Dear SQL Server users,
I would like to build a Graphical User Interface for my MS SQL Server 7.0 database.
Should I use Visual Studio, Visual Basic, or Dalphi?
I am new to this community. Any advice will be appreciated.
Thank You.
Is there a way to leave the graphical 'Include Execution Plan' on by default in SSMS? I don't know how many times I run a long-running query, say to myself, "wow, that took a while; I wonder what the execution plan looks like?" only to realize that I left it turned off. Now I have to turn it on, and wait for the query to run again. I'm guessing there's a setting in the options somewhere to always leave it on, but I'm not sure where
Has anyone created a report that shows something like performance monitor, but shows only SQL CPU use. I would be interested to see which users cause high CPU use, at what moments in time is SQL processing high and what queries are causing the processor to spike.
Do you guys use a graphical tool for building SQL - like MS Query? I know its lazy but it does save lots of typing for long multiple-table queries. Also, the graphical drag-drop method of adding relationships in Access would seem much quicker than adding rules thru sql.
SQL Server 2008 R2. SQL Server Management Studio 2016 CTP2. I am looking for a tool where I could create and save a nice graphical layout of some tables in a database and their relation to each other (how they join or connect). I get something like this in the Query Editor, where it shows the fields and joins of tables as I select them. However, I cannot save this representation to show say in a PowerPoint or Word document (Visio, etc.).
Is there a tool that would enable me to create a nice document showing my tables and their relationships, which would also allow me to annotate each table with notes about the fields, etc.?
I searched and found a reference to "Visual Database Tools" which is supposed to be part of Management Studio 2016. However, I cannot find such a set of tools listed anywhere in my menus.
I want to be able to load and unload, byte-for-byte, a file to and from a field of data type IMAGE in a SQL Server CE database. The files are larger than 8000 bytes so IMAGE appears to be the way to go data type wise.
I'm using VB 2008 but pseudocode for any VS language would be awesome.
I was able to do this without much effort using ADODB and its stream object, fetching a recordset object and updating the appropriate data field one "chunk" of bytes at a time. I cannot for the life of me find a way of doing this using, for example, a SqlCeResultSet.
I've tried using ADODB to connect to a SqlCe SDF database file, using a connection string that I found online, and am able to write action and select queries successfully against the database... but when I try and return a recordset that is updatable, it returns an error. So no help there.
I've searched other threads in the forums, and online in general, and I've found information on loading/unloading graphic files using a memoryStream and the toArray method thereof, but this will not work as many of the files I want to load and unload as BLOBs are not graphical in nature. FileStreams do not implement the toArray method, so I can't just stream an arbitrary file's worth of bytes that way. I also do not want to change the original file in any fashion--e.g., a hash of the source file should be identical to the file after it has been loaded into the data field and then unloaded into a new file.
I did a little bit of looking in the forums for something like this, but I wasn't able to find anything. In essence, I am looking to create a web form in ASP.NET which will emulate the SQL Server Query Analyzer Tool... eventually what I'd like to see: - A dropdown of different connection strings, to connect to different databases -A multi-line textbox where a user could type in a query (be it a SELECT, CREATE, UPDATE, or multiple queries at once) -A gridview object for results -A multiline textbox to contain server output ("the command completed successfully", "xxx rows returned", "syntax at line 3 not recognized", etc) I can do the first 3 without any difficulty, but I have absolutely no idea where to start with the server output. Anyone have any ideas? It does not need to be secure, as the only databases they'll have access to will be "test" databases and the pages will not be publicly hosted (LAN only)
Does any one know abt the web interface for managing SQL SERVER I would like to create database,create tables create users, modify, insert data etc.. over the web
i belive there are interfaces are available on the net
HELP!!! I've looked at a few, but none of them support insert and update. I hate to say it, but the Access inteface is better, but uses a different SQL than SQL Server. :(
I am getting "writing conflict" or "Update or Cancel Update Without AddNew or Edit" errors even though there is nobody else updating the same record. I use Access Form as interface, the DBMS is MS SQL Server 2000 Standart Edition. I did not write any code for the form and its AllowEdits property is set to Yes.
Can anybody tell me what is the problem and how I can fix it?
