Google SiteMap From SQL

Jun 18, 2008

Hello All,

 I have two columns in MS-SQL, 1st column has Web-Links and 2nd has Dates
















Required Output:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">





 - David

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Integration Services :: Connect SSIS To Google Drive Or Google Sheets

Aug 12, 2015

I need to download a file from google Drive or open it, using SSIS but I have not found any reference about it. Is it possible? Is there a provider to connect to Google Drive.

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Google Your Database

Nov 1, 2006

I hope you'll like a tool I've made called Nautilus.

Nautilus (sqlserver) v1.0.1
Google your MS SQLServer database
Author: Marcos Luis Casamayor (

Nautilus is a tool for developers, advanced users and auditors.
The main objetive is to find information in a SQLServer database without knowing too much about the database. User can search tables and records with no SQL knowledge required.
You can also browse related data following the foreign key links.

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Like Google Notebook

Jul 25, 2007

Hi All,

Has anyone tried writing a db structure that would replicate a google notebook heirarchy?

I'm very interested in learning to do this. My knowledge of MSSQL is poor. I had someone else develop a db in MSSQL for me. I'd like to add a similar functionality for my website to that of google notebooks. I don't need the browser plugins and stuff, only the ability to create new notes and sub notes which can have a few fields. For instance.

A - History
----a1.Name: World War 1
----a2.Name: Germany 1918-1945
----a3.Name: World War 2
------a3i.Name: Causes of World War II
------a3ii.Notes: bla bla bl a
------a3iii.Description: These notes are about the causes of WWII
------a3.SubTopic.a1.Name: Hitler's actions prior to WWII
------a3.SubTopic.a1.Notes: notes notes notes
------a3.SubTopic.a1.Description: desc desc desc

I need to develop a max of two level heirarchy for my website to provide my students a google notebook like functionality. I want to develop it for my school's website. Can someone help?


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Google DB Engine ?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I was so lost in Google Desktop Search last night, I kept on dreamingabout the endless possiblisties of Google Search Technology.While I was in school I had read enough about DB informationretrivial. Why can't google use their search technology to buildDatabase engine ? Isn't that a possiblity ?Am I still dreaming or am I awake ?Cheers,da_LazyBoy

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SQL XML Query - Automate Sitemap XML Generation

