Help Needed -- Dynamically Loading Different Files/types

Nov 29, 2007

I am pretty new to SQL Server 2005 and SSIS. I am trying to develop a package that will dynamically load files into SS2005 based on the contents of a configuration table. The configuration table (see below for example) contains the path to the file, a flag indicating whether or not to process the flag, the type of file (specifies the nature of data -- financial, order, etc.) and some parameters specific to each file.









Right now I basically have a seperate sequence for each of the file types. The task in each sequence are virtually identical with the exception of the the data flow source in the data flow task (since the source file could be .xls, .txt, .csv). The first sequence ran fine in isolation, but when I linked a second sequence I started getting a Package Validation Error:
I use the same variables (FileName, ExcelTab) for each of the sequences, so I am not sure if that causes te error. I also tried changing the ValidateExternalMetadata setting to false, since the connection variable wont be applicable until that sequence is being processed. I am not sure where to go here ... should I rearchitect how the package all together?

Is there a better/most efficient way to to architect this package to handle the different file types (develop a package for each type which is called by a master package, create one package with a different sequence container for each type, etc).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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Help Needed On Loading Different Files To Different Tables

Sep 16, 2007

I am trying to do here is to load different flat files to different tables:
For example, if the file name starts with "enrollment", then it goes to table "enrollment" table;
if the file name starts with "student", then it goes to "student" table.

For now, I created a foreach loop container for the each different files. So it ended up using several foreach loop containers. I am wondering if there is a way just to use one foreach loop containters to process the loading.

Anyone shed some light on this?? Thank you very much for your help!

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Help Needed -- Dynamically Defining Files In Connection Manager

Nov 12, 2007

I am pretty new to SQL Server 2005 and SSIS. I am trying to dynamically load files into SQL Server 2005 using files/paths contained in tables. I have a key table in my SSIS package that defines which files should be processed, some default values that will be associated with each file (ie CompanyKey and PeriodKey) and the file path (see below for example):





















































The package I am developing is supposed to loop through this table checking for files with ProcessFlag = TRUE. For those files, it will load all of the records/columns (prefaced with the company and period keys) into a common table.

Do I have to manually create data sources for each file or is there a way to dynamically define the connection and process the connection?

Any assitance you could provide would be greatly appreciated!


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Guidance Needed: Loading Hierarchical XML Into Relational Tables

Aug 8, 2007

I've got a lot of XML like this (simplified):

Code Snippet

... 8 MORE


I need to get this into three existing SQL Server 2005 tables, each with identity columns for their primary keys:

Code Snippet






With primary and foreign keys as you'd expect, and, of course, many more columns!

How would I get this into tables through SSIS, preferably in a high-performance manner (there may be several gigabytes of XML to load).

The issue, of course, is that in order to insert an ELEMENT2 row, I need the ID from the coresponding ELEMENT1, etc.

Any ideas or pointers to articles would be welcome.

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Loading .unl Files

Oct 24, 2006

I have tried to load data from .unl file into exact replica of database in SQL server 2005 but failed.

I used this syntax, but it doesn't work:


LOAD FROM 'C:something\_something.unl'



I am sure about the delimiter, so that's not the problem. I just get the message that  syntax is incorrect near the keyword FROM and DELIMITER.


Could someone please tell me what the correct syntax would be? Or what seems to be the problem?



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Loading Image Files

Jun 28, 2000

I have a table structure like this
EmpID LastName FirstName Emp_Picture
100| x |T |<BINARY>
200| W |W |<BINARY>
This table has 935 rows in it with Emp_Picture Blank.

How to insert the jpeg files into the Emp_Picture Column??
Do we have run the update statement for each and every employee or is there a
way to get around this problem..

Thanks in Advance


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Loading Multiple Files Through DTS

Sep 8, 2000

Is it possible to take a text file that contains multiple record types through the Data Transformation Service in MS SQL 7.0 and load each different record type into a seperate table?

Thanks in advance.

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Loading Tiff Files

Dec 5, 2007

Hi Folks,

I am new to sql server. I have some tiff files to load into sql database. The Server is 2005.

Can i do this without using any application like Is there any way to upload tiff files into tables using sql.The size of each image is approx 200-300kb.

I have tables with member information. The tiff file name is same as the member id. So i have to uplaod the image to the column in the member table with same id.

Can you guys please help me with this or suggest some articles/urls which use sql to upload tiff files.

Thanks in advance.

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Loading Excel Files

Apr 20, 2007

I am writing a SSIS package to load a lot of Excel files. I use SQL statement to select the Excel data. However, I found it's hard to dynamical set the table name (Excel Tab name) - the user name the Tab differently.

