Help Needed - Parameter Driven Extract

Dec 13, 2006

Hi All,

I am designing a data migration tool using SSIS. As part of it, within a package I need to get a list of of customers from a SQL Server database table and extract the data for those customers from a seperate Sybase database. How do I make my SQL command to extract the data parameter driven? If I store the list of customer ID's in a package variable can I access it in the SQL command? I am using an ODBC connection for Sybase.

Any help would be greatly apreciated.


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SQL Parameter Driven Query

Mar 28, 2008

Hi all,

I've a query which i need to run as Parameter Driven, where SQL asks me for an input let's say for a Date in a query. is this possible in SQL SERVER like in Oracle, if so can anybody suggest me where do i look at.

here's my quer.

WHERE DATE > '1/01/2008'

instead of 1/01/2008 Sql Prompts me to enter my own Date and display the result. and thanks in advance.

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Parameter Driven Subscription - Error

Apr 22, 2008

I have set up a parameter driven subscription and am having strange results. This subscription is being set up as Web-archive, including the report and link.

At first when setting up the report, I didn't have a default value set in the report, but would choose it in the subscription and would see an error saying the parameter value provided is not valid. After seeing the error I would edit the subscription and see the parameter value was blank. This would happen if the subscription was set to start after at least a few hours. This didn't matter if I chose the subscription schedule or using a shared schedule.

When I set up a subscription the same way, but then had it delivered within the next few minutes, the report would work fine, using the given parameter.

Since one of reports is being sent to a manager, I put in a default parameter value and set up a few subscriptions. I was hoping at least if the subscription "didn't remember" the parameter value, the default would be used and delivered. I was right, the report was delivered using only the default... but will only be delivered using the default.

There have been quite a few people posting similar questions, but none of them are answered.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Ps - here is some of the log file relating to one of the failed subscriptions:
From: ReportServerService*.log
ReportingServicesService!library!10!4/19/2008-02:00:05:: i INFO: Schedule 93453b16-89d3-48d1-a470-d7a09fc163b6 executed at 4/19/2008 2:00:05 AM.
ReportingServicesService!library!10!4/19/2008-02:00:05:: i INFO: Schedule 93453b16-89d3-48d1-a470-d7a09fc163b6 execution completed at 4/19/2008 2:00:05 AM.
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!10!4/19/2008-02:00:05:: i INFO: EventPolling finished processing item e40d5803-bb69-4d20-bd55-797074969348
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!12!4/19/2008-02:00:05:: i INFO: EventPolling processing 1 more items. 1 Total items in internal queue.
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!f!4/19/2008-02:00:05:: i INFO: EventPolling processing item fe04012c-6376-4599-b980-6aa1c77036fd
ReportingServicesService!library!f!4/19/2008-02:00:05:: i INFO: Schedule 93453b16-89d3-48d1-a470-d7a09fc163b6 executed at 4/19/2008 2:00:05 AM.
ReportingServicesService!schedule!f!4/19/2008-02:00:05:: Creating Time based subscription notification for subscription: f2551ca1-f6b8-4394-8036-7fa8a9be1070
ReportingServicesService!library!f!4/19/2008-02:00:05:: i INFO: Schedule 93453b16-89d3-48d1-a470-d7a09fc163b6 execution completed at 4/19/2008 2:00:05 AM.
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!f!4/19/2008-02:00:05:: i INFO: EventPolling finished processing item fe04012c-6376-4599-b980-6aa1c77036fd
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!12!4/19/2008-02:00:05:: i INFO: NotificationPolling processing 1 more items. 1 Total items in internal queue.
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!f!4/19/2008-02:00:05:: i INFO: NotificationPolling processing item d1e8f484-659e-48a1-a5da-747108ce63af
ReportingServicesService!library!f!04/19/2008-02:00:06:: i INFO: Initializing EnableIntegratedSecurity to 'True' as specified in Server system properties.
ReportingServicesService!library!f!04/19/2008-02:00:06:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InvalidReportParameterException: Default value or value provided for the report parameter 'day' is not a valid value., ;
Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InvalidReportParameterException: Default value or value provided for the report parameter 'day' is not a valid value.
ReportingServicesService!notification!f!04/19/2008-02:00:06:: Notification d1e8f484-659e-48a1-a5da-747108ce63af completed. Success: False, Status: , DeliveryExtension: Report Server Email, Report: Daily RTS time, Attempt 0
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!f!04/19/2008-02:00:06:: i INFO: NotificationPolling finished processing item d1e8f484-659e-48a1-a5da-747108ce63af

