Help Using Domain Credentials Or Integrated Login.

Mar 13, 2008

This is a two part question. We are currently using the ODBC method SQLConnect to connect to an existing DSN:

m_retcode = SQLConnect(







(SWORD)_tcslen(password) );

using a SQL user created for that purpose (and yes the password is encrypted elsewhere). I have had a request to be able to use a Windows domain account in the same setting however it does not appear that i can simply enter either "domainusername" or "username" (SQL Server and the login machine are in the same domain.

Is it possible to accomplish this with this function or should I use a different routine to obtain a connection? How would I accomplish this if I instead wanted to use integrated login?

The "client" is running Windows XP, 2000, 2003, or Vista (Business). The database server is running SQL 200 or 2005 on Windows 2003 Server (or possibly Windows 2000 Server).

Hope this description is not too murky.


Lyman Hurd

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Reporting Services :: Data Extension Supports Windows Integrated Security And No Credentials Only

Feb 22, 2011

I am trying to fetch the sharepoint list data into the SSRS report.

I have given credentials in shared datasource to access remote datasource.

In preview i m getting the following error:

Data extension supports windows integrated security  and no credentials only.

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SSMS - Logging In With Different Domain Credentials.

Oct 22, 2007

In the SSMS, is it possible to allow a user to log into the DB engine using alternate Domain credentials. There are fields that allow you to log in with SQL credentials but I don't see a way to do it with Doman credentials. It's always passthrough authentication.

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Using Xp_cmdshell To Run Application That Uses Domain Credentials

Jul 27, 2006

I using MS SQLServer as a secure method of setting up system tasks andprocesses for automated running. The intent is that all logins (idsand passwords) are in a secure database table and are not sittingaround in batch files on the server.Some of the tasks make use of network authentication, and this is wherethe problem arises.If I execute the command line from within SQLServer (via xp_cmdshell),I get an error that says that the userid is missing. If I execute thatsame command vid the CMD window, it works.It appears that the shell that xp_cmdshell kicks off does not inheritthe domain authentication.Aside from questions on why I am doing things this way as opposed tousing the windows scheduler or other tools, what do I need to do tomake sure that my domain credentials are passed?

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Configuring SSRS Datasources With Different Domain Credentials

Dec 17, 2007

We are having our SSRS (Sql Server Reporting Services) Servers deployed in Domain1 to connect to the Domain1 data sources. Now, when we configure the SSRS datasources (which is in Domain1) to run under €œDomain2/User€? credentials , it€™s taking 60 minutes to render a report whereas when we configure the SSRS datasources to run under €œDomain1/User€? account it€™s taking only 5 seconds.

I would like to know €œWhy there is a latency difference while configuring the SSRS data sources with different domain credentials (Domain1Domain2)?€?

Any pointers to Support KB or any other related articles would be really great.

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Integrated Security / Domain Name Problem

Nov 10, 1998

We've encountered a problem on one of our SQL servers running integrated security where MS Security Manager errors out with "An error occured executing sp_addlogin using Domain_nameusername - " is not a valid name since itbegins with an invalid character." We think it is because the domain has the underscore character in it name. Can anyone confirm or point to other possible configuration issues?

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Windows Integrated Authentication - Domain Controller

Feb 24, 2007

If my SQL Server authentication is windows integrated authentication, whenever my application makes a connection to SQL server does it contact the windows active directory domain controller to authenticate the windows user account? How does windows integrated authentication work in the background?

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Integrated Security From Non-domain Windows 2008

Oct 23, 2007

I am trying to connect as follows:

Server: Windows 2003, SQL 2005, on a domain
Client: Windows 2008 Beta, not on any domain

I created an account with the same user name as the domain user on the client machine. And then I logged in as that user and went to Manage Network Password. I entered the correct domain credentials. Verified that this worked for file shares. However, SQL does not appear to be recognizing this and it tells me:

Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

I have verified that this domain account is working properly with SQL when the client is also on the domain.

How can I get this Windows authentication scenario to work where the client is not on the domain and the SQL server is on the domain?

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Connection To SQL Express ONLY With Integrated Security But WITHOUT Domain

Aug 16, 2005

Does anybody know if it is possible to establish a connection to an sql express instance only with integrated security when this express instance is running on XP which is NOT part of a domain?

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App Login Using Credentials From SQL Table

Jun 17, 2004

I'm trying to create a login screen that will verify a user's username and password from within a SQL table. If the credentials are found in the table, they should be sent to a Main Menu screen. If the credentials are not found, I will throw a message on the screen. Does anyone have code to accomplish this? I am at a total standstill.


