HELP: Renamed Machine Now SQL SRVR 7 Won't Recognize
Sep 19, 2000
Our network people changed our machine name one character without our permission, they say their naming standards can't handle an "underscore" we put in our the SQL Server won't run because it doesn't recognize the name of the machine.
Is there a way of bypassing or telling SQL server that we changed the name without having to reload all of our information?
I'm a report developer who has created some reportsd against sybase data on another server. I am developing on a 64 bit Server 2003 box using SQL 2005 Reporting services. I hace created 32 bit ODBC data dsns using the supplied utitlity (odbcad32.exe). As I am creating the reports I can pull data using the data sources without a problem, however when I deploy my datasource and report to Report manager and run I get the following:
An error has occurred during report processing.
Cannot create a connection to data source 'Chicago_Reporting'.
ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
This has been driving me crazy for 2 days now. Any help would be very much appreciated.
Hi i am new to sql2008 and coming from vb6,sql2000 background. We tried Orcas. we dont want to move our project to dotnet for atleast one year. we want to makie it tune with windows vista also. so kindly tell us which version of adodb can be used with vb6 and sql2008. i am pasting our old code from vb6 here.
Code Block dim cn as new adodb.connection "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;password=NETECH0507;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=" & dbname & ";Data Source=" & gStrSQLServerName
Let me know what are the changes required while connecting with vb6 and sql 2008 express edition Rgds Pramod
I have sort of a weird problem; we havea sql server 2000 box which was virtualized using VMWare, the virtual server was then renamed and used as another sql server.
there is a simple .net framework 3.5 console application (running on the same sql server box) that reads and deletes data from that sql server, this console application opens 2 connections simultaneously, for some reason after creating the VM and renaming the server this app didn't work, the problem is that when there was one connection open the second connection command always times out though the command only deletes one record from the DB.
After several trials I found that if I ran this app from another server it works without problems and to get it working on the same box as the sql server I have to use the ip address instead of the server name in the connection string.
I had another problem related to editing the sql agent jobs on the renamed server but I found a solution for this one in KB article.
Hi! I have tried installing SQL Server 7.0 on my Win 98 machine. My machine has all the latest service packs and I think it is reasonably up to date. I've tried installing from the disc 3 times and it fails to install: the Server Network Utility and Service Manager. As a result, I am unable to register my local machine as a SQL server. Any ways around this? Quick fixes? Thanks! --Michelle
Had to migrate to new hardware running Server 2003, sql 2005. Databases, logins, two SSIS(DTS) packages working great. But, System and User maintenance plans failing since name change.
So, recreated them, and (with minor problem to be addressed at another time) the recreations are working fine. But, I can't delete (or modify) the old plans or jobs. Get the following error when physically sitting in front of the server logging in "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation(mscorlib). An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to sql server 2005, this failure may be cause by the fact that under the default settings, sql server does not allow remote connecitons. (provider: tcp provider, error: 0 no such host is know) error 11001
As I said, I've disabled both jobs, but would prefer to delete the plan/jobs. But, it won't let me. Any ideas?
We have renamed the 'sa' account on a SQL Server 2005 machine. Whenwe runSELECT * FROM sysloginsit appears that 'sa' no longer exists as a valid SQL login. However,when we look at running processes through sp_who, we see that 'sa' isstill being used in various background operations, even when we shutdown and restart the SQL Server. Can someone explain this?Bill E.Hollywood, FL
This shows up fine in Managment Studio, I then connect to the database from Express and it connects to the database using the following connection string :
Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:DevelopmentSoftwareChangeDatabaseSoftwareChange.mdf;Initial Catalog=C:DevelopmentSoftwareChangeDatabase;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=False
I don't want it to be a user instance as and without the path in AttachDBfilename it doesn't see the database.
Here's the problem when I go back into Management Studio and click on the SoftwareChange entry under databases it gives me a file not found error then subsequently doesn't let me open it. However another database entry has appeared "C:DevelopmentSoftwareChangeDatabase", this is the path of the database and displays the contents of SoftwareChange. I can detach and re-attach as SoftwareChange but why does (i assume) change the name of Db in SQL.
