Global Expression Apply To All Fields In Report

Aug 17, 2007

Hi All,

I got a situation that need to write a expression for doing if the value is negtive then display () around this value, and this expression should apply to 30 fields in my report. so i just wonder is that any way that i can create this expression as global variable , then i can use this expression in each field, instead of i write IIF function in every field expression area.

Any helps are appreciated.



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Expression Does Not Notice Global Variable's New Value

Jul 20, 2007

I'm trying to do something very simple, and having a tough time with it.

I've got a Global Variable that gets a string value assigned to it in a Script Task, and then I need to access that value in Execute Process Task Expression. When running, by the time it gets to the Process Task, the global variable's value in the expression is still blank, even though a breakpoint on the task shows that it does have a value.

What am I doing wrong? This seems too simple to give me this much problem.

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Can I Apply A Database Function Or Assembly Call In An Expression For Filter Data?

Mar 28, 2007

I need to translate a user€™s regional setting into one of our own language codes before I send it through as a filter to the model query. If our language codes were the same, the filter would look like this in the report filter -
Language Code = GetUserCulture()
Which translates to this in the database query (for us english) -
table.language_code = 'EN-us'
And of course I need it to look like this -
table.language_code = 'ENG'

I would like the logic to be globally available to all report writers (ie not forcing each report writer to have an iif or case stataement). I was thinking custom assemblies or maybe a database function, but at this level of the filter, I cannot seem to figure out how to embed a database function call to apply to the filter criteria like this
Language Code = dbo.ConvertFcnIWrote(GetUserCulture())
Or how I would access the custom assembly in the filter expression.

Do you have a recommended implementation for this situation?

Toni Fielder

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Expression To Get The Last Word Of The Fields

Nov 21, 2006


How do i get the last word of a field in an expression?


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Using Fields In Expression From Two Different Datasets

Aug 24, 2007

I have an coloumn in the report whose Expression defines a division and the numerator is from dataset1 and denominator is from another dataset2

I get an error when I try to do this. Its says that denominator is out of scope of the dataset1

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Expression Divide By 0 - How To Return N/A For Fields

Jun 3, 2015

I am new to SQL. I added a calculated field to my dataset with and expression to calculate efficiency.

My expression is as follows: =Fields!EstTotLbrHrs.Value/Fields!ActTotLbrHrs.Value

In some cases my value for ActTotLbrHrs is 0, so it returns #Error

How do I return "N/A" for fields with ActTotLbrHrs = 0

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Using An Expression To Group On Multiple Fields

Mar 23, 2008

I have an exisitng report that lists unit name, provider, runday, shift, patient. The report groups by unit name and there is a page break after each unit name. So in the current environment the report prints one page per unit that contains all of the providers, rundays, shifts, and patients for that unit name its grouping on. So the report would like like this when it prints:

Unit A
Provider 1 Runday 1 Shift 1

patient 1
patient 2
Provider 1 Runday 1 Shift 2

patient 1
patient 2
Provider 1 Runday 2 Shift 1

patient 1
patient 2
Provider 1 Runday 2 Shift 2

patient 1
patient 2
Provider 2 Runday 1 Shift 1

patient 1
patient 2
Provider 2 Runday 1 Shift 2

patient 1
patient 2
Provider 2 Runday 2 Shift 1

patient 1
patient 2
Provider 2 Runday 2 Shift 2

patient 1
patient 2
Unit B............(repeat data from page 1)
Unit C............(repeat data from page 1

The end user would like the ability to keep the report as is but would like to also be able to print the report as one page per each unit name, provider, runday and shift. so it would look like this

Unit A
Provider 1 Runday 1 Shift 1

patient 1
patient 2
Unit A
Provider 1 Runday 1 Shift 2

patient 1
patient 2
Unit A
Provider 1 Runday 2 Shift 1

patient 1
patient 2

So I created a boolean parameter with a prompt of Page break by Unit, Provider, Runday & Shift? My thought is if the users sets this to False, the report will group on just Unit Name (the first example). If the user sets this to True, the report will group on Unit Name, Provider, Runday & Shift.

