Help Altering/Creating Columns

May 19, 2008

I need help in SQL in 2 things:

How do i modify a column to change it to a primary key

How do i add a column that is of type bit, with no nulls, and a default value of ((0))


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Creating A Job To Altering Trigger

May 22, 2008

Hi Everyone,

I have a database which once every week gets backup/restored and then renamed for training purpose. The problem is that I got trigger on some of the tables and once the database gets renamed the trigger failed to work as it referring to the old database name. I have idenify all the trigger and done a ALTER TRIGGER. However I can't seem to get it to run as a JOB. Tried to create a store procedure but get a error as the ALTER TIGGER is after CREATE PROCEDURE I could do it as a SQLstring but theirs alot of trigger, want to know if there any other ways of doing it. Please help

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Dynamically Altering/creating Tables

Jul 22, 1998

Is there any way I can dynamically alter the structure of a table? In other words if my Transact SQL
statement returns 5 rows I want to alter an existing table and put in 5 columns. Strange?!
Something like
alter table add
The alter table statement is within a Cursor and ideally @i should increment each time and alter
the table to put in a new column.
If I went 3 times thru the loop, I should have

added to the new table.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks much in advance.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Creating A Table With Updatable Columns And Read-only Columns

May 26, 2015

Here is My requirement, I'm not sure if this is possible. Creating table called master like col1, col2 col3, col4 , col5 ...Where Col1, col2 are updatable - this can be done easily

Col3, col4 are columns in another table but these can be just a read only ?? Is this possible ? this is possible with View but not friendly with share point CRUD...Col 5 is a computed column of col 2 and col5 ? if above step can be done then sure this can be done I guess.

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Creating Columns In A View

May 10, 2006

Hi im trying to create a view that creates another column for a table and then adds the value but i cant get it could sum1 help


Alter Table Employee
Add EMP_BONUS Decimal(6,2)

Update Employee
Set EMP_BONUS = EMP_PCT / 500000

Select Employee.EMP_LNAME, Employee.EMP_FNAME, Employee.EMP_PCT, Position.POS_TITLE, Employee.EMP_BONUS
From Employee
Inner Join Position On Employee.POS_ID = Position.POS_ID

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Creating Columns From A Comma Delimited Row

Aug 20, 2007

Hi All

This is my first official post...very exciting:)


I need to split a string, based on comma delimetrs, into columns of a table.

I am using SQL Server 2005.
The plan is to use webmethods (Integration Software) to receive a flat file, loop through the records in that flat file and during each iteration of the loop call a SQL stored procedure that will split the record, based on comma delimetrs, into columns of a table.

A typical record will look like this:

I have looked at some of the past solutions to this type of post, but am battling to understand....

So if its possible, is there a simple way to create a stored procedure that will do this?

Many thanks

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Creating Dates From Table Columns

May 23, 2006

Hi, i have a table with 3 ints that are used to store dates. Thedatetime data type is not used because this data comes from an oldAS400 server.I need to be able to use those 3 columns to build dates within a queryand be able to use them to compare themselves to other datesLet's say the table has the following values:myday mymonth myyear23 5 2006and suppose i want to do a query that displays all rows with dategreater than '20060520'Here is the query i have tried:selectcast(myday as varchar(2))+'/'+cast(mymonth asvarchar(2))+'/'+cast(myyear as varchar(4))from mytableThat query returns the string '23/5/2006' yet i can't use it to compareit with '20060520'Is there a way i can do this in a simple query?This is on sql server 2000

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Creating A View With Columns Not In Another Table

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I'm somewhat of a newbie and I need to create a view with a columnthat is not derived from any other tables. What I want is for thisfield to be an auto-increment field or some kind of UID. Can anyonequickly tell me how to do this.Here is my dilemma. I need to pull data from a unique data set from atable which does not have a primary key, and none exists in its data.Please tell me how to put this data in a view(or another table) sothat I can pull it out with unique records. It doesnt matter what theunique field consists of.Thanks

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Creating View (transpose Records To Columns)