I recently changed the name of my pc to MYNEWPC ...but in SQL Server 2005 Security/Logins there are a couple of logins pointing to the old name...would i need to add these, change these or do something to make it point to the new pc name?
Here is what I see that needs to be changed from MYOLDPC to MYNEWPC, how do i go about doing this needed?
We have a development server that will only run SQL Server from a DOS command prompt. Each time I reboot the server the services don't autostart, and I am unable to start them manually using Service Manager. Does anyone know what I can do to fix this problem? Thanks
Hope someone can help: by default, there's an entry for 'public' in server permissions (right-click server in Management Studio > Properties > Permissions), which has 1 selection: 'View All Databases' is set to 'grant'. I wanted to disable this permission, and so unfortunately unchecked the 'grant' tickbox but forgot to tick the 'deny' tickbox. What appears to have happened is the entire 'public' entry has been removed, meaning I can't go back and reselect 'grant' (or 'deny') for 'View All Databases'. I'd really like to get the 'public' role to reappear... Is that possible?
We've a denormalised database (SQL Server 05) with around half a million rows, feeding a fairly simple Analysis Services cube. We were hoping to use the Excel 07 DM add-in as a user-friendly interface to lots of people, but as far as I can tell we need to first import the data into an Excel 07 worksheet. I realise 2007 has a 1mn limit, but the rows are wide, downloading GBs is not possible, and I have concerns about Excel performance and reliability at these volumes, especially on a desktop.
Is there any way to use the data mining functionality without having the data in Excel?
If not, what would be the simplest/quickest/cheapest way of providing this functionality (or subsets of it) to people who know Excel but not data mining?
Thanks for any guidance or corrections, Chris
PS. Would downloading subsets of the data work, along the lines of the article entitled Sampling Nested Tables ( )?
I have just started to learn SQL Server 2005, and am currently using the MCTS SQL Server 2005 Self-Paced Training Kit. I am literally at the very start, and already seem to have hit a snag and can't figure it out. From browsing here in the past I recall people here seemed quite clued up, and I was hoping someone might be able to assist.
I am using SQL Server 2005 Ent. Edtn. (trial) on Win XP Pro (SP2). I am basically trying to run a sample script copied from book to create a database and primary, secondary and log files. Whilst I have the theory down, and thought I understood the SQL (have used other DBMSs in the past, MySQL/ACCESS etc.) I am getting an error when trying to run the following code when connected to the default instance on my PC. The code I am trying to run is:
create database Sales
(name = SalesPrimary,
filename = E:Sales_DataSalesPrimary.mdf,
size = 50mb,
MAXSIZE = 200,
filegrowth = 20),
Filegroup SalesFG
( name = SalesData1,
filename = F:Sales_DataSalesData1.ndf,
size = 200mb,
maxsize = 800,
filegrowth = 100),
( name = SalesData2,
Filename = F:Sales_DataSalesData2.ndf,
Size = 400mb,
Maxsize = 1200,
Filegrowth = 300),
Filegroup SalesHistoryFG
( name = SalesHistory1,
filename = F:Sales_DataSalesHistory1.ndf,
size = 100mb,
maxsize = 500,
filegrowth = 50)
(name = Archlog1,
Filename = G:Sales_DataSalesLog.ldf,
size = 300mb,
maxsize = 800,
filegrowth = 100)
I find I get the following error message:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 5 Incorrect syntax near 'E'. Msg 132, Level 15, State 1, Line 16 The label 'F' has already been declared. Label names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure. Msg 132, Level 15, State 1, Line 22 The label 'F' has already been declared. Label names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.
Anyone have any ideas? Your help is greatly appreciated!
I have read that if I change "computer name" and then try to startup sql server it will recognize the changes automatically BUT you need to execute sp_dropserver and sp_addserver procedures too in order to set all thing right.But yesterday I tried it on a Personal edition on xp and after reboot sql server came up without any problem and I could connec it without executing sp_dropserver and sp_addserver! Was it a specific situation or no need to those SPs at all?
