Help Creating A Custom Export Type Via IRenderingExtension

Jan 17, 2008

Hello all, I am developing my own custom export type via the IRenderingExtension interface, and I am having a fundamental problem getting it to work.

I followed this guide written by James Yip,, and managed to compile my SampleRenderer class and properly configure SRSS so that my 'Sample' export format is now available in the export dropdown in Report Manager.

However, upon actually exporting a report, the result is a blank file. I have absolutely no idea why the stream I create isn't getting through to the final file.

Here is my render method:

Code Block
public bool Render(Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportRendering.Report report, System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection reportServerParameters, System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection deviceInfo, System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection clientCapabilities, EvaluateHeaderFooterExpressions evaluateHeaderFooterExpressions, CreateAndRegisterStream createAndRegisterStream)

System.IO.Stream stream = null;
System.IO.StreamWriter streamWriter = null;


stream = createAndRegisterStream("users", "txt",System.Text.Encoding.ASCII, "text/plain", false, StreamOper.CreateAndRegister);

streamWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(stream);

if (streamWriter != null)

//closing the stream here results in an exception
if (stream != null)


return false;

Any ideas on what I am doing wrong here?


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Custom The Name Of The Sheets - Export XLS

Feb 11, 2008


I have a problem and I would like your help:

I made a report by Reporting Services with three matrixes. This report is exported directly to an Excel file in my application ASP. It is OK.

But the problem is:

The 3 matrixes were made one below another, and the export to Excel generates automatically three sheets like: sheet1 sheet2 and sheet3 with exactly these names.

Is there a way to custom the name of these 3 sheets by a resource in the matrixes defined in the report in order to have the Excel file with them named ?

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Export To Excel Custom Format

Feb 23, 2007


I have a problem when exporting a report to Excel.

The problem is with the custom formatting. The report has a field named amount with its format property = C (on the properties window of the textbox in the report designer). When the user exports the report everything seems ok, calculations and so on... but the problem is when from another workbook a cell makes a reference to the cell amount of the exported report. The exported report, has this format [$-1010409]$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00) on the amount cell. In fact every format type of the report designer, begins with [$-1010409].

To reproduce this error:

Make a simple rdl with a textbox format C. Export it to excel. Create a new workbook and make a cell reference to the exported report formated textbox cell (='\ComputerFolder[ExportedReport.xls]Sheet1'!$E$15). Close the exported report and the new workbook, open the new workbook (not the exported one) and update the reference. Results in a #Ref error.

Tnx of your time and effort.

Sorry for my bad english.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Creating A Custom Column?

May 14, 2014

creating a custom column that will put a list of 5 values for each unique value(or in this case Employee).

So I have a Employee table were I pull a list of all active employees -

Example -


What I want to do is add a column that has 5 values and create a row for each value

I want it too look like this -

024Swanson, a
024Swanson, b
024Swanson, c
024Swanson, d
024Swanson, e

[Code] ....

Currently all my query looks like is this -

SELECT EmpID, LastFirst, Email
FROM dbo.EmpList
WHERE (Active = 1)

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SQL 2005: Creating Custom Primary Key

Mar 27, 2008

Hello everyone!

Even though I am not "new to SQL Server", my experience in working with it has ebbed and flowed, and working with SQL Server is not something that happens for me even on a monthly basis.

I work as an in-house programmer for a financial investment company and I have been asked to work on a database that is to hold financial data.

One of the requirements for the tables has been that the Primary Key should be [name_of_the_table] + [Identity].

So, for example, for table "tblEquities", the values of the Primary Key would be:


My questions are:
1) Is it possible to achieve this by using just one column, as in defining a formula for the "Computed Column Specification" , something that would look like "'tblEquities' + Identity()"?
2) If the above is not possible, I assume it's much easier to just define a column as being Identity column and then create a 2nd computed column that would aggregate the name of the table with the value in the Identity column, so that I end up with a column holding the desired values? (I guess it would look something like
"'tblEquities' + [Identity]")

Also, I have been asked to find out what SQL 2005 have/offers, in term of guaranteeing referential integrity. Are the "Database Diagram", as well as the "Relationships" dialog box, the tools that would meet that criteria or does SQL 2005 contain other tools that would help in this regard?

