Dec 10, 2000

Can someone help me, PLEASE:

How to update a remote sql server 7 database!

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How To Update SQL Database On Remote Server?

May 12, 2007

I'm using "Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard" to import and create database on a remote server.
Is there a convenient tool to update SQL database on a remote server to match with database that I have on my computer?

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Update A Database On A Remote Server

Jun 12, 2008

I have a database on my web hosting site.  It is a sql server 2005 database that was created in sql server management studio express.
I can access this database in code using a connection string and do things like show results on my page.
However I now want to do things like delete certain records, or update stored procedure criteria, usually I would do this by running sql in management studio but as my database is now online with the hosting company how would I do this?

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Remote Db Update, How To?

Dec 29, 2007

hi all,
i have a local SQL server running with my Products table, now very soon we want to launch a website ( 2.0 with sql 2k5), hosted on a shared environment, which synchronises with our local SQL. Replication is out of the question.
i tested already with a webservice on our local server, but i can't find the right way how to periodically update our online Db.since our website has over 200 visits a day, i can't do a check everytime the code is launched.Our local server has a slow upload speed + is not 99.9% garantueed online... the dataset has a 1Mb file size.
i do have a boolean which indicates if there are new products or not, in this way i don't have to download the full dataset on my local SQL.(i can provide a list with only the new products and a list of products which have to be deleted, but still, i'm looking for the best way WHEN to do the update)
Forcing an update from my local server to the online server seems a problem since i have restricted rights on the online server.

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Update Remote Data

Sep 3, 2007

Hi Everyone,
 I develop a 2.0 site with Sql2005 Database, now i want to publish it on a webhosting service.
Once I copy the DB to app_data folder on webhosting, what i can do to update data from my local sql2000 server?
I want update data daily, may I use SQL replication? How? I can access my sql2005 DB by FTP?
Any ideas?
Thanks a lot.

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How To Update Remote SQL From Local SQL?

Jan 22, 2008

i have a local SQL Server Express 2005 on my local machine and i want my software to update from the SQL Expres to the SQL Server when the user click the save button to keep an image of the local database on the remote server without having to backup a file and restore it?

*** I am using C# and SQl Server 2005

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How To Update Remote Databases Easily?

Dec 19, 2001

I'm developing an app. using SQL Server 7 (as the back end) for a company supporting approx. 200 unrelated clients, all in different locations. There is no LAN or WAN connection between them, so we'd probably need to use TCP/IP. The problem is as follows: We have dynamic reports in our app. which are run based on data in two tables. Whenever we add a new report we'd like to send it to all of our clients i.e. update their tables to reflect the additional rows of new report info. How would this best be handled, by DTS or Replication or BCP? And how could it be done with either?


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Update Remote Table With Openquery

Apr 16, 2008


I have an application that uses a MS SQL 2005 database. When data is changed in certain tables, that data needs to be pushed to a MySQL box. I've added the MySQL server as a linked server in SQL 2k5 and I can delete and insert data with no problem, however when I try to update I get the following error (query included):

Code Snippet

with RemoteTable(r_AccountID, r_Name)
as (select AccountID, Name from openquery(RACS_TEST, 'select AccountID, Name from accounts'))
update RemoteTable
set r_Name = ex_Name
from Export_RACS_Accounts join remotetable
on r_AccountID = ex_AccountID

OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "RACS_TEST" returned message "Row cannot be located for updating. Some values may have been changed since it was last read.".
Msg 7343, Level 16, State 4, Line 33
The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "RACS_TEST" could not UPDATE table "[MSDASQL]". The rowset was using optimistic concurrency and the value of a column has been changed after the containing row was last fetched or resynchronized.

What am I doing wrong ?

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Using Cursors To Update A Table From A Remote Server

Sep 20, 2007


Two tables t1 and t2 have the same schema but exist on two different servers. Which is the better technique for updating t2 and why?

