Help Simple Search Date
Mar 28, 2008
hello I have this code
Select Waste.WasteName AS [Waste Name], InvoiceDetail.Volume, Branch.BranchLocation AS [Branch Location] From InvoiceHeader INNER JOIN InvoiceDetail ON InvoiceHeader.InvoiceNo = InvoiceDetail.InvoiceNo INNER JOIN Waste ON InvoiceDetail.WasteID = Waste.WasteID INNER JOIN Branch ON InvoiceDetail.BranchID = Branch.BranchID Where WasteName = 'Sludge' AND InvoiceDate >= '" + TextBox1.Text + "' AND InvoiceDate <= '" + TextBox2.Text + "';
The problem is everytime I will search for example InvoiceDate 03/27/2008, I need to add one day for example --> 03/28/2008 for me to be able to get that Invoicedate 03/27/2008.. What's do you think is the problem with my code?
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Jul 11, 2006
Hi, Im trying to create a simple search page to return a list of products from a table in a sql database. Id like to be able to search a product description column in a table I have called products using the contents of a text box. I was wondering how i can go about getting the search to check for all words the user types in rather than just a single word or an exact phrase. Im currently using the following sql query
SELECT [product_title], [product_description] FROM [products] WHERE ([product_description] LIKE '%' + @product_search + '%')
this works fine for single words and exact phrases but if i had product called 'fred w bloggs' and i enter 'fred bloggs' it will not return anything.
Please could anyone suggest how i shoud go about this?
Im not sure if my web hosting company will enable full text search or will this be required?
Thanks for any help!
pete_ (very new to!)
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Feb 10, 2008
Hi all I need to implement a search function in Its nothing complicated, just find out whether a value exists in a particular table and return a boolean accordingly. However, the table has about 300,000 records. Is simply querying the table from the web (SELECT barcode FROM tblProducts where ID=123) the best way considering the releant column has been indexed.Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks
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Mar 16, 2008
Hello new in sql and here.I have this Select * from InvoiceHeader where TransactionDate > '03/16/2008' That code isn't working instead of returning a row with a transaction date that is greater than 3/16/2008 what it return is all the row. How can fix this? Thanks!
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Mar 24, 2008
I have a table of articles:
ID | Date | Headline | Body
I'm trying to write a stored procedure that will search for a given keyword. Here's what I have:
CREATE PROCEDURE sproc_SearchArticles
@keyword varchar(50)
SELECT ID, Date, Headline, Body
FROM Articles
WHERE Body LIKE %@keyword%
That keeps giving me an error. If I put quotes around it, it will literally look for the term @keyword anywhere in the body.
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Mar 16, 2007
I'm writing
small search engine for my page. I need SQL query that could do this:
White Red
Blue Green
Yellow RedF
string: Red
White Red
Yellow RedF
As you can
see I need all occurrences of word Red and word Red* but I don’t need *Red or
*Red* so I can't use LIKE %Red% :(.
P.S. Sorry
for my English.
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Feb 1, 2008
Hello all, I am trying to build a simple search page using SQL Server 2005, Visual Web Developer in C#.I have enabled Full-Text Search on my DB and created the catalogs and indexes, but I am lost on the next step to build a search form that calls the data based on the users input in a textbox. Any suggestions? Thanks!Travis
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Mar 26, 2008
I'm not trying to do anything too fancy; given a string, I just wanna see if anything in the column of my database matches the string. I'm using an SQL query that takes a string, then selects the data using LIKE %searchword%.This works fine when the user enters only one word. But I guess you can see that a problem arises when they enter more than one word.So how can I implement a very simple search that will take more than one word?
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Mar 30, 2005
I'm very new to SQL so please forgive my ignorance...
I've made a simple .net search page which queries an sql database with the following query, (in a stored procedure):
SELECT Category, Number, RegisteredUser, DeptName, Surname, Forename, Site, IDFROM tblTelephonesWHERE (@surname IS NULL OR Surname LIKE @surname) AND (@site IS NULL OR Site = @site) AND (@deptname IS NULL OR DeptName LIKE @deptname)
This works fine, as expected if i leave fields null or enter an exact match, but I (of course) have to add a wildcard in my search string for a wildcard search. For example, looking for 'duncan' i need to enter 'du%' or 'duncan'.
What I really want is for all searches to have wildcards behind them so only the first few characters need be inputted, and I could just search for 'd' or 'dun' without adding the '%' to get 'duncan'. I think I am aware of the implications of this approach and do want to go ahead as there are only about 850 records.
Any help or links to useful articles would really be greatly appreciated.
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Mar 30, 2005
This question probably applies to Visual Web Developer but I don't know if it belongs in this Forum or that, sorry if you have to move it.
Hi there kind person reading this
I've created a stored procedure in SQL2000 that selects records where (name = @name) AND (site = @site). It works as I have tested it with Enterprise Manager.
I have also created a page with VWD that has a drop-down list populated with the site records and a text box. I have put an SQL data source on the page that is configured to select from the stored procedure. However, I can't set the @name and @site variables to collect from the ddl and txtbox through the wizard! I've tried selecting a Control as the source for @site but neither the ddl or txtbox appear in the control dropdown list. So I want to crack it with handwritten code.
