Help On Replication From SQL 2005 To DB2/AS400

Jun 2, 2006

I was trying to set up a replication process to move data from SQL 2005 to DB2/AS400.

To get it started, I have create a simplest table (say, PERSON) on SQL 2005 server, and the same table (PERSON) on DB2/AS400. I have only one column SSN (of type int). I have journaled the table on DB2 end. I was able to have successfully configured publisher (on SQL 2005) and subscriber (i.e. a pushed subscription). I used transactional replication. And I also installed HIS 2004 to have DB2OLEDB ready. I was able to use query/insert/delete against table on DB2 based the linked server (that I created for testing purpose).

I did a lot of reading on this and my impression is that replicating to DB2/AS400 is supported from SQL 2005. But I always have this error from replication monitor. Can anyone enlighten me what was wrong.

Command attempted:


(Transaction sequence number: 0x00000020000000F9000100000004, Command ID: 4)

Error messages:

A SQL error has occurred. Please consult the documentation for your specific DB2 version for a description of the associated Native Error and SQL State. SQLSTATE: 42710, SQLCODE: -601 (Source: MSSQL_REPL_DB2, Error number: -601)
Get help: http://help/-601

A SQL error has occurred. Please consult the documentation for your specific DB2 version for a description of the associated Native Error and SQL State. SQLSTATE: 42710, SQLCODE: -601 (Source: MSSQL_REPL_DB2, Error number: -601)
Get help: http://help/-601

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Can I Implement A Replication Between Sql Server 2005 And IBM AS400 DB?

Jun 7, 2007


I want to set up As400 DB as a publisher and the sql server 2005 as a subscriper, so that I can read some data from AS400 DB in sql server 2005 and every evening, I need the replicated data from AS400 to be refreshed.

Can I do it ? If yes, how to do it?


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New SQL 2005 Old SQL 7 And AS400 Need To Transfer Data

Nov 14, 2007

I am creating a migration tool that retrieves data from an AS400 and an SQL 7 server to create a new database in SQL 2005. I have managed to create a linked server in SQL 2005 to the AS400. I don't know if it works or not. I've been trying to create a linked server to the SQL 7 server with no luck. The AS400 and SQL servers are on the same network. The SQL 2005 server is hosted somewhere else. I have access to everything. The SQL 2005 server is running Workstation. I tried to use Integration Services but finally discovered it was unavailable to Workstation.

I could use some good ideas or help.

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Port Data From AS400 To SQL Server 2005

Jan 24, 2007

Is there a good way to port data from an AS400 over to SQL server 2005? If anyone has any experience with this, can you tell me where to go to get info?

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Move Data From SQL 2005 To DB2/as400 Using DB2OLEDB

Mar 22, 2006

I have a simple SSIS package that I want to move data from SQL 2005 to DB2/AS400. In order to use OLEDDB destination, I installed HIS2004 that provides DB2OLEDB support.

For simplicity and testing purpose, I created a connection pointing to a SQL table that contains only one ccolumn "last_name" of type "nvarchar(50)". This is my source, I then created another connection using DB2OLEDB pointing to a table on DB2 that contains only one field "name" of type "GRAPHIC(50)". This is my destination and the connection works fine to DB2 database. When I run the package, it has type conversion error as follows:

[OLE DB Destination [34]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x00040EDA. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft DB2 OLE DB Provider" Hresult: 0x80040E07 Description: "Data or literal value could not be converted to the type of the column in the data source, and the provider was unable to determine which columns could not be converted. Data overflow or sign mismatch was not the cause.".

If I manually assign a vaule to the "last_name" using the "Derived Column" task like "Hello John", it just works fine.

Anyone knows what went wrong? Did I miss anything here? Thanks.

As a FYI: DTS works great in moving data from SQL 2000/2005 to DB2.

Your help will be appreciated.

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Replicate Data From DB2/AS400 To SQL Server 2005

Sep 11, 2007

Hi Guys

I am trying to replicate data from DB2/AS400 to SQL Server2005 (ENT edition) currently we use 3rd party tool to replicate data from DB2 to SQL Server2000 (ENT edition) and like to get rid of this 3rd party tool. I am searching for the last 3 weeks but didn€™t get a good starting point. I have linked DB2 to SQL Server2005 and can run queries against DB2/AS400 box. Now I want to set up transactional replication from DB2 to SQL Server 2005. I have read about peer to peer topologies but I don€™t know if that€™s the route I have to take?

