Getting Table Set Up For Comments

Mar 10, 2004

I am working on a project that lets visitors to my webpage post comments. I have there name, city, etc. stored into an sql database. This all works until I put text into the comments field of my form. I get this message when it is trying execute -- String or binary data would be truncated. I was wondering what data type to use, I have used char and varchar and neither one is working. Is there anything else I could try to fix this.

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Comments Table Help

Jun 28, 2007

Hi everyone.  I've taken a while off of developing site in but had a site that I wanted to upgrade a little, but needed a little help.What I have currently is a website of a person with videos and images of that person.  To view the videos, I have a "view_video.aspx?ID=" page that plays the video from YouTube by looking my database for the ID, YouTube URL, Name, and Description.  What I want to do is create a "comments" table for visitors to add comments for each video and then display all comments on the page.So far, my "comments" table looks like this. ID, otherID, name, email, comment, type, date.The ID is the id of the comment, otherID is the foreign key to the "videos" table, the name is the name of the person leaving the comment, e-mail is for the person, comment is the text, type is the type of video (tutorial, sampler, random video), and date is a timestamp for when users leave the comment.So hopefully I have a good start.  I don't have any code to show right at the moment for I am at work, but if anyone has any ideas or critiques so far, I'd love to hear them.  This is an interesting project for my friend and I'd love to implement this sometime.Thanks,TetrisSmalls 

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Table Comments

Jun 4, 2002

Has anyone discovered how to store table and column comments inside SQL Server 2000? It was supposed to be an added feature with 2000.


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Table Level Comments

Jul 13, 2004

Is there a way to add comments on a table in sql server?

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When To Use A Joined Table For Comments?

Nov 9, 2005

I have a table with almost a million rows, although it's quite slim with just ID, date, userID, JobID etc.

Now I want to the ability to add comments to some (probably less than 1%) of those lines.

The question is whether to create a separate comments table to join to it, or to create a comments field within the existing table? The comments field would obviously default to NULL, so wouldn't bloat the table unnecessarily if I add that field (right?), and would always be selected with the row from that table, so I'm leaning towards the latter alternative.

Any thoughts, words of warning?


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Retrieving Only 50 Chars From Detail Table Of Comments

Jan 25, 2012

I have a detail table of comments. I need to grab the fist 50 characters from the comment field from this table. The kick is that I need to get the comments from all of the records in the detail table, as the comments might be less than 50 characters, so i need to pull the comments from the other comment records that apply to the master table record.

right now i have the comments in a join to the master table, but this is causing a few records to be returned....

I guess what i am looking for is a way to grab the comment value from the first record of the detail table.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Update Table With Multi-line Comments?

Apr 14, 2014

How to update column with multiline comments.

eg. I need to update Notification column in my table as below.

Exit Formalities Notification sent to:

Employee: LastName, FirstName
EmployeeEmail: EmployeeEmailAddress

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SQL 2012 :: How To Count Instances Of Each Word Throughout Comments Field Across The Table

Oct 21, 2015

I have to count the number of instances of each word in the Comments column throughout the table using SQL Server. Eg:

Row# Comments
1 I like working on SQL
2 I enjoy sleeping and like watching TV

So the output should be :

Word Count
I 2
like 2
working 1
on 1

Any way to get this count using MS SQL?

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How Can I Display No Comments If There Is Not Any Comments ??

Oct 1, 2007

Hi all,

I have state, day_date, error, and text column. If there is data then it is showing all the columns. But if there is no comments I would like to show no comments in the text field. Currently I have this store procedure.

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.up_daily_quad_text

@DAY_DATE datetime




dbo.adins_database.ZONE_NAME + ', ' + dbo.adins_database.ZONE_STATE AS [STATE AND LOCATION],









( dbo.adins_database.adins_id=dbo.COMMENT.adinsdb_id OR (dbo.COMMENT.adinsdb_id is Null) )

AND ( dbo.COMMENT.comment_dt=dbo.DIM_DATE.DAY_DATE )

AND ( dbo.COMMENT_CATEGORY.category_id=dbo.COMMENT.category_id )





GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.up_daily_quad_text TO AdIns_SSRS


How can I modify do that.



