Hi folks. Hopefully this is a simple question. What's the easiest and most efficient way to group by a dateTime field in an SQL query? Here is exactly what I'm trying to do. I have a database table that contains transactions from an email maillog, so there are dateTime entries every second or so. I'm trying to build a query that will group a count of messages per hour for a given day. How can I make an hourly grouping of the total number of messages?
SELECT count(*)
FROM emailTable
WHERE (delivDate >= '2007-10-03 00:00' AND delivDate < '2007-10-03' 01:00)
Thanks, Chris
I'm really stumped on this one. I'm a self taught SQL guy, so there is probobly something I'm overlooking.
I'm trying to get information like this in to a report:
WO# -WO Line # --(Details) --Work Order Line Detail #1 --Work Order Line Detail #2 --Work Order Line Detail #3 --Work Order Line Detail #etc --(Parts) --Work Order Line Parts #1 --Work Order Line Parts #2 --Work Order Line Detail #etc WO# -WO Line # --(Details) --Work Order Line Detail #1 --Work Order Line Detail #2 --Work Order Line Detail #3 --Work Order Line Detail #etc --(Parts) --Work Order Line Parts #1 --Work Order Line Parts #2 --Work Order Line Parts #etc
I'm unable to get the grouping right on this. Since the line details and line parts both are children of the line #, how do you do "parallel groups"?
There are 4 tables:
Work Order Header Work Order Line Work Order Line Details Work Order Line Requisitions
The Header has a unique PK. The Line uses the Header and a Line # as foreign keys that together are unique. The Detail and requisition tables use the header and line #'s in addition to their own line number foreign keys. My queries ends up looking like this:
It probobly isn't best practice, but I'm kinda new so I need some guidance. I'd really appreciate any help! Here's my query:
SELECT [Work Order Header].No_ AS WO_No, [Work Order Line].[Line No_] AS WOL_No, [Work Order Requisition].[Line No_] AS WOLR_No, [Work Order Line Detail].[Line No_] AS WOLD_No FROM [Work Order Header] LEFT OUTER JOIN [Work Order Line] ON [Work Order Header].No_ = [Work Order Line].[Work Order No_] LEFT OUTER JOIN [Work Order Line Detail] ON [Work Order Line].[Work Order No_] = [Work Order Line Detail].[Work Order No_] AND [Work Order Line].[Line No_] = [Work Order Line Detail].[Work Order Line No_] LEFT OUTER JOIN [Work Order Requisition] ON [Work Order Line].[Work Order No_] = [Work Order Requisition].[Work Order No_] AND [Work Order Line].[Line No_] = [Work Order Requisition].[Work Order Line No_]
Hi, I have this query... cmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT name, webd_category_desc.category_id, (name + cast(webd_category_desc.category_id as nvarchar)) as CNameID, link_id FROM webd_category_desc left outer join webd_link_category on webd_category_desc.category_id = webd_link_category.category_id where display = 'True' order by CNameID, link_id ;", SqlConnection1) It produces the following output (trunctated by me for this post example).
Architecture 5 Architecture5 90 I would like it to display instead (where 8 and 2 are the counts): Accounting/Bookkeeping 8 Architecture 2 Seeing that I had to join a few tables to get the above output, how can I now group on it to get the name, count(name) output I desire.I'm using ADO.NET in a VB.NET/ASP.NET 2.0 webapp. The data is in SQL Server 2000. I was hoping to do it in one SqlCommand statement if possible. I guess I can drop it into a view and then run my group by query on the view if I had to. I am getting a variety of 'field in select list must be used in a function or aggregate' errors in the attempts I have tried so far. Thanks in advance, Stewart
select (select fieldx from tabley where pk = tz.fk) as field1, field2 from tablez tz group by field1
this doesn't work..i get an error that field1 is not valid...so is there a way to do this that does work?
please realize that the above example is exactly that..and had i needed to do something that easy, join would be the easy choice..what i'm trying to do requires a sub query
and now for the $1M question...How ? I've tried the following select, but it is not working the way I want it to..