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Data-driven Subscription - Invalid Parameter?

Aug 23, 2007


I've set up a data-driven subscription on a report but it's not sending and the error log says it's because:

Default value or value provided for the report parameter 'CSRFaxID' is not a valid value.

For the particular dataset record causing the error I'm passing the value Null to the report parameter. The report parameter CSRFaxID is set up with "Allow Null" and with a default value of Null. I can run the report in my browser with CSRFaxID set to null, but the scheduled subscription is not able to produce the report with the same parameter value. Does anyone have any idea what the problem is and how I can fix it?


Greg McNamara

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Data-driven Subscription: Put Parameter In The Filename Text

Feb 1, 2007

Hi all,

I've developed a data driven subscription report. I have a paramete (named "Data") that is a result of my query to the current date. It is working fine.

Now I would like to make one change: In the step4 of the creation of the data-driven report we have the option to give a name to the filename.The name that I gave was TestFile. In this option i'm also able to select the parameter instead of giving the name to the filename. Can I make something like TestFile_ & @Data? Wich would result in TestFile_01-02-2007? Or the only way is to make, in the query of the paramenter another field with this result?

Thanks in advance.


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Passing Null Value Parameter To A Data-driven Subscription

Jun 13, 2007

I have a data-driven subscription (DDS) stored procedure that gets called when a subscription fires and returns parameters to a report. One of the parameter values I want to return is NULL, which also happens to be the default value of the corresponding report parameter.

When I set the report parameter to use the default value (NULL) when setting up the subscription in Report Manager, the subscription works fine. When I try to pass the NULL value from the DDS proc to the report, the subscription fails.

I do not know what the error logs say. I've rarely looked at them and what I have seen seems a bit cryptic. I've narrowed down through trial-and-error that passing the NULL value is the issue.

Has anyone else experienced this issue and do you have a resolution?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

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SQL 2012 :: Data Driven Report Looping Through Parameter For Multiple Reports

Sep 15, 2015

I'm trying to create a report that will be data-driven and produce multiple reports based on a parameter. For example, 5 reports go out today based on invoice numbers from yesterday. Each invoice can have multiple trasnsaction lines and each line contains the invoice number. What I have so far is only taking the first invoice number (let's say it has 10 transactions) and sending me the same report 10 times and stopping.

I get nothing for the remaining 4 invoices/reports. Here is what I have. To me this should enter the distinct invoice no's from yesterday into #temp, while a invoice no exiists begin query with one invoice selected from #temp then delete that invoice no and select another one and repeat till no more invoice no's. But it's only going through the one invoice no.

select distinct InvoiceNo
into #temp
from table
where Invoicedate between getdate()-1 and getdate()
declare @InvoiceNo VARCHAR(25)

[Code] ....

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SSRS -- Data Driven Subscription And Pivoting For Dynamic Parameter Mapping

Feb 12, 2007


For the Data Driven Subscription in SSRS we are using the following stored procedure

In Step 3 - Create a data-driven subscription

create procedure spRSGetReportSettings


@ReportID as integer

) as


set nocount on

declare @t as table(y int not null primary key)


@cols as nvarchar(max),

@y as int,

@sql as nvarchar(max)

set @cols=stuff(

(select N',' + quotename(y) as [text()]

from (select ParameterName as y from Reportsettings where reportid=1) as Y

order by y

For XML Path('')),1,1,N'');

set @sql=N'select * from

(select reportid,parametername, parametervalue from ReportSettings where reportid= ' + Cast(@ReportID as varchar(5)) +' ) as D

pivot(min(parametervalue) for parametername in(' + @cols +N')) as p'

exec sp_executesql @sql


Basically the idea is to maintain a single report parameter setting table for multiple reports.