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Three Table Join - Display Newest Comments Left On Photos Created By Members

Jul 6, 2014

I am trying to tweak some code which is used to display the newest comments left on photos created by my members.

The existing code is this:

SELECT top 15 pnumber,pcomment,puser FROM photocomments order by pdate DESC

So the latest comment left was for photo #210879 from user "Cla" (redacted user names). The 2nd newest comment would be for photo #211072 from a member named "mo". pdate is a date field

However for the script I have coded I don't want all of the photo comments to show up. This is because I use access levels based on the type of location (higher levels mean more restricted galleries). I check the access levels as I go through the recordsets.

I use this method to get the top 15 comments:

SELECT top 15 pnumber,pcomment,puser FROM photocomments order by pdate DESC

Now I have to use two other tables to determine the access level. Since PHOTOCOMMENTS is just a list of photo #'s and the people who left comments for those photos, I need to:

a) determine what location the photo is from and
b) determine the access level of that location

I use: select creator,access from locations where id=(select dir from photos where id="&pnumber&")"

This is a two step process as you can see. The first part is:

select dir from photos where id=(pnumber)

ID is the same value as pnumber seen in PHOTOCOMMENTS. That is to say PHOTOS.ID = PHOTOCOMMENTS.PNUMBER

If I haven't confused you yet, the executed code for the first example would be:

select dir from photos where id=210879

which would get me a value for DIR. DIR is the location number which would be:

select creator,access from locations where id=(dir value)

Just to simplify it a bit....

There are three tables (shown below)


I need to: SELECT top 15 pnumber,pcomment,puser FROM photocomments order by pdate DESC (first table shown)

but then also

select creator,access from locations (The last table shown)
where id=(select dir from photos where id="&pnumber&")"

So the first table PHOTOCOMMENTS has to also join PHOTOS table where PHOTOS.DIR = PHOTOCOMMENTS.PNUMBER in order to get the value of "DIR" and then DIR is joined to the LOCATIONS tables where PHOTOS.DIR = LOCATIONS.ID

Here is the actual code, which I am trying to make into a single SQL command

strSQL = "SELECT top 15 pnumber,pcomment,puser FROM photocomments order by pdate DESC"
set ors = oconn.Execute(strSQL)
tl = 0
do until ors.eof or tl > 15
' until we have 15 results because not every recordset will be of the proper security level

[Code] ....

Bonus points if you can also get it to select from LOCATIONS only WHERE userlevel >= 2

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SQL 7.0 SP1 Is Out. Comments?

Jun 7, 1999

Well, the time is here, SQL 7.0 Service Pack 1 is out.

I'm sure the bravest of us have already fetched and installed it. (I'm currently downloading it myself)

Any problems so far everyone? I'd really like to hear from anyone running 7.0 SP1 on a big alpha system.

Anthony B. Kenitzki

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Comments In SQL

Nov 15, 2006


I am new to MS SQL Server 2005. I used MySQL.

Now my doubt is how to put a comment in SQL statement, where i am using query editor in SQL Management Studio.



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Mar 1, 2007


how can i put comments in rdl (XML)???


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SP3 Comments Needed

Sep 26, 2001

Anyone using SQL 7.0, SP3 on production ? Any comments
on the upgrade from SP2, any quirks, gotchas that you

Any input appreciated!


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Can A Field Have Comments ?

Jan 20, 2000

We're migrating from Access to MS SQL server 7.0
Inside the edit of an Access tables; the Description column can also be used to place comments other then the description of the field,
ie. explanation of field's use
pay payrate per hour in USD
or allowed values
status O=open, C=closed
I can not find something similar inside SQL 7.0.
If this option is not available, what other alternatives are there ?


PS. what is the CTEXT field inside the SYSCOMMENTS table ?

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How Do I Set Up User Comments

Sep 16, 2007

I am trying to plan out a database that will have users and comments on those users. How should I structure this? Should each comment be attached to the user it describes or should each user have a list of the comments that describe it?