Thank you!

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Creating Custom Sequence Container

Oct 4, 2006

I have a package that is going to have roughly 20 sequence containers in it. Each of these containers is going to have the same start task and the same end task. The data flow task(s) in each sequence container will differ. So I was thinking I would create a custom sequence container that would implement the common steps I need in each of my containers. I started to create a task that would inherit from Sequence, but I found that it is sealed. Bummer.

What is involved in creating a sequence task by inheriting from Task? I see that Sequence implements IDtsSequence. But looking at this interface, it seems like I would have to build the logic to execute the workflow contained in my sequence.

Any pointers?


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Creating Custom Tables During MSDE Setup!

Nov 13, 2004

Hi folks, i need ur guidance.
I have a few DDL and DML scripts which i want to be automatically applied during MSDE setup; or an .MDF file be attached automatically. Please suggest an easier way!


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Creating Custom Primary Key In SQL Server 2005

Mar 11, 2008

I currently have a website which is using ASP.NET 2.0, C#, and SQLServer 2005. The website will be used to enter grants for auniversity. When a new grant is entered, I need to generate a primarykey. The primary key will need to follow the format: Two digit forfiscal year, then number of the grant for that year. Example:Year 08 and 14th grant of the year would be: 0814How can I implement this. Right now, I have a "New Grant.aspx" pagewith a Submit button. I am guessing the date is going to be formattedin C#. How can I check what the last primary key in the database is?Also, it seems to me that SQL Server insists that the primary key be32 bits long, however my primary key will only be 4. How can Ioverride this? Thanks.

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Help! Creating Custom Data Flow Task

May 19, 2007

I'm trying to create a custom data flow destination, and it has a custom property that needs to get value from variable(similar to the FileNameVariable property of Raw File Destination), how can I do that?

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Creating A Custom Assembly - Can't Find Directory For DLL

Dec 20, 2007


The main problem I am currently facing is that I do not have the following directory to place the DLL file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80ToolsReport Designer. It is the "Report Designer" part that is missing. I tried adding it, but that didn't work.

Any ideas why that is?

Thank you.


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Creating A Custom Data Source Component.

Jan 15, 2008

I would like to write a custom data source component for SSIS. I was wondering if there are any tutorials / examples for this that are available.


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Creating A Custom Transformation Component Walkthrough

Apr 10, 2006

Microsoft published a "Creating a custom transformation component Walkthrough" published on

Does anyone know where to get the Hands-On Lab Files mentioned?



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Creating A Custom Connection Manager Sample

Feb 28, 2006

does anyone know where this can be obtained? it did not come with the RTM. it does not seem to be available via download either?

a little help here!

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Creating Error Output For Custom Components

Feb 14, 2006


I have a 2 custom components - source and destination.

I want to create an error output for each, to allow the users of my component to handle errors the way they choose.

I only found a property in IDTSOuptut90 named isErrorOut - a boolean property indicating whether this output is an error output or not.

Does anyone have additional documentation / articles / code samples regarding how to really populate the rows in the error output?


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Creating And Configuring Custom Conflict Resolver.

Aug 12, 2005


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Is It Possible To Develop A Custom Report Item Other Than Image Type

Sep 10, 2007

I have developed a renderer that renders the xml to paint a rectangle with textboxes in all the right places based on the data retrieved off the database. When i render the a complete report to the reportviewer i have no problem.

I need however to render the rectangle into a custom report item for reusability and different scenarios. This just seem to be impossible since it seems like I cant use anything other than an imagemap to render custom report items. Is this true?

To make sure you other words....

