HOWTO Show MS Word Doc Stored In SQL Server DB?

May 24, 2008

I have a document that is stored in SQL DB - DBname (doctest.mdf)- Table name(Documents)- Column names(ID, LINK, Content, Adddate, FileType). The doc is named Showme.doc

What I'm trying to do is I have a listview that is linked to the DB. The columns of the listview show LINK and Adddate. The LINK column is a hyperlink.

When the page is loaded the list view shows the info in the DB. The link is a hyperlink so that when I place my cursor over the link it is clickable.

Now how do I make it so that when the user clicks on the LINK the document is retrieved and opened?

I uploaded the document with the fileupload control. If FileUpload1.HasFile Then
Using reader As New BinaryReader(FileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream)
Dim btcontent As Byte() = reader.ReadBytes(FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength)
cmd3.Parameters.Add("@CONTENT", SqlDbType.VarBinary).Value = btcontent
End Using

end if

I would be thankful for help.



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SQL Server 2008 :: Trigger To Show Which Stored Procedure Has Updated A Table

Jul 9, 2015

I am looking to created a trigger that inserts records into a log table to show the stored porcedure that has updated a specific column to a specific value in a specific table

At present I have:

CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trUpdaterTable]
ON [dbo].[t_account]-- A DB level trigger
--Event we want to capture
IF update (document_status)

[Code] ...

However this doesn't appear to bring back the procedure that triggered the update...

The value the trigger should update on is document_status = 0

NULLNULLLOMBDAadministrator2015-06-25 07:42:01.677
NULLNULLLOMBDA im64602015-06-25 07:51:34.503
NULLNULLLOMBDAadministrator2015-06-25 07:52:01.610
NULLNULLLOMBDAadministrator2015-06-25 08:02:01.417
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trTableupdateaccount] ON [DoesMore].[dbo].[t_account]

[Code] ....

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Stored Procedure To Separate A Word

Apr 16, 2008


I am new to sql...

can anyone help me by giving the code to write a stored procedure to seperate a word.

For example:

If there is a string - Hi, how are you doing.

I want to seperate "Hi," and "How are you doing." using a stored procedure.


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Can I Search A Word Only In My All Stored Procedure

May 5, 2008

can i search a word in my all stored procedure
not in system stored procedure
only in my stored procedure

like i need to search ' Getdate() ' in my all stored procedure


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Can I Change Null Word In Report To Another Word

Feb 24, 2008

i have report with parameter and he can have a null in parameter ther is null word can i change it to another word like all or any thing else

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Import Database To Another Server - Howto

Sep 12, 2007

How import database mysql to mysql server 2005?--magix

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HowTo Compare Data From 2 Different Db-sources (xls,csv,sql Server, Mysql Server)?

Jan 28, 2008

Hello Guys,

I'm searching for a way to compare informations from one database against another database.

E.g. i want to check if serialnumbers of my first database (eg hardware.xls or hardware.csv ) are already stored in my sql server database.

I know i can use sql querys (Joins) for that task but i don't know how i can access 2 different databases at the same time. Do i need a tool for it? Does Excel is able to compare those data? But how? I'm searching for that thread since 2 days testing with some tools without any success...

So please help...

Kindly Regards...


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HOWTO: Installing SQL 6.5 On Windows 2000 Server

Jul 23, 2005

You may have a requirement that you cannot change where you have oldapps, such as Delphi 3 apps (in my case), that must hobble along untilthe BIG migration money comes into migrate to something better. Andthose old apps may require that you keep SQL 6.5 on the backend. In mycase, that's the case, unfortunately. And Microsoft has completelydried up support for it.You may find that you can't install SQL 6.5 Enterprise Edition onWindows 2000 Server -- it may say that it needs to be NT 4 EnterpriseEdition. I did some testing and have come up with the hook around thisproblem:1. Copy the contents of the SQL 6.5 Ent Edition CD to your hard drive.You're going to need a lot of space.2. Edit the i386setup.inf file (once you have made it not read-only)and find the lines that refer to an if/then statement about "EntOnly"(note no space before Only). When you find this if/then statement,comment that block (about 5 lines, if not mistaken) out by puttingsemicolons as the first character on each line.3. Now run the install by doing something like E:i386msetup.exe, ifE: is your hard drive where you have installed the files copied fromCD. It will run without complaining about the NT 4.