We had issues with our production database which had 'broker enabled', I restored an older backup and then renamed the Prod database to ProdOld and the Backup database to Prod. We noticed yesterday that the broker service wasn't working and had the error
'The SQL Server Service Broker for the current database is not enabled, and as a result query notifications are not supported. Please enable the Service Broker for this database if you wish to use notifications.
' I ran the following script against the database
And it came back with a message that the broker was already enabled. I did a disable/enable just for kicks, but we still get the same error message. I did a check on the sys.databases table and it shows that the 'is_broker_enabled' field set = 0 (should be one)
Any ideas on what's going on here? Could the rename caused the broker to become out of sync? It would be great if I could just update the bit field, but I don't believe there is an easy way of updatting the system tables.
I had a cluster running on 3 nodes (windows failover cluster) with server 2012 and SQL server 2012 running in the cluster. Well, I thought I'd just go ahead and rename all 3 of the hosts with new hostnames and it apparently broke the cluster pretty bad. Now when I open failover cluster manager I cannot see anything nor can I connect to the cluster object in AD. I re-named all of the hosts back to their original names but that didn't work.
I am using SQL 2012 SE and implementing transactional replication. I need to insert the rows from publisher database tables to new tables, drop the old tables and rename the new tables with the old table names.
For example:
Publisher database tables that are being replicated:
Table1 Table2 Table3
and I am going to create new tables in publisher database
Drop constraints from and then tables (does this require articles to be removed from replication?)
Table1 Table2 Table3
Table1_new to Table1 Table2_new to Table2 Table3_new to Table3
Does this require replication to set up from scratch or add the three articles only to replication? Is there a way this can be done without pausing or reinitializing replication or without removing articles and adding them back?
The install went smoth with no error messages. But when I try to open report manager, I am getting the following message:
"The report server is not responding...."
When I try to access the report server, I get:
"The report server has encountered a configuration error. Access denied to the path c:program filesmicrosoft sql servermssql.3 eporting services eportserver sreportserver.config' is denied"
I have two partitions on win xp. These are C and D. C is a system drive and this is where sql server 2005 is installed as well.
The application (SQL2000 SP4) is running and appears to be functioning OK. The issue is that the SB Server doesn't recognize it, so when I try to add services to SBS, I fails the check. When I try to publish it to the AD, I get error 22039. MSCRM 3.0 is also installed on the same box and is working fine.
I have a GridView that is populated by a stored procedure via linq. I changed the stored procedure to return an additional column, but I can't get the additional column to show up in the GridView. The GridView has autogeneratecolumns=true, so if I were using a SqlDataSource the new column would show up automagically. But now it is not showing up and I cannot reference it. I can't figure out how to make linq recognize that my stored procedure has changed. I have tried deleting the sproc definition from the dbml file, making sure the partial class is removed the .vb file, refreshing the stored procedures list in database explorer, and adding the sproc definition back again (a hassle), but still it insists on defining only the original columns and not the new column. How do get linq to get back in sync with the database?
What I need to do is get all of the records from T2 that don't match EXACTLY to a record in T1. So I figured a LEFT OUTER JOIN should work:
But this statement returns the DENISE record when I do this (which has an EXACT match). So, my thoughts took me to the NULL values in T1.C2 and T2.C2 for this record and I thought that, perhaps, the NULL values aren't being recognized as being equal (as they are UNKNOWN). So I started digging around and found SET ANSI_NULLS OFF. I tried it but with no luck. Can you offer any insight on this one? What can I do to have NULL values recognized as being equal?
This is the result set that I would like to have returned in this example:
I have MS SQL 2000 Standard edition licensed in "per device" mode on adual xeon. However the properties->Processor tab on EM only list 1 cpu(CPU 0) and has "use all available processors" selected and the use [#]is greyed out.Anybody else experience this? Is it really using both processors? Or doI have some limited product key? I called MS tech support but they werelike, "um that'll be $295 to open a support instance" <*click*>.Thanks!--~zillaPosted via
I'm having a strange behavior here, or maybe I'm doing something wrong, I'm not sure.