/****** Object: Table [dbo].[t1] Script Date: 9/6/2007 9:55:21 AM ******/
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[t1]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[t1]

if not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[t1]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[t1] (
k [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
a [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
b [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
c [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
x [int] NULL ,
y [int] NULL ,
amt [money] NULL


/****** Object: Table [dbo].[t2] Script Date: 9/6/2007 9:55:44 AM ******/
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[t2]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[t2]

if not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[t2]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[t2] (
k [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
a [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
b [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
c [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
x [int] NULL ,
y [int] NULL ,
amt [money] NULL


-- Technique 1:

set identity_insert t2 on

insert into t2 (k,a,b,c,x,y,amt)
select k,a,b,c,x,y,amt from t1
where not exists (select k from t2 where t1.k = t2.k)

set identity_insert t2 off

update t2
set a = t1.a,
b = t1.b,
c = t1.c,
x = t1.x,
y = t1.y,
amt = t1.amt
from t1
where t1.k = t2.k

-- Technique 2:
set identity_insert t2 on

declare t1_cur cursor for
select k,a,b,c,x,y,amt from t1
for read only

open t1_cur

declare @k int
declare @a char(10)
declare @b char(10)
declare @c char(10)
declare @x int
declare @y int
declare @amt money

fetch next from t1_cur into @k,@a,@b,@c,@x,@y,@amt
while(@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)
if exists(select k from t2 where k = @k)
update t2
set a = @a, b = @b, c = @c, x = @x, y = @y, amt = @amt
where (k = @k)
insert into t2 (k,a,b,c,x,y,amt) values(@k,@a,@b,@c,@x,@y,@amt)

fetch next from t1_cur into @k,@a,@b,@c,@x,@y,@amt

close t1_cur
deallocate t1_cur

set identity_insert t2 off


Joel K
Database Adminstration/Application Development

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UPDATE Table From A Remote DB OR INSERT If Doesnt Excists.

Sep 2, 2004

I have been looking for a solution for this for some time and have came up empty handed.

I have 2 servers development box and a live box. Time has passed and my live box has a lot of new data in the database and now I need to update the dev box so I can properly test with real data. Problem here is I want to keep the records that are in the dev box, update them if they exsist on the live box, because live server may or may not contain that record and isert all records that are not on the dev box database.

I hope I am making some sense here, I think I am just making it more difficult then it has to be.

Any suggestions?


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Update Data Of LocalDB From Remote DB Weekly Basis

Sep 23, 2007

Hi All

Can any one solve my problem?

We have Our Local DataBase(SQL Server) Guess eg. DBLocal
We have a requirements to update this DBLocal Table Data with Other Database DBRemote(SQL Server) table data.
This Task is Schedule in a Week. Means We needs to update this DBLocal Table Every Week from DBRemote Data.

Both Side we have only one table. Means Source is One Table and Destination is Table One.

Right Now I have a connection string for DBRemote(SQL Server) and SQL Statement for getting Data from DBRemote(SQL Server).

can any one tell me what I need to do for achive this requirement?

please provide me link also; from there i can get enough information for my requirements.

Thanks in Advance


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Remote Update Having A Linked Server Takes Forever To Execute

Oct 17, 2006

UPDATE CD SET col1=SR.col1,col2=SR.col2,col3=SR.col3,col4=SR.col4,col5=SR.col5,col6=SR.col6,col7=SR.col7,



join Table2 USRI on USRI.col00 = CD.col00

join table3 SR on USRI.col00 = SR.col00

Here, I'm trying to tun this from an instance and do a remote update. col00 is a primary key and there is a clustered index that exists on this column. When I run this query, it does a 'select * from tabl1' on the remote server and that table has about 60 million rows. I don't understand why it would do a select *... Also, we migrated to SQL 2005 a week or so back but before that everything was running smooth. I dont have the execution plan from before but this statement was fast. Right now, I can't run this statement at all. It takes about 37 secs to do one update. But if I did the update on a local server doing remote joins here, it would work fine. When I tried to show the execution plan, it took about 10 mins to show up an estimated plan and 99% of the time was spent on Remote scan. Please let me know what I can do to improve my situation. Thank you

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Remote Scan On Linked Server - Fast SELECT/Slow UPDATE

Aug 14, 2001

In an ASP, I have a dynamically created SQL statement that amounts to "SELECT * FROM Server1.myDB.dbo.myTable WHERE Col1 = 1" (Col1 is the table's primary key). It returns the data immediately when executed.

However, when the same record is updated with "UPDATE Server1.myDB.dbo.myTable SET Comments = 'blah blah blah' WHERE Col1 = 1", the page times out before the query can complete.

I watched the program in Profiler, and I saw on the update that sp_cursorfetch was being executed as an RPC once per each row in the table. In a table of 78000 records, the timeout occurs well before the last record is fetched, and the update bombs.

