Getting The Parameter Value Passed From Url String

Nov 30, 2007

I have a requirement where, I need to get the value of parameter from a query string of url and use it in my report.

From the above url, I have to take the value of name and be able to use it in my report query or assign to a parameter.

Please let me know, how can I acheive this.

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Transact SQL :: Invalid Length Parameter Passed To LEFT Or SUB-STRING Function

Jul 22, 2015

when I am trying to perform below query,
    SELECT TOP 100 *

I am getting Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.

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RS 2005: Stored Procedure With Parameter It Runs In The Data Tab But The Report Parameter Is Not Passed To It

Feb 19, 2007

since a couple of days I'm fighting with RS 2005 and the Stored Procedure.

I have to display the result of a parameterized query and I created a SP that based in the parameter does something:

CREATE PROCEDURE [schema].[spCreateReportTest]
@Name nvarchar(20)= ''


declare @slqSelectQuery nvarchar(MAX);

set @slqSelectQuery = N'SELECT field1,field2,field3 from table'
if (@Name <> '')
set @slqSelectQuery = @slqSelectQuery + ' where field2=''' + @Name + ''''
EXEC sp_executesql @slqSelectQuery

Inside my business Intelligence Project I created:
-the shared data source with the connection String
- a data set :
CommandType = Stored Procedure
Query String = schema.spCreateReportTest
When I run the Query by mean of the "!" icon, the parameter is Prompted and based on the value I provide the proper result set is displayed.

Now I move to "Layout" and my undertanding is that I have to create a report Paramater which values is passed to the SP's parameter...
So inside"Layout" tab, I added the parameter: Name
allow blank value is checked and is non-queried

the problem is that when I move to Preview -> I set the value into the parameter field automatically created but when I click on "View Report" nothing has been generated!!

What is wrong? What I forgot??

Thankx for any help!
Marina B.

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Make Use Of An Passed XML Parameter

Nov 19, 2007

I have tested the following code, and it works for me:

SET @XML = '
<item code="ABCDEFG" quantity="1" sort="0" />
<item code="XCFVGBF" quantity="1" sort="0" />
<item code="ABCDEFG" quantity="10" sort="0" />

SELECT SUM(x.qty * ISNULL(p.price_mn,0))
FROM (SELECT [Code] = A.A.value('@code','varchar(20)'),
[Qty] = A.A.value('@quantity','INT')
FROM @xml.nodes('/DocumentElement/data/item') AS A(A)) X
LEFT JOIN productprice_t P ON p.code_id = x.code

The question is, how can I do this if the XML is in a different format & doesn't use any attributes?
So it looks like this (which I'm getting from an ADO.Net datatable using .WriteXML):

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Parameter Value Not Being Passed For My SProc

Mar 19, 2007

I am quite new to SSRS and am having some difficulties in trying to develop a new report via Business Intelligence Studio based on a stored procedure which requires the input of 1 parameter, and also has an optional parameter which I default to NULL in the sproc.

When I create my dataset I select the given sproc I want and when I attempt to execute it, I am prompted for the parameters the sproc expects.

However, when I enter a value in the dialog for the required Parameter I get a SQL error indicating that the parameter the sproc expects was not supplied. I have profiled the call and see the attempt to execute the sproc, but no parameter value.

Can some one tell me why the value I enter is not being passed to the sproc in my database ? Is there some special syntax that I need to use ?

I have scanned a number of sites & through the books I have and can't find anything on this. From what I have read, when I exec my sproc the parameters get recongnized & I can just enter my values. This doesn't seem to be the case.

Any help and/or suggestions are appreciated !!!

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Can A Passed Parameter Be A Check Box?

Jan 28, 2008

I have a boolean parameter on my report that the user will enter. Currently, it shows as an option button with True/False beside each option as the words used. Is it possible to have a check box instead of an option button for the user instead?
Thanks in advance!