Anyway, I have a csv file, the Flat File Connection Manager is configured like this: Row delimiter: {CR}{LF} Column delimiter: {;}
For some rows in my file the last two columns are empty and the there is no semicolon for these empty rows but these rows are still ended by a CRLF but SSIS does not consider the CRLF as the end of the row, it consider the first 2 columns of the next row as the last 2 columns of the current row.
I'm using DTS to import a text file (fixed field). In my sample data, I have 21 rows of data.
DTS only brings in 15 or so, because it fails to recognize the CRLF on some of the rows, and just treats it and the subsequent row as part of the previous row.
The text file is being produced via FTP from an IBM Iseries. It imports just fine into Notepad and Excel.
Anyone have any ideas why DTS would have trouble with this ?
Help! I am using Script Transformation to output a new column as image[DT_IMAGE] field to store serialized object. In the VB script, the sample code as
The package always runs fine on my developing machine and will halt on other machine at AddBlobData after certain number row records were processed. I am stuck here. Anyone has any suggestion?
What I need is reading data from mutiple tables in one database and writing into a single table in another datable. In order preserve all the columns data, I use input column fields to construct a new object and then serialize it, and store the serialize data into detination db table. (The object and serialization function is coming from c# dll.)
Dim b As BusinessLicense = New BusinessLicense() b.ApprovalDate = Row.approvaldate b.BusinessId = Row.busid b.BusinessName = Row.busname b.NaicsCode = Row.naicscode b.NaicsDescription = Row.naicsdescr b.OwnerName = Row.ownername b.Phone = b.Pkey = Row.pkey b.RenewalDate = Row.renewaldate b.StartDate = Row.startdate b.Suite = Row.suite
Row.serializedobject.AddBlobData(Serializer.Serialize(b)) '''----This is blocking line Row.infoType = BusinessLicense.TYPE
Both machine is xp with sp2. and standard SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06
I have a maintenance job which has many job steps - checkdb, backup, rebuild index, etc...
I was asked to setup a job which will copy all backup files to a central location.
Now I wrote the script and its working good (part of a new job step)
But, I am now thinking to add some more logic in the job step:-
that is, if the previous job (server maintenance) is successfully completed with the backup job (if completed successfully), then only the copy to location job will start, if the other job step is failed, my copy bkp job will not run.
I have a simple parent that uses an Execute Package Task to call a simple child package. The child package has a Data Flow that I disabled. When running the child package by itself, the data flow task is bypassed. When running the package via the parent the data flow task executes.
Second issue is when you disable the package configurations in the child, the parent doesn't recognize that it's diables and tries to load the configurations.
It's almost like there are some settings in a child that get ignored by the parent??
I have a Windows Internal Database (installed by SharePoint WSS 3.0) and SQL Server Management Studio Express installed on W2K3 Std server. The server has local hard disk drive C, E, F & G. However SQL Server Management Studio Express only recognize C and E drive, for example in the set default database location or in attach database file dialog window only C & E drive are available. Anyone knows why and how to fix the problem? Thanks
I have an Excel file(.xls) that I need to import to SQL Server database. I am trying to use the Import wizard. However, when I select the file and click next I get the warning "External table is not in the expected format.(Microsoft JET Database Engine)" . I opened the .xls file using a text editor. It looks like some html document.
Hi to everyone, I'm facing a problem that drives me crazy. I've a web application that has the following problem. When I test the application on my developement machine all runs fine, but when I put into production server there is a problem in connection pooling. Look at the following image, the blue line is the number of connection in the pool and the violet line is the number of connection reclaimed. From the image it is clear that connection are returned on the pool only in block, maybe when the garbage collection pass and reclaim the object. The strange thing is that on my developement machine all is good, and also I'm using Enterprise Library and the connection are managed internally.- Thanks to everyone for any help.