HELP - Selection Of Development Software? Thoughts??

Jul 20, 2005

Folks, I have a quick question that I would very much appreciate some
feedback on. We are a not for profit charity organization that has decided
to develop a software in-house to manage our volunteers. We have SQL and
that makes the most sense from a database solution but we have some issues
surrounding the choice of the development language. Some have suggested
100% java while others say Visual Basic. The head of our team has suggested
we do it in Cold Fusion since this will be an internet based application and
I guess I would very much like some feedback on that choice. We have about 5
organizations that we will tie into this system with about 5000 users
logging in once per month.
Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated.


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What Are Your Thoughts?

Aug 20, 2007

 For intranet development, our DBAs are asking web developers to use fixed domain NT ID accounts
instead of SQL accounts to connect to backend databases in all web applications. We are: Windows XP workstations in a 2003 Active Directory Topology.

I don’t think that this is a
good idea (I could say more:) but I have found very little to no information on this subject. So I ask you guys... What are your thoughts? Why or why not?  



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DB Design Thoughts??

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I'm in the process of designing a DB (typical management system DB; 2transaction tables and about 5 look-up ones )for one of the departmentsin our company. The user wants this DB and thusly the client (forms,reports..etc.) solely for his department. However, I do expect soonafter deployment that other users want similar DBs and clients,therefore, facing problem of integrating such DBs, if companymanagement wants to implement it as enterprise DB. My question (may beyou could also tell me about other groups specialized in these kind ofissues), how should I create such DB? Should I create extra look-uptable for departments and have each one with its own ID and link it tothe main transaction oneMTIA,Grawsha

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Thoughts About The Smart Way To A Task

Jul 20, 2005

I'm still a database newbie so I would like to solicit thoughts aboutthe smartest way to do something in sqlserver.My company has a web application that we customize for each client.We can do this because everything is database driven. We havedatabase tables that contain our HTML and database tables as well assome standard tables for each database. We have an in house app thatlets us tweak both of these things and creates a new web site anddatabase tailored to each project.Each of these sites has a table that stores a schedule are clientsuse.The records in this schedule table change when information in othercustom generated tables change.My company currently uses a legacy foxpro app to update the scheduletable.The foxpro app contacts sqlserver, reads a table with a list of tablesand scheduling information to check, checks each of those items andupdates the schedule table.I would like to lose the foxpro app.At first a database newbie.......putting triggersin each of the tables to update the schedule when something changesseems the way to go.However, since we change a part of the schema ( we have an app thatgenerates the database tables unique to each client ) for each clientI would like a scheme that would not involve having to create adifferent trigger for each new table.I would also like something that updates in real time. Right now thefoxpro app is executed once a day.I was thinking of making a large stored procedure and putting anidentical call to that procedure in each table.Each table would have the same trigger in it that would get fired whenthe record was altered. It would call the stored procedure withrelevent arguments to update the schedule.Does this sound like a smart way to solve this problem or am I notthinking "database enough"?Any thoughts are welcome.I would like to build a better solutionSteve

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Thoughts On Asynchronous Operations With SLQ Ce

Jan 3, 2007

I noticed that the current SLQCe driver does not offer support for the APM(Asynchronous Programming Model). Are there any plans to do this in the future? In light of the lack of APM functionality doe anyone have any ideas or thoughts on how async operations could be done, or if they are even needed in the context of applications that use SQL Ce

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Red Gate - Thoughts, Experiences...

May 2, 2008

Currently evaluating Red Gate SQL tools targetting SQL Server 2005 Express.

- SQL Compare
- SQL Packager
- Dependency Tracker

This is the first tool of this kind that I've evaluated and must say I'm impressed. It looks like it will save me hours of writing scripts.

Any of you guys have any thoughts, recommendations, etc to share? Alternate tools?

Most appreciated in advance, thanks.

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Need Some Thoughts On An Emerging Trend With SharePoint

Dec 17, 2007

I was hoping to elicit some feedback on a trend I am seeing in the Portal market, and specifically with SharePoint development.

If you are not familiar with SharePoint, there is a data table abstraction within SharePoint called a "List". Lists are used for storing data (duh!). However, they are built using the SharePoint front end, and the data entered into all lists is stored in a few tables in the SharePoint content database.

What I am seeing happening is SharePoint gurus reccomending AGAINST storing your relational data within database tables, and within SharePoint lists instead. I am not sold on this approach, and it actually makes me think we are taking a step backwards with regards to persistent data storage and best practices.