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List Of Strings Passed Into A Parameter

Oct 18, 2006

I am trying to pass multiple values as parameters into my update command:UPDATE tblUserDetails SET DeploymentNameID = 102 WHERE ((EmployeeNumber IN (@selectedusersparam)));I develop my parameter (@selectedusersparam) using the following subroutine: Private Sub btnAddUsersToDeployment_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddUsersToDeployment.ClickDim iVal As Integer = 0Dim SelectedCollection As StringSelectedCollection = ""If (lsbUsersAvail.Items).Count > 1 ThenFor iVal = 0 To lsbUsersAvail.Items.Count - 1If lsbUsersAvail.Items(iVal).Selected = True ThenSelectedCollection = SelectedCollection & "," & lsbUsersAvail.Items(iVal).ValueEnd IfNextSelectedCollection = Mid(SelectedCollection, 2, Len(SelectedCollection))Session.Item("SelectedCollectionSession") = SelectedCollectionSqlDataSource4.Update()ltlUsersMessage.Text = String.Empty 'UPDATE tblUserDetails SET DeploymentNameID = @DeploymentNameIDparam WHERE (EmployeeNumber IN (@selectedusersparam))'SqlDataSource4.UpdateCommand = "UPDATE tblUserDetails SET DeploymentNameID = @DeploymentNameIDparam WHERE (EmployeeNumber IN (" + SelectedCollection + ")"ElseltlUsersMessage.Text = "Select users before adding to deployment. Hold Control for multiselect"End IfEnd SubFor some reason the query does not pass the parameters which are "21077679,22648722,22652940,21080617" into the queryI don't understand why.

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What Value Needs To Be Passed To Parameter In WHERE To Negate The Filtering

Apr 9, 2008

I am using two drop downs, like so:
<asp:DropDownList ID="ChurchStateDrop" runat="server"                              DataSourceID="ChurchStateDropData" DataTextField="State"                              DataValueField="State" AutoPostBack="True"                              onselectedindexchanged="ChurchStateDrop_SelectedIndexChanged"                             AppendDataBoundItems="True">        <asp:ListItem Value="?????" Selected="True" Text="All States" /></asp:DropDownList>
<asp:DropDownList ID="ChurchCityDrop" runat="server"                             DataSourceID="ChurchCityDropData" DataTextField="City"                              DataValueField="City" AutoPostBack="True"                             onselectedindexchanged="ChurchCityDrop_SelectedIndexChanged"                             AppendDataBoundItems="True">        <asp:ListItem Value="?????" Selected="True"  Text="All Cities" /></asp:DropDownList>
I have ????? in the value fields because I don't know what value needs to be passed to negate filtering (to choose all). The Dropdowns have the following SQLDatasources:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="ChurchStateDropData" runat="server"                               ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:tceDatabaseOnlineSQLConnection %>"                                SelectCommand="SELECT DISTINCT                                                                        [State]                                                             FROM [ChurchView]"                               DataSourceMode="DataReader"></asp:SqlDataSource>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="ChurchCityDropData" runat="server"                                ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:tceDatabaseOnlineSQLConnection %>"                               SelectCommand="SELECT DISTINCT                                                                        [City]                                                             FROM [ChurchView]                                                          WHERE ([State] = @State)"                               DataSourceMode="DataReader">                               <SelectParameters>                                 <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ChurchStateDrop"                                                                   Name="State" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String" />                               </SelectParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>
Now, lets say I wanted to pass a value to the WHERE statement in ChurchCityDropData to coincide with 'All States', what would I replace value="??????" with? Now you may think I'm crazy to do such a thing, but this actually has to do with adding a Denomination Dropdown to show Denominations from all states or all cities. I will figure out the best logic for that later, I just want to know the wildcard to pass to the parameter to choose all states (negate filtering).

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How To Get Parameter Passed To SQL Query From Access

Jul 23, 2005

I am new to sql and very familiar with access. I am using a verylarge database(130M records) in ms sql2000 and think I need to frontend it with access for reports and forms, etc..I have some questions:1) Is there a way in SQL to prompt a user for input at the running ofa query like the [what is your name] construct in an access query?2) I can't seem to create calculated fields in a view in sql. Inaccess I put "total:=hours*rate" and a new column would be createdwhich would contain the total.3) I normally would create a form in access from which the accessqueries would pull their variables and then insert those variables inthe queries or reports, etc. How would this be accomplished usingsql.4) Lastly and probably most basic. How does a "real" sql developercreate reports and forms to interact with the enduser? I am usingaccess as a front end, but am open to suggestions.Thanks,Brad

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Jun 4, 2007

I have the follwoing stored procedure:ALTER procedure [dbo].[up_GetExecutionContext](@ExecutionGUID int = null) asbeginset nocount ondeclare@s varchar(500)declare @i intset @s = ''select @s = @s + EventType + ','-- Dynamically build the list ofeventsfrom(select distinct top 100 percent [event] as EventTypefrom dbo.PackageStepwhere (@ExecutionGUID is null or PackageStep.packagerunid =@ExecutionGUID)order by 1) as xset @i = len(@s)select case @iwhen 500 then left(@s, @i - 3) + '...'-- If string is too long thenterminate with '...'else left(@s, @i - 1) -- else just remove the final commaend as 'Context'set nocount offend --procedureGOWhen I run this and pass in a value of NULL, things work fine. When Ipass in an actual value (i.e. 15198), I get the following message:Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function.There is no SUBSTRING being used anywhere in the query and thedatatypes look okay to me.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.Thanks!!