Structure of the table is as given below

ReportID, ParameterName, ParameterValue.

Using Pivot we can generate the ParameterName/ParameterValue combinations for each report. This stored procedure is working fine in query editors(Management Studio)

But, in SSRS it is giving any results.

In Step 4 - Create a data-driven subscription,

Get the value from the database drop down, I am not getting any database columns.

Please help.


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SQLquery Using Parameter Help Needed Please C#???

Aug 14, 2004

Hi All,

I'm trying to pass in a parameter value from an array in a loop that is used in a sql query and the results are populated to an xml file. The trouble is that I'm only getting the colums values in the outputted xml file. So I feel that the paramter is not being read.

So can anyone help as I'm really stuck on this one. The code is as follows :

public void DisplayUserInfo()

ArrayList UserIdArrayList = IdentifyUserID();
foreach(string ShowUserIDString in UserIdArrayList)
SqlConnection SqlConn = new SqlConnection(DBConnString);
Console.WriteLine("Connected to DB");
SqlDataAdapter SqlAD = new SqlDataAdapter();
SqlAD.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand("Select * from UserSystemSpecs where UserName ='+ShowUserIDString.ToString()+'",SqlConn);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.WriteXml(".\ResultsXML.xml", XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema);

catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception ("Error Connecting to DB. " + ex.Message);





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Time Parameter Expression Needed

May 30, 2007

Hello All,

I am trying to set parameter in reporting services that lets the user select "All Hours" or "Cour Hours" of the day in a given date range.

Core hours would filter the transactions (and aggregations) that happened between 6am and 10pm on certain days and another range of hours on some days. The days that the core hours exist will be static. i.e. every day the core hours are 6am to 10pm but on Mondays the core hours are Midnight to 2am and then 6am to 11:59:59.

I am trying to figure out what that code would look like. Any help is appreciated.

- Clint

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Time Driven Sp

Apr 11, 2007

How to execute a sp with respect to time ( For ex, sp should be executed at 12 AM everyday irrespective of system shut downs and log offs)

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Data Driven Query Help

Sep 22, 2000


Can anybody help me with this? I have tried this and got confused big time.
Can you point me in the right direction please?


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DTS - Data Driven Query

Apr 19, 2000


I need to create a data driven query task where the destination is a view. The option to select a view is only available for the source.

I have created a view because the first attempts to create a data driven query againt the required table (db is over 4000 tables, 4 GB of data)resulted in workstation lockups.

Thank you.

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Data Driven Site

Jan 19, 2007

I have a question has anyone seen a Webbased Database made with Frontpage 2003 before???

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Event Driven Log Backup

Mar 1, 2004

Has anyone explored a process whereby the Transaction Log would be backup up based upon a defined threshold, ie. 75% full? All the research against news group posts and SQL2000 literature seems to point to scheduling a log backup job on a periodic basis. My workflow isn't 24 hour consistant and even adjusting the interval during the day isn't a good answer when the multiple databases on a server fill their logs at different rates.

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Data Driven Subs

Jun 13, 2007

I have vb code that I am triggering a Data Driven Subscription.

The problem I am having is that I need to wait for the Subscription to finish before I go on to the next line of Code.

I am Currently using SQL to query the Subscriptions table in the ReportServer Database. I am Checking the LastStatus field to see if the Subscription is done. But I've noticed that it doesn't always update the field when the Subscription is finished.

for example some times that field will stay "Pending". Is there another way that i trap for the subscription being complete?

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Data Driven Scription Log

Sep 23, 2007

Hello there,

How/Where can i check the error i get when i send report by email.


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Event Driven Log Backup?