I have a table with the following structure:main_category| category| sub_category| answer|dateBasically, the data will be along these lines:Neuro | LOC | Status | answer1|dateNeuro | LOC | Status | answer2|dateNeuro | LOC | Status | answer3|dateSenso| Visi | Clarity | answer1|dateSenso| Visi | Clarity | answer2|dateetc...I am trying to query the db and present the user with the data in thefollowing structure:Main CategoryCategorySub Categoryanswer1answer2answer3...Main CategoryCategoryEtc...There are literally 3 dozen main categories, categories, andsub-categories each with distinct answers.I could really use some help on a query to group the data in this way!Thanks in advance!!!Frank
HI all, I got a tsql that needs to be simplified. Select * from Table1 where condition1 and id not in ( Select id from table1 where condition2 and id in ( Select id from Table1 where condition1 ) ) basicly all records thats in condition1 but that doesnt have condition2 but limited to condition1. I'm probably maken this to complicated. but im tired and im losing time just on one stupid query. Thanks for the help.
Hi,I have data stored as in below sample :-------------------------------+---------------------------------+--------------DateBegin | DateEnd | Rate-------------------------------+---------------------------------+--------------2005-11-13 00:00:002005-11-14 00:00:0063.00002005-11-14 00:00:002005-11-15 00:00:0063.00002005-11-15 00:00:002005-11-16 00:00:0045.00002005-11-16 00:00:002005-11-17 00:00:0045.00002005-11-17 00:00:002005-11-18 00:00:0045.00002005-11-18 00:00:002005-11-19 00:00:0045.00002005-11-19 00:00:002005-11-20 00:00:0045.00002005-11-20 00:00:002005-11-21 00:00:0063.00002005-11-21 00:00:002005-11-22 00:00:0063.0000-------------------------------+---------------------------------+--------------I have to group the select query in this way :-------------------------------+---------------------------------+--------------DateBegin | DateEnd | Rate-------------------------------+---------------------------------+--------------2005-11-13 00:00:002005-11-15 00:00:0063.00002005-11-15 00:00:002005-11-20 00:00:0045.00002005-11-20 00:00:002005-11-22 00:00:0063.0000-------------------------------+---------------------------------+--------------When I run below grouped statement, I get follewed result:SELECT MIN(DateBegin) AS DateBegin, MAX(DateEnd) AS DateEnd,Rate FROM X GROUP BY Rate-------------------------------+---------------------------------+--------------DateBegin | DateEnd | Rate-------------------------------+---------------------------------+--------------2005-11-13 00:00:002005-11-22 00:00:0063.00002005-11-15 00:00:002005-11-20 00:00:0045.0000-------------------------------+---------------------------------+--------------How can I do a query like in 2nd sample from top?best regards,rustam bogubaev
I'm having much difficulty figuring out how to write the followingquery. Please help!I have this table:EventEventId int Primary KeyPatientId intSeverityLevel intWhat I want returned in my query is a list of all (distinct)PatientIds appearing in Event, with the *most severe* EventId returnedfor each Patient. The higher the value of SeverityLevel, the moresevere that Event is considered to be.The problem I am having is that I can't figure out how to (a) group byPatientId, AND (b) return the EventId of the highest-severity Eventfor *each* PatientId (Order By SeverityLevel Desc).So if my table contained:EventId PatientId SeverityLevel------- --------- -------------1 1 02 1 13 1 54 2 55 2 2I would want my result set to be:PatientId EventId--------- -------1 32 4since events 3 and 4 are the most severe events for patients 1 and 2,respectively.Any help would be greatly appreciated. This seems to be something thatcould be handled easily with a FIRST() aggregate operator (as in MSAccess) but this is apparently lacking in SQL Server. Also note theremay be multiple Events with a given PatientId and SeverityLevel, inthat case I'd want only one of the EventIds (the Max() one).Many thanks,Joel ThorntonDeveloper, Total Living Choices<joelt@tlchoices.com>(206) 709-2801 x24
I have a table similar to the following (XYZ). I would like to write a select statement that will return the count of the unique items for each user that also happen to be less than 1 year old. The less than one year old part is rather easy dateadd(year, -1, getdate()), but I seem to be having a hard time figuring out how to get my desired result without using subselects. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance - Dan.
