Have 100+ Columns, Or Reduce It Down To About 3?

Mar 16, 2007

Basically, what I'm doing is storing answers to questions in a survey. I have two ways I can organize the table:

1. Just having a table with lots of columns - one for each question

2. A table with only about maybe 3 columns:


In this second case, the the primary key would be both SurveyID and QuestionID combined, of course.

I don't fully know the pros and cons of the two approaches, and both look like they would work. Right now, I'm using option 1, but I keep wondering if option 2 might be better. Whenever I change the questions, I currently have to drop and recreate the table (altering it is too much effort), and I know option 2 would be a way of avoiding that. By the way, the questions themselves are stored in an xml file, if it means anything. Anyhow, once the survey is being used, there shouldn't be any further changing of questions. And there's also just too much I don't know about (how is performance affected, for example?).

Any ideas which is better and why?

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How To Reduce Db Size?

Aug 17, 2001

I need to reduce the size of a db from it's original allocated size of 2.0 gb to 1.0 gb.so that I can allocate more to another db.How can I do?Thanks,

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Best Way To Reduce Deadlocks

Apr 10, 2008

I have a search function, which searches across many tables.

It's a pretty heavy SPROC, I'm wondering in general, what are the best way to reduce deadlocks ? Its used a fair bit, and altho I haven't noticed problems with it myself, there are definately a decent amount of deadlocks showing up in the logfiles.

I've always assumed this is something really difficult, and avoided it like the plague.

Any tips are much appreciated !


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Reduce DB Size

May 16, 2007

I'm new to SQL Server Maintainance. I need some disk space now. In my database, I have some table that has 7 year old data and I can get rid of that without any conequences. Could you please tell me the best course of action ?? I was thinking about:

1. Dropping those tables.
2. Recreating them again
3. Running ShrinkDB on entire DB.

However, this solution does not sound right or elegant to me. Could you please help me with that ? Thanks

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How To Reduce DOS Attacks

Aug 16, 2006

Hello to everyone

I am running MS SQL 2005 Express I get per day 2-4 hackers attacks trying to login from €œsa€?
Some 37 calls times per second one of attack was continuing 4 days

Is there some setting into MS SQL 2005 to reduce that?

Can you recommend me good firewall for DDOS attacks?

Is it there some legal action that I can take to this people I have their IPs most are from US and Canada?

Thank you in advance

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How Can I Reduce Size Of ..log.ldf File?

Jun 7, 2008

Hi my database .ldf (log file) size is very big. How can I decrease the size of it?

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Howto Reduce Tempdb

Mar 29, 2001

Hello. Can anybody help me with this?

I have a sql server 7.0, where tempdb database has a size of 21 Gb and space available is 2Mb less than 21 Gb.

How can I shrink, reduce, compact ... it?
I have just tried with Backups and truncate log, but nothing

Bye, JuanSa.

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Reduce SQL Server7.0 Database

Jan 13, 2000

I'm worhing with SQL Server7.0 and I have created a database.
I have objets and data in my database
My database have 300Mb and I only need about 50.
How can I reduce to 50 the dimension of my database.
Is it posible??
Any advice will be greatly apreciatted.


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How To Reduce Transaction Log Size?

Mar 19, 2000

My database's transaction log has become 1.7 GB. Can I reduce it's size? I have tried to shrink database and also set truncate on checkpoint option and also taken the backup after that. but nothing helps. Please advice.

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How Do I Reduce The Size Of The .LDF File?

Dec 9, 1999

I am using SQL 7, SP1 / NT 4. The .LDF file has grown to 1.1GIG; I ran a DBCC SQLPerf(LogSpace), the used portion of the log is 2%. When I run a DBCC Shrinkdatabase and DBCC Shrinkfile, the log file does not reduce in size. How do I get the virtual log files that are not active released back to the system? Is there a way to tell if all the virtual log files are active, therefore, not reducing the size of the file? Any help is greatly appreciated.......

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Reduce File Groups

Aug 17, 2000

I had a database that’s comprised of different file groups and log files spread out among different hard drives. I have recently upgraded the database to SQL 7.0 on a RAID 10 volume. I would like to consolidate all the file groups and files as well as various log files into one primary datafile and logfile. How do I do that? Thanks in advance.

