May 8, 2008

can anyone explain me what happens when we write the above for a col.

I k now it remove spaces but can anyone explain with exmpls


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Sep 4, 2001

Could somebody please give me a syntax that I can use to trim spaces. I have used and I still have the spaces. :


We are trying to clean up spaces at road intersections. Thanks for your assistance.

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Rtrim And Ltrim?

Oct 5, 2004

I have some data that contains spaces both before and after the text string, and now I'm wondering what would be the best method to remove these blanks (sometimes there are no blanks, so I can't check with a specifik width)?

Is it possible to do something like:

set foo = ltrim(rtrim(foo))

or do I have to split it into 2 steps?

This trimming will be done in update & insert statements

// Pati

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Ltrim + Rtrim

Nov 13, 2005

How do i remove carriage returns in SQL Server ? each of the lines have a carriage return as well as in front and back of the text.

Keith Waltin

Transport Ticketing Authority

03 9651 9066

I've tried the

update test.dbo.test
set bodytext1 = ltrim(rtrim(bodytext1))

but the whitespace/carriage returns still exists in the back and front of the text ? Anyone got any ideas ?

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RTrim And LTrim With UPDATE

Dec 2, 2005

You all have been so much help, but I've discovered yet another problem. I'm trying to clean up my table using the following command:
UPDATE dbo.TableName
SET First_Name = LTrim(RTrim(First_Name))But it does not seem to have any effect. Thoughts? Thanks!

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Transact SQL :: LTRIM And RTRIM Does Not Remove Spaces

Oct 25, 2012

I'm not sure about why I'm not able to remove spaces even after trimming them. Below is the result of query I'm usning.

select distinct LTRIM(RTRIM(Promotion_Code)) Promotion_Code
--, count(Promotion_code)
from dbo.Marketing_Promotion_Tb
where Promotion_code  like '%1BTPIZZA%'

Result :

Promotion_Code   Length
1BTPIZZA                  10
1BTPIZZA                   8

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Text Doesn't Support Rtrim,ltrim Etc Functions...which Is Other Better Way To Save A Long String

Nov 10, 2007


I sent a long string of ID from front end to my stored procedure...till now I was using varchar(8000)...but if the string crossess that limit it is breaking.

If I try to use text datatype..It doesn't support rtrim, stuff functions etc...

So could any one suggest me a best way to save a long string without any restriction of size...

My front end is C#.Net and Back End is SQL SERVER 2000

Thanks in advance

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Mar 26, 2007

I Have a sql select statment and i need to trim white space off one of my columns .

How do I do that please help.

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Nov 7, 2000

I am trying to use the RTRIM command but it does not seem to be working. If I perform

select rtrim(name) from table

it returns the row with the spaces in it anyway. ???

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Oct 26, 2005

If Rtrim doesn't catch space at the end is there a way to catch strings that match but don't seem to get selected correctly when matching?

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What Is The Meaning Of LTRIM(N' ') ?

Sep 7, 2006

Actually, I don't know what is the meaning and difference of "N" in thefunction.Thanks.

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LTRIM In Grouping

Jun 13, 2007

Hello All,

I am trying to ltrim a portion of multiple fields in a grouping. I am able to do it for one of them, but unfortunately there are several I have to do it for. If I use the following expression, it works for that one.

Code Snippet

=iif(Fields!BankNumber.Value="083" and Fields!TestName.Value="Inquiry Menu - Bank 083",LTRIM("Inquiry Menu"),Fields!TestName.Value)

However, if I try and do it for more than one it errors out. For example...

Code Snippet

=iif(Fields!BankNumber.Value="083" and Fields!TestName.Value="Inquiry Menu - Bank 083",LTRIM("Inquiry Menu"),Fields!TestName.Value)

OR iif(Fields!BankNumber.Value="083" and Fields!TestName.Value="Search Menu - Bank 083",LTRIM("Search Menu"),Fields!TestName.Value)

OR iif(Fields!BankNumber.Value="083" and Fields!TestName.Value="SEAX - Bank 083",LTRIM("SEAX"),Fields!TestName.Value)

Is there another way to arrange this so I can LTRIM each field group seperately?



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Trigger With Rtrim

Feb 1, 2008


I want to put a trigger on insert (bulk insert). It´s supposed to do RTRIM and LTRIM on the incoming data to a specific column in a table. The data comes from a textfile.

What to do? Totally stuck..

