hi guyz i am trying to trap the duplicate records . cannot trap the below dupes any idea. i also used ltrim and rtrim it still thinking it is a duplicate but it is not. what is the best way doing it.
select count(*) , muzenbr from muzealbums_1 where muzenbr = '1000082' group by MuzeNbr, PNOTES, CNOTES, CAT3, Performer having count(*) > 1
MuzeNbr nvarchar no 14 yes (n/a) (n/a) SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
PNOTES nvarchar no -1 yes (n/a) (n/a) SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
CNOTES nvarchar no -1 yes (n/a) (n/a) SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
CAT3 nvarchar no -1 yes (n/a) (n/a) SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
Performer nvarchar no 510 yes (n/a) (n/a) SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
//we're not using system shell to process execution
startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
//adding start info
setupProcess.StartInfo = startInfo;
setupProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
setupProcess.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(setupProcess_OutputDataReceived);
setupProcess.ErrorDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(setupProcess_ErrorDataReceived);
setupProcess.Exited += new EventHandler(setupProcess_Exited);
//running the process
return (setupProcess.Start());
private string BuildCommandLine()
string strCommandLine = null;
if (this.sqlSecurityMode)
strCommandLine = "/qb";
strCommandLine += " ADDLOCAL=All";
strCommandLine += " SECURITYMODE=SQL";
strCommandLine += " SQLACCOUNT=" + sqlAccount;
strCommandLine += " SQLPASSWORD=" + sqlPassword;
strCommandLine += " AGTACCOUNT=" + sqlAccount;
strCommandLine += " AGTPASSWORD=" + sqlPassword;
strCommandLine += " ASACCOUNT=" + sqlAccount;
strCommandLine += " ASPASSWORD=" + sqlPassword;
strCommandLine += " SAPWD=" + SysadminPassword;
return strCommandLine;
return strCommandLine;
When I specify command with literal value it works fine but when I try to use function or variable installer prompt error message:
SQL Server Setup could not validate the service accounts. Either the service accounts have not been provided for all of the services being installed, or the specified username or password is incorrect. For each service, specify a valid username, password, and domain, or specify a built-in system account.
I don't know why it's wrong and be gracefull for help
Hello all,The followinq qurey returns sometimes values of null to some of this columns, byK,byT,byD. the column F wil not contains any nulls, and 0 will be populated in it at any case of .Now, the problem is that when sorting out F the sort will not work when there is null parameters in byK because teh fact that a 0 values is greater then NULL value, and the sort of F will not take in considiration. So I guess the question is how can I sort NULL values and 0 values to be the same weight in the sort by command? SELECT A.gym_id as gym,s_id, week, gym_name, boxer, league, sum(points) points,sum(byK)as byK, sum(byT) as byT,sum(byPoints) as byPoints , sum(byD) as byD, count(C.gym) as F FROM A inner JOIN B ON A.gym_id = B.gym_id left JOIN C ON A.gym_id = C.gym WHERE (B.l_id = ?text group by A.gym_id order by points DESC,byK DESC,byT DESC, byPoints DESC, byD DESC,F ASC
Hello, I tried to use bookmarks in OLEDB consumer templates and I have problems with using MoveToBookmark. This method sets cursor position correctly on bookmarked row, but it seems to me it doesn't set the right cursor position in DB. When I call MovePrev after MoveToBookmark, I will not get previous row of the bookmarked row. Simplified Example - I get bookmark of the first row, then move to the 3th row. Call MoveToBookmark (current row is no the first row). But when I call MovePrev I'will not get DB_S_ENDOFROWSET but the second row:
MoveFirst() bk = GetBookmark() MoveNext() MoveNext() // Now I'm on third row MoveToBookmark(bk) GetData() - Now I get data from 1st row MovePrev() GetData() - Now I get data from the second row!!
All calls to OLEDB returs S_OK. Does somebody now, whats wrong?
I define one of my columns as FLOAT. Some of the values are negative and positive with precision 8 or 12. When I run updates against that column and then check the data all values are 0.
