Heeeeellllllllppppppppp!!!! Replication Latency In Dist Agents

Dec 14, 2005


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Shared Dist Agents Question

Apr 30, 2007

I hope this is an easy question.

I am setting up my replication as it is in 2000... I want to set most publications to share an agent but I also want a few select table to have an independent agent... My question is if I have ones set up as independent they stay independent correct?? I mean once I select a publication to be shared it does not share with an agent that is marked to be independant right? it creates another agent for all the shared publications...

ok... I hope that was not confusing... I just want to confirm what I was thinking.

Thanks ahead of time.

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Replication Latency

Feb 12, 2007


I have a transactional replication that was running fine for about few months, but eversince there was a massive update of records at the publisher site and when I use the replication monitor, i notice Status: Performace Critical, Subscription:[localservername]:[Orders_Repl], Performance:Critical, Latency:03:34:47.

I was thinking of redoing the whole replication but before i am about to proceed. Can you guys explained what happen and what does it meant when Latency:03:34:47. I don't remember seeing a Latency:03:34:47.

I am hoping to solve this critical performance issue hope you guys can help. Thanks

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Monitor Transactional Replication Latency

Jun 12, 2008

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_replication_latency_monitor]

-- Procedure created by Henning Frettem (Lumbago), www.sqlteam.com, 12th of June 2008



@PublishedDBName varchar(200),
@SQL nvarchar(2000),
@PublicationPK int,
@PublicationName varchar(200),
@PublicationDatabase varchar(200),
@TracerTokenID int,
@Parmameters nvarchar(500)

DECLARE @Publications table (
PublicationDatabase varchar(200),
PublicationName varchar(200),
TracerTokenID int,
TracerTokenPostTime datetime

DECLARE @Latency table (
PublicationPK int,
DistributorLatency bigint,
Subscriber sysname,
SubscriberDB sysname,
SubscriberLatency bigint,
OverallLatency bigint

--> Cursor for fetching all publications in all databases
SELECT [name] FROM sys.databases WHERE is_published > 0

OPEN curPublishedDatabases
FETCH curPublishedDatabases INTO @PublishedDBName
SET @SQL = N'SELECT ''' + @PublishedDBName + ''', [name] FROM ' + @PublishedDBName + '.dbo.syspublications'
INSERT INTO @Publications (PublicationDatabase, PublicationName)
EXEC sp_executesql @SQL

FETCH NEXT FROM curPublishedDatabases INTO @PublishedDBName

CLOSE curPublishedDatabases
DEALLOCATE curPublishedDatabases

--> Cursor for posting tracer tokens
SELECT PublicationPK, PublicationDatabase, PublicationName FROM @Publications

OPEN curPublications
FETCH curPublications INTO @PublicationPK, @PublicationDatabase, @PublicationName
SET @Parmameters = N'@PublicationName varchar(200), @TracerTokenID_OUT int OUTPUT';
SET @SQL = N'EXEC ' + @PublicationDatabase + '.sys.sp_posttracertoken @publication = @PublicationName, @tracer_token_id = @TracerTokenID_OUT OUTPUT'
EXEC sp_executesql @SQL, @Parmameters, @PublicationName = @PublicationName, @TracerTokenID_OUT = @TracerTokenID OUTPUT

UPDATE @Publications SET
TracerTokenID = @TracerTokenID,
TracerTokenPostTime = GETDATE()
WHERE PublicationPK = @PublicationPK

FETCH NEXT FROM curPublications INTO @PublicationPK, @PublicationDatabase, @PublicationName
CLOSE curPublications
DEALLOCATE curPublications

--> Wait two minutes for all tokens to be commited at all subscribers
WAITFOR DELAY '000:02:00.000'

--> Then check the results for each posted token
SELECT PublicationPK, PublicationDatabase, PublicationName, TracerTokenID FROM @Publications