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Some Comments On DTS Package

Jul 23, 2005

On quick observation, it seems to me DTS has a strange way tointerprete File System. ENV: NT OS, SQL Server 2000.When a data import package (source point to c:XYZdir) is executed atEM level, sql server seems to think the "c:XYZdir" is the currentuser's "c:XYZdir", however, if the same package is scheduled as a joband executed as a job, then, sql server seems to think the "c:XYZdir"is THE SQL SERVER INSTALLTION MACHINE's C:XYZdir. It's quiteinconsistent. Please let me know your finding about this.Also, I use ActiveX scripts to perform exception handing (errorchecking) for certain transaction. For instance before a packageimports a file an ActiveX script checks source file's existence andformat, if not as expected halt here (not to execute the package).Now, the two cases of (a) file not exist; and (b) incorrect file formatcan't be determined by not running the package. Probably, the ActiveXscript should capture each case by creating a record/row during thefile checking. What's your thought?TIA.

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SSIS Comments

Jul 20, 2007

Hi all,

i am not sure is it have the way to comments some process on the package.


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Read Before Committed, Comments?

Mar 10, 2000

Consider this example please.
insert into OrderDetail (fields) VALUES (values)
insert into Orders (fields) VALUES (values)

If there is a trigger on Orders that takes some fields from OrderDetail and puts them into some other table.

When the trigger fires, can it find the details if the COMMIT has not occurred yet.

I'm wondering If I should use isolation level READ UNCOMMITTED.
After all, If the whole transaction rolls back, my trigger activity will be rolled back as well. Comments?

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Adding Comments To Metadata

Mar 15, 2008

Did some searching and didn't seem to find what I'm looking for. I'm pretty new to SQL Server (most of my experience is on DB2 for z/OS).I'm building some new tables, and want to find a way to add comments to the metadata for the column. In DB2 the syntax is:COMMENT ON COLUMN TB_CREATOR.TB_NAME.COLUMN_NAME IS 'comments here';ORCOMMENT ON TB_CREATOR.TB_NAME (COLUMN1 IS ' comment here',COLUMN2 IS ' comment here', );Is there anything like this in SQL Server?Thanks!

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Generating Document From Comments In Sql

Sep 4, 2005

hai everyone
i have a requirement.
i am writing a very large sp.
i have written many comments in that sp.
i wanted to generate a document from that comments i have wriiten in that sp.
i know a similar thing can be done in comments.
is it possible top do such a thing in .sql file.

all comments that i have wriiten in my .sql file should be extracted.
to a document.

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Is There A Way To Print Some Comments Btw Queries

Feb 7, 2007

I use sql query analyzer

/*text msg 1 :This is table A */
select * from a
/*text msg 2*: This is table B */
select * from b

I want some results in text like

This is table A
name age
jeff 28
ff 17

this is table B
comid name lot
23 ie 100
34 ibm 234

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Where To Find Comments Property

Jul 23, 2005

where in sys tables does one find field property comments.neeed to query them.tia,mcnewsxp

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How To Code Sql Comments Within Sql Statement

Jun 19, 2007

I want to write a query like this:

select ' select count(*) '+ '/*' + table_name + '*/' + char(10) + ' FROM '+table_name...

The result should looks like this:

select count(*) /* ---- emp_name */
FROM emp_name

query result:


But, now I can only got


What's wrong with my original code?

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Adding Comments To A Report

Jan 7, 2007

I would like to allow users to add a comment to a report. What is the best way to do this? When the report is run I would like users to be able to see all comments and which user reported them and the date and time the comment was entered

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Comments Using Reporting Services

Mar 21, 2008


am pretty new to the reporting services...i had the requirement like user wants to add the comments in the report whenever he this possible using RS and how?

Thanks for the help in advance!!


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Export To Cvs/excel With Comments Attached

Sep 20, 2006

i'm building a web page to help our support staff run and export their sql queries faster and more easily than going through the sql server manager.  i found an article at codeproject [1] that i was able to customize to be more flexible, but i'm not sure how to get it to export the results of a query along with the comments that preceed the query.

for example, i have the following sql file: -- this query does a certain thing, and the comment can be pretty long at times, depending on how complicated the query is
select * from table where columnid > 100would anyone be able to tell me how to edit Kolluri's export function to allow for a comment section?  alternatively if his way of doing an export is out of date, i'd be interested in a newer way.  most importantly, though, i need to be able to export the comments along with query ultimate goal is to have a drop down list of databases on the server, a list of query files (from a certain consolodated folder) for them to run on the chosen database, a "test query" function, and an export function that exports the comments and results.[1] 

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Need Suggestion Or Comments For N-Tier Applications.