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Howto Check The Sql Server Edition From Code

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I want to create a tool that run over Windows Server 2003 and checksthe sql server 2000 edition (Enterprise, Standard, Personal,Developer).I know I can do from the query analyzer - "Select @@version".But how can I do it from code, is there a WMI API that can tell mewhat's the edition?Thanks,Koby

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How To Show A Stored PDF

Aug 26, 2007

New to asp and have no idea what I'm doing wrong here. I just want to open a pdf that I have stored in a table and show it on the page. Here is my code. I keep getting the System.NullReferenceException was unhandled by user code.
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:smithsdaConnectionStringtest %>"
ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:smithsdaConnectionStringtest.ProviderName %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [correspondence] WHERE ([facilitiesID] = ?)">
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="facilitiesID" QueryStringField="DACorr" Type="Int32" />
<script runat="server">Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
 Dim ScanDoc As New DataViewDim arg As New DataSourceSelectArguments
ScanDoc = SqlDataSource1.Select(arg)
Dim ScanLet(1) As ByteScanLet(0) = CByte(ScanDoc(0)("Letter"))
If ScanDoc IsNot "" Then
Response.Buffer = True
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
End IfEnd Sub
 Any Help greatly appreciated.

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Sql Search Command Word By Word?

Mar 30, 2005

I'm just wondering does anyone know how to create an sql command that can search word by word?
what i mean is like I have a product with name 'harry potter broom'.
I want an sql command where if i type only 'harry broom' this 'harry potter broom' product will show up.
Does anyone have any idea?
Here's my sql comand: (I'm using vb script do develop this system)
query = "select distinct * from product where " & _
"(pname like '%" & keyword & "%' or " & _
"pdesc like '%" & keyword & "%' ) and " & _
"(price >= " & price1 & " and price <= " & price2 & _
") and status <> 'out of stock' order by price asc"
Thank you.

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Howto Insert A Null DateTime Into A Sql Server 2005 Database

Apr 2, 2008

I'm importing data form an Excel file to a Sql Server Database. Some of the data imported represents time as a double type so i convert the times into DateTime to be inserted into the database. The time values that aren't available in the Excel file are 0.. so what i want to do is insert null into the database for all the values that are 0 in the excel file... How do i do that based on this code i have so far:protected void ButtonImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){PanelUpload.Visible = false;PanelView.Visible = false;PanelImport.Visible = true;LabelImport.Text = "";OleDbCommand objCommand = new OleDbCommand();objCommand = ExcelConnection(); OleDbDataReader reader;reader = objCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()){DateTime? in_1 = null;DateTime? out_1 = null;DateTime? in_2 = null;DateTime? out_2 = null;   int emp_id = Convert.ToInt32(reader["emp_id"]);DateTime date_entry = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["date_entry"]);if (Convert.ToDouble(reader["in_1"]) != 0)in_1 = ConvertDoubleToDateTime((double)reader["in_1"]);if (Convert.ToDouble(reader["out_1"]) != 0)out_1 = ConvertDoubleToDateTime((double)reader["out_1"]);if (Convert.ToDouble(reader["in_2"]) != 0)in_2 = ConvertDoubleToDateTime((double)reader["in_2"]);if (Convert.ToDouble(reader["out_2"]) != 0)out_2 = ConvertDoubleToDateTime((double)reader["out_2"]); ImportIntoAttendance(emp_id, date_entry, in_1, out_1, in_2, out_2);} reader.Close();}protected void ImportIntoAttendance(int emp_id, DateTime date_entry, DateTime? in_1, DateTime? out_1, DateTime? in_2, DateTime? out_2){ SqlDataSource AttendanceDataSource = new SqlDataSource();AttendanceDataSource.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SalariesConnectionString1"].ToString();AttendanceDataSource.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text;AttendanceDataSource.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO Attendance (emp_id, date_entry, in_1, out_1, in_2, out_2) " +"VALUES ('" + emp_id + "', '" + date_entry + "', '" + in_1 + "', '" + out_1 + "', " +"'" + in_2 + "', '" + out_2 + "')"; int rowsAffected = 0;try{rowsAffected = AttendanceDataSource.Insert();}catch(Exception ex){LabelImport.Text += "<font color=red>" + ex + "</font><br />";} }private DateTime ConvertDoubleToDateTime(double dbTime){string[] SplitTime = dbTime.ToString().Split('.');string hours = SplitTime[0];string minutes = String.Empty;string time = String.Empty; if (dbTime.ToString().IndexOf('.') != -1){if (SplitTime[1].Length >= 1){if (SplitTime[1].Length == 1)minutes = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(SplitTime[1]) * 10);else if (SplitTime[1].Length > 1)minutes = SplitTime[1];}}elseminutes = "00";time = hours + ":" + minutes;return Convert.ToDateTime(time);}

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HowTo:Connect ODBC From 32bit To Sql Server 2005 (IA64)

Nov 4, 2007


I have application create by MsAccess
and connect with Sql Server 2000 in x86

and now we transfer system to
HP rx3600 Intel Itanium
- Install Windows 2003 Server Enterprise (for Itanium)
- Install Sql Server 2005 Standard Edition (IA64)

and now we try to create ODBC connection
from client for testing.