Any clue or better solution? Thanks,

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Loading Data From Text Files

Aug 4, 2006

In MySQL, I use "LOAD DATA INFILE 'my_path/data_file.txt'" to load datafrom a plain text file. Of course, the actual statement is a bit morecomplex once one considers the various options (e.g. comma delimited vstab delimited, record termination strings, &c.).My problem is that I have yet to find the equivalent within MS SQLserver. I did find a LOAD statement in T-SQL, but at first glance itseems to do something completely different.How does one normally load data from a plain text file into a table inMS SQL? This needs to be relatively efficient since, once inproduction, it will be used to load tens of megabytes of data into thedatabase (a feed from a data provider). Is it flexible enough to allowme to specify whether the fields are tab delimited vs comma delimited,optionally enclosed by quotes, record termination charactors, &c.?All I really need is direction to the right part of the T-SQL reference(MS SQL Server 2005). Anything else, such as examples, is icing on thecake.ThanksTed

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Loading Multiple XML Files Into SQL Server

Sep 8, 2006

I'm using the For Each loop container to load multiple XML data files into SQL Server, and noticing some peculiar behavior and need some advice.

The pattern I'm trying to accomplish is this: Iterate over a collection of XML files in a specific folder, loading each in turn into SQL Server. If the file has already been loaded, delete the records first before the load. After the load succeeds, move the file into an Archive folder.

To accomplish this, I've set up a For Eac Loop container using the For Each File enumerator, and retrieve just the file name and extension into a variable. The first task in this is an Execute SQL task that uses a SQL DML statement to delete records based on a field in the table containing the file name (DELETE FROM table WHERE PROG_NAME = ?), and map a variable to the parameter. The next task is the data flow task that uses an XML source using the variable as the file name, and SQL Server destination. I use a derived column task in between to plug the variable holding the file name into the PROG_NAME field. So far, so good. This works.

But now comes the peculiar part. I initially had the XSD files in the same folder as the XML files, but wanted to put them in their own directory, so moved them, and made the change to the XML source adapter for the new path to the XSD file. The next time I ran my package, it failed. For some reason, as the For Each Loop tried to iterate over the directory, it was using the XSD path assigned in the XML source instead of the path for the XML files. Unusual...

My question is, why when choosing the File name & Extension retrieval type (as opposed to the fully qualified name) will the task try to use the XSD location to find the files? Is my variable getting reassigned somewhere?

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Copy Files Dynamically

Jan 11, 2008

hi , I am trying to copy files dynamically from a remot folder by using File System task ,
the files are going to be generated daily with f1yyyy-mm-dd.txt
I created 3 file connections :
- Existing remote folder (RemotFolder) and set that to var v_remotefolder
- Existing destination folder (DestFolder)
- existing file (filename) and set the expression to var (string ) =v_fname
in the File System task I set the the
Destination connection = DestFolder
Operation =Copy file
Source = filename
expression >>Property (source) = @[User::v_remotefolder] + @[User::v_fname]
I know I need the date too ,but I 'm getting error on this step.
Can you please tell me if you know how to resolve this without using For each loop since I don't have control on the remote folder and I don't want to copy unneeded files (the files are 10 GB daily) and get delete it once every month.
-I know this not uncommon task but I can't find any example.

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Loading Large Flat Files Into A SQL Database Using DTS

Dec 7, 2000

Here's my delema, I have a file that's 308 bytes wide by 5.7 million records. The record length is fixed and the position and width of the known within the record. When I run DTS I recieve this error Msg MS DTS flat file provide and Err Diesdription: error creating file mapping view: not enough storage is available to process this command. Then when I try to continue with the wizard, it will not allow me to separate the data into the format that I need. Is there any other way to import this file using DTS?

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Loading Data Into SQL 2000 From Text Files

May 1, 2002

I have 6000+ text files, average size 400 kb, that I need to load into 1 table in Sql Server 2000. Does anyone know of an easy way to do this? I thought I would just write a little VB app to loop through all the files in the directory and insert the data into an existing table but there must be an easier way.

Any help would be appreciated.

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SQL 2012 :: Loading XML Files Into Tables By Using SSIS?

Apr 6, 2015

Currently we are trying to load the xml files into sqlserver tables by using ssis 2012,We are getting xml files as a column in source table ,so we have to push these xml files into destination tables.

I'm following the below way to perform this activity


But We have standard XSD structure for all the xml files ,and if xml file matches the XSD structure then only we have to load ,else it should skip to next xml file.

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Trying To Dynamically Create Text Files

Oct 27, 2006

I need to get a list of customer ids and then use them as a parameter to select from a transaction table and then create a file for each customer. I have used an execute SQL task to get the list of customers and have put the result set into a variable.

How do go through the recordset to create a file for each customer?