Nov 30, 2006

 using System;

namespace BaResearch.Data.msSql
interface ISqlDataObject
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection Connection { get; }
string ConnectionString { get; set; }

 ___________________________________using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace BaResearch.Data.msSql

public class SqlDataObject : ISqlDataObject

private string _ConnectionString;

public SqlConnection Connection
get { return new SqlConnection(_ConnectionString); }

public string ConnectionString
return _ConnectionString;
_ConnectionString = value;



 __________________________________using System;

namespace BaResearch.Data
interface IBid
string Client { get; set; }
string Contact { get; set; }
string Sponsor { get; set; }
string Priority { get; set; }
string BidStatus { get; set; }

 _____________________________________________using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;

namespace BaResearch.Data.msSql

public class Bid : SqlDataObject, IBid

#region private member & variables

private int _BidID;
private string _DateCreated;
private string _CreatedBy;

private string _Client;
private string _Contact;
private string _Sponsor;
private string _Priority;
private string _BidStatus;

private SqlDataAdapter sqlda = new SqlDataAdapter();
private SqlCommand _command;
private SqlParameter[] _parameters =
new SqlParameter("@client",SqlDbType.NVarChar),
new SqlParameter("@contact",SqlDbType.NVarChar),
new SqlParameter("@sponsor",SqlDbType.NVarChar),
new SqlParameter("@priority",SqlDbType.NVarChar),
new SqlParameter("@bidstatus",SqlDbType.NVarChar),


#region public member variables - stored procedures

//private string sp_Create = "bids_sp_insert";
//private string sp_Update_ByID = "bids_sp_updatebyid";
//private string sp_Delete_ByID = "bids_sp_deletebyid";
//private string sp_Select_All = "bids_sp_selectall";
//private string sp_Select_ByID = "bids_sp_selectbyid";
//private string sp_Select_ByValue = "bids_sp_selectbyvalue";


#region constructors and destructors

public Bid()
if (this.ConnectionString == null)
this.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SQL.ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
new Bid(this.ConnectionString);

public Bid(string ConnectionString)
this.ConnectionString = ConnectionString;


#region methods & events

/// <summary>
/// Attach parameters to an SqlCommand
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sqlcmd">SqlCommand</param>
private void attachparameters(SqlCommand sqlcmd)
foreach (SqlParameter param in _parameters)

/// <summary>
/// Assign value to the parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sqlcmd">SqlCommand</param>
/// <param name="value">Client object</param>
private void assignparametervalues(SqlCommand sqlcmd, Bid value)
// todo: assign parameter values here
sqlcmd.Parameters[0].Value = value.Client;
sqlcmd.Parameters[1].Value = value.Contact;
sqlcmd.Parameters[2].Value = value.Sponsor;
sqlcmd.Parameters[3].Value = value.Priority;
sqlcmd.Parameters[4].Value = value.BidStatus;

public virtual void Create(Bid value)
_command = new SqlCommand();
_command.Connection = this.Connection;
_command.CommandText = @"INSERT INTO bids (client, contact, sponsor, priority, bidstatus, createdby)
VALUES (@client, @contact, @sponsor, @priority, @bidstatus, @createdby);";
_command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

sqlda.InsertCommand = _command;
this.assignparametervalues(sqlda.InsertCommand, value);
sqlda.InsertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@createdby", value.CreatedBy);
sqlda.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@bidid", SqlDbType.Int);
sqlda.InsertCommand.Parameters["@bidid"].Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception(e.Message);

public virtual int Update(Bid value)
int result;