- Lists cannot be natively related to one another, however they support "lookups"
- Anyone can create a list...and repeat the same data all over the enterprise.
- Lists are maintained in two tables within the SharePoint content database using meta-data patterns.
- Portals contain a multitude of sites. Users and portal admins can create lists all over the place, thus spreading related data over a wide swath of the enterprise.

Is it just me, or are SharePoint pundits absolutely CRAZY to be recommending persistent data storage using lists? I see nothing but problems arising from this approach.

I apologize beforehand if you have not worked with SharePoint and Lists, as this post may not make much sense to you. ;)

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Thoughts On ALTER Vs. DROP & CREATE.

Nov 8, 2006

Thought I should post in the newbie forum for a while, instead. :-)

I have a couple of scripts that I've generated that drop a couple of system stored procedures and recreate them. I'm not sure why I did it in the first place, but I think it was that it wouldn't let me run an ALTER statement on them. Specifically, I'm now looking at sp_add_operator. I changed it to a 500 character email field instead of whatever it was (100, I think.)

/* Explanation: Why did I do that? SQL Mail is prohibited here, so I'm using CDO_Sysmail to email myself and the developers if a job fails. The list of people to email is determined by the owner of the database, who is also an operator in SQL. I get the list of emails from the email field of the operator properties. Hence, I need a bigger email field. Yes, I now know it would most likely be better to create an ADMIN database on each server for this kind of stuff. (Thanks to Tara for that blogged suggestion.) */

While I will probably go back to the default stored procedure, this got me to thinking: when would it be better to use an ALTER statement on a SProc rather than to do a DROP and CREATE?

Your thoughts, oh SQL gurus?

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Data Import - Your Thoughts Appreciated

May 10, 2007

I have a database with a dozen or so tables. No table constraints. Logic is all in stored procedures.

I have several Excel spreadsheets of data to import into the database, one speadsheet to a table. Each spreadsheet has additional data(columns) that each table has no interest in and should be ignored.

I would appreciate your thoughts on methods and best practices for loading this data to the database.

I am about to investigate SQL Server 2005 Express handling of XML. I am familiar with XML and XSL conversions and it seems to me that XSL conversion of Excel data to XML gives me a lot of flexibility prior to database import for shaping the data.

In short, importing data to the database from an XML source.

I am not famliar with SQL Server's XML capability and would appreciate thoughts on this while I look into it.

And of course alternate ways that I am overlooking.


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Thoughts On Whether The SSIS (service/agent) Is Really Necessary?

Jul 12, 2007

I just learned I can deploy and schedule jobs to run SSIS packages (via job/sqlagent) without the Integration Service (agent) itself actually running alongside (or on) the server. (Double-click on manifest, deploy IS package to server, create job/job step to run IS package, watch it run even when integration service is completely disabled)

Other than convenient viewing, configuring, and RMC running w/in SQL Server Mgmt Studio 2005, why then do I need the integration service running on a production box at all? When do I really need the IS service itself?

In our (finance) world only (a) an act of God or (b) a DBA can touch production databases/servers. Allowing anyone to connect to yet another service - in this case, an integration service - to meddle w/ a package would be a no no, so...

1) Could I trouble someone for a concrete, critical reason why the DBA should enable it on a production server. Speed? Caching? Peace of mind knowing everything is piled onto and neatly running on the server?

2) On a more minor note, if I'm deploying a package to be housed solely w/in MSDB, is there anyway to prevent the prompt of a file location during deployment, i.e. the creation of an empty directory that would otherwise hold package dependencies if I were running it as a file?

We'd like to deploy only to MSDB (I know all the pros/cons w/r/t saving dtsxs to files v. msdb) and keep deployments clean (read: all in one place). DR is via SAN-to-SAN replication with, among other things, msdb cleanly getting replicated. We would very much like to avoid having to worry about (more) file/directories sitting out on a server share to be replicated to DR (it seems the default is to allow deployments to directories on the SQL server instance itself..ugh) Any architectural insights on this would be appreciated.

Kind Regards,


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Security Need Thoughts: Ease Of Admin And Granularity

Oct 3, 2005

I like the new gig a lot. Real busy, smart folks and I have been in high demand since 5 minutes after my butt hit the chair. I already have code in production.