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Specify Alternate Windows Login Credentials

Apr 28, 2008

Is it possible for me to login using windows login information that is separate from my current windows login? That is to say, can I login to a SQL server using windows athentication but actually specify the login and domain information? I woul like to login to a SQL server from a computer that is not part of the domain using my windows credentials and not a SQL user name.

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Need A SqlServer Stored Procedur To Check Login Credentials

Mar 10, 2006

Sid writes "Hi,
can anybody plz provide me the stored procedure for checking the credentials(uid,Pwd) of a login page in sqlserver.


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Creating Credentials And Proxies Pointing To SQL Server Login To Run A Job

Nov 8, 2006

How to "CREATE credentials pointing to SQL SERVER logins" and "creating proxys for SQL server agent pointing to SQL SERVER login.

As The SQL server login does not display in the CHECK NAMES list when we are trying to select the identity but All the other Windows logins display correctly in this list .

So using the SQLserver login fails to run a SQL server Job (which uses the credentials and proxies pionting to SQL server logins)

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Application Login And Integrated Security

Aug 8, 2007


We're having a bit of a problem getting Integrated Security to work with a .Net 2.0 application and SQL 2005. While we're tweaking permissions on the SQL-side, we came across an account "Application Login" and wondered what its role is. First, our problem:

Currently, the users in the AD group get a connection error. This group is defined as follows at the instance level:

role: public
user mapping: to the database without any default schema
securables: none
status: grant and enabled

At the database security level:

general: none
securables: execute on all (100+) stored procedures

And we gave them "Execute" on the database itself.

A little background: we had detached and copied this database from one server to another. So we suspect that the Application Login may have been modified/corrupted, even though it appears to be identical between the original and the copied databases. So we redefined it on the copied DB to match the original.
Another group, which is defined as dbo on the database, has no problem at all connecting and running the application.

The Application Login has Execute permissions on all stored procedures and Delete, Insert, Select, Update, and View Definition on the ChangeLog table. It also has db_DataReader, db_DataWriter, and db_ddlAdmin roles associated with it.

Is there another SQL login required for initial connection to the database even though Integrated Security=SSPI is used in the connection string?

Does anyone see where we may be missing a security setting for the non-dbo user group to connect to the database?

Thanks very much for any suggestions, ideas ....

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Login SQL Server Using Integrated Security !! Problem

Mar 6, 2005

ok thi is my code for test

SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("server=majed13;Integrated Security=SSPI;");

connection is OK
the user logged in SQL Server is ASPNET USER
i want looged in current NT USER not ASPNET USER
thanx in advance

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SqlConnection WITHOUT Integrated Security - Login Failed

Mar 30, 2005

Any idea why I cannot connect to a SQL Server database using SqlConnection and no Integrated security?  I get a "Login failed for user 'XXXX'" error.  The user ID and password I am using are all correct and have the required access (tested several times from different places).The connection string I am using is:
"Server=XXXXX;Database=XXXXX;Trusted_Connection=fal  se;User ID=XXXX;Password=XXXXX"
I have also tried replacing "Server" by "Data source", "Database" by "Initial catalog", "Trusted_Connection" by "Integrated security", "User ID" by "UID" and "Password" by "PWD".Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!

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Utterly Confused About SQL Login Vs. Integrated Security

Dec 16, 2005

I 'm a newbie to SQL Server, been using Access as a database for my web app. and have decided I need the power of SQL Server. Using VWD Express, I am able to generate a SQL database with my tables and stored procedures quite easily as well as access the database from my code. This works fine on my devlopment machine. But now I want to deploy on my remote server and the webhost says they can attach my SQL database but they need my SQL login info. So I have a couple of questions:
1. Does the SQL database I create in VWD express only work in Integrated Security mode or can I assign a username & password to the .mdf file so I can upload to my remote host to work in a shared SQL environment?
2. Or am I confused and the .mdf file is just a data file which can be attached to any SQL account and the SQL login info only pertains to the instance of SQL Server that I'm trying to connect to?
3. My web host mainly uses SQL Server 2000. Will a simple database created in SQL Server 2005 Express work on an instance of SQL Server 2000?
If I can just figure these simple items out, I will be ecstatic!

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How To Change Login In Linked Server (From Sql Security To Integrated Sec)

Jun 19, 2006

We are having some commercial applications that are running on sql servers at different sites, all with sql security. The software vendor wants to copy data into staging tables on our BI server. But our BI server only support Integrated security.

But how can i say, in the definition of a linked server (at the remote machines) to swicth security system ?

