Aug 7, 1999Can someone explain ..what is the basic difference between TSQL Stmts Grant and Revoke?
A reply will be highly appreciated
Can someone explain ..what is the basic difference between TSQL Stmts Grant and Revoke?
A reply will be highly appreciated
How can I set / view column privileges.
I want to remove the select privilege from a salary column to a certain group of users.
GRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[TblAreaCatmap] TO [admin] prevent grant from being automaticly add to each column?
Is there a way when you issue a grant select to a table or a view to not also grant select for each column.
The problem is when you use the grant command it automaticly adds the grant command to each column. I want to grant the permission at the table level so when the table is scripted it only has a single grant command instead of a grant for the table and a grant for each column which is not needed.
The sql managemnt studion interface will allow you to do this but onlt by using the interface. If you issue the above command from a query window it also creates A GRANT FOR EVERY COLUMN. How can I stop this behavior.
I am writing a stored procedure which updates a table, but when I run the stored procedure using a login that I have granted execute privileges on, then I get a message that I cannot run an update on the table. This would happen in dynamic sql... while my SQL has parameter references, I don't think it is considered dynamic SQL?
CREATE PROCEDURE [schemaname].[SetUserCulture]
@UserID int
, @Culture nvarchar(10)
UPDATE dbo.SecUser
SET Culture = @Culture
WHERE UserID = @UserID
execute SQL:
EXEC schemaname.SetUserCulture @UserID = 9, @Culture = N'x'
The UPDATE permission was denied on the object 'SecUser', database 'DatabaseName', schema 'schemaname'.
In SQL Server 2005 SP2 I want to grant the ability to create views to a user but in order to do this it requires that the users has the ability to grant alter on a schema.
Is there any way to grant this privilage without granting alter on schema also?
Have a certificate and symmetric key that i have used the following to GRANT to logins. How can I find out which SQL logins have the GRANT CONTROL and GRANT VIEW DEFINTION?
Hey, how come
REVOKE ALL FROM mepuser, mepnotes
Doesn't work?
I still see execute permissions
I've used the following:
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb 'USE [?];
And this is what I get:
Msg 15182, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Cannot disable access to the guest user in master or tempdb.
Msg 15182, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Cannot disable access to the guest user in master or tempdb.
Msg 15151, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Cannot find the user 'GUEST', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
Msg 15151, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Cannot find the user 'GUEST', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
Msg 15151, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Cannot find the user 'GUEST', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
When I do this:
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb 'USE [?];
SELECT ''[?]'' AS DBName,* FROM sysusers;'
The guest sid for all tables shows 0x00, is this the reason I get above errors?
I have written an stored proc that reads from a text file and executesthe script as dynamic sql.If the text file contains malicious code,I want to be able to detect itand prevent the stored procedure from executing.I've tried revoking delete,insert,update rights all tables in thedatabase to the user .I then granted execute rights to the stored procedure for the sameuser. But the user is still able to delete a record from the table byexecuting the stored procedure.Is there any means to I revoke,insert,delete ,update rights to a storedproc?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDear All,
I need to revoke execute permission from sp_configure (SP) from a user named(a) which do not exists in master database.
Mohd sufian
HI, I have set up a database with 5 users, USER1 has default schema USER1, USER2 has default schema USER2 and so on. My problem is that I want to revoke select permission on schema USER1 to user USER2. I issued the following TSQL in SSMS:
Even though I did that, I can still log on as USER2 and be able to issue SELECT statements on USER1 schema tables. The only way I can do to avoid the SELECT on USER1 schema is to DENY select on USER1 schema. Is it normal?
Thank you for your help,
Hi Guys,
We are using MS SQL 2005. I am ask to remove the PUBLIC rights to the objects listed in the following query in the master DB:
SELECT,,sysprotects.action FROM sysobjects, sysusers, sysprotects WHERE = AND sysprotects.uid = sysusers.uid AND sysprotects.protecttype = 205
I keep having the "Cannot find the object [Objectname], because it does not exists or you do not have permission."
How do I create a query to remove the PUBLIC rights at a single run. (There are total of 1660 items, please dun ask me to write the DENY or REVOKE statement 1660 time )
How do I DENY the rights for objects starting with the prefix "dm_" or items like "TABLE PRIVILEGES"
Thanks guys Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
I am trying to clean up security. When I check tables in a specific database I see a list of users with select access. There are 1000+ tables in the database. I know I can do 'revoke select on table_name to user_name' ....
View 3 Replies View RelatedHi everyone. I am having difficulties with a cursor that I am trying to write. The purpose of the cursor is to loop through all tables in a selected Database and revoke "Select" access to that table for the indicated role (RoleToRevoke). I am getting the error on the @name variable within the REVOKE statement. I have placed a comment indicating where I am getting the error. Is there a way to have sql server interpret this @name variable within the REVOKE statement? Thanks for your help.