So can someone please help me? I really appreciate your help.



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About Convert Issue From AS400 To SQL Server 2005

Mar 10, 2008

Hi all,
I have a issue need your great help. Would you please help to check it and tell mw how to fix this issue? Thanks.

*****All of softwares are English version****
WIndows Server 2003 SP2 + SQL Server 2005 SP2

Client :
Winsows XP SP2 + SQL Server 2005 SP2
Client Access V5R4 Full Version.
*****All of softwares are English version****

I have a file in the AS400 with Chinese characters and need to dowload to SQL Sever 2005 daily.
In the SQL Server, I created a database and table which collection is "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS", and I modified one of field which collection is from "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" to "Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_CS_AS" (( the filed data type is "nvarchar" and the length is 42).
That mean that field can display the Chinese characters correctly.

In the SSIS,
1.Craeted a OLE DB Source to get the data ( The field name is "CUST_CHINESE_NAME" and the length is 42) from AS400
2.Craete a Data Conversion to convert that field from "String" to "Unicode String[DT_WSTR]" (The new field name is "Copy of CUST_CHINESE_NAME")
3.Create a Data Conversion 1 to convert that field from "Unicode String[DT_WSTR]" to "String[DT_STR]" and code page is change to "950"(The new field name is "Copy of Copy of CUST_CHINESE_NAME")
4. Creatd a OLE DB Destination to get that convert data and input the SQL Server ( the filed data type is "nvarchar" and the length is 42).

When I execute that SSIS, I got the error message in the third step.
[Data Conversion 1 [521]] Error: Data conversion failed while converting column "Copy of CUST_CHINESE_NAME" (487) to column "Copy of Copy of CUST_CHINESE_NAME" (544). The conversion returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.".

[Data Conversion 1 [521]] Error: The "output column "Copy of Copy of CUST_CHINESE_NAME" (544)" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "output column "Copy of Copy of CUST_CHINESE_NAME" (544)" specifies failure on truncation. A truncation error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "Data Conversion 1" (521) failed with error code 0xC020902A. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC020902A. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.

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Sql Server 2005 SSIS And AS400 Connectivity

Mar 29, 2006

Hi all

I am trying to connect to an AS400 to download data to a 64bit sql server 2005 server. I am able to do this easily by migrating existing sql2000 DTS packages but how do i do this is in an SSIS project creating the process from scratch? and how do i incorporate activex transforms like you could in DTS2000 into the trasnform with copy columns?

Please help i am slowly turning grey trying to get this to work.



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Sending Sql 2005 Table Back To DB2 AS400

Apr 10, 2008

I am trying to send a file from SQL 2005 back to our AS400 DB2 db. First time trying to get this to work in SSIS.

I have a couple fields that are datetime in SQL Server and see SQL server sees datetime fields from DB2 as string so I am converting them to Strings using derived columns. That part seems to work fine. Get no errors on that part.

The conversions seem like they are working but it is faling when it tries to send it to as/400. I get the following error: any ideas on what is wrong?

[OLE DB Destination [1569]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "IBMDA400 File Rowset" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "CPF5029: Data mapping error on member DSSCNTL. ". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "IBMDA400 File Rowset" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "CPF5035: Data mapping error on member DSSCNTL. ". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "IBMDA400 File Rowset" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "CPF5035: Data mapping error on member DSSCNTL. ".

I even created a sql table with same field sizes as one I am sending to AS400 and its sucessful there. So seem like it mght have somthing to do with sending to AS400 but not sure what.

Any ideas?


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How To Import Data From AS400 Files To Sql 2005 Tables?

Apr 18, 2007

Hi All,

I want to Import data from AS400 to Sql2005. From the Sql Management studio I invoke the Import Data wizard. For the source I connect to the ISereis system and for the Destination I select the Sql2005 Database , When I go to the next step i.e select source tables I get the error
"An error has occured which the SQL Server Integration Wizard was not prepared to handle
No error message available,result codeB_E_CANTCANCEL(0*80040E15).(System.Data)" .After this I am unable to proceed further. I am using client Access tool to connect to ISereis

IBM DB2 UDB for isereis IBMDA400 OLE DB Provider



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Creating A Linked Server To AS400 In SQL Server 2005

May 24, 2006

I am trying to create a linked server in SQL Server 2005 to show tables in our AS400. I made the connection, however, the tables are not showing up under the Linked Server name.

