Help! Unusual SQL Server Activity With Sp_dbrename.
Apr 21, 1999
I recently renamed a database with sp_renamedb and created a new db with the same name as the old and restored the data into the new db. I put the old renamed db in single user mode to prevent data from becomming violated. After cycling SQL Server to flush the cache, I opened the floodgates for users. Our support line was full of calls from people saying "I'm getting the error 'Single User Mode in database DBORGINALDBNAME'. Any ideas why the application would be hitting the old database after I renamed and recycled the server?
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Jul 20, 2005
SQL Server 2000I need to compare 2 tables as follows:Table 1 - AccountsAcct#, Account NameTable 2 - Ledger(Among Others)Acct#,AccountNameI would like to create a view where the account number matches in both tables but the account name does not.I.e. Table 1:5000 MaintenanceTable 2:5000 Maintenance5000 Maintenance5000 Building Maintenancemy query view would display:5000 Building Maintenanceindicating there is a "Bad Record" and I would do some processing from there.FYI - I know I could prevent this easily, but I am actually comparing several databases with Table 2 data with a central Table 1 database.TIA-- Tim Morrison--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vehicle Web Studio - The easiest way to create and maintain your vehicle related website.
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Aug 30, 2006
First, I can not change the data structure. I have a table called codesubsections that has an identity as the primary key. When a new codesubsection is entered the user can mark a formercodesubsection as a parent. The problem is that I need to be able to evaluate the table and identify the lowest CodeSubsectionID for a given row. so for instant when I look at row 7 it's text is 17 B p2 but because the CodeSubSectionID is not null I need to look at 6 then 5 and since 5 is null I need the text for 5,6,7 all to be 16:1 B. The only solution I have had any kind of luck with is to do a self join 3 times and coalesce the values up. See the code at the end. I am at my wits end, I had it working the other way assuming that the CodeSubSectionID was the parent of the record. This is the final piece of code on a project that is supposed to end tomorrow.
Any help is appreciated. I would normally post the procedures but I think that they are more confusing that the data explanation. This type of relationship is a first for me after 20 some years.
ID CodeSubSectionID Text
1 NULL 16:1 A
2 NULL 16:1 B
3 NULL 17 A
4 NULL 17 B p1
5 NULL 16:1 B
6 5 16:1 B
7 6 17 B p2
8 3 17 C
9 NULL 18
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Oct 3, 2000
We're trying to construct a query that deletes records containing 48 particular phone numbers from a large db. The 48 numbers are the entire contents of a smaller db, in a field of the same name as in the larger db (home_phone). We're using Sequel Server 7.0 and Access 97. The db's are in Access now. We failed in Acess and now would like to import into sql and try it there.
Tad McArdle
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Jun 9, 1999
I'm running SQL Server 6.5 (SP5a) on an NT4 server (SP3). I am using the Outlook Express account for SQLExecutiveCmdExec
which has all the requisite permissions. SQL Executive as well as SQL Server services are logging in under this account.
The server seems to be functioning normally in every other way (there's no production data on it yet).
When attempting to start SQL Main, the following lines appear in the Errorlog
1999/06/09 16:15:16.62 ods Starting SQL Mail session...
1999/06/09 16:15:16.64 ods Error : 17951, Severity: 18, State: 1
1999/06/09 16:15:16.64 ods Failed to start SQL Mail session.
1999/06/09 16:15:16.64 ods OS Error : 126, The specified module could not be found.
MSKB Does not have any information on this error message. Can anyone provide some insight as to what's going on please?
P.S. I have another server running SQL Mail with the same configuration with no problem.
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Jul 20, 2007
For my website, I need to grab information from sources located on different servers. This will give me me various datasets that I need to combine into one, main dataset to then bind to my grid. Each dataset has the following fields:
Name || Blocked
I need the main dataset that is to be used on the grid to have the following structure:
Name || Blocked 1 || Blocked 2 || Blocked 3 || etc.......
The name field I can take from one of the datasets as the list of fields will be the same. However, I need to take the data from each of the blocked fields in the various datasets that are returned and then combine them to be the Blocked 1, etc columns that you can see above.
I'm making this post to ask for any advice on the best way to do this. Any info would be most appreciated.
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Jan 18, 2008
I'm having a bit of trouble with dates/times. All I want to do is extract the contents of a table in an old Informix database and load it in to table in a SQL 2005 database.
The problem is that when I try to extract from the source table, I get the following error:
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E07 Description: "Error converting data type DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP to datetime.".Error: 0xC004701A at Dump Dacom Tables, DTS.Pipeline: component "mac_header" (181) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202009.
