Getting The Latest Data From Different Fields In One SQL - SQL Server 2000

Aug 9, 2006


I'm trying to write some SQL which will give me the following result from the table below..

Currently I can do each of the PRICEx fields in a seperate query then join the results together. I do this by getting the MAX(Date) WHERE PRICEx IS NOT NULL then using that date to get PRICEx, and then repeat until I've done all the PRICE fields.

This is acceptable for a small selection, but for a large selection this can get quite slow. I was just wondering if there is there a way to do this in one single SQL without having to join the table to itself 3 times (for all 3 PRICE fields)

Source Table:











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SSRS 2000 Not Displaying Latest Data

Mar 19, 2008

Good day,

My report links to a SQL server and is not showing the latest information. If I open it now and look at the report, close it and open it again ina few hours it will show the same report as I looked at originally. When I push the reports refresh button then the data refreshes and shows all the information.

The execution for the report is already set to: Do not cache temporary copies of this report

Why does this happen? I have about 40 reports that work perfectly but this one is giving me problems, any one got any ideas for me? Please help.


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SSRS 2000 Not Displaying Latest Data

Mar 18, 2008

Good day,

My report links to a SQL server and is not showing the latest information. If I open it now and look at the report, close it and open it again ina few hours it will show the same report as I looked at originally. When I push the reports refresh button then the data refreshes and shows all the information.

Why does this happen? I have about 40 reports that work perfectly but this one is giving me problems, any one got any ideas for me? Please help.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Retrieving Dataset That Only Includes Latest Versions Of Data

Mar 28, 2014

In our Microsoft Dynamics Nav instance we have a Sales Header Archive table - into which copies of the Sales Header are placed, with 3 items forming the compound key:

Document Number
Occurrence number

so if doc 1 is archived, then the records would be

Doc# | Version | Occurrence #
1 | 1 | 1

When a second copy is archived a new record is added:

Doc# | Version | Occurrence #
1 | 1 | 1
1 | 1 | 2

and then when maybe a 3rd version is archived a 3rd entry added

Doc# | Version | Occurrence #
1 | 1 | 1
1 | 1 | 2
1 | 2 | 2

This is for EACH document and I now need to retrieve the dataset which is the latest version of each document... but I'm drawing a blank!

If I

select [Doc#], max([Version]) as [V], max([Occurrence #]) from (table) group by [Doc#]

then I get the distinct list of docs, but I now need to use this list to select the records which match this criteria, from this table.

How do I select just these?

I thought (wrongly) that I could simply say:

Select * from Invoice Table where
Invoice.[Doc#], Invoice.[V], Invoice.[Occurrence #] in
(select [Doc#], max([Version]) as [V], max([Occurrence #]) from (table) group by [Doc#])

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SQL Server 2012 :: Query Pulling Latest Info Data From Table

Aug 29, 2014

Let's say I have a table of data as per the below..

I'm trying to extract only the green highlighted items..

The rules applied are: Only the latest data concerning all cases, and only 1 line (the latest) per case.

As you can see in the image, I don't want the 2nd,3rd, and 4th record extracted cause they are all superseded by more recent records (identified as they are further in the table).

I've considered using either Distinct or Having? but can't get that to work.. If I could use Distinct but then ensure it's the latest record in the table that would be perfect.

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Subreports: Parameter Value Dropdown Shows Sum And Count Fields But Not The Actual Data Fields.

Jan 28, 2008

I have just started using SQL Server reporting services and am stuck with creating subreports.

I have a added a sub report to the main report. When I right click on the sub report, go to properties -> Parameters, and click on the dropdown for Parameter Value, I see all Sum and Count fields but not the data fields.

For example, In the dropdownlist for the Parameter value, I see Sum(Fields!TASK_ID.Value, "AppTest"), Count(Fields!TASK_NAME.Value, "CammpTest") but not Fields!TASK_NAME.Value, Fields!TASK_ID.Value which are the fields retrieved from the dataset assigned to the subreport.

When I manually change the parameter value to Fields!TASK_ID.Value, and try to preview the report, I get Error: Subreport could not be shown. I have no idea what the underlying issue is but am guessing that it's because the field - Fields!TASK_ID.Value is not in the dropdown but am trying to link the main report and sub report with this field.

Am I missing something here? Any help is appreciated.


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SQL To Get Latest Data.

