample db for our development.
Rather than writing down all the changes we make to our own db and then making the same changes to the customer's, is there a better way? Can we use something like sourcesafe?

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SQL Versions

Oct 20, 2004

I've got a few SQL Servers at work which are development servers using SQL Server Standard Edition. I would like to downgrade them to SQL Server Developer Edition to save the Standard Edition licenses for production purposes. However, i do not wish to uninstall and reinstall SQL Server Developer Edition, restore all the dbs. Is there a way to change the version of the SQL Server ?

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Two Versions On The Same Box

Oct 9, 2007

Hi All,
Can we have 2 versions of SQL Server on the same server? Example, can I install SQL Server 2000 and 2005 on the same server? Please let me know about all the combinations possible/not possible.

Thanks a lot.


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Updating Need Two Different Versions

Dec 21, 2005

Is there a way to do the following -- I need to be able to update a table based on a selection by a DDL.  So here are my two update queries:
1. Update RequestData Set Approved = True Where DeptID = @DeptID2. Update RequestData Set Approved = True (Yes I need to be able to do all of the rows at once.)
But it's all based on the selection of the DDL---I really don't want to have to create two seperate sql commands any ideas?

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DTS Package Versions

Mar 22, 2001

Is there a way to remove old versions of a DTS package without rewriting the entire package?
These packages run fine but take up more space than I am willing to allocate.

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Versions Of SQL For SAN Support

Oct 22, 2001

I understand the SANs are only Supported by SQL Server 2000 Enterprise and no other versions of SQL, can anyone supply information to the contrary please?

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Multiple Versions

May 12, 2000

Has anyone ever attempted to run 6.5 & 7.0 from the same server?

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Installing 2 Versions

Mar 4, 1999

This may seem like a wierd question, but can I have 6.5 and 7.0 running on the same machine? I need 6.5 for production builds and 7.0 for test. Is this possible? THanks


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Trial Versions Of 7 Still Available?

Nov 15, 2001

I can see that SQL server 2000 trial is available for download, but I need to try out 7 for a particular project at work. Is this available for trial download? (Has it ever been?)


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Different Versions Of MS SQL Server

Sep 23, 2005

Hi all...
I'm a MySQL user and I want to switch to MS SQL Server, I heared that there is more than one type of MS SQL Server and one or two can be downloaded for free. Can someone tell me the different types of MS SQL Server and where can I download those free versions?

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Different Versions Of SQL On One Server

Sep 25, 2007


Our server has SQL Server 2003 installed, I'd like to use SQL Server Express 2005 as I'm about to try and learn ASP.NET and most tutorials use that.

Will installing Express 2005 conflict with the Server 2003? Can both version be run on one server?


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Synchronized Versions

Jul 23, 2005

I'm running a SQL 7 db on a LAN in city A with other users accessing it fromanother city (city B) over a WAN. Obviously the WAN users are getting muchslower access to the data. One thing I was wondering was if it was possibleto have two versions of the database, one on each server, and have themautomatically synchronize as users at each location make changes. Or, ifthat's not possible, then at least have the city B users get any changesthat the city A users get as they are made.Thanks for any input.Neil

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Two Versions Of Sql On One Server?

Oct 25, 2006

Is it possible to run both SQL200 standard and SQL2005 Express on thesame server? I need to test a database created in 2005 on ourproduction server but don't want to upgrade our "live" databases yet.

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32-64 Bit Versions Issue

Jan 23, 2006

I uninstalled the 32-bit Standard version but during install of the 64-bit trial version I got an error that the integration services could not install because the 32-bit version of COM+ was already registered and you can't have both. Need some help how to resolve this issue. Thanks

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Conflicting Sql Versions

Jan 17, 2008

I have a server with sql 2000 and 2005 installed on it. When I try to connect to the msde 2000 database with an app or with managment studio express I get the following error

"An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)

For help, click:"

But When I go through dos and type osql -S(local)database -E
it connects to the correct msde instance. How can I fix this with out uninstalling sql server 2005????

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.Net Versions Question

Mar 7, 2008

We will be upgrading from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005. From what I have read, as part of the installation of SQL 2005 we will be installing the .Net framework 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005.
We currently have production .Net applications which were developed in Visual Studio 2003 with the .Net framework 1.1.
We plan at some point to upgrade our applications to Visual Basic 2005, but we were planning on upgrading to SQL 2005 first.
I have a couple of questions about this.

1) We are a small shop and the same server which hosts our production applications also hosts SQL server for our model office and test applications. Can we have both versions of the common language runtime running on the same server?