OPEN curTokens
FETCH curTokens INTO @PublicationPK, @PublicationDatabase, @PublicationName, @TracerTokenID
--> Insert token history for each token
SET @SQL = N'EXEC ' + @PublicationDatabase + '.dbo.sp_helptracertokenhistory @publication = ''' + @PublicationName + ''', @tracer_id = ' + CAST(@TracerTokenID AS VARCHAR(50)) + ''
(DistributorLatency, Subscriber, SubscriberDB, SubscriberLatency, OverallLatency)
EXEC sp_executesql @SQL

--> Make sure that the PublicationPK is added to the token history
UPDATE @Latency SET PublicationPK = @PublicationPK WHERE PublicationPK IS NULL

--> Clean up the tracer token
SET @SQL = N'EXEC ' + @PublicationDatabase + '.sys.sp_deletetracertokenhistory @publication = ''' + @PublicationName + ''', @tracer_id = ' + CAST(@TracerTokenID AS VARCHAR(50)) + ''
EXEC sp_executesql @SQL

FETCH NEXT FROM curTokens INTO @PublicationPK, @PublicationDatabase, @PublicationName, @TracerTokenID
CLOSE curTokens

FROM @Latency a
INNER JOIN @Publications b
ON a.PublicationPK = b.PublicationPK



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Troubleshooting Transactional Replication Latency

Oct 19, 2007


We have setup up transactional replication with dedicated distributor in SQL Server 2005 environment. I have noticed that during particular time of the day latency is increasing dramatically. I have been checking Tracer Tokens and Total latency during that time is around 30-40 min (both publisher to distributor and distributor to subscriber is taking much longer that normal). Normally, it is less than 10 sec. I was wondering if there is a way to pinpoint exact cause of the latency. This is pull subscription.
I would appreciate if someone can share (or point to the right direction) best practice on transactional replication setup/maintenance. My understanding is that only committed transactions are replicated, correct? I checked database on publisher and didn't see any outstanding long running transaction.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Typical Latency In Transactional Replication

Jul 31, 2007

I have been working on a project to evaluate transactional replication in SQL Server 2005 to find out if it will be suitable to provide real time reporting without impacting the primary database server. Thus far I have not seen latency better than several seconds replicating a change to a table or by utilizing the "tracer tokens" troubleshooting functionality. It usually takes a couple seconds from the publisher to the distributor and a couple more from the distributor to the subscriber.

I guess my question is actually whether it is possible to achieve sub-second (milliseconds) latency for transactional replication under any circumstances. Someone on another forum told me it was not, so I thought I would ask a separate community to confirm. Regarding the hardware, the latency on ping is less than 1ms between the servers and the servers themselves are decently powered quad processor boxes w/ 4GB of ram each. It seems to have the same latency of 3-5 seconds regardless of whether I publish a single table or all of the tables in the database. I currently have it configured with the publisher on one server and the distributor/subscriber on the second with the log reader and distributor agents set to run continuously. If it is possible, please recommend configuration of the agents or the topology of the PDS to achieve this. Thanks in advance for any insight you provide.


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Replication :: Measurement For Latency On The Monitor

Jun 2, 2015

What is the measurement for Latency on the replication monitor?  Is it hr:mm:ss, or is it mm:ss.ms?

I see 

Performance = CriticalLatency = 2:41:52Last Synchronization = 6/2/2015 9:02:21 AM  (current time)

Is the Latency 2 minutes 41 seconds behind or 2 hours 41 minutes behind?

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Which Replication Agents Are Available?

Sep 14, 2006

Which replication agents are available in Express edition?


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WMI For SQL Replication Agents

May 22, 2006

Is it possible to obtain the status, running or not running, of the distribution agents that appear under Replication MonitorAgentsDistribution Agents in Enterprise Manager using WMI? If yes, can you please tell me the WMI namespace and objects that can be used?


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Replication And Distribution: Agents

Dec 5, 2006

Hi all replication experts...

I have created transactional replication on my servers (production server and backup server) and created pull subscription at the backup server. On my production server that also is a distributor and publisher there exist two agents, Snapshot agent and Log reader in the Publishers folder under replication Monitor.