Sep 4, 2007

I need help in constructing SQL. I have the following table

PKEY id varchar

PKEY docID ->
PKEY rev int

PKEY transmitNo int

PKEY projectID varchar
PKEY documentID -> DocumentRev.docID
PKEY rev -> DocumentRev.rev

Given a transmitNo and projectID, what is the SQL can be used to get all document that have latest/largest rev that is not in TransmitDoc?

example I have 4 document.
documentA rev 1
documentA rev 2
documentB rev 1
documentB rev 2

if the given transmitNo and projectID have
documentA rev 2

The result should only show
documentB rev 2

documentA rev 1 and documentB rev 1 should not be shown because it is not the largest.


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Importing Only Latest Data

Jan 24, 2008

I've never worked with SSIS before, and I need to figure out how to import only the latest data from an Access table into a SQL Server table. I have a .dtsx file written by someone who no longer works at my company that simply truncates the SQL Server table and copies the entire Access table back into it. This is no longer effective simply because of the amount of data involved (it has become extremely slow over time).

Since each row includes a timestamp, ideally I would look at the latest timestamp in my SQL Server table and retrieve only those rows from Access that have a timestamp later than that. I have no idea how to do this in SSIS.

Logically, I think something like this is called for:select max(timestamp) as latest from SqlServerTablestore the result in a variable somehow and create a query to select * from AccessTable where timestamp > [latest]copying the results of that query into the SQL Server table. How do I do something like that? And if that isn't a feasible way to do it, what way would be better?

Thank you for indulging a newbie.

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I Need Help Return All Data With The Latest Orbitimport ID

Jun 16, 2006

Here is my SQL Query. The Table where the data is coming from has 19,000 rows of data however, this only returns 2550 rows of data.

In the where statment I am call all the select tables, with the OrbitimportId that is most recent. But it only returns 2500. I need help retirenving the entire liste with the most recent OrbitimportId.


SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.AssetType.Description, dbo.AssetAttribute.AssetDescription, dbo.Asset.Barcode, dbo.Asset.SKU,
dbo.ESNTracking.ReportTime, dbo.ESNTracking.CurrLocStreet, dbo.ESNTracking.CurrLocCity, dbo.ESNTracking.CurrLocState,
dbo.ESNTracking.CurrLocZip, dbo.ESNTracking.CurrLocCounty, dbo.ESN.EsnNumber, dbo.ESNTracking.DistanceMiles, dbo.ESNTracking.MapUrl,
dbo.Asset ON dbo.AssetType.AssetTypeId = dbo.Asset.AssetTypeId INNER JOIN
dbo.InventoryOrigin ON dbo.Asset.WarehouseId = dbo.InventoryOrigin.WarehouseId INNER JOIN
dbo.AssetAttribute ON dbo.Asset.AssetAttributeId = dbo.AssetAttribute.AssetAttributeId INNER JOIN
dbo.EsnAsset ON dbo.Asset.AssetId = dbo.EsnAsset.AssetId INNER JOIN
dbo.ESN ON dbo.EsnAsset.EsnId = dbo.ESN.EsnId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.ESNTracking ON dbo.EsnAsset.EsnId = dbo.ESNTracking.EsnId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.AssetVehicle ON dbo.EsnAsset.AssetId = dbo.AssetVehicle.AssetId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.AssetCustomAttribute ON dbo.EsnAsset.AssetId = dbo.AssetCustomAttribute.AssetId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.AssetCustomAttributeDef ON dbo.AssetCustomAttribute.AssetTypeId = dbo.AssetCustomAttributeDef.AssetTypeId LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.OrbitImport ON dbo.ESNTracking.EsnId = dbo.OrbitImport.OrbitImportId
WHERE (dbo.ESNTracking.OrbitImportId =
(SELECT MAX(OrbitImportId) AS Expr1
FROM dbo.ESNTracking AS ESNTracking_1))
ORDER BY dbo.AssetType.Description

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Transact SQL :: Querying Data With Latest Date

Jun 24, 2015

Below is the table information. I want the Code information with latest EDate only.

EDate Datetime,
Code varchar(255),
Cdate int,
Price int

[Code] ....

Expected output :
2015-06-23 00:00:00.000 CL 20150701 73
2011-04-08 00:00:00.000 XP 20110501 37
2015-06-23 00:00:00.000 HO 20150701 22

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SQL Server 2008 :: Data Type Of Calculated Fields

Aug 10, 2015

I'm using the SQL below to work out recruitment figures. The query works well, but I now need to build this query into a DotNet application as a webpage. I therefore need to declare and manipulate the values such as 'Total', 'Jan' to 'Dec' and 'YearRecruited' in order to write these values into my chosen data control. I therefore need to know the datatypes of these calculated values.