Jul 20, 2005

Has anyone explored a process whereby the Transaction Log would bebackup up based upon a defined threshold, ie. 75% full? All theresearch against news group posts and SQL2000 literature seems topoint to scheduling a log backup job on a periodic basis. My workflowisn't 24 hour consistant and even adjusting the interval during theday isn't a good answer when the multiple databases on a server filltheir logs at different rates.

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Data Driven Subscription

Dec 21, 2006

I have create a data driven subscription that should email to to different people. It is sent to one but not the other. if I set up a normal subscription to the email it works. I can not see anywhere in the log the problem. Any Ideas on how to find out what is causing it.

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Data Driven Web Site

Dec 29, 2006

I am using vb .net 2003 with msde.

I have downloaded microsoft`s vbsdk setup and have it working pretty well until I get to the login page and the provided credentials will not work.

The sample tells me to set permissions in the dacl editor.

1:What is the dacl editor and how do I use it?

2:What do I set permissions to?

I have been through the code provided over and over and can`t seem to find anything wrong,So I figure maybe this is the problem.

Any help will be appreciated.


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Data-Driven Subscriptions

Jan 8, 2007


I migrated my system from SQL2000 to SQL2005, now my MDX reports don't want to work with the data-driven subscriptions. The SQL reports run fine.

Any help, comments, or even suggestions will be very welcome.

Kind Regards
Carel Greaves

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Data Driven Subscriptions

Feb 22, 2007

Is it possible to copy an existing Data Driven Subscriptions and make some minor changes?


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Why Can't I Use Data-driven Subscriptions?

Jan 8, 2007

I am using Reporting Services 2005 locally for testing purposes and also on a production server. Locally, I can create data-driven subscriptions, but not on the server. The only difference I can think of between my local test environment and the production server is the versions of SQL server database. Locally, I am using SQL server 2005 but on the server I am using SQL server 2000 (but with Reporting Services 2005). Can the version difference be the reason for not being able to use data-driven subscriptions?

Note: I have followed various guidelines and walkthroughs that describe how a data-driven subscription is created, i.e. stored credentials on the report server and such should not be the problem.

Operating systems: locally; Windows XP. Server; Windows Server 2003.



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Data-driven Subscription

May 15, 2008

I created a new data-driven subscription which successfully created a guid job on the server under jobs. So, I run the job and I get no report emailed to me. On the report manager all it says is I have 1 error. I cant figure out what the error is and where do I go to see what the error is? I know it is in some log file under MSSQL, but I dont know which log file and what I should be looking for in that log file. Any help is appreciated.

I guess, in summary, how do I debug a data-driven subscription?

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How Do I: Create Data-Driven Web Sites?

Jun 13, 2007

I'm very new at this and found this video very helpful.  I downloaded Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition and following the direction except for changing a few column names.  When I get to the point of viewing in browser I get the drop down box but nothing in it and the table doesn't show up either.  I copied all the data to my website and tried to view it there but got some error that I don't understand.  Can someone please help.  The website I uploaded the files to is  Thanks.

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Recommended Way To Install Database Driven App.

Dec 19, 2003

I was wondering what everyones preferred way to install a database in an automated fashion is.. IE:

You have a webapp. It sdriven by SQL Server. You need to prompt the user for a server, username, password, and database. Once you have those, you execute thge scripts against the DB.

I've been using osql.exe. but heres the situation. The installer may be run from a system, which does not have the sql server client tools installed. Which will be a problem.

So, given the situation that the machine the application is being installed on, does not have the client tools installed. How would YOU execute the provided SQL script against a remote server.

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DTS Data Driven Query Task

Aug 3, 2000

I'm trying to perform a simple DTS tassk and am having no luck. All I'm trying to do is to run a task that will delete rows from an Access table. I presume I have to create a Data Driven Query in order to do this, but I can't seem to get the formula just right.
Can someone shed some light on the subject, please? BOL says little to nothing about how to set up a simple task. is also pretty lsackluster with regards on what to do.
Again, thanks for any help.