Does anyone know of a post or article that can help me link the ddl and txtbox to a search button, which calls the stored procedure with the chosen variables allowing me to put the returned data into a gridview? I've been through a great walkthrough for VWD (Student Activities) but it doesn't seem to apply to the latest version - or there's something wrong with my (seems fine though) instalation. Thanks if you can help, I owe you a
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Apr 15, 2008
I have a table of news articles:
ID | Headline | Article
I'm trying to write a search function that will search through the text in the Article column. Here's my stored procedure:
ALTER PROCEDURE sproc_SearchNews
@keyword varchar(50)
SELECTID, Headline, Article
WHEREArticle LIKE '%' + REPLACE(@keyword, '%20', '%') + '%'
There's a few problems with this however...
1. If I enter "Dog" into the search, it will skip over the article if it contains "dog". I need to convert the search term and the article text to lowercase.
2. If I enter "iron" into the search, it will find articles containing "iron", but it will also find articles containing "environment". How can I fix that without affecting my multiple word search in the WHERE clause?
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Jan 13, 2008
I have a table that has these columns:
LinkID, LinkURL, TimesRedirected
I have a webpage that keeps track of the url's of where the users are coming from. When they redirect to the page, the page will:
If the url of the previous page isn't in the database, add it
Otherwise, add to the TimesRedirected column.
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Dec 7, 2004
I have a search form in an ASP.NET/VB page. The form has the input text box and the button "search". The keywords are passed in the URL to results.aspx.
Here is an example of what I get in the URL, when I write the keywords "asp", "book" and "london" in the input text box and click "search":
The database table has 3 fields: "id", "title" and "description".
I want to display all the records where at least one of the keywords is found in any of the 2 fields "title" and "description".
1. I suppose I need to get the words out of the URL to be used by SQL.
Maybe: string[] searchString = request.queryString("search").split('search'); ???
How can i make this run when page loads? I supose i need it. Right?
2. How should the SQL look? I supose i need to use the "Like" command
SELECT * FROM books WHERE title LIKE ...
But how to I use it if I can have 1, 2, 3, ... keywords?
Can someone help me?
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Sep 14, 2005
I'd like to build a simple search engine against Sql Server. Does .NET Framework provide some class to help in this task? From what I've heard there is an interface which implements it..
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Mar 1, 2006
I am trying to write a simple search page that will search all the fields in a database to find all records that match a user input string. The string could happen anywhere in any of the fields. I have a dataset and can write a query but am unsure what the format is for this simple task. I figured it would look like this:
SELECT Table.*
FROM Table
But thats not working. Can someone help.? Thanks..
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Apr 30, 2008
Hello ALl, can anyone please tell me how to search for NULLS.
like i know one method....
select * from table
where col = 'NULL'
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Aug 8, 2006
I've got an nvarchar(max) column that I need to transform with some simple text processing: insert some markup at the very beginning, and insert some markup just before a particular regular expression is matched (or at the end, if no match is found).
Since the SSIS expression language doesn't support anything like this, is a Script Component the only way to go? Does Visual Basic .NET provide regular expression matching?
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Feb 20, 2007
Hi,how do I do a simple formula, which will search a field for specialcharacters and return a value.If it finds "%" - it returns 1elseIf it finds "?" it returns 2endIf this is the incorrect newsgroups, please direct me to the correct oneregards Jorgen
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Apr 13, 2004
hi, when i use the getdate() function, i will get '4/14/2004 AM 11:25:56'. how can i edit the getdate() function to get just the date only '4/14/2004'.
thanks in advance
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Feb 24, 2005
I can get the date to list all of the dates in the recordset, but when I use request.querystring("date") to specify all the recordsets with the date "2/26/2005" for example, the recordset comes up empty. Here is my sql statement:
SELECT eventdate=convert(varchar, eventdate, 101), eventtext, eventtime, location, eventtitle, eventID, picture
FROM dbo.calendar
WHERE eventdate like 'thee' and status='live'
ORDER BY eventdate ASC
this will return everything when the browser url shows this: However, if we put a date in there, and made it like this, then nothing comes up even though there is event with that date.
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Aug 3, 2006
I'm trying to find the first Monday for any given year. I've found something
that works, but I typically find the most convoluted way to do a simple task.
Is there something simpler/cleaner than this?
SET @intYear=YEAR(GETDATE())+2
SET @dtmWorkDate=CAST('01/01/' +CAST(@intYear AS CHAR(4)) AS DATETIME)
WHEN DATEPART(dw, @dtmWorkDate)=2 THEN @dtmWorkDate
WHEN DATEPART(dw, DATEADD(D,1,@dtmWorkDate))=2 THEN DATEADD(D,1,@dtmWorkDate)
WHEN DATEPART(dw, DATEADD(D,2,@dtmWorkDate))=2 THEN DATEADD(D,2,@dtmWorkDate)
WHEN DATEPART(dw, DATEADD(D,3,@dtmWorkDate))=2 THEN DATEADD(D,3,@dtmWorkDate)
WHEN DATEPART(dw, DATEADD(D,4,@dtmWorkDate))=2 THEN DATEADD(D,4,@dtmWorkDate)
WHEN DATEPART(dw, DATEADD(D,5,@dtmWorkDate))=2 THEN DATEADD(D,5,@dtmWorkDate)
WHEN DATEPART(dw, DATEADD(D,6,@dtmWorkDate))=2 THEN DATEADD(D,6,@dtmWorkDate)
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Feb 20, 2008
I want today's date (GetDate()), but I want the hour, minutes, et cetera set to 0 as they play havoc with my date comparisons.