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Reduce Size Of Log Device

Feb 5, 1999

Can anyone suggest a method to reduce the size of one our log devices. The DB was set up
initially at 500Mb with a log size of 1 Gb (typo by the client). We would like to reduce it to 100Mb.
if possible. Our environment is SQL Server 6.5 with service pack 3.


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Reduce The Size Of Transactional Log

May 25, 2002

Dear All,

I am running Slq2000 (EV) on NT4.0. I have problem is that a size of Transactional Log(*.ldf) file is 3GB. I want to reduced the size to 2GB.Can anyone help me answer this question.

Note: I hv already took the backup of Transactional file by choosing Trunct file after backup but size is not got reduced.

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HELP! How To Reduce The Unused Spaces ..

Aug 9, 2004

HI all,

I have a database that allocated:

Data: 7300 MB
Log: 2000 MB

But only used

Data: 5500MB
Log: 50MB

How can I free the unused space in the transaction log because
the database is getting too big.

Thank you for your suggestion.

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How To Reduce The Transaction Log File

Feb 11, 2004

Hi all,

I know this topic has been discussed in the past, but I still don't quite get it. So please be patient with me

database size created with automatically growth of 10% with unrestricted file growth.

database size = 5 Gb used 4.5 GB (taskpad)
transaction log=8GB used 54MB (taskpad) 7.5 GB free
database run in FULL mode

full backup nightly, transaction log backup every 30 min

What should I do to free up the space that are not used in the transaction log.

Thanks for your help.

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Want To Reduce Execution Time...

Apr 2, 2008

Hello all,

Mine below function takes much time at every execution. It takes 0.18 sec to retrive 984 rows.

Can any one help me, how to reduce execution time?

"Create function [dbo].[Fn_Get_Consensus_Curve_41_Data]
(@p_Location_Code nvarchar(10), @p_Sector_Id int, @p_Match_Date DateTime ,@p_UserID int , @p_CustId int)

RETURNS @Temp_Curve_Submission_Data table
MatchDatedatetime ,
EntityIdint ,
MaturityDatedatetime ,
Cust_Pricefloat ,
Bid_Pricefloat ,
Offer_Pricefloat ,
Consensus_Mid_Price float ,
Tickernvarchar(20) ,
Cust_Mnemonicnvarchar(50) ,

FROM sysobjects
WHERE (name = N'Fn_Get_Consensus_Curve_41_Data')
AND ((type = 'P') OR (type = 'IF') OR (type = 'TF') OR (type = 'FN'))))
DROP FUNCTION [dbo].Fn_Get_Consensus_Curve_41_Data


declare @p_ENTITYID INT

Declare @p_Login_Type int
Declare @p_Result_Status int
set @p_Login_Type = (SELECT DBO.GET_USER_LOGIN_TYPE_ID(@p_UserID))

If @p_Login_Type=1 and not (@p_CustId is null or @p_CustId='')
Set @p_Result_Status = 1
Else if @p_Login_Type > 1
Set @p_Result_Status = 2
Set @p_Result_Status = 0

If @p_Result_Status > 0 -- if user is valid and given enough parameters than
If @p_Result_Status = 1 -- if User is trader and gives customer id
Declare Cur_Fetch_Curve_Cust_Data cursor for
Select Distinct Customerid
From PricesRR PRR
Convert(Nvarchar,Matchdate,101) = Convert(Nvarchar,@p_Match_Date,101) And
Sector_Id = @p_Sector_Id And
Location_Code = @p_Location_Code And
CustomerID = @p_CustId And
--CustomerID <> 0
--CustomerID not in (0, -1, -2, -3, -100, -200)
CustomerId Not In (Select CustomerId From Fn_Get_PricesRR_Not_To_Include_Cust_Id('V'))
and isnull(PRR.Record_Last_Action,'N') <> 'D'
and Version = dbo.GET_PRICESRR_MAX_VERSION(@p_Location_Code, @p_Sector_Id, @p_Match_Date, PRR.EntityID, @p_CustId, PRR.Date)

Declare Cur_Fetch_Curve_Entity_Data cursor for
Select Distinct EntityID
From PricesRR PRR
Convert(Nvarchar,Matchdate,101) = Convert(Nvarchar,@p_Match_Date,101) And
Sector_Id = @p_Sector_Id And
Location_Code = @p_Location_Code
AND EntityId IN ( Select Distinct Entity_Id from Fn_Get_Allowed_Entity_List(@p_Location_Code , @p_Sector_Id , @p_Match_Date ,@p_UserID ))
and isnull(PRR.Record_Last_Action,'N') <> 'D'
and Version = dbo.GET_PRICESRR_MAX_VERSION(@p_Location_Code, @p_Sector_Id, @p_Match_Date, PRR.EntityID, @p_CustId, PRR.Date)