Jul 20, 2005

I have a table like the followingField1 Field2 Field3------ ------- ------x1 y1 z1x1 y2 z2x1 y3 z3x1 y4 z4x2 y1 z5x2 y2 z6x2 y3 z7x2 y4 z8x3 y1 z9............and so onI want to create a view with x1, x2, x3.. as uniquerecords; y1, y2, y3.... as fields; and z1, z2, z3.... as the valuesWhen I doCREATE VIEW xyz (y1, y2, y3, y4) ASSELECT field1 ,( SELECT field3 FROM table WHERE field2 = 'y1'),( SELECT field3 .....FROM tableI get the error that the sql query creates duplicate values. I think Imay have to do a join using distinct values of field1. I was lookingfor some guidance with the join.Thanks for your help in advance(using SQLSERVER 2000)

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Creating Dynamic Columns In Ssrs 2005

Mar 26, 2008

Hi there,

I have one table which holds all the information for the forms and i have another table which holds list of all the form fields. Now these two tables are mapped and that table give me list of all the fields in any forms.

To get the information about the users who filled different forms first i need to query the tblFormsToFormFields and get the list of all the fields for that form and then use that fields list in the select query to get the result.

In my report i need to provide the drop down with the list of all the forms and then display the information for all the customers for that particular form with the list of the form fields.

Is there in SSRS 2005 i can use C# or any programming language to create Columns in the report dynamically as there will be different fields for each form.

Please advice.



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SQL Server 2008 :: Creating Index Including Non-key Columns

Jul 9, 2015

Does including non-key columns work for the performance of an index?

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SQL 2012 :: Creating Index On Multiple Columns Separately

Jul 28, 2015

I used following query to identify missing indexes:

SELECT mid.statement , mid.included_columns, mid.equality_columns, mid.inequality_columns,
migs.avg_total_user_cost * (migs.avg_user_impact / 100.0) * (migs.user_seeks + migs.user_scans) AS improvement_measure,
'CREATE INDEX [NCIX_' + CONVERT (varchar, mig.index_group_handle) + '_' + CONVERT (varchar, mid.index_handle)
+ '_' + LEFT (PARSENAME(mid.statement, 1), 32) + ']'
+ ' ON ' + mid.statement

[Code] ....

I think I need to only create few if an index is covering all columns then I do not need to create more indexes for separate columns or should I create separate index as suggested?


CREATE INDEX [NCIX_20187_20186_TL_SRV_Stationary_Stock_Transact] ON [TL_SRV_Stationary_Stock_Transaction] ([SerialNo],[StationaryStatus]) GO
CREATE INDEX [NCIX_20189_20188_TL_SRV_Stationary_Stock_Transact] ON [TL_SRV_Stationary_Stock_Transaction] ([StationaryStatus]) INCLUDE ([SerialNo]) GO

[Code] ....

Should I create all indexes above or use minimum number of indexes which covers all columns as mentioned in above create index statements?

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Tips On Creating Output Columns In A Custom Transformation

Aug 14, 2007

I would like my transformation to automatically create an output column for each input column. Any tips? I can't seem to determine which event to listen to or method to override.

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Any Progress On Creating Columns Dynamically On SQL 2005 Report?

Nov 6, 2007


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Creating A Generic Package To Import A Variable Number Of Columns

Jan 26, 2006


We are building an application with
a database that contains Jobs. These Jobs have properties like Name, Code etc.
and some custom properties, definable by the application admin. For bulk import
of Jobs, we want to allow the import of an Excel sheet with the columns Name,
Code and a variable amount of columns. If the header names of these columns in
the Excel sheet match the name of a custom property in the system we want to add
the value of that cell into the database as property

In our Data Flow of our Import
Package in SSIS we added an Excel Source that points to a test excel sheet with
the Name and Code columns and €“ for this example - 3 custom property columns
(Area, Department, Job Family). When we configure the Excel Source in the Excel
Source Editor, we have the option to select the Columns from the Available
External Columns table. But here lays the problem, we do not know at design
time, what custom property columns to expect. We DO expect the Name and Code
columns, but the rest is uncertain at design-time.

