Give The Dollar Or Euro Symbol For Amount Field
Apr 9, 2008
I have amount field in my table as decimal. I need a query to display the amount with dollar or euro symbol based on country selection. The country also in same table.
For example If country is US then Amount $1200, If country is UK then Amount €1200.
Thanks in advance.
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Apr 6, 2004
I have SQL Server 2000 SP3 and the default Code Page is:
I have a Table with a column of the type 'text'.
In this column sometimes it's necessary introduce the euro symbol (�). Now, when we write this symbol, after the SQL Server show it with a '?'.
I tried change the column collation to 'Latin1_General_CI_AI', �SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI� and �SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_AI� but there is the same problem.
Does any know what the cause off this problem is?
Thanks in advance!
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May 8, 2001
Dear experts,
I'm having a problem with the Euro symbol on my SQLServers which all have characterset 850 and Unicode collation 1033. As far as I can see charset 850 does not contain the � symbol, but if I run a query
DECLARE @nstring nchar(12)
SET @nstring = N'�'
SELECT UNICODE(@nstring), NCHAR(UNICODE(@nstring))
Result: 8364 �
So the Unicode character 8364 is the Euro symbol. My question now is how do I have to write a statement so that the � symbol is shown in the output.
I need to use something like the following:
Select 'Costs:'+ � + convert(money, table1.costs)
Result: � 123.00
I tried several options but never get the right output. Is there any way of doing it or do I have to change the characterset.
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Oct 4, 2007
I want to display data that is 10 as $10.00 or 10.1 as $10.10..
and i tried giving this expression
=IIf(Fields!Nav.Value = "n/a","n/a",(cstr(Format(Fields!Nav.Value,"C2"))))
But when i run the report its giving it as C2 and not $10.00 or whatever it should be.
any help will be appreciated.
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May 26, 2006
Category Name SubCategory Name Amount
Construction Construction 2,877.00
Design Design 0.00
Soft Cost Inspection 0.00
Category Name SubCategory Name Amount
Construction Construction 2,800.00
Construction Contingency 300.00
Design Design 500.00
Soft Cost Inspection 980.00
Soft Cost Survey 145.00
Soft Cost Testing 720.00
Soft Cost Management 1000.00
Soft Cost Other Costs 10,000.00
How could I UNION the two result sets together and where the Category Name and SubCategory Name are equal for GridView1 and GridView2, show the difference in the Amount column.
This is the result I am looking for.
Category Name SubCategory Name DIFFERANCE
Construction Construction 77.00 = (GridView1 - GridView2)
Construction Contingency 300.00
Design Design 500.00
Soft Cost Inspection 980.00
Soft Cost Survey 145.00
Soft Cost Testing 720.00
Soft Cost Management 1000.00
Soft Cost Other Costs 10,000.00
I am trying to do it on the back end. Though, if you have a clever way to produce a resulting gridview in C# with the results I need, I am all game!
This is what I have so far: (TSQL code)
tblEstimatesLineItems, tblCategories, tblSubCategories
tblEstimatesLineItems.lngzEstimateId = 24 AND --@lngzEstimateId_Compare1
tblEstimatesLineItems.lngzCategoryId = tblCategories.idsCategoryId AND
tblEstimatesLineitems.lngzSubCategoryId = tblSubCategories.idsSubCategoryId
union all
tblEstimatesLineItems, tblCategories, tblSubCategories
tblEstimatesLineItems.lngzEstimateId = 25 AND --@lngzEstimateId_Compare1
tblEstimatesLineItems.lngzCategoryId = tblCategories.idsCategoryId AND
tblEstimatesLineitems.lngzSubCategoryId = tblSubCategories.idsSubCategoryId
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Aug 6, 2014
I am trying to add a field (bank_chk_amt] from a table in to my query to bring in a dollar amount....I originally had this below
SELECT dbo.CBPAYMENT.REFERENCE_NO, 'CCMCCHBREF' AS Literal, RTrim([description]) + ', ' + [bank_chk_amt] + ', ' + convert(char(10),[check_date],101) + ', ' + 'Refund check sent to ' + [payee_name] AS [Free Text]
but I would get "Error converting data type varchar to numeric".So my co-worker modified it and added (str([bank_chk_amt]) to my query which worked, but I noticed it dropped of the cents. So instead of 80.35 it would show 80 And I noticed it rounded 100.50 to 101...How can I bring in the full dollar amount and without adding?
