Dec 19, 2007
Can some one help me to complete this query.
My requirement is to convert the existing stored proc(given below) to one that allows dynamic paging as well as sorting(sql server 2005). I gave a try but invein. I am running out of time.
Existing procedure:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetAllItems]
@condition varchar(7500),
@ModelId int =0,
@CategoryId int=0,
@SourcingType int=0,
@StartRow as int = 1,
@StopRow as int = 100000
declare @erow int
declare @Cond varchar(255)
select @Cond=''
if @CategoryId<>0
select @Cond= ' and tbItemMaster.Category=' + cast(@CategoryId as varchar)
if @SourcingType<>0
select @Cond= ' and tbItemMaster.SourcingType=' + cast(@SourcingType as varchar)
if @StopRow=-1
select @StopRow=60
set @erow=@StartRow + @StopRow
exec('Declare @t_table table
[SpecialId] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) Primary key NOT NULL,
[id] [int],
[category] [int] NULL ,
[model] [int] NULL ,
[mtype] [varchar] (50) NULL,
[itemclass] [varchar] (50) NULL,
[itemcode] [nvarchar] (25) NULL ,
[ItemCondition] [tinyint] NULL ,
[SourcingType] int,
[Title] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Description] [nvarchar] (4000) NULL ,
[InternalUse] [nvarchar] (4000) NULL,
[CompatibleModels] [varchar] (8000) NULL ,
[Quantity] [int] NULL ,
[MinOrder] [int] NULL ,
[Warranty] [tinyint] NULL ,
[Price1] [decimal](6, 2) NULL ,
[Price2] [decimal](6, 2) NULL ,
[Price3] [decimal](6, 2) NULL ,
[Price4] [decimal](6, 2) NULL ,
[LotSale] [bit],
[PricingRule] int ,
[Weight] [decimal](7, 2) NULL ,
[PackageSize] [int] NULL ,
[promo] [int] NULL ,
[SmallImage] [nvarchar] (255) NULL ,
[BigImage] [nvarchar] (255) NULL ,
[StartDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[EndDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[Info1] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info2] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info3] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info4] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info5] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info6] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info7] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info8] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info9] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info10] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info11] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info12] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info13] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info14] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info15] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info16] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info17] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info18] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info19] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info20] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info21] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info22] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info23] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info24] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Info25] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Status] [tinyint] NULL ,
[AllowBuy] [char] (1) NULL ,
[PageName] [varchar] (200) NULL ,
[Locality] [int] NULL ,
[Location] [int] NULL ,
[CreatedBy] [int] NULL ,
[CreatedOn] [datetime] NULL ,
[UpdatedBy] [int] NULL ,
[UpdatedOn] [datetime] NULL,
[BrandId] int,
[CategoryId] int,
[ModelId] int,
[ModelName] varchar(255),