Total I think is straightforward as DNAScreeningID is an int datatype. But what about the others?

SELECT YEAR(SamplingDate) AS YearRecruited,

COUNT(CASE WHEN month(SamplingDate) = 1 THEN DNAScreeningID END) AS 'Jan',
COUNT(CASE WHEN month(SamplingDate) = 2 THEN DNAScreeningID END) AS 'Feb',
COUNT(CASE WHEN month(SamplingDate) = 3 THEN DNAScreeningID END) AS 'Mar',
COUNT(CASE WHEN month(SamplingDate) = 4 THEN DNAScreeningID END) AS 'Apr',

[Code] ....

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Update Fields With Data From Other Fields In Same Row

Jun 30, 2000

Pardon me if this question is too elementary. I am trying to create a trigger that will cause certain datafields to be updated with values from other data fields in the same row when a certain column, created specifically to fire the trigger, is updated. The purpose of this is to reduce data entry by field personnel.I think I have the create trigger statement correct, but I'm a little confused on the update statement.

In a nutshell, how can I write something like:

I do know that I have to ensure that sp_dboption Recursive Triggers value is set to false, thanks.

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Bit-data From SQL Server 2000 (2005 Working, 2000 Doesn't)

May 19, 2008

 Hi, I am trying to edit some data from a SQL2000-datasource in ASP.NET 2.0 and have a problem with a column that has bit-data and is used for selection. SQL2005 works fine when declaring             <SelectParameters>                <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="TRUE" Name="APL" Type="boolean" />            </SelectParameters>When running this code with SQL2000, there are no error-msgs, but after editing a record the "APL"-column looses its value of 1 and is set to 0. Looks like an issue with type-conversion, we've hit incompatibilities between SQL200 and 2005 with bit/boolean several times before. So, how is this done correctly with SQL2000?  (I've tried setting the Type to "int16" -> err. Also setting Defval="1" gave an err) ThanksMichael   

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Join Two Tables And Only Return The Latest Data For The Child Table

Sep 24, 2007

I have two table, tblCharge and tblSentence, for each charge, there are one or more sentences, if I join the two tables together using ChargeID such as:
select * from tblCharge c join tblSentence s on c.ChargeID=s.ChargeID
, all the sentences for each charge are returned. There is a field called DateCreated in tblSentence, I only want the latest sentence for each charge returned, how can I do this?
I tried to create a function to get the latest sentence for a chargeID like the following:
select * from tblCharge c join tblSentence s on s.SentenceID=LatestSentenceID(c.ChargeID) but it runs very slow, any idea to improve it?

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Creating A Table In SQL Server With Fields From Other Tables And Some Fields User Defined

Feb 20, 2008

How can I create a Table whose one field will be 'tableid INT IDENTITY(1,1)' and other fields will be the fields from the table "ashu".
can this be possible in SQL Server without explicitly writing the"ashu" table's fields name.

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What Do I Need To Do To Import Ebcdic File With Comp3 Packed Data Fields From Mf Into SQL Server

Oct 12, 2007

What do I need to do to import Ebcdic file with comp3 packed data fields from mf into SQL Server? Is this possible? Do I need to go into advanced properties and change the data type? Or do I need to use data conversion task for the packed fields. Any advice or if somebody could point me to a sample script would be greatly appreciated.

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Converting Data From Access 2000 To SQL Server 2000

Oct 18, 2004

I worked on a project in ASP.NET using SQL server 2000 as the back end. Its a conversion application that I rewrote in ASP.NET using C#. I need to import the old data in Access db into SQL server 2000 and I have very little knowledge about doing it. The data in not a direct one -one transformation. There are considerable changes to the Database design and data types. Any help and suggestions wud be really helpful. Also, any article links wud be great.


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SQL Server 2008 :: Load Latest CSV Files From File Server Automatically

Feb 4, 2015

I need to load the latest csv files from file server , The files are placed in a folder called -

Posted 02022015- --> csv files .

I am able to copy the csv files from filserver using bulk insert (manually) , giving the file location

I am having difficulty picking up the latest folder which is posted on the server and import it into database using a stored proc .

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Latest ODBC And SQL Server Drivers For SQL 6.5

Mar 22, 2000

What are the Latest ODBC and SQL Server Drivers for SQL 6.5? How can I upgrade them?

By the way, IS IT ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to reboot the machine after application of a SQL Server service pack? (There is this dispute going on at my co.)

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SQL Server&#39;s Latest Security Warnings

Jul 26, 2002

Hi. I'm Sara Cushman, a reporter for SearchDatabase. We're doing a story about the latest round of SQL server security warnings and patches.