How do you get the linked tables to display in the Linked Server folder?


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SQL 2005 Error: Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: Agent (null) Failed.

Jun 15, 2007

I'm getting this, after upgrading from 2000 to 2005.Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: agent (null) failed.The subscription to publication '(null)' has expired or does notexist.The only suggestions I've seen are to dump all subscriptions. Sincewe have several dozen publications to several servers, is there adecent way to script it all out, if that's the only suggestion?Thanks in advance.

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SQL 2005 Server (SP2) To SQL 2005 Express (SP2) Replication Looping/Excessive Repl Times

Sep 25, 2007

We have a large number of clients attempting to replicate two publications on 2005 Express databases (2 publications subscribed to the one subscriber database) with our 2005 Server (9.00.3042.00 SP2 Standard Edition) and experiencing two significant problems:

1) Users experience the following message:

The Merge Agent failed after detecting that retention-based metadata cleanup has deleted metadata at the Subscriber for changes not yet sent to the Publisher. You must reinitialize the subscription (without upload).

This problem should not apparently occur with SQL Server 2005 (or 2005 Express) instances with SP2 applied. All clients experiencing this problem have SP2 installed as does our Server and the retention period is 30 days. The subscribers have been replicating well under that.

2) Replications never succeed after appearing to replicate/loop around for hours

This issue is the most critical as we have clients who have been installed and re-installed with new instances of SQL Server 2005 Express, new empty databases (on subscriber before snapshot extraction), and using fresh snapshots (less than an few hours old) which cannot successfully replicate.

Interestingly there is at least 1 instance where several computers are subscribed and successfully replicating the same database as another where replication refuses to succeed.

To test we have taken a republished database from another 2005 Server which is working fine and restored it to the same server as the one holding the database with which we are experiencing problems and subscribed to it. This test worked fine and replication of both publications went through fast and repeatedly without showing any signs of problem.

This indicates that the problem is perhaps data related as it appears localised to that database.

Below are two screenshots which may assist.

Screenshot 1 Shows that on the server side the replication attempts look like they are succeeding despite the fact that the subscriber end does not indicate success. Also the history indicates the the subscription has spent all it's time initialising and not merging any changes.

Screenshot 2 Shows a rogue process which has appears on many of the problem child subscribers. It shows a process running with no end time even though the job indicates failure in the message and even though other replication attempts appear to have succeeded after it. This process stays in the history showing that it is running even when I can find no corresponding process for it.

Can anyone suggest a further course of action/further testing/further information required which may assist?

This is extremely urgent and any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!


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How Do I Measure Bandwith Usage For Merge Replication SQL 2005 To Sql Server Mobile 2005?

Jan 24, 2007


Is there any way to measure bandwith usage during merge replication between sql server 2005 and sql server mobile 2005 running on a cradled wm5 mobile device.

Attaching the windows performance monitor to the network connection established over usb would work although I was wondering if there was something specific for this case integrated into Sql server 2005 / sql server mobile 2005 / Sql server management studio / third party tools that i could use ?



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Merge Replication - SQL Server 2005, Windows Vista And MSVisual Studio 2005

Jul 11, 2007

Hello everybody!

I hope that someone could help me.

I have a problem when i start sincronyzing with the emulator of MSVS2005 to SQL2005 in Windows Vista. I have the same program in the emulator, but sincronyzing with windows XP Pro and no problem...

I configure the connection to use the IUSR.

The source code that i use:

repl.InternetUrl = @"http://laptop/SQLMobileIIS/sqlcesa30.dll";

repl.Publisher = @"laptop";

repl.PublisherDatabase = @"database";

repl.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityType.NTAuthentication;

repl.Publication = @"Pubdatabase";

repl.Subscriber = @"SQLMobile";

repl.SubscriberConnectionString = @"Data Source='" + nomeFicheiroBD + "';Password='3409'";

The error that returns is:

"Failure to connect to SQLServer with provided connection information. SQL Server does not exist, access is denied because the IIS user is not a valid user on the SQL Server, or the password is incorrect"

Does anybody knows what i can do?



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Help Needed In Merge Replication, SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition And VC# 2005

Apr 10, 2008

I have written following code in my application

I just want to display all the data of a Single table into a Data Grid, I know that we can drag and drop the table on to a form and datagrid is generated, but here I want to retrive those values through my code, how should i do that

I am getting following errors while running the program
Error 1) Error No. 28037, MS SQL Server 2005 Evrywhere Edition
Error: A request to send data to the computer running IIS has failed. For more information see HRESULT
Error 2) Error No. 0, SQL Server 2005 Evrywhere Edition ADO.Net Data Provider
Error: The specified table does not exist [ JobLists ].