Thankful for all help!


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Automatic RTRIM????

Aug 3, 2007

Could anyone explain why this happens:

-- All outputs works but only the first should

select 'works' where '1' = '1'

select 'works' where '1' = '1 '

select 'works' where '1 ' = '1'

Seems to me like trailing blanks are automatically trimmed, why?

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Ltrim And Rtirm Is Not Working

Jan 12, 2005

Hi i have a select statement as

select empnum, len(empnum), ltrim(rtrim(empnum)), len(ltrim(rtrim(empnum))) from employee

When i execute this stament i get the following

1234 61234 6
4321 84321 8
1111 61111 6
2222 62222 6

How does this happens. Why ltrim and rtrim is not working here.

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Ltrim Entire Column

Jun 16, 2008

How do I "ltrim" an enire colum?


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LTRIM All Tables With ID Field

Apr 17, 2008

I imported data into a database and the first character in an ID Field starts with %. This is causing many problems for the application. Unfortunately, this field exists in 72 of 128 tables in the database. Is there a way to LTRIM every ID field where the first character is %? This is easy in 1 Table but how do I apply it to all 72 tables at once? Thanks for for your assistance

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Contitional Split, LTRIM

Apr 11, 2007

I am trying to follow an SSIS tutorial. It is doing a transformation on mainframe data.

It has the statement LTRIM(State) == '' in the Condititonal split editor.

The data type is DT_STR.

Nothing works (dbl quote,brackets, ect)

I have also tried to change the type to DT_WSTR. According to docs ltrim only works with Unicode.

Can someone please tell me how to detect an empty string.

Thanks for any help


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SQL 2012 :: How To Use RTRIM In Case Statement

Oct 1, 2015

I have a DistributorInvoiceNumber that can end with in 'R', 'A', 'CRR' or 'CR'.I am trying to write a case statement like so:

CASE WHEN RIGHT([ih].[DistributorInvoiceNumber],1) = 'A'
WHEN RIGHT([ih].[DistributorInvoiceNumber],1) = 'R'
WHEN RIGHT([ih].[DistributorInvoiceNumber],3) = 'CRR'
WHEN RIGHT([ih].[DistributorInvoiceNumber],2) = 'CR'

For the most part the code is working, with the exception of the fields that just end in 'R'. An example of this is 471268R, 2525125901CRR, 11100325230CR
Basically if the number ends with an A, then its an Adjustment, if it ends with JUST an R, then its a Reversal; if it ends with just a CR then it is a Credit and if it ends with CRR then it is a Reversal (Credit Reversal). How can I differentiate between the different R's since three of them end with R? Would I use a RTRIM command somehow?

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SQL Server Do Host Variables Need Rtrim

Aug 13, 2007

I understand that for SQL Server rtrim is not needed in where clause equates because SQL Server

automatically trims the spaces. Is rtrim necessary when comparing to a host variable since rtrim is a deterministic function? It it needed in the following example
Select ....
TEXT = rtrim(:I--HV-001)

TEXT is a varchar column in the SQL Server database and it is getting compared to the host variable.

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Oracle Ltrim With 2 Arguments Conversion In SQL Server

Mar 1, 2004

How do I convert Oracle's LTRIM(char, set) to SQL Server?


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: RTRIM Not Removing Trailing Spaces?

Jul 14, 2014

I am loading a dimension using a distinct query.There are duplicates coming through and the only differnce is a trailing space on one of the columns.

RTRIM is not removing the space.

how i can fix it?

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Use RTRIM Function On TEXTBLOB (text) Field

Feb 21, 2007

Hi,I have erronous white space at the end of my 'description' field within my'product' table. I tried using the RTRIM function but it won't let mebecause it is a TEXTBLOB (text) field.Can anyone show me how to write a query that will update all my rowsautomatically?I'm using SQL Server 2000.Thanks!

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SQL Server 2005 Is Rtrim Needed In Where Clause?

Aug 13, 2007

When is RTRIM needed in a Select ... where clause. I noticed that if I have a column named TEXT varchar(17) which is varchar and in the where clause I state where
TEXT = 'This is the text'
or I state
TEXT = 'This is the text ' followed by 4 spaces

The equate still works - so when do I need RTRIM?

Do I need RTRIM for a host variable:
...where TEXT = RTRIM(:VAR_001)
if the host variable is the same length as the TEXT column field in the SQL Server 2005 database?

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