I set the grouping expression for this data table as:
=iif(Parameters!Grouping.Value = "False", Fields!unit_Name.Value,(Fields!unit_Name.Value,Fields!Lname.Value,Fields!Rundays.ValueFields!Shift.Value))

Within the expression editor window it displays a syntax error and the report will not run.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!

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Nov 27, 2007

Hi... I'm reading the MS Press 70-442 Self-Paced Training kit, and I'm having problems with this example.
I'd like help getting it to work correctly, or understand why it is isn't working the way I planned.

On page 67, the lab is about the APPLY operator (CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY). I first have to input a sample table-valued function into the AdventureWorks database:

Code Block
CREATE FUNCTION fnGetAvgCost(@ProdID int)
RETURNS @RetTable TABLE (AvgCost money)
WITH Product(stdcost)
SELECT avg(standardcost) as AvgCost
FROM Production.ProductCostHistory
WHERE ProductID = @ProdID

and then run a sample T-SQL statement

Code Block
SELECT p.Name, p.ProductNumber,
Convert(varchar, cost.AvgCost,1) AS 'Average Cost'
FROM Production.Product p
CROSS APPLY fnGetAvgCost(p.ProductID) AS cost
ORDER BY cost.AvgCost desc

My problem is with the WHERE clause... According to page 56, CROSS APPLY returns only rows from the outer table that produces a result set, so why do I need to explicitly filter NULL values?

When I remove the WHERE clause, the query retrieves lots of NULL AvgCost values.

Again, according to page 56, it is the OUTER APPLY that returns all rows that return a result set and will include NULL values in the columns that are returned from the table-valued function.

So, in short, I don't see the difference between CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY, using this example, when I remove the WHERE clause?

(Please refrain from introducing another example into this question.)

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Analysis :: Sales And Mapping Data - Apply Join To Get Result Into SSRS Report

May 28, 2015

I have sales data in SSAS cube and mapping data in RDBMS table. I want to apply join to get result into SSRS report.

Here we should get data of yesterday from time dimension of cube.

Time is in [Time].[FiscalYearHierarchy].[Fiscal Day].&[2015-05-28T00:00:00] format.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Report Parameters Getting Reset After Hitting Apply (Sharepoint Integrated Mode)

Mar 6, 2015

We have SSRS reports (pointing to SQL 2012) containing cascading parameters that we have deployed on SharePoint 2013 and once a user makes a selection to the parent parameter, child parameters are getting refreshed based on the selection in the parent parameter and then we see this:

Once we hit Apply, the Loading image comes up and approximately10 seconds later, The whole webpage gets refreshed and the parameter selections get reset to default parameters. 

This is getting frustrating because there are about 10 parameters in the report and once a user makes selections and hit apply if the page gets reset, the user has to make all the selections again.

We are working with Microsoft support on this who suggested us to increase the timeout setting of DistributedCache service on all our SharePoint servers which did seem to work initially but I do see this issue happening occasionally.

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Bug In Report Builder When Using Expression

Feb 19, 2008

I ran in to a strange problem in Report Builder. I drop a few fields from my Report Model on a simple talbe report. Some of them are straight forwards attributes and some of them are expressions.

Now in the table layout of a report I have say a attribute named as "Account Number". This attribute is actually a field from a table. I change the column header to a two line column header with €œAccount€? on one line and €œNumber€? on second line. No problem, piece of cake.

Now tried the same thing on an expression type attribute, say "Principal Balance". When I split the column header on two line I get this following error.


Semantic query compilation failed: e MeasureNotFound One of the SubtotalMeasures.MeasureName properties of the SemanticQuery refers to the Measure Expression 'Principal
Balance', which does not exist. (SemanticQuery '').
An error has occurred during report processing.


If you read the error you will realize that the query is trying to find an expression named "Principal" (newline char) "Balance" and it fails.

This expression is nothing but a sum aggregation on a field in the underlying table. If I put the "Principal Balance" back on one line report runs like a charm. Also note that exact same report in Designer no issues at all.

FYI: I am in SQL Server 2005 with SP2. (tried it both on Standard and Enterprise versions.)