I have a query where I have customers, date they ordered a swatch, date they ordered an item, and eh date diff between the two. I want to show the MIN date diff for each customer, and also show the swatch date and item date as well. But to use the MIN aggregate, it forces me to group everything, where I just want to group by customer, and have the 2 dates tag along, because i only want one record per customer. What is the easiest way for me to accomplish this?
I have the query below which produces a succesful output but as there is more than one course date the month appears for example three times where there are three courses in Jan as the example output below how can I change the query to group these
SQL QUERY SELECT CONVERT(char(3), dbo.tblCourses.CourseDate, 0) AS Month, YEAR(dbo.tblCourses.CourseDate) AS Year, SUM(CASE WHEN a.AttendanceStatus IN (9) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [City CCG Attended], SUM(CASE WHEN a.AttendanceStatus IN (3) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [City CCG DNA],
I have a query that gets a supplier, a month, a year, status and sum of recpits. returning the following. but my problem is I also need a col of totals. i tried to put a sub grouped query in the select statement but keep getting an error Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.
SELECT ot_ven_num, ot_ven_name, sum(ot_rec_qty) as ot_rec_qty, ot_rec_stat, datepart(Month,ot_rec_dt) as mth, datepart(year,ot_rec_dt) as ryear, DATEADD(ms, - 3, DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, ot_rec_dt), 0)) as ot_rpt_date, (SELECT ot_ven_num, ot_ven_name, sum(ot_rec_qty) as ot_rec_qty, 'Totals' as ot_rec_stat, datepart(Month,ot_rec_dt) as mth, datepart(year,ot_rec_dt) as ryear, DATEADD(ms, - 3, DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, ot_rec_dt), 0)) as ot_rpt_date FROM supplierOT where ot_ven_name = 'ARROW ELECTRONICS' and datepart(year,ot_rec_dt) > 2007 group by ot_ven_num, ot_ven_name, DATEADD(ms, - 3, DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, ot_rec_dt), 0)), datepart(Month,ot_rec_dt), datepart(year,ot_rec_dt)) as total
FROM supplierOT where ot_ven_name = 'ARROW ELECTRONICS' and datepart(year,ot_rec_dt) > 2007 group by ot_ven_num, ot_ven_name, ot_rec_stat, DATEADD(ms, - 3, DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, ot_rec_dt), 0)), datepart(Month,ot_rec_dt), datepart(year,ot_rec_dt)
Hi there, i have an SQL query which select the number of products and display them per sub_cat_id e.g. 7 french dressers3 spanish dressers1 english dresser However what i want to do is then group those under the the main category (cat_id) All descriptions are held in tbl_cat and and main category and sub category can be found by the cat_cat colum, if there is an M in this colum it means it is a main category e.g. beds, tables, if there is the name of a M category then it is a sub cat e.g. double beds, single beds etc. Can anybody help me with my grouping nightmare? this is the code i have so far SELECT COUNT(tbl_stock.Stock_ID) AS TOTALOFSTOCK, tbl_stock.sub_cat_id, tbl_cat.Cat_DescriptionFROM tbl_stock INNER JOIN tbl_cat ON tbl_stock.sub_cat_id = tbl_cat.Category_IDGROUP BY tbl_cat.Cat_Description, tbl_stock.sub_cat_id
I have a table which lists manufacturers' products. Users are allowed to vote for the most popular item belonging to the manufacturer. Moderators assign the products to manufacturers so on occassion they may accidently (or deliberately) get it wrong. For this reason, the table also acts as the ChangeLog so if choose, I could instantly decide whether all changes made by a specific user should be dismissed. Product | Manufacturer | NoOfVotes | ChangedBy | ChangedTime ============ ============== =========== =========== ============= XBOX 360 Microsoft 25* Dic 05/03/2008 XBOX 360 Sony 1 Tom 04/03/2008 Playstation Sony 100* Dic 03/03/2008 XBOX 360 Microsoft 25* Dic 02/03/2008 XBOX 360 Sony 1 Harry 01/03/2008
I'm using ID fields for Product, Manufacturer and ChangedBy which are obtained from different tables but have simplified the table to make it easier to read. I need to retrieve each product in the table, the last Manufacturer assigned to it, with a total of the votes where the product-manufacturer match. The results should be: Product | Manufacturer | TotalVotes | LastChanged ============ ============== ============ ============= XBOX 360 Microsoft 50 05/03/2008 Playstation Sony 100 03/03/2008
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Pete.