It would have been nice if it could tell me what columns it was having trouble with. Anyway, I figured it out. There are two columns called time_open and time_close that contain times but no dates. This is how the source columns are configured:
time_open datetime hour to minutetime_close datetime hour to minute
This is a sample of what's in it:
select time_open, time_close from mac_headertime_open time_close07:07 07:0711:07 11:0707:07 07:0711:07 11:0706:55 06:55
This is a really old database. We started using it about 14 years ago. I can get an ODBC connection to it fine with any application except SQL Server. So, I have to do an OPENROWSET to get access to the data.
SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('MSDASQL', 'Connection String Stuff', 'select * from dacom.mac_header')
Question 1: Why can't I get an ODBC connection to this Informix 5.10 database?
Question 2: How can I extract tables with this sort of data in it? I'm happy to store it as a normal date/time field in the destination SQL 2005 database, but I can't convert something that I can't extract.
David Kirk
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Sep 23, 2005
Hi all,
I'm Trying to replicate the creation of an "xml" file that is currently created using a C++ application. I want to take that application out of the picture, but need to create the same format XML file because a step later in the production process uses this file, and I cannot change it.
The output format I am looking for is:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
</FUNDS>The problem I am having is that I cannot seem to get the level/node of the fund symbol (AMRGX, AHERX, and AMRVX in the example above) as it needs to be. I think this must be some non-standard use of XML, since the tag is really the data itself (?)
The closest I have been able to get so far is:
.As you can see (hopefully) I am able to get the data I need but cannot get:
(1) the FUNDS tag(s) to be the very highest level/root.
nor (2) the SYMBOL part (tag label?) to be the actual variable stock fund.
Am I 'splaining this well enough? I don't necessarily need all the code, since I know I haven't given enough info to help with that, but my basic question is - - Is it possible to get a variable TAG based on the table DATA?
I want my SYMBOL tag to be the actual SYMBOL for the stock fund.
Confused? Not as much as I am *LOL* I am new to the use of all but XML EXPLICIT use, so any help would be appreciated - at least regarding my two formatting questions.
Yes, I have (and am still) searching around BOL for my answers, but so I have found nothing that helps me out. Meanwhile, suggestions are welcome!
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Nov 21, 2006
I was trying to restore a transaction log when I got this.
What does this mean? I can't find anything by Googling on the
'fixed' parts of the message.
The file 'xx' cannot be moved by this RESTORE operation
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Feb 7, 2008
This is regarding one package where we are trying to deploy the package through €œSql Server deployment€? using .dtsx, .dtsConfig and manifest files, but after deployment the package is not found in €œmsdb€?. Instead it is reflecting in €œfile system€? folder. The same behavior is observed repeatedly when we tried to deploy the package.
We have seen such behavior only in this package. Please help us in solving the above scenario.
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Mar 28, 2001
What to check on NT or Sql server it self
1. NT performance shows that sql serve.exe -CPU 93% memory 49000
2. Sql server current activity only sa connected to master.
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Jul 9, 2001
sir, i have used Trace But it does not start automaticaly when server starts, is there any other way to track the Events, Because i have to track all the updates (Insert,Delete, UPdate etc.) of all the tables of my particuylar database .
Pls Help ME.
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Dec 3, 2006
im trying to allocate a user appropriate permissions but i would like to see the users activities to make sure i do give that user exactly what they need how do i check user activity on sql server 2005
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Apr 19, 2007
I'm hoping that someone has experienced this problem before and knows how to get round it.
The problem we are having is that we have a job that is scheduled to run at 4:00 am each morning, for the past 6 weeks it has done this with no problem. However, this morning it failed. we know it failed because it didn't produce the results it was supposed to. However the monitor said that the job had completed successfully. On examining the history of the job we found that the job was still running!!! When we tried to stop the job by right clicking and selecting the appropriate action. The action available to us was to start the job.
After arguing for a bit we decided to try and run the job again. We did this and found that the job running in the history screen terminated with an error and than ran and completed successfully.
Confused? So are we any ideas or solutions gratefully received
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Sep 8, 2015
I use following trigger to stop user "smith" if he try to connect through SSMS to My Server:
create TRIGGER [trg_connection_MyServer]
if exists (SELECT 1 FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions
WHERE (program_name like 'Microsoft SQL Server%' and original_login_name = 'Smith') )
I want to log this information or send emal incase, this user try to connect through SSMS, so that I can catch it. How can I do this, if I use insert command it rollsback everything and I can't do any activity.
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Nov 5, 2015
I am using SQL Server 2012. I Want To Maintain all Type Logs In Particulars database or server. I want to track all Query Which Execute in Particulars Database. and all other activity?
