We have just combined 3 sites into one server.
Two of the sites are serving fine, however one site has spids
that won't disconnect. By the end of the day there are over 600 spids
from that one site. At first we thought it was due to the ASP pages
had a db connect, but nothing that closed that db connection. But after
they modified the pages, we are still having the same problem. Checked
the webserver and they are identical to the other webservers.
Any ideas???
SQL Server 2000Just curious - was wondering why some SPIDS are left hanging out therefor up to several weeks. There are no errors or anything. It looks likenormal processing.Thanks,Craig
I have an issue with a server where some users are recieving error messages along the lines of "There are currently 250 connected users etc....". the result of which is that the users sometimes can't connect. The server properties have Current Users set to 250 - I know that I could increase this figure but that doesnt't appear to be the problem.
It would seem that connections appear to stay connected even though the user has finished any server/client transactions. Also there seems to be a huge number of SPIDs even when there are only a handfull of users. Most of the 'Process Details' for these user threads show the following: "IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRAN".
What is going on and why are these Process IDs hanging around, sometimes the only option is to reboot the client PCs since trying to kill the processes just makes them reappear a few seconds later?
It could be the 32-bit client application causing it, but these problems are only on one server out of half a dozen.
I've recently noticed some strange behaviour with sql server 2000 spid's blocking themselves. The spid will appear to be blocked for short periods of time, and then the block will disappear. I'm not sure how this could occur. It started appearing around the same time as I applied SP4.
If anyone could provide any insight into this, it would be greatly appreciated.
We are using Merge replication with clients from remote offices (SQL2000, sp3). Recently, I have had a problem with users who arereplicating, and they shut down their laptops. The connection neverdies, and I end up with major blocking issues related to the"orphaned" spid. The tables that are blocked are used to filter dataon each client. Since the orphaned spid is blocking, backups will runforever, and have to be killed, and a SQL management job thatinserts/updates data in these tables has to be killed.If I kill the spid, it shows a rollback at 0% and the status neverchanges. The user has disconnected, and there is really nothing toroll back. How can I get rid of this spid with out restarting SQLserver, or rebooting my server?Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks,Amy M
The myComplexProc stored proc does the following in sequence: 1. Call a UDF 2. Call another Stored Proc 3. Make a SELECT with 4 joins 4. Make another SELECT 4 joins + aggregate.
Question1: if myComplexProc is executed on 4-CPUs SQL2K Server, does it start and complete with a single SPID?
Question2: Is SQL2K smart enough to do some sort of parallelism behind the scene? If yes, can it spawn some extra SPIDs? How does it handle lock or sequencing? Because in the hypothetic scenario above Step N+1 re-uses the results of Step N so it has to wait for Step N to complete.
A fellow developer of mine has created a ASP.Net application that executes some fairly complex stored procedures. This application is for all intensive purposes a queue and 3 or 4 people work on processing items in a FIFO type environment. There is logic in the Stored procedures to make sure each worker get a unique entry using a series of query hints.
Well what we are seeing is if these works are moving at a rapid pace and we execute an sp_who2 on the sql server there are entries that that seems to be hanging there and REMAINING there even after a browser is closed or the disposed method has been called on the connection object. Has anyone else experienced something similar to this with an ASP.Net application used by mutiple people?
My inclination is to blame the design of the application, but before I do that and step on my co-workers toes I thought I would throw this out to the group.
I wonder if anyone has any hard fact based pro or contra, especially onperformance, about having views as opposed to tables when the object isbeing accessed for read only by multiple sessions/users/spids. I amparticularly concerned about the multiple instantiations of the view.Relevant thoughts on this are much appreciated.Thanks,Caveman
I need a stored proc to kill spids, but the following sproc loops infinitely with the same [correct] spid being printed out. What am I doing wrong?
The select statement, when I execute it via the query grid, returns the correct and finite number of spids.
