I have what is turning out to be a very complex T-SQL query to build.
I'm porting an App from Access to SQL Server... one of the Access queries used a function made in VBA to return a value.
For the life of me, I can't figure out how to make this work using only SQL Statements.
I'm not even sure how to even ask this. So here I go.. I've really simplified the SQL statement to help out with this. There are initially two tables.
Container and TraceRecord
Container is a table of Cargo Containers (the truck trailers you see on the highways)
TraceRecord is a table of location records as the containers move from city to city on the railroad.
The Containers move on fixed routes (ie.. Long Beach to Chicago, Long Beach to New York, etc...).. in the Container table there is a field called Route which records which Route the container is moving on and is related to a table of routes which I'll get to later.
[This is the old Access query.. notice the IIF statement and the function call to "IsOnTime"]
SELECT c.ContainerID, c.IngateDate, t.Location, t.Status, t.EventDate, t.EventTime
IIf(IsNull(c.IngateDate) Or IsNull(t.Location),"No Ingate Rail Record Captured",IsOnTime(t.Location,t.Status,t.Rail,c.Ro ute,c.IngateDate,t.EventDate, t.EventTime)) AS RailSch,
FROM c Container LEFT JOIN t TraceRecord ON c.ContainerID = t.UnitNumber
For each route there is a scheduled travel plan.
Example.. when a container is taken to the BNSF railroad in Long Beach that is called an "Ingate" and is considered Day 0 (zero). As the container moves on the railroad from Long Beach to Chicago, it will pass through other cities, and the TraceRecord table will record where the container is and what time and day.
What I need to do is determine, based on the latest TraceRecord record, by how many hours is the Container "on time".
There is a routing table which lists the predefined travel path for each route.. listing the number of days and hours a container should be a certain place since the day the container was taken into the railroad at the origin "Ingate".
What the IsOnTime function did was take the arguments and do some math with the routing tables and find out how many hours a unit is or is not on time.
Here's a copy of the function from Access 97 using DAO. I don't know if any of this is going to make sense to anyone.. but I'm stuck and don't know what else to do.
Function IsOnTime(strLocation As String, strStatus As String, strRail As String, intRoute As Integer, _
dateIngateDate As Date, dateCurrentDate As Date, dateCurrentTime As Date) As Variant
On Error GoTo errorh:
Dim rs As Recordset 'Rail Schedule Recordset
Dim db As Database 'Current Database
Dim sqlFind As String 'Search String to find city transit time
Dim dateScheduleDateTime As Date
Dim dateDifference As Integer 'Hours difference between trace and schedule
Dim varvar As Variant
If dateIngateDate = Null Then
IsOnTime = -9999
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tTransitTimeTable", dbOpenSnapshot)
Hi there,Probably my problem is very simple with a pretty straightforward answer...but sometimes you get stuck around simple problems and never seem to get out! I have database with 5 fields : 1.RecNo(Pkey,auto) 2.AssetName(not null ) 3.AssetNo(null allowed) 4.Description(null allowed) 5.MDAprroval? (null allowed-checkbox)The database already has 500 records I need to frame three different SQL statements to generate results in a datagrid...1. First Query to generate all records which DO NOT have ASSETNO 2. Second query to generate all records which DO HAVE ASSETNO3. Third query to generate all records which HAVE ASSETNO and MDAPPROVAL is checked(or true)I could get a workaoundin the second query but somehow my 'Null' check for Asset No and where statement in third query is failing.Can someone please post some help with these query formations?Thankyou in advance for all your precious time spent in reading & replying to this post.