That raises the question: Is there
some way to select all of any incoming columns (something like a SELECT * in
T-SQL)? This looks like a big problem since it would mean that the .DTSX XML that is
being generated at design-time would need to be updated at run-time to reflect
the variability of the columns that might be encountered while reading the excel

Then, we thought, we could add a Script
Component to our data flow that passes some kind of DataSet (or DataReader) in
which we can walk through the columns ourselves? But then still, we miss the
option to include ANY of the columns while reading an Excel sheet (or any other
datasource by the looks of it)

We are aware of the option of
optional columns in combination with the RaggedRight option, but it seems that
we would have to put all of the columns of a row in just one column and then
extract all the columns later with Derived Columns. But then, since the source
import file is being prepared by an application admin, we want don€™t want to
burden him with this horrendous task of putting everything in one

We would like to have some way of
iterating through all the columns, either in a Script Component or maybe with a
Pivot/Unpivot mechanism.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Are there other options we should have considered?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Creating Comma Separated List Of Details From Multiple Columns?

Jun 3, 2010

I am trying to find a way to add into a table a flattened (comma seperated list) of email addresses based on the multiple columns of nformation in another table (joined by customer_full_name and postcode.

This is to highlight duplicate email addresses for people under the same customer_full_name and Postcode.

I have done this using a loop which loops through concatenating the email addresses but it takes 1minute to do 1000. The table is 19,000 so this isn't really acceptable. I have tried temp tables, table variables and none of this seems to make any difference. I think that it is becuase i am joining on text columns?

Create table #tempa
customer_Full_Name varchar(100),
Customer_Email varchar(100),
Postcode varchar(100),
AlternateEmail varchar(max)NULL
insert into #tempa (customer_full_name,customer_email,postcode)


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Multiple Columns Index/Key (does It Free Me From Creating A Single Column Indexes???)

Apr 12, 2007

I hope i'm in the right place, but thanks anyway....

Actually i have 2 questions (regarding sql-server Indices/Keys):

1) I have an index, which is consisted of 4 columns.

I've read elsewhere that this index functions (as well) as an index (single column

index) on the first column of this multi-column index.

Does this mean that if i'd like to have (in addition) Indices on all of the 4 columns

seperately i need to define only 3???

2) I have a unique key consisted of multiple columns.

I'd like to save an index to this combination of columns as well (to speed up

things in DB...).

Does the definition of a multiple-columns key free me from defining the multiple-

columns index???

can anyone explain the main diference between Keys and Indices???

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Multiple Columns Index/Key (does It Free Me From Creating A Single Column Indexes???)

Apr 16, 2007

I hope i'm in the right place, but thanks anyway....

Actually i have 2 questions (regarding sql-server Indices/Keys):

1) I have an index, which is consisted of 4 columns.

I've read elsewhere that this index functions (as well) as an index (single column

index) on the first column of this multi-column index.

Does this mean that if i'd like to have (in addition) Indices on all of the 4 columns

seperately i need to define only 3???

2) I have a unique key consisted of multiple columns.

I'd like to save an index to this combination of columns as well (to speed up

things in DB...).

Does the definition of a multiple-columns key free me from defining the multiple-

columns index???

can anyone explain the main diference between Keys and Indices???


Ran Kizi

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Altering Table

Dec 2, 2003

Hai All.

I want to know ,is there any way to modify a table's field like adding of new field to a table.
If any one have idea plz enlighten me.


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Altering Data

Jul 20, 2005

Hello!I have a problem that I really could use some help to solve. I have a tablewhich looks like this:id1, id2, id3, rate, ratenrExamples of a select * from this table would be:1047336399 21000 1 617 11047336399 21000 1 624B 11047336399 21000 1 621D 11047336399 21000 2 624B 11047336399 21000 2 612A 11047336399 21000 2 621D 11047336399 21000 3 617 11047336399 21000 3 624B 11047336399 21000 3 621D 1I would like to transform this table into something like this:1047336399 21000 1 617 1 624B 1 621D 11047336399 21000 2 624B 1 612A 1 621D 11047336399 21000 3 617 1 624B 1 621D 1the three first columns should be the primary key.Any help is appreciatedGunnar

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Permissions For Altering Databases

Oct 18, 2001

I have an environment where I would like to grant the ability to perform certain functions to specific users for all databases on one of my SQL Servers. Specifically, I want to allow someone to alter table structures on the server, without having the ability to modify data within any databases on the server and without having the ability to create new databases on the server. Is this possible, and if so, how?