I can run the same statements in Query Analyzer from a linked server and have the same results. The execution plan shows that a Remote Query is occurring on the select that returns 1 row, and a Remote Scan is taking place on the update scanning 78000 rows (I guess this is where all the sp_cursorfetch calls are happening...?).

How can I prevent the Remote Scan? How can I prevent the execution of the RPC sp_cursorfetch for each row in the remote table?

Thank you!

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Import Wizard - Using Query For Remote Database To Compare Local Database

Apr 10, 2008

I am trying to use the Import Wizard to setup a daily job to import new records based on an ID field (PK). The source database is remote and a replica. I am inserting new records to update my table called the same thing. Both are SQL Native Client

Code Snippet
select *
from [CommWireless].[dbo].[iQclerk_SaleInvoicesAndProducts] as S1
join [IQ_REPLICA].[dbo].[iQclerk_SaleInvoicesAndProducts] as S2
on S1.SaleInvoiceID = S2.SaleInvoiceID
where S1.SaleInvoiceID > S2.SaleInvoiceID

When I parse the query, I keep getting an error message.

Deferred prepare could not be completed.
Statement(s) could not be prepared.
Invalid object name 'IQ_REPLICA.dbo.iQ_SaleInvoicesAndProducts'. (Microsoft SQL Native Client)

Anyone know an easy why to get this to work? Or should I add a create table to verify new records?

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Could The ADS Access Database Sychronizer Wizard Accomodate A Remote Database?

Jan 4, 2008

I've used the ADS sample program and it works well. I looked at the code and changed it to VB (sorry, I'm not biligual yet), and have tried to 'adjust' it so I can connect to a remote PC (XP running IIS) instead of the local PC using the workgroup information database (system.mdw). Any ideas of the connection string that could make the connection? intention is to RDA once a week between a mobile device (3g/gsm) and a 'poor man's' IIS web server.
I've tried everything I can think of, and I'm sure its possible since all I'm doing is changing the connection path.

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Help Send An Personal Email From Database Mail On Row Update-stored PROCEDURE Multi Update

May 27, 2008

hi need help how to send an email from database mail on row update
from stored PROCEDURE multi update
but i need to send a personal email evry employee get an email on row update
like send one after one email

i use FUNCTION i get on this forum to use split from multi update

how to loop for evry update send an single eamil to evry employee ID send one email

i update like this

Code Snippet

DECLARE @id nvarchar(1000)
set @id= '16703, 16704, 16757, 16924, 17041, 17077, 17084, 17103, 17129, 17134, 17186, 17190, 17203, 17205, 17289, 17294, 17295, 17296, 17309, 17316, 17317, 17322, 17325, 17337, 17338, 17339, 17348, 17349, 17350, 17357, 17360, 17361, 17362, 17366, 17367, 17370, 17372, 17373, 17374, 17377, 17380, 17382, 17383, 17385, 17386, 17391, 17392, 17393, 17394, 17395, 17396, 17397, 17398, 17400, 17401, 17402, 17407, 17408, 17409, 17410, 17411, 17412, 17413, 17414, 17415, 17417, 17418, 17419, 17420, 17422, 17423, 17424, 17425, 17426, 17427, 17428, 17430, 17431, 17432, 17442, 17443, 17444, 17447, 17448, 17449, 17450, 17451'
UPDATE s SET fld5 = 2
FROM Snha s
JOIN dbo.udf_SplitList(@id, ',') split
ON split.value =
WHERE fld5 = 3

how to send an EMAIL for evry ROW update but "personal email" to the employee

Code Snippet
FirstName AS 'td','',
LastName AS 'td','' ,
SET @body = @body + @xml +'</table></body></html>'
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@recipients =''
@body = @body,
@body_format ='HTML',
@subject ='test',
@profile_name ='bob'
print 'no email today'


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UPDATE SQL Statement In Excel VBA Editor To Update Access Database - ADO - SQL