How did you handle the situation? Did you drop everything else and deal with it? How did it compare with other SQL Server problems you have had? Were you able to handle it in a way that you feel left you without any vulnerabilities? If you haven't dealt with it, what are you waiting for?

We're looking for DBAs to share their stories. If you have some, reply here or email me at so that I can get in touch with you.


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SQL Server 2014 :: Get Latest Per One Column

Oct 9, 2014

I have the following table




I was able to get the following result



But the result I need is


C_HIST_ID = 564, which I'm unable to get it through my query...

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Latest Version Of Sql Server 2005 Sp2

Nov 7, 2007

I have sql server 2005 - version 9.00.3054.00 -SP2 - Enterprise Edition. Is there any latest version than this to upgrade. I am having lot of troubles on the server these days. Whenever Analysis server cube is processed, the server is going really slow and before the cube process analysis service is stopping. I don't understand what the problem is? Analysis services is getting stopped whenever a cube is processed and server performance is getting really slower.
Please let me know how to trouble shoot this.

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server Mobile - Latest Version?

Jun 1, 2006


I've had troubles in the past with this bug - - where 'join's with 'order by' did not work correctly. So is there a new version where I don't need a workaround and if yes, where is this version available? The latest version I know of is 3.0.5214.0, but in the meanwhile SQL Server 2005 SP1 had been released so I did remember that there is this open bug in SQL Server Mobile.


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Latest Sql Server 2005 Patch

Jan 27, 2008

Please advice me, now we are using service pack1, what is the latest service pack i can upgrade and has all the issues been recitified.


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Copy Latest Diff Backup From One Server To Another

Oct 9, 2014

SQL Server 2012-SP2 and Windows 2008R2

I need to copy the last differential backup file from the production server directory to a data warehouse server directory. There are 3 differential backup files on the directory and I need to grab the latest one. I have the following syntax which work from a batch file but it does not work when I put it into a job step as a cmd even though I remove the double %% to only one %.

echo @off
set path1="192.29.305.213$SqlserverProductionBa ckupsKBR_PROD"
set path2=K:SqlserverDatawarehouseBackupPROD
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /a-d /o-d "%path1%DIFF*.bak"') do copy "%path1%\%%~a" "%path2%" & goto nextstep
Echo File Copied.

Even when I change it to (only one % for the variable),

for /f "tokens=*" %a in ('dir /b /a-d /o-d "%path1%DIFF*.bak"') do copy "%path1%\%~a" "%path2%"

It does not work..........It runs successfully but no file is copied or I get

Executed as user: PROD23Sqladm024. The process could not be created for step 1 of job 0xEAAF943771FF304A9E7AD8ADAC24F96C (reason: The system cannot find the file specified). The step failed.

I know that the file is there. It works with batch file. Poweshell script can be OK. No SSIS - Not installed

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SQL Server 2012 :: Get Latest Occurrence Of X Month?

Jan 17, 2014

I'm trying to find the most succinct way to get the last occurrence of April 1st given a date.

At the moment I'm using this:

DECLARE @Date DATE = '20131217'
--If we're at the start of a year
--we'll need to go back a year
DATEPART(MONTH, @Date) IN (1,2,3),
DATEADD(YEAR, - 1, @Date),
)) AS VARCHAR(4)) + '0401')

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Get Latest Records From Table

Mar 17, 2015

I have a table where i am inserting into temp table, I mean selecting the records from existing table. From this how can i get latest records.

create table studentmarks
id int,
name varchar(20),
marks int
Insert into dbo.studentmarks values(1,'sha',20);

[Code] ....

How to write a sql query to get the below output

studentname totalmarks

sha 90
hu 120

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SLOW Performance On Table With Image Fields (SQL 2000)

Nov 15, 2006

HiWe have a SQL server 2000 SP4 on a windows 2003 2x3Ghz XEON 4 GB ram.We have a table looking like this with currently 6 rows. Total data is aprox10 kb i all row all together.CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BIOMETRICPROFILE] ([BIOMETRICPROFILEID] [bigint] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[FINGERPRINTTEMPLATE1] [image] NOT NULL ,[FINGERPRINTTEMPLATE2] [image] NOT NULL ,[FINGERPRINTTEMPLATE3] [image] NOT NULL ,[FINGERPRINTTEMPLATE4] [image] NOT NULL ,[FINGERPRINTTEMPLATE5] [image] NOT NULL ,[FINGERPRINTTEMPLATE6] [image] NOT NULL ,[TYPE] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE Danish_Norwegian_CI_AS NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY]GOselect * from BIOMETRICPROFILE takes ~4 seconds (!) to execute thourgh Queryanalyzer. Alle other tables has no performance problems.We have a SQL 2005 express instalation on the same server. If we restore abackup from the sql 2000 database the query takes aprox ~ 15 ms.What isgoing on here?Has SQL 2000 problems with image fields? or how can we find the problem?RegardsAnders

