On one of our servers the sqlseragent was running fine. But now it is not running. We se the option to start the server agent each time the OS starts. Even when I tried to start the agent manually from service manager it is not starting. Would any one help on this urgently.
Also how can we identify under what account any job runs. The reason is when we deleted some NT user accounts one of the job failed as this job runs under that userid. But in the properties it shows that sa is the owner of that job. What is best way to create a job so that these jobs run under one userid so that it won't fail when we delete users.
i have created my sql mdf file now i was tring to create sql script for the same how do i do that? script to create databse and tables in object explorer i right clicked on my databse file name
selecdted tasks and then generate script after that i clicked on next button
I'm using our development ID to set up peer-to-peer replication. I am following the steps outlined in the BOL using SQL Studio 2005. When I created the initial publication, I read the section on permissions and assigned the development login ID db_owner. Indeed, to eliminate any possible issues (I thought), I gave it db_datareader, db_datawriter, and all the db admin rights and made very sure the db_denydatareader and db_denydatawriter roles were not checked. I did this through the Logins section of the Security folder and applied the same rights to both the distribution and the publication database. Nevertheless, when I run the LogReader agent job, it fails with the message for step 2 that:
Executed as user: ourdomsqldev. A required privilege is not held by the client. The step failed.
The dev ID essentially has sa rights to the server and all the databases. It is also a domain authenticated ID. Any ideas what's causing this problem? I really need to get the replication going reliably before the weekend is out.
Hello, I have an urgent need for a DBA who knows SQL server 6.5 and 7 very well. Also if you have any ASP experience this would be music to my ears. Please give me a call to find out more 02 9221 6601 Australia.
4 days ago we had a Server crash luckily we have the daily full database backups...Since the server which was crashed is unusable I installed SQL 7.0 on another machine...I tried to restore databases from our backup tapes...Here is the T-SQL I am running:
restore database pentatel from tape='.ape0' with file=2,move 'PentaTel_dat' TO 'D:mssql7datapentatel.mdf', move 'pentatel_log' to 'D:mssql7datapentatel.ldf'
The error message I am getting is:
Processed 8992 pages for database 'pentatel', file 'PentaTel_dat' on file 2. Processed 1 pages for database 'pentatel', file 'PentaTel_log' on file 2. Server: Msg 9004, Level 21, State 1, Line 1 The log for database 'pentatel' is corrupt.
Connection Broken
After these when I look at the SQL Enterprise manager I see that the database is in loading status...I left it in that status for hours but there was no reaction...So I tried to detach and attach a single file.Here are the TSQLs and Error messages...
Server: Msg 945, Level 14, State 2, Line 1 Database 'pentatel' cannot be opened because some of the files could not be activated. Server: Msg 1813, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Could not open new database 'pentatel'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.
We have 7 backups and I tried all of them...Same error messages...
When I try to change the status from loading to emergency or normal the database is always inaccessible
I are running these statements
exec sp_configure 'allow',1 reconfigure with override update sysdatabases set status=32768 where db_id=6
and I stop and start the Mssql7 service but still inaccessible
Any idea???
I despretaly need help...Any recomendation is greatly apreciated...
Hi!I have a large project that is due to complete this week. In order tocomplete it I need SQL Server 2000 installed on a remote server. Mydisk is corrupt and to order another media disk would damage mydeadline. I have the licence and serial key, but now need good installfiles. I am even ready to buy another retail box, if I can find asupplier that would give me a download site for the media, while I waitfor the shipment!Please PLEASE help!Regards,Barry
Hello there guyz!ahm, i just want to ask, how can i upload a MS word text file to a SQL Dbase? I know i must use the Input File, the one in the Toolbox menu for HTML controls. but i need to know 1. How can i link the SQL dbase to the Input file Button? 2. How to put the MS word file onto the SQL dbase? 3. what should i use to declare the MS Word file on the SQL Dbase? is it variable? char? etc... THank you so much! Please i Really need this one to put up my thesis system. and if it isn't much of a task, please can anyone send me the SOURCE CODES for my questions?
when I run a package from a command window using dtexec, the job immediately says success. DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_SUCCESS (0). Started: 3:37:41 PM Finished: 3:37:43 PM Elapsed: 2.719 seconds
However the Job is still in th agent and the status is executing. The implications of this are not good. Is this how the sql server agent job task is supposed to work by design.
We just moved source server to newer, bigger box ... Windows 2003 and Active Directory ... Snapshot agent worked but distribution failed ... Same login as on older machine, login is sysadm, used DCOMCNFG to allow ability to launch process ... What are we missing?
to create a code. Hi everyone, I have SQL SERVER 2005 on my desktop and i need to run queries from remote machines on my SQL SERVER. I thought it would be a good i idea to create a web page on my machine to where remote users can contact and activate SQL QUERIES. My question is very simple and i wonder i a simple answer is available: How do i run SQL queries whereby ASP code ? How do i make a connection between a web page (.asp code) and a SQL sever ? If the answer is complicated as i'm afraid it is, could any one provide me a link for a tutorial dealing with the above issues ? Thanks a lot !