How do I do it?
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Jan 6, 2005
when i use enterprise manager, I type the following code to retrieve the date, can you check ?
FROM Table
WHERE (ExpirationDate BETWEEN 11 / 1 / 2004 AND 2 / 1 / 2005)
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Aug 2, 2004
Hi All,
Does anyone know how to return a date the sql query analyser like (Aug 2, 2004)
Right now, the following statement returns (Aug 2, 2004 8:40PM). This is now good because I need to do a specific date search that doesn't include the time.
Many thanks in advance!!
declare @today DateTime
Select @today = GetDate()
print @today
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Oct 4, 2005
This seems really simple so I'm suprised I'm having so much trouble. Perhaps I'm just overthinking the whole issue. I'm trying to write a query that will extract a list of Users from a table that have logged in within the last 90 days. Sounds easy huh? I'm still stumped!Here's the basics of the attempted query:SELECT UserNameFROM UsersWHERE (LastLoggedInDate<= DATEPART(dd, GETDATE() - 90))Thanks!
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Jun 10, 2004
I simply want to format a datetime to be printed out as 'mm/dd/yyyy', instead of 'January xx, xxxx tttt'. For example:
declare @thedate as smalldatetime
set @thedate = (SELECT SampDate
FROM table where tableID = 1)
print @thedate
This has got to be ridiculously obvious. Right??
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Apr 6, 2004
Hello Friends ,
As Iam a very beginner to this sqlserver arena , Iam getting more and more doubts. Can anyone of you help to display a date as string type which is of format, "date/month/year hour:month:second:millisecond".
Please get rid of the huge command which Iam using now,
select rtrim(cast(datename(day ,getdate()) as char )) + '/'+ rtrim(cast(datename(month ,getdate()) as char )) + '/' + rtrim(cast(datename(year ,getdate()) as char )) + ' ' + rtrim(cast(datename(hour ,getdate()) as char )) + ':' + rtrim(cast(datename(minute ,getdate()) as char )) + ':' + rtrim(cast(datename(second ,getdate()) as char )) + ':'+rtrim(cast(datename(millisecond ,getdate()) as char )) as date
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Apr 30, 2007
I was wondering if someone could tell me the syntax for a simple date range query. Basically:
select * from TABLE where start date= and end date =
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Apr 13, 2008
Well you would think it was pretty simple. If I create a Database on Server a last week, take a backup of that database and put it on server b today, the CRDate in sysdatabases still shows the date of last week instead of today. I need to find the actual date for all 150+ servers from sql 7 - sql 2005 in our domain. Any ideas? I had heard that maybe SQL DMO had an object that might be helpfull but I have not been able to look it up anywhere or see how to use it using sp_oa procs.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Aug 25, 2007
I want to create a procedure where nextvisitdate is a cloumn for date
so when I passed variable @nextvisitdate then which data type I have touse with it.
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_salesman_nextvisitdate
@salesman varchar (50),
@nextvisitdate date (50)
Select * from Entry Form
@salesman = salesman
@nextvisitdate = nextvisitdate
You Have to Loss Many Times to Win Single Time
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Jan 19, 2007
Hi, I have just started using SQL server 2005 reporting. But I am stuck on my select part of the report. I want to bring back all results from a table for todays date (whatever that would be). I have tried:
Where ColumnA = Today()
and a few other Today variations.
Can anybody please help?
Also is there a good site / tutorial which helps with SQL syntax, statements, etc.
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Sep 27, 2006
Hi,I have a application that I’m trying to do a search in a SQL database with a dateI can add, update or delete the date but when I do a search it doesn’t work. I did a store procedure to do the search and its working but it’s only working when I pass the parameter between quote like that ‘09/15/2006’ if I remove the quote it doesn’t work How do I configure my store procedure to automatically put the quote?OrHow do I configure my code to automatically add the quote? Thanks in advance Soft
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Mar 5, 2008
Hi guys,
Am developing an application where I store the date in the database. I would like to search the date from the database table. Can anyone tell me how would the search string would look like?
The current string am using is: select Pid "ID", PName "Name", Address, DateOfBirth "Date Of Birth", Phone, emergencyContact "Emergency Contact", RegistrationDate "Registration Date", DischargeDate "Discharge Date" from patient_177681 Where RegistrationDate Like '%2005-3-4%'
But this string does not return any results and so does any other data in the Like % % string. Can anyone let me know how to compare two dates and return a result? Is there any in-built function to do this?
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