Is there a way to develop a Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportRendering.IRenderingExtension that renders the required xml like rectangles/textboxes etc. and then migrate this to a custom toolbox item. It just seems like this should be a very easy thing to do and something regularly needed. For example when you want to use textboxes in certain positions within a rectangle to draw a organisational chart.

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Tips On Creating Output Columns In A Custom Transformation

Aug 14, 2007

I would like my transformation to automatically create an output column for each input column. Any tips? I can't seem to determine which event to listen to or method to override.

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Custom Transform Component, Change Type Or Add Output Column

Jun 26, 2006

Would anyone happen to have any pointers or know of any good code examples to either programmatically change the type of an input column when it is passed through the component, or add a new column to the output? I am extracting data from an Oracle database which is in Julian date format (represented within SSIS as a DT_NUMERIC column) and I need to to either transform the input column holding it into a date column, or to dynamically add a new output column holding the transformed data.

Many thanks

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Type Of Format Export.

Dec 28, 2006

Hello :
There is a means to limit the list of the format to the export.

That is limit the list. (XML, CSV, PDF, €¦..)


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Error On Custom Data Mining Plugin: Content Type Mismatch

Jan 11, 2007

Good afternoon,

I'm doing a custom clustering plugin for text to pre-process ("clean" the texts), calculate weights, estimate the number of clusters (using the PBM index) and finally, do the actual clustering.

So... I've made each of these modules on C++ and I'm putting them all togheter on the plugin.

My database (MDB file) has only one table, with only two fields within: a key (auto-incremental) and a small text. What I intend to do is to get the text in each test case, store them togheter somewhere and call my classes to cluster these texts.

I'm trying to log the texts in a file (just a test) on the ProcessCase method, in the CaseProcessor class. I've did it with no problems with numerical data.

But when I load the MDB file on the Mining Structures Wizard, it says the content type of the field holding the texts is "Continous" and the data type is "Text". Actually, when I saw it I didn't really mind.

But when I run the mining model it gives me the following error: "Error 1 Error (Data mining): The data type of the Table1.Texto mining structure column must be numeric since it has a continuous content type (Content is set to Continuous or Key Time or Key Sequence). 0 0 "

So... How do I change this content type ? (the content type combobox on the Mining Structures Wizard couldn't the changed)

Can anyone help me on this, please ?

Thanks a lot.

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SSIS Custom Data Flow Component - Variable Type Converter

Jun 27, 2007

Hi all,

I am creating a customer data flow component for SSIS for use in a package. I've got some custom properties that I am exposing using the supplied advanced editor (no custom property editor here).

Some of my properties are enumerated types, and I have deciphered how to get those properties to show as dropdown lists of their respective enumerations. (For those of you who may be looking as hard as I did as to how to accomplish this, see the end of this post.)

I also have a few properties which request SSIS package variable names - such as an file name variable. However, I can't figure out how to tell the advanced editor that the property is looking for an SSIS variable, so that it can show a dropdown list of package variables, much like virtually any other Microsoft supplied Data Flow component can.

Is there a Type Converter I could specify for those custom properties? Is there another way to instruct SSIS that my custom property is expecting a variable? Or do I need to code a custom UI for editing my Data Flow Task?

To create a dropdown list of values for a custom property that represents an enum, do the following:

1. Create your enum definition, such as "public enum ThisIsMyEnum { one, two }"

2. Create a new class that inherits from TypeConverter, such as "public class MyEnumConverter : TypeConverter"

3. Override "CanConvertFrom", and return true if "sourceType == typeof(string)"

4. Override "CanConvertTo", and return true if "destinationType == typeof(string)"

5. Override "ConvertFrom", and return the enum value (such as "one" or "two" in my example) that corresponds to the string passed in the parameter "value"

6. Override "ConvertTo", and return a string that corresponds to the enum value passed in the parameter "value"

7. Override "GetStandardValuesSupported" and return true

8. Override "GetStandarValuesExclusive" and return true to indicate that ONLY the enum values should be accepted

9. Override "GetStandardValues", and return a new StandardValuesCollection constructed with Enum.GetValues() of your enum, such as "return new StandardValuesCollection(Enum.GetValues(typeof(ThisIsMyEnum)));"