I am having trouble returning the correct record with my stored procedure. my problem is that i don't know how to structure the sql statement to do the following: given a set of records that have the same loankey, i need to 1. find the record that has most recent date (lockExprDt) 2. for all records with that date, find the highest Lock Number (LockNo) 3. for the all the records with that date and that LockNo, find the highest extension number (Ext) currently my sql statement returns a record that has the most recent date. i don't now how to write the sql to further define my query to return the record that has the most recent date with highest lock number, and finally the highest extension number. any suggestions as to what i am doing wrong. below is my slq statement. please note that i need to add the sql that will query for the max LockNo, and max Ext. Any help is greatly appreciated. thx! select a.loankey, a.lockrate, a.investor, a.price, a.ext, a.cost, a.lockno, a.lockstatus , CASE WHEN CONVERT(CHAR(8),a.lockdate,10)='12:00:00 AM' THEN NULL ELSE CONVERT(CHAR(8),a.lockdate,10) END as 'LockDate' , CASE WHEN CONVERT(CHAR(8),b.lockExprDt,10)='12:00:00 AM' THEN NULL ELSE CONVERT(CHAR(8),b.lockExprDt,10) END as 'LockExprDt' , Case WHEN CONVERT(CHAR(8),b.lockExprDt,10)>= CONVERT(CHAR(8),GETDATE(),10) THEN datediff(day, CONVERT(CHAR(8),GETDATE(),10), CONVERT(CHAR(8),b.lockExprDt,10)) ELSE NULL END as 'Days' from cfcdb..locktable ainner join (select loankey, max(lockExprDt) as lockExprDtfrom cfcdb..locktablegroup by loankey) bON a.loankey = b.loankey AND a.lockExprDt = b.lockExprDt where a.loankey = @LoanKey
I need some help on how to structure a sql statement. I am creating a membership directory and I need the stored procedure to output the Last Name, First Name (and if married) Spouse First Name. Like this Flinstone, Fred & Wilma All members are in one directory linked by two fields. [Family ID] all the family members have the same family id and then there is a Family position id that shows if they are the Husband, Wife or Kids. I have no problem with this part select (LastName + ',' + FirstName) as Name, [Phone 1] as Phone, [Unit Name] as WD, [Street 1] as Street, SUBSTRING(City,1,3) as City, SUBSTRING(Postal,1,5) as Zipfrom Membership Where [HH Order]=1 Order By LastName ASC Could someone help me on how to display the " & Spouse FirstName " as part of the name field only if there is a spouse [HH Order]=2 for the current [Family ID]????
I need to get multiple values for each row in a database, then do a calculation and insert the calculation and the accountnumber related to the calculation the data, into a different column. I get an error trying it this way...there is no real identifier, it is jsut something that needs to get done per row...any ideas on how I can accomplish this? Declare @NetCommission decimal Declare @AccountNumber varchar(50) Set @NetCommission = (select (CommissionRebate * Quantity) from Account A Join Trades T on A.AccountNumber = T.AccountNumber) Set @AccountNumber = (select A.AccountNumber from cmsAccount A Join Trades T on A.AccountNumber = T.AccountNumber)
i have a complex sql statement and i think that my structure looks good but apparently not because i keep getting the same error, i was wondering if anyone knew how to correct this problem.
SELECT A.*, B.Name, C.SIName, D.IID,
(Select [LastName] , [FirstName] FROM E INNER JOIN F ON E.SID = F.SID , A WHERE F.Emp='Service' AND E.Lead=1 AND E.ID=[A].[D]) AS Service,
(Select [LastName] , [FirstName] FROM E INNER JOIN F ON E.SID = F.SID ,A WHERE F.Emp='Industry' AND E.Lead=1 AND E.ID=[A].[D]) AS Industry
i always get this error: Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.
I have this stored procedure that returns a rowid, distance. It has a latitude, longitude, and range as inputs, it takes the latitude and longitude and computes a distance with every lat/long in a table PL_CustomerGeocode. Once that distance is computed it compares that distance with the range, and then returns the rowid, distance if the distance is <= range. I have the SELECT statement down, but now i just need to enter this information into a seperate table PL_Distance with (rowid, distance) as columns. The sql statement is as follows, and i cant figure out where the rowid part is an the distance part is: DECLARE @DegreesToRadians float SET @DegreesToRadians = Pi()/180 SELECT rowid, Cast(distance As numeric(9,3)) AS distance FROM (SELECT rowid, CASE WHEN @srcLat = geocodeLat And @srcLong = geocodeLong THEN 0.0 WHEN ABS(Arc) > 1 THEN 0.0 ELSE 3963.1 * 2 * asin(Power(Arc, 0.5)) END AS distance FROM (SELECT Power(sin(DLat/2),2) + cos(@srcLat*@DegreesToRadians)*cos(geocodeLat*@DegreesToRadians)*Power(sin(DLong/2),2) AS Arc, rowid,geocodeLat,geocodeLong FROM (SELECT @srcLong*@DegreesToRadians-geocodeLong*@DegreesToRadians AS DLong, @srcLat*@DegreesToRadians-geocodeLat*@DegreesToRadians AS DLat, rowid, geocodeLat, geocodeLong FROM dbo.PL_CustomerGeoCode) AS x) AS y) AS z WHERE distance <= @range
Hi All, My sql is a little rusty, i ve been trying to do few things but still no luck. I m trying to query some data in one column based on certain . Here is my puzzle: I have 7 tables: categories, characteristics, configs, rm_cat, rm_chars, rm_conf and rooms. And here are the details on these tables: - categories: {cat_id, cat_name} - characteristics: {char_id, char} - configs: {conf_id, conf} - rm_cat: {room_id, cat_id} - rm_chars: { room_id, char_id} - rm_conf: {room_id, conf_id} - room: {room_id. room_name}
I m trying to select a "room_name" based on a certain cat_id, char_id and conf_id and i don't know how to do this.