There are also another agent with the backup server name and database name: BackServ:DBName having the type Pull and 'No replicated transactions are available' as Last Action. My question is: What is this? Must it be there?

Grateful for answers


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Scheduling The Replication Job Agents

Sep 20, 2006

Hi all,

I have encountered some problems in scheduling the replication agents but before explaining that let me give a small background of the current DB landscape.

It is implemented as Star topology or re-publisher topology with the publisher and the subscriber configured on SQL Server 2000 and it consists of ShareDB on SQL Server 2005 which acts as the re-publisher of data. All other databases publish articles to ShareDB which in turn re-publishes to the databases which subscribes for the article. The topology is using a remote distributor on SQL Server 2005 to offload the replication agent jobs processing from the OLTP environment. The distributor job agent is running continuously and it is shared for a specific database in case of Snapshot replication. And all the Transactional publications will have a separate distributor agent. At present the replications agents are scheduled on both the publisher and ShareDB.

Now, I am trying to enforce one way scheduling on the publisher side which will start the snapshot agent for the corresponding publication on ShareDB after the distributor agent transfers the data from the snapshot folder to the subscribers. This approach is effective and more reliable in the sense that data synchronization will happen immediately after the distributor agent transfers the data to ShareDB.

The following are the issues related to scheduling the replication agent on the publisher only.

1. I have included sp_start_job stored procedure after the run agent step in the shared distributor job agent steps to start the snapshot agent of the corresponding publication on ShareDB after the distributor agent transfers the data to ShareDB. Since the distributor agent is running continuously in our scenario, the next step is not getting executed and so the job agent of the corresponding publication on ShareDB is not started.

2. It is also necessary to specify either the job name or the job id in sp_start_job stored procedure to start the job agent. With the replication setup configured in the aforementioned fashion, how is it possible to invoke the snapshot job agent of the corresponding publication on the second link (from ShareDB) dynamically after the distributor agent on the first link is completed?

Thanks a lot,

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Scheduling The Replication Job Agents

Sep 22, 2006

Hi all,

I have encountered some problems in scheduling the replication agents but before explaining that let me give a small background of the current DB landscape.

It is implemented as Star topology or re-publisher topology with the publisher and the subscriber configured on SQL Server 2000 and it consists of ShareDB on SQL Server 2005 which acts as the re-publisher of data. All other databases publish articles to ShareDB which in turn re-publishes to the databases which subscribes for the article. The topology is using a remote distributor on SQL Server 2005 to offload the replication agent jobs processing from the OLTP environment. The distributor job agent is running continuously and it is shared for a specific database in case of Snapshot replication. And all the Transactional publications will have a separate distributor agent. At present the replications agents are scheduled on both the publisher and ShareDB.

Now, I am trying to enforce one way scheduling on the publisher side which will start the snapshot agent for the corresponding publication on ShareDB after the distributor agent transfers the data from the snapshot folder to the subscribers. This approach is effective and more reliable in the sense that data synchronization will happen immediately after the distributor agent transfers the data to ShareDB.

The following are the issues related to scheduling the replication agent on the publisher only.

1. I have included sp_start_job stored procedure after the run agent step in the shared distributor job agent steps to start the snapshot agent of the corresponding publication on ShareDB after the distributor agent transfers the data to ShareDB. Since the distributor agent is running continuously in our scenario, the next step is not getting executed and so the job agent of the corresponding publication on ShareDB is not started.

2. It is also necessary to specify either the job name or the job id in sp_start_job stored procedure to start the job agent. With the replication setup configured in the aforementioned fashion, how is it possible to invoke the snapshot job agent of the corresponding publication on the second link (from ShareDB) dynamically after the distributor agent on the first link is completed?