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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Row Having Latest Backup Date

Nov 29, 2014

I have a select query that results all the dbs and their several backup dates×. Howover I only need the latest backup dates for each of the db.How can I write that in tsql?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Query To Group And Find Latest

Aug 25, 2015

I have a scenario as below for one ID -

| id | amount | date | descr|
| 5689 | 10.00 | 2015-08-25 12:10:57.107 | 4 |
| 5689 | 10.00 | 2015-08-24 12:07:57.107 | 3 |
| 5689 | 10.00 | 2015-08-25 12:05:57.107 | 3 |
| 5689 | 130.00 | 2015-08-24 12:07:57.107 | 4 |
| 5689 | 130.00 | 2015-08-25 12:07:57.107 | 3 |

I want to fetch below 3 records from the above scenario i.e. latest record of each amount (Latest is determined using "descr" column i.e. 4 is greater then 3 -

| id | amount | date | descr|
| 5689 | 10.00 | 2015-08-25 12:10:57.107 | 4 |
| 5689 | 10.00 | 2015-08-24 12:07:57.107 | 3 |
| 5689 | 130.00 | 2015-08-24 12:07:57.107 | 4 |

But in case of same amounts I am unable to fetch the latest status as even using partitioning will treat them as one.


(5689,10.00,'2015-08-25 12:10:57.107','4')
,(5689,10.00,'2015-08-24 12:07:57.107','3')
,(5689,10.00,'2015-08-25 12:05:57.107','3')
,(5689,130.00,'2015-08-24 12:07:57.107','4')
,(5689,130.00,'2015-08-25 12:07:57.107','3')

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SQL Server 2014 :: Restore The Latest Transactional Log File Job?

Sep 23, 2015

I'm trying find a way of crating an sql server job which would restore only transactional log file just once a day. The trouble I'm having is trying to get only the latest transactional log file it it possible to achieve through e.g powershell etc as I can't find a way through sql query?

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Help With An MS SQL Server Query To Return The Latest Dates Against Each RecordID.

Jul 20, 2005

The following SQL query :-SELECT CardHolder.RecordID, History.GenTime, History.Link1FROM History FULL OUTER JOINCard ON History.Param3 =LTRIM(RTRIM(Card.CardNumber)) FULL OUTER JOINCardHolder ON Card.CardHolderID =CardHolder.RecordIDWHERE (Card.Deleted = 0) AND (History.GenTime IS NOT NULL)ORDER BY CardHolder.RecordID, History.GenTime DESCreturns :-RecordID GenTime Link12 04/06/2004 15:30:00 1232 01/06/2004 16:00:00 1232 01/06/2004 08:00:00 1101155 02/06/2004 11:30:00 1231155 02/06/2004 08:00:00 1103925 03/06/2004 09:00:00 1233925 03/06/2004 08:00:00 1104511 06/06/2004 11:30:00 1234511 06/06/2004 10:30:00 110Is there a way of modifying this query to just return the lastestgenTime for each RecordID ??? ie return just rows 1,4,6 & 8.I assume it is something to do with MAX, but I can't seem to get myhead around it.Any help, or pointers would be appreciated.Oh, running query on Microsoft SQL Server 2000.RegardsDave

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SQL Express 2005 Connection String Vs SQL Server (latest)

Oct 28, 2007

I'm a student at Boise State university and we're using SQL Express as part of one of our projects for ASP.NET programming. I liked it and I'm trying to use it to power a wiki that I'll be hosting from my home internet connection. The wiki is compatible with MSSQL server, but it won't connect to SQL Express.

I suspect that the problem is in the connection string, mainly because the apps we're developing for class use a connection string like:
<add name="AspNetForumConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=localhostsqlexpress;Initial;User ID=*********;Password=*********;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

and note the Data Source. The wiki I'm using is PHP based and uses ADObd to connect databases and has a driver for MSSQL, but not SQL Express (no surprise, really). I know just enough php to be dangerous to code and I've tried modifying the, but I can't seem to make the right change.

So, all that said, my question is: Is there a way to change what SQL Express 2005 will accept as a connection string? I've been looking, but I'm not even sure what the setting would be called.


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