Jan 23, 2007

Hay Gurus'
 Please can you help out this with this question????
 I have created a SQL 2005 select statement that returns an XML file with the correct items (in the correct format) to be used as a sitemap...  This needs to have a function and then a select statement run in conjunction 1 CREATE FUNCTION QuickNav(@MenuItem int)
5 (SELECT ID as "@ID", Title as "@title", url as "@url", Description as "@Description", ParentID as "@ParentID", NodeGroupParent as "@NodeGroupParent", ImageURL as "@ImageURL", NodeGroupSort as "@NodeGroupSort",
6 CASE WHEN NodeGroupParent=@MenuItem
7 THEN dbo.QuickNav(id)
9 FROM dbo.QuickNavView WHERE NodeGroupParent=@MenuItem
10 ORDER BY NodeGroupSort
11 FOR XML PATH('siteMapNode'), TYPE)
3 )
4 SELECT ID as "@ID", Title as "@title", url as "@url", Description as "@Description", ParentID as "@ParentID", NodeGroupParent as "@NodeGroupParent", ImageURL as "@ImageURL", NodeGroupSort as "@NodeGroupSort",
5 CASE WHEN id=31
6 THEN dbo.QuickNav(id)
8 FROM QuickNavView
9 WHERE id=31
10 ORDER BY NodeGroupSort
11 FOR XML PATH('siteMapNode'), ROOT('siteMap')
So when i run this code in SQL 2005 Express it works fine and i can save the results as a Web.sitemap and my menu looks ok...But now i want to automate this creation process.... have a button that when clicked saves an XML file (Web.sitemap) to a server directory... How Can I Do This?????  This may seem like a dumb question but i really do need help and have searched everwhere... any help, pointers to a tutorial would be great...Any Ideas .....Tod BTW the results look like... (and work fine with both tree control and menu)  1 <siteMap xmlns="">
2 <siteMapNode ID="31" title="root" url="~/Default.aspx" ImageURL="~imagesEASLogoSmall.jpg" NodeGroupSort="1">
3 <siteMapNode ID="34" title="Business" Description="Group node for Business Objects" NodeGroupParent="31" xmlns="">
4 <siteMapNode ID="1" title="Business Case" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=BusinessCase" NodeGroupParent="34" ImageURL="~imagesBusinessCase.gif" NodeGroupSort="100" />
5 <siteMapNode ID="19" title="Business Plan" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=BusinessPlan" NodeGroupParent="34" ImageURL="~imagesBusinessPlan.gif" NodeGroupSort="200">
6 <siteMapNode ID="9" title="Mission" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=Mission" ParentID="19" NodeGroupParent="19" ImageURL="~imagesMission.gif" NodeGroupSort="210" />
7 <siteMapNode ID="10" title="Vision" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=Vision" ParentID="9" NodeGroupParent="19" ImageURL="~imagesVision.gif" NodeGroupSort="220" />
8 <siteMapNode ID="11" title="Goal" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=Goal" ParentID="10" NodeGroupParent="19" ImageURL="~imagesGoal.gif" NodeGroupSort="230" />
9 <siteMapNode ID="12" title="Strategic Objective" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=Strategic Objective" ParentID="11" NodeGroupParent="19" ImageURL="~imagesObjective.gif" NodeGroupSort="240" />
10 </siteMapNode>
11 <siteMapNode ID="7" title="Bussiness Concept" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=BusinessConcept" NodeGroupParent="34" ImageURL="~imagesBusinessConcept.gif" NodeGroupSort="300" />
12 </siteMapNode>
13 <siteMapNode ID="24" title="Compliance Item" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=ComplianceItem" NodeGroupParent="31" ImageURL="~imagesComplianceItem.gif" NodeGroupSort="400" xmlns="" />
14 <siteMapNode ID="32" title="Exposure" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=Exposure" NodeGroupParent="31" ImageURL="~imagesRisk.gif" NodeGroupSort="500" xmlns="" />
15 <siteMapNode ID="26" title="Human Resource" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=HumanResource" NodeGroupParent="31" ImageURL="~imagesHumanResources.gif" NodeGroupSort="600" xmlns="" />
16 <siteMapNode ID="13" title="IT Component" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=ITComponent" NodeGroupParent="31" ImageURL="~imagesITComponent.gif" NodeGroupSort="700" xmlns="" />
17 <siteMapNode ID="14" title="IT Hardware" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=ITHardware" NodeGroupParent="31" ImageURL="~imagesITHardware.gif" NodeGroupSort="800" xmlns="" />
18 <siteMapNode ID="16" title="KPI" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=KPI" NodeGroupParent="31" ImageURL="~imagesKPI.gif" NodeGroupSort="900" xmlns="" />
19 <siteMapNode ID="18" title="Portfolio" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=Portfolio" NodeGroupParent="31" ImageURL="~imagesPortfolio.gif" NodeGroupSort="1000" xmlns="" />
20 <siteMapNode ID="27" title="Process" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=Process" NodeGroupParent="31" ImageURL="~imagesProcess.gif" NodeGroupSort="1100" xmlns="" />
21 <siteMapNode ID="20" title="Product" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=Product" NodeGroupParent="31" ImageURL="~imagesProduct.gif" NodeGroupSort="1200" xmlns="" />
22 <siteMapNode ID="29" title="Program" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=Program" NodeGroupParent="31" ImageURL="~imagesProgram.gif" NodeGroupSort="1300" xmlns="" />
23 <siteMapNode ID="17" title="Project" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=Project" NodeGroupParent="31" ImageURL="~imagesProject.gif" NodeGroupSort="1400" xmlns="" />
24 <siteMapNode ID="21" title="Service" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=Service" NodeGroupParent="31" ImageURL="~imagesService.gif" NodeGroupSort="1600" xmlns="" />
25 <siteMapNode ID="25" title="Stakeholder" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=Stakeholder" NodeGroupParent="31" ImageURL="~imagesStakeholder.gif" NodeGroupSort="1700" xmlns="" />
26 <siteMapNode ID="23" title="Standard" url="~/EASObjectInventory.aspx?LookUPID=Standard" NodeGroupParent="31" ImageURL="~imagesStandard.gif" NodeGroupSort="1800" xmlns="" />
27 <siteMapNode ID="35" title="Administration" url="~/admin/Default.aspx" NodeGroupParent="31" NodeGroupSort="5000" xmlns="" />
28 </siteMapNode>
29 </siteMap>