10. Just above your "public enum" declaration, add a "TypeConverter" attribute to link your type converter to your enum, such as "[TypeConverter(typeof(MyEnumConverter))]"

11. In "ProvideComponentProperties", after you've created your custom property like this: "IDTSCustomProperty90 propEnum = ComponentMetaData.CustomPropertyCollection.New()", add another line to specify the TypeConverter property of the property to the full assembly name of your type converter, like so: "propEnum.TypeConverter = typeof(MyEnumConverter).AssemblyQualifiedName;"

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Creating A Tab Delimited Export

Sep 5, 2006

Hello all,

I am trying customize the CSV rendering extension with different device information settings. I would loke to change the CSV extension to a Tab delimited output. However, whenever I add a new extension line to the RSReportServer.config file I run into problems.

1. What is the correct character to use in the delimiter to specify a Tab character? I seem to be unable to get this correct

2. Why when I override the name in the rendering extension does it still show up as the CSV (comma delimited) name in the export dropdown.

Here is my customized rendering extension.

<Extension Name="TXT" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.CsvRenderer.CsvReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.CsvRendering">
<Name>TXT (Tab Delimited Text File)></Name>



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Conditional Fields Based On Export Type

Aug 27, 2007

I need to be able to suppress the printing of a particular value when exporting, but not when displaying on a web viewer on-line. I can place an IIF() condition around the field to do this, but do not know how to obtain a parameter/value/function which would recognize that the viewer has selected an export (To .PDF for example).
I would prefer there be a direct parameter I can read from the RDL language, however recognizing the selection while setting up the viewer to be displayed in the code-behind and setting an external parameter is also an option.

Any help would be appreciated.


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PDF Export And True Type Font Rendering

Mar 21, 2008


we use a 3of9 barcode font (TrueType). It works fine with Visual Studio, but when the report is run on the server, the font's width is false (2 times larger, but the correct height...).

We've test different font (barcode or not) and the problem occurs with all True Type fonts but not the True Type Outlines fonts... (and we not find any True Type Outlines barcode font)

Does anyone have an idea ?


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Creating Object Type

Dec 22, 2006

How to create object type in sql server,
i.e in Oracle we can directly create an object TYPE and we can use it in other applications.
What's the equivalent of this object Type in SQL Server

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Creating A UDT Type With Create Assembly

Nov 27, 2006

I created a UDT Type (using MS Server Express Edition  and Visual Basic 2005 express) but I get some errors:

Msg 6556, Level 16, State 1, Line 6

CREATE TYPE failed because it could not find type 'UDTProj' in assembly 'UDTProj'.

Msg 6597, Level 16, State 1, Line 6


That is my code:

Public Structure UDT_interval

Private adresse As String

Private beginn As Date

Private ende As Date

End Structure

************in Transact-SQL

//register the UDTProj assembly

USE TestData;


FROM 'C:MS Visual StudioMyOutputinReleaseUDTProj.dll '


// create the UDTProj type




CREATE TYPE dbo.UDT_interval


>Msg 6556, Level 16, State 1, Line 6

CREATE TYPE failed because it could not find type 'UDT_interval' in assembly 'UDTProj'.

Msg 6597, Level 16, State 1, Line 6


can anyone help me?



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SSIS Import And Export Wizard Source Type -1 Instead Of Time

Feb 13, 2015

Running SQL 2008. Trying to copy data from one table into another table using SSIS Import/Export Wizard. Now, when I do a straight "Copy data from one or more tables or views", no problems. But when I use the "Write a query to specify the data to transfer", it will not let me get anywhere.

My source table has a field that is setup as "time". It has data, and no problems with the field. I even replicated my destination table structure exactly. But when I try to use the Import & Export wizard, for that one field I get an error stating the source field is unknown and it is labeled as "-1" instead of "time".