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May 17, 2004
Hi Everybody,
In a table there�s a field for store real values, the database, using the SQL Server Enterprise Manager
and execute query as 'select * from' and it return the value
'15,35' just like stored before, why using Delphi via an ADO conection
in my result set there is a '15,3500003814697' value if in the record time
the inputed value was '15,35'?
What I have doing wrong?
Thanks for attention
Leonardo Almeida
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May 30, 2015
I am using Sql Server 2012. I have a table which has a field as Datetime (it is a table in Dynamics CRM 2011 so I have no control of the data type). Say this field is called BisStartDate. If I run this query in management studio.
BisStartDate, BisStartDateutc
from myTable
where _bisnumber=10375
I will get:
BisStartDate BisStartDateutc
2014-07-29 00:00:00.000 2014-07-29 05:00:00.000
*in CRM, datetime is saved in 2 fields, one is the current time, the other one is the utc time.
You can see the offset between the datetime and utc is 5 hours.
However when the same statement was running inside a SSIS package on the server, the result returned is:
BisStartDate BisStartDateutc
2014-07-28 23:00:00.0000000 2014-07-29 05:00:00.000
And if I do
I will get -5 if I run it in ManagementStudio and -6 is running on server package(running inside VisualStudio will be -5, same as running a query in ManagementStudio).
I think when the record was saved, “date” is 5 hours offset to UTC time but now the system use the current utc offset which is 6 hours. I just want to use the BisStartDate as it is. How do I let the SSIS turn off the conversion.
The same datatime is saved in another system then we compare them to check the data entry. Now because of this one hour difference, sometime the Day will be different.
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May 2, 2001
Does anyone know to include the Euro sign in SQL statements. I found an Ascii
code of ALt+0128, but then I use CHAR (0128) it actually prints the Char (128) which is � not �.
When I use the � directly in the code the application just shows a ?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
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Mar 14, 2008
Wich collation should I use for the right display of the euro character? I now get a '?'.
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Mar 18, 2008
I'm creating a temporary table in a Sql 2005 stored procedure that contains the transaction amount entered in a period <= the period the user enters.
I can return that amount in my result set. But I also need to separate out by account the amounts just in the period = the period the user enters. There can be many entries or no entries in any period. I populate the temporary table this way:
when t.transactiontype=2 then amount * (-1)
else amount
end as transamount,
UrsinusCollege.dbo.gl7accounts a
ursinuscollege.dbo.gl7transactions t on
(t.gl7fiscalperiodsid >= 97
And poststatus in (2,3)
and left(a.accountnumber,5) between '2-110' and '2-999'
And right(a.accountnumber,4) > 7149
And not(right(a.accountnumber,4)) in ('7171','7897')
order by a.accountnumber
Later I create a temporary table that contains budget information. I join these 2 temporary tables to produce my result set. But I don't know how to get the information for just one period. For example, if the user enters 99 as the FiscalPeriod_identifier, I need a separate field that contains only those amounts(if any) that were entered for each account in Period 99.
Can anyone help? It may be that I am not seeing the forest for the trees, but I can't figure it out.
Thanks very much.
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Aug 10, 2006
Hi all,
I have a table named Prescription that consists of attributes like PatientId, MedicineCode, MedicineName, Prices of different drugs, quantity of different drugs(e.g 1,2,3,10), date .
I would like to get a summary of the total number and amount of different drugs in a specific period, the total amount of each type of drug.
I kindly request for help.
Thanx in advance.
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Nov 30, 2006
objrs.Open "Select * from [klcc_f$]", objConn, adOpenStatic
why IM getting dollar sign is not a valid name ?
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Oct 6, 2014
I am using this query to get the nearest value and rounding it.
floor(Price*DollarPrice) as Dollars
This returns result like below
Now I just need to add dollar symbol before the result.