I have an XML file that my XML Source component is accessing. I have noticed that is possible to set a column in the external metadata collection to a certain datatype and the matching output column to a different datatype and this doesn't not generate a warning like it does with other source components (e.g. Flat File Source Adapter).
Try it. Set a column in your external metadata to have a datatype of DT_WSTR. Set the matching output column to DT_UI8. You will NOT get a validation error. I think you should.
This behaviour was noticed on RTM (i.e. no service pack installed) by the way.
I've my SSIS Packages, having multiple Configuration stored in SQL Server Table named [SSIS Configurations].
And it's devloped on BHUDEV Server ON Devlopmentdb Database. So durring development Default Cofigurations are set for BHUDEV Server.
Problem is that when I install my Package on SQL Server on different Server for example JOHN, and now my database is ProductionDB and [SSIS Configurations] table will be on ProductionDB database. And I've made required changes in [SSIS Configurations] table. So when I run the Package even then it picks configuration information from BHUDEV.Developmentdb.dbo.[SSIS Configurations] table. That's my problem.
But If when during execution time, I change the connection information then it works fine.
Is SQL 2000 clustering on windows 2000 any good ??
We are looking at spending *quite* a bit of money to implement it, but I need opinions of what its like from the people that actually use it & look after it.
DOES IT WORK LIKE IT SHOULD???????? Is it reliable? Is it resource hungry? Are there lots of bugs?
All repsonses very welcome. No response too small.
Does sseutil work properly on vista? I need a way to programmatically detach a user instance on Vista. The following launches and runs ok on XP. Doesn't run on Vista? Is there some problem with Process on Vista? sseutil runs ok from the command line in Vista.
public void DetachDatabase(string filePath) { ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("SSEUtil.exe"); startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal; //.Hidden; startInfo.Arguments = "-d "" + filePath + """; Process detachProcess = Process.Start(startInfo); while(!detachProcess.HasExited) { Thread.Sleep(1000); }
I try to go to a command prompt to get this to run right with no luck. Is there something that I am not doing right? It gives me the help library, but thats about it. Also, I have dealt with Oracle in the past. And was wondering is there a way to access the SQLCMD utility on a workstation with a login of some kind?
I have an expression in a precedence constraint that is returning false when it should return true. This is the expression that returns false:
((5500 / 9990) * 100) > 10
The following expression returns true. I did the division (5500 / 9990) myself and substituted the resulting value:
((0.55055055055055055055055055055055) * 100) > 10
Why is the first expression returning false? I'm stuck in the mud up to my axles on this and I know I'll probably feel like a fool when I learn the answer...
Hi Friends "I wonder why the boolean values Set to "Disable Property" using expressions does not work as expected (though Precedence constraints work fine). I find no way to disable individual task. "
I have a boolen variable V, (False) enabled by default at design time for a task T, I disable T based on a condition (if A ! = 'a') during runtime.
Now first time when I run the Package, Task gets disabled (works fine on the condition given). However T gets permanently disabled even after we stop debug mode, which is not the expected behavior. Further on when you run, it wont work at all.
Is it true that a task disabled at design time cannot be enabled during runtime via expressions ?
If things are working fine in your case, pls let me know what settings are required.
I have a query taken from a Crystal Report, and I've been working to modify it for a slightly different purpose. Â The initial report was designed to take an input of an end date, go back to the last day of the previous month, get Actuals (sales totals), then add up all sales, costs, and purchases up to the end date, then display assorted data.
The new query needs to take a begin date and and end date, go back to the last day of the previous month for actuals, add all sales, costs, and purchases to those actuals until it gets to the begin date. Â That is now the new Actual, and we need to sum up all transactions from then to the end date.
My problem lies in the fact that I can't get the query to add up the numbers.
The query is here:
SELECT DailyReport.Store, DailyReport.Report_Date, sum(dailyreport_Detail.sales) as Sales, sum(dailyreport_detail.actual) as Actual, sum(dailyreport_detail.cost) as Cost, CompanyGroups.Category, DailyReport_Detail.Product, CompanyGroups.Retail_Inv FROM (`DailyReport` `DailyReport` INNER JOIN `DailyReport_Detail` `DailyReport_Detail` ON
I'm pretty new to DTS, so forgive me if this is basic. I created a simple DTS package to run a query and export it to a text file. I can execute the package fine from my workstation through EM, but when I try to execute the job to run the package I get this error: Error = -2147467259 (80004005) Error string: Error opening datafile: Access is denied.
