Help In Solving SQL Quary

Jul 6, 2007


I am new to the forum. I need help in solving the following quary.

Table structure:
Region: region_id, name
Employee: employee_id, name, region_id
Sales: sales_id, employee_id, sale_date, sale_amount
-there’s an individual entry in the sales table for each sale

Write a query that returns a list of the Regions and the number of employees in each region. The employee only gets added to the count if they had total sales greater than $50,000 last month. Sort the information by the number of employees per region who fit this criteria.


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Solving The ' In ASP With SQL Statements

Feb 8, 2004

Hi All,

It's probaly still Sunday in most areas, but hope I get a quick response on this 1.....

I'm doing ASP with SQL 2000. And for the moment, I write inline SQL Scripts into my ASP pages. Store procs can only come later ( don't ask why...).

So as most of u will know, if any characther from the textboxes comes with a ' , everything will go haywire!

Thus, I'm using this existing code to solve the prob:

FAddress = Replace(FAddress, "'", "%%")

Call OpenDB()
SQL_query =" SET NOCOUNT ON" & _
" set DateFormat dmy" & _
" declare @FAddress varchar(100)" & _
" set @FAddress='"& FAddress &"'" & _
" set @FAddress=(replace(@FAddress,'%%',''''))" & _........and so on

Is there a better way? Some problems from this is if I am inserting large info in a text datatype, I can't do it.....

Some code or function that I can call and apply to my entire system without recoding alot....:)

SQL and ASP jedi masters...please enlighten me.

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Case Senitive SQL Quary Using Datarow

Mar 14, 2008

I have in SQL Table1 the following values in Field1:

abC  Select Field1 From Table1 Where Field1 = "AbC"

I get all six records, not just the one record (AbC) that I want to retrieve. How do I tell the select statement to be case sensitive?
 my statement is given below  DataRow dr1 = ds.Tables["Login"].Select("UserId ='" + txtUserId.Text + "'And Passwords ='" + txtPassword.Text + "'")[0]; i m using datarowso i need a helpi have quary but i don;t know how can use  DataRow dr1 = ds.Tables["Login"].Select("UserId ='" + txtUserId.Text + "'And Passwords ='" + txtPassword.Text + "'where CONVERT(binary(5),Userid)=CONVERT(binary(5),'" + txtUserId.Text + "')'" )[0];                                      this give me error "Where condiction need operator"waiting for reply 

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How To Write Annual Report Quary

Jun 9, 2007

I want to write a report quary which will dispaly total of amount,hamali,servicetax,other,granttotal for a particular service
for a financial year

i have tried useing cross-tab but it is not working


HAMALI 200256
OTHER 2060
GRANT TOT 3200 3326

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Parent/child Two Table Quary Distinct

Feb 4, 2005

i have two tables with parent/child relationship - pipeline and pipelineStatus. the select statement like this:

pipelineStatus ON = pipelineStatus.parentID

i got multiple records for each because of multiple records of pipelineStatus. Is it possible to get only one record for each with last record of pipelineStatus table?
(stored procedure ok)

thanks advance for answering my question.

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New To SSIS Need Help In Solving This Problem Quickly

Mar 6, 2008

I am very new to SSIS. Can someone give me a basic out line to this problem. I kind of understand control tasks, data flow, etc... but not in details(watched couple of webcasts). I need to see something like below in action to understand this better.

Basically, I need to process a flat csv file on daily basis and load it into a table. As I am loading the records, I will need to verify(on a key column) to see if record exists in table already. If so then just update the record otherwise insert a new record. When I find a record, I need to possibly do a checksum on a set of columns before I do update. So, only update if these set of columns are different from file vs. table. I also need to keep performance in mind as I am processing this record one at a time looking up this record. I am thinking this should be fairly easy but I am getting little lost in control tasks and dataflow as to what goes on what. By the way I am using visual studio 2005 and sqlserver 2005.

I would appreciate your help. thanks again. I dont mind an example solution file.

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SQL Express-solving 4GB Size Limit By Multiple Database Files?

Nov 19, 2006

Hi,I am new to SQL express and try to solve the 4GB size limitation.Is there a possibility to create a new database file every time I getto the limit?How can I do that with C#? how can I create new database file everytime it gets full?Can I be connected to two database files at the same time (the full dband the new db)?thanks in advance,oren

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Solving This Error: Semsfc.dll Is Loaded, But The DllRegisterServer Entry Point Was Not Found...

Dec 12, 2007

Hi there

After performing a side-by-side instalation of SQL2005, I am not able to open Enterprise manager (for managing SQL2000 instance). It aborts with some errors related to mmc.exe not being able to use a couple of dlls: semsfc.dll and lmmc.dll.
I've tried to unresgister/register them but I get the following error message:

semsfc.dll is loaded, but the dllRegisterServer entry point was not found...
This file can not be registered .

I found a similar complaint in the VB forum, which recomended to use Reagasm but I couldn't understand it really, and I'm not sure if it applies to this SQL server issue.

Thaks for your help

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