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Apr 14, 2015
I have a query where I have to use the convert function to return the unitprice as a decimal with 2 digits to the right of the decimal and a $ to the left of the number like 10 should be $10.0o. How do i insert the $. this is my code so far:
SELECT CONVERT(varchar, UnitPrice, 1) AS varchartotal
FROM dbo.[Order Details]
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Jun 4, 2007
Hello Everyone,
Does anyone know where I can go to get the format to make
$ right align + =Sum(Fields!Blah.Blah) as #,###.00?
|$ 23.00|
|$ 1,000.00|
I can not figure out how to get the dollars to right align like Excel ?
Please point me to the answer or a previous post that answers this...
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Jun 17, 2008
I was wondering what is the best way to have a amount paid total from amounts entered to a specific id or column? I am using SQL 2005. I need to be able to tally the total amount paid and put that value in another column called amount paid. Any help would be great.
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Feb 24, 2014
How to implement the display of a dollar sign for an output in a query...
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Feb 12, 2007
Generally, what would be a good start to model and make predictions based on the following.
Even Dollar Transactions �� Including transactions that end in $0 or $50 with a Total Transaction Amount between $400 and $5000.
I have a table called Transaction with a BillingAmount column.
I've gone through the SQL Server 2005 Data Mining Tutorial (which uses a discrete prediction BikeBuyer yes or no) and read a lot of Data Mining with SQL Server 2005. Neither of these give good, complete, methodical examples of selecting inputs and targets and making predictions; especially for continuous columns.
I think I'm generally struggling with the concepts of selecting (continuous?) predictable attributes and calculating predictions based on the results. Are there any examples of a scenario similar to the above that I can reference? or just some advise.
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Feb 3, 2012
How do I count the number of positive dollar values in a query? I have various negative and positive dollar values and want to count how many positive I have then I will know how many are negative. I cannot put >0 or >0.00 in the where because it still returns everything cuz the programmer set the datatype to be money
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Sep 21, 2007
I am a bit confused on the many uses of the @ symbol, such as in assignments and in use by stored procedures. I am not quite clear on when it needs to be used and when it doesn't, what it means, etc. Could someone either point me to a good reference, or explain? (I have read several books on MS Sql server, but somehow missed this.) I use the symbol, but I don't understand when to use it and when not to, without referencing an example.
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Jun 23, 2008
sql statement
INSERT INTO student(name, course, email) "+
"VALUES('" + name +"' , "+
"'" + course+"' , "+
"'" + email+"' ");
this sql statement doesn't content any error but if the sentences that want to insert into table contain symbol ' then it will process error when enter into table. ( data contain symbol ' can't insert into table).
May i know how to solve this problem.
i did refer to my friends they said need include java class, but they not sure what's the class that i need.
So i help i can get the help here.
Thank in advance
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Aug 30, 2013
[Code] .....
In the above query i want to concat symbol '%' for output of percentage column. How to do that?
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Aug 2, 2013
I have a table of orders. I was asked to count the orders that fall into specific dollar buckets. Normally I would use a CASE statement for this, but in this case, there are over 100 different buckets!
For example, I need to count the orders in $5 increments up to $400. The CASE statement would look like this:
WHEN sum(revenue) BETWEEN 0.01 AND 5.00 THEN [0.01 to 5.00]
WHEN sum(revenue) BETWEEN 5.01 AND 10.00 THEN [5.01 to 10.00]
WHEN sum(revenue) BETWEEN 395.01 AND 400.00 THEN [395.01 to 400.00]
Is there an easier way to do this, maybe with a loop?
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Oct 27, 1999
We are running SQL Version 7.0.
I recently set up a simple snapshot replication. After restarting enterprise manager a hand symbol showed up under the database barrel as if a share symbol.
Am I correct in assuming the symbol means replication. Is there a source that explains what the various symbols mean?
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Jan 19, 2012
We are getting 67.2,62.4,81.9 these are percentages these are rounded in my report I would like to add % symbol for them I have written expression like this
=left(Fields!Sales_Margin_TY____.Value,4) &
but I was getting 67.1 in place of 67.2
I dont want to change the figures which is coming from source...