I think that maybe SQL Agent doesn't have the right permissions to write to that network drive. What should the permissions be?
This is probably very simple, but I can't get passed this problem.
I have a report in MS Access that uses info generated by a query. One of the text fields in the query contains either the word 'Select' or the name of a course. The report should display a space if the value is 'Select', or the actual value of the field in any other case. The field can never contain a null value.
I've used: =IIf([optVoc1]="Select","",[optVoc1]) in the text box on the report, but this only returns #error regardless of the actual content of the field.
I create and schedule a SQL job to run every minute to update a table base on certain condition but it doesn't work. Job history says successful every time but the table doesn't get updated.
However if I move it to Query Analyzer and run it under dba, it will work. Thinking that it may have to do with the user the job run as, I then change run as user from self to dba. But still SQL job won't update my table.
Anything about user permission or security that I can check? Or it there any other possibility?
When I run the select its fine but I cannot delete..... i have done this many times and it has worked.... I cannot see the error what am i missing
select eqnow.empnumber, eqnow_names.empnumber, eqnow_names.names --delete from eqnow inner join eqnow_names on eqnow.empnumber = eqnow_names.empnumber where eqnow_names.names is null
i get this error Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 4 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'inner'.
When I try to install the problem I get the following error.
The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually."
The log tells me nothing useful. I can't start the thing manually because after clicking cancel on the error message, the installer proceeds to roll back the installation.
This is the autogenerated code from the SelectCommand of my DataAdapter, except the red text. This DataAdapter is used to fill a DataGrid. What I want to do, is to calculate the total memory (4 slots) / PC.This code makes the sum of all memory of all PC's together.I'm not sure if the group by clause is needed here ...Me.OleDbSelectCommand1.CommandText = "SELECT PC.ID, PC.Nummer, PC.Netwerknaam, Case_Type.Type AS Case_Type, Processor_T" & _"ype.Type AS Processor_Type, Processor_Snelheid.Snelheid AS Processor_Snelheid, " & _"(SELECT SUM(Memory) FROM Memory, PC, RAM WHERE RAM.PcID = PC.ID AND RAM.GrootteID = Memory.ID)" & _"AS Memory, OS.Naam AS OS, OS_SP.Nummer AS OS_SP, Gebru" & _"iker.Naam AS Gebruiker_Naam, Status.Status, PC.Tagged FROM (Status RIGHT OUTER J" & _"OIN ((((((((PC LEFT OUTER JOIN (RAM LEFT OUTER JOIN Geheugen ON RAM.GrootteID = " & _"Geheugen.ID) ON PC.ID = RAM.PcID) LEFT OUTER JOIN Case_Type ON PC.Case_TypeID = " & _"Case_Type.ID) LEFT OUTER JOIN OS_SP ON PC.OS_SpID = OS_SP.ID) LEFT OUTER JOIN Ge" & _"bruiker ON PC.GebruikersID = Gebruiker.ID) LEFT OUTER JOIN Processor_Snelheid ON" & _" PC.Processor_SnelheidID = Processor_Snelheid.ID) LEFT OUTER JOIN Processor_Type" & _" ON PC.Processor_TypeID = Processor_Type.ID) LEFT OUTER JOIN OS ON PC.OsID = OS." & _"ID) LEFT OUTER JOIN Switchbox_Details ON PC.ID = Switchbox_Details.PcID) ON Stat" & _"us.ID = PC.StatusID) GROUP BY PC.ID, PC.Nummer, PC.Netwerknaam, Case_Type.Type, " & _"Processor_Type.Type, Processor_Snelheid.Snelheid, OS.Naam, OS_" & _"SP.Nummer, Gebruiker.Naam, Status.Status, PC.Tagged"I would like to know how to calculate the total memory for each separate PC.Hope you can help me.