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May 28, 2015
Is there a way to permanently change the order of the columns in Job Activity Monitor?
I'd like to move Duration to the right of Step Name, but this only lasts so long as I have JAM open. Once I close it and re-open, JAM goes back to its default column order. Google gives me nothing but the temporary "drag and drop" method that I already know about.
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Jul 23, 2005
Dear AllI have problem with my database server which running SQL server 2000.The server running very slow. The worst case, to save a record requiredmore than 20-30 seconds.Since this problem, I usually monitoring Process Info from EnterpriseManager (Management - Current Activity), and I found a misteriousprocess as follow :1. User: SystemAccessTo: MasterStatus: BackgroundCommon: Task ManagerWaiting: >438 Million2. User: SystemAccessTo: MasterStatus: BackgroundCommon: Task ManagerPhysical IO: > 510003. User: Administrator (Join domain)Database: MSDBStatus: SleepingCommon: Awaiting CommandApp: SQL Agent Alert EngineCPU Usage: > 16 MillionAnybody know about these condition? Does it normal?ThanksMichael
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Sep 27, 2006
For SQL Server 2000 we have a user login mapped to msdb with database role membership of db_datareader and public checked. This seems to allow the developers to view the Management Activity monitor. For SQL Server 2005 the same mapping is in place but the developers cannot view the Management Activity monitor. Developers are NOT granted the sysadmin role, and should not have that role.
What permissions need to be set for SQL Server 2005 to allow users to view the Management Activity monitor? They should not be allowed to take actions on the activities.
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Mar 14, 2007
We have development and user acceptance (UA) servers. When I start a job on the development server, on the management studio, Start Jobs window and Job activity windows indicate "Executing" until the end of the job and finish with "success" or "failure"
But on the UA server, second after I start a job, Start Jobs window comes up with "success" or failure" and Job activity monitor says "idle" but Job continues to log without any error message and updates the tables. So these two windows are not reliable at all. I have to add that I have only job operator rights on the UA server.
Does anybody know what the reason is ?
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Jun 2, 2014
I'm writing a view to check record counts in a table that has numerous datasets and therefore various "Activity Dates". Is it possible as part of the SQL statement to have a CASE statement for example so that it can identify the field to use as the activity date?
The field to use is being identified using a seperate table so at the moment I have CASE WHEN FieldToUse = '2' THEN MapCol ELSE '[Activity_Date]' END, where FieldToUse = '2' identifies the date field to use and the MapCol data is the field name to be used as the activity date.
Is this even possible?
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Nov 9, 1999
What is the best to produce user activity log ? Using triggers (insert, delete, update) is rather heavy (?) operation. Has anyone used SQL Profiler for that ? In log should be: who, what, when, workstation, table, changed fields, some data key values.
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Dec 3, 2007
Dear friends,
I'm working on an entity relationship diagram about a mice farm.
Let's say we have a very very basic diagram like this:
MOUSE "is in" CAGE
For example, this gives
Mouse "n°1500" is in cage "AAA"
Mouse "n°1501" is in cage "BBB"
One operator can take one mouse and put it into another cage, for
example the first line becomes
Mouse n°1500 is in cage CCC
Now, I was asked to track any movement... I ask myself: do I need to
so that I have
Operator "John" moves Mouse "n°1500" on "Monday 3rd, 2007" at "5 PM"
from "AAA" to "CCC"?
or this kind of logging is provided some way by SQL server?
Thanx a lot for any hint.
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Apr 17, 2000
I have registered a server on to my client machine successfully,but I am not finding the current activity item in the management folder on EM.How do I see the current activity on the server.Do I need to be SA for that server?My machine has NT workstation with SQL server 7.0 on it.Any one to help?
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Aug 12, 1999
When viewing Current Activity, nothing shows up.
If i run sp_who, the return is normal.
If I run sp_who2, the following message is returned. (it also is returned randomly while using function in EM such as Backup/Restore.)
Msg 268, Level 16, State 1
You cannot run SELECT INTO in this database. The DBO would have to run sp_dboption to enable this option.
What is it??? It's buggin me......
p.s. I remember a similar problem in the past, it had to do with turning truncate on checkpoint in one of the system databases msdb/master/tempdb or something like that. I turned off all Trunc. and Select/Bulk options on these...
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Oct 27, 2005
I have a requirment to create a activity log to log all changes that
take place in my tables as they happen. All my Inserts,updates & Deletes take place inside stored procs. A windows .NET application calls the stored procs and passes the data set to the stored procs to execute them on a Sql server 2000 database.