I have a function written in postgresql that I want to create in sql server (UDF). After effort of full day I am seding this request to please help me, here is the function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fn_comma_env(int4) RETURNS text AS $BODY$ DECLARE rec record; str text; comstr text; BEGIN str := ''; comstr := ''; FOR rec IN SELECT class.classname FROM hostenv, class WHERE hostenv.classid = class.classid AND (hostenv.hostid = $1) LOOP str := str || comstr || rec.classname; comstr := ','; END LOOP; RETURN str; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE;
These two queries when executed seperately give results in under 10 secs A union between these two does not give results even after 20 minutes ... Any idea why this is happening SELECT T001W.NAME1, t25a5.bezek SKU, QTY = SUM(CASE MSEG.BWART WHEN '101' THEN MSEG.ERFMG WHEN '102' THEN (-1)*MSEG.ERFMG END), YPLNT.VKGRP FROM MARA ,MSEG, MKPF,YPLNT,T001W,t25a5 WHERE MSEG.MANDT = MKPF.MANDT AND MKPF.MANDT = MARA.MANDT and mkpf.mandt =yplnt.mandt and mkpf.mandt = t25a5.mandt AND MKPF.MBLNR = MSEG.MBLNR AND MARA.MATNR = MSEG.MATNR AND YPLNT.PPLNT= MSEG.WERKS AND MSEG.WERKS = T001W.WERKS and t25a5.ww004 = SUBSTRING(MARA.PRDHA, 10, 3) AND MARA.PRDHA <> '' AND MKPF.VGART IN ('WR','WF') AND MKPF.MJAHR=YEAR(@BUDAT1) AND MSEG.AUFNR IS NOT NULL AND MSEG.BWART IN ('101','102') GROUP BY t25a5.bezek,T001W.NAME1,YPLNT.VKGRP SELECT T001W.NAME1, t25a2.bezek SKU, QTY = SUM(CASE MSEG.BWART WHEN '101' THEN MSEG.ERFMG WHEN '102' THEN (-1)*MSEG.ERFMG END), YPLNT.VKGRP FROM MARA ,MSEG, MKPF,YPLNT,T001W,t25a2 WHERE MSEG.MANDT = MKPF.MANDT AND MKPF.MANDT = MARA.MANDT and mkpf.mandt =yplnt.mandt and mkpf.mandt = t25a2.mandt AND MKPF.MBLNR = MSEG.MBLNR AND MARA.MATNR = MSEG.MATNR AND YPLNT.PPLNT=MSEG.WERKS AND MSEG.WERKS = T001W.WERKS and t25a2.ww001 = SUBSTRING(MARA.PRDHA, 1, 3) AND MARA.PRDHA <> '' AND MKPF.MJAHR=YEAR(@BUDAT1) AND MKPF.VGART IN ('WR','WF') AND MSEG.AUFNR IS NOT NULL AND MSEG.BWART IN ('101','102') GROUP BY t25a2.bezek,T001W.NAME1,YPLNT.VKGRP
Hello Friends, 1) I have a table and column names are Executiveid companyname positiontitle start date enddate I want to see all executives who worked for more than 1000 days in one job. I am not sure but may be i need to use datediff function.
i have 3 tables and i have to use joins table 1 executive executiveid firstname lastname companyid
table2 company companyid companyname sales currencycode
table3 currency currencycode description
how am i supposed to join 3 tables. i know how to give joins on 2 tables.