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Report Model Expression

Nov 20, 2006

I'm new to Report Model and trying to create a new expression field with IF condition on related Role's attribute when i do this it gives error "The arguments to the following function are not valid: = (Equal to)" but if put direct Entity's column it works fine.. heres the expression

IF(Activity Type List Value Display Name = "Sick Day", 1, 0)

"Activity Type" is the Role(1--*) in Employee Table, and i'm adding this expression in the Employee Table

are there any sample models that i can download with some complex filters/expressions etc?



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Report Builder: How Can I Append Two Table Fields To Report In Report Builder

Feb 6, 2008


When i select datasource in Report Builder, i am able to see all the available DataSources.

Eg: I have selected one datasource from the list and which has 3 tables(table1, table2, table3) associated to that datasource.

when i drag and drop table1 fields to report, i am not able to see the other 2 tables(table2 & table3)

Is there any property or relationship do i need to maintain?


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Matrix Report And Expression On Field

Jan 29, 2007

I have a matrix report that has two columns, and one of the colums has the following expression for background color:

=IIF( Fields!Percentile.Value >= .10, "Yellow", "White")

Basically if the percent is greater than 10 highlight the field, for some reason i have some fields that dont show up yellow, see below:

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How Do I Change The Report Title Via An Expression?

Mar 3, 2008

How do I change the report title via an expression? I have a parameter that can contain 1 of 3 values and want to change my Report Title accordingly. Can I nest the IIF statements somehow or how can I accomplish this?

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Pad Trailing Spaces In A Report Expression

Sep 14, 2007

I am trying to pad a fixed number of trailing spaces into a report expression, as follows:



Result (e.g. with 10 spaces padded, assuming all names are below 10 characters long):

"Michael ""Peter ""John "

Is there an easy way to achieve this ?



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Indicating The NULL Value In Report Expression Syntax

Sep 12, 2007


I would like to know how I can indicate a NULL value in a report expression in SSRS / Report Designer.

I am trying to code :

IIF(Value_A = 0, <NULL>, Value_A)

It may look weird but I am trying to return NULL values when Value_A is 0 (zero), in the sample scenario above.

I have tried using the keyword "NULL", but it is highlighted as a syntax error, and suggested to use System.DBNull. I tried it and then it says that components of the System collection cannot be used in an expression, so I am left drawing blanks.



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Simple Expression Returns Error In Report, Why?

Apr 22, 2008

So, here is my expression that I use in a textbox on the site header. In the report it just returns error... any ides?

="Wareneingangsübersicht" + " " + today() + " / " +

iif(datepart("WeekdayName",dateadd("d",1,today()))= "Samstag", DateAdd("d",3,today()), DateAdd("d",1,today()))

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Multi-value, Non-queried, Report Parameter Expression Problem

Nov 30, 2007

I need to use a non-queried report parameter to filter a dataset for a report.

The dataset column I'm filtering is numeric. The dataset is not a sproc, it's a table in SQL Server that I am querying.

The Non-queried parameter values (Multi-value) are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, >=6.

Selecting the >=6 throws the error: "Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric."

Which sucks.

Because...when I go straight into my dataset I can filter my numeric column with the exact same values (=1 or =3 or >=6) and everything works fine. The error is only raised when I use the @Parameter in the dataset.

I've tried eveything, researched everywhere online and I can't find any guidance anywhere.

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Reporting Services :: How To Use Expression To Position A Tablix On A Report

Sep 30, 2015

How do I use an expression to position a tablix on the report?

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SUM Of Report Field With Expression Which Has COUNT Aggregate Function

Jun 20, 2007

Hi everyone,

I have created a report which has 3 groups. The report output as shown below. I am having trouble getting the SUM of Total Credtis for each Org.

Can't seem to get the total 42 and 16 (highlighted), but can get total unists 11 and 13. I get expression contains aggregate function. This is because Units assessed is the Count of IDs (details hidden from the report).

Report has three groups Org , Assessor and Unit.

Can someone please help me with this?

Appreciate help.