Anyhow, we have a security situation on the sql servers I pointed out on my first day. So they want me to roll everything over to Windows Authentication and give the developers and report writers more restricted rights inside SQL Server. So they have NT Groups for different kinds of users and all of that jazz and I layed on the typical stuff about using NT groups vs individual accounts and ease of admin vs granularity of control. Well the boss came back and said he wants ease of admin and granularity of control over security. So, does anyone have any fresh thinking on turning my eitheror into an AND.

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Thoughts/patterns For The Following Use Case Related To Service Broker Dialog Network Connection

Dec 29, 2006


I would appreciate any thoughts/ideas on the following use case for the distributed service broker application we plan to migrate from our existing proprietary tcp based message protocol using database tables for reliability.

There are two ssb services running in separate sql server instances, each on a different server machine. For simplicity, let us assume the ssb endpoint names are SSBA, SSBB. SSBB is the Initiator of the Dialog while SSBA is the Target. Now the requirement is that if the underlying network communication between the two ssb endpoints(SSBA and SSBB) is broken or if the critical service SSBB is down, then processing of any incoming message into SSBA's queue from a third service broker service (say SSBEXPR) running within a SqlExpress instance should be delayed until SSBB is alive and network communication between SSBA and SSBB is established. In our existing implementation (wherein SSBA, SSBB and SSBEXPR are windows services) we use a combination of TCP socket disconnects and Heartbeat messages between SSBA and SSBB to determine the health of network connection and that of the SSBB service.

Now my understanding of how the underlying network connection for a ssb dialog works is that if there is no activity on a dialog for a certain amount of time then the underlying network connection is closed. Is there a way to specify the amount of time to say infinite value or something and thus change this behavior? My other question is how can one query the underlying network connection (i.e. a row from sys.dm_broker_connections) associated with a particular conversation? If none of this is possible, then any other patterns/ideas/approach is welcome.


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Oct 22, 2003


in the database.....

1111 001,0002,0003
2222 005,0006,0007

in one invoice has many po# number i already get the po number individually using explode...
the ouput like this
003 and so on it is ok for that

but my problem is

i want to the po# should be selected i mean like a menu the user select the which po# should be updated....

but i dont know how..

is there anyone can help me?

to elaborate more...

i can display the po# already without commas like in invoice# 1111
i can already display the po# number like this

after that i want it to be like a menu that user will only select the which po# should be updated..using arrow keys down and up....i mean just like selecting..

but i dont know how..




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Many-to-many Selection

Jan 17, 2006

Hi all, I am stuck on the case of many-to-many selection.

Now, I have 3 tables

Table: candidate_skills
candidate_id (PKey)
skill_id (PKey)

Table: skills
skill_id (PKey)

Table: job_skill_required

Now, I want to select all cadidates who has the same skills of job_skill_required table.

I really don't know how to select it...
Please help, thank you.

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Help With The Selection

Nov 16, 2007

SELECT Distinct a.group_code, a.group_name + '-'+ a.group_note As full_name ,
b.station_nbr, b.beg_eff_date, b.end_eff_date,
Round( e.C02_pct,3)As C02_pct, MAX( e.sample_date)As Highest_Sample_Date, d.station_name
from [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.group_detail a
Inner Join [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.station_group b on a.group_code = b.group_code
Inner Join [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.station_type c on b.station_nbr = c.station_nbr
Inner JOIN [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.station d ON c.station_nbr = d.station_nbr
Inner JOIN [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.gas_analysis e ON d.station_nbr = e.station_nbr
Where (b.station_nbr=e.station_nbr)and (b.group_code = a.group_code) and
(a.group_type = 'NPN')and( b.end_eff_date >=DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,dateadd(mm,-0-datepart(day,0),getdate())),0))
and ( (c.type_code = 'WHM')or ( c.type_code = 'CRP'))and
(e.sample_date Between DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,dateadd(mm,-0-datepart(day,0),getdate())),0)
and DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,getdate()), 0))
and e.seq_nbr =
(select max(x.seq_nbr)
From [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.gas_analysis x
Where x.station_nbr = b.station_nbr
and x.sample_date= e.sample_date )
and e.C02_pct =
(Select max(x.C02_pct)
From [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.gas_analysis x
Where x.station_nbr = b.station_nbr
and x.sample_date= e.sample_date )
Group by a.group_code, a.group_name, a.group_note, b.station_nbr, b.beg_eff_date, b.end_eff_date, e.c02_pct, d.station_name
order by a.group_code

ok. Here is how the data looks.
code station_nbr beg_eff_date end_eff_date C02 sample_date
0004 D01G000819 2007-09-01 3000-12-31 0.40 2007-10-02
0004 D01G000819 2007-09-01 3000-12-31 2.49 2007-10-09

What I am trying to do is to select the most current sample date. In this case "2007/10/09" when station_nbr and group_code are the same for both dates.