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WHERE Clause Using Different Column Passed By Parameter

Jul 30, 2007

Hi all,

I'd think this is possible but I'm having trouble getting data returned from the query. Fields PART_NUMBER and INTERNAL_SKU exist in the SKU table. This will be inside a SP. If user passes 'PN' as first parameter then I'd need to have the WHERE clause by PART_NUMBER, if he passes 'SK' (or anything else for now) then the WHERE clause shold be by SKU.

Can't I just build the WHERE by replacing @SearchField with its value ? I've looked up the CASE statement but I don't think it does what I need.

DECLARE @strSearchType varchar(2)

DECLARE @strSearchValue varchar(15)

DECLARE @SearchField varchar(15)

set @strSearchType = 'PN'

set @strSearchValue = '1234567'

IF @strSearchType = 'PN'


set @SearchField = 'PART_NUMBER'




set @SearchField = 'INTERNAL_SKU'



SKU as 'SKU',

PART_NUMBER as 'PartNumber',

DESCRIPTION as 'Description'


WHERE @SearchField = @strSearchValue

FOR XML PATH('SKU'), ROOT('Response')



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SQL Datasource Passed To Query String?

Aug 8, 2006

I have been attempting to build a search engine that searches a database full of invoices. The user will enter in a invoice number and then the results will be returned if the exact invoice exists and if the record belongs to the user.
My first attempt has involved the use of a SQL Datasource to pass a stored procedure based on what is in the search textbox and the information in the cookie about the user.  I was hoping that on the event that I could somehow return the stored procedure in the SQL DataSource. My next step was to make the result (if exists) part of the query string like this:
Response.Redirect("~/Invoice.aspx?Invoice=?"+ SQLRETURNEDVALUE)
I'm looking for any help to a possible way to use my idea or any other ideas to get a invoice number and place it into a query string so that the result can be fetched on the next page. Thanks

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Viewing Sql String Passed Into Sql Server

Mar 8, 2004

I have a stored proc that has several parameters. (using SQL server)

i call this proc and add the parameters etc and execute it etc

the problem is that how can i see the string that is being passed to the db? eg the calling command?


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Getting The Value That Was Just Inserted Passed Back Output Parameter

Mar 1, 2007

I have a SP that inserts data into a table with an identity column I want to get that id and use it in my response.redirect however I keep getting 0 back instead of  the identity. Relevent Sql 2005 Declare @NEWEMPID int --after an insert happens in sqlSet @NEWEMPID= SCOPE_IDENTITY()--last thing in my sqlReturn @NEWEMPID Or I tried NEWEMPID as an output parameter VB.Net  Dim retValParam As New SqlParameter("@NEWEMPID", SqlDbType.Int) retValParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue'execute the sqldatasource insert command
Dim EmpIDVar As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(retValParam.Value) Response.Redirect("" + Server.HtmlEncode(EmpIDVar)) sqlEmpNewEmp.InsertParameters.Clear() 

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Invalid Length Parameter Passed To The Substring F

Aug 13, 2007

Hi there when i tried to execute the following query in sql server

select au_fname,
SUBSTRING(P1.au_lname, CHARINDEX('/', P1.au_lname) + 1,
CHARINDEX('=', P1.au_lname, 1)-3)AS [Full Name]
from authors as P1

i will get the error like
"Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function."

If i remove -3 from there it works fine...
Please can anyone clarify this issue.

Thank You.