Any help greatly appreciated. Judith
CREATE PROCEDURE rasp_KillDBProcess @dbname varchar(128) AS declare @KillSpid smallint declare @SQL varchar(1000) -- declare DBCursor cursor Forward_only for SELECT distinct l.spid FROM master.dbo.syslocks l INNER JOIN master.dbo.sysdatabases d ON l.dbid = d.dbid WHERE (d.name = N'coj_pcisdata') open DBCursor -- Fetch next from DBCursor into @Killspid -- While (@@Fetch_status <> -1) Begin If (@@Fetch_status <> -2) begin print 'spid = ' + cast(@killspid as varchar(12)) --exec ('kill ' + @killspid)
end -- end Fetch next from DBCursor into @Killspid -- close dbcursor deallocate dbcursor print 'end'
I have issued a simple insert statement on table and the statement could not insert a single row into the table.When i check the locks on the tables i found that almost 5000(five thousand) locks on the table for a single user with different SPID(s). The user is and sql server user(not a windows user) and used to connect to the application.I wanted to disconnect the user from the DB so that all the locks will be freed.But i dunno how to disconnect a user from the DB. I know that i can issue KILL command to Terminate a user process based on the system process ID,but here the same user has nearly 1000 SPIDs.I thought that it would be very big job to kill each and every process and restared the sql server.but i guess its not the correct process to do. how can i dosconnect a specific user from the DB.
I've installed the MDW (Mangement Data Warehouse) database on our central monitoring SQL Server. I've then added a number of servers to be monitored. The data is collected on the servers that are being monitored and uploaded to the central MDW Monitoring server.
On the servers that are being monitored, I'm seeing a large number (over 1000) of SPIDs being generated by 'SQL Server Data Collector'.
Is this normal behaviour? I've seen more blocking as a result of this.
Is there any way to reduce the number of SPIDs generated?
Hi, I have a dts job that imports an IIS log(a text, space delimited file) into a table. I do only one, very simple activeX transformation, and other than that, i copy the columns right in. I am loading hundreds of these logs. DTS will load most of them just fine via a batch script, but it sometimes just stops and hangs. I get no errors, but my Server's cpu is at 99%. There are no locks anywhere in the database. Any clues as to why this happens? Since i don't ever get errors, i'm really getting nervous on this one.
My DTS job scheduled to run every half an hour is hanging for long.If I stop and restart it will succeed.It happened few times in the past where it ran for 3 days when nobody noticed,and still was executing!Any idea what could be the reason? Thanks1
I have a problem with a process hanging my SQL server machine and the only thing that can fix it is to reboot the machine. The environment is SQL Server 7, NT sp5, dual processor 500MHZ, 1 gig Ram. The applications are run through MTS written in VB all executing stored procedures. The symptoms are that the process hangs with an open transaction and it can be seen through DBCC OPENTRAN. It can also be seen in MTS on the Transaction List screen and shows as Aborting. It seems to get stuck in that state. The Kill command does not work on the process either. I have tried one fixs that I thought may be causing the error by setting the Max Degree of Paralelism in sp_configure to 1 but that does not fix the problem.
Has anyone seen this and/or have any ideas on how to fix/repair the problem.
One of my clients runs a report using Access retrieving data from SQL*server. Recently I often encounter a problem which makes the server hang. The error messages are something like this, can somebody help?
SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 42 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process. Error: 0, Severity: 19, State: 0 CImageHelper::GetSym Error - The specified module could not be found Stack Dump being sent to H:MSSQL7logSQL00158.dmp
I created a simple DTS which executes a VB standard exe that simply writes a string to an ascii file opened as append. SQL Server, the exe, and the ascii file are all on the same NT box (mine). If I execute the DTS myself the process works with no problems. When I attempt to execute the DTS via a job the job hangs with no apparent indications as to what may be the cause of the hangup. The SQL Server Agent is up and running and set to run under the system account. I have applied SQL Server SP3. The same problem was occuring prior to applying SP3.
Does anybody have any idea? All sugestions are appreciated.
Can anyone suggest what might be causing SQL Server 6.5 to hang? The following messages were in the error log just before, but Books Online is not much help:
2000/08/21 10:35:20.90 ods Error : 17805, Severity: 18, State: 0 2000/08/21 10:35:20.90 ods Invalid buffer received from client. 2000/08/21 10:35:20.90 spid142 Process 142 entered sequencer without owning dataserver semaphore
there are then many messages like this one: 2000/08/21 10:36:21.06 ods Error : 17824, Severity: 10, State: 0 2000/08/21 10:36:21.06 ods Unable to write to ListenOn connection '.pipesqlquery', loginname 'E04180', hostname 'N90459'. 2000/08/21 10:36:21.06 ods OS Error : 109, The pipe has been ended.
and finally many more messages like this: 2000/08/21 10:51:20.75 ods Unable to connect. The maximum number of '750' configured user connections are already connected. System Administrator can configure to a higher value with sp_configure.