[BrandName] varchar(255),
[CategoryName] varchar(255)
DECLARE @EndRow int
DECLARE @reccount int
select @reccount=count(*) from (SELECT
tbModel ON tbItemMaster.model = INNER JOIN
tbCategory ON tbItemMaster.category = tbCategory.Id INNER JOIN
tbBrand ON tbModel.brand =' + @Condition + '
tbModel ON tbItemMaster.model = INNER JOIN
tbCategory ON tbItemMaster.category = tbCategory.Id INNER JOIN
tbBrand ON tbModel.brand = inner join tbCompatibleModels on tbItemMaster.Id=tbCompatibleModels.ItemId where tbCompatibleModels.ModelId=' + @ModelId + ') tbl
set @EndRow= + ' + @StartRow + '+' + @StopRow + '
--Set RowCount @EndRow;
insert @t_table
[id] ,
[category] ,
[model] ,
[itemcode] ,
[ItemCondition] ,
[Title] ,
[Description] ,
[Quantity] ,
[MinOrder] ,
[Warranty] ,
[Price1] ,
[Price2] ,
[Price3] ,
[Price4] ,
[LotSale] ,
[Weight] ,
[PackageSize] ,
[promo] ,
[SmallImage] ,
[BigImage] ,
[StartDate] ,
[EndDate] ,
[Info1] ,
[Info2] ,
[Info3] ,
[Info4] ,
[Info5] ,
[Info6] ,
[Info7] ,
[Info8] ,
[Info9] ,
[Info10] ,
[Info11] ,
[Info12] ,
[Info13] ,
[Info14] ,
[Info15] ,
[Info16] ,
[Info17] ,
[Info18] ,
[Info19] ,
[Info20] ,
[Info21] ,
[Info22] ,
[Info23] ,
[Info24] ,
[Info25] ,
[Status] ,
[AllowBuy] ,
[PageName] ,
[Locality] ,
[Location] ,
[CreatedBy] ,
[CreatedOn] ,
[UpdatedBy] ,
[UpdatedOn] ,
[BrandId] ,
[CategoryId] ,
select * from (SELECT top 100 percent,tbItemMaster.category,tbItemMaster.model,tbItemMaster.mtype,tbItemMaster.ItemClass, tbItemMaster.itemcode, tbItemMaster.ItemCondition,tbItemMaster.SourcingType, tbItemMaster.Title, tbItemMaster.Description,tbItemMaster.InternalUse, tbItemMaster.CompatibleModels,
tbItemMaster.Quantity,tbItemMaster.MinOrder, tbItemMaster.Warranty, tbItemMaster.Price1, tbItemMaster.Price2, tbItemMaster.Price3,tbItemMaster.Price4,tbItemMaster.LotSale,tbItemMaster.PricingRule, tbItemMaster.Weight, tbItemMaster.PackageSize,,tbItemMaster.SmallImage, tbItemMaster.BigImage, tbItemMaster.StartDate, tbItemMaster.EndDate, tbItemMaster.Info1, tbItemMaster.Info2, tbItemMaster.Info3, tbItemMaster.Info4,
tbItemMaster.Info5, tbItemMaster.Info6, tbItemMaster.Info7, tbItemMaster.Info8,tbItemMaster.Info9, tbItemMaster.Info10, tbItemMaster.Info11, tbItemMaster.Info12,
tbItemMaster.Info13, tbItemMaster.Info14, tbItemMaster.Info15, tbItemMaster.Info16, tbItemMaster.Info17, tbItemMaster.Info18,
tbItemMaster.Info19, tbItemMaster.Info20, tbItemMaster.Info21, tbItemMaster.Info22, tbItemMaster.Info23, tbItemMaster.Info24,
tbItemMaster.Info25,tbItemMaster.Status, tbItemMaster.AllowBuy, tbItemMaster.PageName,
tbItemMaster.Locality, tbItemMaster.Location,tbItemMaster.CreatedBy, tbItemMaster.CreatedOn, tbItemMaster.UpdatedBy,tbItemMaster.UpdatedOn, AS BrandId, tbCategory.Id AS CategoryId, AS ModelId,tbModel.Model as ModelName,tbBrand.Brand as BrandName,tbCategory.Category as CategoryName
tbModel ON tbItemMaster.model = INNER JOIN
tbCategory ON tbItemMaster.category = tbCategory.Id INNER JOIN
tbBrand ON tbModel.brand =' + @Condition + ' Order By tbItemMaster.UpdatedOn desc) tbl
SELECT top 100 percent,tbItemMaster.category,tbItemMaster.model,tbItemMaster.mtype,tbItemMaster.ItemClass, tbItemMaster.itemcode, tbItemMaster.ItemCondition,tbItemMaster.SourcingType, tbItemMaster.Title, tbItemMaster.Description,tbItemMaster.InternalUse, tbItemMaster.CompatibleModels,
tbItemMaster.Quantity,tbItemMaster.MinOrder, tbItemMaster.Warranty, tbItemMaster.Price1, tbItemMaster.Price2, tbItemMaster.Price3,tbItemMaster.Price4,tbItemMaster.LotSale,tbItemMaster.PricingRule, tbItemMaster.Weight, tbItemMaster.PackageSize,,tbItemMaster.SmallImage, tbItemMaster.BigImage, tbItemMaster.StartDate, tbItemMaster.EndDate, tbItemMaster.Info1, tbItemMaster.Info2, tbItemMaster.Info3, tbItemMaster.Info4,