There are 3 tables, VendorLists, Vendors, and Referrals.
VendorLists is a linking table. It has VendorListID, VendorID, and ListID fields.
Vendors is linked to VendorLists through the VendorID field (one to many)
Referrals is linked to VendorLists through VendorListID (one to many)
I'm given a value for ListID and have to pull records from both the Vendors and Referrals table (a referral is a description of a vendor, one to many).
I am able to do this with the following SQL select statement:
SELECT Referrals.Description, Vendors.Company FROM Referrals CROSS JOIN Vendors WHERE Referrals.VendorListID IN (SELECT VendorListID FROM VendorLists WHERE (ListID = lid)) AND (Vendors.VendorID IN (SELECT VendorID FROM VendorLists WHERE ListID = lid)) ORDER BY Vendors.VendorID
This pulls all the appropriate records and values that i need and orders them by the identifier for the vendor. However, I want to randomly order the vendors but still group them together by company, so, if the VendorID is 1 for "joe's crab shack" and 2 for "billy's ice cream shop", the above will always list joe's crab shack first and all it's referrals. i want to be able to randomly order the vendors, but still keep the referrals of those vendors grouped together so that when i iterate over them, they're grouped.
Does anyone have any idea how to do this? I'm stumped!!
SELECT * FROM relations INNER JOIN paths ON relations.path = paths.path_id WHERE (paths.links = '161') AND (relations.node1 = 162) OR (paths.links = '161') AND (relations.node2 = 162) OR (paths.links = '162') AND (relations.node1 = 161) OR (paths.links = '162') AND (relations.node2 = 161) OR (paths.links LIKE '162%') AND (relations.node1 = 161) OR (paths.links LIKE '%162') AND (relations.node2 = 161) OR (paths.links LIKE '161%') AND (relations.node1 = 162) OR (paths.links LIKE '%161') AND (relations.node2 = 162) OR (paths.links LIKE '%161;162%') OR (paths.links LIKE '%162;161%') ORDER BY relations.node1
Don't pay attention to the 161 and 162 things, is just test data, now my problem is that I want to transform that into a DELETE statement, but I can't find the right way to do it, so far I managed to do something like:
PHP Code:
DELETE relations FROM relations INNER JOIN paths ON relations.path = paths.path_id WHERE (paths.links = '161') AND (relations.node1 = 162) OR (paths.links = '161') AND (relations.node2 = 162) OR (paths.links = '162') AND (relations.node1 = 161) OR (paths.links = '162') AND (relations.node2 = 161) OR (paths.links LIKE '162%') AND (relations.node1 = 161) OR (paths.links LIKE '%162') AND (relations.node2 = 161) OR (paths.links LIKE '161%') AND (relations.node1 = 162) OR (paths.links LIKE '%161') AND (relations.node2 = 162) OR (paths.links LIKE '%161;162%') OR (paths.links LIKE '%162;161%')
But that would delete only from the relations table and not from the paths table. I need to delete from both tables.