Just I want to add % for those values... how to do that ..
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Aug 10, 2007
I am looking for a way to remove the printer symbol from the report manger because it dows not work on some client machines because they are locked down. For us it is completely sufficient to export to PDF.
Is there a setting or an entry in the web config or something else. A hint would be helpful
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Oct 13, 2006
Hey everyone,
I'm working of a project that has each row of column data stored in this format: AAChieve Initiative - Business Development Consultant|Marketing|4F|210710
Is there a way I can break this rows apart with TSQL based of the | symbol? Thanks in advance!
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Jun 12, 2015
I have such Function:
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE name = 'TwoDigitsNumber' AND type = 'FN')
CREATE FUNCTION TwoDigitsNumber(@a int)
RETURNS nvarchar(20)
[Code] ....
The only first letter 'f', 's', 'e' is inserted in value instead 'first', 'second', 'equal'.
Why ? How can i insert whole string
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Jun 9, 2006
Have an App using SQL CE 2.0.
If the App is open and the device is powered off and then back on; the following happens when an update of the data base is attempted:
1. Pocket PC 2003 �� IPAQ No problem all is well.
2. WM 2005 �� Dell No problem all is well
3. WM 2005 �� Symbol MC70 SQL error 0x80004005.**
App is compiled under eVC 4.0
** Some results if App is compiled under VS2005
Is this:
a.) My problem ?
b.) WM 2005 problem ?
c.) Symbol problem ?
d.) SQLCE 2.0 problem?
Any input would be appreicated
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Oct 2, 2006
We are having problems getting Reporting Services 2005 to export to an ASCII CSV file and correctly produce a �(GBP sign).
I have changed my report server .config file to read:
<Extension Name="CSV1" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.CsvRenderer.CsvReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.CsvRendering">
<Name Language="en-UK">CSV - UTF-8</Name>
<Extension Name="CSV2" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.CsvRenderer.CsvReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.CsvRendering">
<Name Language="en-UK">CSV - UTF-7</Name>
<Extension Name="CSV3" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.CsvRenderer.CsvReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.CsvRendering">
<Name Language="en-UK">CSV - ASCII</Name>
And so far so good I get the three options to export to,
If I Export using the ASCII Rendering my pound signs come out as question marks (?) and subsequently loads into Excel as a general data type and is not sum-able.
If I Export using UTF-8 Rendering my pound signs come out as a weird character followed by a pound sign, again opened in excel loads as a General data type and is not summable.
If I export using UNICODE rendering, by file sizes are doublesd as you would expect, and then when you open in excel it is all bunched up in column 1, both un-acceptable.
Interestingly enough If I take the UTF-8 file I have and convert it to ASCII using Ultraedit, notepad or wordpad, everything works fine, the � is correctly encoded, Excel loads it OK and it is summable, result, but I can not use get my end users to perform this "kludge" for an export.
Any help would be appreciated
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Dec 24, 2005
the text file format use the length of character to define the field
for example,
9 chars <0001130130> is a field
1 char <H> is a field
20 chars <AUT BAGES AVEROUS 03> is a field
one record by one record store in db
no space, no symbol, no line break between each record
I try bcp method, but some error happens. Please give me suggestions. thx
I run the following code in query analyzer.
WITH (FORMATFILE = 'D:cp.fmt')
it shows the error
Server: Msg 4839, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot perform bulk insert. Invalid collation name for source column 4 in format file 'D:cp.fmt'.
For your information
data file
000000011301220051222000192000000000011301320051222000030000000000019067420051222000000001<there are many space >
bcp.fmt file <I use tab to separate and use ascii>
1 SQLCHAR 0 4 "" 1 PLUEVT ""
2 SQLCHAR 0 9 "" 2 PLUSKU ""
3 SQLCHAR 0 8 "" 3 PLUFRD ""
4 SQLCHAR 0 9 "" 4 PLUPRC ""
I try to edit collation name in Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_CI_AS or others, but the error also happens.
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Jul 16, 2015
I would like to know how to split the phone number into two columns based on - symbol Dynamically.
for example
Phone Number
so output should be
code number
123 12323
1234 1222
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