But we can't not done it.

Anybody can tell us
how to create connection to sqlserver 2005 (ia64)


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Show Stored Procedure

Jan 11, 2006

Hello,I only have remote access to the db via textual interface.Now I try to find out what an existing stored procedure is doing.I tried like 'desc sp_sale_pro' and 'show sp_sale_pro' - but that is notworking.Can anybody help?Thanks!!Paul

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Show All Months In First Column Of Stored Procedure

Aug 26, 2005

Hi,I need what would be similar to a cross tab query in Access.First Column down needs to show all the months, column headings wouldbe the day of the month....1 2 3 4 etc...JanFebMaretchow do i set this up in a stored procedure?any help to get me in the right direction would be greatlyappreciated!!thanks,paul

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Stored Procedure - Local Variables Show As NULL

Mar 18, 2008

 I have a stored procedure where I gather some data and then insert the data into a table variable.  I then attempt to go through each row of the table variable, asign the values to local variables to be inserted into other tables.  However, the local variables show as NULL.BEGIN
DECLARE @tblcontact table
SOKey int,
Cntctkey varchar(60),
Cntctownerkey int,
LASTNAME varchar(32),
FIRSTNAME varchar(32),
WORKPHONE varchar(32),
EMAIL varchar(128),
processed int DEFAULT 0

INSERT INTO @tblcontact (SOKey, Cntctkey, Cntctownerkey, LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, WORKPHONE, EMAIL)

@sokey int,
@cntctkey int,
@cntctownerkey int,
@name varchar(65),
@email varchar(128),
@phone varchar(32)

WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @tblcontact WHERE processed = 0)
SELECT @ID = MIN(SOKey) FROM @tblcontact WHERE processed = 0

SELECT @cntctkey = (CAST(LTRIM(REPLACE(Cntctkey,'CN',' '))AS int)),@cntctownerkey = Cntctownerkey, @name = FIRSTNAME + ' ' + LASTNAME, @phone = WORKPHONE, @email = EMAIL, @sokey = SOKey
FROM @tblcontact
WHERE @ID = SOKey AND @cntctkey <> '43778'

INSERT INTO tciContact (Cntctkey, Cntctownerkey, CreateType, EMailAddr, EmailFormat, EntityType, ExtUser, Name, Phone, UpdateCounter)
VALUES (@cntctkey, @cntctownerkey, '0', @email, '3', '401', '0', @name, @phone, '0')

UPDATE tsoSalesOrder
SET Cntctkey = @cntctkey, UserFld4 = 'temp'
WHERE SOKey = @sokey

UPDATE @tblcontact
SET processed = 1 WHERE @ID = SOKey

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How Too Show Stored Image From Database To Gridview Column