Thank You for all your help!!!!
From the SQL

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I Need Help In How To Use SUM Selection.

Nov 27, 2007

Hi Team:

This is a new query and I am facing a new problem. Here I am requesting all the records for a Contract Number 'GTH00001' for the specific date of 2/2/2007. I want the SUM(c.rcpt_nom_vol)AS Receipt and the b]SUM(c.rcpt_fuel)As Allocated_Fuel[/b]
But Instead I am getting 147 records for Contract Number'GTH00001'for the date of 2/2/2007.

Declare @Req_Contract_nbr char (8),
@Req_Day int,
@Req_month int,
@Req_year int

Set @Req_Contract_nbr = 'GTH00001'
Set @Req_Day = '2'
set @Req_month = '2'
Set @Req_year ='2007'

SELECT Distinct a.contract_nbr,
c.beg_eff_date, c.rcpt_dlvry_ind,
SUM(c.rcpt_nom_vol)AS Receipt, SUM(c.rcpt_fuel)As Allocated_Fuel
from dbo.contract a
Inner Join dbo.NOm b on a.contract_nbr = b.contract_nbr
Inner Join dbo.Nom_vol_detail c on c.Nom_id = b.Nom_id
where (a.contract_sub_type = 'INT') and (a.Contract_type_code ='GTH')
and (DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,getdate()), 0) < a.current_expirtn_date)
and (c.rcpt_dlvry_ind ='R') and a.contract_nbr= @Req_Contract_nbr
and Day(c.Beg_eff_date) = @Req_Day
and (month(c.Beg_eff_date)= @Req_month )
Group by a.contract_nbr,c.beg_eff_date, c.rcpt_dlvry_ind, c.rcpt_nom_vol, c.rcpt_fuel

Data Example

Contract_nbr specific Date rcpt_nom_vol rcpt_fuel
GTH000012007-02-02 00:00:00.000R4.00.0
GTH000012007-02-02 00:00:00.000R8.00.0
GTH000012007-02-02 00:00:00.000R11.00.0
GTH000012007-02-02 00:00:00.000R12.01.0
GTH000012007-02-02 00:00:00.000R14.01.0
GTH000012007-02-02 00:00:00.000R15.01.0
GTH000012007-02-02 00:00:00.000R16.01.0
GTH000012007-02-02 00:00:00.000R16.02.0
GTH000012007-02-02 00:00:00.000R16.04.0

Thank you for all your help!!!!!!!!! I deeply appreciate all your help.

The future depends of what we do in the present- Mahatma Gandhi

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CheckBoxList Selection

Mar 14, 2008

I have CheckBoxList to make my selection as follows:if (CheckBoxList2.SelectedValue == "")
strSelect = strSelect;
}else if (CheckBoxList2.SelectedValue == "1")if (strWhere == " where")
{strWhere = strWhere + " pic1 = 'true' ";
{strWhere = strWhere + " and pic1 = 'true' ";
}if (CheckBoxList2.SelectedValue == "2")if (strWhere == " where")
{strWhere = strWhere + " pic2 = 'true' ";
{strWhere = strWhere + " and pic2 = 'true' ";
}if (CheckBoxList2.SelectedValue == "3")if (strWhere == " where")
{strWhere = strWhere + " pic3 = 'true' ";
{strWhere = strWhere + " and pic3 = 'true' ";
which mean it will addor remove the fields depends upon the user selection, but it will only select one !!
Thanks in advance

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Calculating The 3rd Value By The First 2's Selection

May 30, 2008

First off, let me state that i am new to and have had to hit the ground running... I have looked on the net but have not found a suitable explanation on how to do this.
Let me explain what i am trying to do: In my aspx page, i have 2 dropdown boxes where the user will select a skill catagory, and then a skill. Based on that selection, i would like to compute what the Service line will be. There is a primary and foreign key on CatID on the skills and SkillCat tables. This data would need to be inserted into the another table aswell, and this would need to go into a report later.
How do i go about doing this? Some examples would be greatly appreciated. And if you know of a good link, please post it for me.
 Skills Table


Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4

Skill 5

Skill 6

Skill 7

Skill 8

Skill 9

Skill 10

Skill 11

Skill 12

Skill 13

Skill 14

Skill 15
Skills Catagory


Skill Category 1

Skill Category 2

Skill Category 3

Skill Category 4

Skill Category 5

Skill Category 6

Skill Category 7

Skill Category 8

Skill Category 9
 Service Line Table


Service Line 1

Service Line 2

Service Line 3

Service Line 4

Service Line 5

Service Line 6

Service Line 7
Thanks for all your help in advance.