Thank you,


Org 1(Group1)

Unit Credits Units Assessed(# of Trainees) TotalCredits

Assessor 1 Unit 1 2 4 (Count of Ids) 8 (2*4)

Assessor 2 Unit 2 1 2 2 (1*2)

Assessor 3 Unit 3 5 2 10 (5*2)

Unit 4 2 1 2

Assessor 4 Unit 5 10 2 20


11 42 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Org 2

Assessor 3 Unit 1 2 3 6

Assessor 4 Unit 6 1 10 10


13 16


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Edit Expression Using SQL Server 2005 Report Wizard

May 28, 2007


Bear with me I am creating my first report using sql server 2005 report wizard.

I have a query that s runs OK and returns name/addresses of companies for me to write a statement report.

My question is , how can only the 'FILLED' address column get displayed onto report and empty address fields are rejected i.e.

Address 1: 12 WoodStock Road

Address 2:

Address 3: Oxford

Address 4:

Address 5: OX10 0AB

therefore the report (page) should only display Address 1, Address 3 and Address 5

I tried to solve by trying to write an expression in 'Edit Experssion' without any joy.

Thanks in advance

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Sub-report Visibility By Expression With Two Conditions Based On Parameters

May 30, 2007

Product version : SQL Reporting Service 2005 with SQL SP2

It's a report with 3 sub-reports in it, i want to display only one of the 3 sub-reports at a time depending on 1 or 2 parameters received by the parent report. These parameters are verified by an expression into the visibility tab of each sub-report. The two parameters are 2 lists with possibles values between 1 and 2 (not query based). I have verified these values and they are correctly received by report depending on the selection of each list.

Ex.: SubReport1.expression = IIf(Parameters!Regroupement.Value = 1, True, False)

SubReport2.expression =IIf(Parameters!Regroupement.Value = 2 AND Parameters!SautPage.Value = 1, True, False)

SubReport3.expression =IIf(Parameters!Regroupement.Value = 2 AND Parameters!SautPage.Value = 2, True, False)

So here are the posibilities :

when Regroupement.Value = 1 --> SubReport1 will be shown

when Regroupement.Value = 2 AND SautPage.Value = 1 --> SubReport2 will be shown

when Regroupement.Value = 2 AND SautPage.Value = 2 --> SubReport3 will be shown

Now why that doesn't work ? I always see the same report and it's not the right one displayed even i change the selection of my 2 lists for the parameters value.

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Expression To Get CreatedBy, CreationDate, ModifiedBy, And ModifiedDate Properties For Report?

Jun 6, 2007

If you look at the General Properties for a report in Report Manager, there are 4 properties listed at the top:

Modified Date:

2/26/2007 6:37 PM

Modified By:


Creation Date:

2/14/2006 5:19 PM

Created By:


What I'm looking for is if there's a way to retrieve these properties via an expression from a textbox within a report. For instance, there's already an expression that is:


I know it won't be that easy for the CreatedBy, CreationDate, ModifiedBy, and ModifiedDate properties, but I thought I'd ask if there was a workaround or hack.

We're wanting to put that info into the footer of all our reports. (Actually this is for Report Builder reports, but you can still use expressions in Report Builder reports, so it should apply as it would to normal reports.)

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Reporting Services :: Expression To Display Only Strings That Start Report Builder

Oct 7, 2015

How do you write an expression in report builder to only display the results that start with a certain string  Project Number - CUP1501, DPR1502, ENG1507 etc.  These values will all get returned but I only want the Project Number that has CUP and DPR in it?

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Using COUNT To Add Fields In A Report

Apr 21, 2004

If I am totaling fields by groups of rows and I do so for every group do I need to use a stored procedure or cursor for this? I don't have a lot of experience with these areas but will give it a go based on what I find out.

Let me try to provide an example.

BranchNo OrderNo ErrorCode1 ErrorCode2 ErrorCode3
478 111 0 1 1
478 112 0 0 0
478 113 1 0 0
610 119 0 0 0
610 120 1 0 0

I am trying to total the "error code" fields for each Branch. Of course, some don't have any, some have multiple errors. If a stored procedure is the only way, it will be a problem as our company's DBA has not given me permissions to run SPROCs. Is there a way to do this in a query?