SELECT LEA, Count(SSN) FROM WorkData2003_04.dbo.Students --Database and Table Name WHERE Grade_Level='10' AND SSN NOT IN(
SELECT SSN FROM WorkData2003_04.dbo.Students --Database and Table Name WHERE Grade_Level='09')
However, SQL returns the following error: Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Column 'WorkData2003_04.dbo.Students.lea' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
I'm trying to generate a count of SSNs by LEA (LEA is the same thing as a school) that exist one school year but do not exist in the next school year (essentially students that transfer OUT of a school district).
Could someone provide assistance? I think I need to incorporate the HAVING clause but I'm not for sure...
I'm trying to write a report and need to group columns that are alike. For example.
DeptID JobTitle
40344 Sales Clerk 1st Assistant Store Manager
40666 Sales Clerk 2nd Assistant Store Manager
Sorry, it will not output correctly, I hope you get what I'm trying to do. I can get the results above but it puts the deptid for each job title. I do not want it. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I am writing a report from an historical database that uses posting_times. The way the posting works is if something has a posting time of 01/01/97 00:00:00 it means that the record covers from 12/31/96 00:00:00 to 01/01/97 00:00:00.
This is where my problem is at. The report i am writing needs to be grouped by Month. Before i figured out how the posting dates worked i was using ... DATEPART(month, posting_time) AS monthDate ... for grouping purposes in the report.
Now that i have figured out how the posting dates work i am at a total loss as how to group this. I am using SQL Reporting Services 2000 to write this report. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Mitch
its showing the promotion group not grouped right can you help
--#ttTransaction SELECT ShipToID, Trans.StoreID, TransactionNumber, BatchNumber, [Time], CustomerID, CashierID, CASE WHEN Trans.StoreID IN (172,173) THEN Total*CONVERT(FLOAT,(SELECT Value FROM DelSol.dbo.Parameter WHERE ID = 4)) ELSE CASE WHEN Trans.StoreID = 113 THEN CASE WHEN [Time] < '5/21/2005' THEN Total*CONVERT(FLOAT,(SELECT Value FROM DelSol.dbo.Parameter WHERE ID = 4)) ELSE Total END ELSE Total END END AS Total, CASE WHEN Trans.StoreID IN (172,173) THEN SalesTax*CONVERT(FLOAT,(SELECT Value FROM DelSol.dbo.Parameter WHERE ID = 4)) ELSE CASE WHEN Trans.StoreID = 113 THEN CASE WHEN [Time] < '5/21/2005' THEN SalesTax*CONVERT(FLOAT,(SELECT Value FROM DelSol.dbo.Parameter WHERE ID = 4)) ELSE SalesTax END ELSE SalesTax END END AS SalesTax, Comment, ReferenceNumber, Status, ExchangeID, ChannelType, RecallID, RecallType, CASE WHEN Trans.[Time] >= SO.ShiftDate THEN 'Same' ELSE 'New' END AS SalesType INTO #ttTransaction FROM QSCHQ.dbo.[Transaction] Trans LEFT JOIN Reporting.dbo.RetailSalesComparison_StoreOpenings SO ON Trans.StoreID = SO.StoreID WHERE YEAR([Time]) >= YEAR(GETDATE())-1