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Selection Of Data

Dec 26, 2005

Hi all techies

suppose a table contains these set of values

employeeId          EffectiveDate
1                         2004-12-01
2                         2004-12-01
2                         2005-11-15
3                         2004-12-01

1. when i want to select data for the date ranges
(2005-12-01) to (2005-12-31), it should be

1                        2004-12-01
2                        2005-11-15
3                        2004-12-01

2. when i want to select data for the date ranges
(2005-11-01) to (2005-11-30), it should be

1                        2004-12-01
2                        2004-12-01
2                        2005-11-15
3                        2004-12-01

3. when i want to select data for the date ranges
(2005-10-01) to (2005-10-31), it should be

1                        2004-12-01
2                        2004-12-01
3                        2004-12-01What should I do

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Year Selection In SQL

Dec 4, 2001

Hello Experts,

I would like to have a SQL Statement that to display all records in the same year, e.g., 2001. The date field is a mm/dd/yyyy, smalldatefield.

Could anyone advise the syntax ?

Thank you very much.

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Processor Selection

Feb 11, 2002

We are looking to purchase a new SQL2000 server.... Tada.... Right then, for around about the same money, we could have either 2 x PIII 1Ghz Xeon with 256Kb cache, or 2 x PIII 700Mhz Xeon with 1Mb cache.... Which choice is best for SQL Server 2000???

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Help Making A Selection

Feb 25, 2005

I hope I can explain this somewhat coherantly. Here goes..

I have a products database. I want to select product details for items having distinct style codes. IE if there are 20 products that different from one another in some way, and 3 different style numbers throughout them, I want to end up with 3 products selected. I don't care which ones, as long as i have a sample product for each style.
I've attemped to use GROUP BY to do this, but it's not giving me what I want. I managed to get right number of products, but the query seems to have mixed and matched the fields together in an undesireable way. I guess this kinda makes sense, since providing aggregate functions for each of the extra fields is necessary.
SO THE QUESTION IS: How do I select (number of distinct styles) products, and still keep the records in tact as they should be?

Here is a sample...


SELECT DISTINCT Min(team) as team, min(pict) as pict, min(colors) as colors, min(league) as league, min(product_description) as product_description, min(category) as category, min(subcategory) as subcategory, min(style) as style
FROM prods
WHERE (style='style1' or style='style2' or style='style3')
AND league='leaguex'
AND soldout=''
GROUP by style
ORDER by style

Thanks very much for any help!! I'm sure I'm going about this all wrong.

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Date Selection

Oct 12, 2005

I want to select a date from a datetime type column.

When I use:

Select ExpireDate from myTable Where ExpireDate > 2005-10-12

...I don't get the correct dates

When I use:

Select ExpireDate from myTable Where ExpireDate > '2005-10-12'

...(with the apostrophe, it works correctly. Is there a way this will work correctly without the apostrophies?

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Selection Order

Dec 15, 2005


Can I assume that SQL Server 2000 will always give the result set of a simple query in the same order as the rows inserted into the table ?

Eg :

select *from test

// there is no order by statement Or TOP clause used. Just a simple select query.

Please advise,


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Selection Problem

Nov 8, 2006

this is a close question to the prior post but different
pn Amount date billingamt idc
-------------------- --------------------- ------------- ------------ -----------
a7447 .0000 2005-12-28 150.0 10
a7447 .0000 2006-01-09 150.0 11
a7447 .0000 2006-01-10 150.0 12
a7447 50.0000 2006-03-30 150.0 1
a7447 100.0000 2006-04-09 150.0 2
a7447 150.0000 2006-04-16 150.0 3
a7447 150.0000 2006-05-09 150.0 7
a7447 150.0000 2006-05-17 150.0 8
a7447 10.0000 2006-06-16 150.0 15
a7447 150.0000 2006-09-06 150.0 9
a7474 .0000 2006-04-06 185.0 4
a7474 .0000 2006-04-22 185.0 5
a7474 25.0000 2006-04-24 185.0 6
a7474 10.0000 2006-06-16 185.0 16
a7474 50.0000 2006-08-22 185.0 13
a7474 100.0000 2006-09-20 185.0 14