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,I am trying to update records in my database from excel data using vbaeditor within excel.In order to launch a query, I use SQL langage in ADO as follwing:------------------------------------------------------------Dim adoConn As ADODB.ConnectionDim adoRs As ADODB.RecordsetDim sConn As StringDim sSql As StringDim sOutput As StringsConn = "DSN=MS Access Database;" & _"DBQ=MyDatabasePath;" & _"DefaultDir=MyPathDirectory;" & _"DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;" &_"PWD=xxxxxx;UID=admin;"ID, A, B C.. are my table fieldssSql = "SELECT ID, `A`, B, `C being a date`, D, E, `F`, `H`, I, J,`K`, L" & _" FROM MyTblName" & _" WHERE (`A`='MyA')" & _" AND (`C`>{ts '" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") & "'})"& _" ORDER BY `C` DESC"Set adoConn = New ADODB.ConnectionadoConn.Open sConnSet adoRs = New ADODB.RecordsetadoRs.Open Source:=sSql, _ActiveConnection:=adoConnadoRs.MoveFirstSheets("Sheet1").Range("a2").CopyFromRecordset adoRsSet adoRs = NothingSet adoConn = Nothing---------------------------------------------------------------Does Anyone know How I can use the UPDATE, DELETE INSERT SQL statementsin this environement? Copying SQL statements from access does not workas I would have to reference Access Object in my project which I do notwant if I can avoid. Ideally I would like to use only ADO system andSQL approach.Thank you very muchNono

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Trigger To Update One Record On Update Of All The Tables Of Database

Jan 3, 2005


I have a big problem. If anyone can help.

I want to retrieve the last update time of database. Whenever any update or delete or insert happend to my database i want to store and retrieve that time.

I know one way is that i have to make a table that will store the datetime field and system trigger / trigger that can update this field record whenever any update insert or deletion occur in database.

But i don't know exactly how to do the coding for this?

Is there any other way to do this?

can DBCC help to retrieve this info?

Please advise me how to do this.

Thanks in advance.


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Remote Database

Jun 13, 2007

How can I connect to a remote database, based on Microsoft sql server? Is there any article that can help? I have read few over the net, but not working for me yet  

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SQL Server 2014 :: Synchronize Table On Remote Server Via Update Trigger Failing

Jul 21, 2015

We have a database on a 2005 box, which we need to keep in sync with one on a 2014 box (until we can turn off the one on 2005). The 2005 database is still being updated with changes that must be applied to the 2014 database, given the nature of the data (medical documents) we need to ensure updates are applied to the 2014 database in very near real time (these changes are - for example - statuses, not the documents themselves).

Cunning plan #1, ulgy - not at all a fan of triggers - but use an after update trigger to run a sp on the remote box via a linked server in this format, with a SQL Server login for the linked server with permissions to EXEC the remote proc.

CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[SourceUpdate] ON [dbo].[SourceTable]
IF UPDATE(ColumnName)

[Code] ....

However, while the sp can be run against the linked server as a standalone query OK, when running it in a trigger it's throwing

OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "WIBBLE" returned message "The transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions.".

Msg 7391, Level 16, State 2, Procedure TheAfterUpdateTrigger, Line 19

The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "WIBBLE" was unable to begin a distributed transaction.

Whether it actually possible to call a proc on a remote box via a trigger and if so what additional hoops need to be jumped through (like I said, it'll run OK called via SSMS)?

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Connecting To Remote Database?

Feb 3, 2007

I am using SQL Server 2000 database in my VB.Net project.
My application is installed one two machines in different cities i.e. there are two separate databases.
First machine's IP address is say and other machine IP address is say Now I want to use each others databases i.e. I want to set their database group.
So that in my VB.Net's application which is installed on I could see data of the by just changing the connection string

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Remote Database Access

May 14, 2007

Hi can anybody know how to connect remote database with application? Actually my database is in different machine (in different server, different location) so i want to connect that server. Every time I'm getting the fallowing message
An error has occured while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.
Thank you,

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How To Backup From Remote Database

Jun 18, 2008

hi all,
I have a remote(online) database of my web portal.
I want to take backup of that remote(online) database to my local machne.
This is SQL Server 2005 database.
Please tell me how I take backup of my database?

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Remote Database Connection

Mar 4, 2006

My database stays in a remote site and I have access it through VPN. I would like connect my current Windows based Asp.Net application with this database. What are my options? Can I connect remote database with SqlDataAdaper, will that be slow? Should I sue Web Services to connect database?

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Connecting To Remote Database Using EM

Apr 18, 2006

Hi to all:
I always had a problem connecting to SQL Server from home using EM.
I do add a new server registration, but i always get the following exception:

A Connection could not be established to IP ADDRESS
Reason: SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
At the same time, I do use a utility, found at to connect to the same database and works perfect.
Is there any configuration I should do to my pc, don't know maybe some port configuration or so, to allow EM to connect to those remote databases?
Thanks in advance.