Power pivot graph. I do have different transaction names, dates, count, exec time with me, I need to display each transaction execution day, execution time in graph format. Suppose execution time is on Y axis and Exec time is on X-axis then to display the which transaction takes more time for execution.I have Query just I need to display in graphical format
Since SQL Server only provide 8 languages by default where swedish is not one of them how am I supposed to get a swedish interface in my report manager? Are there any language packs one can download. I saw a solution where the language in the ReportViewer were overridden by implementing its interface. Is this possible to do in the report manager as well? It would be good if it was possible to have swedish in the report builder also.
Hello,I would like to know if it is possible to create a form in Access2000,which would function like a calendar for 8 operating rooms inhospital, showing which hours are those closed for a specific date.For this intersection I would like to be appeared the name of thedoctor, the name of the patient and the kind of operation.Furthemore I would like this intersection to be marked in the calendarwith a colour, showing that this room is closed for that time.The data for this form are going to be extracted from a table storedin SQL Server 2000.Generally the whole application is stored in SQL Server( storedprocedures, tables, diagrams etc.)1)How this can be done? Is this going to be through VB or not? Can Imake a template in Excel spreadsheet put it in a formand apply code on it?I would like also to make forms(in Access) for user-entry data thatwill use stored procedures of SQL Server with pushing the OK button.The stored procedures would take as arguments the user-entry data fromtheforms.I thought to make a pass-through query which would use a VB functionand would take as arguments the user's valuesand after would pass these values in the stored procedures.2)Can this be done through the pass-through query, that is SqlServer "understands" VB or better Access pass-through query processthe VB commands before be connected with the Sql Server?What do you think of this as an idea?My problem is that I really don't know how to combine VB code withTransact Sql code.Can you give an example or any ideas where I can find the relativeinformation?Thanks you in advance.
Hello,What could possibly cause data in the SQL server database to beremoved, except being deleted manually? We had a couple of situationswhere data in certain records disappeared although the records werestill there. The data is entered and editted through the web interfacein ASP. The web interface is accessed by anyone who has an account inour database.I am more of a web programmer, not a SQL server administrator, so notvery familiar with SQL Server log or error tracking. If you cansuggest any way to track this kind of events (data disappearing), Iwould appreciate it very much.HB Kim
I just finished an OLEDB interface written in VS2005 C++ that works with Sql Server Compact Edition 3.1. My team now wants me to make my interface compatible with Sql Server 2000, 2005, and 2005 Express. My question is...what header/lib files do I need installed and in my stdafx.h to pull this off? Is there a particular order I need to include these files in?
Right now I'm just including the following for SSCE:
#include <ssceerr30.h>
#include <ssceoledb30.h>
Once I get the right includes figured out, the next step is figuring out what CLSID's I should use in the CoCreateInstance call. I *think* I'm supposed to use CLSID_SQLOLEDB for 2000, CLSID_SQLNCLI for 2005, and I haven't a clue for 2005 Express. I could use some clarification on this as well.
Thanks a ton in advance...I've always been impressed by the MSDN boards...
I want to created composite primary key using MS SQL Server Enterprise Manager Interface. I want to use Interface instead of writing it in CREATE Table statement. I was able to create foreign key using this Interface using the "Manage Relationship" option. But cannot find how to add primary key consisting of two fields. Any help regarding this is highly appreciated.
Hi, I need to implement command line interface to SQL Server 2000 ... I have no idea from where to begin... What programming environment? What language? From where and how to connect to db? I'll be glad to accept any ideas. Thank you
I was able to view the MDS entity through web interface. But now when i click on web interface I am not able to view it from internet explorer and Mozilla firefox. However when I try it from a different laptop with my login I am able to see the MDS entities. I tried reinstalling the Microsoft silver light but am still facing the same issue.I also have all the required access for viewing the entities..Is there any settings that I have to do for the explorer so that I will be able to view the entitites .
Hello, does anyone hate the new interface where you manage the Table Relationships, Indexes, and etc?
I hate it a lot for these reasons. 1) Dialog window cannot be resized (really really annoying) 2) The Table-Relationship configuration dialog window is not as convenient to use as SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager.
I hope this is the correct place to provide feedback and I hope this will get modified a bit in the next service pack (or) update....