If it is possible i could enter a fixed domain-account in that users fields, but i suppose that this field was intended for SqlServer security.

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Login Failed For Sqlcmd Using Integrated On Vista Beta 2

Jun 21, 2006

When logged in as a member of the admin group on my box, I cannot connect to my localhost server (SS2005 SP1) using sqlcmd.

sqlcmd -s localhost

Server logs say:

Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 11.

Login failed for user 'NORTHAMERICAdavigust'. [CLIENT: <local machine>]

I can connect via Management Studio, which triggers the User Access Control stuff.

How do I get sqlcmd to connect when running as a Standard User?



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Login Failed For The User (using Windows Integrated Security)

Aug 1, 2006

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to connect SQL database through code but I get this error,I have spent days to solve it but unfortunately I couldn't...Here is my code in VB express(OP:windows 2000 with SP4)I am new to VB,so it makes the situation more difficult for me.

my code is:

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Dim conn1 As SqlConnection = _

New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;" & _

"Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _


'Open connection


MessageBox.Show("Connection succeeded.")

'Close connection


MessageBox.Show("Connection closed.")

End Sub

The error message is,it is in german but it is clear I guess:)

" Die von der Anmeldung angeforderte "deneme3_database"-Datenbank kann nicht geöffnet werden. Fehler bei der Anmeldung.
Fehler bei der Anmeldung für den Benutzer 'ADPLANatalay'. "

Thank you in advance!


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Make Connection To SOAP Endpoint Without Integrated Login?

Feb 10, 2007

I have a endpoint on our SQL Server and I've written a test .Net app to access it and it all works great. It uses the Integrated Login for Authentication.

My project in the end will have connections made to the endpoint via some custom code on a Non Windows/Linux platform. My concern is that there is no Authentication method that I can use from this client. Integrated is out since it not something you log into. SSL is out since there is no Cert store. Isn't there a way to use the SQL Authentication in a Mixed mode SQL Authentication install?

What are my other options? I need to be able to get data from our SQL server from this custom platform. We looked into using TDS protocol, but would rather not have to license it and develop a client on our platform. We wanted to just generate the HTTP Packets to send and receive the data.

Thank you,


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Another Question About Login Failed, But With Windows NT Integrated Security For SQL 2005

Jan 4, 2006

Hi, Happy New Year!
I have been struggling with this problem for a while with SQL 2005.  I have never had such login problem with SQL 2000. Here is the scenario:
I have installed SQL2005 standard version on a XP Pro box and I am trying to access it from another XP Pro machine.  I can access it using a SQL user name and password that I set up on the server, but I have not had luck with using Windows NT Integrated security.  When I try to connect to it (e.g. by a UDL file), I get an error saying Login failed for user €˜HP-AMD64Guest€™ where €˜HP-AMD64€™ is the name of the PC running the SQL 2005.  I can access the files on the machine without any problem.  I do not understand why it uses €˜Guest€™ that is not what I use to log on my machine.  Does anyone have any clue to offer me?
Thank you in advance!


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I Can't Login To Sqlserver With A Username And A Password But Works With NT Integrated Security !!

Nov 21, 2006

i have created a username and a password in sqlserver 2000 from logins in Enterprise manager
and i permit him to the database i need to connect to ..
and i check all server roles for that user and i make sqlserver authentication for him with a password and then i goto the udl file to connect to that database using that user it fails !! and says

"login failed for that user 'myusername' reason not associated with a trusted sqlserver connection"

while i use NT integrated security it works well
so how can i connect to sqlserver using a username and a password

thanks in advance

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Integrated Security And Login Failed For User 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'

Jun 17, 2006

I got a website using .Net and SQL Server Express 2005 in a Win2003 Domain Controller machine. Both website and SQLServer is running on the same machine. Website and SQLServer are configured to accept only Integrated Windows Authentication. Domain Users group is added in SQLServer logins list and given Read and Write access to the database used by the website. Also Domain Admins groups is added and given full permission to the same database.

I thought since website will run only with login details from Active Directory, SQL Server connection is also going to be validated against the same login details. But I felt I got the whole concept wrong when I received the error mentioned in subject line.

Can anyone please explain the best way to connect to database in above-mentioned context. Please remember that I need to implement different rights on the database for 'Domain Users' and 'Domain Admins' group. If there is a better approach than using these groups, lemme know please.