Can anybody please tell me, where I went wrong ??? In this code anywhere else????

Note: While adding a Data Source of SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition, I have added that .sdf file into my project, thats why I have written the Data Source as : .DbFile.sdf

@"Data Source = .DbDotNetCF.sdf";

The code is as follows:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlServerCe;

namespace DeviceApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
string filename = @".DbDotNetCF.sdf";

private DataSet dsJobLists;

public Form1()

private void DeleteDB()
if (System.IO.File.Exists(filename))

private void Sync()
SqlCeReplication repl = new SqlCeReplication();

repl.InternetUrl = @"http://localhost/WebsiteDotNetCF/sqlcesa30.dll";
repl.Publisher = @"RAHU";
repl.PublisherDatabase = @"DotNetCF";
repl.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityType.NTAuthentication;
repl.Publication = @"PubDotNetCF";
repl.Subscriber = @"SubDotNetCF";
repl.SubscriberConnectionString = @"Data Source='" + filename + "';Max Database Size=128;Default Lock Escalation =100;";
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filename))
catch (SqlCeException ex)

// Display Same Data In Another DataGrid : dataGrid1
SqlCeConnection cn = new SqlCeConnection(@"Data Source='" + filename + "'");

SqlCeDataAdapter daJobLists = new SqlCeDataAdapter("SELECT JobListsID, JobID, PersonID FROM JobLists", cn);
if (dsJobLists == null)
dsJobLists = new DataSet();
daJobLists.Fill(dsJobLists, "JobLists");
dataGrid1.DataSource = dsJobLists.Tables["JobLists"];
catch (SqlCeException ex)

private void DisplaySQLCEErrors(SqlCeException ex)
for (int i = 0; i < ex.Errors.Count; i++)
MessageBox.Show("Index #" + i.ToString() + ""
+ ex.Errors.Source + ""
+ "Error: " + ex.Errors.Message,
"Error No. " + ex.Errors.NativeError.ToString());

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

if (DbDotNetCFDataSetUtil.DesignerUtil.IsRunTime())
// TODO: Delete this line of code to remove the default AutoFill for 'dbDotNetCFDataSet.JobLists'.

I have created a merge replication correctlly( I suppose, there were no errros)
Please help

Your help will be appriciated

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What Will Going From Latin1_General_Bin To Latin1_General_Bin2 In SQL 2005 Do To Replication From 2000 To 2005?

Aug 3, 2006

If we changed the sort order from BIN to BIN2 but kept everything else the same will it have any effect on replication? So in SQL 2005 if I were to change my default collation from Latin1_General_Bin to Latin1_General_Bin2, would that cause replication to break? I suspect that it will not be an issue since it is just sort order that is changing and the code page stays the same.

BTW, this is transactional replication.  Sorry, I left that out of my original post.


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SQL Mobile 2005 Merge Replication With SQL 2005 X64

Jan 10, 2006

I am having trouble with getting Merge Replication up with a new SQL 2005 x64 Server.  I already have it running smoothly with SQL 2005 Mobile and SQL 2000, but I want to migrate the backend to SQL 2005.

There is a front end server running IIS 6.0 on Windows 2003 x86 Standard (Server A) with SSL required and Basic Authentication set as the only authentication method (default Domain and Realm are also set).  The backend server is running SQL 2005 x64 Standard on Windows 2003 x64 Standard (Server B).  The mobile devices are running Windows Mobile 5.0 with SQL 2005 Mobile (Client).

From both a standard Windows XP workstation (IE) and the Client (PIE) I can browse to the HTTPS site on port 444 for the sqlcesa30.dll on Server A and get a response in normal and ?diag modes.  The ?diag gives success in all but the 8.0 Database Reconciler (I didn't install the SQL 2000 replication components on Server A, my understanding is they should not be needed).  Sql Server Module Versions are as follows: sqloledb.dll - 2000.86.1830.0, 9.0 replrec.dll - 2005.90.1399.0, 9.0 replprov.dll - 2005.90.1399.0, 9.0 msgprox.dll - 2005.90.1399.0.