Else If @p_Result_Status = 2 -- if User is higher than trader.. means broker or higher
Declare Cur_Fetch_Curve_Cust_Data cursor for
Select Distinct Customerid
From PricesRR PRR
Convert(Nvarchar,Matchdate,101) = Convert(Nvarchar,@p_Match_Date,101) And
Sector_Id = @p_Sector_Id And
Location_Code = @p_Location_Code And
--CustomerID <> 0
--CustomerID not in (0, -1, -2, -3, -100, -200)
CustomerId Not In (Select CustomerId From Fn_Get_PricesRR_Not_To_Include_Cust_Id('V'))
and isnull(PRR.Record_Last_Action,'N') <> 'D'
--and Version = dbo.GET_PRICESRR_MAX_VERSION(@p_Location_Code, @p_Sector_Id, @p_Match_Date, PRR.EntityID, @p_CustId, PRR.Date)

Declare Cur_Fetch_Curve_Entity_Data cursor for
Select Distinct EntityID
From PricesRR PRR
Convert(Nvarchar,Matchdate,101) = Convert(Nvarchar,@p_Match_Date,101) And
Sector_Id = @p_Sector_Id And
Location_Code = @p_Location_Code
and isnull(PRR.Record_Last_Action,'N') <> 'D'
--and Version = dbo.GET_PRICESRR_MAX_VERSION(@p_Location_Code, @p_Sector_Id, @p_Match_Date, PRR.EntityID, @p_CustId, PRR.Date)

delete from @Temp_Curve_Submission_Data


Open Cur_Fetch_Curve_Cust_Data
fetch next from Cur_Fetch_Curve_Cust_Data

IF @@FETCH_STATUS <> 0 break
Open Cur_Fetch_Curve_Entity_Data
fetch next from Cur_Fetch_Curve_Entity_Data
into @p_ENTITYID

IF @@FETCH_STATUS <> 0 break
Insert Into @Temp_Curve_Submission_Data
Location_Code ,
MatchDate ,
EntityId ,
CustomerId ,
MaturityDate ,
Cust_Price ,
Consensus_Mid_Price ,
Ticker ,
Cust_Mnemonic ,

X.EntityIdEntity_Id ,
DBO.GET_Consensus_MID ('V',@p_Location_Code , @p_Sector_Id , @p_Match_Date, @p_ENTITYID ,x.MaturityDate) Consensus_Mid_Price,
--DBO.GET_Consensus_MID ('B1',@p_Location_Code , @p_Sector_Id , @p_Match_Date, @p_ENTITYID ,x.MaturityDate) Consensus_Mid_Price,
X.TickerTicker ,
row_number() over (order by maturitydate) Line_No,
a.* ,
from Fn_Get_Tot_Curve_41_Date(@p_Location_Code, @p_Sector_Id, @p_Match_Date, @p_ENTITYID , @p_CUSTOMERID ,@p_UserID ) a,
referenceentity b,
select customerid, mnemonic
from customersrr
group by customerid,mnemonic
) c
a.customerid = c.customerid and
--order by maturitydate
) X

Fetch Next From Cur_Fetch_Curve_Entity_Data

CLOSE Cur_Fetch_Curve_Entity_Data


Fetch Next From Cur_Fetch_Curve_Cust_Data

deallocate Cur_Fetch_Curve_Entity_Data
CLOSE Cur_Fetch_Curve_Cust_Data
deallocate Cur_Fetch_Curve_Cust_Data



Prashant Hirani

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How To Reduce The Size Of Tempdb?

Apr 29, 2008

Hi All,

On my server C drive is of 34GB. Right now tempdb size is 22GB which is causing C drive to be full. How I can I reduce it? I dont want to move tempdb to any other drive, and I am only looking a way to reduce its size.

Please help quickly....


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Shrink Ldf Will Reduce Mdf Size Too?