--#ttTransactionEntry SELECT TE.Commission, CASE WHEN TE.StoreID IN (172,173) THEN TE.Cost*CONVERT(FLOAT,(SELECT Value FROM DelSol.dbo.Parameter WHERE ID = 4)) ELSE CASE WHEN TE.StoreID = 113 THEN CASE WHEN [Time] < '5/21/2005' THEN TE.Cost*CONVERT(FLOAT,(SELECT Value FROM DelSol.dbo.Parameter WHERE ID = 4)) ELSE TE.Cost END ELSE TE.Cost END END AS Cost, CASE WHEN TE.StoreID IN (172,173) THEN TE.FullPrice*CONVERT(FLOAT,(SELECT Value FROM DelSol.dbo.Parameter WHERE ID = 4)) ELSE CASE WHEN TE.StoreID = 113 THEN CASE WHEN [Time] < '5/21/2005' THEN TE.FullPrice*CONVERT(FLOAT,(SELECT Value FROM DelSol.dbo.Parameter WHERE ID = 4)) ELSE TE.FullPrice END ELSE TE.FullPrice END END AS FullPrice, TE.StoreID, TE.[ID], TE.TransactionNumber, TE.ItemID, CASE WHEN TE.StoreID IN (172,173) THEN TE.Price*CONVERT(FLOAT,(SELECT Value FROM DelSol.dbo.Parameter WHERE ID = 4)) ELSE CASE WHEN TE.StoreID = 113 THEN CASE WHEN [Time] < '5/21/2005' THEN TE.Price*CONVERT(FLOAT,(SELECT Value FROM DelSol.dbo.Parameter WHERE ID = 4)) ELSE TE.Price END ELSE TE.Price END END AS Price, TE.PriceSource, TE.Quantity, TE.SalesRepID, TE.Taxable, TE.DetailID, TE.Comment, TE.AutoID, TE.DiscountReasonCodeID, TE.ReturnReasonCodeID, TE.TaxChangeReasonCodeID, TE.SalesTax, TE.QuantityDiscountID INTO #ttTransactionEntry FROM QSCHQ.dbo.TransactionEntry TE INNER JOIN #ttTransaction Trans ON TE.StoreID = Trans.StoreID AND TE.TransactionNumber = Trans.TransactionNumber WHERE YEAR([Time]) >= YEAR(GETDATE())-1
--#ttTransactionWithPesoConversionAndCustomerAccount SELECT Trans.StoreID, QSTStore.StoreGroupID, Trans.TransactionNumber, Trans.[Time], Customer.AccountNumber, Customer.Company, Trans.Total, Trans.SalesTax, Trans.CashierID, Trans.SalesType INTO #ttTransactionWithPesoConversionAndCustomerAccount FROM #ttTransaction Trans INNER JOIN QSCHQ.dbo.Customer Customer ON Trans.CustomerID = Customer.ID AND 1 = Customer.GlobalCustomer INNER JOIN QSCHQ.dbo.QSTStore QSTStore ON Trans.StoreID = QSTStore.StoreID
SELECT Trans.StoreID, QSTStore.StoreGroupID, Trans.TransactionNumber, Trans.[Time], Customer.AccountNumber, Customer.Company, Trans.Total, Trans.SalesTax, Trans.CashierID, Trans.SalesType FROM #ttTransaction Trans INNER JOIN QSCHQ.dbo.Customer Customer ON Trans.CustomerID = Customer.ID AND Trans.StoreID = Customer.StoreID AND 1 <> Customer.GlobalCustomer INNER JOIN QSCHQ.dbo.QSTStore QSTStore ON Trans.StoreID = QSTStore.StoreID
SELECT Trans.StoreID, QSTStore.StoreGroupID, Trans.TransactionNumber, Trans.[Time], Customer.AccountNumber, Customer.Company, Trans.Total, Trans.SalesTax, Trans.CashierID, Trans.SalesType FROM #ttTransaction Trans LEFT JOIN QSCHQ.dbo.Customer Customer ON Trans.CustomerID = Customer.ID AND Trans.StoreID = Customer.StoreID INNER JOIN QSCHQ.dbo.QSTStore QSTStore ON Trans.StoreID = QSTStore.StoreID WHERE Customer.[ID] IS NULL AND Trans.CustomerId < 100000
SELECT Trans.StoreID, QSTStore.StoreGroupID, Trans.TransactionNumber, Trans.[Time], Customer.AccountNumber, Customer.Company, Trans.Total, Trans.SalesTax, Trans.CashierID, Trans.SalesType FROM #ttTransaction Trans LEFT JOIN QSCHQ.dbo.Customer Customer ON Trans.CustomerID = Customer.ID INNER JOIN QSCHQ.dbo.QSTStore QSTStore ON Trans.StoreID = QSTStore.StoreID WHERE Customer.[ID] IS NULL AND Trans.CustomerId > 100000