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Sql Data Not Updating In Sitemap Class

May 16, 2007

Hi everyone I have a class called SqlSiteMapProvider which extends StaticSiteMapProvider to dynamically create the sitemap data for my site. Although I am getting a problem in that whenever I add a page to the database (via the application) it doesnt' seem to appear in the site map, even though  the data is saving to the database .
If I edit the class, save and refresh the app, then the page does appear.
Can anyone think of why this might be? Or know how I can fix it. Is there some kind of application refresh that I need to do or something?

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Sql Data Not Updating In Sitemap Class

May 17, 2007

 Hi I have already posted this yesterday ( but think it might have been lost by the wayside, can anyone help me?
I have a class called SqlSiteMapProvider which extends StaticSiteMapProvider to dynamically create the sitemap data for my site. Although I am getting a problem in that whenever I add a page to the database (via the application) it doesnt' seem to appear in the site map, even though  the data is saving to the database .
If I edit the class, save and refresh the app, then the page does appear.
Can anyone think of why this might be? Or know how I can fix it. Is there some kind of application refresh that I need to do or something?

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GetXpDeleteFileFormat: No Results On Google!

May 27, 2008

Maintenance plan cleanup task is failing on one of my client servers with the following message:

Method not found: 'System.String Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.DatabaseMaintenance .TaskUIUtils.GetXpDeleteFileFormat(Boolean, Boolean)'.

A google search for "GetXpDeleteFileFormat" returns zero results, as does a search of the MS website.

Any clues?

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SiteMap Query Notification In Web Farm Scenario

Feb 11, 2007

I have designed a SiteMap provider for SQL Server. But I am worried about the notification service of SQL Server. My SiteMap requires service broker enabled in SQL Server. When I have web farm (multiple clustered server) does the Sql Server service broker notify all the web servers? Or, it notifies only the server request?
Have anubody implement such scenario? Looking forward for your reply.
Sincere Regards,Sultan

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Custom SiteMap - Search By Several Strings In One Query

Mar 4, 2008

I am building myself a datadriven menu control and I have got one table where I store all menu items as rows. On each row there is a column for roles, in this column I have added one or several roles as a string. Today I can retrieve all menu items (rows) for a requested role, but how can I retrieve menu items for two or more roles? I have each role inserted as rows in a temp table (@Role), if that makes it easier?DECLARE @Role TABLE (     role varchar(15)) SELECT SiteMap.Id, SiteMap.Title, SiteMap.UrlFROM SiteMapWHERE (CHARINDEX(@Roles, SiteMap.Roles) > 0 ) Regards, Sigurd

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Google Like Full Text Search

Jul 15, 2004


I have a Full-Text Catalog that is populated by various columns in a few different tables. I have been able to create a stored procedure that will search across all of the different full-text columns and return me the results.

My problem is, if the someone searches for
hello world
then to my understanding I want to use FREETEXTTABLE to return my results (I actually get 0 results if I use CONTAINSTABLE)

If someone searches for
"hello world"
then I want to use CONTAINSTABLE because FREETEXTTABLE returns too many results.

And now the biggest problem would be, if someone searches for
"hello world" program
I would somehow need to use CONTAINSTABLE for the phrase and FREETEXTTABLE for 'program'. The SQL to accomplish something like this would probably be very ugly (if possible at all)

Can anyone give me any suggestions on this matter? I'm trying to create a google like search on a database which contains text and files (as BLOBs).

Thanks in advance

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