I try to copy a DB from one server to another. On the target server an older version of the DB has been deleted and I now try to attach the new version using "sp_attach_db DBname, Filelocation", but I always get an error "Device Activation error. The physical file name 'D:mssql7dataAgency_log.ldf' may be incorrect" "Database 'Agency' cannot be Created"
To me it seems that the database is looking for the log files (now deleted). I've tried forcing a new log file I created using the same locations for the mdfs. I've tried using create a new database and replace the mdf file, but nothing works.
I wanted to create a new trigger, but Enterprise Manager tells me about an "Incorrect syntax near @UpdatedByID, line 28". I double-checked everything, but it still does not work :mad: .
Any hints :confused: ?
Here is the statement (line 28 is marked with ***):
CREATE TRIGGER TransferToABII ON [dbo].[CALGeneral] FOR INSERT AS BEGIN TRANSACTION BEGIN DECLARE @Event varchar(255), @BBaseUID int, @StartDate smalldatetime, @EndDate smalldatetime, @Details varchar(255), @AddressID int, @ProjectID int, @UpdatedByID int, @ActID int, @EventID int
BEGIN EXEC BrainBase.dbo.BB_NEW_CREATE_NoteTask_Ret *** (@UpdatedByID, @AddressID, @ProjectID, @BBaseUID, @StartDate, GetDate(), @Event, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, @Details text, @ActID = @ActID OUTPUT, @EventID = @EventID OUTPUT) END BEGIN UPDATE CALGeneral SET ActID = @ActID WHERE ID = INSERTED.ID END END
I'm combining first name, last name, middle name, and an ID number together into an alias. Then I need to match that alias with a variable passed to the page (its a search results page). The problem is it claims that there is no table with the name of my alias. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
A mockup of the SQL looks like this:
SELECT UserID, Last_Name + ', ' + First_Name + ' ' + Middle_Name + '.' AS name FROM Table WHERE name LIKE 'variable%'
Everything looks right with the results, if I take out the WHERE clause it has name displayed properly and joined together with the rest of the data in the results properly.
Thanks in advance for any help that can be provided!
I have a query that doesn't work when i use 4 name convention instead of a openquery. The msg is below. Anyone know what is going on? Both queries are the same but one doesn't work.
Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' reported an error. [OLE/DB provider returned message: Unspecified error] [OLE/DB provider returned message: [IBM][iSeries Access ODBC Driver][DB2 UDB]CPF5715 - File ORDDET01 in library QTEMP not found.] OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'MSDASQL' IDBSchemaRowset::GetRowset returned 0x80004005: ].
hi all, i made a stored procedure that uses the sp_send_dbmail to send mails. SQL server dislays the message "mail queued" but nothing is recieved
here is the code of the stored procedure i made EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'Exams', @recipients = 'me@domain.com', @Body_format = 'HTML' , @subject = 'Room Preparation' , @body='hi there'; so can anyone help with this issue thanks in advance
I have a drill through that passes four parameters. Three are passed from the current selections in that reports parameters and the fourth needs to be the customer name they click on in the body of the report so it's passed as Fields!fieldname.Value. When I click on the customer name, the drillthough fires but the report simply doesn't load. If I remove the parameter from the field clicked on and just pass the three parameters, it goes to the drill through correctly and that fourth parameter just sets to the default for that parameter in that report.
I can then simply check that parameter and select the value from the list that is exactly the same as the value I was attempting to pass it in the drill through and report refreshes correctly.
Whatever it is, is something in the manner that the value is passed in the drill through specifically.
Hello, I've rescued a MDF and LDF files off a client's old server, and I wanted to attach it to our own, but I can't seem to get the command to work, basically I have these two files, which I've dropped on our server:
So when I do a SP_ATTACH_SINGLE_FILE_DB 'somedb','C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDataMYCLIENTNAME_Data.MDF'
It says the LDF path my be incorrect, and that there's two other files that are missing: MYCLIENTNAME_LOG (no extension) extra_log (no extension)
I thought the whole point of the command is that you only need a single file? Its very hard to go back to the client's old server and try to find these two files, and it doesn't really matter if we loose a bit of data, so long as the bulk of it is available.
Update: I think I've found the answer...its not possible to do this, it really needs all the log files. Any workarounds?