--#ttRetailSales_ByStore_ByCustomer_ByDay SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR, [Time], 101)) AS [Date], Trans.StoreID, Trans.StoreGroupID, Trans.AccountNumber, Trans.Company, SUM(TE.Price*TE.Quantity) AS Sales, COUNT(DISTINCT Trans.TransactionNumber) AS TRXCount, SUM(TE.Quantity) AS UnitsSold, Trans.SalesType INTO #ttRetailSales_ByStore_ByCustomer_ByDay FROM #ttTransactionWithPesoConversionAndCustomerAccount Trans INNER JOIN #ttTransactionEntry TE ON Trans.StoreID = TE.StoreID AND Trans.TransactionNumber = TE.TransactionNumber WHERE (Trans.Total - Trans.SalesTax) <> 0 GROUP BY Trans.AccountNumber, Trans.StoreGroupID, CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR, Trans.[Time], 101)), Trans.StoreID, Trans.Company, Trans.SalesType
-- DROP TABLE #ttTransaction -- DROP TABLE #ttTransactionEntry -- DROP TABLE #ttTransactionWithPesoConversionAndCustomerAccount
-- ***** #ttTransGroup ***** SELECT [Date], PromotionGroupID,AccountNumber, SUM(Total) AS Total, SUM(TRXCount) AS TRXCount, SalesType INTO #ttTransGroup FROM (SELECT [Date], QSTStore.PromotionGroupID, Trans.AccountNumber, Sales AS Total, TRXCount, SalesType FROM #ttRetailSales_ByStore_ByCustomer_ByDay Trans INNER JOIN QSCHQ.dbo.QSTStore QSTStore ON Trans.StoreID = QSTStore.StoreID WHERE Trans.AccountNumber LIKE 'C-%'
SELECT TransactionDate AS [Date], QSTStore.PromotionGroupID, AccountNumber, SUM(Amount) AS Total, 0 AS TRXCount, CASE WHEN QuickSellSalesAdjustment.[TransactionDate] >= SO.ShiftDate THEN 'Same' ELSE 'New' END AS SalesType FROM DelSol.dbo.QuickSellSalesAdjustment QuickSellSalesAdjustment INNER JOIN QSCHQ.dbo.QSTStore QSTStore ON QuickSellSalesAdjustment.StoreID = QSTStore.StoreID LEFT JOIN Reporting.dbo.RetailSalesComparison_StoreOpenings SO ON QuickSellSalesAdjustment.StoreID = SO.StoreID WHERE YEAR(TransactionDate) >= YEAR(GETDATE())-1 GROUP BY AccountNumber, QSTStore.PromotionGroupID, TransactionDate, CASE WHEN QuickSellSalesAdjustment.[TransactionDate] >= SO.ShiftDate THEN 'Same' ELSE 'New' END) ttTemp GROUP BY AccountNumber, PromotionGroupID, [Date], SalesType HAVING SUM(ttTemp.Total) <> 0
-- ***** #ttCSVF ***** SELECT CSVFlag.TransactionDate, CSVFlag.StoreGroupID, CSVFlag.AccountNumber, CSVFlagType.[Description] INTO #ttCSVF FROM DelSol.dbo.CruiseShipVisitFlag AS CSVFlag INNER JOIN DelSol.dbo.CruiseShipVisitFlagType AS CSVFlagType ON CSVFlagType.ID = CSVFlag.FlagTypeID
-- ***** Main ***** SELECT ttTransGroup.[Date] as TransactionDate, QSTPromoStoreGroup.[ID] AS PromoGroupID, QSTPromoStoreGroup.StoreGroup AS PromoGroup, ttTransGroup.AccountNumber AS AccountNumber, CruiseShip.ShipName AS ShipName, CruiseShipGroup.[Description] AS ShipLine, CruiseShipCompany.[Description] AS PortLecturerCompany, Sum(ttTransGroup.Total) AS GroupSales, (CSVP.AdjustedProjection) AS Projection, CruiseShip.Capacity, CASE WHEN CruiseShip.Capacity = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ttTransGroup.Total/CruiseShip.Capacity END AS ASPP, CASE WHEN CONVERT(DECIMAL, CruiseShip.Capacity) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE CONVERT(DECIMAL, ttTransGroup.TRXCount)/CONVERT(DECIMAL, CruiseShip.Capacity) END AS Yield, ttTransGroup.TRXCount, CASE WHEN ttTransGroup.TRXCount=0 THEN 0 ELSE ttTransGroup.Total/ttTransGroup.TRXCount END AS ADPT, CruiseShipPortLecturer.