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Extended Stored Procedures -&> Loading Linked Files

Feb 11, 2004

Hello everybody

I actually wrote a stored procedure (in xp_wrapper.dll) that is using a dll (original.dll) which uses a license file (no file extension).... clear? :)


All the required files are placed in the BINN dir of the server.

The problem is now, that original.dll can't find it's license file. It seems, that this file was not load by SQL Server.

How can I load this file into SQL Server's heap?


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Loading Sql Files From A Master File Oracle Equivalent

May 19, 2006

Hi.I need to give my customer an sql file that they can run in query analyzer.All the stuff they need to run is in a set of existing files.I'd like to just tell them to load this file (this is oracle syntax):@file1.sql@file2.sql@file3.sqlis there some way of calling these files (that are in the same dir) from amaster sql file?ThanksJeff Kish

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SSIS Dynamically Naming Output Files

Mar 10, 2006

I've just started using SQL Server 2005 Integration Services and
I've come up against a situation where I need to name output files
dynamically (i.e. based on a timestmap). Looking through this
newsgroup, and other web resources it looks like my only option is to use a Script Task/ActiveX Script Task to rename the file after it has
been created with a generic file name.
I was wondering if there was a different approach or if there was a way to pass in a variable to the file connection manager that I could append to the file name at run-time.


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SQL 2012 :: Loading Raw Files Into Database - Datetime Format Conversion

May 23, 2014

I am using SSIS to load raw files into database. In my files I have columns Date which has format

1/1/2010 12:00:00 PM.

I want to load this column in format 1/1/2010 24:00:00. I mean in 24 hour format.

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Integration Services :: How To Download Files From Web Page Before Loading Into Server

Oct 26, 2015

How to download files from a webpage before loading into SQL Server tables? I have the following URL and under the Downloads & Resources section, I have different file formats.

By doing hover on the download tab for each file type, I see that there is a link that is associated with it just like the following:

For CSV - [URL] ....
For XML - [URL] ....

The above is just an example for your reference/understanding. In the sample data from the internal website I have, I need to do a similar operation. The only difference would be that I would be having multiple XLS files with a description for each.

Sales Q1 - <xls download tab>
Sales Q2 - <xls download tab>
Sales Q3 - <xls download tab>
Sales Q4 - <xls download tab>

<sub>Sales for Calendar Year 2015--All Countries </sub>
<a href="/Data/Downloads/Documents/Sales/Sales_Quarter1.xlsx">
<sub>[XLS]</sub></a><sub> , <a href="/Data/Downloads/Documents/Sales/Sales_Quarter1.pdf"><sub>[PDF]</sub></a><sub>​</sub></sub>

I need to download the file based on the month/quarter every time.

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How To Dynamically Generate Excel Files For The SQL Query Input?

May 22, 2008


There is one manual process done by my friend. The process is " In query analyser, she runs a sql query and the resultset of Sql query, she copies and pastes into a excel workbook".

I wanted to write a SSIS package to automate it and providing a UI, in which she can give connection details and paste the SQL query and the package will in turn generate excel workbook in the target path". I thought of trying ExecuteSQL task, but the output resultset of ExecuteSQL task cannot be mapped dynamically to excel source(correct me if I am wrong). If I use Dataflow task, then also whether dynamic mapping of SQL output to Excel destination input is possible?

Can you please tell me the best approach for achieving the above functionality?

Venkataraman R

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Transaction Log Huge Loading SQL Profiler Trace Files In Simple Mode

Dec 8, 2007

Hi there - can anyone advise on the following issue. We have recently performed some server side tracing on a particular SQL instance over 24hr period. We are now attempting to load these into a database for analysis. Here lies the problem.

When we are loading the profiler trace files (one at a time) into the database the transaction log is growing at an excessive rate. Even though the database is in SIMPLE mode.

We are loading the traces using the command:

INSERT INTO sqlTableToLoad
SELECT * FROM ::fn_trace_gettable('MytraceFileName', DEFAULT)

Can anyone advise how we could possibly get round this issue as we're running out of space due to the transaction log.


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Integration Services :: Loading Multiple Flat Files Into Different Tables Using SSIS?

Oct 25, 2015

I have been tasked to do the following using SSIS.

We received two csv files each week and we would like to load these files to two different sql server tables using SSIS.

These files should be archived into a folder after each load.  

How can I achieve this?

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Integration Services :: SSIS Dynamically Export Tables To Raw Files

Nov 16, 2011

Every day an application creates new tables and dumps static info into them. 

I would like to create a package to dynamically export those database tables to raw files for long term archive, one file per table. Here is what I have so far and the issue I am having.

1)     Get a list of un-archived tables.
2)     Foreach table do the following.

a. Export the table into raw file.
b. Zip the raw file.
c. Update archive tracking table.