The publication on Server B is enabled for Web Synchronization and the Snapshop Agent has run.  There are no reported errors on that side.

Since I ran into issues getting synchronization to run I have opened up permissions fairly wide in this test environment.  The PAL and the Database both have the user I am attempting to sync with listed (I am using the Administrator account in the test domain).  I have opened full rights on the Snapshot share on Server B to Everyone (both NTFS ACL on the directory and the Share permissions).  The virtual directory on Server A containing the sqlcesa30.dll has also been opened very wide, and the Application Pool does have access to it.

The Client is running a custom C#.NET 2005 application.  With the exception of changes to set the application to sync with the Server A/B duo instead of the production servers, this application is identical to the code currently being used in production with SQL 2000 Standard.

The persistent error that I am getting from the Client being thrown by SQL 2005 Mobile when I attempt to sync is "An instance of the SQL Server Reconciler error object cannot be created.  Try reinstalling the replication components."

SQL 2005 Mobile components on Server A are set to Logging Level 3 but not returning any errors that I can see to troubleshoot with.  All replication components appear to be installed and operational, although I have re-installed them.

Besides the obvious question of how to solve the error listed above, is there an issue with am x85 front end IIS 6.0 server talking to an x64 back end SQL 2005 server for merge replication over HTTPS with Windows Mobile 5.0 clients running SQL 2005 Mobile?

Based on everything I have read off the MSDN Forums, MSDN articles, BOL, log files, and web searches it seems like I should have an operational synching topology, however clearly I have missed something because I have yet to get a successful subscription through to the publication.

Any insight/enlightenment would be greatly appreciated, this seems to be a very narrow and specific area of replication and mobility and information is relatively sparse from my experience so far.




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Jan 4, 2002

Hi Gurus.

One of my client is using AS400 machine and wants to migrate from flat files to SQL server/Oracle. But they do not want to buy a new hardware. They like to use the same machine.

Is there any Emulator or simulator available for AS400 machine to simulate NT or Alpha environment?

Any suggestions?


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Sql To AS400

Jun 6, 2000

I was wondering if anyone could give some insight into the tools or applications needed to utilize a AS400 to query info. from a sql database to gain performance and reliability. I need to know about methods for connection, library changes needed, software etc. Please Help,I do not have much experience with databases.

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Apr 8, 2004

Hi, all!

I try run DTS from SQL with connection to AS400 (Client Access 32-bit ver. 8).I know this should be about 9000 records, but after 5000 records
it's stopped.

Plz , explain!
I'll gone to be crazy.... :(((

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FTP From AS400

Jul 7, 2006

I have been handed the directive that I am to ftp flat files from our AS400 to the SQL server where the web interfaces will read the data.

I need to know if anyone out here knows how to automate the FTP download from the AS400 system.

I don't know any UNIX and even if I did the SQL box is also running a 3rd party shipping label system that disallows the use/installation of MSK Toolkit.

I thought I could use the FTP Task in the DTS package but I don't know what to put for the internet location and this is certainly not a Mapped path.

Please Help!

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IBM AS400 OLE DB Provider

Jun 8, 2000

Has anyone succcessfully configured aa AS/400 as a Linked Server with MS SQL 7.0 using IBMDA400 - IBM AS400 OLE DB Provider.

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Best Way To Connect To An AS400 ?

Nov 30, 2000

Looking for the fastest way to transfer data from an AS400 to a SQL server 7.0 database. Anyone with experience doing this?

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Getting The Last Member Of As400

Mar 14, 2004


I need some help here. I am trying to do a DTS from As400 from SQL Server 2000. However, the file that I require have members. IF I just do a select statement, it will retrieve the earliest member.

Does anyone know how I can access the latest member?

Thanks a lot!

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Feb 15, 2005

I'm trying to connect SQL SERVER with my AS/400.
I linked my as400 with linkedserver.

When I execute a query with analyse query it works fine, but if I make a store procedure as schedule this job to get information from my as400 I got this msg:

Executed as user: NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM. OLE DB provider 'IBMDA400' reported an error. Access denied. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 7399) OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'IBMDA400' IUnknown::QueryInterface returned 0x80070005: Access denied.]. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Error 7300). The step failed.

Why? anyone have any idea?

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SQL Server And The AS400??

Feb 17, 2005

I have been tring to connect to the as400 through the IBM ODBC (IBMDA400),
but have run into a wall. I was wondering, could i set up the 400 in SQL Server 2K as a DB or Table or something and maybe access it through SQLOLEDB?