Jun 17, 2008

Hi all;

i m using SQL 2000, i have a database with 86G mdf and 56G ldf size. i shrink the ldf and it reduced to 32M, however, i did not do anything on my mdf file, but the size of mdf has been reduced to 28G. just would like to check, is this correct?why is mdf size reduced when i only shrink my ldf? hope can help. thanks

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Log File Size Not Reduce

Jul 23, 2005

Database log of my DB is around 2GB.The database is using FULL recovery option.I want to reduce the file size of the log cause it takes up a lot ofspace.I'd do a full database backup, then backup the transaction log as well.... both backup performed with a check on the option "clear inactiveentries from transaction log".But after I backup, the database log is still 2GB.What should I do to reduce the database log file size?Should I use?:==============================Dump Tran databaseName with no_logDBCC shrinkdatabase(databaseName, 30)==============================Is that safe to be used in production server?Peter CCH

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Reduce Databse Size

Jul 20, 2005

Hi, my database size has grown out of control and I need help with thefollowing issues. (I am very new to databases)I am storing financial tick data in one of the tables and after two monthsthe database has grown to 30GB. I do not need a permanent record of thistick data after it has been processed and tried to remove all rows from thistable (delete from Tickdata), however sql does not take kindly to removingmillions of rows and the operation seams to time out. The only solution Icould come up with was to delete the table.Secondly, after managing to clear out these tables I have noticed that thedatabase size is still 30GB, despite 29GB being available. Is there any wayto reduce the size of the database from 30GB. I tried the shrink databaseoption but it does not do anything. Any ideas?Thanks.

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How To Reduce The Time When Using A Variable

Jun 9, 2006


I have a table with column value like '123 345 678 143 648' like that. What I need to do is I have to take each code value and put it as a new record in another table. So, if I say 'Select substring(column_name,1,3) from table' then it is very fast (fraction of second). But since I need to take each code and the # of codes in each record may vary, I am using a while loop to take each code and so I delclared a variable @i and now my select statement is like this: 'Select substring(column_name,@i,3) from table'. Interesting now this select statement is taking almost 2 mins for each iteration.

Why it is like this? Is there any way I can reduce the time taken to execute each iteration?


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Help With Query To Reduce Records

Dec 13, 2007

I want to write a quick one time query to create a new table based off an existing table. The idea is to make the new table more efficient by reducing the amount of records...see example below

id1 id2 country
1 2 US
3 4 AU
5 6 US
7 8 US
9 10 PE
11 12 PE
13 14 US
15 16 US
17 18 US
19 20 US
21 22 US

id1 id2 country
1 2 US
3 4 AU
5 8 US
9 12 PE
13 22 US

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RS2k Issue: PDF Exporting Report With Hidden Columns, Stretches Visible Columns And Misplaces Columns On Spanned Page

Dec 13, 2007


I am running into an issue with RS2k PDF export.

Case: Exporting Report to PDF/Printing/TIFF
Report: Contains 1 table with 19 Columns. 1 column is static, the other 18 are visible at the users descretion. Report when printed/exported to pdf spans 2 pages naturally, 16 on the first page, 3 on the second, and the column widths have been adjusted to provide a perfect page span .

User A elects to hide two of the columns, and show the rest. The report complies and the viewable version is perfect, the excel export is perfect.. the PDF export on the first page causes every fith column, starting with the last column that was hidden to be expanded to take up additional width. On the spanned page, it renders the first column on that page correctly, then there is a white space gap equal to the width of the hidden columns and then the rest of the cells show with the last column expanded to take up the same width that the original 2 columns were going to take up, plus its width.

We have tried several different settings to see if it helps this issue or makes it worse. So far cangrow/canshrink/keep together have made no impact. It is not possible to increase the page size due to limited page size selection availablility for the client. There are far too many combinations of what the user can elect to show or hide to put together different tables to show and hide on the same report to remove this effect.

Any help or suggestion on this issue would be appreciated

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How To Reduce Quantity ? [shopping Cart]

Feb 5, 2008

protected void Buy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
{String connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["project_DataFile"].ConnectionString;
conn.ConnectionString = connStr;
cmd.Connection = conn;ArrayList cart = (ArrayList)Session["Cart"];
{String oldSel = "SELECT Qty_warehouse FROM Producttable";
Int32 sel = 0;Int32.TryParse(oldSel, out sel);
string num = cart.Count.ToString();Int32 numQty = 0;
Int32.TryParse(num, out numQty);int nQty_warehouse = 0;
nQty_warehouse = sel - numQty;String sql = "UPDATE Producttable" + " SET Qty_warehouse =" + "'"+ nQty_warehouse +"'";
cmd.CommandText = sql;}
}catch (Exception ex)
{if (conn.State.Equals(ConnectionState.Open))
from this code, i want to reduce product's quantity in database.
when I click buy button,it reduce old quantity and new quantity (quantity from cart when I want to buy it) in auto. 
please advise me.