hi all , i am working on a migration project of database from access 2003 to sql server 2000 but facing a problem in converting queries from access to sql server , is there any way or tool through which i can convert the queries to sql server format Thanks in advance
I have a function written in postgresql that I want to create in sql server (UDF). After effort of full day I am seding this request to please help me, here is the function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fn_comma_env(int4) RETURNS text AS $BODY$ DECLARE rec record; str text; comstr text; BEGIN str := ''; comstr := ''; FOR rec IN SELECT class.classname FROM hostenv, class WHERE hostenv.classid = class.classid AND (hostenv.hostid = $1) LOOP str := str || comstr || rec.classname; comstr := ','; END LOOP; RETURN str; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE;
Hi, My site (in VB.NET) has developed a intermediate timeout problem. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. Can someone tell me what could cause this intermediate problem. Is it something wrong with the query? It is definitely the problem from the query as I have 2 queries using same design and both of them develop similar problem. Pleaee help as our site will have major advertising next month so need to fix it by then. My server is running Win2003 on SQL 2000. I have shown the cut-down version of the original query: ***************************************************************CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_getmyitems(@CurrentPage tinyint,@PageSize int,@TotalRecords int OUTPUT)AsSet NoCount ON Declare @FirstRec intDeclare @LastRec intSet @FirstRec = (@CurrentPage - 1) * @PageSizeSet @LastRec = (@CurrentPage * @PageSize + 1) Create Table #TempTable(LocalItemID int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY,ItemID int,Title varchar(250),) Insert Into #TempTable(ItemID,Title)SELECT ItemID, TitleFROM tbl_Items Select ItemID,TitleFrom #TempTableWhere LocalItemID > @FirstRec AND LocalItemID < @LastRec Select @TotalRecords = Count(*) FROM #TempTableGO **************************************************************Thank you
Hi,I urgently need help with this. I am trying to implement custom paging with Sql 2000. However I have ran into a few problems.I really hope that someone would be able to help me out. I need to get this done by tomorrow!! (I know I screwed up big time, but I didn;t relize that built in paging fetches all the records, and the displays it page by page!!) 1) Currently the paging seems to be working. However the primary key always resets itself. For example, lets say I have 4 records ID 1,2,3,4When I delete ID 3, instead of displaying ID 1,2,4 it shows ID 1,2,3. Is there any way to solve this problem?2) The database that I am currently creating will have about 40,000 records, is it advisible for me to use your control (I hope so)?Thank you and do have a nice day.http://www.codeproject.com/aspnet/ASPNETPagerControl.asp CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetPagedProducts11] ( @PageSize int, @CurrentPage int, @ItemCount int output ) AS Declare @UpperBand int, @LowerBand int
-- Get The Count Of The Rows That They Meet the Criteria SET @ItemCount = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM aduan)
-- Calculate the @LowerCount and @UpperCount SET @LowerBand = (@CurrentPage - 1) * @PageSize SET @UpperBand = (@CurrentPage * @PageSize) + 1
-- INSERT ALL THE Rows that meets the Criteria INSERT INTO #AllRows SELECT ad_nama,ad_tarikh, ad_status,ad_title FROM aduan
-- AND finally select and return desired -Paged- Rows SELECT ad_id, ad_nama, ad_tarikh, ad_status,ad_title FROM #AllRows WHERE ad_id > @LowerBand AND ad_id < @UpperBand
My DTS package for importing data from oversea's database fail becasue it use many time ( more 2 hours ) . It will be complete When the run duration was used less than 2 hours and fail when the run duration was used more than 2 hours . If we eleminate to improve network , there is any way to do ?
Hi, I'm building a SSAS Integration project, it consist of extracting data from a Microsoft Access 2003 database and consolidate data into a SQL Server 2005 database for datawarehousing. I need to make several operations for integration, but i'm struck in the following:
- I added an Ole DB Origin that connects to my access database - I made an sql query with multiple joins that extract all data i need for first instance. - in data i extracted, i got one column named: FECHA (and many other colums), it contains data of the date of the actual sale; but in previous steps i fill a table named DimTiempo from my sql server database that contanins all the dates (with no repeating) of the sales and added an unique primary key for them; so, now i need to get that primary key for each column FECHA i gotted in my sql query in OLEDB ORIGIN, for example:
I have: 20/20/2004 (column FECHA on my OLEDB ORIGIN gotted with an sql query with multiple joins) I need: 001 (extracted from DimTiempo, its the primary key of the registry 001 - 20/20/2004)
I need that code or primary key to insert into my new table on my sql server database because its related directly with my DimTiempo table filled previously.
For more directions, i don't have that primary key column on the original access data base; i reestructure completely the database on sql server to make the datawarehouse work fine.
Please, i hope you help me, tell me what do i need to do to get all the data to fill my sql server 2005 database.
Hi All,First of all its very very urgent. Secondly I am not an expert. Now here is my problem.I want to loop through my html files and want to save the data in my table column. here is the Code which need correction.CODE:USE [AdventureWorks]DECLARE @cmd varchar(1000);DECLARE @FileName varchar(100);DECLARE @FilePath varchar(100);SET @FileName = 'C: est'+@FilePath+'html';SET @cmd = 'INSERT INTO myTable(FileName, FileType, Document)' + 'SELECT ' + @FilePath + ', FileType, * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK @FileName, SINGLE_CLOB) AS Document'EXEC (@cmd);Select * from myTableJust for practice I am using Adventureworks db. I am using SQL Express 2005.My html files are named something like this:AC0234.htmlDB9803.htmlCG4571.htmlI cannot change my file names.Thanks in advance.Regards;
hi Friends... I have got a ordermaster table in which the orderid field is autoincremental.Now I also have an Ordercode field which is a combination of [current (orderid)-LICON)] eg 1-LICON .. I achieve this using the following query ... insert into ordermaster(ordercode,orderamt,orderdate) select cast(max(orderid)+1 as varchar)+'-LICON' as ordercode,1000,'3/6/2004' from ordermaster
But I think the above query could lead to an inconsistent state ....If say following occurs :
1) USER1 reads max orderid as 1 2) User2 also reads max orderid as 1 3)USER 1 inserts record with ordercode as 2-LICON. 4)USER 2 will also insert record for ordercode as 2-LICON since max orderid read by USER2 is also the same as USER1.