AbdulGafoor GK

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Login With Domain Account

Jul 20, 2005

I doing some testing with security and ran into the following problem.I want to log into the SQL server (from Query Analyzer) using mydomain account. To allow this, I went into Logins section inEnterprise Manager and added my user account as a Windows User.If I set Analyzer to use Windows authentication I am to log in with noproblems. But if it is set to SQL Server authentication and I type inmy username (in the format domainusername or username@domain) andpassword I get a login error.Is there a way to login in to SQL using domain account without usingwindows authentication?Thanks,Jason

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Login Failed For Domain/Server$

Jun 16, 2008

Im developing a ASP.NET website. Recently we were required to move the databse from localhost to another server. I'm able to connect to the other server database from SQL 2005 management studio with windows authentication. However when I try to do it in ASP.NET it says error: login failed for domain/server$. I have declared the connection string in web.config file.

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Security Login/Domain Problems

Jun 9, 2000

I have a server that belongs to domain 'a'. The server is neither a PDC or BDC.
This server has SQL Server 7 installed. I wanted security set up so the
Domain Administrator could select/update rows in the database and administer
the database as well as the local administrator of the Sql Server. From a
workstation the domain administrator can create tables but cannot insert rows.
From the Server in question the domain administrator can create tables and
insert rows. Why does it make a different what box the domain adminstator logs on to?

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How Can I Rename A Login (change The Domain)?

Sep 5, 2007

Hi All,
I would like to rename a login SAMPLE-ITean to NEWDOMAINean, but i get this message:
"The name change cannot be performed because the SID of the new name does not match the old SID of the principal."

the command is : alter login [SAMPLE-ITean] with name=[NEWDOMAINean]
server is sql2005 std (initial base)

what can i do ( there are lot of db on this instance and there are lot of instance where I have to change the domain of the user...) ... and there are lot of user whom I have to change it...:-(


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Login Failed For &&<domain Name&&>&&<Machine Name&&>

Sep 26, 2007

For some reason , the report server is trying to login as <domainname><machine name> - its supposed to be <domain><user name> or ASPNET or Network Service Authority - I have no clue why it is pickin gup machine name. Any ideas and how to fix?

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Login Failed For User &<DOMAIN&>&<MACHINE&>$'

Apr 4, 2003


I have read the posts concerning login failures for the ASPNET user. I have a slightly different problem, as you can see from the title of this post.

My environment is a private domain that has two machines:

1) Windows 2000 server on which SQL Server is running. Let's call it FOO_SERVER.

2) Windows XP Professional on which I am running my IIS and .NET development environment. Let's call it FOO_WORK.

3) Let's call the domain, FOO_DOMAIN.

The user, ASPNET, is not a domain user, but a local user, so I do not know how to establish it as a valid login for SQL Server. But this is beside the point, anyway, as the error I am getting has nothing to do with the ASPNET user. It appears that a different username is being used to access SQL Server.

My connection string is:


The error I receive is:

"Login failed for user FOO_DOMAINFOO_WORK$"

I am using the default settings in machine.config. Specifically <processModel> userName="machine" password="AutoGenerate" </processModel>

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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How Can I Retrieve Domain Username For Group Login?

May 21, 2007

The title says it all. Given that I have created a login for a domain group, and a database user for that login. What I want to do is retrieving the domain username for the active user. USER_NAME retrieves the database username, suser_name returns (of course) NULL as this is not a sql user.

The goal is to use domain group logins, while still allowing for logging what user performed which action.

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Create A Database Login In The Default Domain

Jul 23, 2005

I'm trying to create a login in the default domain. I know I can pullthis information from xp_loginconfig, but don't see how I can use it inthe context of sp_grantlogin.For example, pull the domain the user is currently logged in on andinsert it into the sp_grantlogin script. Has anyone ever done this inthe past?

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SA Login Fails Under Domain User Context

Nov 2, 2015

I have setup a SQL 2014 server with mixed authentication. Below is sequence.

1. Created a server. Added server to a domain & logged out.

2. RDP to the server using a local account. Installed SQL 2014. Kept the services to run using default NT Authority accounts during initial setup. SQL was installed in mixed mode (SQL & windows authentication). a specific 'sa' pwd was set.

3. After initial setup, I changed all SQL services Logon account to be respective domain accounts. Made sure all services restarted, up & running.

Now, for the same 'sa' SQL login account -

--> if I RDP to the server using local system admin & connect to SQL studio with 'sa' (SQL authentication) - it works.
but --> if I RDP to the server using my domain account (which is already an admin on SQL & windows), but connect SQL studio with the Same 'sa' (SQL authentication) - it fails & gives - unable to login 'sa'... ; standard error code : 18456.

Question : How can be the same 'sa' login, is acting different based on with what user context I RDP to the server ?

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