As long as the metadata for each table is the same this package seems to work fine. However, I have many tables with different metadata.  How can I dynamically get the package update the metadata column collection when it hits a new table? When it hits a table with different metadata I am getting warnings like this:

The column "some_column" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection.

The "external metadata column "someother_column" (103)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection.

Then I get this error:
Error: 0xC004706B at dump the table into a raw file, DTS.Pipeline: "component "OLE DB Source" (1)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA"

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Integration Services :: Dynamically Setting Values Using XMLConfig Files

Sep 29, 2015

I have developed an SSIS package which extracts and creates 5 flat files and finally using Process Extraction task zip the folder. On my Dev environment everything is working fine but when I am moving to SIT and UAT, not able to set up jobs dynamically by importing XMLConfig file.I created variables and assigned values but still it doesnt take.Below are varaibles I created for flat file destination, Arguments and Working Directory (for zipping)On UAT when I go to SQLAgentJobs to set, import .dtsx file, XML config file....the new values doesnt appear. why ?DataSource is taking always dev location....why ? How can I set it up to take dynamic values what I mentioned in config file ?

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Integration Services :: Loading Flat Files Without Duplicate Rows Into Destination Server

Sep 25, 2015

I have some duplicate records in my flat file. But i don't want to load those duplicate rows into my destination.

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Help Needed With Importing Text Files

Jun 6, 2005

I have a load (180,000+) of text files whose contents need to go into a SQL server database.Whats the best way of doing this? Using a c# console program and if so, using FileStream or StreamReader? Or using a feature of SQL server itself. The text files themselves are less that 1k and are literally less than 200 characters.The problem is, I've tried a WinForm and although I can detect what files are there, as soon as I attempt to open one for reading, everything stops working and won't insert anything to the database.

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Importing Text Files - DTS Help Needed

Oct 31, 2006

Hi allCould someone help me with the following problem? Hours of googlingyesterday couldn't get me the answer. I'm using SQL 2000 and DTS andtrying to import a huge fixed width text file.File is >1m rows and >200 columns and is defined by a proprietory (i.e. notbcp produced) format specification of the formName Start LengthFld1 0 20Fld2 19 5Fld3 24 53and so on.Tbe only way I've found to define the columns so that DTS can import thefile properly is to go through the wizard and click on the starts of eachcolumn. I don't want to use bcp if possible (I did enough of that onSQL7) - but surely there's a way to get DTS to read from a format file so Idon't have to click 200 times (with all the ensuing errors I could make).Any help greatly appreciated.CheersRob

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Integration Services :: Load Multiple Flat Files Into Destination Dynamically?

May 29, 2015

how do you load the multiple flat files  to into destination dynamically?

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HELP - SQL Server 2000 Install Files Needed Urgently

Jul 23, 2005

Hi!I have a large project that is due to complete this week. In order tocomplete it I need SQL Server 2000 installed on a remote server. Mydisk is corrupt and to order another media disk would damage mydeadline. I have the licence and serial key, but now need good installfiles. I am even ready to buy another retail box, if I can find asupplier that would give me a download site for the media, while I waitfor the shipment!Please PLEASE help!Regards,Barry

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Deployment Files Needed By Sqlserver 2005 Driver

May 26, 2007

Hello all

I built an application that connect to MS SqlServer2005 using Native driver (sqlncli.msi) I install that file from MS site, I need to deply my application to the end-user, and I would like to know what files do I need to deploy to make sure the application is gona run okay on the client PC's.

I search in the registry for the driver, and I found this "sqlncli.dll", is it enough or I need to include more files !!

Thanks and best regrdas


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Sql Types - Simple SQL Server Queries/handling Variable Types

May 26, 2005

SQL Server 2000, ASP.Net 1.1

I've been writing this stuff for a while, and can't seem to come to the
conclusion of how I should be retrieving data and assigning this data
to variables.

Since i'm using SQL Server, I'm convinced that I should be using the
datareaders GetSqlDouble (or whatever) function, but this would mean i
need my local variables to be one of the SQL types.  The problem
with that is, that there will have to be lots of conversions done by me
to be able to use a SQL type in my application.

For instance, I have a class where i'm retrieving dates.  In order
to retrieve them correctly (Null values included), I need to retrieve
them with GetSqlDateTime(), then when it comes time to display the date
in a table, i must first check for nulls, then convert to a
string.  This seems to be very cumbersome.  Would I be better
off just using GetDateTime(), and the .ToString method, and ignoring
Sql Types all together?

so, basically, how are you guys using your sql server data?  with
the supplied sql types, and doing all of the post-processing work
manually?  I feel like i'm having trouble conveying my
issue...hopefully someone knows what i mean....i'd just like some
direction to save trouble in the long run, since i feel like there's
got to be a better way...



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