I have a 3 tier app and want to build a dedicated network between the app server and it's DB server. Both machines have an interface on the main network and also an interface on the dedicated network. I want to force all the SQL traffic (or even all traffic if that is the only solution) between the app and it's SQL server onto the dedicated network......?
I'm developing a database-driven program using SQL server 2000 and Visual Basic 2005.
Most of the guys say professional programming is doing the validation stuff (such as the constraints and data integrity stuff like" [0-9][1] " and the use of LIKE IN keywords etc.) in the databse itself.
say i did the data validation contraints in SQL server itself. and now i connect the database with the interface made in 2005. and say a person enters some invalid data through the interface. but the error messages are generated by SQL server. how am i to display the SQL server generated error messages in the VB made interface??
PLS HELP ME .. if the question is not clear pls tell so that i can explain it further.
I'm developing a database-driven program using SQL server 2000 and Visual Basic 2005.
Most of the guys say professional programming is doing the validation stuff (such as the constraints and data integrity stuff like" [0-9][1] " and the use of LIKE IN keywords etc.) in the databse itself.
say i did the data validation contraints in SQL server itself. and now i connect the database with the interface made in 2005. and say a person enters some invalid data through the interface. but the error messages are generated by SQL server. how am i to display the SQL server generated error messages in the VB made interface??
PLS HELP ME .. if the question is not clear pls tell so that i can explain it further.
First-time poster (and very new to ASP.NET, so please be patient) - I am using VS 2005. I have an ASP.Net 2.0 app that is using Forms Authentication and a Login server control with AspNetSqlMembershipProvider. I have an instance of ASPNETDB.MDF in the App_Data directory on my local machine and all works well (or at least as expected). I used the Copy Web Site function to port the app (including the ASPNETDB.MDF files) to my production platform, where I encounter the error mentioned in the subject line. I have found posts (both here and other forums) that mention enabling TCP/IP using Surface Area Configuartion Utility, SQL Server Browser are exempt from firewall, and a few other things. My production machine does not have SQL SVR 2005 installed nor SQL SVR Express. Do I have to install SQL Server Express onto my production platform in order to resolve this, or is there another means (something in SQL Server 2005 Management Studio on my local machine) that will enable me to do this on the production machine?Also, I have been told that it is possible to use a database on another machine as the data store for authentication. Does anyone know how to do that? This would make the first question moot.Thanks in advance!
Hello allWould it be possible to migrate the MS Access 2000 to MS SQL Server2000?My application is using MS Access 2000 as database and as userinterface such as forms. Now, I want to migrate the backend databasefrom MS Access 2000 to MS SQL Server 2000. However, I want to keep theMS Access 2000 interface. Would it be possible?If I migrate the MS Access to SQL Server, would the queries, back-endVBA, macro, tables and forms be affected? Do I need to change the MSAccess data type to SQL server supported data type?Which tool I can use to do the migration? Upsizing wizard or exportingthe Access database and then importing it to the SQL server?Thanks in advanceCheersBon
Hi all. I'm not sure if this is the correct place for this question, so my apologies if it should be in another section.
I need to build a simple QA (quality assurance) DB for my company (a small physician group). I have the DB built in Access, but would much prefer to put it in SQL Server for reasons of stability, security, and access control.
What I would like to do is build a web interface to this DB so the users can just click an IE shortcut on their desktop, and be able to enter information via the browser like they would in a form in MS Access.
What would be the best way of going about building something like this? My background is as an analyst, so I'm unsure when it comes to actually building a front-end.
Sorry if this question is simplistic or if it has already been answered, and thank you in advance for any assistance you may lend.
I am working on the project for Health Care Provider. They use HL7 interface to data sources. Any other interface is not an option. I need to address following scenarios for daily ETL jobs:
Pull analyses results for patients based on certain criteria to my database (SQL2005). Hundreds of results per day. Verify list of patients against master list thru HL7 and update data elements that has changed. There are millions of patients I am considering using WEB Services task in SSIS for scenario 1. Scenario 2 is more complicated because of the volume of data. I am considering using BizTalk for this one. Can BizTalk handle this scenario? Is there is more efficient way?