2) Our .Net applications access the SQL data through stored procedures or views. I have run the Upgrade Advisor and it does not look as though there are any signficant upgrade issues with our SQL database objects, so we are tentatively planning on changing the compatibility levels of our databases to 90 after they are imported to SQL 2005. Assuming we take care of any SQL issues that we do have with our database objects, should we expect to encounter problems running our existing applications, under the older version of, and accessing our databases once we have upgraded to SQL 2005? (Of course we plan to test everything, but I just wanted to know if we should anticipate anything in particular.)


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SQL Server - Differente Versions

Jan 28, 2008

If i develop a web application with sql server developement edition, it works fine in my webserver, or my webserver has to have the sql server development too?
I'm interested in sql server report services. if i develop a web application with this tool what kind of version of sql server has to be installed in my webserver?
Thank you

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DTS & Client Tools Versions

Mar 15, 2001

SQL 2000 Client tools SQL7 SP3 Server back-end.

I have a DTS Package created with SQL2000 client tools, which contains a SQL connection and a sql task (exec sp_who2). When I run the package on my PC it works, when I run the package via SQL Agent it comes back with :-

DTSRun: Loading... Error: -2147287038 (80030002); Provider Error: 0 (0) Error string: The system cannot find the file specified. Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package Help file: sqldts.hlp Help context: 713. Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.

I am not using any files. The DTS Package is called PMC_Test

Here is the dtsrun syntax from the SQL Agent job.

DTSRun /S "APP003" /N "PMC_Test" /E

When I try and open the DTS package using SQL7 client tools I get the same error message.

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Odbc Dll Versions Don't Match??

May 15, 2001

I'm trying to correct an error that a user is getting when running SQL Server 7.0 SP3, Desktop edition/ Windows NT 4.0 SP6. The error says that C:WINNTSYSTEM32odbcint.dll and C:WINNTSYSTEM32odbccp32.dll are different versions. I tried to install MDAC 2.5 sp1 to correct this problem but this message continues throughout the install. This is causing sqlagent service to hang. Any ideas of how to reinstall ODBC components without reinstalling the OS?

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DTS & SQL Client Tools Versions

Mar 14, 2001

Does anyone know of problems when using SQL7 Server and SQL2000 Client tools when editing and saving DTS Packages ?

My SQL 7 Server doesn't seem to recognise the DTS Package if saved from SQL 2000 Client tools, but works happily with packages saved from SQL7.

Can anyone clarify ?

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MS SQL Server Vs. Run Time Versions Of Other DBs

May 13, 2002

I know this is a very basic question for all of you but I need help.

I am a CPA working with a client to select an accounting & project management software for a construction client. In the top 5 choices, there are 2 that require MS SQL Server as the DB. This client will have about 10-20 users, including project managers & accounting personnel but by DB standards transaction volumes will be low. The company has a few large projects. There is no inhouse IT staff; network administration is outsourced.

The question on the table is this? How much more difficult is it to use MS SQL server in this environment? If all of the client's requirements can be met using a run-time version of Sybase, Pervasive, or FoxPro, isn't this the simplest solution. I don't want to recommend an elephant if it is not needed. I would appreciate your opinion....Thanks

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Record (entity) Versions...

Jul 9, 2004

Database newbie question: My sample database (T-SQL syntax): CREATE DATABASE sample GO USE sample CREATE TABLE customers (CustomerId int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED,name varchar(50),address varchar(50)) CREATE TABLE invoices (InvoiceId int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED,date datetime,CustomerId int REFERENCES customers(CustomerId)) INSERT customers (name,address) VALUES ('First Company Ltd.','New York') INSERT customers (name,address) VALUES ('Second Company Ltd.','Washington') INSERT invoices (date,CustomerId) VALUES ('Jan 1, 2004',1) INSERT invoices (date,CustomerId) VALUES ('Jan 2, 2004',1) INSERT invoices (date,CustomerId) VALUES ('Jan 2, 2004',2) SELECT * FROM customers GO CustomerId name address 1 First Company Ltd. New York 2 Second Company Ltd. Washington SELECT,,c.address FROM invoices AS i INNER JOIN customers AS c ON i.CustomerId=c.CustomerId GO date name address 2004-01-01 00:00:00.000 First Company Ltd. New York 2004-01-02 00:00:00.000 First Company Ltd. New York 2004-01-02 00:00:00.000 Second Company Ltd. Washington UPDATE customers SET address='Boston' WHERE name='First Company Ltd.' GO INSERT invoices (date,CustomerId) VALUES ('Jan 3, 2004',1) SELECT * FROM customers GO CustomerId name address 1 First Company Ltd. Boston 2 Second Company Ltd. Washington SELECT,,c.address FROM invoices AS i INNER JOIN customers AS c ON i.CustomerId=c.CustomerId GO date name address 2004-01-01 00:00:00.000 First Company Ltd. Boston 2004-01-02 00:00:00.000 First Company Ltd. Boston 2004-01-02 00:00:00.000 Second Company Ltd. Washington 2004-01-03 00:00:00.000 Second Company Ltd. Boston Is it possible in any of the RDBMS's to make this last query return the following result set? 2004-01-01 00:00:00.000 First Company Ltd. New York 2004-01-02 00:00:00.000 First Company Ltd. New York 2004-01-02 00:00:00.000 Second Company Ltd. Washington 2004-01-03 00:00:00.000 First Company Ltd. Boston