Mar 22, 2008

Dear people,
When i test my page for uploading image too my sql database everthing goes ok (i think) en when i look into my database table i see 3 colums filled
1 column with: Image_title    text
1 column with:Image_stream  <binary data>
1 column with image_type  image/pjpeg
How can i show this image in a gridview column..... i have search for this problem but non of them i find i can use because its a too heavy script, or something i dont want.
Is there a helping hand
Below is the script for uploading the image.....and more
2 Imports System.Data
3 Imports System.Data.SqlClient
4 Imports System.IO
6 Partial Class Images_toevoegen
7 Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
10 Protected Sub btnUpload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpload.Click
12 Dim imageSize As Int64
13 Dim imageType As String
14 Dim imageStream As Stream
16 ' kijkt wat de groote van de image is
17 imageSize = fileImgUpload.PostedFile.ContentLength
19 ' kijk welke type image het is
20 imageType = fileImgUpload.PostedFile.ContentType
22 ' Reads the Image stream
23 imageStream = fileImgUpload.PostedFile.InputStream
25 Dim imageContent(imageSize) As Byte
26 Dim intStatus As Integer
27 intStatus = imageStream.Read(imageContent, 0, imageSize)
29 ' connectie maken met de database
30 Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Personal").ConnectionString)
31 Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand("insert into tblMateriaal(Image_title,Image_stream,Image_type,ArtikelGroep,ArtikelMaat,Aantal,Vestiging,ArtikelNaam,ContactPersoon,DatumOnline) values(@Image_title,@Image_stream,@Image_type,@ArtikelGroep,@ArtikelMaat,@Aantal,@Vestiging,@ArtikelNaam,@ContactPersoon,@DatumOnline)", myConnection)
33 ' Mark the Command as a Text
34 myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
36 ' geef alle parameters mee aan het command
37 Dim Image_title As New SqlParameter("@Image_title", SqlDbType.VarChar)
38 Image_title.Value = txtImgTitle.Text
39 myCommand.Parameters.Add(Image_title)
41 Dim Image_stream As New SqlParameter("@Image_stream", SqlDbType.Image)
42 Image_stream.Value = imageContent
43 myCommand.Parameters.Add(Image_stream)
45 Dim Image_type As New SqlParameter("@Image_type", SqlDbType.VarChar)
46 Image_type.Value = imageType
47 myCommand.Parameters.Add(Image_type)
49 Dim ArtikelGroep As New SqlParameter("@ArtikelGroep", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
50 ArtikelGroep.Value = ddl1.SelectedValue
51 myCommand.Parameters.Add(ArtikelGroep)
53 Dim ArtikelMaat As New SqlParameter("@ArtikelMaat", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
54 ArtikelMaat.Value = ddl2.SelectedValue
55 myCommand.Parameters.Add(ArtikelMaat)
58 Dim Aantal As New SqlParameter("@Aantal", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
59 Aantal.Value = ddl3.SelectedValue
60 myCommand.Parameters.Add(Aantal)
62 Dim Vestiging As New SqlParameter("@Vestiging", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
63 Vestiging.Value = ddl4.SelectedValue
64 myCommand.Parameters.Add(Vestiging)
66 Dim ArtikelNaam As New SqlParameter("@ArtikelNaam", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
67 ArtikelNaam.Value = tb6.Text
68 myCommand.Parameters.Add(ArtikelNaam)
70 Dim ContactPersoon As New SqlParameter("@ContactPersoon", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
71 ContactPersoon.Value = tb1.Text
72 myCommand.Parameters.Add(ContactPersoon)
74 Dim DatumOnline As New SqlParameter("@DatumOnline", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
75 DatumOnline.Value = tb2.Text
76 myCommand.Parameters.Add(DatumOnline)
78 Try
79 myConnection.Open()
80 myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
81 myConnection.Close()
83 Response.Redirect("toevoegen.aspx")
84 Catch SQLexc As SqlException
85 Response.Write("Insert Failure. Error Details : " & SQLexc.ToString())
86 End Try
89 End Sub
90 End class

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Can Profiler Show Table Rows Affected By I/U/D Action From Within Stored Procs?

Jun 13, 2007

Hello. I was using the new sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats function which is nice for seeing counts of insert/update/delete actions per table index, bla bla bla... Anyways, question, can I do the same thing with Profiler? meaning, can I trace stored procs and sopmehow see the proc exec WITH each table it does actions against? Not talking about filtering on table names in the text, talking I just want to run an application, which uses all stored procs, and see every table used by that execution of the proc, and also the number of rows inserted,updated,deleted.... If so, which Profiler events/columns must I flick on to gather that? Thanks, Bruce

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Is The Word Name A Reserved Word?

Sep 24, 2007

Is the word "Name" a reserved word in SQL? look at line 10 of my stored procedure. When I use the word "Name"it is highlited in blue by SQL Server?
Note I only list part of the stored proc
1  CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetXMLPeopleNames] 23 (4 @Status nvarchar(3)5)6 AS7 SELECT8  PersonId,9  PersonDescription,10  Name,11  UpdateDate,12  UpdateAppUser13 FROM14  Customer WHERE Customer.PersonDescription=@Status15 ORDER BY

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Insert A Word Document Into SQL Server

Sep 30, 2006

Can any tell me how to simpley insert a MS word document into an SQL Server database with a field type of image.

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Storing Word Docs In Sql Server

Apr 22, 2006

Hi Guys

i have a list of 10 word docs and i want to store them in sql server.
How can i do that??

Should i create any fmt files for that???


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How To Import Word Documents Into SQL Server

Jan 30, 2007

Hi All,

I need to import multiple word documents of same structure into SQL Server table. Could anyone suggest the way of doing this?