Thanks a lot,

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SQL Server 2000: Replication Latency Health Check

May 25, 2004

Hi Everybody,
Can anybody tell me how to get the number of commands delivered per minute in case of Merge Replication with Publisher and subscribers.
This way, we can be sure that even if there is a latency (due to high volume transaction processing), replication is in good shape and things will catch up soon.
Also if there are any other similar measures which can be monitored to make sure that replication is going on fine, it would be great

Please let me know If anyone has got information on same.

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Multiple SQLServer Agents For Replication

Feb 24, 2003

Can I have multiple SQL Server Agents running concurrently?

I would like to have 10 instances of database running on my local SQL Server - each of these are Merge Replication to a unique database located offsite.

Do they all run through one SQL Server Agent?

If they do would this be a slow process as, I think, the SQL Server Agent queues the replications pending.



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Kicking Off Replication Agents With Script

Oct 28, 2005

Hi all,

I have 5 laptops, 1 laptop with SQL Server 2000 and the other 4 with SQL Server MSDE Rel A. I had a "Merge Replication" scheme that I had to set up. The laptop with 2000 will be the main Publisher/distributor and publishes/merges to two of the MSDE laptops(these laptops have pull subscriptions that pull from the 2000 laptop). These 2 MSDE laptops in turn Re-publish their data to the last 2 laptops and my scheme ends there. I have succesfully been able to Script this entire "Merge Replication" scheme, and I ran it. It creates all Components needed for my scheme to work.

1 issue though. It doesnt kick start the agents :eek: , so the replication scheme is just dormant.

Does anyone have any examples of scripts that I could use to kick off all the agents (snapshot,merge agents etc) and maybe to stop them too. I seriously need this, because we will need to have the entire process scripted.



Also does anyone have sample scripts to alter settings for the SQL SERVER AGENT, for example altering its "Log On" parameter to allow a particular user with Admin privileges and also to switch its start mode to "Automatic"

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Commiting Transactions/Truncating Transactional Logs/Replication Latency

Feb 22, 2008


I have multiple questions and would appreciate any suggestions in resolving them. I'm a novice to these issues.

1) First of all, what is the exact command to setup the trunc. log on chkpt. option on for a transactional log of a SQL Server 2000 database? Is this option on by default? I have noticed for one of the databases I'm managing that the transaction log was over 12 GB, while the db was only 425 MB.

2) How's it possible to run a DBCC TRACEON to see the content of the transaction log to see if we are having any issues with any uncommitted transactions, i.e. updates, inserts, and/or deletes.

3) What are the commands to truncate inactive transactions and increasing the readbatchsize?

4) lastly, how do I validate transactional replication via checksum and find valid latency between a small number of changes that need to be committed between publisher and subscriber.

Thank you so much in advance!

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Transactional Replication Over Satellite Connection. Set Parameters For High Latency?

Jul 31, 2007

I have 2 servers; 1 in the head office and the 2nd at a remote location connected over a satellite. The satellite connection has typical latency and bandwidth. 2 mb down and 128kb up. Latency is average of 700ms.

Both servers have plenty of processing power and RAM and are very underutilized.

I have 1 push publication at the publisher at the remote location. The publication has 1 article. The table that is contained in the article only grows; ie inserts are the only statements applied, no updates or deletes. The table grows by 5 inserts every second(approximate). the table has 5 columns. none of the columns are blobs etc. An ID field, 1 datetime, 2 integers and 1 float column.

I have the agents set for continuous with a 2 second polling interval.

I am aware of the following command parameters for the agents but not sure which way to go to maximize the throughput of the data.


The subscriber table also has an insert after trigger to update another small table with the current value. Under normal network conditions, the trigger works great. Over the sat connection with high latency, the smaller target table seems to get a lock placed on it. I can only guess that the lock is from the inserts and perhaps a large number of inserts per transaction?

Under normal network conditions, the latency between publisher - distribution - subsciber is about 4 seconds.

What would be good command parameter settings for the agents to compensate for the latency?


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Replication Agents All Say Server Execution Failed

Aug 21, 2006

This is the most frustrating error I've ever encountered.