How do I avoid this....I know I there are LOcktypes. But aren't locktypes used when we are updating same records....
Please help me out .I really need help in ths context
We have a BIG problem that has been occurring for quite sometime. We have a RAGGED-RIGHT FFS (FlatFileSource) component which receives a FF and then transforms to XML. We define 10 FIELDS with the last field as {CRLF} per ragged right style. Simple right? The source file is sent to us from multiple separate groups, some of which don€™t use the last two fields and have early line termination, so they basically are not there. The problem is that when we define X amount of fields in SSIS, it expects X amount of fields to be there. So when we receive the source file that doesn€™t contain last two fields, SSIS tries to read in the next line, and in most cases successfully places the fields from the next line into the missing fields. Now what we end up with is a source file with 10 rows, but only half successfully transformed, with every other row fitted into the last two XML fields. SSIS completely ignores the {CRLF} until those specific numbers of spaces/fields have been met €“ even if it has to go onto the next line to get them. This seems horribly wrong to me. I would think that at the very least there should be some type of validation that prevents it from grabbing the next line. I thought that is what fixed-length SSIS style is for, and ragged right for allowing to parse multiple rows. We could enforce all clients to produce X char spaces (and we do), but there can be cases in any aspect where a file could get accidentally sent over with a shortened row. I have heard from certain individuals that SSIS adapter wasn€™t designed with this in mind. Is this true, I am to believe that this would still get parsed without throwing any errors and potentially damage the ERP system it is going into? If this is the case then I feel extremely disheartened about SSIS €“ especially with all of the great advancements it has made.
We desperately need a workaround or at the very least some way to validate that a new row {CRLF} isn€™t getting picked up in the first row of the flat file connection. Please can someone help ASAP!?
i think i have serious problem. i have almost 20,000 rows with the following conflict on a table (generated by merge replication over a period of around 3 weeks) :
'The row was updated at 'SubscriberServer3.DatabaseA' but could not be updated 'at 'PublicationServer1.DatabaseA'. Metadata mismatch'
i have 20 remote subscribers & 1 publisher. The above message originates from practically everywhere.
Besides dropping(not practical at the moment) & recreating replication to get rid of them, what else can i do to resolve this problem?? Do i have to resolve this problem row by row?? i'm at my wit's end. Please help!!
I have developed a database in MS SQL Server 2005 Express, to which I would require only bulkadmin server role from an external java application, because I only need to update rows, insert values or use select queries in the database.
The problem is that, using either the Microsoft JDBC Driver 1.1 or the Java JDBC ODBC Driver and the Windows XP Data Base (ODBC) configurations, I need a user with sysadmin server role inside Sql Server, otherwise JDBC won't connect to the database using the selected user. Even if I leave the sql login with setupadmin or any server role lower than sysadmin, the connection is refused.
Is there no way to connect using JDBC to MS Sql Server 2005 other than granting the connected user sysadmin rights? My code looks as follows:
Class.forName(driver); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,password); if (conn != null) System.out.println("SQL Server Connection established ...");
I have heard that Java JDBC connections to Microsoft require high-level access.
Any informed answer is more than welcome. Thanks for reading my post!
My web project (ASP.NET 2.0 / C#) runs against sql server 2000 and uses the System.Data.SqlClient.using System.Data.SqlClient; I use System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection and System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand to make the connections to the database and do selects and updates. Is it correct to continue to use these against SQL Server 2005? I ask because I made a connection string (outside of .Net) for SqlServer 2005 using the SQL native provider and it had the following - Provider=SQLNCLI.1 and any connection strings I had made (also outside of ASP.NET) fro SQL Server all used Provider=SQLOLEDB.1. This is why I wondered if there is a different SqlClient in .Net 2.0 for SQL Server 2005? Cheers Al
If I develop my app in SQL Server 2005 Express, and then want to use a hosting service that only offers full SQL Server 2005, do I have to do some kind of conversion to my DB file, and if so, what might that be? (I notice that there are hosting services that provide SQL Server Express...I'd like to know how much work it would be to be able to use other services.)