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Analysis :: To Get Value Of A Member Passed As Parameter In SSAS MDX

May 27, 2015

I have a requirement to show the parent value which is passed and also all the leaf member details in  MDX. For example in Adventure works, if I pass Bikes as the value in MDX, the results should display Bikes along with All the child member names as a measure value in SSAS MDX. I only have one hierarchy with Product Category-> Subcategory-> Product.
I am trying to use the following MDX but I am getting all the members. I need to get only Bikes in my report.
MEMBER [Prod_Child] AS DESCENDANTS ([Dim Product].[Hierarchy].CURRENTMEMBER,,LEAVES).item(0).NAME
MEMBER [Child_Value] AS ([Dim Product].[Hierarchy].CURRENTMEMBER,[Measures].[Sales Amount])
SELECT [Dim Product].[Hierarchy].[Product Category].&[1] * [Dim Product].[Product Key].[Product Key].MEMBERS ON ROWS,
{[Measures].[Sales Amount],[Prod_Passed],[Prod_Child],[Child_Value]} ON COLUMNS FROM

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Invalied Length Parameter Passed The Substring Function

Nov 12, 2004

Does anyone know what the above error message means?

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How To Compute Biweekly Periods When Date Is Passed In As Parameter

Oct 7, 2014

How can I compute the biweekly periods when a date is passed in as a parameter, for example if the user enters 9/12/2014 I should get:

Friday /2nd half9/12/2014
Friday/1st half 9/19/2014
Friday/2nd half9/19/2014
Wednesday 9/24/2014
Friday/1st half 9/26/2014

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Invalid Length Parameter Passed To Substring Function

Mar 3, 2014

I have a sql job which will execute the below stored proc.

Basically it Refresh the data by truncating the tables and using BCP to import the data. Job was running fine but today got a error message.

Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 536). The step failed.

USE [database]
CREATE Procedure [dbo].[Refresh_tables]

[Code] ......

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Invalid Length Parameter Passed To The SUBSTRING Function.

Feb 1, 2008


I was trying to execute the following query.

select substring(ISNULL(CAST(FullAdress AS NVARCHAR(MAX)),''),1,charindex(',',ISNULL(CAST(FullAdress AS NVARCHAR(MAX)),''))-1) from tbl_lrf_company_details_with_codes

but i am getting the error as "Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function."
Please advice
Thanks In advance

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Invalid Length Parameter Passed To The SUBSTRING Function

May 27, 2008




(CONVERT (VARCHAR (255), D.CurrentXmlValue)), --expression

(CHARINDEX ('>', CONVERT (VARCHAR (255), D.CurrentXmlValue)) + 1), --start

( (LEN (CONVERT (VARCHAR (255), D.CurrentXmlValue))) -

(CHARINDEX ('>', CONVERT (VARCHAR (255), D.CurrentXmlValue))*2) - 1


) AS Version


This does not work while



(CONVERT (VARCHAR (255), D.CurrentXmlValue)) as expression, --expression

(CHARINDEX ('>', CONVERT (VARCHAR (255), D.CurrentXmlValue)) + 1) as start, --start

( (LEN (CONVERT (VARCHAR (255), D.CurrentXmlValue))) -

(CHARINDEX ('>', CONVERT (VARCHAR (255), D.CurrentXmlValue))*2) - 1

) as length --length

--) AS Version


I get

Msg 536, Level 16, State 5, Line 2

Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function.
Any idea why i am getting this??
I am trying to get rid of xml tags in the column.


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SQL Limit Of Demilted Pipe Characters Passed As Parameter To Sql Query

Nov 16, 2004

I am not sure about the architecture of the Issue Tracker and hence not sure if it applies here. But I will post in any case and wait for users on this forums comments as well.

===========Earlier post==================
This question is regarding the architecture of TimeEntry.
In some programs it builds an arrayList for Master-detail type of relationship and when user is ready to save it by clicking 'submit' it build a variable with pipe delimited fields.
This is then passed to a sql query.

This to me does not seem to be an efficient manner. Because the max character is 1500 chars as parameter to SQL query.

I was wondering if instead I could store it as an XML and then use the XML to import in to SQL.

Any ideas is greatly appreciated, I am running in to problems where my variable construct does increase to more than 1500 chars. Any thoughts are much appreciated in this regards.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Can Excel Be Passed As Stored Procedure Parameter

Sep 29, 2015

Currently i am using SQL Server 2012 Import/Export Wizard to upload data to sql tables manually. However i was trying to write a procedure to update that table. and on the time of execution, if i can pass excel. Is there any way to pass excel to stored procedure parameter?