When an update statement is run inside my stored proc, the dataset only passes me the new values. but,i will need the old value from the database before the update takes place to report in my activity log. What is the best way to do it ?
My activity log shold report a description like this
"Name Changed from 'Robert Johnson'(old value) to 'Bob Johnson'(New Value)"
Though i can do a select from the tables to get the old values and match the new values to get the differences before running the update statements, it is too much work as i have well over 100 stored procs in my application and i have to check for every single field value in a table. If only one column changed in a table containg 20 columns, i would still have to check for 20 columns before determining which fields changed.
Can any one suggest me a better solution to report the old values and new values for all the updates that take place in a database through stored Procedures.
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Apr 10, 2008
Is there a way to allow a user to run activity monitor without making that user system admin
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Apr 23, 2008
Hi experts,
I just want to know how can i kill all the processes of a database
if the database have more than 100 connections.This is for the purpose of restoring a database.
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Jun 5, 2008
I usually run this command in SQL 2000.
Which tells me what is running with all the sql code statements.
Is there an alternative command to run in SQL 2005...rather than using the Reports - i find it easier to execute sp i called this sp_now.
set nocount on
declare @handle binary(20),
@spid smallint,
@rowcnt smallint,
@output varchar(500)
declare ActiveSpids CURSOR FOR
select sql_handle, spid
from sysprocesses
where sql_handle <> 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--and spid <> @@SPID
order by cpu desc
OPEN ActiveSpids
INTO @handle,
set @rowcnt = @@CURSOR_ROWS
print '===================='
print '===================='
print ' '
set @output = 'ACTIVE SPIDS: ' + convert(varchar(4),@rowcnt)
print @output
print ' '
print ' '
print 'O' + replicate('x',120) + 'O'
print 'O' + replicate('x',120) + 'O'
print ' '
print ' '
print ' '
select 'loginame' = left(loginame, 30),
'hostname' = left(hostname,30),
'datagbase' = left(db_name(dbid),30),
'spid' = str(spid,4,0),
'block' = str(blocked,5,0),
'phys_io' = str(physical_io,8,0),
'cpu(mm:ss)' = str((cpu/1000/60),6) + ':' + case when left((str(((cpu/1000) % 60),2)),1) = ' ' then stuff(str(((cpu/1000) % 60),2),1,1,'0') else str(((cpu/1000) % 60),2) END ,
'mem(MB)' = str((convert(float,memusage) * 8192.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0),8,2),
'program_name' = left(program_name,50),
'command' = cmd,
'lastwaittype' = left(lastwaittype,15),
'login_time' = convert(char(19),login_time,120),
'last_batch' = convert(char(19),last_batch,120),
'status' = left(status, 10),
'nt_username' = left(nt_username,20)
from master..sysprocesses
where spid = @spid
print ' '
print ' '
-- Dump the inputbuffer to get an idea of what the spid is doing
dbcc inputbuffer(@spid)
print ' '
print ' '
-- Use the built-in function to show the exact SQL that the spid is running
select * from ::fn_get_sql(@handle)
INTO @handle,
close ActiveSpids
deallocate ActiveSpids
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Oct 6, 2005
Hello All,
I am new at this site and new at using SQL also.... I was wondering if anyone could help me out with my prob...
I have set up an SQL 2000 server and made some accounts which my friends are using to log onto my server.. Is there a way I could keep a check on who is doin what or maintain a user log....
Many Thanks,
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Apr 10, 2007
Is there a way to give access to non-admins on ACTIVITY MONITOR?
I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes
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Feb 13, 2008
How to find a last activity happened on a table?
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Sep 10, 2007
I have a problem with Job Activity Monitor.
I have a SSIS which copies data from a table to a flat file. The connection string of this file is variable and the file is reused if not exists and is created if exists.
When I run the SSIS manually from my microsoft visual studio it works properly. However, when I run this SSIS from the Job Activity Monitor, I get the following error:
Executed as user: REDCAMadminsql2k5. Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility Version 9.00.3042.00 for 64-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 8:41:10 AM Error: 2007-09-10 08:48:04.99 Code: 0xC020200E Source: Crear Historico Historico [1] Description: Cannot open the datafile "\srvnfileHISTORICOSCAJEROSOFI3210C01OFI3210C01_2007-7X.txt". End Error Error: 2007-09-10 08:48:04.99 Code: 0xC004701A Source: Crear Historico DTS.Pipeline Description: component "Historico" (1) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC020200E. End Error DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1). Started: 8:41:10 AM Finished: 8:48:53 AM Elapsed: 462.234 seconds. The package execution failed. The step failed.
Any idea?
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