Here is my SQL string:"SELECT to_ordnum, to_orddate," _& "(SELECT SUM((DDPROD.pr_stanmat * DDPROD.pr_prfact) *(DOBOM2.b2_quant * DDORD.or_quant)) FROM DDPROD INNER JOIN DOBOM2 ONDDPROD.pr_prodnum = DOBOM2.b2_prodnum INNER JOIN DDORD ONDOBOM2.b2_orid = DDORD.or_id INNER JOIN DDTORD ON DDORD.OR_TOID =DDTORD.TO_ID WHERE DOBOM2.b2_ordnum = ''order number here from resultof outer select) AS Total" _& "FROM DDTORD WHERE to_trak2id IN (39, 40, 41) AND to_ordtype = 's'AND to_status = 'c' GROUP BY to_ordnum, to_orddate ORDER BY to_ordnumDESC"The outter Select statement returns various amounts of order numbersrepresented by 'to_ordnum' in the outer Select clause which has tomeet the critera in the outer WHERE clause. I would like to placethese numbers selected into the inner WHERE clause for the innerselect statement where DOMBOM2.b2_ordnum = ?the order selected byouter select statement.I have tried placing to_ordnum into that location but the SQL2000server does not process it.Any suggestions, ideas?Thank you,Brett
I have a pretty complex SQL statement that looks like this: SELECT aspnet_Employers.active, aspnet_Employers.accountexecutiveusername, aspnet_Employers.created, aspnet_Employers.Title AS Contact, SUM(aspnet_Employers.EmployeeCount) AS [# Emps], COUNT(aspnet_Signups.account) AS [# Email Addresses], COUNT(aspnet_ContactMe.username) AS [# Contact Me], COUNT(aspnet_AppsSubmitted.account) AS [# Apply Now]FROM aspnet_Employers LEFT OUTER JOIN aspnet_AppsSubmitted ON aspnet_Employers.UserName = aspnet_AppsSubmitted.account LEFT OUTER JOIN aspnet_ContactMe ON aspnet_Employers.UserName = aspnet_ContactMe.username LEFT OUTER JOIN aspnet_Signups ON aspnet_Employers.UserName = aspnet_Signups.accountGROUP BY aspnet_Employers.accountexecutiveusername, aspnet_Employers.created, aspnet_Employers.Title, aspnet_Employers.active It does work the way i want it, but the problem is, on my Gridview when i change the Employers accounts "Active" status either way, it changes the username field from the username of the account, to "null". Why does it do this? What would i change to prevent this from happening?
I may not be seeing the forest through the trees here but here goes. I've got a table of computer configurations with columns for cpu, ram, m/b, hdd, etc. The values in those columns are related to the id field in another table named parts. The parts table has columns, id, partnumber, description, and cost. What I want to do is be able to pull a record from the computer configurations table and instead of getting the integers in the cpu, ram, etc. fields I want to put the corresponding description field from the parts table. For example:I want this...id Name CPU RAM MB HDD ... 1 Fast Machine Fast CPU Big RAM Greate MB Huge HDDNOT this....id Name CPU RAM MB HDD ... 1 Fast Machine 1 3 2 7 Below is a screenshot of my actual table relationships.Thanks in advance
can somebody explain to me why the below update fails to update one row and updates the entire table?
UPDATE addlist SET add_s = 1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT a.add_s, a.email_address, e.public_name FROM add a, edit e WHERE a.email_address = e.email_address and a.add_email = 'mags23@rice.edu' and a.add_s = 0 and e.public_name = 'professor');
I am new to SQL server 2005. I run a large query daily against a teradata warehouse and it populates an access database. I am now attempting to run my query in a SQL 2005 database. I get an error on this case statement:
CASE WHENCAST ( ( B.zip_cd ( format '99999' ) ) AS char ( 5 ) ) = '*****' THEN SUBSTR ( CAST ( ( B.zip_cd ( format '999999999' ) ) AS char ( 9 ) ), 1, 5 ) ELSECAST ( ( B.zip_cd ( format '99999' ) ) AS char ( 5 ) ) ENDAS ZIP_CD
The error is: Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 229 Incorrect syntax near '99999'.
hi.I am having probelms with an update statement. every timei run it, "every" row updates, not just the one(s) intended.so, here is what i have. i have tried this with both AND and ORand neither seem to work.i dont know why this is elluding me, but i'd appreciate help with thesolution.thanks.UPDATE addSET add_s = 1WHERE add.add_status = 0 and add.add_email = 'mags23@rice.edu'or add_s in(SELECT a.add_sFROM add a, edit eWHERE a.email_address = e.email_addressand e.public_name = 'professor')
This is difficult to explain in words, but the following code outlines what I am trying to do:
with myTableWithRowNum as ( select 'row' = row_number() over (order by insertdate desc), myValue from ( select table1Id As myValue from myTable1 union select table2Id As myValue from myTable2 ) )
select * from myTableWithRowNum Can anyone think of a work around so that I can use the Row_Number function where the data is coming from a union?