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Transact SQL :: Invalid Length Parameter Passed To Left Or Substring

Dec 1, 2015

is it possible to identify which value is causing me the above  error message and how to resolve it,These are for British postcodes.

create table #tmp (postcode varchar(200) NULL)
insert into #tmp values ('NULL')
insert into #tmp values ('-')
insert into #tmp values ('.')
insert into #tmp values ('0L6 7TP')
insert into #tmp values ('AB10 1WP')
insert into #tmp values ('AB51 5HH')


This is the main query

select postcode,LEFT([Postcode], CHARINDEX(' ',[Postcode]) - 1)
from #tmp
order by Postcode
drop table #tmp

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Error: Invalid Length Parameter Passed To The SUBSTRING Function.

Sep 28, 2007


I am using a simple procedure to pivot results (found in another forum and adapted it). It is done on SQL Server 2005 server with all service packs. Procedure:
ALTER Procedure [dbo].[EthnicityPivot] @StDate as Datetime, @EndDate as Datetime
DECLARE @Teams varchar(2000)

truncate table ForEthnicPivot

INSERT INTO ForEthnicPivot
FROM dbo._EthnicityByTeamEpisode
where Startdate between @StDate and @EndDate
GROUP BY Ethnicity, Team

SET @Teams = ''
--// Get a list of the pivot columns that are important to you.

SELECT @Teams = @Teams + '[' + Team + '],'
FROM (SELECT Distinct Team FROM ForEthnicPivot) Team
--// Remove the trailing comma

SET @Teams = LEFT(@Teams, LEN(@Teams)-1)
--// Now execute the Select with the PIVOT and dynamically add the list
--// of dates for the columns
EXEC( 'SELECT * FROM ForEthnicPivot PIVOT (SUM(countID) FOR Team IN (' + @Teams + ')) AS X' )

I can call the function:
exec EthnicityPivot '01/01/2007','09/09/2007'

and it works fine in SQL analyzer, but when I want to use it in Visual Studio in a new report I am getting this error

There is an error in the query. Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function. Incorrect syntax near ')'.

Anyone had similar error and sorted it?



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SQL XML :: Scalar Valued Function Slow Querying XML Passed As Parameter

May 28, 2015

I have a procedure that calls a SVF to convert an xmldocument. The ultimate purpose is to update the xml in a column in a multi-million row table. The xml is stored as varchar(MAX), it was supposed to carry any type of text, initially at least.

My question is: why is the xml-parsing performed inside the function much slower when i pass the xmldocument as type xml than when it is passed as varchar(MAX) and the CAST to xml is within the function? Does processing the xml input parameter in SlowFunction involve expensive crossing of some context border?

The two versions of the SVF (they return the rowcount in this simplified example):

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FastFunction]
@inDetaljerText varchar(MAX)

[Code] ....

The two versions of the SP

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[FastProcedure]

[Code] ....

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Sql 2005 ... Invalid Length Parameter Passed To The SUBSTRING Function.

Oct 9, 2006

I am new at sql 2000 and 2005, I have created a package in 2005 which I am trying to execute on a daily bases by creating a job. At first because of security issues the job would not execute. Hence, I had to create a credential and a proxy to run the job with sa account. Now it is giving me this error,
€œSQLServer Error: 536, Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function. €œ
Through research I have no clue as what I need to do, or where to look.
The package runs without error when I execute the package itself.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Error In Query; Invalid Length Parameter Passed To The Substring Function

Nov 28, 2005

i got errro mess "Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function" from this below. Anyone how can give me a hint what cause this, and how i can solve it? if i remove whats whitin thoose [] it works, i dont use [] in the code :)
VLF_InfectionDestination is nvarchar 254

SELECT TOP 10 tb_AVVirusLog.VLF_VirusName, COUNT(tb_AVVirusLog.VLF_VirusName) AS number
__CustomerMachines002 ON tb_AVVirusLog.CLF_ComputerName = __CustomerMachines002.FalseName
WHERE (CONVERT(varchar, tb_AVVirusLog.CLF_LogGenerationTime, 120) BETWEEN @fyear + @fmonth + @fday AND @tyear + @tmonth + @tday) AND
(__CustomerMachines002.folder_id = @folderId) [OR
(CONVERT(varchar, tb_AVVirusLog.CLF_LogGenerationTime, 120) BETWEEN @fyear + @fmonth + @fday AND @tyear + @tmonth + @tday) AND
(tb_AVVirusLog.VLF_InfectionDestination LIKE N'%@%')]
GROUP BY tb_AVVirusLog.VLF_VirusName
HAVING (NOT (tb_AVVirusLog.VLF_VirusName LIKE N'cookie'))

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Transact SQL :: Quotes Around Retrieved Date To Be Passed As Parameter To Stored Procedure

May 4, 2015

I'm trying to replace a view with stored procedure for faster performance. the View is called by end user using a query as below, I need to pass the date as parameter for sp to execute with quotes for it to execute with correct results.  I tried to pass the date as parameter but could not execute stored procedure with correct results. Is there any way to put quotes around returned date from sub query : 

Execute statement is like
Exec dbo.storedProc1  select max(date) from table

I need to pass the above as  :

Exec dbo.storedProc '2015-03-24'  .