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How To Reduce Time In Taking BACKUP

Dec 6, 1999

Hi guys.

I am having trouble in time issues while backuping my database.

My database size is around 50GB. It is taking around 5hrs.

Is there any way to reduce the 5 hr backup time to 3 or less.

Thanks in advance

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Reduce The Transaction Log File Size

Dec 10, 2001

hi, i'm a newbie in SQL Server and have recently setup a test SQL 7 server. I used all the defaults at the beginning, and now the MDB file is about 500MB and the LDF file is of similar size.

i'm still trying to figure out how to reduce the size of the transaction log file. Currently I only have full backup of the database once a week, and there is no backup for transaction log.

as of this moment, the transaction log is of not much use to me, but I really want to get it reduced as i'm running out of disk space.

and i'd also greatly appreciate if someone could suggest a good DBA practice on the proper setup/handling of transaction logs (how to balance the disk-space usage AND be able to use the transacton logs for proper roll-over during a recovery process).

i'd soon be setting up a SQL 7 server where about 10 active users are expected at any one time. I've read that the transaction log file should be about 40% to 50% of the estimated size of the database file, and should be allowed "auto-grow". So what happens if the more space is required by the transaction logs? Does a full-backup purge the transaction logs (like the way they do in Exchange Server)?


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How To Reduce Size Of Transaction Log File (*.ldf)

Jul 19, 2002


My transaction log file's physical size has exceeded 2GB. How can I reduce that?
Is there any way by which this file size can be controlled?

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How To Reduce Database File Size.

Mar 9, 2005

We have a database which was created with an initial file size of 10 gig. Currently it is only using 2 gigs.

We have developers that want to have a copy of the database on their desktops, but do not have 10 gigs free space.

What is the best way to get them a copy of the database while reducing the footprint?

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MS SQL 2000- Reduce Transaction Log Size

May 5, 2004

The size of my transaction log file is out of control. I've backed up the database and the transaction log went from 120 GB to 120 MB. Now, I can't reduce the size of the transaction log file. It's still at 120 GB (w/ almost all of that being held as Free Space). I get errors when I try to manually reduce the file size. Any tips?

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Reduce Time For Search Query

Feb 26, 2008

Hi,I have a task at hand to reduce the time taken for search query toexecute. The query fetches records which will have to sorted bydegrees away from the logged in user. I have a function whichcalculates the degrees, but using this in the search query slows theexecution and takes about 10 secs to complete which is unacceptable.Please advice. Your help is much appreciatedFor more details plz see:http://www.sqlteam.com/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=97021ThanksIsfaar

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Reduce Trans Log Size; Help Needed

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I am hoping you can help me with the following problem; I need to processthe following steps every couple of hours in order to keep our Sql 2000database a small as possible (the transaction log is 5x bigger than the db).1.back-up the entire database2.truncate the log3.shrink the log4.back-up once again.As you may have determined, I am relatively new to managing a sql serverdatabase and while I have found multiple articles online about the topics Ineed to accomplish, I cannot find any actual examples that explain where Iinput the coded used to accomplish the above-mentioned steps. I dounderstand the theory behind the steps I just do not know how to accomplishthem!If you know of a well-documented tutorial (Aside from Books Online (F1)),please point me in the right direction.Regards.

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DB Engine :: Reduce VLFs In Database

Oct 29, 2015

I looked at the number of VLFs in ony databases and figured out it was 300. I looked at the log file and its 40GB with 99% free space. I reduced the log file to 1GB. Now I looked at the VLFs and the count is 250. so 250 vlfs in a 1GB of log file. Is there a way to get the VLFs to a decent number?

Also my transaction log backups run once every 5 mins and auto growth on data and log files is 10MB.

View 18 Replies View Related


Nov 25, 2007

I have patch server on which the database is SQL server 2000.

The Database size is 27GB and I want to reduce the size of DB by deleting all the records and keeping only year 2007 records.
Please advise me how to reduce the size of the DB.

If I need to delete any record, please let me know how to delete it.
If their is any Query for it, please send the Query.

The DB contains total of 11 tables.

Thanks to All,

Mohammed Muzaffar.

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