I want to create a string using the week number and year of a date.For instance, if i have a date of 1/3/2007, which would be week 1 of2007, i want to create a string that says 'Wk1-200707'.i know it's basically 'WK' + CAST(DATEPART(WK,'1/3/2007') AS VARCHAR)+ '-' +CAST(DATEPART(YEAR,'1/3/2007') AS VARCHAR) but it's not quiteworking for me. Any idea of what I'm missing?Thanks in advance.Richard Garth
Hello,I have a tablesay SalesLeads. This table is accessed through various front -ends andit stores data for Sales leads of various products.This table has a reference to another table(SalesLeadRefTable)Sample Data in SalesLeadsSalesLeadID Comments RefTableID-------------------------------------------------------1 Sample 1Sample Data in SalesLeadRefTableReferenceID TableName TableFieldName-------------------------------------------------------1 ProductTable ProductIDI need to form a query which will refer to the refdtableID and form adynamic query likeSelect Comments , TableName.TableFieldName from SalesLeads,TableNamePlease let me know if this can be doen in 1 query
I have web forms with about 10-15 optional search parameters (fields) for a give table. Each item (textbox) in the form is treated as an AND condition.
Right now I build complex WHERE clauses based on wheather data is present in a textbox and AND each one in the clause. Also, if a particular field is "match any word", i get a ANDed set of OR's. As you can imagine, the WHERE clause gets quite large.
I build clauses like this (i.e., 4 fields shown):
SELECT * from tableName WHERE (aaa like '%data') AND (bbb = 'data') AND (ccc like 'data%') AND ( (xxx like '%data') OR (yyy like '%data%') )
My question is, are stored procedures better for building such dynamic SQL clauses? I may have one field or all fifteen. I've written generic code for building the clauses, but I don't know much about stored procedures and am wondering if I'm making this more difficult on myself.
Hello, could someone help with this query in a stored proc.? SET @SQL = 'SET ''' + @avgwgt + ''' = ' '(SELECT AVG(AverageWeight) FROM CageFishHistory where CageID IN (' + @cagearray + ') and ItemDate =''' + CONVERT(varchar(23),@startdate) + ''')' EXEC @SQL I'm trying to get an average value across dynamically selected rows. (I'm using a list array to deliver the selection to the stored proc). I need to re-use the average value within the procedure,so it's not enough to output it as a column of the resultset - EG. 'Select AVG(AverageWeight) as AvgWgt' . If I take out the @avgwgt line it works fine, but otherwise I'm getting this error: "Incorrect syntax near '(SELECT AVG(AverageWeight) FROM CageFishHistory where CageID IN ('." It may be that I can access a column of the resultset in the rest of the procedure, and that would help avoid the use of pesky apostrophes, but I don't know how to do it.
I'm sure there is a way of cracking this, but I can't think of a good solution. Right now I am not happy with the solutions I come up with, one of which takes 4 minutes to run on SQL Server The scenario: User is presented with search page where one or more search terms can be entered/selected. There are no required parameters. It can be any or all of the possibilities presented. Below is a model of the search parameters presented. The user will either select to show more options under Profile ABC, or go down to Profile STU or Profile XYZ to show more options, or even select all Profiles and then select from Type 1 and either a. or. b. or. c. or ALL of the above. I cannot predict what a user will make part of the search query so I have to have a stored procedure ready which can handle any or all of the parameters a user may select. Am I biting off more than I can chew (it seems so)? Or is there an elegant way of handling the unknown combination of search parameters that a user might throw into my sql query? I'm running this under ASP 1.0 and SQL Server 2000.
[check to show the options below] Profile ABC [check to shore more options] Type 1
A. Contains fields for entering another data string and selecting from drop-down boxes B. ditto C. ditto D. ditto [check to show more options] Type 2
A. Contains fields for entering another data string and selecting from drop-down boxes B. ditto C. ditto D. ditto [check to show more options] Type 3
A. Contains fields for entering another data string and selecting from drop-down boxes
B. ditto C. ditto D. ditto [check to select more options] Type 4
A. Contains fields for entering another data string and selecting from drop-down boxes B. ditto C. ditto D. ditto [check to show more options] Profile XYZ (as above) [check to select more options] Profile STU (as above)
I'm working on a system that used to load control dynamically into a table structure based on "Row" and "Column" properties in the item object. The system is now being revamped, and instead of a table structure, it's being loaded into a list, which will be controled by css. The new relevant variables are "Sequence" and "Width." Since there are already thousands of existing items in the database, I have to write a script that can take a really good guess at legacy items' Row and Col, and input values for Sequence and Width. Since all items exist on "tabs," I can query for all items on a given tabID, Ordered By Row, Col -- that will give me a sequence. Width isn't literal, it has 6 presets: Whole, Half, Third, Quarter, Two Thirds, Three Quarters, represented in the table as 0,1,2,3,4,5 -- for our purposes, I'll assume that all items on a row are equal in width. We can determine width by figuring out the number of items within the same row, so if there is only one in the row, it's a Whole (0), if there are three in the row it'll be a Third (2), etc.