tbItemMaster.Info5, tbItemMaster.Info6, tbItemMaster.Info7, tbItemMaster.Info8,tbItemMaster.Info9, tbItemMaster.Info10, tbItemMaster.Info11, tbItemMaster.Info12,
tbItemMaster.Info13, tbItemMaster.Info14, tbItemMaster.Info15, tbItemMaster.Info16, tbItemMaster.Info17, tbItemMaster.Info18,
tbItemMaster.Info19, tbItemMaster.Info20, tbItemMaster.Info21, tbItemMaster.Info22, tbItemMaster.Info23, tbItemMaster.Info24,
tbItemMaster.Info25,tbItemMaster.Status, tbItemMaster.AllowBuy, tbItemMaster.PageName,
tbItemMaster.Locality, tbItemMaster.Location,tbItemMaster.CreatedBy, tbItemMaster.CreatedOn, tbItemMaster.UpdatedBy,tbItemMaster.UpdatedOn, AS BrandId, tbCategory.Id AS CategoryId, AS ModelId,tbModel.Model as ModelName,tbBrand.Brand as BrandName,tbCategory.Category as CategoryName
tbModel ON tbItemMaster.model = INNER JOIN
tbCategory ON tbItemMaster.category = tbCategory.Id INNER JOIN
tbBrand ON tbModel.brand = inner join tbCompatibleModels on tbItemMaster.Id=tbCompatibleModels.ItemId where tbCompatibleModels.ModelId=' + @ModelId + @Cond + ' Order By UpdatedOn desc;
SELECT *,@reccount as ItemsCount FROM @t_table WHERE SpecialId >=' + @StartRow + ' and SpecialId<@EndRow
can anybody help me pls. ITs very urgent.
Thanks in advance.
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Jun 11, 2007
Hi.I really need some advice on fine-tuning a stored procedurethat is the meat of the search logic on my site. Customersare allowed to save searches, which dumps the search logicin a table called SavedSearches for later access to the search.My problem started with the ORDERBY condition used for zipcodesearches. The condition did something like:"order by CASE WHEN userID=67 THEN 1 WHEN userID=103 THEN 2 WHENuserID=102 THEN 3 WHEN userID=81 THEN 4"Of course, this fails when a customer described in the saved searchresults deletes his profile.I have since attempted to brace against this problem by adding aUserPrecendence table with the following columns: email_address,up_order (or, user precedence order), and userID.Since I have made the precedence changes, I have been unsuccessful ingetting any results (data) back from the query. I think it has to dowith the change but am not quite sure what I am doing wrong.I would appreciate it is somebody could take a look at my sproc withparticular attention to how precedence is handled in the ORDERBYcondition. Maybe you can see something I can not?As always, much appreciated.PS - In addition to the UserPrecedence change, I have attempted to addpaging - returning N amount of pages per request based on passed-inparamaters. I'd appreciate it if you could take a quick glance herealso just to make sure my logic is OK.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_PeopleSearch]@pagenum INT = 1,@perpage INT = 10ASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ONDECLARE@ubound INT,@lbound INT,@pages INT,@rows INTSELECT@rows = COUNT(*),@pages = COUNT(*) / @perpageFROM(select distinct emailAddressfrom Customers with(nolock) union select distinct user_namefrom CustomerPhotos with(nolock) union select distinct email_addressfrom EditProfile with(nolock) union select distinct email_addressfrom SavedSearches with(nolock) union select distinct email_addressfrom UserPrecedence with(nolock) union select distinct email_addressfrom RecentLogin with(nolock)) drvLeft Join Customers tab1 on (drv.emailAddress = tab1.emailAddress)Inner Join UserPrecedence tab5 on tab5.UserID=tab1.UserIDLeft Join CustomerPhotos tab2 