I have been trying to figure out a subquery for this and it is not working.


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Sum Of Fields In Matrix Report

Aug 24, 2007

I have matrix report to display gender statistics based on hierachical geographic data e.g.
Country 1 | region 1 | subregion 1 | No-of-males | no-of-females
with drill through enabled

I want to have persentage near the number-of-gender as well as total population for a row, like this
Country 1 | region 1 | subregion 1 | No-of-males (%-males) | no-of-females (%-females) | Total in the row

but I cannot find the way to do it.

Expression for data cell is

but if I try something like

=sum(Fields!no_of_person.Value) & " (" & sum(fields!no_of_person.Value) / sum(fields!no_of_person.ParentUniqueName, "column") * 100 & ")"

to get the total for both genders - the reports fails

Thanks in advance

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Add New Fields To Report Model

Jan 30, 2008

I've looked in vain for an answer to this, and it seems like it should be simple. Some new fields have been added to a table, and I need to add them to the Report Model. When I go to the data source view, the new fields do not show up in the table. Is there an easy way to get the new fields to show up, or do I need to delete the table (and of course the relationships), and then add it back. Thanks for any help.

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Rendering Report Fields

Apr 23, 2007


I am designing a report that creates a letter to send to a named individual. To accomodate different address lengths, additional fields have been added to the db. Is there a method by which if an address filed is empty, it does not display in the redered report and the fields below it are moved up to close the gap?

Any one any ideas?


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Use Fields In Report Header

Dec 26, 2007

I have placed a textbox in the pageheader section of the report. In the textbox expression, I am trying to use a field . THis is an example of the expression in that textbox.

=First(Fields!ID.Value, "Jobstat")
Howver it gives an err "THE Value expression for textbox referes toa field. Fields cannot be used in page headers or page footers"..Is there any other option that I have? I need this expression/field to be a part of page header, but not table header.
Also, pl note that I have tried to place the field expression in a text box in the body of the report, and then refer to that text box in the page header or footer.However, when I do that, my expression does not appear on any pages of the report, only appears on the last page of the report.

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Calculated Fields In The Report

Oct 1, 2007

I'm supposed to create a report like shown below.

Credit Tier





Time columns go up to Dec 07. But I did not show all the columns.

The values are calculated as follows.
Field value for Jan07 = (No of Loans pass due in Jan07 / Total No of loans disbursed in Jan07)
Repayment due date is 5th of every month. if smbody does not pay on 5th, its considedred as pass due.

Source data tables look like this.

LoanTable(Disbursed date, userID, Amount, Status)

CreditTier table (Credit Tier, Rate) - Seems like no relationship with Loan table

we can identify pass due loans from status field in loan table. Status appears as 'Deliquency'.

Please Can any one help me to create this report?

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Reporting Services :: Count Of Lookup Expression Column In Report With Multiple Datasets?

Sep 27, 2015

My report has two data sets that hold inventory from two different departments.    

ds_DeptA and ds_DeptB

I have a table, that pulls the DeptB status of DeptA record and displays it. This returns empty when the lookup fails to make a match, which is fine.  Typically means DeptB does not have the record yet.   I need to count these empty (null) feilds and populate it in a Text box outside of the table.
I just can't figure out the syntax with multiple datasets. I can't use the lookup expression as part of the count expression since the count expression is not contained in a table that has a dataset. 

table: ds_DeptA
<<Expr>> =Lookup(Fields!ID.Value,Fields!DeptA_ID.Value,Fields!DeptB_Status.Value, "ds_DeptB")

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Formatting Calculated Fields In Report

Jun 7, 2001

I have a problem.... I have a TSQL procedure that calculates employee overtime based upon days 1-5 of week being "in-week", and days 6-7 oweek being week-end overtime. The resulting data is then mailed to dept managers. My problem: for some reason the calculated colums are being generated at a width of 40 char per column. I somehow need to reduce the width to 8-10 characters per colum (this will eliminate the wraping that I currently get in my e-mails)... Any help would be appreciated... Thanks..Tom

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