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Saving Data As Word In Sql Server 2005

Feb 20, 2008

 Hi all,         I have an requirement that, I want to save data getting from text boxes etc..,on button click the data should be saved in database and also the data must be saved as word document with a file name with in the same database table which i am saving the data..i hope it's clear... I reached upto saving the data under button click..but I stuck up in converting the data to word and saving the same data in server ..??how to convert page data into word and at the same time i want that doc file to save in a table in serverThanks & Regards,Vamsee. 

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Urgent: Storing MS-Word Documents In Sql Server

Oct 17, 2004


I have developed a Job Registration page, in which, the resume attached will be stored in the database in an image data-type field. Now, the client program includes migration of the database into local server and process the resumes.

After migration to the local database, if the client wants to process the resume and save directly to the database again, is it possible? This a very urgent requirement. Currently, i am separating the resume from the database and storing in a folder with the ID as the file name. But i want to convert it to a distributed application, which needs the resume to be in the database itself.

Can anybody suggest me the method to open .doc file from the database, process it and save directly to the database?

Thanks and regards,

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Saving A Word File In Sql Server From ASP.NET Page

Feb 18, 2008

please tell how to make able the page to upload a word file in sqlserver database and also retrieve it back

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Storing MS Word /Excel Objects In SQl Server Database

May 1, 2001

Hi all,

Can it be done - say using image dtatype - and how


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SQL Report Server Subscription E-mail Format As MS Word

Jan 22, 2007

I am wanting to set-up a subscription to e-mail my reports in MS Word format (either .doc or .rtf) and I do not have the option on my company's report server version.

I have read that it is possible, though I don't have the option. Is this a change to report server, or maybe is our version not updated?

I can e-mail the report out in the following formats:

XML File with report data

CSV (comma delimited)


Acrobat (PDF) file

Web Archive (default)


Let me know if I am just expecting too much, or if there is something that needs to be updated on our report server.

Thank you,

T.J. Bernard

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Number In Word In SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service

Dec 20, 2007


How can i convert a number into word with spelling in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service?
Example: 124 i want to write like this (One Hundreed Twenty Four)

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How To Upload A MS Word Textfile Onto A SQL Server Dbase, Please Help! Urgently Needed!

Dec 27, 2006

Hello there guyz!ahm, i just want to ask, how can i upload a MS word text file to a SQL Dbase? I know i must use the Input File, the one in the Toolbox menu for HTML controls. but i need to know 1. How can i link the SQL dbase to the Input file Button? 2.  How to put the MS word file onto the SQL dbase? 3. what should i use to declare the MS Word file on the SQL Dbase? is it variable? char? etc... THank you so much! Please i Really need this one to put up my thesis system. and if it isn't much of a task, please can anyone  send me  the  SOURCE CODES  for my  questions?  

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SQL Server 2008 :: Save Data In Word Input File To Table

Jun 4, 2015

One people created a word input file (15 pages, including check boxes, text boxes, drop down lists...). Is it possible to save data in word input file to SQL table?

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Is It Neccesary To Restart Sql Server Engine After Modifying A Noise Word List?

Sep 26, 2007

Hello all,
We are using sql server 2005 for full text searching.

I removed some of the words in the noise word file (noiseENU.txt) and rebuilt the catalog. However i find that the changes made to the noise file do not reflect immediately. I had to restart sql server engine before my queries returned results according to the updated noise list. Is there a workaround for this ( wherein there isnt the neccesity of restarting sql server engine....this is becoming a problem on live environments as i cannot restart the server when needed)?

Thanks in advance,

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How To Show ChartFX Reports In ReportServer And How To Show Tooltips For Reports Using Chart Properties

Dec 31, 2007

Hi all,

I have two problems.

1. I downloaded ChartFXRSTrial and created one chart, and able to deploy it in ReportServer, but the problem is the reports are not showing there, i checked the configuration of .dll files in the help provided by chartFX, but couldn't get anything, so could help me on this.

2. How to give Tooltip for the X- axis or Y- axis values in the ReportServer , i tried using chartproperties of .rdl file, but didnt understand it. can help me on this, and one more i tried with Dundas too, If im giving tooltip as #valy then, it is showing samething in reportserver instead the values of 'Y-axis'.

Mahesh Manthena

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Howto Get The Count Value?

Jul 25, 2006

Hello!I have a question about the SqlDataSource object.If i make an SqlDataSource with the following sql statement: "SELECT COUNT(id) AS recordCount FROM tblCategory"How do i get the recordCount value to a Variable.Im writing in C#.<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT COUNT(id) AS recordCount FROM [tblCategory]"></asp:SqlDataSource>

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