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Remote Database Connections With 6.5

Apr 11, 2001

I have a need to connect to a remote (i.e. database on the clients site) SQL Server database from a live application. It is relatively easy under Oracle, but I havent tried to do to an SQL Server. Has anyone done this? The remote SQL Server database in question is 6.5
You can set up odbc connections to remote clients (99% sure on this) so you could go this way. You can also connect directly to a sql box through an IP address in sql7, but I am not too sure how it is with 6.5.

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Remote Database Configuration

Aug 15, 2000

Please excuse me as although I have lots of database design & development experience I'm not database administrator and I'm new to SQL Server.

I have a SQL server 7 database on a remote web server which I can access over the Internet.

I have SQL server 7 installed on my local network server and I use Enterprise Manager to administer and configure the databases on the server.

Can I use Enterprise Manager to administer and configure the remote database?

If I can't then how do I make changes to the remote database? Do I need to FTP objects or use RAS?

Any help would be very much appreciated?

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Remote SQL Database Backup

Sep 19, 2000

Hello Everyone,

I got a problem when I tried to backup SQL 7.0 database to a remote location.
The situation isthat I have two SQL Servers (both are SQL Server 7), They are in the same domain, but in two different NT servers mechines. When I create a new backup device, I can only see the local partitions.

I tried to use T-SQL to create the backup device. It can create it, but when I tried to use it, I got a error message, saying the disk not exist.

I thought that might have something to do with disk sharing, but not sure. Can any of you give me some advice on how I can access the remote partitions from SQL's Enterprise Manager? Thank you very much!


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Remote SQL Database File

Aug 3, 2003


We have 2 Windows server installed . A installed with Windows 2000 server with SQL server 2000 and B is installed with only Windows 2003.

We setup the SQL database on Windows 2003 using a control panel and the database will be setup remotely on the Windows 2000 server.

Is it possible so that the SQL database file to be placed locally on Windows 2003 server instead on the Windows 2000 server which has the SQL 2000 server installed?


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Remote Adminstrate Sql Database

Jun 20, 2008

Can I administrate database from client ?

I used to do this by using win remote-desktop to windows server 2003, but since the administrator's password had changed (for security reason), I can do that anymore.

The sys.Admin allow me to make changes in server room but I dont want them watching what I am doing, I may want to add some table, some field depend what users demand. what I have in my notebook is SQL2000 personal edition which cannot modify table's structure.

Any suggestion will be very appreciated.

ps. sorry for my poor english

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Deploying To Remote Database

May 4, 2006

We are using SQL-Server (2005) for the first time and have developed an app that uses 2 dozen tables and a bunch of SP, triggers, etc.
How do we get our entities to our client site without a lot of copying and pasting? How about the data we want to upload for lookup tables - how would we get the data there?
Moreover, how do we sync stored procedures with the live database as we make changes during development?

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Remote Attacks On My Database

Nov 29, 2007

Hi, I´m new on this forum, I just need help to solve or avoid better saying attacks to a SQL Server 2005 database. I ´ve had some intruders on my database, changing some data on 2 tables. the information there is too important. But i need to know how can i get all the remote address that make some masive updates on my DB. I´ve make some triggers to avoid that, but those peaoples have reach modify data. I think is some user on the same VPN.

Help me please what can i do to get the ip address.

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How To Connect To A Remote Database ?

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,First, sorry for my bad English.Here is my problem:BoxA: XPpro + Apache + php (using php_mssql.php)+ ADOdb + MS SQL Server+ My_Prog (using local MS SQL PUBS database)BoxB: NT4 + Apache + php (using php_mssql.php)+ ADOdb + My_Prog (usingremote BoxA PUBS database)BoxC: W2KMy_Prog uses:$serveur = ''; BoxA's IP address$admin_nom = 'sa';$admin_mdp = '';$base = 'PUBS';$conn = &ADONewConnection($sgbd);$conn->debug = true;$a = $conn->Connect ($serveur,$admin_nom,$admin_mdp,$base);From BoxC, using IE, connecting to:- BoxA My_Prog : I access PUBS, that's OK- BoxB My_prog : "Warning: mssql_connect(): message: Echec de laconnexion de l'utilisateur 'sa'. Raison : Non associé à une connexionsécurisée SQL Server. (severity 14) in on line438." (I prefer to report the "French" message)Anyone knows about ?Thanks in advance,Eric

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