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Altering Logical Filenames

Oct 24, 2001


I would like to change the logical filenames for a database on my test server. I know this is done with ALTER DATABASE, but I'm not sure of the exact syntax. Can anyone help?


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Altering A Job Scheduled In EM Of SQL2000

May 4, 2000

I was able to create a scheduled job in Enterprise Manager 8.0 on a server running 7.0, but I couldn't find a way to disable it. I've used the sp_delete_job stored procedure to delete my job and re-entered it with new parameters.
Is using the sp_delete_job sp only way to modify scheduled jobs?
If yes, I have a problem since my 7.0 Enterprise Manager is gone.
Any ideas?


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Altering Table With Default Value

Aug 19, 2004

Hi, How to alter a table with default value?
I am using the below statement, But, it is not working..Any pointers?
alter table action_item ALTER COLUMN STATUS default 0

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Altering A Computed Column?

Feb 27, 2008

somehow I am not able to figure this out.

How do I change a computed column using the ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN... command?

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Altering Column Names?

Jan 25, 2004

I have been looking in the SQL Server Help Files, but I cant seem to find the syntax to change the name of a column name..?

Can it be done? if so, what is the syntax?

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Altering A Published Table

Feb 12, 2004

Hi! I've added a column to a published table in the Publisher using SP_REPLADDCOLUMN. After doing this the replication triggers for that table(i.e. del_%,upd_%,ins_%) are doubled both at the Publisher and at the Subscriber. If i update anyone of the column in the table at the Subscriber; i get the following error:

Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure upd_3E6DE124B82D42A5AEB169557C0D757C, Line 60
Invalid object name 'ctsv_3E6DE124B82D42A5AEB169557C0D757C'.

Any ideas, what has gone wrong????

I have the following SQL setup.
Publisher: Enterprise Edition, SP3.
Subscriber: Standard-Edition, SP3.
The error is at the Subscriber.

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SQL 2012 :: Altering The DB Role?

Sep 19, 2014

I have created a login with some restrictions ,By default the Login has DB_Owner Role,Now i want to change that Role to DB_datareader.

How can i alter the Login role from db_owner to db_datareader.

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Altering The Datatype Of A Variable?

Jul 21, 2006

The DATEDIFF(s, time1, time2) function output is of the 'datetime' datatype.
How can I alter the 'datetime' to 'int' (or 'bigint') datatype to make it compatible with other variables in my calculations?

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Altering Linked Tables

Jul 20, 2005

I have a table (in Access) that is linked to the SQL server, and Ineed to add a column to it. I wrote the following:ALTER TABLE CensusADD COLUMN 'ActiveFacility' BIT;and I get a syntax error that I do not know how to solve. The columnneeds to contain yes/no data for each record.Any help for a struggling newbie?Thanks,Christine

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MS SQL 2005 Log Shipping And Altering A DB

Feb 26, 2008

Question: I have Log Shipping setup and i am wanting to verify it will do what we need. That is when a table is changed in our production enviroment that change is replicated into our other server. IE I rename a field in a table or create a new table... You know change the structure... How do I replicate that stuff to my other servers?

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Merge Altering Metadata

Aug 8, 2007

I have a column going into a merge DT_WSTR length 50 on both(left/right) sides, yet when viewing the resulting output metadata, the length is 16. (I am viewing the metadata by clicking on the arrows)

This is obviously wrong.

NB originally the length was not set to this. As an attempt to try and fix the problem, I have added a placeholder column before all of my conditional splits of str50 type.

Why is it doing this?

This is causing my 0xC02020C1 error, I am convinced of it.

One of the errors has now gone away but the other two merges still have the error.

SSIS seems to assume that you will make no mistakes and will never want to go back and change anything, woe betide you if you have to go back and alter it later.

I have also noticed that certain (other) errors go away merely by opening and closing the tasks. Shocking.

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Altering Table Replicated

Feb 2, 2007

How can i change my Table Structure that is replicated?

I need to add a new field.

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