I don't think that simply increasing the number of user connections will help, but if anyone can throw some light on the cause of the first message I would be grateful.
I have a scheduled job on my SQL Server 2000 that runs a DBREINDEX job on all the tables in my database. For some reason the system just hangs for hours now when it reaches one particular table. Can somebody please help me to correct the problem. Thank you all in advance.
I am attempting a very simple bcp out to a text file in SQL 2000 for the first time. I've tried various syntax but the command consistently hangs no matter which i use. Nothing is being directed to the output log............
"bcp rfsspd..bcp_product_view out product.out -T -c -b500 -r>>test.log"
I have no problems with this command in SQL 6.5, could it be initial setup or config of 2000 or something really daft????
I have a job which is set of few Stored procedures,Usually it taked around 3-5 mins to complete the job.But somehow today the job was still executing even after 3:45:24 (yes 3 hrs,45 mins 25 secs) WHen i tried to run the each procedure indivdually even its taking more time in the query analyzer.But when i try to execute those SPS as individual sql statements(it's step by step) they were working in reasonable time.What should be the reason for these SPs taking that much time?
Hi,Periodically I run some very complex queries or stored procedures that"hang", and the bigger problem is that it locks up all of the databaseclients ie 50 users connecting to the db via a windows application.I never know when this is going to happen, but when it does it leavesall the users completely hung up.1. Can I avoid this?2. Is there a way to "clear" what I was doing so that I don't have torestart the SQL Server serive?thanks,
When issuing the below command on any of our databases, it just hangsforever.ALTER DATABASE DBName SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT ON;I realize that all connections expect the query window need to beclosed and that is the case I think, or at least we are resetting theweb server and still see the issue. The only way I have been able tofix it is to completely stop and restart the database server, thenissue the command and it returns immediately.This is a pain though and has to be done after hours. Is there a way toissue the command while the system is in use, possibly taking just thatdatabase offline (and not all other Dbs on the server) for a short timeand then returning it back to use using just scripting?
I'm running 7.0 sp2,windows 2000, 1gig of ram, and a 933mhz cpu. Server has been very stable with no problems until I moved a 2gig table into the database. Query performance is excellent even table scans take less than 2 minutes. The problem is that once a table scan is performed on the table (I can't index for every possible query) the query finishes but the enterprise manager freezes on the server and users can no longer connect. I've set SQL server to have only 650 MB of ram and the rest is free, problem also existed when the memory was controlled entirely by SQL server.
My cache Hit Ratio was 97% and Cache flushes 0.0 (unfortunately these can't be checked when the problem exist because the box is frozen). I may have a concurrency issue but I'm not sure how to be positive. I don't want to just throw memory at the problem because I'm not sure the problem will be fixed.
I was wondering if anyone could provide me with some help, to do with a problem we are experiencing with SQL Server 7 and Windows NT 4.
We have a database that we have imported data into and are trying to build some indexes on one of the tables. THe database size is about 4GB and the table contains 21,000,000 records. When we try to build the indexes SQL server starts off OK, but after about five minutes all drive activity stops, the server stops responsing, and we need to reboot.
The machine has 2 P3 800 processers and 768Mb of RAM. NT is running on SP6 and SQL Server is running on SP3. We were initially running with 512 MB of RAM, but increased it because we thought the memory was a problem. The Server is not a dedicated SQL Server.
I have used performance monitor when running the query in SQL Analyser and have noted the following counters:
Total Server Memory
This starts off about 208000KB and creeps up to about 625000KB just before the server hangs.
Free Memory Available
This starts off high and is about 6MB just before the server hangs.
Page Reads Sec
Normally 370 and 410
Page Writes Sec
Buffer Cache hit Ratio
I have tried setting the SQL Server max memory option to about 600 MB, and also let SQL Server dynamically allocate it.
My overnight backups hang occasionally. I say this because there is no consistancy to when the routine will hang. It happens on the first step where it reindexes. The only user database on the server is about 12GB. The server is dedicated to SQL so nothing else runs on it. It has 2x 800 MHz processors with 2 G of ram of which 1.5 is allocated to SQL.
I can't trace the error because it happens before the report is written to. There are a few tables with a million plus records that take up almost a 1G per table.