I can get no more info from sql server besides "server execution failed". It gives this error when starting the snapshot, distribution, and log reader agents.

This server has been working in this configuration for over a year. We made no changes except restarted the server. This is a windows 2003 server with sql server 2000 running all the latest patches and windows updates.

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Queue Reader Agents Failed - SQL 200 Replication

Jan 19, 2006


I get the error message: Queue reader aborting. The steps failed...in queue reader agents of SQL 2000 replication. Could any one give me a hint of how to troubleshoot this problem? Thanks a lot in advance.

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Agents Not Appearing In Replication Monitor (SQL 2000)

Aug 23, 2006

During an upgrade, we had problems with PK errors on sp_MSget_repl_commands. I recreated the SP with the varbinary characteristic as we have seen in many posts and it was sucessful in starting. However, the sp now appears as a 'user' sp, not a 'system' sp, however I an not sure that is a real issue.

The problem I am seeing is that none of the agents are appearing in replication monitor under their agent folders. Replication appears to be working fine and the publications are showing on the distributor in the Replication Monitor - Publication folder under the appropriate publisher. But all of the agent specific folders (i.e. Snapshot agent, distribution agent, etc) are empty.

Another interesting point, is that if replication fails, the failure 'X' shows up on the Agents folder as well as the publisher, but again, no sign of the agent in the folder.


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SQL 2000 Replication Agents Connecting To Local Host Multiple Times?

Aug 21, 2007

Hi all

I have SQL 2000 SP4 running on a W2K server SP4.

The server acts as a subcriber and publisher and acts as its own distributor.
Each publication uses its own distribution agent and is set to loop.

There are 4 queued updating subscriptions on this box.

When running 3rd party tools to determine open active ports, the replication executables (distrib and logreader) are connecting to local server multiple times. Easily 15+ established connections plus many more waits.

Everything connects to 1433 then opens a new port.

Is this because of the queued updating?

Replication is functioning as it should without any problems.

I even checked our 2 main distribution servers which only act as distributors and there is not one connection from replication to itself.

Any insight would be appreciated


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Linked Server - Dist. Query

Mar 29, 2001

Is there a way to set four part reference used in distributed query to a short
name in local server, so for each query you do not have to type the LONG four
part ref. repeatedly to linked server objects ?

Thanks a lot.


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Exporting From SQL To An Outlook Group Or Dist List?

Jul 20, 2005

I need to export a list of name and email address fields from a SQLtable, in some format so that a user can take the file I generate andImport it into Outlook and it will keep all the names together in aGroup or Distribution List rather than dumping them into the user'smain address book. Any ideas?Francesco

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Why Does Trans Dist Agent Timeout Waiting For Backend Response?

Feb 22, 2007

Environment: Sql Server 2000 Transaction Rep Distributor. Pub, Sub, and Distributor on separate machines.

Distributor Agent Gets: "Timeout expired (Source: ODBC SQL Server Driver (ODBC); Error number: S1T00)" and the Session Details of the the Distribution Agent says "The process is running and is waiting for a response from one of the backend connections." Of course, in true MS fashion, the message does not specify which connection it is waiting on. It could be waiting on the Publisher or it could be waiting on the Subscriber. Does anyone know how to tell? It would be quite useful to know which "backend" is indicated!

We get this event like clock-work at exactly the same times early every morning as well as at other random times during the day. I can not see any reason for it. Do you have any useful advice?

Thanks a lot!


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Dealing With Latency Issues

Jul 17, 2007


I'm building a C# database application that access a remote sql 2005 database. For the moment I am using sql express edition. My application will be running in several REMOTE camps which only have an internet connection via sattelite. The sattelite connection has a very high latency. I am wondering what workarounds or solutions are available for this situation. All applications need to access the same database and preferebly be notified when changes take place on the database.

Thanks in advance.

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Low Latency Publish-Subscribe

May 4, 2007


I have a couple of questions to make.

How can i trigger notifications to my application ( C#)

without hanging in WaitFor Operation??