Code Snippet
USE [Database_Name];
Declare cursorExample Cursor for
from information_schema.tables
Where TABLE_TYPE='Base Table'
and TABLE_SCHEMA='dbo'
Declare @name as varchar(255)
Declare @ErrorSave as int
Declare @ErrorCount as int
Open cursorExample
Fetch Next from cursorExample into @name
SET @ErrorSave = 0
SET @ErrorCount = 0
Begin Tran
While @@Fetch_Status=0
--Getting Error on Line below on @name
IF (@@ERROR <> 0)
Print 'Error Revoking Access to Table: ' + CAST(@name AS varchar(75))
SELECT @ErrorCount = @ErrorCount + 1
IF (@@ERROR = 0)
Print 'Successful Revoking Select Rights on Table: ' + CAST(@name AS varchar(75))
SELECT @ErrorSave = @ErrorSave + 1
Fetch Next from cursorExample into @name
IF @ErrorCount = 0
PRINT 'Total Tables Affected:' + CAST(@ErrorSave AS varchar(75))
Close cursorExample
Deallocate cursorExample
I have a sql server 2012 server and I need to prevent the users from creating new schemas by mistake. Is there any way to revoke that permission alone but still letting the user to create their own objects in dbo (yes I know that shouldn't be in dbo but that is another issue).
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan we remove execute access to the public role to all the system stored procedures ? Has anyone done this & are there any issues with doing this for lockdown. Let meknow
I was wondering, how do I make a user for my php app, like I do in MySQL?
so here i go explaining my problem: I create an empty database. then I use the .net aspregsql tool to make the tables and the procs and everything, and it does. when i view my database it has the 11 empty tables the sprocs and the roles and everything. BUT when I open up the "asp website configuration" to add some users, it gives the following error:EXECUTE permission denied on object 'aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion', database 'masfeni_fakebetsdb', owner 'dbo'.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have created a table with ..
username, password, grant
username and password are nvarchar
grant is a bit
I want to check the availability of the username and password and then check if it is granted to access or not ..
so I made a selection query for getting the grant when username ==x and password = y
x=data come from another page
y=data come from another page
then put the selected grant or deny ( true or false) in a data set ..
and then check if it is grant ( true) to complete what I want >>>
else ( deny ....( false )) to return a reponse of deny username or password...
but everytime the dataset is empty ..
this is my code ...
SqlDataAdapter da=new SqlDataAdapter("select grant_deny from users where username='"+Request.QueryString["username"]+"' and password='"+Request.QueryString["password"]+"'",sqlConnection1);
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["grant_deny"].ToString()=="true")
what is wrong ..??
and if there is anyone has another solution for what I want .. I appriciate any sample code,...
thanks in advance..
Hello All,
I have 2 logins
1. Login1 ( has dbo permissons)
2. Login2 ( Data reader )
I have Created a table Tbl1 using Login1 ,
I have used grant statement to give select permissons to Login2
When I connect to the database using Login2 and use the T-Sql :- Select *
from Tbl1 , I get an error saying Invalid object name 'Tbl1'.
Thanks in Advance
Hi all,
Can I grant select only permission on all objects in the database? I have users that I need to give view access only on stored procedures, triggers, and functions. Thanks.
how to grant alter table and set identity insert column permission in sql server 2005,
help is apprecitate
I want one of my database users to be able to grant execute to procedures, but I don't want the user to have sys admin rights.
Is this possible. Kind of a statement like the following:
Thanks in advance
I want to Grant permission for a table which is residing at another server's database. I have added the server as a linked server to my database and i am able to do all DML (Insert, Update, Delete) operations from the source server to the target server's table. But i am not able to Grant permission for the table.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI am trying to write a SQL script that grants execute permissions on all stored procedures for a single user (test_user).
I am running SQL server 2005
Does anyone have a script to do this.
Many thanks
hi to all,
can anyone tell me what is differences between take ownership and control permission in sql server 2005?
thank you
honey sachdeva
I need to check if any user in the database is assigned any permissionWITH GRANT OPTION. Please let me know how do I check this. Also let meknow if assigning rights WITH GRANT OPTION is possible from enterprisemanager.Thanks in advanceKamal
View 1 Replies View Relatedhello,
what permission do I need to grant to a user to let him to read a table in a linked server object?
is there a way to grants object privileges on
all tables of database to an user?
like this:
grant select, insert, update, delete on <all tables> to usernamedb
Is it possible to grant all privilege for all tables of a specified database through script? Because i have to send the script to user side and i can't do it manually in Enterprise Manager.regards,
View 1 Replies View Relatedit is possible to grant all privilege (CRUD) to specified table to user. But, now, i want to grant all privilege (CRUD) of all tables, views, sp, ... of database to the user. is it possible?regards,
View 5 Replies View RelatedGRANT SEND ON SERVICE::SqlQueryNotificationService TO guestI need to run that T-SQL command to allow Query Notifications and I keep getting this error.Cannot find the service 'QueryNotificationService', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.I am logged in with my user account with Administrator rights along with just about every permission I can think of for the SQL Server account. I even logged in as SA and it also fails when trying to run this command. This is being done on SQL Express. So I also logged into my Windows 2003 Server with a fresh install of SQL Server 2005 Dev Edition and this also fails with the same error.Clearly I need some permission correction or something else is missing from both installations.Please help!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI run the following query...using sql analyzer dbo.aCVChangeSQLPassword 'user1','user1',''I am logged in as user1 in the sql analyzer...It chnages my password, in sql server, however gives me this message...Grantor does not have GRANT permission.Password changed.(1 row(s) affected)Server: Msg 4613, Level 16, State 1, Procedure aCVChangeSQLPassword, Line 27Grantor does not have GRANT permission.
Line no 27 has the folliwng code that I execute...
exec sp_password @old,@new,null