It was my understanding that if users were in the database they would notice a big performance loss but that the backups would still run. Could it dying because of resource contention? I'm at a loss and really could use some input. I can't afford to go a whole weekend without a backup.
Is there a way for me to progammatically check who is the database prior to the job kicking off?
Any ideas as to what would cause an inconsistant hang of job is greatly appreicated.
I have a daily task set up to email a report to me. When I go to look at the jobs it says it is still executing after a number of hours. I Can't stop the job with out stopping SQL Agent. I can't stop SQL Mail. If I stop the SQL Agent I can't start it again. I try to open Outlook (98) but it won't open either. Can't view the properties of Outlook either. Only way to cure this is to reboot the server. The account we are using to start SQL and SQL Agent is a FDomain Admins account. When I try to log off the server I get and error message saying olemainthreadwndname is not responding. Any help would be very much appreciated.
I am using SQL Server 6.5 (service pack 3) on an NT 4.0 (service pack 3). It is being used as the back-end database server for Solomon IV (accounting package from Solomon Software). The client machines eventually lock-up after limited activity. The first user to lock seems to do so when they issue a save, once they are locked all other users lock. In SQL activity log the processes has several tables locked. If this process is killed, the other users seem to free up. The only error message found in SQL errorlog is an ODS Unable to write to ListenOn "pipe.sqlquery". This message seems to have been occuring for some time though (prior to the lock-up problems).
The only thing (I`m aware of) that changed is many of the clients where put on a 100Mb LAN and the database was expanded from 1G to 2G because it ws almost full.
When I exit out of Query Analyzer - it hangs and gives the following error message in Event logger Hanging application isqlw.exe, version 2000.80.760.0, hang module hungapp, version, hang address 0x00000000.
For MS SQL 7, an error occurs as shown at bottom. Basically a piece of embedded sql is being sent to the db which has a syntax like: select distinct WC_REFERENCE_MANAGER.logicalname, WC_REFERENCE_MANAGER.referenceid, wc_site.doclistid, WC_REFERENCE_MANAGER.shared, WC_REFERENCE_MANAGER.languageid from wc_content inner join wc_content_ref on wc_content.contentid = wc_content_ref.documentid inner join wc_reference_manager on wc_content_ref.referenceid = wc_reference_manager.referenceid inner join wc_site on wc_reference_manager.referenceid = wc_site.referenceid where xmlid = @p1 and contains(xmldata, @p2) and wc_reference_manager.languageid = @p3 and wc_site.siteid = @p4 and wc_site.sectionid IN (
Followed by over 15000 numbers
(dont ask - its a generic product with a generic db design behind it!).
Any comments apart from rewrite the query (which isnt an option).
The error is :
02/27/04 14:30:05 Stack Overflow Dump not possible - Exception c00000fd E at 00499f17 2004-02-27 14:30:05.93 spid8 Address=499f17 Exception Code = c00000fd 2004-02-27 14:30:05.93 spid8 eax=394d29f4 ebx=00000000 ecx=394d29f4 edx=0000000d 2004-02-27 14:30:05.93 spid8 esi=394d29f4 edi=433a499c eip=00499f17 esp=3c263000 2004-02-27 14:30:05.93 spid8 ebp=3c26300c efl=00010a97 2004-02-27 14:30:05.93 spid8 cs=1b ss=23 ds=23 es=23 fs=3b gs=0 2004-02-27 14:30:05.93 spid8 Input Buffer 250651 bytes - 2004-02-27 14:30:05.93 spid8 2004-02-27 14:30:05.93 spid8 s p _ p r e p a r e & @ T @ p 1 i n t , @ p 2 n v a r c h a 2004-02-27 14:30:05.93 spid8 r ( 4 0 0 0 ) , @ p 3 i n t , @ p 4 i n t c s e l e c t 2004-02-27 14:30:05.93 spid8 d
I have couple of SQL Server 2000 databases, each of them having the size around 200GB. Recently I started experiencing some problems while inserting/updating data. The problem is that it seems like it just hangind and it never finish the insert/update. I tried a simple update that affects just few records and it still hangs without any reason. There is no process locking the update process. If I go to the database properties and increase the size of the database and then perform the update/insert all works well. My databases are set for unlimited growth , 10% file growth. I have plenty of space free on the disk. In any case, it looks like it is not able to grow by itself. I use SQL Server 2000, Enterprise Edition.