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Unable To See The Backup Versions? Need Help

May 31, 2007


Currently i am working with Sql Server 2005 and i am taking daily backups which is going
append same backup file <DB_NAME>.BAK.

Now i am trying to restore this bkp with a new database name and with 2 days before date
image.When i am trying to do that, sql server is not showing the versions of the backups.

Why? is there any reason for that?


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Restore To Diffrent Versions

Aug 22, 2007


i have 2005 express on 2000 sp4

i made a backup devices for the app db
and for every one of the system database.
and with those devices backup and restore.

can i manually configure the system db or i must restore them?
i have an issue where i downloaded and installed v.9.00.2047
while my backups where on v.9.00.1399


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Replication Between Different Versions Of SQL Server

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,We are trying to set up replication between different versions of SQLServer (7 & 2000).This is how the 2 servers are now setup:DB1 - External web-server w/SQL Server 7DB2 - Internal server w/SQL Server 2000REPLICATION SETUPThis is how we need the replication to be set up. They are allTransactional Replications.DISTRIBUTION:This is set up on DB2, which is running on 2000WITH PUBLISHERS ON DB1, AND PULL SUBSCRIPTIONS ON DB2:dbo.Employment_App & dbo.Employ_Jobs (together in one replication)dbo.FeedbackNOTE: This set of replications work some of the time, but make DB1 &DB2 very slow when running. A lot of times, the jobs say "RetryingJob", but they usually will eventually work.WITH PUBLISHERS AND PUSH SUBSCRIPTIONS ON DB2:dbo.Jobsdbo.Releasesdbo.SearchNOTE: This set of replications used to work when DB1 & DB2 both ran onSQL Server 7 with 2000 Enterprise Manager's. But since we moved thedata to an internal server (DB2) that runs on 2000, it doesn't work atall.We've researched the problem, and found an article by MS called"Replication Between Different Versions of SQL Server" at states that this setup should be possible (on Combination 3 forTransactional Replications).But it's not working at all. Are there some steps that we need tocheck to have replication setup between 2 servers running on differentversions of SQL Server (7 & 2000)? Any & all help & advice isappreciated. Thanks.KWilliams

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MSDE 2000 Versions

Jul 20, 2005

I was wondering if any of you guys can kindly help me in finding allthe different versions of MSDE 2000 that came out since it's firstrelease. I expected to find something similar like Sun's archive( for MSDE 2000 toobut failed to find after a few hours of browsing at the MicrosoftDownload Center ( seem more into promoting their new MSDE 2000 Release A for thetime being but nothing much about the previous versions of MSDE toserve my product testing purposes.All I need is a complete list of different versions of MSDE 2000 withdownloadable links.Thanks in advance.IzzY

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Differences Between SQL Server Versions

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I've got installed Win 2003 SBS Premium with the SQL Server 2000 on a servermachine. It works almost fine, except the application which uses the SQLServer. The main part of the application runs (since the last update) fine,but other tools of that application (database import and the databasemanager for check and rebuild) doesn't. They hang up or kill the database.Our software developer says that these problems are in correlation with theserver os. But there won't be any problem if we install Win 2000 Server andadd an additional SQL Server 2000.Finally my question is: Are there any differences between the SQL Server2000 Versions, which are sold (a) as a single product, (b) as part of theWin 2003 SBS Premium package and (c) as part of other Server versions?Thanks in Advance,Martin

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Detect Installed Versions

Apr 24, 2008

Hi Guys,

I need to detect what version/ or versions of SQL Server are installed on a machine before I can install my software. I am currently looking for SQL Server 2000 / SQL Server 2005 /SQL Server Express Edition & SQL Server 2008 CTP (for the time). How do I find this out. Is SQL-DMO the way forward or should this be some WMI script. I would appreciate any pointers/scripts etc.

I have read a lot of people mentioning using @@version from a query window but as I need the software to do this on first start up can this work for all versions

Thanks in advance

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