Ok now i need to do is i need to calculate a sum of amount field which equals or less then billingamt for each permit ordered by the date desc

meaning result items should be
a7447 150.0000 2006-09-06 150.0 9

a7474 25.0000 2006-04-24 185.0 6
a7474 10.0000 2006-06-16 185.0 16
a7474 50.0000 2006-08-22 185.0 13
a7474 100.0000 2006-09-20 185.0 14

I can deal with just a count too
as in resulting
a7447 1
a7474 4

I hope the question make sense
i couldnt find any way to do this with out of a cursor any ideas

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Crazy Selection Help

Aug 21, 2007

Hi everyone -

I have two tables, one table (A) that holds a field called location that
has the partial path information of the file

and the second table (B) holds the full path including the filename

I only want to display the records from the partial path (A)
table that do not reside in the second (B) table

Table A =
imagefilename, description, directory, companyname, location
"96.jpg","test","Prog2006_02","Marey, John","Prog2006_0296.jpg"
"274.JPG","disney","Prog2006_07","Amy Gross","Prog2006_07274.JPG"
"850.JPG","222","Prog2007_08","Malis, Mark","Prog2007_08850.JPG"

Table B =
" g"
"d:webdatawebuploadsqfimagesProg2006_03112.p df"
"d:webdatawebuploadsqfimagesProg2006_03127.j pg"

I was thinking about using a cross join with a like condition,
but it fails (go figure)

could someone offer a little help to the query that i need to


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Datetime Selection

Apr 14, 2008

This is my sql query

Select DOJ AS 'JoiningDate' from emp where DOJ like '%2008/09/04%'

there are 8 records on this time.But it displays no result .
The column is datetime datatype
year month date or we need to mention any thing other than this.

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Tree Selection

Jun 13, 2008

SELECT a.Network_ID, b.Last_Name + ', ' + b.Preferred_FirstName AS full_name, c.Security_Class_Description,
d.Security_Type_Description, a.Security_Value
FROM Company_Hierarchy_Security a
JOIN V_Entity_Employee_Active b on a.Network_ID= b.Network_ID
JOIN Company_Security_Class c on a.Security_Class_Code=c.Security_Class_Code
JOIN Company_Security_Type d on a.Security_Type = d.Security_Type
inner join (select e.Budget_Center_ID + ' - ' + e.Budget_Center_Description As Budget_Center_Description,
f.Company_Name, g.Enterprise_Description, h.Business_Segment_Description,
from Company_Hierarchy_Security a.
Inner JOIN Budget_Center e on a.Security_Value = e.Budget_Center_ID
Inner JOIN Company f on a.Security_Value = f.Company_ID
Inner JOIN Enterprise g ON a.Security_Value = Cast(g.Enterprise_Number As Varchar(5))
Inner JOIN Business_Segment h on a.Security_Value = h.Business_Segment_ID
Inner JOIN Team i on a.Security_Value = i.Team_ID

Ok. I have the Security Value located in Company_Hierarchy_Security table. All those values are divided into 5 other tables that I need to join together. I found all of them separate but I have not been able to figue it out how to put it together with the rest of the querie.

Thanks for the help!!!!!

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Tree Selection

Jun 16, 2008

Thank You visakh16 --- The following section of my querie works but doesn't give the exact information that I need. This is what is giving me:

NetworkId Full Name Sec Class Desc Sec Type Desc SecValue
tte Test Scenario Accounting Budget Center 142- ?

SELECT a.Network_ID, b.Last_Name + ', ' + b.Preferred_FirstName AS full_name, c.Security_Class_Description,
d.Security_Type_Description, a.Security_Value
FROM Company_Hierarchy_Security a
JOIN V_Entity_Employee_Active b on a.Network_ID= b.Network_ID
JOIN Company_Security_Class c on a.Security_Class_Code=c.Security_Class_Code
JOIN Company_Security_Type d on a.Security_Type = d.Security_Type


inner join (select e.Budget_Center_ID + ' - ' + e.Budget_Center_Description As Budget_Center_Description,
f.Company_Name, g.Enterprise_Description, h.Business_Segment_Description,
from Company_Hierarchy_Security a.
Inner JOIN Budget_Center e on a.Security_Value = e.Budget_Center_ID
Inner JOIN Company f on a.Security_Value = f.Company_ID
Inner JOIN Enterprise g ON a.Security_Value = Cast(g.Enterprise_Number As Varchar(5))
Inner JOIN Business_Segment h on a.Security_Value = h.Business_Segment_ID
Inner JOIN Team i on a.Security_Value = i.Team_ID


What I need is the Description that are located in 4 other different tables that matches the Security Value from my first querie.