I'd like to create a query that gets all items by tab, assigns the appropriate sequence, and figures out how many items are in the row with a given item, to assign the correct width.... but I have no idea how to make t-sql do that. I don't mind multiple queries to get the whole process done, and it doesn't need to be efficient -- this is a one-off script to run to give legacy items values that we can work with. Where would I start?
HI. I have 3 tables 1- std with : stdID , programID. 2- Programs with :ProgramID , Cost 3 - Movements with : stdID , balance. the first table contain the stdID and ProgramID , some times the std hasn't programID that mean he hasn't programID. then we return null. if the std has programID there is to cases. the first one he have a movement on his balance then we get the biggest balance for the std. the second case he hasn't any moventen then we get his balance from Programs table by the ProgramID .
I need sql server function that return table like this stdID , Balance that means every std with his Balance. Regards.
This is too complex anyone know how to make it less complex. I am trying to get all the selected fields from contacts into a datagrid where the other fields contain a string in textbox1. This works SELECT [company], [contactname], [emailaddress], [secondemailaddress], [phonenumber], [webpage] FROM [contacts] WHERE (([AB] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([AL] LIKE '%' + ? + '%')) When i add all the rest of the fields it says its too complex. Please Help
SELECT [company], [contactname], [emailaddress], [secondemailaddress], [phonenumber], [webpage] FROM [contacts] WHERE (([AB] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([AL] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([B] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([BB] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([BD] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([BA] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([BH] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([BL] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([BN] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([BR] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([BS] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([BT] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([CA] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([CB] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([CF] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([CH] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([CM] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ( LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([CR] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([CT] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([CV] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([CW] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([DA] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([DD] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([DE] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([DG] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([DH] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([DL] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([DN] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([DT] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([DY] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([E] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([EC] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([EH] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([EN] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([EX] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([FK] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([FY] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([G] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([GL] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([GU] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([GY] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([HA] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([HD] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([HG] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([HP] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ( LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([HU] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([HX] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([IM] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([IP] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([IV] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([JE] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([KA] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([KT] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([KW] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([KY] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([L] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([LA] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([LD] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([LE] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([LL] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([LN] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([LS] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([LU] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([M] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([ME] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([MK] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([ML] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([N] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([NE] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([NG] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([NN] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([NP] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([NR] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([NW] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([OL] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([OX] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([PA] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([PE] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([PH] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([PL] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([PO] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([PR] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([RG] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([RH] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([RM] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([S] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([SA] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([SE] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([SG] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([SK] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([SL] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([SM] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([SN] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([SO] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([SP] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([SR] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([SS] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([ST] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([SW] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([SY] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([TA] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([TF] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([TN] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([TQ] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([TR] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([TS] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([TW] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([UB] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([W] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([WA] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([WC] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([WD] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([WN] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([WR] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([WS] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([WV] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') AND ([YO] LIKE '%' + ? + '%'))
hi how are you please help me in my problem which i can't make it. Now, i have a project in ASP.NET and SQL Server 2005. let's call the project an image gallery, in my project i have a table named "Category" in which all the categories are in this table. also while adding a new category a new table will be created automatically with the name of that category. now, what i want is that to build a query that reads the contents of the tables that the tables name are the names of the each record in the "Category" table. is that possible ? please if any one help can me in my problem.
I have 2 tables, say table1, and table2. There is a DocID (primary key) in table1. In table2, DocID is the foriegn key. There can be more than 1 DocID.
how do I join these two tables, such that I get all the otherID's for each DocID. ie., DocID OtherID 1 2 and 10 and 13 and 25 2 3
i am writing this query to display search results on a search page (with keyword search) and so, if I display the result in more than one row, then the user might think that there is more than document...whereas the case is that there is only one document with more than one other ID's.
is there any way I can do this? display...more than 1otherID in the same row for the same DociD? Currently, I am using a left outer join of table1 and table2.
I cant get "order by" to work in this sql query..I use this query: "SELECT DISTINCT TOP 12 name,total = COUNT(*) FROM products where kat = 'music' group by namn"and I want to add this some where to get 12 random records: "ORDER BY NewID()"I tried this: "SELECT DISTINCT TOP 12 name,total = COUNT(*) FROM products where kat = 'music' group by namn ORDER BY NewID()"" but get the error:"ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified"I can´t figure out how I should write the query..Somebody have any ideas??/Radiwoi