_command = new SqlCommand();
_command.Connection = this.Connection;
_command.CommandText = @"UPDATE bids SET client=@client, contact=@contact, sponsor=@sponsor,
priority=@priority, bidstatus=@bidstatus
WHERE bidid=@bidid";
_command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

sqlda.UpdateCommand = _command;
using (SqlCommand _cmd = sqlda.UpdateCommand)
this.assignparametervalues(_cmd, value);
_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@bidid", value.BidID);
result = _cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception(e.Message);

return result;

public virtual void Delete(Bid value)
_command = new SqlCommand();
_command.Connection = this.Connection;
_command.CommandText = @"DELETE bids WHERE bidid=@bidid;";
_command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

sqlda.DeleteCommand = _command;
using (SqlCommand _cmd = sqlda.DeleteCommand)
_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@bidid", value.BidID);
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception(e.Message);

public virtual DataSet List(string filter)
DataSet result = new DataSet();

_command = new SqlCommand();
_command.Connection = this.Connection;
_command.CommandText = @"SELECT * FROM bids_view_listall
WHERE (clientname like @value) or (contactname like @value)
or (sponsor like @value) ORDER BY datecreated DESC";
_command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

if (filter != null)
filter = filter.Replace(" ", "%");
sqlda.SelectCommand = _command;
sqlda.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@value", "%" + filter + "%");
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception(e.Message);

return (DataSet)result;


#region IBid Members

public string Client
return _Client;
_Client = value;

public string Contact
return _Contact;
_Contact = value;

public string Sponsor
return _Sponsor;
_Sponsor = value;

public string Priority
return _Priority;
_Priority = value;

public string BidStatus
return _BidStatus;
_BidStatus = value;


#region Properties

public int BidID
{ return _BidID; }
{ _BidID = value; }

public string DateCreated
return _DateCreated;
_DateCreated = value;

public string CreatedBy
return _CreatedBy;
_CreatedBy = value;




Am I on a right path? I will greatly appreciate in any comments or suggestions for a design. I am creating an n-tier application and i don't know if my design is right. I dont have the proper schooling for creating this kind of applications and I am still on layer of data access and business logic.

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Comments For Tables / Columns In SQL Sever

Jul 27, 2004


How do I add comments to tables / columns in SQL Server ? Oracle supports adding comments to tables / columns using "comment on table / column" statement. Is a similar feature available in SQL Server 2000 ?

Any help folks ?


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Apr 23, 2007

I would like to know if it is possible to add comments from different columns from table in sql into a single column. Please, see the attached table. I want all comments to be in one column. The outcome should be:
CONFIRMED NEED TO CONFIRM SIGNER AT <CR><LF> received e-mail:<CR><LF> Called Imran again today to see if .

Ideally, I would like to receive all comments in a single string of characters, perhaps separating the comments by <CR><LF>

Here is the table. Sorry my table doesnt look good, but it has the following fields: DATE, LEXNEX_DECISION, COMMENT

4/3/2007COMPLETECalled Imran again today to see if .


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Help With A Maintenance Plan - Comments Needed?

Sep 12, 2007


I know what sort of backup I want to accomplish with a given database, and I understand that the maintenance plans section is intelligent enough to give it to me, but I cant quite seem to configure it the way I want..

For the first week in the month I want to do a full backup every Tuesday at 7am and for the rest of the week, inc the following monday I want to append 10 min trans log backups to it. I then want to reinit and start a new backup file on the tuesday in the second week and do the same. the same thing for the next week and the next week until we get back to week one again.

so a 4 week schedule with each week dumping a full and trans log backups to its own backup set until we rotate back to week 1 again.

The schedule and the different files are the important bit. I assume I can create 4 backup objects named week1 to week4, create a job that references each one (with full and trans log backups) and then set the schedule for each job to occur weekly every 4 weeks. easy, yes?

Im just after alittle confirmation. whilst im not a numpty SQL is on a learning curve for me that I dont particulalrly want to be on... anyway.

Comments please.



"A computer once beat me at chess - but it was no match for me at kick boxing" - Emo Phillips.

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Adding Comments To TEXT Field...

Jul 20, 2005

Newbie question:Aside from the single quote (i.e. chr(39)) what other characters can causeMS-SQLserver to cough-up the insertion / update back in your face?TIA

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Data Type For Comments Field?

Mar 3, 2007


I am using SQL Server 2005 Express. I am creating a table, which will have a comments field. Whats an appropriate data type that should be used for a "comments" field? So far, I have unlimited text and characters can be entered, but that a limitation can be placed.





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