Somehow passing the date as parameter is giving me empty result set.

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Error Caused By Too Lengthy Search Term (string) Passed To CONTAINS Predicate

Nov 14, 2007

Hi, I test the following sql statement, finding that an error ocurs:

Msg 7630, Level 15, State 2, Line 3
Syntax error near '"' in the full-text search condition '"dsg SDRGDG " OR "sdfsdfsdfsdafdsafdsfds'.

DECLARE @searchTerm NVARCHAR(40)
SET @searchTerm = '"dsg SDRGDG " OR "sdfsdfsdfsdafdsafdsfdsafdsafdsafsafdfdsafdf"';
SELECT [JobTitle], [JobDes], [OpenDate], j.[URLRef], c.[CompanyName], c.[URLRef], c.[URLSource]
Company AS c ON c.CompanyID = j.CompanyID
WHERE CONTAINS((JobTitle, JobDes), @searchTerm)

It seems too lengthy string will cause an error for full-text engine. I find the sdfsdfsdfsdafdsafdsfdsafdsafdsafsafdfdsafdf is truncated as shown in error message.

How to avoid this issue? Could I configre this limination?

Thanks in advance.

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Odd Error Upon SqlDataReader.Read() Invalid Length Parameter Passed To The Substring Function.

Nov 12, 2003

An application I developed normally works great, but it seems that when processing a certian record (and none of the others so far), SQL Server throws this error:
"Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function."

Here's the code in question:

orderReader = orderCommand.ExecuteReader()


Private Sub setControls(ByVal dr As SqlDataReader)
If (dr.Read()) Then '<--*******problem line*******

The SqlDataReader (orderReader) doesn't blow up or anything until I call .Read() (and, as mentioned, this problem only occurs for one order). What could be happening here?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Avoiding Temp Table With String Of IDs Passed Into Stored Procedure

Sep 26, 2014

Using a string of IDs passed into a stored procedure as a VARCHAR parameter ('1,2,100,1020,') in an IN without parsing the list to a temp table or table variable. Here's the situation, I've got a stored procedure that is called all the time. It's working with some larger tables (100+ Million rows). The procedure passes in as one of the variables a list of IDs for the large table. This list can have anywhere from 1 to ~100 IDs passed to it.

Currently, we are using a function to parse the list of IDs into a temp table then joining the temp table to get the query:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetStuff] (
@IdList varchar(max)

[Code] .....

The problem we're running into is that since this proc gets called so often, we sometimes run into tempDB contention that slows this down. In my testing (unfortunately I don't have a good way of generating a production load) swapping the #table for an @table didn't make any difference which makes sense to me given that they are both allocated in the tempDB. One approach that I tried was that since the SELECT query is pretty simple, I moved it to dynamic SQL:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetStuff] (
@IdList varchar(max)

[Code] ....

The problem I had there, is that it creates an Ad Hoc plan for the query and only reuses it if the same list of parameters are passed in, so I get a higher CPU cost because it compiles a plan and it also causes the plan cache to bloat since the parameter list is almost always different. Is there an approach that I haven't considered that may get the best of both worlds, avoiding or minimizing tempDB contention but also not having to compile a new plan every time the proc is run?

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Data Access :: JDBC Connection Is Not Using Username Passed In Connection String

Sep 16, 2015

I am using sqljdbc41.jar to connect with MSSQL database, it is working fine on my local machine.Where as on the remote server, same class giving me error

Login failed for user '<domain><windows loginID>'
My connection string is URL...

I am using sqljdbc41.jar  and on 64 bit processor , I am using following command which included path for sqljdbc_auth.dll java -Djava.library.path= C: sqljdbc_4.1enuauthx64 TestDao and error is Login failed for user '<domain><windows loginID>' why it is not picking up username passed in connection string. I have 2 machines, one is local and other is remote. on both machine I login using my domain, it is working absolutely fine on local then why the error is coming on remote machine.Both the machines are identical.

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