The result should look like this...

Network Id full Name Sec Class Desc Sec Type Desc Security Value
tst , Test Example , Accounting ,Budget Center , 142-Accountig dept

Thank you very much,

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Selection Problem

Jan 12, 2006

i need some help
i have a database which has single column containing 10,000 records.
i enter a number say 1000.
so it divides the 10,000 records into 10 different column containing
1000 record do i do it?

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FROM Vs WHERE Selection Criteria

Jan 27, 2006


While playing with SQL Server 2000 I found you can specify the selection criteria in either the FROM clause or the WHERE clause:
select *
from Table1 a inner join Table2 b ON a.key = b.key and a.field = 1

Is logically the same as:
select *
from Table1 a inner join Table2 b ON a.key = b.key
where a.a = 1

Any comments on which is best, and why?



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Selection Query

Sep 21, 2006

Hi All

Being new to this forum and to SQL, I would to apologise upfront for my clumsy code and explanations as I try and get to grips with this subject.

I have created this query which does work:

SELECT T1.U_Serial,
when (U_RDate < GETDATE() AND U_ASDate Is NULL)
then 'NA'
when (U_RDate Is NULL)
then 'No Request'
when (U_ASDate Is Not NULL And U_AEDate Is NULL)
then 'NA'
when (U_ASDate Is Not NULL And U_AEDate Is Not NULL)
then 'A'
when (U_RDate > GETDATE() AND U_ASDate Is NULL)
then 'NA'
else 'DN'
end As Available,
when (U_RDate < GETDATE() AND U_ASDate Is NULL)
then 'Late'
when (U_RDate Is NULL)
then 'No Request'
when (U_ASDate Is Not NULL And U_AEDate Is NULL)
then 'Busy'
when (U_ASDate Is Not NULL And U_AEDate Is Not NULL)
then 'Done'
when (U_RDate > GETDATE() AND U_ASDate Is NULL)
then 'Waiting'
else 'DN'
end As Progress,

T1.U_Status,T1.U_JobTp, T1.U_JobNr,T1.Code, T0.U_CardNM, T0.U_ZpCd, GETDATE() as Today, T1.U_RDate, T1.U_ASDate, T1.U_AEDate, T1.U_ItemCd, T1.U_ItemDsc

FROM [dbo].[@IDH_JOBENTR] T0 , [dbo].[@IDH_JOBSHD] T1

WHERE T0.Code = T1.U_JobNr AND T1.U_Serial not like ''

ORDER BY T1.U_Serial, T1.U_AEDate DESC, T1.U_JobNr DESC ,T1.Code DESC,Today, T1.U_RDate, Available, Progress, T1.U_Status,T1.U_JobTp,T0.U_CardNM, T0.U_ZpCd, T1.U_ASDate, T1.U_ItemCd, T1.U_ItemDsc

The tables I’m using are IDH_JOBENTR which is the header records for my jobs and IDH_JOBSHD, which holds the row details for the jobs.

I’m trying to extract from the IDH_JOBSHD table the last (row) detail record for the (header) job.

The way the query works now, the first row for each unique serial number is the record I need, but this is all the info I would like to display I don’t need the other lines, and I don't know how to strip out the rest of the data

I hope this make sense.

Kind regards

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Dates Selection

Nov 24, 2006

i am having problems selecting by date. I have made sure that the datetime field only contains dates with the time set to 00:00:00

In this instance both it should return one record dated 24/11/2006 00:00:00 but it returns a record with the date 25/11/2006 00:00:00 can someone expain why thi is.


WHERE(Tbl_01020_Tour_Types.TourTypeId = @TourTypeId) AND
(Tbl_01030_Tour_Schedule.Sch_TourStartDate <= CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(INT,GETDATE()))) AND
(Tbl_01030_Tour_Schedule.Sch_TourEndDate >= CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(INT, GETDATE())))

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