on (drv.emailAddress = tab2.user_name)Left Join RecentLogin tab4 on (drv.emailAddress =tab4.email_address)Left Join EditProfile tab3 on (drv.emailAddress = tab3.email_address)Left Join SavedSearches tab6 on (drv.emailAddress =tab6.email_address)IF @rows % @perpage != 0 SET @pages = @pages + 1IF @pagenum @pages SET @pagenum = @pagesIF @pagenum < 1 SET @pagenum = 1SET @ubound = @perpage * @pagenumSET @lbound = @ubound - (@perpage - 1)SELECTCurrentPage = @pagenum,PageSize = @perpage,TotalPages = @pages,TotalRows = @rows,UpperBoundary = @ubound,LowerBoundary = @lbound-- this method determines the string values-- for the first desired row, then sets the-- rowcount to get it, plus the next n rowsDECLARE@gender VARCHAR(50),@country VARCHAR(50),@orderby INTEGER,@low VARCHAR(50),@high VARCHAR(50),@photo VARCHAR(50),@sort INTEGERSET ROWCOUNT @lboundSELECT@gender = saved_sex,@country = saved_country,@orderby = saved_orderby,@low = saved_fage,@high = saved_tage,@sort = saved_sort,@photo = saved_photo_stringFROM(select distinct emailAddressfrom Customers with(nolock) union select distinct user_namefrom CustomerPhotos with(nolock) union select distinct email_addressfrom EditProfile with(nolock) union select distinct email_addressfrom SavedSearches with(nolock) union select distinct email_addressfrom UserPrecedence with(nolock) union select distinct email_addressfrom RecentLogin with(nolock)) drvLeft Join Customers tab1 on (drv.emailAddress = tab1.emailAddress)Inner Join UserPrecedence tab5 on tab5.UserID=tab1.UserIDLeft Join CustomerPhotos tab2 on (drv.emailAddress = tab2.user_name)Left Join RecentLogin tab4 on (drv.emailAddress =tab4.email_address)Left Join EditProfile tab3 on (drv.emailAddress = tab3.email_address)Left Join SavedSearches tab6 on (drv.emailAddress =tab6.email_address)ORDER BY CASE @sortWHEN 1 THEN tab1.registerDateWHEN 2 THEN tab3.edit_dateWHEN 3 THEN tab4.login_dateWHEN 4 THEN tab5.up_orderEND DESCSET ROWCOUNT @perPageSELECT COALESCE(tab1.emailAddress,tab2.user_name,tab3.email_address,tab4.email_address,tab5.email_address,tab6.email_address)id ,tab1.bday_day ,tab1.bday_month ,tab1.bday_year ,tab1.gender ,tab1.zipCode ,tab1.siteId ,tab1.userID ,tab2.photo_location ,tab2.photo_name ,tab2.photo_default ,tab2.no_photo ,tab3.headline ,tab3.about_me ,tab4.login_date ,tab4.login_isonline,tab5.up_order,tab6.saved_orderby,tab6.saved_sort,tab6.saved_fage,tab6.saved_tageFROM(select distinct emailAddressfrom Customers with(nolock) union select distinct user_namefrom CustomerPhotos with(nolock) union select distinct email_addressfrom EditProfile with(nolock) union select distinct email_addressfrom SavedSearches with(nolock) union select distinct email_addressfrom UserPrecedence with(nolock) union select distinct email_addressfrom RecentLogin with(nolock)) drvLeft Join Customers tab1 on (drv.emailAddress = tab1.emailAddress)Inner Join UserPrecedence tab5 on tab5.UserID=tab1.UserIDLeft Join CustomerPhotos tab2 on (drv.emailAddress = tab2.user_name)Left Join RecentLogin tab4 on (drv.emailAddress =tab4.email_address)Left Join EditProfile tab3 on (drv.emailAddress = tab3.email_address)Left Join SavedSearches tab6 on (drv.emailAddress =tab6.email_address)WHEREtab1.gender = @genderAND = @countryAND tab1.bday_year BETWEEN @low AND @highAND tab2.photo_default = 1 + @photo--and not tab2.no_photo = 1--firstName + '~' + lastName-->= @fname + '~' + @lnameORDER BY CASE @sortWHEN 1 THEN tab1.registerDateWHEN 2 THEN tab3.edit_dateWHEN 3 THEN tab4.login_dateWHEN 4 THEN tab5.up_orderEND DESCSET ROWCOUNT 0END
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