Anthony Robinson

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DTS: Data Driven Query Tasks

Jul 1, 1999

I would like to use a Data Driven Query Task to conditionally update/insert some data from a source table into a dest. table, but I can't find any decent doc or examples on this. Is there any place that explains in gory detail how to use these DTS tasks?


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Date Driven Email Trigger?

May 2, 2008

Hello to a new forum. I am very impressed with the level of ability I have been seeing on this forum and all the helpful posts that are going on.

I am hoping someone can help me solve my problem. I know enough SQL to be very dangerous how to create, delete, insert, update etc... and how to build queries. Here is my dilemma I need to have a piece of scheduling software send out reminder emails based on a DATETIME field. I am running SQL Server 2005, and the database mail is already configured and can successfully send out email from the management studio interface.

Does anyone know of a tutorial or can point me in the right direction to accomplish this task. I am well versed in PHP, and am hoping I might be able to get the server to trigger a PHP script or something to this extent.

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Not Displaying Same Dates On PHP Driven Site

Apr 23, 2008

I'm trying to create a simple attendance website where a user logs in and a time and user name (with unique ID) is stored into a table, and then the user is able to click "Check Attendance" and the site will display only the times they logged in (which wasn't too bad). I want a button we can click to "clean up the database" and delete duplicate dates.

If I have a user sign in 10 times in one day - I don't need all 10 times logged into the database, only one. So how do I create a query (needs to be a query so I can tack it onto a button in PHP) that will delete 'where date = the same as a previous date'?

I appreciate the help - and I'm sure I will use this forum for help in the future as it seems very robust with information.

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DTS- Data Driven Query Task

Mar 27, 2004

I use a data driven query task to perform row updates along with appending row data to a text file. In the source I use 'select top 1000 field1, ..., fieldn from table'. The package hangs when executing the data driven task. If I reduce the return count to 'select top 100...' the package execute with no problems. I can do that 10 times, with no problems. But anything more then 100 will hang the package at that task. Please help!


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Dynamic Formulas Driven By Table

Jul 23, 2005

I'm working with a DB design that seems to me to be rather complex.This is a very slimmed down version of what I'm doing, but I believe itis enough to get my question resolved.Here is my layout.These 4 tables are used to generate a questionaire.Survey OrderID========= ==========SurveyID OrderIDOrderID QuestionGrpIDQGrp Questions============= =============QuestionGrpID QuestionIDQuestionID QuestionTextThe following two tables are used to calculate a report that is sent tothe customer.RawData=========================OrderIDQuestionIDValue is string but is Cast as decimal for numeric formulasMetrics==============================================QuestionGroupID | ReportText | Formula | MetID==============================================2 | % Support Staff of Total | OP21/(OP21+OP22+OP23) | 1The OP references are questionIDsNow to calculate the result for the report we programatically parse theformula creating a temp table (table name = Temp & orderID & _ &QuestionID) with OrderID and OPxx as the field names. We create onetable for each question.We then use dynamic SQL again to calculate the result using the aboveformulaSELECT OP21/(OP21+OP22+OP23) FROM Temp5_21, Temp5_22, Temp5_23 WHERETemp5_21.OrderID = Temp5_22.orderID AND Temp5_22.OrderID =Temp5_23.OrderIDThis select is used to create a single table of calculated values.This table is in turn used to tell the customer how they compare toother customers. Percentile, Mean, Median, Std Dev, and a few others. Idon't claim this part of the project, but I'm not sure how I might havedone it, had it been assigned to me.MY PROBLEM!!!Sometimes a 0 is valid data and is the denominator of a devisioncalculation. Since this is so dynamic and it might be difficult todetermine when division is used. I need a way to default divide by 0execptions to NULL. This DB is on a hosted server.Thanks for bearing with me,Greg Kelley

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SSIS EVent Driven Query

Jun 21, 2006


We have 8 SSIS jobs which need to be made dependent on the arrival of a single file.

All the flows need to be triggered based on the presence of a file

Whats the way to do this



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