I found a couple of of workarounds. One is to cast the source field "time" as "datetime", and then end up with a "datetime2" field in the destination table. Works, but not what I want to store in that field. Second workaround is to use TSQL and use a "INSERT INTO...SELECT...FROM..WHERE.." statement. This works, and gives me the desired results with all data types being same in source and destination, but is a slight pain in the rear end.

I just want the Import & Export wizard to work. It should work. Why doesn't it know what "time" is? I even checked the MSSQLToSSIS10.XML mapping file the wizard is using. This is what it has for "time":

<dtm:DataTypeMapping >

[Code] .....

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Creating Sql-clr Function With Void Return Type

Mar 18, 2008

hi to all,
i have written SQL-CLR function using C# which will perform some manupulation and will not not return any value(return type is void)
i am creating sql function using SQL script







NAME [AMEX].[UserDefinedFunctions].[Function1];


but i am getting error.
there is something wrong in my sql syntax..can anybody help me?

when creating funtion having signature

public static void Function1()

i am getting error.......................
Error 1 The method "Function1" in class "UserDefinedFunctions" marked as a user defined function must return a scalar value or ISqlReader. SqlServerProject1

can anybody help me?

thanks in advance

Chetan S. Raut

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Problem Creating Varbinary(max) Data Type

Sep 11, 2006

I'm unable to create a field with the type varbinary(max). When I try doing this with Management Studio, it tells me that the maximum length is 8000 bytes. I've also tried creating the field with DDL as shown below, but that doesn't work either. If I create the varbinary field with a length of 8000 or less, it works fine. Is there some trick to using varbinary(max)?

Thank you.

create table images (filename nvarchar(250) primary key,photo varbinary(max))

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Creating Table With A Date Data Type, Urgent

Aug 13, 2001

Hi all,
I'm trying to create a temporary table with one of the columns with a datetime datatype. Sql server 7.0 is giving me an error:
Error 195 date is not a recognized function name.
Example of my create table looks something like this:
create table #temp_table(column_one int, column_two(15,2), Column_three datetime)

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Attn Microsoft : Incorrect Screenshot - SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Hands On Training - Creating Custom Components

Jun 25, 2006

Hi All,

I am not sure if this is a correct forum to discuss on the document posted @ on SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Hands on Training - Creating Custom Components.

I am assuming Microsoft Developers are constantly monitoring this forum.

In the document - SSIS Creating a Custom Transformation Component .doc on Page 2 -
Exercise 1 - Writing the no-op data flow transformation component -
Task 1 - Create a new C# Class Library Project

The textual description talks about creating a new Visual C# Class Library project in VS 2005 but the screenshot accompanying it shows the creation of new "Integration Service Project" in VS 2005.

Please change the screenshot appropriately to avoid confusions.


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SQL Server 2008 :: Review Data Type Mapping (Import And Export Wizard)

Jun 5, 2015

Not seeing the Review Data Type Mapping Screen in SQL Server Import and Export Wizard?

Is there only a certain version where that screen shows up?

I am trying to import data from an MS Access application to SQL Server and all of the connections are good, but some of the data isn't and if I let it migrate using this tool it crashes on the bad data and there is no data that migrates. The Review Data Type Mapping screen will allow me to bypass the records in error and load the rest. however, I can;t do that if I cannot see the screen.

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Displaying Custom Properties For Custom Transformation In Custom UI

Mar 8, 2007


I am creating a custom transformation component, and a custom user interface for that component.

my custom UI, I want to show the custom properties, and allow users to
edit these properties similar to how the advanced editor shows the

I know in my UI I need to create a "Property Grid".
the properties of this grid, I can select the object I want to display
data for, however, the only objects that appear are the objects that I
have already created within this UI, and not the actual component
object with the custom properties.

How do I go about getting the properties for my transformation component listed in this property grid?

I am writing in C#.

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