[Name] AS PortLecturer, CSVF.[Description] AS Flag, ttTransGroup.SalesType FROM QSCHQ.dbo.QSTPromoStoreGroup QSTPromoStoreGroup INNER JOIN #ttTransGroup ttTransGroup ON QSTPromoStoreGroup.[ID] = ttTransGroup.PromotionGroupID INNER JOIN DelSol.dbo.CruiseShip CruiseShip ON ttTransGroup.AccountNumber = CruiseShip.AccountNumber INNER JOIN DelSol.dbo.CruiseShipCompany CruiseShipCompany ON CruiseShip.PromotionCompany = CruiseShipCompany.[ID] INNER JOIN DelSol.dbo.CruiseShipGroup CruiseShipGroup ON CruiseShip.GroupID = CruiseShipGroup.[ID] LEFT JOIN DelSol.dbo.CruiseShipPortLecturer CruiseShipPortLecturer ON CruiseShip.AccountNumber = CruiseShipPortLecturer.AccountNumber AND ttTransGroup.[Date] BETWEEN CruiseShipPortLecturer.StartDate AND CASE WHEN CruiseShipPortLecturer.EndDate IS NULL THEN '12/31/2099' ELSE CruiseShipPortLecturer.EndDate END
LEFT JOIN DelSol.dbo.CruiseShipVisitProjection CSVP ON CSVP.TransactionDate= ttTransGroup.[Date] AND CSVP.StoreGroupID = QSTPromoStoreGroup.[ID] AND CSVP.AccountNumber = ttTransGroup.AccountNumber LEFT JOIN #ttCSVF CSVF ON CSVF.TransactionDate = ttTransGroup.[Date] AND CSVF.StoreGroupID = QSTPromoStoreGroup.[ID] AND CSVF.AccountNumber = ttTransGroup.AccountNumber WHERE QSTPromoStoreGroup.ReceivesCruiseShips = 1 AND CSVF.[Description] IS NULL Group By ttTransGroup.AccountNumber, QSTPromoStoreGroup.[ID],QSTPromoStoreGroup.StoreGroup, ttTransGroup.[Date], CruiseShip.ShipName, CruiseShipGroup.[Description], CruiseShipCompany.[Description], (CSVP.AdjustedProjection), CruiseShip.Capacity, CASE WHEN CruiseShip.Capacity = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ttTransGroup.Total/CruiseShip.Capacity END, CASE WHEN CONVERT(DECIMAL, CruiseShip.Capacity) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE CONVERT(DECIMAL, ttTransGroup.TRXCount)/CONVERT(DECIMAL, CruiseShip.Capacity) END, ttTransGroup.TRXCount, CASE WHEN ttTransGroup.TRXCount=0 THEN 0 ELSE ttTransGroup.Total/ttTransGroup.TRXCount END, CruiseShipPortLecturer.[Name], CSVF.[Description], ttTransGroup.SalesType Order by QSTPromoStoreGroup.StoreGroup
SQL2000. I have a table as follows. Table shows a log of solutions posted by agents. For example, Ticket#5 was replied once by each agent A,B and C. ========================== ticket_number || agent || solution ==========================
5 || A || test 5 || B || test 5 || C || test 7 || B || test 7 || C || test 8 || C || test 9 || B || test
I need to find out number of all ticket solutions/counts (how many ticket was touched by all agents) but in format related to the single agent:
AGENT TICKET_NUMBER COUNT A 5 3 B 5 3 C 5 3 B 7 2 C 7 2 .....
The report I'm designing has a number of records in it, but two main fields that I'm concerned with Budget, and spent.
for example
Budget Spent
75 5 75 10 75 8________________ Total 225 23
The spent records are all unique, but the budget record is the same field repeating itself over and over. I've used a grouping to eliminate the repetition of the Budget amount, but the total still comes out to be incorrect. It now looks like this
Budget Spent 75 5 10 8________________ Total 225 23
Is there a way which I can add the values that are displayed rather than the underlying values?