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How To Connect To AS400 Using VB6

Nov 9, 2005

Hi All,

I had tried this connection before using ODBC to connec to AS400 using the SQL statment "SELECT * FROM TableName1 LEFT JOIN TableName2 ON fieldname1=fieldname2" but Im using the same statement but only one table to be queried and is giving me an error, I use this one :



connAS400.Open strAS400,UserID,Password

rsAS400.Open "SELECT * FROM TableName1 WHERE fieldDate >=" & RangeDateFr
" AND TableName1 <=" & RangeDateTo ,,adopendynamic,adlockoptimistic


On the above codes, I dont know what might wrong. It is giving me an error message ...SQL0104 - token fieldDate was not valid. Valid Tokens: FOR WITH FETCH...

Please help if someone knows this. I would appreciate it a lot...

God BLess and best regards,


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As400 To SS2K

Sep 11, 2007

Simplest, fastest way to copy 7 tables from as400 to SS2K weekly. Any idea?

I have a as400 server and 2 SS.
SSbox1: db1 and db2 (two databases)
SSbox2: db2 (one database called db2)

SSbox1: db1 is getting data from as400 then sending it into db2 daily.
SSbox2: DTS is copying everything from SSbox1.db2 into SSbox2.db2 weekly.

I wanna simplify process from SSbox2. Maybe a linked server from SSbox2.db2 to SSbox1.db2?
let me know if you don't understand.


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AS400 And SELECT *

Jul 31, 2007

I am migrating from 2000 to 2005 and dts to SSIS on several projects. I have not been able to successfully (without error) pull from an AS400 table using "SELECT *". If I reference all field names, it works fine. SELECT * actually works in the sense that it pulls over all the data, but it fails at the end, almost like an unepected end of stream. Normally it wouldn't be a problem tp qualify each field, but when I do the data gets sorted. In this instance I can't have it sorted because (without going into the stupid details) the production needs to match the development to suit my boss.

Connection = .Net Provider for OleDb/IBM DB2 UDB for iSeries IBMDA400 OLE DB Provider
Data Source = DataReader Source (I have yet to be able to use and OLE Source for AS400 without error, although my colleagues can - weird)

Here is the error I get when I change:

SELECT FieldName1, FieldName2, FieldName3 FROM LIBRARY.FILENAME



Error: 0xC0047038 at DTF_LoadSqlServer_BOSS_Tebosspf8H, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED. The PrimeOutput method on component "OLE_SRC_Tebosspf8H" (4492) returned error code 0x80004003. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.

Error: 0xC0047021 at DTF_LoadSqlServer_BOSS_Tebosspf8H, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.


Any suggestions? Is there a property on the task or connection that will fix this? Or any idea why I can't use an OLE Source to pull from AS400?

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AS400 To SQL With Different MEMBER Name

Apr 7, 2007

I have been trying to transfer some data from a file located in a AS400 Server to SQL , but the file has more than one Member Name. I'm not sure how to specify a different member name on the SQL query . Please help.

The name of the file is:

Library = MTGLIBP2

File Name = CHSAVQPL

Member Name = INS

this is the query I have so far but I still need to reference the Member Name


I have been trying to transfer some data from a file located in a AS400 Server to SQL , but the file has more than one Member Name. I'm not sure how to specify a different member name on the SQL query . Please help.

The name of the file is:

Library = MTGLIBP2

File Name = CHSAVQPL

Member Name = INS

this is the query I have so far but I still need to reference the Member Name


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Connecting To AS400

Apr 26, 2006


I am trying to transfer information from the AS400 to SQL Server tables but I am having problems trying to connect and get information from the AS400. In the data source I select the iseries connection and type in the ip address, username, and password. When I click the test connection button, it connects but under the initial catalog all I get is the computer name. If anyone has any solutions to my problem that would be great



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AS400 Member

Aug 7, 2006

I need to query data through SSIS from what I was told is an AS400 DB2 member table. I am assuming this is a sub-table of the main table. I was going to write a correlated sub-query in SQL to get this data, however our AS400 contracted programmer says that there is an easier way and she pointed me to the main table's member. I do not know how to go about accessing this.

Has anybody had experience with this? The AS400 programmer is familiar with SQL syntax, however she does not know how to have SQL grab the data from a member table.

If all else fails, I will just construct my correlated sub-query.

Thanks for the information.

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