It's possible for broker service to call some remote

object that my application provide ???

Can Publish/Subscribe using Broker Service be used

for a low latency notifications (150ms ) max with milions of

messages published per second??

Thanks in advance


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Sql Compact Query Latency?

Apr 15, 2008


I have a question:
On my WM5 devide I run 2 query's right after eachother:



I get an error on the second statement. When I change the statement in "NULL" instead of "NOT NULL" it works.
test is a very large table. It seems as if query 2 is executed while the engine is still processing query 1. And then you propably get the NOT NULL statement violation. Is this possible???
I know that writing the registry has some latency because WM5 uses flash instead of ram. Does SQL Compact have the same latency?
Or is this another problem?

Thanks in advance.


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SQL 2012 :: Anyway To Check If Server Is Having Disk Latency

Oct 1, 2014

Is there anyway to check if server is having disk latency or IO issues?Found below in SQL error log

Date10/1/2014 8:28:58 AM
LogSQL Server (Current - 10/1/2014 12:00:00 AM)


SQL Server has encountered 8500 occurrence(s) of I/O requests taking longer than 15 seconds to complete on file [D:Fin.mdf] in database [Fin] (5). The OS file handle is 0x0000000000001368. The offset of the latest long I/O is: 0x0001104a7da000

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HELP/HELP - Agents Not Starting

Sep 14, 1999

I am using MS SQL 6.5 SP5, NT4.0. running Tivoli Service Desk. Two of the four agents on the Applications server were not running so I recycled the server and now NONE of the agents are coming up. Generally the agents show up on the application server control panel but they have not started. The status of the server is 'initializing' and the Watchdog has started but only the 'dispatcher'started. I have hard booted the aps server and recycled the aps and db servers both. I know that there is a way to suspend the agents but that has not been done and the 'resume' button is not available to use. I tried restarting the dispatcher but it didn't do anything. I have also gone into 'config' on the control panel and it shows that '4' agents are set to start up.

We run a Web version also so I have my help desk analysts using it but they cannot refer back to tickets that they have just opened, etc.

ANY SUGGESTIONS - I have been waiting on Tivoli to call me back for almost an hour and a half.

Thanks - Mary

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Checking Agents

Oct 8, 2007

I have around 25 sql servers(sql server 2000) all on windows server 2003. i would like to know if anyone has a script that will poll all the servers and check to make sure the agent is running.

thanks for your help

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SQL Server 2014 :: Does Running Multiple Queries In Same SP Cause Latency

May 14, 2014

I have the following:

(a) One Dynamic SQL Query that takes 37 ms when run as a single query or in an SP.

(b) Three SQL Indexed View queries that take 0 ms when run together.

When i add (a) + (b) in the same SP, i should get 37 ms + 0 ms = 37ms, but NO it takes 400 ms.

What is causing the extra 363 ms of latency.

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Sql Server Doesn't Work Well With 250ms+ Network Latency

Oct 15, 2007

Hello,I'm an absolute newbie when it comes to SQL. I was told that SQLserver does not function well on a WAN where network latency between,say, the SQL server and a front-end server is greater than 250ms.I can't find anything information supporting this claim online, so Iwas hoping someone here could tell me if this is true or not?Thank You!!

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What Is The Best Way To Achieve Best Latency For Reads And Writes To SQL Server 2005?

Oct 18, 2007

I am looking into various options to improve latency of our application (we figured the latency is mainly because data persistence - writes and reads from DB). I am looking into In-Memory databases also. But, before making that decision (of using in memory databases), I would like to see if there is a way to configure SQL Server 2005 to get as close performance as in-memory databases?

My question:
1. Is there a way that I can configure SQL Server 2005 to use a CACHE that gets loaded as needed basis, so that future database reads/writes will happen to the cache as opposed to disk (db writes)?
2. Is SQL Server 2005 recoverable in such configurations?
3. Are there any ideas/resources where I can get more details? (Such as sample configurations with bench mark numbers, rpevious experiences..etc)


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